Price List PT. AKA Munggaran Laborindo Baru-Revisi 5
Price List PT. AKA Munggaran Laborindo Baru-Revisi 5
Price List PT. AKA Munggaran Laborindo Baru-Revisi 5
Deskripsi No. Katalog Satuan Harga (Rp)
200ul Long Reach Filter Tips, Clear, Sterile, Rack TF-200XT-C-R-S 96 192.000
1000ul Long Reach Filter Tips, Clear, Sterile,Rack TF-1000XT-C-R-S 96 192.000
Filtered Microcrystal tips rack 10 ul, sterile, 96
TF-300-R-S 1 240.000
Filtered Microcrystal tips rack 10 ul, sterile, 96
TF-400-R-S 1 240.000
MicroVolume Filter tips 0.5 - 20 ul, Universal type,
TXLF-10-R-S 1 240.000
Extra long, Rack
Filtered tips 20 ul, sterile, 96 tips/rack TF-20-R-S 1 240.000
Filtered tips 200 ul, sterile, 96 tips/rack TF-200-R-S 1 240.000
Filtered tips 1000 ul, sterile, 96 tips/rack TF-1000-R-S 1 240.000
FitFilter Tips 100 - 1000 μL Maxymum Recovery
TF-1000-L-R-S 1 300.000
Universal,Clear,Sterile, 100 tips/rack
FitFilter Tips 1 - 100 μL Maxymum Recovery
TF-100-L-R-S 1 300.000
Universal,Clear,Sterile, 96 tips/rack
FitFilter Tips 1 - 200 μL Maxymum Recovery
TF-200-L-R-S 1 300.000
Universal,Clear,Sterile, 96 tips/rack
FitFilter Tips 0.5 - 10 μL microvolume Maxymum
TF-300-L-R-S 1 300.000
Recovery for Gilson Style,Clear,Sterile, 96 tips/rack
Deskripsi No. Katalog Satuan Harga (Rp)
10μl Filter Tips, rack pack, sterile, low retention. Tip:
23-0011 96/rack 174.000
DNase & RNase Free,PP, filter: UHMWPE.
200μl Filter Tips, rack pack, sterile, low retention, tip:
23-0201 96/rack 174.000
DNase & RNase Free,PP, filter: UHMWPE.
1000μl Filter Tips, rack pack, sterile,low retention, tip:
23-1001 96/rack 174.000
DNase & RNase Free,PP, filter: UHMWPE.
1000μl Filter Tips, rack pack, sterile, tip: DNase & RNase
23-1000 96/rack 174.000
Free,PP, filter material: UHMWPE.
10μl Filter Tips, bulk pack, low retention, tip material:
22-0011 96/rack 1.320.000
DNase & RNase Free,PP, filter material: UHMWPE.
1000μl Filter Tips, bulk pack, tip material: DNase &
22-1000 1000/bag 1.320.000
RNase Free,PP, filter material: UHMWPE.
200μl Filter Tips, bulk pack, low retention, tip material:
22-0201 1000/bag 1.320.000
DNase & RNase Free,PP, filter material: UHMWPE.
200μl Universal Pipet Tips, PP, Bulk, Non-sterile, Dnase &
20-0200 1000/bag 174.000
RNase Free, Yellow
200μl Universal Pipet Tips, PP,l Racked, Sterile, Dnase &
21-0200 96/rack 60.000
RNase Free, Yellow,
1000μl Universal Pipet Tips, PP, Bulk, Non-sterile, DNase
20-1000 1000/pack 300.000
& RNase Free, Blue,
1000μl, Universal Pipet Tips, PP, Racked, Sterile, Dnase
21-1000 100/rack 66.000
& RNase Free, Blue,
Serological Pipette 5ml, blue plug, Sterile to SAL 10-6, 1/
07-5005 100/pack 564.000
bag, 100/pack
Serological Pipette 2ml, green plug, Sterile to SAL 10-6,
07-5002 150/pack 540.000
150/pack. Individual wrap
Serological Pipette 10ml, orange plug, Sterile. 100/pack
07-5010 100/pack 624.000
individual wrap
Cryoking, 2" Superior White Coated Cryobox with
90-1200 5 pcs/pack 156.000
100-well divider, -196ºC to 121ºC,
Cryoking,Superior White Coated Freezer box for 15ml
90-1536 5 pcs/pack 264.000
tubes, 36-well divider,
Cryogenic Storage Boxes 100 wells, -90ºC to 121ºC, 5
90-9100 pcs 72.600
Colors, PP, lid
Cryogenic Storage Boxes 100 wells, -90ºC to 121ºC, 5
90-9200 pcs 70.800
Colors, PP
Cryogenic Storage Boxes 81 wells, -196ºC to 121ºC, 5
90-9009 pcs 132.000
Colors, PC
Deskripsi No. Katalog Satuan Harga (Rp)
Virus transport and preservation medium (Classic)
.1*classic virus sampling tube, containing 3 mL 19-1301 50 pcs/box 2.400.000
preservation medium, 1* pp fiber swabs
Biologix Brand,eXTReme Seal, Universal Cut,100 Sheets 61-0040 100 sheets 3.000.000
Centrifuge Tube, 15 ml, Flat top cap 10-9151 144.000
Centrifuge Tube, 50 ml, Flat top cap 10-9501
tubes/rack 108.000
Centrifuge Tube, 50 ml, Flat top cap 10-9502 50 tubes/bac 144.000
O-Ring Cap 81-0000 50 pcs/pack 480.000
Screw Cap Tube 0.5 ML. 81-0054 500/pack 600.000
1.5 ml, Conical Tube, Screw Cap w/o-ring
81-0153 tube/pack 600.000
2 ml, Conical Tube, Screw Cap w/o-ring
81-0204 tube/pack 600.000
Deskripsi No. Katalog Ukuran Harga
Nucleic Acid Gel Stain
GelRed, 10,000X in water 41003 500 ul 3.600.000
GelGreen, 10,000X in water 41005 500 ul 3.960.000
PAGE GelRed 10,000X in Water, Specially formulated
41008-T 100 ul 1.080.000
for staining DNA in polyacrylamide gels
DNAzure Blue Nucleic Acid Gel Stain, Ultrasensitive
reagent for visible staining of dsDNA in agarose gels or 41008-T 10 ml 5.880.000
polyacrylamide gels.
