Underground Adventure - More Stories A - 05 - L5

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Gulf International scnool

Written by Roderick Hunt X!!.t, SdL!.! of Ot{, PO. fd Hl0,lC tt'

T.l4[o!tr 246$7e 69l?16, 9lt{tt9l
Illustrqted by Alex Brychto S.i.ol ubr8, / n


Tqlk together Enjoy the story together.
. Look ot the title ond cover picture. Ask: If your child needs
Whot do you think might hoppen in support to reod the
this story? story:
. Totk obout where the children might be. . Remind your chi[d to
Ask: Why do you think they ore weoring sound out ond btend
hord hots? unfomi[ior words from
. Look through the book ond tolk obout
left to right.
the pictures. . Look for compound
words, where two
words creote o bigger
word, e.g. moonLight.
About the words in this book
. . If o word is sti[[ too
Your chi[d should be oble to sound
tricky, simp[y soy the
out ond btend some words, which
whote word for
moy inctude:
your chitd.
don't time come tunnel . Re-reod sentences
shy underground gol.d totd to focus on their
. meoning where
Some words moy be more choltenging.
Encouroge or mode[ b[ending,
then reod the words be[ow
to your chi[d if necessory. The children were in the cellor. Theg
oh peopte looked
cotted loughed wonted to find o secret tunnel.
The children looked evergwhere. Theg But there wos no secret tunnel.
topped on the floor. Theg topped on "It's no good," soid Biff.
the wolls.

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(ipper ron to the cellor. He hod the Theg ron to Biff's bedroom.
nogic l(eg. The keg wos glowing. "Come on!" colled Kipper. "lt's time
for o mogic odventure."

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The mogic took them underground. Wilmo picl<ed up o !omp.

Theg were in o big tunnel. "Come on," she soid. "Let's go!"

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There were elves in the tunnel. But The children went down the tunnel.
theg were shg. Theg didn't see the elves.
"Oh no!" theg soid. "Children!" "This wou;' soid Wilmo.
The children come to o big cove. The elves looked ot the children.
"Wow!" soid Biff. "Oh deor!" soid the elves. "Oh deor!
Oh deor!"
The cove hod on echo. "Whooooooo!" went Kipper.
"Whooooooo!" colled Kipper. The elves loughed. Theg loughed ond
"Whooooooo!" went the echo. loughed.
The elves come out. TheU ron to "Whooooooo!" theg went.
sog hello. "Whooooooo!" went the echo.
And everuone Ioughed.
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fhe elves were sod. Theg hod no "Con gou help?" soid the elves. "Our
arorl<. gold hos run out. We don't l<now
whot to do."
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Vilmo hod o good ideo. She told The elves liked Wilmo's ideo. Theg
he elves whot it wos. pointed some signs. The children
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[he elves put lights in the coves. The People come to see them. The elves
:ove looked beoutiful. were hoppu.
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The elves were busg. The mogic l<eg begon to glow. It wos
"Thonl<s to the children," theg soid. time to go home.
. Turn to poge 16. Ask: Why were the elves sod?
. Re-reod poges 18 ond 19. Ask: What wos Witmo's
ideo? Turn to poge 2l to check.
. Discuss why the elves were hoppy ot the end of
the story. Ask: Do you tike to be busy? Whot do
you like doing?

Text O Roderick Hunt 1993

IUustrations @ Alex Brychta 1993
rirst published 1993
'lhis edition published 2011

"Whot on odventure!" soid Wilf. lsBN 97E-G1+848255-0

AI nghts reserved. PhotocopyinS ofthis

"I hove o good ideo," soid Chip. 1098 7

PriDted iD ChiE by Imago

"Whot do gou think?" Paper rsed in the production of this book is a

natural, recyclable product mad€ ftom wood
srcM in sustaimble forests. The mantrfacturing

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