Brij Internship Report
Brij Internship Report
Brij Internship Report
Submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree
Master of Business Administration
Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekananda Technical University, Bhilai
Submitted by,
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I the under signed solemnly declare that the project report work entitled“-HUMAN RESOURCES
MANAGEMENT w.r.t MY CAPTAIN ”is based on my own work carried out during the course of
my study under the supervision of NIMISHA AHUJA
I assure that the statements made and conclusions drowns are an outcome of my
project report work. I further declare that the to the best of my knowledge and belief the report
does not contain any part of any work which has been submitted for the award of MBA degree
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This is to certify that the work incorporated in the report“HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT
w.r.t MY CAPTAIN” is a record of research work carried out by Mr. BRIJMOHAN SINGH bearing
Enrollment no. XX1043 under my/our guidance and supervision for the part fulfillment for the award
iii) Is up to the desired standard both in respect of contents and language for external
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This project has been prepared in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Internship Report in
MBA III semester in the academic year 2022-2023.
The project work is basically meant to acquire knowledge about HUMAN RESOURCES
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It is a matter of great privilege and pleasure to extend my gratitude to my report guide Nimisha
Ahuja Department of management studies under whose guidance we got the privilege to work.
We would like to avail this opportunity to Dr. Souren sarkar sir, head of Department for facilitating
such a good environment in our department and also his unending encouragement throughout.
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Declaration (i)
Certificate (ii)
Acknowledgment (iii)
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I have select the topic of this report is “Human Resource Management of Alliance Capital”. I tried to
integrate my theoretical knowledge of HR and combine it with practical examples as observed during
my internship. I have tried to cover all the major functions of Human Resource Management-
recruitment, selection, compensation and benefits, training and development and convey my
understandings of the different functions of Human Resource Management through this project. At
the end of the report I have done a SWOT Analysis on the HRM Practice of Alliance Capital
followed by discussing critical points. I have also tried to provide some recommendations based on
my knowledge followed by the conclusion which I gathered during my internship
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As a teenager, discovering and following your passion is difficult in India as neither the education
system offers ample time, relevant knowledge, and right motivation nor the society supports it. We
are judged based on our ability to memorize content and attend classes. This is one of the core
problems in EdTech that Zeeshan and team are trying to solve through Mycaptain. Climber
Knowledge and Careers pvt ltd is the Parent Company of Mycaptain.
Mycaptain is an online mentoring platform where, young achievers from across the globe,
mentor school and college students in their fields of interest and passions. Read this article to
know more about Mycaptain, products, founders, growth, wiki, challenges, achievements and future
Mycaptain's parent company, Climber Knowledge & Careers Pvt. Ltd. completed seven successful
years of operations in online learning and mentoring in India.
With 100,000+ paid users. On this occasion, Mycaptain wanted to go an extra mile by providing a
platform to each and every individual who wishes to explore their passion, which will help them
evolve in their career as well as personal lives. In this endeavour, the company decided to launch an
unpaid version of its Live Online Courses for the first time ever.
Mycaptain also went into Rebranding Phase and introduced a new logo keeping in line with this
year’s theme, Evolution.
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Mycaptain is an online platform where you can learn what you love, live, and online with young
Professionals. The team believes that students need to be able to make informed career choices and
they envision to enable a societal mindset shift when it comes to different offbeat and traditional
careers in the country, and eventually the World.
The Core belief of the team behind running Mycaptain is that everyone deserves to explore the magic
of all the professional fields and potential careers out there.
Mentors conduct one-month-long online, live workshops for students to help them learn the basics
and get an idea about career opportunities in their interest field.
The regular online sessions are one-to-many, but separate one-to-one sessions can be scheduled in
case of extra queries. Any such extra session is free, and students can discuss their questions even
after the program is over.
Mohammed Zeeshan (CEO and Co-Founder), Sameer Ramesh (CPO and Co-Founder), Ruhan
Naqash (CMO and Co-founder), and Fatema Hussein co-founded Mycaptain in 2013.
Zeeshan was Sameer's school friend back from Nagpur and had shared a common interest in sports,
music, and the desire to impact people around them. Zeeshan met Ruhan while in College (SRM
University), while one was pursuing mechanical engineering and the other Electronics and
communication. Sameer was pursuing B.E in Industrial Engineering & Diploma in Experiential
Education. The trio eventually decided to come together and build Mycaptain.
The current company size is 170 people, and the average age of all the team members is 23. The
founders are the oldest (26, 25, 25). The company's culture is that of ambition, perseverance, and
celebrating achievements.
They also believe in being the most caring when it comes to their customers (mentees). The startup
hires young people because they believe that the problems of the young generation can only be
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solved by young people. More recently, to further scale, they have been recruiting more experienced
people who have the vigor for education and want to make a change.
