VtDA - Clash of Wills (Vampire Dark Ages) PDF
VtDA - Clash of Wills (Vampire Dark Ages) PDF
VtDA - Clash of Wills (Vampire Dark Ages) PDF
Credits Special Thanks To:
Author: Steve Miller Michelle “Passive Resistance” Prahler, for wishing to die
Developer: Justin Achilli before she killed anyone.
Editor: Ed Hall Robby “Young, Thin Elvis” Poore, for teaching the ins and
Art Director: Lawrence Snelly outs of guitar chords to one who should have never learned.
Layout & Typesetting: Robby Poore Justin “Fat, Old Elvis” Achilli, for taking his guitar chord
Interior Art: Leif Jones knowledge and using it for evil.
Front Cover Art: Dan Brereton Matt “Seung Mina” Milberger, for schooling the unini-
tiated with modesty in Soul Blade.
Front & Back Cover Design: Robby Poore
Ethan “We Could Leave Out the Verbs” Skemp, for
making skilled incisions to Wild West.
Author’s Special Thanks
Special Thanks to Mike Oldfield for Tubular Bells 2, to
which much of Clash of Wills was written.
Table of Contents
Introduction: How to Use this Book 4
Act One 9
Act Two 17
Act Three 27
Dramatis Personae: A Cast of Characters 35
No moral system can rest solely
on authority.
— A.J. Ayer, Humanist Outlook
There are many different ways to use this supplement. When Clash of Wills ends, Storytellers and players may
Individual Storytellers know the needs of their troupes far notice that several plot threads are left dangling, and certain
better than any author ever could. Storytellers need to de- story elements are nearly undeveloped. This was an intentional
cide which elements of Clash of Wills would be interesting move on the part of the designer. The object was to provide
to their troupes, and emphasize those over things that don’t Storytellers with enough fuel for the imagination to expand
fit the play style in question. Storytellers also need to decide this story beyond the 40 pages you are currently reading. This
whether they want to use the story as written, or scavenge it book can offer a stand-alone story, its plot threads can be tied
for ideas and characters to use in a story or chronicle of their into the troupe’s ongoing chronicle, or it can be used as the
own devising. Regardless, it can’t be stressed enough that the starting point for an entirely new chronicle.
Storyteller may need to change some things when running
Clash of Wills. To make this supplement work, Storytellers Setting
need to make it their own. At no point should the plot in these Clash of Wills takes place entirely in the fictitious
pages override the Storyteller’s own sense of the dramatic, County of Galtre, whose adjacent geography is purposefully
or his knowledge of the troupe. For this reason, Storytellers kept vague in order to make this book useful to the greatest
are encouraged to read this book from start to finish before number of Storytellers. The author assumes the lands of Galtre
actually running it. Possessing an overview of the action will to be located between London and Nottingham in England.
allow the Storyteller to present a more coherent session for However, with a little work on the part of the Storyteller, this
the players. The Golden Rule of storytelling games applies story can take place practically anywhere.
here — use what you like and throw out the rest! The story takes place around 1197. England is still recov-
ering from a long war of succession, during which the nobility
Format became unruly and defiant, and their lands emerged more
Clash of Wills roughly follows the three-act structure independent of the king than ever before.
prevalent in plays, television programs and movies, and even The intricate Norman legal system has disintegrated in
some novels, and certainly in most novel trilogies. In Act One, the decades leading up to this adventure, but the Church
we meet all the major characters in the story, though some of remained neutral in the conflict and thus stands as one of the
them manipulate pawns from behind the scenes. In Act Two, few remaining stable institutions. As such, the importance of
the situation gets about as bad for the protagonists as it possibly the Church grows, and so does its power.
could, and in Act Three the characters must rise to various Behind the scenes, Cainites patiently manipulate the
challenges or suffer defeat at the hands of their opponents. consequences of mortal power hunger. The Ventrue put their
Although storytelling games have much in common support behind the faction striving to put King Henry II on the
with other dramatic media, this genre has the distinction of throne, and they eventually win the day. However, Richard
being an interactive one. The Storyteller and the players are the Lionhearted proves to be a problem, so the Ventrue begin
creating the story in collaboration with one another. Each scheming to place his brother, John, on the throne instead. In
act is a series of scenes that builds to a climax. The scenes the meantime, the Toreador continue to arrive on the British
themselves, however, are broken into smaller segments that Isles, increasing their numbers there. They all but seize control
give the Storyteller an overview of what’s happening in each of England’s Church. By threatening God-fearing nobles with
scene, thus making the adventure easier to run. The smaller eternal damnation for their sins and by offering absolution in
sections are as follows: return for these nobles’ lands and worldly possessions when
Plot: This section outlines the story elements that unfold they die, the Toreador increasingly expand the Church’s wealth
in the scene. and power base. Other clans, such as the Brujah, control one
Setting: This section describes key points of the scene’s or more British cities, and they too are hoping to seize a part
location, so the Storyteller can better capture the mood of of Britain for their own during these tumultuous times.
the scene. In Clash of Wills, immortal plots collide as a corrupt
Characters: This section gives the basic information lord lies dying and the Cainites converge to seize what power
about characters and creatures who appear in a scene. Their they can.
key personality traits and goals are mentioned here.
Drama: This section illuminates the heart of the scene.
The People and Places of Galtre
It describes potential interactions between players’ characters The County of Galtre is a forested land that is bisected by
and Storyteller characters or even just the setting, and the two streams, each flowing from a spring-fed lake at the county’s
likely resolutions of these encounters. heart. A low, seemingly endless stone wall surrounds the land.
It encircles the county and runs along the King’s Highway,
Outcome: This section outlines the consequences of the
which cuts through Galtre. The walls mark the territories that
scene, based on what the author assumes to be the most likely
are under the complete and total control of the earl and his
actions of the characters it features. It suggests encounters that
duly appointed sheriffs, troops and regulators.
the Storyteller must ad-lib, and tells what scene is likely to follow.
The earl’s seat of power is Millstone Castle. Built by the The Maiden of the Mist Inn stands at the edge of the road on
current earl’s forebears, the walls surrounding the central for- the outskirts of Redford. A painted sign depicting a golden-haired
tified tower are roughly a decade old. Like many other nobles woman in a red dress hangs above the door. Tendrils of white mist
in this time of uncertainty, Edmund, the Earl of Galtre, is a wrap around her as she beckons passersby to step inside. Like most
man who has concerned himself more with his own hold on business signs during this time period, there is no name painted on
power than with the welfare of England or with the serfs who the sign. The vast majority of locals can’t read or write, and the
tend his lands. picture serves adequately for those trying to locate the inn, even
Galtre is dotted with peasant cottages and small fields. The those who have never been to Redford before. It is small inn, with
one-room cottages typically house two adults and a number of a cozy common room and eight rooms on the second floor. The
children, dictated by the whims of the woman’s fruitfulness inn is hardly extravagant, but the food is good, the beds are dry
and by how many youngsters survive their first year of life. If and clean, and it sufficiently serves the needs of the merchants and
serfs are lucky enough to have some livestock, these animals messengers who avail themselves of its services. Men frequently
are normally herded into the cottage at night, both to keep gather in the common room to gossip and exchange news over
the serfs warm, and to keep the animals safe from the “wee mugs of ale during late afternoon and early evening.
folk” reputed to live in the forest. Five years ago, the earl began to sense his own mortality,
When peasants are not working their fields, the center of and to fear for his soul. Father Lucien found himself accepting
their lives is the village of Redford. The estate’s mill, tannery, the first confessions from the earl in years. The enormity and
and smithy are here, as well as the Maiden of the Mist Inn. The variety of the earl’s misdeeds shocked Lucien to the very core
village consists of a dozen buildings. All are built from stone, of his soul. While the earl had not trafficked with demons,
and with the exception of the smithy, all have thatched roofs. A there was not one of the Lord’s Commandments that he hadn’t
small church stands at the heart of the village, and a tree-lined broken innumerable times in the most despicable fashion. But
path winds its way from here to the graveyard at Redford’s edge. it was clear that the Earl of Galtre was genuinely repentant
and desired to cleanse his soul. Lucien contacted the diocese, lords in London. Because the Church remained stable during
which decreed that the first step toward Galtre’s salvation would the war, the Toreador strengthened their power base in England,
be for him to fund construction of a monastery on his land. even as the squabbles among mortal nobles threatened to erode
Craftsmen employed by the earl completed construction that of the Ventrue. However, Remus knew that he had to
of the monastery within a year, at great expense to the county act with care. If other clans discovered the Toreador attempt
treasury. It was named in honor of St. Christopher, in hopes to take control of Galtre, everything he’d built could be lost.
that the saint of travelers would watch over the earl along His caution was futile, however. Other poweful Cainites
the path to eternal salvation. However, as the monks took up began to suspect that one of their kind was exerting undue
residence in the monastery, something sinister joined them: influence upon the dying Earl of Galtre (the definition of
A member of Clan Toreador named Remus secretly took up “undue” being “contrary to the best interests of the clan to
residence in the monastery. He quietly fed upon the monks, which they belong.”)
and made many of them his ghoul servants. Remus even The Prince of London (or some other powerful Cainite,
ghouled Father Lucien himself. if you choose to set Clash of Wills outside England) sends the
Remus came to the County of Galtre to ensure that the players’ characters to Galtre, in hopes of swaying competitors
earl leaves all his lands to the Church, and, through that to his point of view. Should they fail in that mission, the
honored institution, to Clan Toreador — which controls the characters’ orders are to take stock of the competition, and,
archbishops as firmly as Clan Ventrue controls the Norman if necessary, to destroy it.
Wherein the characters ar-
rive in the County of Galtre, and
become embroiled in the plots
and schemes of both local
mortals and others who, like the
coterie, have come to Galtre with
secret agendas.
Scene One: The tasteful jewelry of gold and silver. He is charming, articulate
and the very personification of gentility — when he wants to
Commission be. If crossed, Nicholas takes on the raging fury of a hurricane.
Nicholas adopts a cordial manner with the characters.
Plot He wants them to serve the prince voluntarily. He is old and
Nicholas, a powerful Ventrue who serves as chief wise enough to know that a minion pressed into service is
lieutenant to Mithras, the Prince of London, summons the not as effective as one who serves willingly, whose enthusi-
characters to chambers hidden at the heart of the city. He asm springs from his own free will. He is not above using his
charges them with a mission that takes the coterie to the County mastery of Dominate and Presence to make a character realize
of Galtre. Nicholas promises a variety of rewards should their she wants to serve the prince. Also, Nicholas never allows a
mission end in success. If a powerful figure already exists in character to forget who is lord and who is vassal. Mithras is
the Storyteller’s campaign, she should not be afraid to replace the Prince of London, and he is a Ventrue with high status
Nicholas with that character. Likewise, the Storyteller can not only among the vampires of his clan but among the other
replace Mithras with another vampire ruler should she choose Cainites of Europe. Nicholas, as one of the prince’s primary
a different setting. servants, deserves respect as well. He wants to work with the
Obviously, this scene assumes the characters are already characters, but he abides neither insults nor gross disrespect.
together in a coterie, and that they have performed deeds or Although Nicholas is apparently meeting the characters
tasks that attracted the attention of movers and shakers in unarmed and alone, four ghoul bodyguards lurk behind a
Cainite society. However, this may not necessarily be the tapestry. Should the characters attack Nicholas, the ghouls
case in individual chronicles. If the players’ characters are not emerge and join the fray. The prince’s seneschal is no weakling
already a unified group, the Storyteller can devise an introduc- himself, however, and if the ghouls attack, one of them throws
tory episode that brings the characters together; alternately, a short sword to Nicholas.
she can run a one-on-one scenario with each player in which
agents of the powerful Cainite test the characters individually, Drama
and then extend the prince’s summons. For simplicity, the Ideally, this scene is strictly a roleplaying encounter. The
characters may have also garnered Prince Mithras’ attention Storyteller can heighten tension as it begins by having the
in their preludes. prince’s minions speak nothing about why Nicholas wishes
Whatever form the introductory adventure takes, it should to see them. The Storyteller needs to be careful not to overdo
be remarkable enough to warrant the prince’s trust in the it, however. It is easier to guide the characters through this
characters. Although the outcome of these adventures should story if they accept Nicholas’ charge. Should they get spooked
be manipulated by the Storyteller to ensure the success of the before they even meet with him and thus flee London, things
characters, a deft hand should be used; the players need to get more complicated. Should events flow this way, or if the
be challenged, to feel as though their deeds equal the honor characters refuse the prince’s offer, the story might still unfold
bestowed upon them. — see the Outcome section for details.
