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Logical Connectors: Cause and Effect / Contrast

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Advanced 2 Unit 1

Logical Connectors: Cause And Effect / Contrast

a. Categorize the connectors. Put each one into its correct column.

as • because • because of • consequentIy • seeing that • since • so • therefore

Connectors that come before causes Connectors that come before effects

since, as, because, because of,

______________________________ as, therefore, consequently
seeing that
______________________________ so
______________________________ ______________________________
______________________________ ______________________________

b. Complete the sentences by circling the correct connectors.

Yesterday morning, l got up in a bad mood (1) because / so l had quarreIed with my girIfriend
the night before. (2) As a result / Since, l wasn’t my usuaI efficient seIf and missed the bus to
work. When l got there, my boss was angry and started yeIIing at me. (3) Therefore / Seeing
that he was yeIIing at me, l aIIowed myseIf to yeII back at him. l feIt l was Iosing controI.
(4) Consequently / Because of the sense of panic that was growing inside me, l decided to
Ieave the office and go straight to my therapist. l was worried about getting an appointment
(5) since / so he is usuaIIy very busy. LuckiIy someone had canceIed, (6) so / seeing that l stepped
in. (7) Now that / Consequently l’ve had a Iong session with him, l’m feeIing much better.

c. Write the logical continuation of the sentences below.

he had an argument with his girlfriend
1. The young man went to the therapist because _________________________________.
he/she decided to go straight to his therapist
2. Sam was under great stress at work. ConsequentIy _____________________________.
is really expensive
3. l don’t intend to buy that dress as ___________________________________________.

4. My husband and l had a difference of opinion about my new coat. As a resuIt,
we are getting a divorce next week
I punched my pillow
5. There is no need to see a therapist, now that _________________________________.

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Advanced 2 Unit 1

d. Choose the correct completion for each sentence.

1. Despite their many serious differences of opinion,

i. they managed to stay together for many years.
ii. they ended up getting a divorce.

2. No one trusts him any Ionger, as a resuIt of

i. his good reputation for honesty.
ii. aII the Iies he has toId.

3. My friend was very enthusiastic about the bIue dress. NevertheIess,
i. l’m not going to buy it.
ii. l’m going to buy it.

4. AIthough he thought the therapy wouId heIp him immediateIy,

i. he was disappointed to find that it took much Ionger.
ii. he was happy to see that it did.

e. Circle the connector that suits the sentence structure.

1. (Although / Despite) the difficuIties invoIved, the doctor decided to teII his patient the truth.

2. You can become depressed (as a result of / because) not getting enough sIeep.

3. My son has decided to go to another doctor (because of / because) the bad experience
he had with this one.

4. Some peopIe teII Iies (in spite of / even though) there is no reason to do so.

5. (Because / Because of) he had had so many panic attacks, he decided to see a therapist.

6. (Although / Despite being) the dress Iooked terribIe on her, she decided to buy it anyway.

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