Protein Gel Stains
Lumitein Protein Gel Stain, for detecting proteins in SDS
21002 2 ml 2.160.000
polyacrylamide (SDS-PAGE) gels, 100X
Lumitein Protein Gel Stain, 1X 21001 200 ml 2.880.000
One-Step Blue®, Alternative to tedious Coomassie
staining, Ready-to-use protein gel staining solution and
works fast (5-60 min) protein staining in a single step 21003-1L 1L 4.680.000
without fixation or washing. It can be imaged visually or
using a near-infrared fluorescence imager
qPCR Reagents
EvaGreen Dye, 20X in water 31000-T 1 ml 2.280.000
Fast EvaGreen Qpcr Master Mix, Fast Evagreen®
qPCR Master Mix is a 2X master mix, and is supplied
31003-T 100 rxs 3.360.000
with a separate vial of ROX reference dye, for use with
high ROX, low ROX, or no ROX instruments
Fast Probe Master Mix No Rox 31005-T 100 rxs 4.320.000
Fast Probe Master Mix with Rox 31016-T 100 rxs 4.320.000
Forget-Me-Not EvaGreen qPCR Master Mix No Rox 31041-T 100 rxs 3.120.000
Forget-Me-Not EvaGreen qPCR Master Mix with
31042-T 100 rxs 3.120.000
separate Rox
Forget-Me-Not Universal Probe qPCR Master Mix No
31043-T 100 rxs 3.120.000
Forget-Me-Not Universal Probe qPCR Master Mix
31044-T 100 rxs 3.120.000
separate Rox
Deskripsi No. Katalog Satuan Harga (Rp)
Microcentrifuge tube 1,5 ml 4610-1817 228.000
Slide Staining Jar, Suitable for 25x75mm slides for 5 pcs
0410-0000 unit 180.000
Slide Staining Jar, Suitable for 25x75mm slides for 9 pcs
0410-0001 unit 180.000
Slide Staining Jar, Suitable for 25x75mm slides for 10
0410-0002 unit 168.000
pcs slide
Petri Dish Glass 60 x 15 mm 2304-1060 1 pcs 21.000
Petri Dish Glass 100 x 20 mm 2304-3100 1 pcs 30.000
Petri Dish Glass 150 x 20 mm 2304-3150 1 pcs 58.000
Petridish Disposable Sterile 90X15mm 2303-1090 10 pcs 30.000
Petridish Disposable Sterile 90X15mm 2303-1090 1.200.000
Petridish ( Rodac plate), PS Material. Diam 65mm x 15
2303-1065 10/pack 32.000
mm, w/counting area. 3 Vents. EO Sterile
Petridish ( Rodac plate), PS Material. Diam 65mm x 15
2303-1065 100/pack 3.060.000
mm, w/counting area. 3 Vents. EO Sterile
Slide Mailer container with screw cap. For 3 pieces of 25
0500-2003 100/pack 300.000
x 75 mm slide. PP material. Natural color
Makarthy Tube Flat bottom. W/Aluminum Screw Cap &
Silicon Rubber Liner mounted, Vol. 25ml. Dia. 28x85mm, 125
4004-0603 1.260.000
Borosilicate glass. Caps mounted. Autoclavable. pcs/pack
125PCS/pack. 4 pack/case.
Qualitative Filter Paper Square Shape. 60 x 60 cm. 80 100
4500-3060 1.176.000
gr/Sq.m. Quick Filtration sheets/pack
Qualitative Filter Paper Square Shape. 60 x 60 cm. 80 100
4500-2060 1.260.000
gr/Sq.m. Medium Filtration sheets/pack
pH Indicator Paper 4900-0114 78.000
Pipetting Reservoir, Vol. 50 ml. Autoclavable, sterile 4031-0003 1.740.000
Pipetting Reservoir, Vol. 50 ml. Autoclavable,non sterile 4031-0002 50 pcs/pack 288.000
Pasteur Pippete Glass Soda Lime Glass material.
4321-0003 1 pcs 360.000
Without cotton. 230 mm
Pasteur Pippete Glass Soda Lime Glass material.
4321-0004 1 pcs 348.000
Without cotton. 150 mm
Deskripsi No. Katalog Satuan Harga (Rp)
Porcelain Mortar, With spout and pestle 100 x 45 mm 4102-0100 pcs 96.000
Porcelain Mortar, With spout and pestle 130 x 62 mm 4102-0130 pcs 180.000
Porcelain Funnel, Buchner type. Diam. 50mm. Total
4110-0050 1 pcs 192.000
height 95mm
Microbial Collection Swab, Diam. 2.2mm x 150mm.
Cotton head. Wooden stick. Individual peel pack. 2122-0004 500/pack 720.000
Gamma sterile.
Microbial Collection Swab, Diam. 2.2mm x 150mm.
Viscose head. Polystyrene stick. Individual peel pack. 2122-0009 500/pack 864.000
Gamma sterile.
Microbial Collection Swab, Diam. 2.2mm x 150mm.
Cotton head. Polystyrene stick. Individual peel pack. 2122-0022 500/pack 864.000
Gamma sterile.
Microbial Specimen Collecting and Transporting Set,
Diam. 2.5mm x 150mm. Cotton head. Polystyrene stick. 2120-0022 100/pack 660.000
PP Tube and Red Caps. Individual pack., Gamma sterile.
Microbial Specimen Collecting and Transporting Set,
Diam. 2.5mm x 150mm. Viscose head. Polystyrene stick. 2120-0024 100/pack 660.000
PP Tube and Red Caps. Individual peel, Gamma sterile.
Microbial Specimen Collecting and Transporting Set with
Amies, 150mm. Viscose head. Polystyrene stick. PP
2120-0026 100/pack 1.320.000
Tube and 2 Blue Caps Individual peel pack. Gamma
Nichrome wire loops with insulated plastic handle,
Inoculating Loops. Nickel Alloy Material. Length 200 mm. 4030-9101 1/pack 180.000
Plastic handle. Supplied with 2 circle ands.
Nichrome wire loops with insulated plastic handle,
Optional circle loop end. Nickel alloy w/ chromium 4030-9102 50/pack 540.000
material. Diam. 4mm. Length 50 mm
Nichrome wire loops with insulated plastic handle,
Optional needle loop end. Nickel alloy w/ chromium 4030-9103 50/pack 540.000
material.Length 50 mm
Cell Spreader, Length 215mm, Blade Width 30mm, PP 2400-0001-02 100/pack 540.000
material, Blue Color, Individual peel-pk, Gamma Sterile
Cell Spreader, Length 240mm, Blade Width 60mm, PP
2400-0003-17 100/pack 840.000
material, Yellow Color. Individual peel-pk, Gamma Sterile
Cell Spreader, T-Shape Cell Spreaders, Overall Length
140mm, Blade Width 35mm, PP material, Blue Color. 2400-0005-02 100/pack 552.000
Individual peel-pk, Gamma Sterile
Deskripsi No. Katalog Satuan Harga (Rp)
Deskripsi No. Katalog Pack Case Harga/Pack Harga/Case
TC Flask, 25 cm2, Plug seal cap 430168 20 500 480.000 10.680.000
TC Flask, 25 cm2, Vent cap 430639 20 200 576.000 5.280.000
TC Flask, 25 cm2, Vent cap, Triangular 3056 10 200 324.000 5.880.000
TC Flask, 75 cm2, Plug seal cap 430720U 5 100 240.000 4.320.000
TC Flask, 75 cm2, Vent cap 430641U 5 100 264.000 4.560.000
TC Flask, 150 cm2, Plug seal cap 430823 5 50 468.000 4.320.000
TC Flask, 175 cm2, Phenolic style cap 431085 5 50 612.000 5.760.000
TC Flask, 175 cm2, Vent cap 431080 5 50 612.000 5.760.000
TC Flask 225 cm2, Plug Seal Cap 431081 5 25 720.000 3.240.000
CellSTACK, 2-layer,Vent Caps,TC
3269 1 5 - 8.880.000
CellSTACK, 5-layer,Vent Caps,TC
3319 1 2 - 8.160.000