Assuming the characters meet with Nicholas, they spend
Setting the first few minutes of the audience in uncomfortable silence.
Nicholas’ haven is within a secret labyrinth beneath the Nicholas sits nearly immobile in his chair, his penetrating gaze
Tower of London. He receives the characters in his audience sweeping over the characters. The shadows created by hundreds
chamber, a large vaulted room lit by hundreds of flickering of guttering candles dance all around him, making his expression
candles. The chamber features frescoes and statuary that difficult to read. Although he is at ease and contemplative, the
evoke (for highly educated characters) the ancient cultures shadows make Nicholas’ expression seem to shift from menacing
of the Adriatic Sea: bull-headed men rampant and bare- to sad to angry, and whatever other emotions the characters might
bosomed women wearing voluminous skirts and performing think they see. (Use of Auspex might clear up the situation, if a
rituals with handfuls of snakes. A massive tapestry covers the character wants to risk examining Nicholas as intently as he is
length and breadth of the wall behind Nicholas. It depicts the examining the coterie.) Finally, Nicholas leans forward and speaks.
final moments of Icarus’ fateful flight. The look of terror on “Thank you for coming. Other elders and I have watched
the plummeting figure’s face is so well portrayed that it might your progress from fumbling neonates to ancillae who do your
cause even the most callous Cainite to falter and consider his sires proud. We are impressed by your skill and ingenuity. You
proper place in God’s plan. are here at the request of Mithras, Prince of London, who hereby
Characters offers you the opportunity to serve him in a matter most urgent.
Nicholas is the featured character of this scene (assuming “The Earl of Galtre is dying. Normally, this would not be
the Storyteller doesn’t replace him with someone of her own a concern, as he is a minor noble whose lands would either
creation). He is a handsome man who dresses in clothes of pass to his only son or be seized by the Crown — which is
the latest fashion, cut from reds and blacks and accented with firmly under our control.
“However, certain events have come to the prince’s at- Nicholas grows annoyed by their presumptuousness, but says
tention, events that indicate Cainites acting contrary to the he will entertain any reasonable demands on the prince’s
interests of London might be attempting to manipulate the behalf. The limits of reasonable, as far as he is concerned, are
earl and others in his service. the following:
“There are members of Clan Toreador who wish to chal- • A character may create one ghoul.
lenge Ventrue authority here in Britain and they are using the • A character may Embrace a favored ghoul.
Church to do so. It is also said that the Prince of Nottingham • A character may Embrace a loved one who is already
wishes to expand his influence and base of power. Rumors aware of the existence of Cainites.
have it that one or more Cainites now hunt in Galtre, against
• The characters, as a coterie, may govern Galtre in the
the will of our prince.
name of London. If the characters demand this, Nicholas
“This will not do. The lands of Galtre must come under reminds them once again of the Traditions, and of the other
the control of London. Prince Mithras is the strongest ruler Cainite forces active in
in Britain. We would that it Britain. He attempts to
remain so. dissuade the characters from
“Thus, I bid you to go — go Oops... this course, saying they are
forth to Galtre and uncover any Should a physical confrontation develop between not experienced enough to
Cainite subversion there. You Nicholas and the characters, the story may still unfold assume such roles in Cainite
go with the authority of Prince almost exactly as written (with minor modification). society. If they insist, he
Mithras, and you act in his If the Storyteller weights the combat so the characters grants their wish.
name. Uphold the Traditions have a chance to escape, they may learn afterward Additionally, Nicholas
and stop our enemies from that only one Cainite is powerful enough to even dare points out that the fine
gaining the upper hand, and extending his protection over the fugitives: Robin horses they will be riding
you will be generously rewarded. Leeland, Prince of Nottingham. In exchange for his are already gifts from the
Should additional news come protection, Leeland, who is also interested in Galtre, prince. Further, simply ac-
to our attention, we will send sends the characters on a mission to stop potential cepting this mission earns
a servant to meet with you in Ventrue manipulation of events in the county. If the characters the good will
Galtre. Further, while it is our things go this way, Storytellers simply need to make of the Prince of London.
hope that whatever you find some modifications to Lady Karin, who appears later
Nicholas does not
in Galtre will be within your in the story. As written, she is a Brujah who is trying
negotiate price with the
capabilities to address, it will to secure Galtre for her clan. Should the characters
characters. He either ac-
not be a stain upon your honor find themselves in the service of Nottingham, the
cepts or refuses any rewards
if you return to London for Storyteller can either modify Karin and her contingent
they ask for. Should a
aid, should you discover a foe to be a party of Ventrue, or he can send the charac-
character try to bargain,
possesses overwhelming force. ters to support her efforts there. Wilfred, a Ventrue
Nicholas replies, “This is
“You will each be granted a ghoul who also appears later in the story, becomes a
not a market place, and you
fine steed accustomed to serving Brujah ghoul assigned to assist both Lady Karin and
are not merchants.”
as a Cainite mount. You should the player characters.
Further dickering caus-
easily reach Galtre by dawn.
es Nicholas to order the
I shall also supply you with a
characters from his sight,
letter of introduction from a mortal in our thrall. He is an
anger flashing in his eyes. He gives them one last chance to
old acquaintance of Galtre, who is aged and frail. This letter
accept the charge in return for the horses and what he considers
should get you past any guardians who might otherwise wish
an adequate reward.
to keep you from the earl.”
Characters who insist on speaking with Prince Mithras
Unless the characters press the issue, servants appear at
himself receive Nicholas’ word of honor that he acts with the
the far end of the audience hall to escort the characters from
full authority of the Prince of London. If they insist, Nicholas
Nicholas’ presence. They supply the characters with the letter
informs them that the prince is impressed with the characters,
of introduction and take them through an underground tunnel
but that he does not have time to see ancillae. Any suggestions
to stables a few streets away from the Tower of London.
that Nicholas is trying to set up the characters or is going behind
Bold characters may wish to negotiate with Nicholas over the prince’s back are met with a gale of laughter, followed by the
the nature of their rewards before leaving for Galtre. Assuming observation that the character will go far in Cainite society —
the characters are not offensive, Nicholas reminds them that initially. Nicholas gives his word of honor that he is acting with
proper manners dictate they should simply accept the prince’s the prince’s full authority. Should characters continue to question
charge and discuss rewards later. Should the characters persist, his honesty or authority, Nicholas grows angry. (Characters
who have spent any time at all in London know Nicholas to be
Mithras’ most solid and trusted lieutenant and supporter.) He
orders the characters away, or, in the direst of situations, doles
out a drubbing. His bodyguards rush out to assist him, should
their services be needed.
The most likely outcome of this scene is that the char-
acters embark on their trip to Galtre. They may delay their
departure by a day or two, if they wish, but any longer and
they are summoned before Nicholas again, who demands an
explanation for the delay.
Refusing the offer to serve the Prince of London does not
hurt the characters’ status in any way, although they will have
passed up a chance to increase it. Such a refusal changes this
story drastically.
DuBois’ advances are becoming more forceful, and he has
hinted that he will harm her young brothers if she does not
give herself to him.
Her three brothers — Peter, Paul and Simon — are quiet,
dark-haired youngsters ranging in age from five to seven. They
have learned that strangers can be dangerous, and that it is im-
portant to remain invisible around people who carry weapons.
As the characters follow the road into Galtre, the Story-
teller should try to play up the shifting shadows of the forest in
such a way that the characters might think they are being paced
by something amid the trees. While no specific encounter is
planned as part of the scripted adventure, Storytellers whose
troupes prefer combat may pit the characters against a pair of
young werewolves along this stretch of shadow-haunted road.
Perhaps these lupines have plans of their own for Galtre.…
(Statistics for young werewolves can be found on page 248 of
Vampire: The Dark Ages.)
On the night they arrive in Galtre, the characters hear
men laughing ahead on the road. The path bends, and they
catch sight of a small cottage. Five men sit on horseback in
front of it, their lanterns on long staves. They laugh loudly
as one of their number — a balding man whose physique has
started to slip with the onset of middle age — makes an exag-
gerated gesture of farewell to a dark-haired woman standing
at the cottage door. She has a blanket wrapped tightly around
herself. He says, “Consider my offer, Jill. You will learn that
we can make you hear the angels sing.”
The other riders laugh uproariously, and the group spurs
its horses and gallops down the road. The young woman leans
against the door frame and slips to the ground, drawing her
knees up under the blanket and resting her forehead on them.
The riders are Warden DuBois and his men. If the char-
acters call out to DuBois and his men, they are ignored.
The characters may approach Jill to discover the meaning of
what they’ve just witnessed. She remains motionless, with her head
down, until the characters either stop in front of her cottage or walk
up and address her (merely riding by does not garner a reaction).
Love in Bloom
It is quite possible that a Toreador may fall in
love with Jill’s beauty. The Storyteller may wish to
open this possibility to a player portraying such a
vampire, or to any player who has established his
character as a romantic or an individual with a love
for beauty. While this can be reduced to dice rolls
— the Storyteller may ask Toreador characters to
make Willpower checks, for which botches cause the
Cainite to fall in love with Jill — it serves the story
and the characters better if the Storyteller simply lays
the groundwork for potential roleplaying situations.
The players can then follow such leads (or not).
“Forgive me,” she says, blushing deeply as she pulls the While conversing with Jill, the characters can also get
blanket tighter than ever around her. “I was lost in my thoughts a basic feel for where the important landmarks of the county
and didn’t hear you approach. Can I assist your lordships and are located in relation to each other, particularly if they try to
ladyships in some manner?” steer the conversation in that direction. More importantly, the
If the characters ask Jill what is wrong without any ceremony characters learn that they are still at least an hour away from
or preamble, her response is, “Nothing of concern to folks such the village of Redford...and there is roughly an hour till sunrise.
as yourself, milord. Nothing but the problems of a peasant.” This situation might be a source of anxiety for the char-
However, should a character start the conversation with acters. However, Jill is more than happy to allow all who have
some obviously sympathetic comment or observation, Jill offered her help in dealing with DuBois to rest in her cottage,
quickly opens up to her. She has suffered silently under great as long as they understand she can offer them no meal greater
burdens for the last few months and needs nothing more than than some dry bread and berries.
a sympathetic ear.
“My parents died of the fever this spring,” she says. “It
This scene sets the stage for future developments in the
was horrible. One day, they were healthy, and then they just
story. At the very least, the characters know they must hurry
got weaker and paler with each passing night until they died.
if they wish to take shelter in the village before the sun rises.
