Logical Connectors: Cause and Effect / Contrast
Logical Connectors: Cause and Effect / Contrast
Logical Connectors: Cause and Effect / Contrast
Connectors that come before causes Connectors that come before effects
Yesterday morning, l got up in a bad mood (1) because / so l had quarreIed with my girIfriend
the night before. (2) As a result / Since, l wasn’t my usuaI efficient seIf and missed the bus to
work. When l got there, my boss was angry and started yeIIing at me. (3) Therefore / Seeing
that he was yeIIing at me, l aIIowed myseIf to yeII back at him. l feIt l was Iosing controI.
(4) Consequently / Because of the sense of panic that was growing inside me, l decided to
Ieave the office and go straight to my therapist. l was worried about getting an appointment
(5) since / so he is usuaIIy very busy. LuckiIy someone had canceIed, (6) so / seeing that l stepped
in. (7) Now that / Consequently l’ve had a Iong session with him, l’m feeIing much better.
4. My husband and l had a difference of opinion about my new coat. As a resuIt,
we are getting a divorce next week
I punched my pillow
5. There is no need to see a therapist, now that _________________________________.
3. My friend was very enthusiastic about the bIue dress. NevertheIess,
i. l’m not going to buy it.
ii. l’m going to buy it.
1. (Although / Despite) the difficuIties invoIved, the doctor decided to teII his patient the truth.
2. You can become depressed (as a result of / because) not getting enough sIeep.
3. My son has decided to go to another doctor (because of / because) the bad experience
he had with this one.
4. Some peopIe teII Iies (in spite of / even though) there is no reason to do so.
5. (Because / Because of) he had had so many panic attacks, he decided to see a therapist.
6. (Although / Despite being) the dress Iooked terribIe on her, she decided to buy it anyway.