CB - Instructional Supervision
CB - Instructional Supervision
CB - Instructional Supervision
Procedures and
Basic Education Sector Reform Agenda
The application of the three supervisory approaches shift from one to the
other according to need and the context of the teacher and the skill of the instructional
leader. Addressing the diversity of teachers needs requires flexibility and accountability
and professional growth for greater teacher autonomy and competence.
Cycles of peer
Cycles of supervision directed/initiated supports
Differentiated forms of
Teaching Observation
(collaborative, self-
Professional Development cl
Teacher Action Research
Individual Goal Self-directed learning
Setting Problem-based learning
Job Embedded learning
At school, teachers work with one another and assess their own learning
based on their students’ classroom performance. Teachers will value opportunities to
focus collaboratively on their “real work”, teaching and learning. When teacher’s learning
aligns with the results they want for their students, they are far more likely to find the
learning experiences worthwhile.
A. Concept
Job-embedded learning refers to professional development that occurs
during course of one’s work, where daily access to necessary materials,
knowledge, and assistance are readily available.
B. Guiding Principle
Teachers view daily experiences as opportunities for learning
Teachers see themselves as leaders of learning
Teachers act as facilitators of adult learning
Teachers emphasize personal growth individually and collectively.
A. Concept
A study group is a group of teachers interested in collegial study and action.
In school, study groups can meet to study and support one another as they design
curriculum and instruction innovations. It engages teachers in dialogue helping
them to make meaning of information and develop a shared understanding about
topics such as values, pedagogy and learning. It shall be conducted in the school
at least twice a month.
C. Processes
1. Create a group of six to eight teachers (It can be grade-level team
analyzing student data and planning a course of action based on their
analysis or cross-departmental group studying the latest practices in
curriculum design and planning an integrated unit)
2. Plan regular schedule of meetings and venue in the school/district
convenient to all members.
3. Identify a trained leader who takes care of logistics for the meeting,
arrange for materials needed and assign responsibilities for the next
meeting (This can be done on rotation basis as to rotate leadership and
4. Share understanding about topics on curriculum, instruction
innovations, best school’s practices and programs, latest research on
teaching and learning processes.
A. Concept
Action research is a process of asking important questions and looking
for answer from data in a methodical way. The questions are meaningful; that
is, the educator-researcher wants and needs to know the answer to the
questions, and the questions are closely connected to real work.
B. Guiding Principle
Action research is practical and grounded in the day-to-day work of
the researcher.
A. Concept
It is professional development strategy that enables teachers to
consult with one another, discuss and share teaching practices that increase
student learning, observe one another’s classrooms, promote collegiality, and
support and help ensure quality teaching for all students.
A. Concept
It is a supervisory procedure where the instructional supervisor,
school head, master teacher or a teacher who is more skilled helps or guide
another teacher for professional growth.
B. Principle of Mentoring
The school head’s role in mentoring is a more of a teacher of
teachers or mentor. His/her task is not just to enable the teacher to reflect on
practice or to develop new understandings and ways of working but also to
teach in a more formal sense.
C. Processes or Procedure
1. Pre-lesson discussion
2. Observation
3. Collecting information
4. Post conference
A. Concept
It is follow conference between a school head and a teacher. It is an
important supervisory technique in the specific improvement of instruction. If
correctly employed, it gives each teacher the special help needed to become
proficient in self-analysis, self-appraisal and self-improvement.
B. Processes
1. Establish rapport with the teacher at the beginning of the conference
2. Make a general commendation of the lesson as a whole and specific
approval of specific aspects of the lesson.
3. Commend the teacher on his/her work.
4. Help build teacher’s confidence in his/her work.
5. Give constructive suggestions that will further help the teacher
improve his/her work.
A. Concept
Classroom walkthroughs are brief and visits to classrooms throughout
the school, conducted on a frequent basis and informal or non-evaluative,
designed to collect patterns of data that can help members of the professional
learning community to continually improve their teaching practice.
ASCD, 2007
The classroom walkthrough is a process of visiting classrooms for a
short period of time of 5 – 15 minutes, where the instructional program is
observed, feedback is provided to teachers, students talk about what they are
doing, and data is gathered to inform curricular decisions.