I prayed to the good Lord for the sickness to take me instead,
but my prayers were for naught. Their deaths must have been If the characters choose to take shelter in Jill’s cottage
part of His great plan. for the day, they may do so undisturbed. Jill rigs a partition
using a pair of rakes and a blanket, ensuring privacy for the
“So, I was left to bring up my three brothers. We’ve been
characters. Her young brothers, who share Jill’s good looks,
doing our best to tend our field so we could feed ourselves and
sleep through the entire scene.
give the earl his due. All the while, Warden DuBois has been
making unsavory proposals and lustful advances toward me. Of An extreme turn of events during this scene is one in which
late, he has threatened not only me, but my brothers. He wants a character feeds upon Jill or her brothers. Characters who do so
that I should give myself to him, and maybe even to his men. are inflicting themselves upon the family just as Warden DuBois
Yet, none of them have any desire to wed me. They only want would. Characters on the Roads of Heaven or Humanity might
to rob me of one of the few things I have left to cherish in this risk losing Via. Storytellers should also remember Jill’s True Faith
world, my virtue. And if I don’t surrender it, they intend to rob rating of 2, which wise Cainites recognize if they scrutinize her
me of the three other things I cherish in the world, my brothers.” with Soulsight. She is immune to the effects of the Dominate
Discipline due to her Faith. Should a character feed upon her,
Jill begins to cry again, the tears rolling down her cheeks
she remembers exactly what happened to her, and she enters
and falling from her jaw. “I pray to God for deliverance every
the village the next day, half-crazed and ranting about how a
night, but I am beginning to lose hope. And Warden DuBois is
demon forced himself upon her in the night. The smith and
beginning to lose patience. I’m at my wits end. I have nowhere
Father Lucien realize that Jill was attacked by a vampire. Jill’s
to turn.”
future appearances in this story are also affected if she is fed
DuBois is the earl’s top man. Jill is certain no assistance upon — this addressed in later scenes.
will come from the Church, since the earl recently built the
In any case, the story continues in Act Two (though if the
Monastery of St. Christopher in a distant corner of the county.
characters are crass enough to feed on Jill, have them meet with
However, as she tells sympathetic characters of her plight, an
Samuel Smith in Act One, Scene Three). Jill may reappear
idea forms in her head. She finally asks, “Would you be willing
in Act Two or Act Three, and the characters have their first
to speak with the earl on my behalf? Perhaps you can convince
encounter with Warden DuBois in Scene Four of Act One.
him to allow you to take my brothers, and possibly me, with you
Future scenes may well be affected by whatever relationship
to your own holdings? Please, I need help, milords.”
the characters establish with Jill.
The characters might be startled by Jill’s assumption they are
of the nobility, which she makes regardless of their appearance.
Her assumption stems from their horses, as she has never seen
Scene Three: The Smith
commoners with horses as fine as theirs. (If the characters do (Optional)
not approach her home, she assumes them to be nobles only if
they are indeed dressed accordingly.)
Another encounter in or around Redford occurs if one
If questioned about the “fever” that claimed her parents,
or more characters fail miserably while attempting to feed in
Jill knows only that roughly a dozen peasants died from it earlier
the village; if Jill shows up ranting about a blood-drinking,
this year. None of those stricken responded to any of the usual
lust-filled demon that took her virtue in the night; if some
remedies. As she describes the symptoms, players may make
event in the village related to the characters attracts Samuel
Perception + Occult rolls (difficulty 3) to recognize that she
the Smith’s attention; or if the Storyteller just wants to mix
is describing the results of successive Cainite feedings on the
things up a bit for the characters.
same vessels.
Samuel either witnesses a feeding or some other suspicious Drama
activity and alerts Father Lucien to the characters’ vampiric Samuel attempts to catch Jill’s attacker alone. If he or she
nature, or Jill comes to his attention before one of DuBois’ has taken a room at the inn, the smith tries to attack during
men takes the girl to Millstone Castle. In either case, Father the day. This is a loosely formatted encounter that can take
Lucien informs Remus, his Toreador master, that other Cainites place at virtually any time or place.
are in Galtre, while Samuel stalks the character who either
attempted to feed or fed upon Jill. Outcome
Should the smith stake a character, the Storyteller can
Setting decide whether Samuel has the know-how to destroy that char-
The location can vary greatly, but the smith’s attack will acter permanently. A character’s loss can have serious impact
take place somewhere in or around the village of Redford. on a troupe, both in and out of the game, so Storytellers should
Characters think carefully before permitting a character to be destroyed.
Samuel is a large, muscular man. He always looks tired At the very least, the Storyteller should give other members
and haggard, as though he is not getting enough sleep. Samuel of the coterie a chance to save the defeated character. It may
witnessed a vampire feeding on his son several months ago. be dramatically appropriate for a character to be destroyed if
Together with Father Lucien, he destroyed the creature as it his comrades fail to save him.
fled into the night. Sadly, his son died. Once Samuel believes he has destroyed one character, he may
Samuel has been watching for other such foul creatures turn his attention to the rest of the coterie. He isn’t sure whether
of the night ever since, despite the vigilance of Redford’s they are vampires or not, but he will be watching from the shadows.
priest, Father Lucien. Samuel has collected much lore on Should a character kill the smith and fail to dispose of the
the walking dead, and might actually be a serious threat to a body, the village and county are thrown into an uproar. Hunting
Cainite should he catch her unawares. will become impossible anywhere but in the castle — which
People around the county know Samuel as a fair and lev- holds dangers of its own. If the smith simply vanishes, a search
elheaded man, even though everyone recognizes his brooding will be conducted and hunting difficulties increase by one as
streak since the death of his son. Samuel’s wife, Mary, insists something foul happened to him.
Wherein the characters reach the
Earl of Galtre’s castle, speak with a
dying man, meet a foe posing as a
friend, and find both their loyalties
and their persons under assault.
Millstone Castle
Millstone Castle consists of a three-story stone tower surrounded by a stone wall. There is a chimney at each
compass point of the roof. The castle’s main keep is a drafty building with arrow slits for windows. Although glass
is becoming increasingly common, the earl has yet to use any of it in his ancestral home. A wooden structure is
built into the main exterior wall: the stable for Warden DuBois and his mounted assessors. It also houses the earl’s
aging warhorse. A young stable boy is always on hand.
Guards do not patrol the wall, but the gate is closed at night. Heavy knocking and loud shouts will bring
someone from the tower to open it.
Ground Floor: This level houses servants and contains the dining facilities for the entire castle. A narrow
wooden door leads into a small foyer, which permits access to the first floor and descent to the dungeon and crypt
area. A door on the eastern wall leads to the mess hall where the servants take their meals, while a door on the
western wall leads to the dining hall reserved for the castle’s noble visitors and residents. The ground floor also
holds a kitchen. Beyond it is a small room that serves as servants’ quarters. There are three adults and two children
— menials and castle domestics — who live in this cramped room.
First Floor: This level contains the quarters of Warden DuBois and his men. He lives in the northeastern room,
while the assessors live two to a room in a pair of the remaining chambers. Each man keeps his weapons with him
in his room. If Jill is brought to the castle, she is kept in one of these three rooms. The northwest room serves as
the living quarters for the four monks who, under Lucien’s guidance, attend the Earl of Galtre’s soul. Each room
has a fireplace. A staircase connects the ground floor to levels above and below it.
Second Floor: This level holds the chambers of the Earl of Galtre, as well as rooms for visiting noble guests.
Father Lucien is presently staying in one of the guest rooms, while Lord Alfred and Lady Karin share another one.
The third chamber is empty, and it might be offered to a Cainite (or Cainites, if they pass themselves off as a married
couple, or otherwise “involved”) who claims to be the highest ranking character of the group. These rooms are all
lavishly furnished, but are as drafty as any others in the castle. Each room has a fireplace.
Roof: A trap door opens from the lower level onto this steeply pitched slate roof. A narrow ledge runs around
all four sides of the tower. A chimney stands at each corner. They are quite hot, as all the castle’s fireplaces are
stoked almost 24 hours a day so that the ailing earl may be kept warm.
In addition, there is a dungeon and a family crypt under the castle. No prisoners are currently being held in the
dungeon, and the family crypt contains only three corpses: the earl’s parents and his wife. Seven other tombs lie open.
Drama Wilfred explains how he posed as a brutal ruffian like the
Millstone Castle’s closed gates greet the characters. However, scum in the courtyard to get their assistance in exploring the
the Cainites hear raucous laughter beyond the walls. Characters with county for suitable Cainite lairs. He intends to continue his
Alertness ratings of 4 or higher recognize the laughter as belonging to search the following day, whether the characters trust him or not.
one or more of the men they saw upon their arrival in Galtre. As the characters reach the earl’s door, have the players make
If they pound on the gate or otherwise make noise outside, Perception + Alertness rolls (difficulty 4). If they are successful,
one of the assessors opens it. He snarls at the characters to identify they catch sight of a beautiful woman gazing at them from the
themselves. Whatever explanation they offer, they are admitted, room across the hall. If the characters look in her direction, she
but the scruffy-looking man says, “You’ll have to clear it with lowers her eyes and swiftly closes the door. If asked, Wilfred says
Warden DuBois.” that he thinks the woman is the wife of Lord Alfred, the earl’s son.
He admits the characters to the small courtyard of the dismal Outcome
castle. By the light of a small campfire and several torches they At the end of this scene, the characters should have a taste
can see several figures gathered before the weather-beaten door for just how reprehensible DuBois and his men are. Characters
that leads into the keep. Four men sit on barrels and stools around who had even the slightest inclination toward helping Jill
the fire, while a fifth sits farther away. Two young women, both Leftherder by dealing with DuBois should now feel as though
partially naked, wander from man to man. Each man cuts away a doing so would be a good deed.
little more of their clothing with a dagger, or runs his hands over If any character takes offense to the display they witness in
the women’s exposed skin and laughs loudly. One woman looks the courtyard, he or she probably berates DuBois and the other
frightened, while the other has a blank expression on her face. men. Allow the player to roleplay the chiding. If you deem the
Both women have tiny cuts on their arms and chests and legs, reprimand effective, DuBois apologizes profusely and becomes far
and both are haphazardly smeared with blood. more subdued. He orders the women from the keep, assigning one
The man who admitted the characters sits heavily on a of his men to escort them home only if a character insists on it.
barrel as he says, “DuBois, we got some late night visitors here.”
One of the men rises slowly. It is Warden DuBois, and
he regards the characters through narrow eyes, grimacing. He
Scene Two: The Earl
offers his dagger to Wilfred and says, “Would you like to take Plot
my turn, Wilfred?” In this scene the characters meet the Earl of Galtre, his
Wilfred shakes his head and takes a deep drink from the son, and Father Lucien. Observant Cainites with Soulsight
flagon he is holding. “No thanks, Warden. I gave it up for Lent.” may recognize Lord Alfred as a Cainite.
DuBois laughs, and the man seated to his right pulls one Setting
of the woman toward him. “Let’s see what we can do about the
This scene takes place inside the cramped and unpleasant
rest of the skirt, dear,” he says.
Millstone Castle. The hallways are narrow, most rooms are small
Meanwhile, DuBois approaches the characters, his grimace with low ceilings, and most windows are no more than arrow
becoming a scowl. He snarls, “Who are you people, and how dare slits. A constant draft moves through all chambers and hallways,
you disturb our fun?” Alcohol taints his breath. causing the tapestries on the walls to stir gently.
If the characters show DuBois the letter from the Prince of As the characters spend time in the castle, the Storyteller should
London (who is known by the kine to be a powerful noble), the make it feel claustrophobic. They encounter a servant, a monk or
warden says the earl is currently speaking with his son. However, one of the earl’s other subjects everywhere they go. They cannot find
the young lord will surely step aside, DuBois says, for such im- privacy, and the only remaining guest room will hold no more than
portant visitors, as the earl’s time in this world is growing short. two characters comfortably. The characters will have to split their
He orders one of his men to escort the characters upstairs, but group at sunrise, stay at the Maiden of the Mists Inn, or sneak down
Wilfred — the red-headed man seated outside the circle — leaps into the dungeon and family crypt area to shelter there for the day.
to his feet, swiftly offering to take the characters up to see the earl.