CellSTACK, 10-layer,Vent Caps,TC
3270 1 2 - 10.440.000
CellSTACK, 2-layer,Vent Caps, CellBIND
3310 1 5 - 15.000.000
HYPERFlask Cell
10030 1 4 - 11.280.000
Culture,Treated,Sterile,Bar Coded
HYPERFlask Cell Culture,Not
10031 1 4 - 11.280.000
Treated,Sterile,Bar Coded
HYPERFlask Cell Culture Vessel, Treated,
10020 - 4 - 11.280.000
Sterile, Bar Coded
Corning 850cm² Roller Bottlew/Easy Grip
430849 2 40 - 4.560.000
Cap, Sterile
Corning 1700cm² Roller Bottle w/ Easy Grip
430852 2 40 - 5.880.000
Corning 1700cm² Roller Bottle w/ Easy Grip
431191 - 20 - 7.680.000
Vent Cap,Sterile
Culture Tubes, 16 x 125 mm, TC Treated, 15
430172 50 500 624.000 5.760.000
Cell Culture Dish, 35x10 mm 430165 20 500 168.000 3.480.000
Cell Culture Dish, 60x15 mm 430166 20 500 192.000 3.960.000
Cell Culture Dish, 100x20 mm 430167 20 500 288.000 5.940.000
Cell Culture Plate, 6 Wells, Treated W/Lid 3516 1 50 48.000 2.040.000
Cell Culture Plate, 12 Wells, Treated W/Lid 3513 1 50 62.000 2.880.000
Deskripsi No. Katalog Pack Case Harga/Pack Harga/Case
Cell Culture Plate, 24 Wells, Treated W/Lid 3526 1 50 54.000 2.400.000
Cell Culture Plate, 24 Wells, Treated W/Lid 3524 1 100 64.000 3.480.000
Cell Culture Plate, 48 Wells, Treated, W/Lid 3548 1 100 67.000 6.360.000
Cell Culture Plate, 96 Wells, W/Lid, Flat
3596 1 50 60.000 2.400.000
Bottom,TC Treated,sterile
Cell Culture Plate, 96 Wells, W/Lid, Flat
3370 20 100 1.140.000 5.520.000
Bottom,Non Treated,sterile
Cell Culture Plate, 96 Wells, w/o Lid, V
3896 1 48 - 3.000.000
Bottom,Non Treated,sterile
Cell Culture Plate, 96 Wells, w/o Lid, V
3897 25 100 1.044.000 3.960.000
Bottom,Non Treated,non sterile
Cell Culture Plate, 96 Wells, W/Lid, Round
3799 1 50 74.000 2.760.000
Bottom, TC Treated,sterile
Cell Culture Plate, 96 Wells, W/Lid, Round
3879 1 50 168.000 8.280.000
Bottom, Non Treated,sterile
Cryo Tube, 1.2 ml, Conical, SS, Ext 430658 50 500 504.000 4.800.000
Cryo Tube, 1.2 ml, Conical, SS, Int 430487 50 500 504.000 4.800.000
Cryo Tube, 2.0ml,SS,INT,PP, 430488 50 500 480.000 4.440.000
Cryo Tube, 2.0ml,Round,INT,PP 430489 50 500 480.000 4.440.000
Cryo Tube, 2.0 ml, Round, SS, Ext 430659 50 500 540.000 5.280.000
Cryo Tube, 4.0 ml, Round, SS, Ext 430662 50 500 624.000 5.760.000
Cryo Tube, 4.0 ml, Round, SS, Int 430491 50 500 576.000 5.280.000
Cryo Tube, 5.0 ml, Round, SS, Ext 430663 50 500 648.000 6.240.000
Cryo Box, 81 wells, 1-2 ml 431119 1 10 480.000 4.680.000
Cryo Box, 81 wells, 4-5 ml 431120 1 10 444.000 4.320.000
Cryo Box 100 (10x10 array),1-2ml, accepts
431121 1 10 384.000 3.600.000
only for 430487 & 431386
Bottle Top Vacuum Filters 1000 ml, 0.22 um 430015 1 12 - 3.960.000
Bottle Top Vacuum Filters 500 ml, 0.22 um 430513 1 12 - 2.640.000
Bottle Top Vacuum Filters 150 ml, 0.22 um 430626 1 48 - 7.920.000
Bottle Top Vacuum Filters 500 ml, 0.45 um 430514 1 12 - 2.520.000
Vacuum Filter System, pore 0,22 um, 250ml 431096 1 12 - 2.760.000
Vacum Filter Systems, pore 0.22um, 500 ml 430769 1 12 - 3.480.000
Vacum Filter Systems, CA, 0.45um, 500 ml 430770 1 12 - 3.600.000
Centrifuge Tube, CentriStar Cap,15 ml, Rack 430790 50 500 384.000 3.540.000
Centrifuge Tube, CentriStar Cap, 15 ml 430791 50 500 324.000 2.940.000
Centrifuge Tube 50 ml, Self standing, Plug
430897 25 500 336.000 6.120.000
seal cap
Deskripsi No. Katalog Pack Case Harga/Pack Harga/Case
Centrifuge Tube 50 ml, Self standing,
430921 25 500 336.000 6.120.000
CentriStar cap
Centrifuge Tube, Centristar cap, 50 ml 430829 25 500 216.000 3.960.000
Centrifuge Tube, Centristar cap, 50 ml, Rack 430828 25 500 228.000 4.080.000
Serological Pippet, 100 ml 4484 10 100 1.500.000 14.280.000
Serological Pippet, 50 ml 4501 25 100 840.000 3.060.000
Serological Pippet, 25 ml 4251 50 200 660.000 2.400.000
Serological Pippet, 10 ml 4101 50 200 420.000 1.440.000
Serological Pippet, 5 ml 4051 20 200 384.000 1.320.000
Serological Pippet, 2 ml 4021 100 1000 480.000 4.500.000
Serological Pippet, 1 ml 4012 100 200 600.000 1.176.000
Serological Pippet, 1 ml 4011 100 1000 420.000 3.840.000
Cell Lifter, 18 cm, individually wrapped 3008 - 100 - 3.480.000
Small Cell Scrapers, 25 cm, individually
3010 - 100 - 4.680.000
Large Cell Scrapers, 39 cm, individually
3011 - 100 - 6.480.000
Syringe Filter, SFCA, 28 mm, 0.2 um 431219 50 - 2.880.000 -
Syringe Filter, SFCA, 28 mm, 0.45 um 431220 50 - 2.880.000 -
Syringe Filter, SFCA, 28 mm, 0.8 um 431221 50 - 2.880.000 -
Syringe Filter, NY, 25 mm, 0.45 um 431225 50 - 2.880.000 -
Syringe Filter, RC, 15 mm, 0.2 um 431215 50 - 2.880.000 -
Transwell w/ 3.0µm Pore Polycarbonate
3420 - 12 11.400.000 -
Membrane Inserts in 100 mm dish, sterile
Transwell w/0.4µm Pore Polycarbonate
3412 - 24 - 3.240.000
Membrane insert in 6-well plates, Sterile
Transwell w/ 3.0µm Pore Polycarbonate
3402 - 48 - 5.640.000
Membrane Inserts in 12-well plates, Sterile
Transwell w/ 3.0µm Pore Polycarbonate
3415 - 48 - 5.460.000
Membrane Insert in 24-well plates ,Sterile
40µm Cell Strainer, Blue, Sterile, Indiv Pack 431750 50 - 4.680.000 -
70µm Cell Strainer, Blue, Sterile, Indiv Pack 431751 50 - 4.680.000 -
100µm Cell Strainer, Blue, Sterile, Indiv
431752 50 - 4.680.000 -
Spin-X® Cent Tube Filters, 0.22µm, CA,
8160 96 - 3.240.000 -
Spin-X® Cent Tube Filters, 0.22µm, CA,
8161 100 - 3.240.000 -
Non Sterile
Deskripsi No. Katalog Pack Case Harga/Pack Harga/Case
Spin-X® Cent Tube Filters, 0.45µm, CA,
8162 96 - 3.240.000 -
Spin-X® Cent Tube Filters, 0.45µm, CA,
8163 100 - 2.640.000 -
Non Sterile
Spin-X® UF 500µL, 5,000 MWCO 431477 25 - 3.600.000 -
Spin-X® UF 500µL, 10,000 MWCO 431478 25 - 3.600.000 -
Spin-X® UF 500µL, 30,000 MWCO 431479 25 - 3.600.000 -
Spin-X® UF 500µL, 50,000 MWCO 431480 25 - 5.040.000 -
Spin-X® UF 500µL, 100,000 MWCO 431481 25 - 3.840.000 -
PYREX, Petri Dish 100 x 10 mm 3160-100 1 72 126.000 8.880.000
PYREX, Petri Dish 100 x 15 mm 3160-101 1 72 126.000 8.880.000
PYREX, Petri Dish 100 x 20 mm 3160-102 1 72 126.000 8.880.000
PYREX, Culture, Screw Cap + Phenolic
9825-16X 1 288 36.000 9.480.000
Caps. 15 ml. 16x125 mm.