Walker, 2005
B. Characteristics
Informal and brief
Involves the principal or any instructional leader or teacher.
Quick snapshots of classroom activities (particularly instructional and
curricular practice)
NOT intended for formal teacher evaluation
Focused on “look-fors” that emphasize improvement in teaching and
An opportunity to give feedback to teachers for reflection on their
The ultimate goal is the improvement of student achievement.
Basic Function: To provide support for teachers’ professional growth and development
in the improvement of teaching-learning and learning outcomes.
- Localizes/indigenizes curriculum
1. DEMOCRATIC Successful supervision:
1.1 Recognizes that instructional supervision is a teacher support function to nurture
teacher leadership and autonomy.
1.2 Promotes and facilities activities for the development of self-directed teachers as
professionals and instructional leaders.
1.3 Utilizes procedures that promote open communication and collaboration and mutual
1.4 Recognizes teachers’ strengths and needs and provides opportunities for professional
growth in a supportive learning environment.
2. COLLEGIALITY Successful supervision:
COLLABORATION 2.1 Supports collegial relationship among teachers and instructional leaders.
2.2 Creates and sustains a learning community that supports teachers as learners and
2.3 Encourages teachers and other school personnel to collaborate in the improvement of
instructional practices in schools.
2.4 Promotes a culture of cooperative work among teachers, superiors, learners and other
2.5 Develops professional relationships among peers that nurture openness, trust, respects
and integrity
3. PROFESSION Successful supervision:
DEVELOPME 3.1 Engages teachers in the planning, designing, delivery, and evaluation of individual-
NT and professional development programs.
SUPPORT 3.2 Encourages job-embedded professional development activities.
3.3 Provides opportunities for dialogue among teachers and instructional leaders on
curriculum, teaching, and learning.
3.5 Encourage teachers to engage in self-assessment and personal reflection to guide own
professional development.
Successful Supervision:
TEACHING 4.1 Establishes healthy supervisory relationship-among teachers based on respect, and
trust in their personal and professional competence.
4.3 Encourages teachers to translate the curriculum into meaningful learning that fosters
students’ sense of identity, self-esteem, self-respect and self-worth as lifelong learners.
6.5 Utilizes cultural, social, and experiential perspectives to address diversity for teaching-
6.6 Assists teachers develop a-deep consciousness and understanding the influences of
cultural diversity in educational opportunities, programs, practices, and outcomes.
6.7 Assists teachers improve the quality of teaching and learning with respect to cultural
7.4 Provides development instructional models which address the dimensions of teaching
and learning and appropriately modifies feedback process.
7.5 Assists each teacher to strengthen professional identify through careful analysis and
Instructional Supervision – TED – TWG Page 19
reflection of learning of personal teaching performance.
8. FORMATIVE Successful supervision:
EVALUATION 8.1 Employs differential procedures for teacher formative evaluation which are appropriate
to respective levels of teachers’ professional development.
8.2 Encourages teachers and administration to work as collaborative partners to identify
teachers’ professional development goals, to appropriately assess those goals, and plan
actions for the improvement of teaching and learning.
8.3 Recognizes that formative evaluation of teachers addresses the individual teacher’s
professional development goals as well as the school improvement.
8.4 Ensures that the teacher formative evaluation report is fair and complete in addressing
both strengths and needs of the teacher.
8.5 Ensures that formative evaluation procedures are well-defined articulated, and clearly
communicated to teachers and administrators.
8.6 Utilizes the formative evaluation results to provide continuous instructional support to
teachers’ professional development activities.
9.2 Encourage close collaboration of teachers and instructional leaders in the processes of
curriculum development, implementation and evaluation.
9.3 Fosters continuous and open deliberation on curriculum issues and problems by
connecting theory and practice.
9.4 Insures equitable access to knowledge for all students regardless race, gender,
ethnicity, special needs, or social class.
9.5 Advances school curriculum that is socially and culturally relevant teachers and
10.5 Encourage the utilization of the results of action research in the solution of immediate
educational problem.