Turning to the characters, he speaks in a quiet voice: “Soon Characters
after you left London, word reached the prince that there are The featured characters in this scene are the Earl of Galtre,
indeed other Cainites in Galtre. They may cause problems. I Father Lucien, and Lord Alfred, the earl’s son. Aside from these
have been sent to help you address them.” three major characters, the castle is populated with servants
Wilfred opens the door, revealing a torchlit hall. Stairs and menials The players’ characters always meet one or more
rise steeply to the left. He gestures toward them and follows the of these people, even in the dead of night; Millstone Castle,
characters in. The ghoul introduces himself to the characters and much like its dying master, never fully sleeps.
says Nicholas sent him with instructions to help them in any The Earl of Galtre is an evil man, his life steeped in de-
way he can. If the characters are suspicious, Wilfred produces bauchery and violence. Once physically powerful, he has all but
a signet ring bearing the personal seal of the Prince of London. wasted away under the weight of old age and disease. The smell
of death is thick in his room. His skin is as white as the sheets has agreed to will his lands to the Church, and the scribes
of his bed, and wisps of thin, white hair cling to his bony pate. have just completed the document. Now Lucien requires
Although the earl permits the characters to see him, only the earl’s signature.
virtually nothing they say is of any real interest to him. He The third major character appearing in this scene is Lord Alfred,
knows he is dying, and he is convinced his soul will go to a darkly handsome man with an easy smile. The young noble treats
Hell. Unless the characters have something to offer him that the characters with warm civility. He seems genuinely saddened
may prevent that from happening or return him to his “lusty that his father is about to pass on. If a conversation is struck up
youth”, he quickly orders them from his presence. with him, at some point he expresses relief that he and his wife are
The earl is attended primarily by Father Lucien, a small able to be with his beloved father during the old man’s final days.
man with handsome features. He is well-fed and healthy, The fact of the matter is that Lord Alfred has hated his
neither too thin nor overweight. He rarely smiles and the father from childhood. He has come to Galtre in an attempt
wrinkles on his face and the many gray streaks in his hair mark to secure his inheritance of the land.
him as a man who has grown old before his time.
Father Lucien was assigned the unenviable task of trying to Drama
find a way for a man as evil as the Earl of Galtre to gain absolu- A knock on the door of the earl’s chamber prompts a
tion. His efforts prompted him to urge the construction of the St. muffled, “Enter.” Beyond the door is an opulent bedchamber.
Christopher’s Monastery. In doing so, he brought Galtre to the Fine animal skins cover the floor. A large fireplace blazes in
attention of Clan Toreador and Remus, a Toreador elder who one corner of the room, casting dancing shadows across the
has come to Galtre intending to seize the county for himself. people and furniture within. Over the mantle hangs a shield that
In this scene, Lucien behaves like a simple, devout displays no coat of arms, but has a pair of long swords crossed
village priest. He or one of his monks, however, will be in over it. An exceptional tapestry showing Norman knights in
the vicinity of the characters at all times, eavesdropping combat with their Saxon foes covers the entire eastern wall.
on their conversations. If at any time it becomes clear they A writing desk and a chair stand near an arrow slit, and a
are Cainites, he sends word to Remus. Lucien is not too tall lacquered cabinet stands in one corner, but the dominating
concerned about the characters’ presence at this point. He feature of the room is a large four-poster bed. The earl rests on
knows that he and his master have already won. The earl the bed, looking pallid and discomfited. Three other men — a
young monk with dark circles around his eyes, Lucien, and Lord characters, or to whatever powerful patron they may serve. They
Alfred — stand around the bed. Lucien and the monk wear the need to be careful in their approach with this offer, however: It is
brown robes of the clergy while Alfred’s dress clearly marks him as likely that there will be ramifications from making it, regardless
nobility. All three look solemnly at the characters as they enter. of whether the earl accepts the offer or not, and what steps the
“Who is that?” the old man in the bed says. “Is that the characters take afterward.
Devil, coming to take me away?” The characters need to lie to the earl if they wish him to
“No, father,” the nobleman says, turning his attention back be a willing recipient of the Embrace. He would love to have
to the old man. “It appears you have some late-night visitors. eternal life, but unless the characters tell him that he will have
And they are not devils.” eternal youth as well, he will not accept their offers, nor will he
Once the characters introduce themselves, the earl becomes sign a decree that grants them control of Galtre. He’d rather take
very excited. He remembers his “old friend” from London, and his chances with Heaven and Hell — and rely on the word of
wants to hear how Mithras is doing. As the characters speak with Lucien that giving his holdings to the Church will indeed save
the earl, the sound of DuBois’ men laughing in the courtyard his soul from damnation — than live forever as a frail, old man.
drifts through the arrow slit. It mingles with the sobbing cries The Storyteller needs to watch any deeds performed by the
of a woman (even if the characters spoiled the “fun” before). characters in relation to the earl and any notion of Embracing him.
The Brujah Lord Alfred introduces himself to a character who It is possible that one or more characters will slip on their chosen
is not speaking with the earl. He says that he hopes the character Road with regard to this course of action. Embracing the earl is the
will do him the personal favor of extending his best wishes to the easiest solution here, but it is also a moral quandary for Cainites.
character’s master. Alfred says that he would like to continue the Characters who come up with the idea of Embracing the
relationship between the two families that his father had. Alfred earl may decide to return to London to ask permission. If they
is certain his father is going to will the lands to him. do, such permission is granted, but they will lose two nights in
Lucien and the monk do not approach the characters, but Galtre, and the situation will be different when they return — the
hover in the background until they are addressed. Both are humble Toreador Remus will have seized the castle and lands of Galtre.
and whisper short, frank answers to any questions they are posed. Any offers by the characters to Embrace the earl will most
Lucien quietly makes it clear to the characters that he believes the likely be overheard by Father Lucien, Lord Alfred or both. If
lands of Galtre will be left to the Church, should the topic be raised. Lucien overhears, he makes no effort to stop the characters but
If the characters hint at any time that they wish to speak with does send word to Remus. Lucien has an imperfect understanding
the earl alone, Alfred and Lucien leave the room immediately. of the Embrace. What he knows is colored by a wide variety of
As he departs, the young lord says he understands that many of superstitions and hearth lore. He believes a victim must be fed
his father’s powerful friends wish to avail themselves of the earl’s on for three nights in a row, so he does not think there is any
sound advice in delicate matters one last time. Alfred assures his urgency. Remus knows better, however. As soon as he gets word
father that they will be right outside. Lucien goes to the next that other Cainites are in Galtre, he sets a plan in motion to
room, saying that he intends to retire for a time and pray for destroy them: the optional ambush in Scene Four of Act Two.
the earl’s soul, but he actually eavesdrops on the conversation If Alfred overhears the characters offering to Embrace the
through a secret opening behind the tapestry. Alfred remains earl, he becomes frightened and flustered and rushes to Karin for
in the hallway and listens at the door, unless a character joins guidance. He has secretly been considering the very same action.
him outside and engages him in conversation. He has no love for his father, but he does not wish to see Galtre go
Very little the characters say piques the earl’s interest. His to the Church. Alfred has no reservations about lying to his father,
excitement over news of his friend in London quickly wanes, and and tells the old man whatever he wants to hear in order to get a
it becomes clear that he fears death more than anything. He tells signature on the document that gives Alfred control of the county.
the characters openly that he intends to will all his properties to the Further, Alfred has an imperfect understanding of the Embrace, and
Church so that his immortal soul won’t burn in Hell. He does not how Blood Oaths are created, based on assumptions he has made
fear death as much as he fears what may follow if he doesn’t take about the relationship that exists between Karin and her Cainite
steps to undo all the evil deeds he perpetrated during his lifetime. handmaiden, Lucille. If an opening presents itself (either while the
characters meet with Karin in Scene Three, or when they leave the
Outcome castle, and while Father Lucien is dispatching a message to Remus),
If the characters converse with the earl at all, it may occur Alfred will seize it and approach his father with an offer of his own.
to them that if one of them should Embrace the old man, he Once Karin becomes aware of the characters’ natures, she
will not die. This is the major bargaining chip at their disposal. approaches them in an attempt to forge an alliance. She always
If they promise him eternal life and reveal some of their vam- tries to make friends rather than enemies, and she hopes she can
piric abilities to him, the earl will happily swear fealty to the settle their differences.
Scene Three: Sudden Reversals Setting
The setting of this scene is Millstone Castle, primarily
Plot Lord Alfred and Lady Karin’s chamber. It is a finely appointed
This scene takes place soon after the characters converse room, with a large four-poster bed, a desk that currently serves
with the Earl of Galtre, or after Lady Karin or Lord Alfred finds as a lady’s dressing table, and a lacquered cabinet that features
out the characters are Cainites (following a poorly executed hunt, expensive mirrors on the inside of its doors.
for example). If the characters return to London for permission
to Embrace the earl, it takes place upon their return to Galtre. Characters
A young woman who says she is Lady Karin’s handmaiden The featured character of this scene is Lady Karin. An
approaches the characters. She says her mistress wishes to speak 11th Generation Brujah who serves her under a Blood Oath
with them immediately on a matter of great importance. If the also plays a minor role, as do Alfred and Lucien.
characters refuse to see Lady Karin, she seeks them out instead.
Lord Alfred and Lucille accompany her in this instance. Drama
Karin wants to negotiate with the characters before her When Lucille escorts the characters into Lady Karin’s
coterie and theirs end up at each other’s throats, both figuratively chamber, the elder Brujah is in front of the cabinet mirror.
and literally. She barely has a chance to outline her intentions Depending on the time of night, she is either preparing her rich,
before Lucien arrives with the news of the earl’s death. Depending red hair for the day’s rest, or fixing it for the night’s activities.
on character actions, either they or Alfred holds a signed will (The Storyteller needs to be sure to mention this mirror to
that gives control of Galtre. This turn of events ruins Lucien the characters. It may become important in Act Three.) She
and Remus’ plan to take over the county, as the earl will have initially speaks with the characters while observing them in
been Embraced by one of the priest’s rivals — Alfred or one of the mirror and finishing her hair.
the characters — before he could sign Lucien’s will. The priest “I am glad you have come to see me,” she says. “I believe we
becomes furious and storms out of the castle. might be about to walk a path from which there is no turning
Regardless of the outcome, Karin still wishes to negotiate with back. I want to stop the journey before it begins, for it will lead
the characters. She has no desire to see Galtre and its kine torn apart us all to ruin. And I do mean us in every sense.” She turns toward
in a territorial war between the Princes of Nottingham and London. the characters, drawing back her lips in a smile that reveals the
She asks the characters to meet her again the following night.
sharp fangs of a fellow Cainite. “If you have not already discerned If a character has a signed will giving him control of
the true nature of myself and Lord Alfred, I stand revealed before Galtre, Lucien’s reactions will be the same — piety that shifts
you as a child of Caine.” to disbelief and then becomes anger. Regardless of what the
She goes on to explain that she is here to secure Galtre for the actual exchange is, Lucien rushes from the room upon uttering
Prince of Nottingham. She is of the opinion that there is little the a closing line that is a heavy hint the character will regret
characters can do to stop her and Lord Alfred, unless they intend taking Galtre. The line should not be a threat exactly, but
to start a brutal fight, which no one wants. “Let us settle this like it should be something the players could construe as such.
reasonable beings,” she suggests. “I have no animosity toward Karin’s reaction to this turn of events depends on who holds
any of you, and I would hope that you have none toward me.” the signed will. If it is Alfred, she runs a hand through his hair
Karin is as earnest in her belief that she and Alfred have while purring, “I don’t know what you did, but I love you for
the upper hand as she is in her desire to avoid conflict with the it. You have served your clan and the lord of Nottingham well.
characters. She is not insulted by distrust on their part, and Allow me to introduce you to another group of Cainites. They,
remains calm in the face of even the worst threats. too, came here to secure your father’s lands for their master.”