PYREX, Culture, Screw Cap + PTFE Lined
9826-16xx 1 288 39.000 10.680.000
Phenolic Caps . 20 ml. 16x150 mm.
PYREX, Culture, Screw Cap + Phenolic
9825-20 1 192 44.000 7.800.000
Caps. 25 ml. 20x125 mm.
Lambda Plus 0.2-2 ul. Micropipette 4070 1 - - 5.640.000
Lambda Plus 0.5-10 ul. Micropipette 4071 1 - - 5.640.000
Lambda Plus 2-20 ul. Micropipette 4072 1 - - 5.640.000
Lambda Plus 10-100 ul. Micropipette 4073 1 - - 5.640.000
Lambda Plus 20-200 ul. Micropipette 4074 1 - - 5.640.000
Lambda Plus 100-1000 ul. Micropipette 4075 1 - - 5.640.000
Universal Carousel, for six micropipette 4078 1 - - 2.880.000
Lambda Plus Starter Kit. Contain : 4
Micropipette : 4071, 4072, 4074, 4075, 3
4069 1 - - 21.600.000
Racks Filter tips : 4808, 4823, 4809, 1
Corning insulated lunch bag
Lambda Plus 8 Channel 1 -10 ul 4080 1 - - 16.680.000
Lambda Plus 8 Channel 5-50 ul 4081 1 - - 16.680.000
Lambda Plus 8 Channel 20-200 ul 4082 1 - - 16.680.000
Lambda Plus 8 Channel 50-300 ul 4083 1 - - 16.680.000
Lambda Plus 12 Channel 1 -10 ul 4084 1 - - 19.440.000
Lambda Plus 12 Channel 5-50 ul 4085 1 - - 19.440.000
Lambda Plus 12 Channel 20-200 ul 4086 1 - - 19.440.000
Lambda Plus 12 Channel 50-300 ul 4087 1 - - 19.440.000
Corning Stripettor Ultra Pipet Controller 4099 1 - - 12.240.000
Deskripsi No. Katalog Pack Case Harga/Pack Harga/Case
Costar 8-Pette, 20 to 200µL 8-channel
4888 - - 23.400.000
Vacuum Aspirator 4930 1 - - 9.480.000
Corning 8-Channel Adapter for Vacuum
4931 1 - - 5.880.000
96 Well Plates, EIA/RIA,Flat Bottom, High
3590 1 100 52.000 4.920.000
96 Well Plates, EIA/RIA,Flat Bottom, TC
3595 1 50 63.000 2.940.000
96 Well, Plates, EIA/RIARound Bottom, High
3366 25 100 1.320.000 4.740.000
96 Well, Plates, EIA/RIA, Round Bottom, not
3797 25 100 960.000 3.480.000
96 Well, Plates, Round Bottom, not treated 3795 25 100 1.020.000 3.720.000
Microplate 384 well,PP,Round,95ul 3657 25 100 2.880.000 11.040.000
Microplate, Black Universal Lid, Corner 3935 25 50 600.000 2.040.000
Reagent Reserve, 50ml, NAT, PS, S B 4870 - 200 - 3.120.000
Transtar Disposable Reservoir Liner,
4878 - 100 - 3.240.000
8-Channel, 100
Corning® Cell Counter 6749 1 - 132.000.000 -
Mini Microcentrifuge 6770 1 - 7.080.000 -
High Speed Microcentrifuge 6766-HS 1 - 36.600.000 -
Stirring-Hot Plate 6798-420D 1 - 10.200.000 -
Corning® Digital Hot Plates 10 x 10 Inc 6796-600D 1 - 10.740.000 -
Corning® Digital Hot Plates 5 x 7 inc 6796-400D 1 - 7.800.000 -
Vortex Mixer 6776 1 - 5.940.000 -
Digital Microplate Shaker 6781-4 1 - 27.600.000 -
LSE digital dry bath heater (exclude block) 6876-SB 1 - 11.520.000 -
LSE digital dry bath heater (exclude block) 6886-DB 1 - 14.760.000 -
Corning® LSE™ Compact Centrifuge
6759 1 - 58.800.000 -
(Exclude adaptor and rotor)
CoolCell® LX, for 12x1 ml or 2 ml cryogenic
432001 1 - 5.880.000 -
CoolCell® LX, for 12x3,5 ml to 5 ml
432005 1 - 8.160.000 -
cryogenic vial
CoolCell® SV2 Freezing Container, for 12 x
432010 1 - 11.160.000 -
2ml serum vials
CoolRack XT M24, holds 24 x 1.5 or 2ml
432040 1 - 9.120.000 -
microfuge tubes
Deskripsi Katalog Ukuran Harga
DMEM (Dulbeccos Modification of Eagles Medium) [+] 4.5
10-013-CV 500 ml 420.000
g/L glucose, Lglutamine, sodium pyruvate
DMEM (Dulbeccos Modification of Eagles Medium) [+] 4.5
10-013-CM 1L 960.000
g/L glucose, Lglutamine, sodium pyruvate
DMEM (Dulbeccos Modification of Eagles Medium) [+] 1 g/L
10-014-CV 500 ml 600.000
glucose, L-glutamine, sodium pyruvate
DMEM (Dulbeccos Modification of Eagles Medium) [+] 1 g/L
10-014-CM 1L 1.020.000
glucose, L-glutamine, sodium pyruvate
MEM (Minimum Essential Medium) Alpha Medium [+] Earles
10-022-CV 500 ml 1.020.000
salts, ribonucleosides, deoxyribonucleosides, L-glutamine
DMEM (Dulbeccos Modification of Eagles Medium), Powder
[+] 4.5 g/L glucose, Lglutamine, sodium pyruvate [-] sodium 50-003-PB 10 L 1.176.000
DMEM (Dulbeccos Modification of Eagles Medium), Powder
[+] 4.5 g/L glucose, Lglutamine, sodium pyruvate [-] sodium 50-003-PC 50 L 2.520.000
RPMI 1640, Powder [+] L-glutamine, [-] sodium bicarbonate 50-020-PB 10 L 1.560.000
RPMI 1640, Powder [+] L-glutamine, [-] sodium bicarbonate 50-020-PC 50 L 2.520.000
DPBS (Dulbeccos Phosphate Buffered Saline), 10x [+]
20-030-CV 500 ml 1.020.000
calcium, magnesium
DPBS (Dulbeccos Phosphate Buffered Saline), 1x [-]
21-031-CM 1L 720.000
calcium, magnesium
DPBS (Dulbeccos Phosphate Buffered Saline), Powder [-]
55-031-PB 10 L 1.188.000
calcium, magnesium
Fetal Bovine Serum, USDA Approved 35-010-CV 500 ml 17.400.000
Deskripsi No. Katalog Satuan Harga
D1008 Mini Centrifuge with blue lid, 7000rpm fixed speed,
including two rotors A8-2 (Rotor
capacity:2mL/1.5mL×8,0.2mL×8,0.5mL×8) & A02-PCR8 (Rotor
9031001012 unit 4.080.000
capacity: 0.2mL×16 PCR strips,0.2 mL×2 PCR 8 strips) and
both adapter SA02P2&SA05P2, Euro plug,
D2012 plus High Speed Mini Centrifuge (CE marked), with
A12-2P plastic rotor kit (Max. speed: 15000rpm; Max. RCF:
15100×g; Rotor capacity: 9032002121 unit 21.600.000
2mL/1.5mL×12,0.2mL×12,0.5mL×12), Euro plug,
DM0408 Low speed centrifuge (Speed range of 300-4000rpm.)