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Mycaptain - Story of Starting Up
The idea of Mycaptain was born out of a hostel room discussion. Zeeshan (CEO and Co-
Founder) wanted to become an Astronomer, Sameer (Co-Founder) wanted to become a Tech
blogger and Ruhan (Co-Founder) wanted to become a Writer. But when they approached their
parents for the same, they were met with criticism, cynicism and eventually all the three ended up
studying Engineering, a subject they were never passionate about.
While in college they met amazing potential filmmakers, designers, developers, photographers,
models, and whatnot, but unfortunately they all were studying subjects they had no interest in. This
led the founders to believe that the problem of making uninformed career choices or not being
able to follow their passions was a problem that their entire generation faced.
They launched Mycaptain in 2015, after trying out a lot of models and learning modules. They even
validated their ideas by conducting offline boot camps and workshops and slowly moved them
online. This is how Mycaptain began, where students could learn whatever they loved, Live and
Online with young professionals.
The initial people that they talked to about their company were their target audience i.e. college
students, and their parents. And everyone they talked to, said the same thing: “I wish I had something
like this right now/when I was in college”.
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Mycaptain - Market Size
The company is in the Education Industry. The Market size is almost 38 million people (10 million
students from 8th to 12th standard, 12 million students enrol in undergraduate courses every year,
and 18 million graduates).
The Total Market Size is US $1.6 billion currently. According to the report by KPMG on Online
Education in India, the market is said to be growing by 44% year on year.
One major challenge was faced when the founders went bankrupt and were in heavy debt before
starting Mycaptain as their magazine didn’t take off.
At the end of 2014, they had subscribers for their magazine but did not have the resources to cater to
them. They were liable to print 12 more issues of the magazine, but the founders didn’t have the
funds to do so and were in debt of around 2.5L.
The idea of Mycaptain was born during this phase. The revenue from the first few months of starting
the company helped them clear the debt.
Another challenge Mycaptain faced in the very initial days (5 years ago) was acquiring
mentors when their credibility was low. This was overcome at the time, after the IIM Bangalore
incubation, that the founders got right after college. They also used a strong network effect of vetting
and referral from their then mentor pool. Right now MyCaptain has a pool of 250+ mentors.
The company's chief advisor has been Mr. Naga Raja Prakasham who is an investor and also a
startup mentor at IIM Bangalore. His advice has been very precious for them.
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Mycaptain - Future Plans
They want to expand their offerings to 50+ programs, expand into professional levels for each
program and also get into vernacular languages so that they democratize the notion of being able to
make an informed career decision for the entirety of India.
In coming years, Mycaptain is looking to acquire 300,000+ more paid customers, begin international
expansion and have more than 3000+ Top Educators onboard. Additionally, the company is aiming
to host 2000+ Free Live classes and workshops for students to get a taste of each field and learn from
the best minds in India.
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I have worked in the recruitment & MIS section of MY CAPTAIN. I was involved in varioustasks such as
candidates listing, CV sorting, exam invigilate, interview coordinate, etc. Also, Iworked in HRIS software which is
confidential to MY CAPTAIN employees. I have describedmore about my experience in the below sections.
I also used to circulate the forms of firms all over the students from different branches .
I also need to convince to other students for my organisation
, Abhishek jain, Head of Recruitment & MIS, came and shared his own experiences and tell his expectation from
us. He heard all our expectations and noted down sothat he could do his best to fulfil our expectations. He
taught us what to do and what not todo as an intern in an organization. Also, what should be our expectations
from internship andwhat should we take from the internship period
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Human Resources Management Human resource management involves all management decisions
and practices that directly affect or influence the people, or human resources, who work for the
organization. In modern years, amplified concentration has been devoted to how organizations
manage Human Resources. This augmented focus comes from the comprehension that an
organization’s employees facilitate an organization to attain its goals and the management of these
human resources is vital to an organization’s success.
Functions of HR The functions of human resource management are:
1. Staffing
2. Training and Development
3. Motivation
4. Maintenance.
By doing all these functions Human resource management complete its job.
Staffing in HRM Activities in HRM concerned with seeking and hiring qualified employees is
A company needs a well-defined reason for needing individuals who posses specific skills,
knowledge and abilities to specify the job. Employee referrals can produce the best applicants for two
reasons. First, current employees screen applicants before referring them. Second, current employees
believe that their reputations with the firm will be reflected in the candidates that they recommend.
Recruiting is the initial step of staffing. Recruiting is the process of locating, identifying, and
attracting capable employees. Many companies are finding new employees on the 11 World Wide
Web. The source that is used should reflect the local labor market, the type or level of position, and
the size of the organization. Now the second step of Staffing, that is Strategic HR planning. For that a
company plans strategically. They set goals and objectives, these goals and objectives may lead to the
structural changes in the company. Third step is Selection. This process is attracting qualified
applicators and discouraging the unqualified applicants. By this a company can get its desired
employees of requirement. It has dual focus, attempting thin out the large set of applications that
arrived during the recruiting phase and to select an applicant who will be successful on the job. To
achieve this goal, companies can use a variety of steps. The employees who are able to do all the
steps and ensure good performance they get the job. HRM must communicate a variety of
information to the applicants, such as the organization culture.