Before any real conversation can begin, or before the characters Alfred eyes the characters suspiciously, but Karin tells him
can reject her outright, there is a knock at the door. Father Lucien he has nothing to worry about. She says she is confident they
enters without waiting for a welcome. If Alfred is not already in the are civilized beings and that they can all arrive at a mutually
room, the young noble is with him. Both are stone-faced. satisfactory arrangement. “I need to discuss this unexpected
“The earl,” says Lucien, “has passed on. I am afraid I have been turn of events privately with my beloved Alfred,” she says, “just
remiss in my duties...I was not there to give him his final blessing.” so I am sure I understand the exact situation we find ourselves
Karin’s face slides into a sympathetic mask as she opens her in. Can we resume our conversation tomorrow, a few hours
arms to console Alfred. after sundown? I give you my word, we wish you no harm, and
the castle stands as a safe haven for you, should you choose to
“It was his time,” Lucien continues, “his God-appointed
use it. Consider yourselves our guests.”
hour. At least his soul was given absolution, even if no priest
was with him at the end. He granted all his lands to the Church, If a character holds a signed will, Karin still wishes to
and God will reward his generosity.” negotiate with them. She tries to make it clear to them the
conflict that would arise between Mithras and Leeland would
At this point, either the characters or Alfred should step
needlessly harm the citizens of Galtre. Wouldn’t this rural
forward to correct the priest in his error. While the priest carries
county be much better suited to the Prince of Nottingham
a document promising Galtre’s holdings to the Church, it is
than the sophisticated Prince of London? Lady Karin again
unsigned. Depending on who actually Embraced the earl, and
wishes to resume talks on the next evening.
thus caused his death, another character is carrying a signed will.
If Alfred did the deed, he looks at the priest with a cocked Outcome
eyebrow. “I believe you are mistaken, holy father.” If Lady Karin must, she uses Disciplines that force the charac-
“No mistake, my son,” Lucien replies. “Your father wished ters to leave her and Alfred alone to discuss this turn of fortune. If
for his entire estate to go to the Church. He had a will drawn up, Alfred has Embraced the earl, he does not tell Karin. Although he
and although he never had a chance to sign it, I trust you will—” loves her, he wants to have a life separate from her, and he hopes
“You are certainly mistaken,” Alfred interrupts, pulling a his father offers a new beginning. (Alfred mistakenly believes
rolled up piece of parchment from inside his tunic. “My father that the earl will be his thrall, just as Lucille is Karin’s thrall.)
willed his lands and titles to me, his only son. And this will he Although the characters may not trust Lady Karin, her
signed.” offer is genuine. They will be safe in Millstone Castle, and all
“Let me see that,” the priest demands. He pales as he reads of Galtre for that matter — at least from the Brujah vampires.
the document. “Your father has condemned himself to eternal Remus’ minions are a different matter entirely.
torment.” If the characters choose to remain in the castle, any who
“He must have seen it differently in his final hours, holy venture into the crypt below will find a monk praying over Gal-
father,” Alfred says solemnly. tre’s body, but Lucien is nowhere in sight. Any characters who
Anger flashes across Lucien’s face. “You don’t understand think to look at the monk’s hand notice he is wearing a silver
what you’ve done, boy!” ring that bears an inscription (“I:IV:XV” ) on his right hand. He
Alfred bristles in return. “You forget yourself, priest. What- is missing the ring finger on his left hand, as well. Each player
ever you had intended, I am now the ruler of Galtre. Go and see may roll his character’s Intelligence + Academics (difficulty 4) to
to it that my father is properly placed in the family crypt. And know that the inscription is associated with the Cainite heresy.
be sure to pray over the body!” Whether the characters trust Karin and Alfred or not, it
The anger on the priest’s face intensifies, but concedes, is too late in the night for them to flee Galtre. They can reach
“Yes, my lord,” and rushes from the room. Redford, or possibly Jill Leftherder’s cottage, but that is as far
as they will get before sunrise.
Scene Four: The Drama
One of two paths leads the characters to St. Christopher’s
Monastery(Optional) Monastery. They may be suspicious of Lucien following his
outburst in Scene Three, and they may follow him there.
Plot (Rather than tend the earl’s body himself, Lucien orders a
In this scene, the characters go to St. Christopher Mon-
monk to do so, and then heads into the night.)
astery in a distant corner of Galtre. They either follow Father
If the characters follow Lucien to the monastery, they can
Lucien there, or come with Wilfred, who determines it is likely
do so without any difficulty. The priest makes no effort to be
that a Cainite makes his haven there. The characters walk into
stealthy about his travels, and unless the characters are sloppy
an ambush, however. They might also encounter Remus, the
he does not seem to notice he is being followed.
Toreador vampire who dwells in the monastery.
Alternately, Wilfred, the ghoul originally sent from Lon-
Setting don to help the characters, may approach them. Wilfred takes
The characters travel through the dark woods of Galtre the characters aside before they have a chance to meet with
until they reach the location of St. Christopher Monastery. A Karin on the following night, and reveals that he has found the
light fog hangs over the nearby lake, and tendrils drift around location of a Cainite’s haven. If informed that Karin and Alfred
the tombstones in the nearby cemetery. are Cainites, he reacts with surprise and says that the haven
The monastery is only a few years old. It stands on the may belong to another ally of theirs. He shows the characters a
site of a church built several centuries ago that was sacked silver ring that one of the monks dropped while washing in the
during the civil war that took place during the previous Earl castle courtyard. It is inscribed with a symbol the ghoul knows
of Galtre’s reign. The ruins and the cemetery lay untended for to be the sign of the Cainite heresy, a perversion of Christianity
decades, until the current earl funded the reconstruction of the based upon the worship of vampires. He finds it disturbing that
monastery on the ancient site. The workers used stones from there may be a vampire in Galtre who has a horde of fanatically
the ruined church as part of the new structure. The monks devoted monks at his disposal.
have put some effort into cleaning If Wilfred brings the char-
the wild vegetation from the old acters to the monastery, the
cemetery, but there is still much
Give Them a Chance ghoul seems tense during the
work to be done, and the leaning, Storytellers must take the actions of their players trip. He is very concerned about
weathered headstones give the into serious account during this scene. Characters the monks now, and explains
impression that the place might should always be left the option of escape, even if that he had a confrontation
still be abandoned. Lights in the they have to drag their fallen comrades with them. It with a group of such religious
monastery’s windows indicate should become painfully obvious that an assault on fanatics in France. They are
otherwise. the monastery would be pure folly — sheer numbers impossible to reason with, and
and Remus’ power make this option unsavory. lay down their lives willingly for
Characters Only through a characters’ monumental the vampire they worship. They
Wilfred, the ghoul sent to stupidity or unwavering bull-headedness should are often spurred on, he says, by
assist the characters, may appear the wholesale capture of the players’ coterie be something far more powerful
in this scene. He has a tense air allowed. After all, the story would draw to a close than the status of ghouldom
about him, as it is part of his goal at that point.… or the power of a Blood Oath:
turn the characters on each other, Many believe death in the ser-
so he can attack them with the vice of their “divine” masters
Brujah he believes to be waiting at the ambush site. Those earns them an automatic place in Heaven. The ghoul fears
Brujah are a ruse created by Lady Karin, who wishes the turn- that any Cainite who might be lurking in the monastery rep-
coat Wilfred to lead the players’ characters into fatal conflict resents a serious problem, even more serious than the Brujah.
with Remus and his heretic monks. The trip lasts a few hours. The characters follow a path
If Wilfred does not lead the characters into this scene, Father that is barely distinguishable from the thick forest around them.
Lucien is present, as the characters follow him to the monastery. The woods eventually give way to the ancient graveyard. The
In addition, the characters face members of Remus’ monastery looms beyond, lights blazing behind its windows.
cult devoted to the Cainite heresy. There are two cultists Heretic monks lurk in the woods, waiting in ambush.
for each character. If the characters follow Lucien here, the monks are present
Finally, should the cultists manage to defeat the characters, because of a message the priest sent earlier. In this case, the
they meet Remus himself. Such a defeat may prove disastrous attack is staged without warning.
for the characters’ free will (and the story), at the least, and
their very existence, at the worst.
If Wilfred brings the characters here, the ambushers await; his Outcome
scouting mission earlier in the day did not go undetected. In this If the characters triumph at the ambush, they should be able
case, the characters hear a cry as they sneak across the graveyard. to figure out that there are other Cainites besides themselves
Wilfred jerks backward and falls to the ground. A crossbow bolt and the Brujah coterie abroad in Galtre. Some characters may
juts from his forehead, and he dies twitching like a fish out of water. decide they have had enough at this point. They make ready
There are two monks per character, and they all fire their to return to London and inform the prince of events in the
crossbows immediately. As soon as the shots have been taken, the county. The characters must still spend one night in Galtre,
ambushers emerge from the mist-shrouded woods to finish off the because the farthest they’ll be able to travel before dawn is the
characters in melee combat. The attackers are all dark-robed figures. village of Redford. Other characters may return to Millstone
If the characters are victorious in this battle, and if they search Castle and inform the Brujah of the situation.
their ambushers, they discover that each has his head shaved in Many characters, however, may take the opposite ap-
the fashion common to monks. Further, each is wearing a narrow proach. Rather than retreat from the ambush site, they might
silver ring on his right hand with the inscription “I:IV:XV.” Their try to target those who were most likely responsible. If the
left hands are all missing ring fingers. If Wilfred did not explain characters know that either Lord Alfred or Lady Karin is a
the meaning of these rings to the characters, each player may roll Cainite, they may assume that the nobles were behind the
his character’s Intelligence + Academics (difficulty 4) to know attack. If they return to Millstone Castle to engage in a little
that the inscription is a symbol of the Cainite heresy. payback, Act Three unfolds. (The Storyteller should see to it
If the monks defeat the characters, they are not destroyed, that dawn is upon the characters before they have a chance to
but fall into torpor instead. They recover eventually, wracked with act, forcing them to take shelter and delay their revenge until
a thirst for blood and chained to the walls of a small cell. Remus the following night.) Other characters, however, may wish to
and Father Lucien are there with them. Remus explains that the investigate the monastery, to determine if any more enemies
Brujah who would snatch Galtre from his grasp have already been lurk within, or if the Cainite behind the assault makes his
destroyed, but since the characters now have his blood in their veins haven inside. If they do, they find themselves facing a superior
(which roused them from torpor), he can’t bring himself to destroy number of heretic monks. If the characters don’t flee, they are
them. He offers them a chance to serve him under Blood Oaths. defeated and captured as described above.
Wherein the characters learn
that reports of the death of Gal-
tre were greatly exaggerated, and
many kine and Cainites go to their
final rewards.
Scene One: The This scene takes place inside Millstone Castle. However,
there are visibly fewer people there than there were the night
Negotiations before. Karin meets with the characters in her chamber.
Plot Characters
In this scene, the characters meet with Karin in an at- The primary character in this scene is Lady Karin. Lord
tempt either to settle their differences or possibly accuse her Alfred and Karin’s vampire handmaiden appear, as does one
of arranging the ambush they suffered at the end of Act Two. of Warden DuBois’ assessors, and possibly Warden DuBois
As they are about to begin, they learn that Father Lucien has himself. The characters’ interaction with Karin is the focal
organized a memorial service at the village church, and that point, however.