,with A8-15P rotor standard (15ml x 8) , Euro plug 9149002225 unit 15.600.000
MS-H280-Pro Double LED Digital Hotplate Magnetic Stirrer,
Speed range 200-1500rpm, stainless steel with ceramic coated
8030101212 unit 5.640.000
hotplate, heating temperature up to 280°C Euro plug,
Mechanical Pipette-TopPette Single-channel Adjustable
7010101004 unit 1.500.000
Volume 0.5-10μl
Mechanical Pipette-TopPette Single-channel Adjustable
7010101008 unit 1.500.000
Volume 10-100μl
Mechanical Pipette-TopPette Single-channel Adjustable
7010101014 unit 1.500.000
Volume 100-1000μl
Mechanical Pipette-TopPette Single-channel Adjustable
7010101017 unit 1.500.000
Volume 1000-5000μl
Mechanical Pipette-TopPette Single-channel Adjustable
7010101033 unit 1.500.000
Volume 2-10ml
Deskripsi No. Katalog Satuan Harga
Laboratory Bottle, Clear, Volume 10 ml 218010851 10 pcs/case 120.000
Laboratory Bottle, Clear, Volume 25 ml 218011453 10 pcs/case 83.000
Laboratory Bottle, Clear, Volume 50 ml 218011753 10 pcs/case 81.000
Laboratory Bottle, Clear, Volume 100 ml 218012458 10 pcs/case 73.000
Laboratory Bottle, Clear, Volume 150 ml 218012955 10 pcs/case 83.000
Laboratory Bottle, Clear, Volume 250 ml 218013651 10 pcs/case 82.000
Laboratory Bottle, Clear, Volume 500 ml 218014459 10 pcs/case 113.000
Laboratory Bottle, Clear, Volume 750 ml 218015155 10 pcs/case 118.000
Laboratory Bottle, Clear, Volume 1000 ml 218015455 10 pcs/case 158.000
Laboratory Bottle, Clear, Volume 2000 ml 218016357 10 pcs/case 271.000
Laboratory Bottle, Clear, Volume 3500 ml 218016957 1 pcs/case 1.244.000
Laboratory Bottle, Clear, Volume 5000 ml 218017353 1 pcs/case 1.707.000
Laboratory Bottle, Clear, Volume 10000 ml 218018658 1 pcs/case 3.654.000
Laboratory Bottle, Clear, Volume 15000 ml 218018855 1 pcs/case 4.974.000
Laboratory Bottle, Clear, Volume 20000 ml 218019157 1 pcs/case 8.275.000
Laboratory Bottle, Amber, Volume 10 ml 218060856 10 pcs/case 374.000
Laboratory Bottle, Amber, Volume 25 ml 218061458 10 pcs/case 303.000
Laboratory Bottle, Amber, Volume 50 ml 218061758 10 pcs/case 333.000
Laboratory Bottle, Amber, Volume 100 ml 218062454 10 pcs/case 378.000
Laboratory Bottle, Amber, Volume 150 ml 218062951 10 pcs/case 440.000
Laboratory Bottle, Amber, Volume 250 ml 218063656 10 pcs/case 454.000
Laboratory Bottle, Amber, Volume 500 ml 218064455 10 pcs/case 481.000
Laboratory Bottle, Amber, Volume 750 ml 218065151 10 pcs/case 585.000
Laboratory Bottle, Amber, Volume 1000 ml 218065451 10 pcs/case 666.000
Laboratory Bottle, Amber, Volume 2000 ml 218066353 10 pcs/case 955.000
Laboratory Bottle, Amber, Volume 3500 ml 218066953 1 pcs/case 2.390.000
Laboratory Bottle, Amber, Volume 5000 ml 218067358 1 pcs/case 3.153.000
Laboratory Bottle, Amber, Volume 10000 ml 218068654 1 pcs/case 5.708.000
Laboratory Bottle, Wide Neck, Clear Glass, Volume 250
218603656 10 pcs/case 168.000
Laboratory Bottle, Wide Neck, Clear Glass, Volume 500
1112627 10 pcs/case 189.000
Laboratory Bottle, Wide Neck, Clear Glass, Volume
1112713 10 pcs/case 213.000
Deskripsi No. Katalog Satuan Harga
Laboratory Bottle, Wide Neck, Clear Glass, Volume
1112715 10 pcs/case 481.000
2000 ml
Laboratory Bottle, Wide Neck, Clear Glass, Volume
1113949 1 pcs/case 2.189.000
5000 ml
Laboratory Bottle, Wide Neck, Clear Glass, Volume
1113950 1 pcs/case 4.093.000
10000 ml
Laboratory Bottle, Wide Neck, Clear Glass, Volume
1113951 1 pcs/case 8.789.000
20000 ml
Laboratory Bottle, Wide Neck, Clear Glass, Volume
1200265 1 pcs/case 15.465.000
30000 ml
Laboratory Bottle, Wide Neck, Clear Glass, Volume
1200154 1 pcs/case 28.595.000
50000 ml
Laboratory Bottle, Wide Neck, Amber Glass, Volume
218663653 10 pcs/case 715.000
250 ml
Laboratory Bottle, Wide Neck, Amber Glass, Volume
1160146 10 pcs/case 791.000
500 ml
Laboratory Bottle, Wide Neck, Amber Glass,
1160147 10 pcs/case 950.000
Volume1000 ml
Laboratory Bottle, Wide Neck, Amber Glass, Volume
1160148 10 pcs/case 1.379.000
2000 ml
Laboratory Bottle, Wide Neck, Amber Glass, Volume
1160149 1 pcs/case 597.000
5000 ml
Laboratory Bottle, Wide Neck, Amber Glass, Volume
1160150 1 pcs/case 6.588.000
10000 ml
Laboratory Bottle, Wide Neck, Amber Glass, Volume
1160151 1 pcs/case 13.557.000
20000 ml
Laboratory Bottle, Square Shape 100 ml 218202453 10 pcs/case 99.000
Laboratory Bottle, Square Shape 250 ml 218203655 10 pcs/case 109.000
Laboratory Bottle, Square Shape 500 ml 218204454 10 pcs/case 137.000
Laboratory Bottle, Square Shape 1000 ml 218205459 10 pcs/case 195.000
Culture Media
Deskripsi No. Katalog Ukuran Harga
Agar Powder, Bacteriological GRM026-500G 500 g 2.160.000
Alkaline Peptone Water M618-500G 500 g 1.560.000
Alkaline Peptone Water GM618-500G 500 g 1.800.000
Alkaline Saline Peptone Water (ASPW) M1887-500G 500 g 1.440.000
Amies Transport Medium w/ Charcoal M651-500G 500 g 1.848.000
Ashby's Manitol Agar M706-500G 500 g 2.040.000
Azospirillum Medium w/0.17% Agar (Twin Pack) M518-500G 500 g 2.040.000
Baird Parker Agar Base M043-500G 500 g 1.860.000
Baird Parker Agar Base, granulated GM043-500G 500 g 2.040.000
Beef Extract Powder(HM Peptone B Powder) RM002-500G 500 g 1.260.000
Bi.G.G.Y Agar (Nickerson Medium) M217-500G 500 g 2.100.000
Bile Salts RM008-500G 500 g 5.520.000
Bismuth Sulphite Agar M027-100G 100 g 780.000
Bismuth Sulphite Agar M027-500G 500 g 1.740.000
Bismuth Sulphite Agar, granulated GM027-500G 500 g 1.920.000
Blood Agar Base (infusion Agar) M073-500G 500 g 1.500.000
Blood Agar Base (Infusion Agar),granulated GM073-500G 500 g 1.680.000
