Ntinga O.R. Tambo Development Agency - Invitation of Bids

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Ntinga O.R. Tambo Development Agency SOC LTD invites registered, qualified and
experienced prospective bidders to submit Bids for the following projects:

Bid Description of Services Enquiries Closing Dates

1. Provision of Short Term Ms. N. Makeng on (047) 495 11 August
Insurance Services for 0536, email: ntokollengm@ 2022 @12h00
332/2022 the period of 36 months ntinga.org.za
2. Provision of Banking Mrs. N. Nqabile on (047) 495 09 September
Services for the period of 0547, email:nomfazin@ntinga. 2022 @12h00
333/2022 60 months. org.za
The minimum specifications are detailed in this bid document. Bid documents will be available
free of charge when downloaded from www.ntinga.org.za or www.ectreasury.gov.za.
The bids will be evaluated on the basis of the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework
Act (Act No.5, 2000), and the regulations pertaining thereto (2017), as well as the Ntinga OR
Tambo Development Agency SOC Ltd Supply Chain Management policy 80/20 preference
point system will be used as per the NORTDA SCM policy.
- All the above listed bids will first be evaluated on functionality and a minimum of 70% need
to be scored (the criteria is detailed in the bid document) and thereafter 80/20 Preferential
points system.
a) Fails to complete fully the bid document or to provide the information requested, or to sign
the bid at the appropriate spaces provided or next to errors, his/her/ its bid.
b) Is found to be a role player or commits criminal act/s including fraud, price rigging,
corruption, collusion, or forgery. In the case of an award already made, the award or contract
shall be terminated.
c) Or any of its directors or those of the subcontractor or partner: • owe municipal charges/
rates and is in arrears for more than three months, Where the bidder does not own the
property, attach a valid lease agreement between the Lessee and the Lessor that indicates
that the lessee is not responsible for property rates and a signed affidavit from the Lessor.
• had during the last five years failed to perform satisfactory on previous contract with
municipality or municipal entity or organ of the state after written notice given to perform
satisfactorily; • abused the supply chain management of the municipality or municipal entity
or committed an improper conduct; and • has been listed in the register of tender defaulters,
and • is in the service of the state.
d) Fails to submit CSD supplier number;
e) Fails to submit SARS Tax Pin and/or Tax Clearance Certificate
f) Fails to submit audited annual financial statements of the bidding entity (projects over R10
g) Fails to submit Joint Venture Agreement or Consortium Agreement, signed and initialed on
each page (if applicable).
h) Original or certified copy of Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment Certification
should be attached if not attached no points will be awarded for preference points.
Completed Bids are to be placed in a sealed envelope with the relevant bid number and must
be deposited in a Bid Box situated at Ntinga OR Tambo Development Agency SOC LTD,
Security guard room in O.R. Tambo Offices at the following Address: Old Government Printers,
No. 05 Textile Road, Southernwood, Mthatha, 5099, not later than the date and time specified
on the table above, at which time the bid will close and the bid box will be opened in public and
Covid 19 Regulations will apply.
All SCM or general enquiries are to be addressed to Mr. O. Muteyi on (047) 531 0346, email:

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