Training and Development:
Training is one of the important activities of human resource management. In the training process
companies try to motivate and train the employees in a manner so that they can work more
effectively in the future. Under the training process there are some steps they are given below:
Employee Orientation: Employee orientation provides new employees with the basic background
information they need to perform their jobs satisfactorily. Companies arrange an orientation program
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for the employees. In an orientation program the employees should feel- feel welcome understand
the organization in a broad sense be clear about what the firm expects in terms of work and
behavior begin the process of socialization Employee Training: There is some process, method and
techniques of employee training. A company follows the all the steps of training to provide the
employees a good look on their work. Career Development: The career development stage is given
below Pre transition: Is simply looking for a job and preparing oneself for a career. Transition:
An individual is already having a job and developing oneself for future career or moving to another
career. Preferred area: An individual prefers a specific sector of the career. Early stage: First 1-5
years of career is called early career. Mid career: 5-20 years after the career starts. Late career:
Late career starts after 20 years of job life. Retirement: And finally after completing the stages of
career and individual decides to retired.
Motivation in HRM
13 Motivation is to inspire people to work, individuals in such as to produce best results. It is the willingness
to exert high level of effort towards organizational goals, conditioned by the efforts and ability to satisfy
some individual needs. An important part of the retention of staff, reducing staff turnover and minimizing
absenteeism at work is ensuring that staff are properly motivated. The wage should be increased, the
facilities should be insured and social security should be confirmed. These are the types of common
motivational ways. Staff motivation is the cornerstone of open, flexible and caring management culture,
which the Government aims to establish through HRM. To put it into practice, “open” means not only to
listen to staff suggestions and opinions, but also to empower staff, accept their constructive criticisms and
use their suggestions. To be “flexible”, we may need to change the traditional ways of doing things. As far as
staff motivation is concerned, the biggest challenge perhaps is to stop focusing on problems and the guilty
party (police behavior) and start looking for those responsible for things gone right (coach behavior).
“Caring” calls for a human leader who would give emotional support to individuals and at the same time
attend to the overall emotional needs of team members – which include treating them all in a fair and
impartial manner. Today’s employees want a respect that can be seen as involvedness in decision that will
affect them. Listening to the employees is a way of Motivation. All the motivation functions focus on one
primary goal, to have some competent and adapted employees with up-to-date skills, knowledge and
abilities, exerting high energy levels.
Maintenance of employees
To maintain the employees of a company must look after the employeeHealth and Safety: For employees
health and safety there HR policy need to be very clear to all staff so that they feel safe to work here. They
can put their attention and productivity properly towards the task. Communication: 14 The communication
between the employees and top level management should be clear and transparent. There should no gap
between top level management and low level management. Employee’s relation: Employees should be
committed to their companies and the companies also should understand the needs and wants of the
employees. In some companies employees and labors create labor union for better relationship among the
workers and employees.
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It was an absolute worthwhile experience working at the My Captain. The friendly welcoming staff
and the space they have created for a trainee/intern allowed me with ample opportunities to learn and
know myself as a worker. This experience brought out my strength and also the areas I needed to
improvise. It added more confidence to my professional approach, built a stronger positive attitude
and taught me how to work in team as a player. The primary objective of an internship is to gather a
real life working experience and put their theoretical knowledge in practice. I am grateful to the
entire team of HRD of the hotel for their unprecedented support to make my working experience
truly rewarding. Especially working in this department made me realize my competencies and level
of understanding regarding the human resources. On completion of this internship period, I came to
know about the importance of human resources and the role of HR manager, Training Executive, HR
Senior Supervisor and HR Senior Assistant in an organization.
As an intern, though I had a limited space to work, I still managed to grab plentiful of experiences. I
made the best of every opportunity I was given and made the utmost use of my abilities and
knowledge to fulfill all my responsibilities. I could implement my academic skills into practice and
my efforts were highly acknowledged. There is however some gap between our theoretical
knowledge and real life practice, yet the managerial level staff members is quite open towards
upgrading current approach, which was extremely motivating. Hence, I can sum up by saying that my
internship experience was a milestone to my academic and professional experience. I thoroughly
enjoyed the challenges that came along every single day. I could also bring some minor
improvisations during my internship which were able to leave their marks. These lessons that I have
learned will be a valuable one for my future endeavors as well.
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Beardwell, J. & Claydon, T. 2007. Human Resource Management: A contemporary approach. 5th ed.
FT Prentice Hall. Harlow. Belton, A. 2014. Social Networking in Recruitment : Build your social
networking expertise to give yourself a cost-effective advantage in the hiring market. Packt
Publishing Ltd. URL: Accessed on: 15
September 2018. Bernard O. & Stanley P. 2013. Handbook of Strategic Recruitment and Selection: A
Systems Approach. Emerald Publishing Limited. URL: Accessed on: 15
September 2018.
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