Brain Heart Infusion (BHI) Agar M211-500G 500 g 1.560.000
Brain Heart Infusion (BHI) Agar,granulated GM211-500G 500 g 1.800.000
Brain Heart Infusion (BHI) Broth M210-500G 500 g 1.440.000
Brain Heart Infusion (BHI) Broth,granulated GM210-500G 500 g 1.800.000
Brilliant Green Agar Base, Modified M016-100G 100 g 660.000
Brilliant Green Agar Base, Modified M016-500G 500 g 1.560.000
Brilliant Green Bile Broth 2% (contains Lactose 10 g/L) M121-500G 500 g 1.680.000
Brucella Agar Base M074-500G 500 g 2.280.000
Buffered Pepton Water M614S-500G 500 g 1.200.000
Buffered Peptone Water GM614-500G 500 g 1.560.000
Buffered Peptone Water,ISO M1494I-500G 500 g 1.140.000
Buffered Peptone Water,granulated, ISO GM1494I-500G 500 g 1.320.000
Buffered HiVeg™ Peptone Water, ISO MV1494I-500G 500 g 1.440.000
Deskripsi No. Katalog Ukuran Harga
Buffered Peptone Water w/ NaCl M1275-500G 500 g 1.776.000
Buffered Sodium Chloride-Peptone Solution,
GMH1275-500G 500 g 1.800.000
Buffered Sodium Chloride-Peptone Solution, pH 7.0 ,
MH1275-100G 100 g 600.000
Buffered Sodium Chloride-Peptone Solution, pH 7.0 ,
MH1275-500G 500 g 1.680.000
C. botulinum Isolation Agar Base M911-500G 500 g 2.028.000
Calcium Caseinate Agar (Revised as Calcium M- Protein
M1309-500G 500 g 2.160.000
Casein Enzyme Hydrolysate/Tryptone Type-I (Casitose
RM014-500G 500 g 1.680.000
Cetrimide Agar Base M024-500G 500 g 1.680.000
Cetrimide Agar Base,granulated GM024-500G 500 g 1.980.000
Cetrimide Agar, granulated, harmonized GMH024-500G 500 g 1.860.000
Cetrimide Agar, Harmonized MH024-100G 100 g 660.000
Cetrimide Agar, Harmonized MH024-500G 500 g 1.560.000
Chocolate Agar Base M103-500G 500 g 1.980.000
Clostridial Agar M497-500G 500 g 2.040.000
Columbia Agar, Harmonized MH144-100G 100 g 720.000
Columbia Agar, Harmonized MH144-500G 500 g 1.800.000
Columbia Agar, granulated, harmonized GMH144-500G 500 g 2.160.000
Columbia Blood Agar base,granulated GM144-500G 500 g 2.220.000
Corn Meal Agar M146-500G 500 g 1.800.000
Crystal Violet Pectate Medium M1392-500G 500 g 1.920.000
Czapek Dox Agar,granulated GM075-500G 500 g 1.680.000
Czapek Dox Broth,granulated GM076-500G 500 g 1.440.000
Deoxycholate Lactose Agar (Hynes) M066-100G 100 g 780.000
Deoxycholate Lactose Agar (Hynes) M066-500G 500 g 1.800.000
Dextrose Agar M084-500G 500 g 1.680.000
Dextrose Broth M044-100G 100 g 648.000
Dextrose Broth M044-500G 500 g 1.320.000
Dichloran Rose Bengal Chloramphenicol Agar / DRBC M1881-500G 500 g 2.340.000
Dichloran Glycerol Medium Base / DG18 M1129-100G 100 g 840.000
Dichloran Glycerol Medium Base / DG18 M1129-500G 500 g 2.280.000
Differential Reinforced Clostridial Agar GM1603-500G 500 g 2.880.000
Differential Reinforced Clostridial Broth Base GM549-500G 500 g 2.280.000
Deskripsi No. Katalog Ukuran Harga
EC Broth M127-100G 500 g 780.000
EC Broth M127-500G 500 g 1.776.000
EC Broth,granulated GM127-500G 500 g 1.800.000
EMB Agar, Levine M022-500G 500 g 1.380.000
EMB Agar, Levine,granulated GM022-500G 500 g 1.500.000
EMB Agar M317-500G 500 g 1.440.000
Endo Agar M029-500G 500 g 1.560.000
Endo Agar,granulated GM029-500G 500 g 1.620.000
EE Broth, Mossel M287-500G 500 g 1.920.000
Enterobacteria Enrichment Broth Mossel, Harmonized MH287-100G 500 g 780.000
Enterobacteria Enrichment Broth Mossel, Harmonized MH287-500G 500 g 2.040.000
Enterobacteria Enrichment Broth Mossel,
GMH287-500G 500 g 2.280.000
Fluid Thioglycollate Medium (FTM) M009-100G 100 g 540.000
Fluid Thioglycollate Medium (FTM) M009-500G 500 g 1.200.000
Fraser Broth Base M1327-500G 500 g 2.340.000
HI Agar (Heart Infusion Agar) M169-100G 100 g 600.000
HI Agar (Heart Infusion Agar) M169-500G 500 g 1.620.000
Hektoen Enteric Agar M467-500G 500 g 1.800.000
Hektoen Enteric Agar, granulated GM467-500G 500 g 2.100.000
HiCrome Candida Differential Agar M1297A-100G 100 g 2.220.000
HiCrome Candida Differential Agar Base, Modified M1456A-100G 100 g 2.280.000
HiCrome Coliform Agar w/ SLS M1300-100G 100 g 2.040.000
HiChrome Chromogenic Coliform Agar(CCA) ISO M1991I-500G 500 g 7.800.000
Hi-Crome E.coli Agar M1295-100G 100 g 1.140.000
HiCrome ECC Agar M1293-100G 100 g 1.980.000
HiCrome ECC Selective Agar Base M1294-100G 100 g 2.760.000
HiCrome Lauryl Sulphate Agar M1569-100G 100 g 2.640.000
HiCrome M-TEC Agar M1571-100G 100 g 1.176.000
HiCrome™ Bacillus Agar M1651-100G 100 g 684.000
HiCrome™ Bacillus Agar M1651-500G 500 g 2.520.000
HiCrome™ Coliform Agar w/ SLS M1300-100G 100 g 2.160.000
HiCrome™ OGYE Agar Base M1467-100G 100 g 2.040.000
HiCrome Salmonella Agar M1296-100G 100 g 3.600.000
HiCrome™ UTI Agar M1353-100G 100 g 1.188.000
GM868-500G Iron Sulphite Agar, granulated GM868-500G 500 g 2.340.000
Deskripsi No. Katalog Ukuran Harga
ISP Medium No. 6 (Peptone Yeast Extract Iron Agar) M361-100G 100 g 720.000
ISP Medium No. 6 (Peptone Yeast Extract Iron Agar) M361-500G 500 g 2.040.000
ISP Medium No. 7 (Tyrosin Agar) M362-100G 100 g 720.000
ISP Medium No. 7 (Tyrosin Agar) M362-500G 500 g 1.944.000
King's Medium B Base M1544-500G 500 g 1.800.000
King’s Medium B Base,granulated GM1544-500G 500 g 2.100.000
Koser Citrate Medium M069-100G 100 g 720.000
Koser Citrate Medium M069-500G 500 g 1.680.000
Kovacs Indole Reagent 100ml R008-100ML 100 ml 348.000
L.mono Differential Agar Base M1540I-500G 500 g 3.480.000
Lactobacillus MRS Agar (MRS Agar), granulated GM641-500G 500 g 1.656.000
Lactobacillus MRS HiVeg™ Agar
(MRS HiVeg™ Agar) MV641-500G 500 g 1.740.000
Lactobacillus MRS Broth (MRS Broth),granulated GM369-500G 500 g 2.160.000