DuBois ordered all the servants to attend, leaving the castle
almost deserted. (Alfred agrees to the memorial service, and Drama
orders the servants to attend so he can Embrace his father The details of this scene depend primarily on how the
without risk of discovery.) players’ characters approach the other characters. There are
Lord Alfred says that he will leave the negotiations to few scripted lines, and very few events that must take place. It
Karin and the player characters, claiming that he chooses is roleplaying that determines the course of this scene.
to tend to his father instead. This may be cause for concern As they exit their temporary havens in the castle, the char-
among characters who have Embraced the earl, and one or acters can’t help noticing that there are fewer people in the castle.
more of them may wish to join him in the crypt. In fact, the whole place is as still as the grave. The first person
Storytellers should be aware that if the characters have the characters see is one of DuBois’ henchmen, a callous fellow
been using the inn in Redford or Jill’s home as their haven, by the name of James. He is either in the entrance hall on the
Act Three, Scene Two probably unfolds instead of this one, ground level, or poking through the “deceased” earl’s belongings
or at least before this one. in the bedchamber on the top floor. If the characters ask him
where the servants and monks are, he answers that Father Luc-
ien wanted to perform a memorial service for the old earl. The
new earl ordered all the servants to attend. James says that his What If the Players’ Characters
horse threw a shoe, so he decided to remain behind. A lurid grin Embraced the Earl?
appears on his face, and he adds, “So did Warden DuBois. The If the earl was Embraced by a member of the players’
poor warden was so grief-stricken that a few of the men went coterie, he will flee their company as soon as the opportunity
and got him a little something special. He’s cheering himself presents itself, though he will not leave the castle. Alfred
up with her right now.” will claim that he is truly the earl’s sire, still hoping to gain
If the coterie decides to investigate, they can first listen control of Galtre by establishing himself as the Earl’s master.
at DuBois’ door. They can here the sounds of a creaking bed
frame, DuBois grunting and an occasional sob in a distinctly to a close. Although her remarks may appear self-serving, Karin
feminine voice. Any character with high Perception who has wishes in her heart for these words to be true. (She explains to
spoken with Jill during the course of this adventure will recog- the characters how the Ventrue destroyed the perfect society
nize the voice as hers. the Brujah had built in Carthage, a society in which Cainites
If the characters have any decency in them, they may at- and kine lived together in harmony.)
tempt to subdue or even kill Jill’s despoiler. The young woman • She states the characters appear to be intelligent and
shows signs of a severe beating. She alternately sobs and mutters cunning. If they weren’t, they would have initiated combat
prayers under her breath. She is deeply in shock and barely immediately, or would have fled back to London and reported
aware of her surroundings. to the prince already. She is curious about how strongly tied
If the characters do not check on DuBois, they probably go they are to London and its prince. If they are free agents who
straight to see Karin. They find her with Lord Alfred. She has plainly serve him because he asked them to, or because of geographical
just risen, and Lucille is fixing her hair for the night. (Storytellers happenstance, she encourages them to join her and the Prince
may wish to emphasize the mirrors in the cabinet again at this of Nottingham. She says the Prince of Nottingham will offer
point.) Karin engages the characters in small talk until Lucille the characters a better deal. (Karin has no intention of insulting
finishes doing her hair and firmly insists that impatient characters the characters or calling their honor into question. If they give
slow down. They have all of eternity before them, after all. initial answers that show they are unerringly loyal to the Prince
Once Karin is done, she bids Lucille to leave them. Alfred of London, she pursues this matter no further.)
likewise excuses himself, saying that he wants to see his father Meanwhile, characters who followed Alfred to the crypt
one last time before interring him tomorrow. find themselves in a lot of trouble.
As soon as the younger Brujah are out of the room, Karin If the characters are not the ones who Embraced the earl,
immediately starts trying to settle any differences between all who follow Alfred now learn of the earl’s undead state. As
herself and the characters. Her main points are: they watch from the shadows, Alfred stands before his father’s
• She swears she had nothing to do with the ambush. They tomb and says, “I have given you eternal unlife, father, but it is
may have a common enemy, she says, a third group of Cainites unlife in eternal servitude! Come forth and get on your knees!
lurking in Galtre. (And if she learns the castle has been all but Bow to your new master!”
vacated by the kine, she becomes concerned over the possibility A growl issues from the tomb, and the old earl launches
of another attack, saying she’ll order Lord Alfred to Redford forth suddenly, using his bony fingers and newly acquired fangs
as soon as he returns from the crypt. She wants the kine here, to tear at his disrespectful offspring. Alfred screams in pain and
either as protection or as buffers.) horror as his blood splatters across the dusty floor and stone
• She doesn’t want Galtre destroyed due to Cainite con- walls. The old earl diablerizes his son before the characters’ eyes.
flicts, nor does she want to attract the attention of inquisitors Before the characters can intervene, a group of armed monks
over the same. rushes down the stairs into the crypt. These ghouls are part of
• If Alfred and Karin control Galtre, the Prince of Not- an attack force that Remus sends into the castle to destroy the
tingham controls it through them. She is relatively certain the Cainites who are threatening his efforts to take control of Galtre.
characters won’t be able to stand against the Brujah should it There is one for each character present (including the earl).
come to battle. Nottingham has won, she claims. As the characters battle the ghouls, Alfred dies with an
• If the characters control Galtre, she tries to share her unearthly wail. The old earl flees up the stairs, cackling insanely.
idealism with them and her belief in a better world where the
children of Caine live together in peace among themselves
and the kine. She paints the county as a place where they can Karin genuinely wants to head off a conflict with the
begin to build a better future, as a place where London and characters. However, she may answer belligerence with bel-
Nottingham can begin to patch their differences, and the de- ligerence after a while. Particularly grievous insults may send
structive conflict between Brujah and Ventrue can be brought her into a frenzy. (She is not goaded by insults directed at her
clan, her husband or her womanhood, though she does take
great affront at repeated assertions that she is lying or trying
to betray the characters.) Should things start to get nasty, the
Storyteller should begin Scene Three immediately.
Likewise, should characters witness the death of Alfred
in the crypt and defeat the attacking monks, they know that
a frenzied vampire is loose in the castle. The story continues
in Scene Three for this group as well.
Scene Two:
The Memorial Service
Cainites who return to havens at the Maiden of the Mist
Inn or Jill’s cottage learn of Father Lucien’s memorial service
from the citizens of Redford. Some may choose to attend,
just to keep an eye on the priest. Characters who do so find
themselves in grave danger.
Upon learning that his plan to take control of Galtre is
threatened by outside Cainite interference, Remus decides to take
Galtre by force. His first step is to make sure that his opponents
have no kine at their disposal. Once the assessors, servants and
assorted villagers are in the church, Remus’ ghouls bar all its
doors and windows and set the place afire. If they are inside,
the players’ characters have a chance to save themselves. If they
are not, they might simply save a building full of innocents.
This event unfolds whether any players’ characters are
present or not.
This scene takes place in the village of Redford.
Characters likely to appear are Father Lucien and Samuel
the Smith, assuming they are still alive. In addition, some of
Remus’ cultists will be present, sealing the church doors and
lighting it on fire.
Should the characters decide to attend the memorial service,
they can hear the droning chants coming from the church as they
approach, and they can see monks moving around outside it. A
successful Perception + Awareness roll (difficulty 6) reveals that
the monks are sealing the church doors and preparing pitch and
torches. It is clear they intend to burn the church and everyone
in it. There are two monks for each character.
If the characters move to stop this monstrous act, a perfect
opportunity for the Storyteller to have Samuel attack the coterie
is at hand, assuming the characters have botched hunting rolls,
or otherwise revealed themselves as Cainites.
During the battle, Father Lucien comes to make sure ev-
erything proceeds according to plan — he leaves the church
just as it is being sealed. If the monks clearly have the upper
hand, he joins the fray, shouting his delight that he is smiting
the enemies of the Lord! If the characters are winning, he flees
to Millstone Castle to await Remus.
Characters on the Road of Heaven or the Road of Humanity
should certainly wish to stop the horrible event that is about
to unfold. Other characters may wish to become involved as
well, if they have any decency. The Storyteller may require
degeneration checks for characters who allow all the innocents
within the church to burn to death. If the characters choose to
be heroic they should be able to save some of the kine, even if
the church catches fire (assuming the characters are not defeated
by the monks and thrown into the fire themselves).
Scene Three:
The Assault
This scene continues the roleplaying in Scene One.
The characters may be speaking with Karin, fighting Remus’
minions in the crypt under the castle, or both if the group is
divided. The characters may also arrive from Redford to become
embroiled in Remus’ strike at the castle. In this instance, they
have likely just witnessed the burning of the church, and may
be in pursuit of Father Lucien.
As negotiations with Karin unfold, a loud, wailing shriek
echoes through Millstone Castle. If the heroes investigate, they
find Lucien, brutally slain. Mad cackling comes from DuBois’
room. Before they have a chance to investigate, Remus and
several ghouls come rushing up the stairs at them. Remus
engages Karin, while the characters are left to fight the ghouls.
This scene of carnage and violence takes place within
the shadow-filled hallways of Millstone Castle.
This scene is primarily a combat encounter. Remus, Karin
and a number of ghouls are present.
This scene should be played in a fast-paced fashion. Hit the
characters with event after event, and allow them barely enough time
to think about what they are seeing. Make them react, rather than
act. If the Storyteller is running this story as a stand-alone story, she
should have no compunction about killing several of the characters
should the opposition get the upper hand. However, if this is part
of a chronicle, the Storyteller may consider fudging a roll or two.
Whether the characters are discussing their differences with
Karin in a rational fashion, or whether things are about to come
to blows, an unearthly shriek suddenly echoes through Millstone
Castle. (This is actually Alfred’s death scream from Scene One.)
Karin suggests the characters should investigate. She goes
with them, if they insist.
Whether the scene preceding this one is Scene One or Scene
Two, the characters find Father Lucien’s body, horribly mutilated Scene Four: The Final
(assuming he wasn’t killed by anyone in Scene Two; if he was,
the victim is one of DuBois’ assessors). The man’s entrails are
tied around his neck in a twisted parody of a hangman’s noose. If Plot
the characters move the entrails, they find tears in his neck that This scene sees the Final Death of either some or all of
resemble those of a Cainite bite mark that has not been licked. the remaining characters, or destruction of the monster that
As they make this discovery, a wild, insane cackling issues was once the Earl of Galtre.
from DuBois’ chamber. Before they can investigate, however, As the characters either face Remus or decide what to
there is a commotion downstairs. As they look down, they see do next, there is a mad cackle behind them. The earl enters,
a priest with angelic facial features who wears a necklace of covered in gore, and carrying DuBois’ head and an unconscious
human fingers. He leads a group of equally handsome, robed Jill. The earl’s rantings mark him as dangerously insane. If the
monks up the stairs toward them. (Players who think to look characters wish to live, they must destroy him. Some of them
at Remus’ hand see that he bears a familiar silver band on his may die in the fight, but if they pay attention to the earl’s
left and right ring fingers) The priest bares his lips, revealing
ravings, smart characters realize that the earl believes himself
fangs, and says, “I am Remus. You would stand in the way of the
to be young again. The shock of seeing himself in a mirror, of
Church claiming Galtre as its own, and thus you trespass against
realizing that he still appears old and frail, would give them the
the Lord. That transgression will be punished with Final Death.”
advantage they need to get a few unopposed attacks on him.
Lady Karin replies, “I did not come here seeking conflict,
but I meet your challenge willingly, weakling. Make peace
with the God your very existence shames!”
What If the Players’ Characters
Karin lunges at the priest as he reaches the top of the Recued Jill Earlier?
stairs, while the monks move to engage the players’ characters.
The coterie may have rescued Jill and dealt with
There is one heretic monk ghoul for each character.
Warden DuBois in another scene. This will not curb
Characters who explore the ground floor of the keep before
the earl’s rapaciousness, however. He will have assailed
heading upstairs hear Karin and Remus’ exchange echoing
another peasant girl, and carry the head of one of Remus’
down the staircase. They also make a shocking discovery in
the dining room: Lucille laid out with a stake through her heretic monks.
heart and her head severed from her body. They are attacked With luck and skill, they should be able to defeat him.
by the opponents described above, as Remus’ minions return And with quick thinking, they have the opportunity to ensure
to the ground floor in search of more victims. Galtre falls under control of the Crown, and thus the Prince
If the characters are split into two groups, then so are the of London, if they have retained their original loyalties.
ghouls and monks.
The battle should unfold in such a way that as soon as Setting
one character defeats his or her opponents, another nearby Inside Millstone Castle.
character requires assistance.