Phase I- Pre 1. Identifies/recognizes the Submits TSNA & IPPD for Teacher’s TSNA Results
Supervisory strengths and needs of the School consolidation and IPPD
Visit teachers in a school
4. Agrees on the Date of Agrees on the date for the Accomplished Instructional
Formal School Visit and Supervisors visit and observation Supervision Form (Pre
Observation observation)
5. Prepares for the Formal Prepares for the school visit and Observation Schedule of
School Visit and Observation observation Supervisor
3. Supervisor with the school head together observe class using the Pre-Observation
appropriate Form for observation -3A and taking in to account the Form
planned activity as agreed upon.
Lesson Plan
4. Teacher holds actual class planned with the superior.
Actual observation
Note: Actual class observation should be from 40 minutes to 1 hour only. Form 3A
4. Supervisor conducts other non-class observation using the Form for Accomplished
Observation -3B and 3C the assistance of the teacher to make Observation Form
clarifications. Observations are made both formally and informally 3B & 3C Journal
through a walk though process. entry of Supervisor
5. Supervisor conducts informal interview with the Teacher continues with Journal entry
6. Supervisor and teacher review the Teacher’s Porfolio to validate Porfolio documents
observations and allow the teacher to show and explain evidences
included in the Porfolio.
7. Supervisor together with the Teacher consolidate all Observations for the Consolidated Form
Post-Observation conference and submission to the school head. 2, 3A,3B,3C
JEL agreement
Phase III-Post- 1. Supervisor School Head and the Teacher hold Post observation Accomplished Post-
Observation conference. Observation Form.
1.1 Supervisor commends teacher for the Teacher recognizes Post observation
strengths in the actual teaching and other his/her own strengths report
observed indicators. and need in the
implementation of the
lesson plan.
1.2 Supervisor together with the Teacher analyze what transpired in the Plan and schedule
actual teaching. Both identify what factors led to the teacher’s success of the next
and what instructional needs require immediate solution. supervisory visit.
1.3 Both the supervisor and the teacher find probable solutions for the
identified instructional problems through negotiating, and problem
1.4 Supervisor and teacher agree upon the solution to the identified
instructional problem and discuss the steps/strategies/approaches to be
2. Supervisor, teacher and the school head mutually agree on the next Schedule and Plan
supervisory actions for the professional growth and development of of the next school
teachers. visit
Phrase I-Pre- 1. Identifies/recognizes the strengths and Submits TSNA & Teacher’s TSNA Results
Supervisory Visit needs of the teachers in a school IPPD for school and IPPD
4. Agrees on the Date of Formal school Agrees on the date Accomplished instructional
Visit and Observation for the Supervisors Supervision Form 1 (Pre-
visit and observation observation Form) to the
School Head
5. Prepares for the Formal School Visit and Prepares for the Observation Schedule of
Observation School Visit and Supervisor
2. Supervisor reviews the pre- Teacher prepares class Form 1 reviewed and
observation form of the Teacher for actual Teaching signed by the instructional
3. Supervisor together with the school Teachers hold s actual Lesson Plan Actual
head observe class using the class as planned Observation From 3A
appropriate Form for observation-3A
4. Supervisor conduct other non-class Teacher continues with Observation Form 3B and
observation using the Form for her/his daily school 3C
Observation-3B and 3C activities
7. Supervisor consolidates all Teacher prepares for the Consolidated Form 2, 3A,
Observation for the Post-Observation Post-Observation 3B,3C
conference and submission to the Conference.
school head. JEL contract/agreement for
the next step.
Phase III-Post 1. Supervisor, School Head and the Teacher hold Post-observation Accomplished Instructional
Observation conference. Supervision Form 2 (Post-
Supervision observation Form)
1.1 Supervisor commends teacher for the Teacher recognizes Post-observation report
strengths in the actual teaching and his/her own strengths in
other observed indicators the teaching the lesson
2. Supervisor , teacher and the school head agree on the next Schedule & Plan of the
supervisory actions for the professional growth and development next school visit.
of teachers.
1.5 Teacher proposes the next steps for the continuing improvement of
instructional activities using varied strategies.