Lactobacillus MRS HiVeg™ Broth
(MRS HiVeg™ Broth) MV369-500G 500 g 2.160.000
Lactose Broth ISO M1003S-500G 500 g 1.260.000
Lactose Broth M1003-500G 500 g 1.200.000
Lactose Broth, granulated GM1003-500G 500 g 1.440.000
Lauryl Sulphate Broth (Lauryl Tryptose Broth) M080-100G 100 g 600.000
Lauryl Sulphate Broth (Lauryl Tryptose Broth) M080-500G 500 g 1.380.000
Lauryl Sulphate Broth (Lauryl Tryptose Broth) GM080-500G 500 g 1.680.000
Letheen Broth, AOAC M165-500G 500 g 2.220.000
Letheen Broth, Modified (Modified Letheen Broth) M976-500G 500 g 2.160.000
Letheen Broth, Modified ,granulated GM976-500G 500 g 2.640.000
Letheen Agar, Modified GM946-500G 500 g 2.880.000
Loeffler Serum Medium Base M1189-100G 100 g 720.000
Luria Bertani Agar, Miller M1151-500G 500 g 1.980.000
Luria Bertani Agar, Miller ,granulated GM1151-500G 500 g 2.220.000
Luria Agar M557-500G 500 g 1.920.000
Luria Agar Base,Miller's Modification,granulated GM1726-500G 500 g 2.280.000
Luria Bertani Broth, Miller M1245-500G 500 g 1.968.000
Luria Bertani Broth, Miller,granulated GM1245-500G 500 g 2.100.000
Luria Broth M575-500G 500 g 1.920.000
Lysine Iron Agar M377-500G 500 g 1.800.000
Lysine Iron Agar,granulated GM377-500G 500 g 1.800.000
MacConkey Agar w/ 0.15% Bile Salts, CV and NaCl M081-100G 100 g 576.000
MacConkey Agar w/ 0.15% Bile Salts, CV and NaCl M081-500G 500 g 1.440.000
Deskripsi No. Katalog Ukuran Harga
MacConkey Agar w/0.15% Bile Salts,CV and
GM081-500G 500 g 1.620.000
MacConkey Agar, Harmonized MH081-100G 100 g 600.000
MacConkey Agar, Harmonized MH081-500G 500 g 1.440.000
MacConkey Agar w/o CV, NaCl w/0.5% Sodium
GM082-500G 500 g 1.800.000
MacConkey Broth Purple w/ BCP, ISO M083I-500G 500 g 1.140.000
MacConkey Broth, Harmonized MH083-100G 100 g 576.000
MacConkey Broth, Harmonized MH083-500G 500 g 1.440.000
MacConkey Broth, Harmonized, Granule GMH083-500G 500 g 1.680.000
MacConkey Broth w/Neutral Red M007-500G 500 g 1.320.000
Malt Extract Agar Base (w/ Mycological Peptone) M137-500G 500 g 2.256.000
Malt Extract Broth M255-500G 500 g 2.388.000
Malt Extract Powder, Refined RM004B-500G 500 g 1.920.000
Mannitol Salt Agar Base M118-500G 500 g 1.500.000
Mannitol Salt Agar, Harmonized MH118-100G 100 g 624.000
Mannitol Salt Agar, Harmonized MH118-500G 500 g 1.440.000
Mannitol Salt Agar, harmonized,granulated GMH118-500G 500 g 1.680.000
Maximum Recovery Diluent, HiVeg™ MV1030-500G 500 g 1.800.000
Maximum Recovery Diluent M1030-500G 500 g 1.428.000
M-E. coli Broth M1426-100G 100 g 1.080.000
Middlebrook 7H9 Broth Base 500gr M198-500G 500 g 1.920.000
Modified Letheen Broth M976-500G 500 g 2.220.000
MR-VP Medium ISO,granulated GM070I-500G 500 g 1.440.000
M-Tryptone Glucose Extract Broth M1116-500G 500 g 1.800.000
Mueler Hinton Agar M173-500G 500 g 1.680.000
Mueller Hinton Agar,granulated GM173-500G 500 g 1.920.000
Mueller Hinton Agar No. 2 GM1084-500G 500 g 2.160.000
Mueler Hinton Broth M391-500G 500 g 1.740.000
Mueller Hinton Broth,granulated GM391-500G 500 g 2.040.000
Mueller Kauffman Tetrathionate Broth Base M876-500G 500 g 1.680.000
Mueller Kauffman Tetrathionate Novobiocin Broth Base, ISO M1496I-500G 500 g 1.860.000
Mueller Kauffman Tetrathionate Novobiocin Broth Base, ISO GM1496I-500G 500 g 2.160.000
Mycoplasma Agar Base (PPLO Agar Base) M266-100G 100 g 816.000
MYP Agar Base (Phenol Red Egg Yolk Polymyxin Agar
M636-500G 500 g 1.980.000
MYP Agar Base (Phenol Red Egg Yolk Polym GM636-500G 500 g 2.280.000
Deskripsi No. Katalog Ukuran Harga
Bacillus cereus Selective Agar Base(MYP), ISO M1139I-500G 500 g 2.376.000
Nutrient Agar M001-500G 500 g 1.320.000
Nutrient Agar GM001-500G 500 g 1.548.000
Nutrient Broth M002-500G 500 g 1.188.000
Nutrient Broth,granulated GM002-500G 500 g 1.380.000
Peptone, Bacteriological RM001-500G 500 g 1.260.000
Pikovskaya's Agar M520-500G 500 g 1.980.000
Plate Count Agar (Standard Methods Agar) M091-100G 100 g 480.000
Plate Count Agar (Standard Methods Agar) M091-500G 500 g 1.176.000
Plate Count Agar (Standard Methods Agar) GM091-500G 500 g 1.320.000
Plate Count HiVeg™ Agar
(Standard Methods HiVeg™ Agar) MV091-500G 500 g 1.440.000
Potassium Cyanide Broth Base w/o KCN M936-500G 500 g 1.860.000
Potato Dextrose Agar,granulated GM096-500G 500 g 1.440.000
Potato Dextrose Agar, Harmonized, Granule GMH096-500G 500 g 1.440.000
Potato Dextrose Broth,granulated GM403-500G 500 g 1.440.000
Protease Peptone RM005-500G 500 g 1.680.000
Pseudomonas Isolation Agar Base M406-100G 100 g 660.000
Pseudomonas Agar Base M085-500G 500 g 1.740.000
R-2A Agar M962-500G 500 g 2.016.000
R-2A Agar,granulated GM962-500G 500 g 2.340.000
R2A Agar, Modified M1743-500G 500 g 1.980.000
Rapid Hicrome Enterococci Agar M1414-100G 100 g 1.080.000
Rappaport Vassiliadis Medium M880-100G 100 g 720.000
Rappaport Vassiliadis Medium M880-500G 500 g 1.980.000
Rappaport Vassiliadis Soya Broth M1491-500G 500 g 1.800.000
Rappaport Vassiliadis Salmonella Enrichment Broth,
MH1491-100G 100 g 780.000
Rappaport Vassiliadis Salmonella Enrichment Broth,
MH1491-500G 500 g 1.740.000
Reinforced Clostridial Agar,granulated GM154-500G 500 g 2.280.000
Reinforced Medium for Clostridia, Harmonized MH443-100G 100 g 744.000
Reinforced Medium for Clostridia, Harmonized MH443-500G 500 g 1.860.000
Reinforced Medium for Clostridia, harmonized,granulated GMH443-500G 500 g 2.136.000
Rose Bengal Agar Base M842-500G 500 g 1.440.000
Rose Bengal Agar Base,granulated GM842-500G 500 g 1.680.000
RS Medium Base M576-500G 500 g 2.160.000
Deskripsi No. Katalog Ukuran Harga
