Mental Health For Adolescents: Facts and Bluffs (Seminar)

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MENTAL HEALTH FOR ADOLESCENTS: many people need help to get better.

FACTS AND BLUFFS (SEMINAR) Many factors contribute to mental

health including:
MENTAL HEALTH o Biological factors
 Cognitive, behavior and emotional well-being o Life experiences (trauma)
 Affects our thinking and how we adjust to our o Family history of mental
daily activities problems
 Affects our feelings and behavior
5) There is no hope for people with mental
 Manifested if we are productive contributors
to society health problems. Once a friend or family
member develops mental health problems,
they may never recover
 A state of well-being in which the individual
 Studies show that people with mental
realizes his / her own abilities, can cope with
health problems get better and
the normal stresses of life, can work
recover completely
productively and fruitfully, and is able to
make a contribution to his / her community  There are cases that become
permanent and there are
 World Health Organization
those that are just a phase
(there is a need for proper
intervention – maintenance
1) Mental health problems don't affect me
and support system)
 Mental health problems are very
6) Therapy and self-help are a waste of time.
Why bother when you can just take a pill?
2) Children don't experience mental health
 Treatment for mental health
problems varies depending on the
 Even very young children may show
individual and could include
early warning signs of mental health
medications, therapy or both
7) I can’t do anything for a person with a mental
3) People with mental health problems are
health problem
violent and unpredictable
 Friends and loved ones can make a
 People with mental health problems
big difference. They can be important
are most likely to be violent than
influences to help someone get the
anyone else
treatment and services they need
 They cannot think straight so
they become subject to
8) Prevention doesn’t work. It is impossible to
violence or being abused
prevent mental health illness
 They have no notion of what
 Prevention of mental, emotional and
is right and wrong
behavior disorders focus on
 If they are given proper addressing known risk factors, e.g.
intervention, they become exposure to trauma, that can affect
productive members of the chances that people will develop
society mental health problems

4) Personality weakness or character flaws CONTRIBUTING FACTORS TO MYTHS

cause mental health problems. People with  Sanism – stigma associated with mental
mental health problems can snap out of it if
health illness
they try hard enough
o Oppressive
 Mental health problems have nothing
o Misinformation
to do with being lazy or weakness,
o Discrimination
WHY SANISM EXISTS?  Family and friends will help you find it
 The stigma comes from the “punitive” mental
health services SADNESS
 We treat them as prisoners rather  Sadness is a reality
than as patients  Sadness is underrated
 People with mental health needs are often  Refrain from giving unsolicited advice, it
isolated, giving rise to “horror stories” about makes people want to run from their
psychiatric patients problems
 Exaggeration
 Mental health practitioners REMEMBER
 Ratio of psychiatrists – 1 : 200,000  Live to the point of tears
 We are resilient with proper support,
MENTAL HEALTH HELP SEEKING AMONG guidance and perspective
FILIPINOS  Stop comparing, start appreciating
 General reluctance to seek professional help
for mental health problems
 Preference to seek help from friends
and family members
 How physical and psychological illnesses are
conceptualized is different from the medical
 Attributed to the working of
supernatural beings
 Thought to be an evil act
 Reference for folk stories
 Cultural indicators
 Private and public stigma, hiya, loss
of face
 Attitudes and social
interactions with people of
mental illness as shaped by
 Ibang Tao and Hindi Ibang Tao Concept
 Filipinos are comfortable seeking help with
people they consider hindi ibang tao


 Requires institutions to prioritize mental
health and mental self-services
 Mental health programs




 Go! Find what makes you happy
 Time flies
 Don’t forget where you came from
 Ipinanganak ka upang maging masaya

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