1.6 Supervisor reinforces the proposed steps of the teacher.
1.7 Teacher and the Supervisor set standards for next instructional
development activity.
2. Teacher, Supervisor and the school Head mutually agree on the Schedule & plan of
next supervisory actions for the professional growth and the next school visit.
development of teachers.
1. This form shall be answered by the Teacher prior to Instructional Support
2. The information will serve as guide for the pre-observation conference.
Observer may ask additional job-relevant data to provide a background for
actual observation.
3. The filled up form shall be given back to the Teacher to be placed in front of
the Teacher Observation Form 3A, B, C which will be used by the observer.
Pre-Observation Information
1. When would you like to have instructional supervision and support?
6. How would you describe the class you will be teaching during the visit? Please
provide information by checking or filling up the required data.
a. Type of class
( ) Monograde ( ) 2 Class combination ( ) Multigrade
b. Size of class
( ) Small class size Number of Learners ___________
( ) Big Size class size Number of Learners___________
c. Class diversity:
( ) Homogeneous ( Describe) ____________________________________
( ) Heterogeneous (Describe) ____________________________________
7. What three priority areas in your TSNA do you need the most support and
assistance? Please enumerate and specify.
8. What priority objectives in your IPPD did you include for School Year _______
that you intend to accomplish? Please write
_____________________________ ____________________________________
Teachers Name & Signature School Head Name & Signature
Note: This space shall be used for needed information given during the pre-observed but
are included above.
Teacher ________________________________ School _________________________________
District _________________________________ Division ________________________________
Grade/Year & Section _____________________ Subject _________________________________
School Year ________ Semester ___________ Conference date ___________________
Instructional Supervisor ____________________________
1. This form shall be answered by the Teacher prior to Instructional Support
2. The information will serve as guide for the pre-observation conference.
Observer may ask additional job-relevant data to provide a background for
actual observation.
3. The filled up form shall be given back to the Teacher to be placed in front of
the Teacher Observation Form 3A, B, C which will be used by the observer.
Pre-Observation Information
1. What did your learners gain in your lesson in terms of Knowledge , Skills and
Attitudes (KSAs)? Please enumerate.
a. Knowledge:
b. Skills:
c. Attitude:
2. How did you make the learners gain the KSAs which you listed above?
8. If you are going to teach the same lesson again, can you think of ways to
improve it? Please write it down.
8.What teaching assistance would you need to overcome difficulties that you have
9. Can you suggest from whom you can ask this assistance and support? And
10. Would you welcome another visit or observation? Yes ________ No ________ Why?
Teacher’s Name & Signature Observer’s Name & Signature
Note: This space shall be used for needed information given during the post – observation
conference but are included above.
Instructional Supervision Form 3/ CB-PAST Formative Appraisal Form 3(A, B, C)
2.51 – 3.50 – Proficient. Teacher behavior often exceeds expectations. Displays a high level of
competency related skills, abilities, initiatives and productivity, exceeding requirements in
many of the indicators. Non- directive and collaborative approaches to supervision are
Below 1.50- Below Basic. Teacher behaviors on the job and performance outputs frequently
fall below standard. Work outputs consistently fail to meet required outcomes which need
repetition. The teacher urgently need immediate instructional support intensive directive
supervision approach is recommended.
Date :_________________
Teacher (Name & Signature)
Date: _________________
Instructional Supervisor ( Name & Signature)
Noted by:
School Head ( Name & Signature)
S T A R Observation Technique
Note: This is a supervisory tool which is useful to collect information from the actual
teaching learning activity in the classroom.
(Focus and observe closely the context
and teaching episode, i.e learning
environment , motivation,
presentation of the lesson, evaluation,
others in the lesson)
(Focus and observe closely the
Teacher’s actions in the particular
Situation described above)
(Focus and observe closely the
learners actions relative to the
teacher’s Task described above
(Focus and observed the end
results or outcomes of the
Teacher’s Task and the Learners
Action described above in both
quantitative (i.e 85% of the
learners were able to identify
nouns) and qualitatively (most of
the learners actively participated
in the class)
General Commends for Teacher Support
______________________________ _______________________________
Name & Signature of the Observer Name & Signature of Teacher