The battle between the two elder vampires is not one the
Storyteller should waste time on by actually rolling dice. He The featured character in this scene is the Earl of Galtre.
should just assume that Remus has the upper hand, and that All other Storyteller characters are little more than parts of
without character intervention, Karin will surely be destroyed. the background. If Remus is still alive, he fights one of the
As soon as the characters defeat the ghouls, Remus rips Karin’s characters, ignoring the presence of the earl. Remember that
throat open with his claws in a savage blow that sends her Remus’ current Blood Pool is reduced by three, and possibly
flying across the landing. He moves in to finish her, and will more if the characters have moved against him.
destroy her if the characters don’t intervene.
Assume Remus spends five Blood Points in his battle
Insane laughter emanates from DuBois’ room. When the
with Karin. Then turn him loose on whatever characters are
characters turn toward it, they see a terrible sight: The Earl of
trying to stop him.
Galtre steps out of the room, still wearing his white nightshirt,
Outcome still pale and withered from age and disease. However, he is
If the characters do not stop Remus from destroying Karin, he also spattered with gore. He stares at the characters with a
drains two Blood Points from her, then beats her to Final Death mad hunger in his eyes, and bits of flesh between his teeth and
with his fists. He then turns to the characters, ready to destroy hanging from his lower fangs. He carries the severed head of
them, too. Just as this battle is about to start, Scene Four begins. DuBois, a final look of startled horror etched on the warden’s
Should the characters defeat Remus, Scene Four begins face, in one hand. In the other, he drags an unconscious Jill
immediately after that conflict ends. by her brown hair. She is naked and covered in blood, but she
appears to be alive.
“Only I may deflower my peasant women,” the earl says (perhaps from one of the cabinets), they will shock him into
firmly, in a regal tone of voice. “It is my right as master of inaction for two turns. During this time, they can stake him,
this domain! And now that I have my youth restored, I shall take free attacks or simply flee the area.
deflower them all and drink their virgin blood even as my
seed corrupts it!”
The Earl of Galtre is a monster. There should be no doubt
He lets out another gout of mad laughter. “My foolish son
among the characters that he must be destroyed. Otherwise, he
thought he could rule me. I punished him for his presumption,
would roam the hills of Galtre like a mad beast, destroying kine
and now his youth has been added to mine. You, messengers
and Cainites alike. There can be no coexistence with the earl.
from my good friend in London, you are clearly creatures of the
night, as am I. I would that you serve me. Here, you may have this
maiden, and I will claim the wife of my foolish son. Her blood Aftermath
shall be mine. By God, it’s good to be young again — young Galtre is in chaos. As Alfred and Karin are both destroyed,
again, and filled with more power than I have ever dreamed of!” the lands pass to the Crown of England. Since the Ventrue
Finally, he bids the characters stand aside, or he will de- are secretly involved with the king, the characters will thus
stroy them. If the characters obey, he drops Jill at their feet and succeed in the mission they were assigned by Nicholas and the
turns to Karin’s corpse. As he does so, Karin disintegrates into Prince of London. Although their success is not as clean and
dust. The earl then rides the waves of frenzy and attacks the orderly as the elder Cainites would like, the players’ characters
characters. Hopefully, however, they will not knuckle under are successful nonetheless, and whatever rewards they ask for
to him — the Storyteller should portray the earl in such a way are granted. Furthermore, Nicholas comes to consider them
that everything about him horrifies and disgusts the characters. Cainites of great resourcefulness. He may call upon them
again in the future, and the characters might find themselves
Of course, after the battle they have just completed, the
embroiled in Cainite politics of the dirtiest kind.
players’ characters may be too weak to take him on. They can
still defeat him, however. The key lies in his repeated references Karin was a close friend and ally of Robin Leeland, the
to being young. He believes his body has been restored to peak Prince of Nottingham. He is keenly interested in the events
physical condition. By showing him the truth with a mirror that caused her death, and he may have the characters
summoned before him to hear the story of what happened situation correctly, the characters may cultivate this gratitude
— forcefully if need be. Leeland may alternately send his top into a relationship with the Leftherder family that might last
lieutenant, the savage and cunning Patricia of Bollingbroke, for centuries, as parents pass their loyalty to the characters on
to investigate the circumstances of Karin’s disappearance. to their sons and daughters.
Should Patricia become aware of the characters’ involvement, If Samuel the Smith survives the events in Clash of Wills,
they find themselves in danger of the gravest kind as they are he travels to Canterbury where the archbishop listens to his
stalked by a brutal killer with centuries of experience. They tale of blood-drinking demons with great alarm. The arch-
may seek protection among their Ventrue allies, but the only bishop, bucking the will of the Toreador trying to manipulate
guarantees of their safety are to destroy Patricia — who will the English Church from behind the scenes, sends teams of
be followed by other hunters — or to seek the forgiveness inquisitors and vampire hunters to Galtre. What remains of
of Leeland. The Prince of Nottingham may extract many the sect devoted to the Cainite heresy (including Remus, if
dangerous services from them before he feels they have paid he survives) is destroyed, and the St. Christopher Monastery
for the death of Karin. is rededicated to the true service of God. All Cainites who
It is likely that the characters have a thoroughly trauma- remain in the County of Galtre must be very careful for the
tized Jill in their care. Any character on the Road of Heaven next few months. Church inquisitors, as well as the king’s
or Road of Humanity should feel a desire to help her and her investigators, will be very curious to locate the source of the
young brothers, who have lost their guardian. Jill’s road to carnage that unfolded here. If Samuel knows the players’ char-
recovery will be long, and she is never quite the same — she acters are Cainites, he can point them out to either group of
never again sleeps a full night without waking up screaming, hunters, and the characters may find themselves stalked and
and her faith in God is destroyed completely — but by in- harried if they remain in Galtre.
volving themselves with her and her brothers, the characters There are many stories that can arise in the wake of Clash
may earn the gratitude of these kine. If they approach the of Wills. It is up to the Storyteller to make them come to life.
The Cainites Embrace: A.D. 832
Apparent Age: mid-20s
Nicholas, Seneschal to the Prince of Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 4, Stamina 5
London Social: Charisma 5, Manipulation 5, Appearance 4
Background: Nicholas was a minor knight in the court Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 4
of an English Ventrue whose ranks were decimated during a
Talents: Alertness 5, Athletics 2, Brawl 4, Dodge 3, Intimi-
Viking raid in the seventh century. Although his early unlife
dation 4, Leadership 5, Subterfuge 6
was painful, he has now outlived several masters and currently
stands as one of the Prince of London’s most trusted advisors Skills: Archery 3, Etiquette 6, Melee 6, Ride 3
and allies. Knowledges: Academics 2, Investigation 4, Law 5, Linguistics
Image: Nicholas is a darkly handsome man with deep 3, Occult 2, Politics 5, Seneschal 4
brown eyes and long black hair. He typically wears it tied back Disciplines: Auspex 2, Dominate 6, Fortitude 3, Potence 2,
in a ponytail. He was Embraced at the peak of his physical Presence 5
health and still has the appearance of a young, striking warrior. Backgrounds: Allies 4, Contacts 5, Influence 5, Resources 4,
He dresses in the latest fashions, except that his clothes are Retainers 5, Status 5
always cut from reds and blacks and accented with tasteful Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control 6, Courage 4
jewelry of gold and silver.
Roleplaying Tips: You are in control and you know it. You
have no particular need to prove your power or your authority
to others, so long as they serve you and your master, Prince
Mithras. You lord over lessers and insist on formalities only
if you believe that not doing so will cause them to mistake
themselves for anything but servants.
Haven: Tunnels under the Tower of London. Nicholas’
haven lies adjacent to that of Mithras, the Prince of London.
Secrets: Nicholas is a natural diplomat who has contacts
in Cainite communities throughout Europe. It is this wide net
of friendships and contacts that has allowed him to survive
even while his masters have fallen to their enemies. On more
than one occasion, Nicholas even provided minor assistance
to enemies as his masters’ stars waned.
Influence: Nicholas has the ear of the Prince of London
and is respected by a number of Cainites across Europe.
Destiny: Nicholas gets involved with the Tudor family
at his master’s request. It proves fatal for him — Nicholas dies
in the Battle of Tewkesbury.
Clan: Ventrue
Sire: Malthias
Nature: Survivor
Demeanor: Judge
Generation: 7th
Road: Road of Chivalry 6 Haven: Millstone Castle
Willpower: 9 Secrets: A lifetime of foul, evil deeds.
Influence: None
Nicholas’ Bodyguards (Four Ghouls)
Destiny: If there’s any justice at all, the earl dies by the
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4
end of the story.
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 3
Clan: Brujah
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 2, Wits 2
Sire: Alfred (or possibly a player’s character)
Talents: Alertness 4, Brawl 2, Dodge 3
Nature: Monster
Skills: Etiquette 2, Melee 4, Ride 3
Demeanor: Autocrat (Monster, post-Embrace)
Disciplines: Fortitude 3, Potence 2
Generation: 10th (this may vary, based on his sire and his
Willpower: 7 diablerie)
Wilfred (Ventrue Ghoul) Embrace: A.D. 1197
Wilfred is at first a loyal servant of Nicholas. The seneschal Apparent Age: late 60s
sends him to Galtre to provide the characters with assistance, Physical: Strength 1, Dexterity 1, Stamina 1
should they need it. He is a stocky man with a round face and Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 4, Appearance 1
carrot-colored hair. Mental: Perception 2, Intelligence 2, Wits 3
Wilfred gets in over his head as the events in Clash Talents: Alertness 3, Intimidation 4, Leadership 3
of Wills unfold. He believes that Nottingham will emerge Skills: Archery 3, Etiquette 3, Melee 3, Ride 3
victorious and scurrilously changes sides to support Karin and
Knowledges: Academics 1, Law 1, Occult 2, Politics 5
Alfred’s bid for power. He meets his demise in an ambush
set by Remus. Disciplines: Celerity 1, Dominate 2, Potence 2
Nature: Autocrat Backgrounds: Contacts 3, Influence 3, Resources 4
Demeanor: Judge Virtues: Conviction 3, Instinct 4, Courage 3
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3 Road: Road of the Beast 5
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 2 Willpower: 6
Mental: Perception 2, Intelligence 2, Wits 3
Talents: Alertness 1, Brawling 2, Dodge 1, Empathy 2, Sub-
terfuge 4
Skills: Archery 2, Etiquette 2, Melee 3, Ride 2, Stealth 2
Knowledges: Academics 1, Occult 3, Politics 3
Disciplines: Auspex 2, Dominate 1, Potence 1
Willpower: 7
Equipment: Signet ring bearing the personal seal of the
Prince of London
The Earl of Galtre
Background: The Earl of Galtre led a life of self-
indulgent brutality, satisfying his evil passions freely. He
swept enemies and competitors aside with unrestrained
violence, exploited friends and allies without a second
thought, and callously disposed of lovers and wives who
had grown uninteresting.
As Galtre felt old age and illness steal his vitality,
fear for his immortal soul grew in him. Although he gave
generously to the Church, he feared that not even all his
earthly belongings would cleanse his soul.
Image: Galtre’s body appears frail and disease-ravaged.
His skin clings to his bones, and is sickly white even before
his Embrace.
Roleplaying Tips: Your frail body holds a soul that is
thoroughly corrupt and saturated with depraved evil. You are
a violent, brutal man, and you follow your basest instincts.
Roleplaying Tips: You possess great poise and dignity. You
project an air of nobility even when you are sad, angry or in
the heat of combat. You are deeply in love with Alfred, and
cannot imagine treating him as you did your long-dead father.
Haven: Small estate north of Nottingham, or Millstone
Secrets: Karin yearns to be alive again. Even after her
centuries of unlife, she misses the feeling of the sun on her face
and the taste of food in her mouth. Karin also turns Wilfred
from the service of Nicholas, though she doesn’t truly trust
him — which becomes moot after his death.
