Cae Speaking Tips
Cae Speaking Tips
Cae Speaking Tips
1. Comparing
This aspect of CAE Speaking Part 2 is really
straightforward – we highlight similarities and
differences in both photos. The only difficult part
might be finding a good phrase or a template to talk
about this.
The comparison part can be extremely challenging if
you choose two pictures that you can’t see any real
differences in – keep that in mind when making your
Both pictures show… Unlike the first picture, the picture on the
In both pictures we can see… right has/shows…
Both pictures have… In contrast with the right picture, the
Both pictures are similar in the way picture on the left has/shows/displays
that there is/are… in each one. Picture one…, while picture two…
Just like the picture on the left, the Conversely, picture two…
right picture has/shows… Picture on the right shows a different
The two pictures have a number of approach to…
things in common, namely… While the second picture takes place…,
These two pictures convey the same picture one…
message/idea of… // share the same Contrastingly, these pictures show
message/idea different takes on… *some topic*
2. Guessing and speculating
You have to do this when answering the questions and
when you describe the pictures. Showing doubt or
uncertainty is one of the integral CAE Speaking Part 2 &
3 aspects.
I totally agree with your point… I see what you mean, however…
I’m with you on that one… You make some valid points, but let’s
Your arguments are very compelling consider…
I had a different idea, but your With all due respect, I can’t agree/I
arguments sound very convincing have to disagree
Your points are very persuasive, and Your logic here is flawless, but another
I side with you on that one. point to consider is…
Suggesting ideas Inviting to join