Influence: Karin is a favored companion and trusted
advisor of Robin Leeland, Prince of Nottingham. They have
stood side by side for several centuries. Another prominent
friend of Karin is the deadly Patricia of Bollingbroke. Both
would do their utmost to avenge any wrongs visited upon Karin.
Destiny: Could be better.
Clan: Brujah
Sire: Verias
Nature: Judge
Demeanor: Gallant
Generation: 8th
Embrace: A.D. 563
Apparent Age: early 20s
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 5, Stamina 3
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 4, Appearance 3
Lady Karin Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 4
Background: Karin was the daughter of a Scottish noble Talents: Acting 2, Brawl 3, Dodge 3, Empathy 3
who was never happy with his own possessions. Disappointed Skills: Crafts 4, Etiquette 4, Melee 3, Music 2, Ride 2
that his only child was female, he nonetheless made the best of Knowledges: Academics 3, Occult 5, Science 2, Seneschal 3
a bad situation, training his daughter in the subtle nuances of Disciplines: Auspex 2, Celerity 3, Chimerstry 4, Potence 3,
courtly life. By the time Karin reached marriageable age, she Presence 4
was attractive enough to be considered a prize by the Saxon
Backgrounds: Allies 1, Retainers 1, Resources 3
nobility of England.
Virtues: Conscience 4, Self-Control 2, Courage 5
Her beauty hid an ugly cunning, however, and she posi-
Road: Road of Humanity 5
tioned herself to assume the mantle of ruler immediately after
she married, denying her dumbfounded father any possible Willpower: 4
benefit he may have gleaned. Though she suffered some pangs Lucille
of guilt and remorse at her father’s betrayal, Karin knew that 11th Generation, childe of Jackdaw
her own desires must come first, and she took to political life
Nature: Penitent
with remarkable ease.
Demeanor: Defender
When her Embrace came, she saw it as a gift (although
the long years have colored her vision differently), giving Embrace: A.D. 1165
Karin ever greater skill and acumen. Apparent Age: early 20s
Image: Lady Karin carries herself with a nobility that most Lady Karin saved Lucille from destruction. The inexperi-
queens would envy. She typically wears gowns of sapphire blue enced vampire’s sire, a prolific yet irresponsible young Brujah
or emerald green, which accent her red hair and green eyes. in Nottingham, refused to acknowledge Lucille as his childe,
Her body is trim and willowy. so Karin took her in. A bright young woman in life, Lucille
serves Karin willingly and devotedly, and she would do so even
if a Blood Oath didn’t exist between them.
Lucille has a fine-featured face and mouse-brown hair. She
dresses in gowns not unlike those worn by her mistress, and
rests on the floor in Alfred and Karin’s chamber during the day.
Lord Alfred, Son of Galtre
Background: Alfred grew disgusted with this father’s
violent, twisted excesses at a young age. At 15, he left Galtre
behind for the life of a sell-sword. After nearly a decade of
violence and carnage, he came into the employ of Lady Karin,
a minor noble with lands north of Nottingham.
Her graceful manners, slim body and attractive features
captivated him immediately. Karin admired the young man’s
spirit and his vocal disgust with nobles who mistreated their
subjects. After a year of courtship, Karin revealed to Alfred
her true nature and the Brujah vision for a better world. His
love for her did not falter, and he shared the vision for a better
tomorrow, so he traded his life for eternity at her side.
Two years later, word reached Alfred that his father was
dying. He saw this as an opportunity for Clan Brujah to spread
its influence beyond the Nottingham area.
Image: Alfred has noble features and an easy smile. He is a
powerfully built man in his prime. He carries himself like a warrior,
and his arms bear the scars that evidence his life as a sell-sword.
Roleplaying Tips: You treat servants with brusqueness
and women with condescension (even, to some degree, your
sire Karin). You were raised to be a ruler. Although you have
nothing but contempt for lords who mistreat their subjects,
you are still keenly aware that you are a lord, that peasants
are subjects and that women are second to men. Skills: Archery 1, Etiquette 2, Melee 4, Ride 3
Haven: Small estate north of Nottingham, or Millstone Knowledges: Academics 1, Hearth Wisdom 1, Law 2, Occult
Castle. 1, Politics 3
Secrets: Despite his love for Karin, or perhaps because Disciplines: Celerity 2, Potence 3, Presence 2
of it, Alfred has grown increasingly uncomfortable with the Backgrounds: Contacts 3, Influence 1, Mentor 2
fact that he is subservient to her. He is a man after all. Alfred Virtues: Conscience 1, Self-Control 4, Courage 3
intends to Embrace his father, believing that the old man will Road: Road of Humanity 6
feel the kind of devotion to him that Lucille feels to Karin. Willpower: 6
He has a flawed understanding of the nature of the Embrace,
and an inflated opinion of himself. He believes that he still Remus
retains total free will because his will is stronger than Karin’s. Background: Remus was a monk in Germany who excelled
Influence: Alfred has little influence among Cainites, but at calligraphy and sculpture. He belonged to a minor sect devoted
he is well-connected among kine warriors and lesser nobles. to the Cainite heresy. The Toreador vampire on whom the sect’s
Destiny: Grim, at best. services focused was so taken with Remus’ work that he Embraced
Clan: Brujah the talented monk.
Sire: Karin Since that time, Remus has managed to improve his art,
Nature: Rebel something very rare among Cainites, many of whom lose the
genuine creative spark upon their Becoming. Remus is also unusual
Demeanor: Defender
in that he managed to befriend one of the Fiends and learn the
Generation: 9th art of Vicissitude from her. Now, Remus crafts beauty from stone
Embrace: A.D. 1195 and mortal flesh alike.
Apparent Age: mid 20s Clan Toreador wishes to repeat in Britain its successes with
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4 the Roman and Eastern Churches. Toreador have manipulated
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 3 successive Archbishops of Canterbury. The Cainites hope to expand
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 4, Wits 2 their influence further, seizing control of land by convincing the
Talents: Athletics 3, Brawl 4, Dodge 3, Intimidation 3 rulers to will it to the Church. Remus has dwelt in the Monastery
Destiny: Remus is likely to be thwarted, either by character
intervention or by happenstance as the events of Clash of Wills
unfold. Remus is killed by either the players’ characters or in the
Church’s purge of the Cainite heresy after the close of the story.
Clan: Toreador
Sire: Talios, the Black Patriarch
Nature: Fanatic
Demeanor: Caretaker
Generation: 8th
Embrace: A.D. 982
Apparent Age: late 30s
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 5, Stamina 3
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 3
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
Talents: Alertness 3, Empathy 2, Intimidation 1, Leadership
4, Sculpture 3
Skills: Crafts (Stoneworking and calligraphy) 5, Herbalism
2, Melee 2, Music 5
Knowledges: Academics 4, Linguistics 2, Politics 2, Seneschal 2
Disciplines: Auspex 4, Celerity 4, Dominate 3, Potence 3,
Presence 3, Vicissitude 3
Backgrounds: Contacts 2, Herd 3, Resources 2, Retainers 4
Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control 2, Courage 4
Road: Road of Heaven 5
Willpower: 7
of St. Christopher since its founding five years ago, and personally
overseen the creation of the structure’s beautiful stone ornamenta-
Father Lucien (Toreador Ghoul)
Background: Father Lucien was once a devoted parish
tion. He has swayed all the monastery’s monks to the wisdom of the
priest. He grew old before his time trying to protect his flock
Cainite heresy and used Vicissitude to give them the likenesses of
from the Earl of Galtre’s worst excesses. As the earl’s life waned,
angels. Of course, this wisdom comes with a price — Remus ritually
Lucien was drawn closer to the old man, as the nobleman tried
removes the ring fingers of his monks’ left hands to symbolize the
to salvage his eternal soul by making offerings to the Church.
sacrifice of service to God through the Blood.
Lucien was as repulsed as ever, but his superiors wanted him
Image: Remus bears all the trappings of a priest, with the
to work with Galtre.
exception of the necklace of fingers he wears. His face is almost
This association brought Lucien into the clutches of
angelic in appearance, but not unnaturally so, and his hair consists
Remus. The Toreador needed a servant in Galtre, someone
of golden curls.
who was close to both the Church and the earl. The elderly
Roleplaying Tips: You seek to strengthen Clan Toreador
priest was the perfect choice.
and the Cainite heresy. These are not always compatible goals,
Father Lucien has been a ghoul for almost four years now.
and you become angry and frustrated when you must sacrifice one
During that time, his grasp on sanity has slipped somewhat;
to advance the other.
He has become a devout follower of the Cainite heresy, and
Haven: St. Christopher Monastery in the County of Galtre.
sees Remus as his lord and savior.
Secrets: If other powerful Toreador were to learn of Remus’
Nature: Fanatic
adherence to and open practice of the Cainite heresy, he would
Demeanor: Penitent
find himself hounded from Britain. Many of the Toreador involved
with the English Church do not want their efforts jeopardized by Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3
such self-aggrandizement among Cainites. Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 2
Influence: Remus is a leading practitioner of the Cainite Mental: Perception 2, Intelligence 2, Wits 3
heresy. While he commands respect among those who know of Talents: Empathy 3, Subterfuge 2
him, however, it does not necessarily mean he has access to any Skills: Etiquette 2, Melee 1, Oration 2, Stealth 2
allies (due to the secretive and fragmented nature of the sect). He Knowledges: Academics 2, Hearth Wisdom 1, Medicine 1,
has some influence among the Toreador who wish to strengthen Politics 1, Science 3
their position in the British Isles.
Disciplines: Potence 2, Presence 2
Willpower: 7
Equipment: Unsigned will that leaves Galtre to the Church,
silver ring inscribed with “I:IV:XV.”
Heretic Monk Ghouls
Nature: Fanatic
Demeanor: Varies
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2
Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 1, Appearance 2
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 2
Talents: Brawling 1, Dodge 2
Skills: Archery 3, Melee 3, Ride 1
Disciplines: Potence 1
Willpower: 7
Equipment: Crossbow, short sword, silver ring with the in-
scription “I:IV:XV”
Jill Leftherder
Nature: Child
Demeanor: Survivor
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3
Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 1, Appearance 4
Mental: Perception 2, Intelligence 2, Wits 3
Talents: Alertness 1, Empathy 2, Leadership 2 Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 1
Skills: Animal Ken 1, Cooking 2, Etiquette 1, Farming 1, Mental: Perception 2, Intelligence 2, Wits 3
Herbalism 2, Weaving 1
Talents: Alertness 1, Brawling 3, Dodge 2, Intimidation 4,
Knowledges: Hearth Wisdom 2 Leadership 3, Subterfuge 2
Willpower: 7 Skills: Archery 2, Etiquette 1, Melee 3, Ride 3, Stealth 1
Merits/Flaws: True Faith 2 Knowledges: Seneschal 2
Samuel the Smith Willpower: 6
Nature: Defender Equipment: Personal seal of the Earl of Galtre, short sword,
Demeanor: Survivor dagger
Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3 County Assessors (DuBois’ Four
Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Appearance 4 Henchmen)
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 2 Nature: Varies
Talents: Animal Ken 2, Brawl 2, Empathy 1, Intimidation Demeanor: Tyrant
1, Leadership 1 Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 2, Stamina 2
Skills: Crafts (Blacksmithing) 3, Etiquette 1, Farming 1 Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 3, Appearance 2
Knowledges: Hearth Wisdom 5, Occult 2, Science 2 Mental: Perception 2, Intelligence 2, Wits 2
Willpower: 7 Talents: Brawling 2, Dodge 2, Intimidation 3
Equipment: Four stakes carved from ash trees, crucifix Skills: Archery 1, Melee 2, Ride 3
Warden DuBois Willpower: 4
Nature: Monster Equipment: Dagger, club
Demeanor: Tyrant
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 2, Stamina 4