Sabouraud Chloramphenicol Agar M1067-100G 100 g 720.000
Sabouraud Chloramphenicol Agar M1067-500G 500 g 2.064.000
Sabouraud Dextrose Agar,granulated GM063-500G 500 g 1.200.000
Sabouraud Dextrose Agar M063-500G 500 g 1.200.000
Sabouraud Dextrose Agar, harmonized,granulated MH063-500G 500 g 1.200.000
Sabouraud Dextrose Agar, harmonized,granulated GMH063-500G 500 g 1.200.000
Sabouraud Dextrose HiVeg™ Agar MV063-500G 500 g 1.200.000
Sabouraud Dextrose Broth, Harmonized MH033-100G 100 g 480.000
Sabouraud Dextrose Broth, Harmonized MH033-500G 500 g 840.000
Sabouraud Dextrose Broth GM033-500G 500 g 1.020.000
Sabouraud Dextrose Maltose Agar GM1313-500G 500 g 2.400.000
Sabouraud Maltose Agar GM062-500G 500 g 2.280.000
Salmonella Differential Agar (Twin pack) (RajHans Medium) M1078-100G 500 g 600.000
Sauton's Fluid Medium Base M1276-100G 100 g 660.000
Sauton's Fluid Medium Base M1276-500G 500 g 2.520.000
Selenite Cystine Broth Base M1079-100g 100 g 588.000
Shigella Broth Base M1326-500G 500 g 2.040.000
Sheep Blood Agar Base M1956-500G 500 g 2.280.000
SIM Medium M181-500G 500 g 1.680.000
SIM Medium,granulated GM181-500G 500 g 1.920.000
Simmons Citrate Agar M099-500G 500 g 1.860.000
Skim Milk Agar M763-500G 500 g 1.800.000
Skim Milk PCA,granulated GM1623-500G 500 g 2.880.000
Soil Extract Agar M455-500G 500 g 1.920.000
Soya Peptone RM007-500G 500 g 1.500.000
Soyabean Casein Digest Agar, Harmonized MH290-100G 100 g 696.000
Soyabean Casein Digest Agar, Harmonized MH290-500G 500 g 1.416.000
Soyabean Casein Digest Medium (Casein Soyabean Digest
MH011-100G 100 g 480.000
Soyabean Casein Digest Medium (Casein Soyabean Digest
MH011-500G 500 g 840.000
SS (Salmonela Shigela Agar) M108-500G 500 g 1.680.000
Starch Casein Agar M801-500G 500 g 1.860.000
Strach Agar M107-500G 500 g 1.920.000
T.A.T. Broth Base M562-500G 500 g 1.920.000
Tartoff - Hobbs Broth (Terrific Broth) M1250-500G 500 g 1.800.000
Deskripsi No. Katalog Ukuran Harga
TCBS Agar M189-500G 500 g 1.920.000
TCBS Agar, granulated GM189-500G 500 g 2.160.000
Tetrathionate Brilliant Green Bile Broth M1255-500G 500 g 1.320.000
Thioglycollate Medium, Fluid M009-100G 100 g 480.000
Thioglycollate Medium, Fluid M009-500G 500 g 1.140.000
Fluid Thioglycollate HiVeg™ Medium
(Thioglycollate HiVeg™
MV009-500G 500 g 1.140.000
Medium Fluid)
Triple Sugar Iron Agar M021-500G 500 g 1.440.000
Triple Sugar Iron Agar GM021-500G 500 g 1.800.000
Tryptone Certified (Casitose, Certified) CR014-500G 500 g 1.980.000
Tryptone Agar M1365-500G 500 g 1.740.000
Tryptone Broth (Tryptone Water) M463-500G 500 g 1.380.000
Tryptone Broth (Tryptone Water) ,granulated GM463-500G 500 g 1.680.000
Tryptone Glucose Extract Agar GM014-500G 500 g 2.160.000
Tryptone Soya Agar M290-500G 500 g 1.200.000
Soyabean Casein Digest Agar / TSA GM290-500G 500 g 1.320.000
Casein Soyabean Digest HiVeg™ Agar
(Soyabean Casein
MV290-500G 500 g 1.440.000
Digest HiVeg™
Agar) (Tryptone Soya HiVeg™ Agar)
Tryptone Soya Agar w/ Lechitin & PolySorbate 80 M449-500G 500 g 3.120.000
Microbial Content Test Agar / TSA+Lecithin+Polysorbat 80 GM449-500G 500 g 4.560.000
Microbial Content Test Agar, Hiveg /
MV449-500G 500 g 3.960.000
TSA+Lecithin+Polysorbat 80
Tryptone Soya Broth M011-500G 500 g 816.000
Soyabean Casein Digest Medium /TSB GM011-500G 500 g 900.000
Casein Soyabean Digest Broth, harmonized MH011-500G 500 g 1.080.000
Soyabean Casein Digest Medium, Sterile harmonized MH011G-500G 500 g 1.188.000
Soyabean HiVeg™ Medium MV011-500G S 500 g 1.140.000
Soyabean HiVeg™ Medium, Sterile Powder MV011G-500G 500 g 1.200.000
Tryptone Bile Glucuronic Agar (TBX Agar) M1591-500G 500 g 2.280.000
Tryptone Soya Yeast Extract Agar,granulated GM1214-500G 500 g 1.980.000
Tryptose Phosphate Broth M093-500G 500 g 1.560.000
Urea Agar Base (Christensen) (Autoclaveable) M112-500G 500 g 1.560.000
Urea Broth Base M111-500G 500 g 1.860.000
Violet Red Bile Agar M049S-100G 100 g 624.000
Violet Red Bile Agar M049S-500G 500 g 1.440.000
Violet Red Bile Agar GM049S-500G 500 g 1.800.000
Violet Red Bile Glucose Agar, Harmonized MH581-100G 100 g 600.000
Deskripsi No. Katalog Ukuran Harga
Violet Red Bile Glucose Agar, Harmonized MH581-500G 500 g 1.680.000
Violet Red Bile Glucose Agar w/o Lactose M581-500G 500 g 1.740.000
Violet Red Bile Glucose Agar w/o Lactose,granulated GM581-500G 500 g 1.980.000
Xylose Lysin Deoxycholate Agar (XLD Agar) M031-500G 500 g 1.620.000
Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Agar GM031-500G 500 g 1.860.000
Xylose-Lysine Deoxycholate Agar, Harmonized MH031-100G 100 g 600.000
Xylose-Lysine Deoxycholate Agar, Harmonized MH031-500G 500 g 1.620.000
Yeast Extract Agar M456-500G 500 g 1.320.000
Yeast Extract Agar, Modified M456I-500G 500 g 1.440.000
Yeast Extract Powder RM027-500G 500 g 1.080.000
Yeast Glucose Chloramphenicol Agar GM1590-500G 500 g 2.520.000
Yeast Glucose Chloramphenicol Agar M1590-500G 500 g 2.220.000
Yeast Mannitol Agar w/ Congo Red M721-500G 500 g 1.860.000
Deskripsi No. Katalog Ukuran Harga
Albert’s Metachromatic Stains - Kit (contains S001&S002) K002-1KT kit 660.000
Albert’s Stain A S001-125ML 125 ml 360.000
Albert’s Stain B S002-125ML 125 ml 360.000
Capsule Stains - Kit (Contains S021, S025 and S047) K004-1KT kit 768.000
Methelene Blue (aqueous) S021-125ML 125 ml 324.000
Nigrosin Stain, 10% w/v S025-100ML 100 ml 360.000
M'Fadyean Stain (Polychrome Methylene Blue) S047-125ML 125 ml 312.000
Gram Stain Kit (contains S012, S032, S013 and S027/S038) K001-1KT kit 1.140.000
Gram's Crystal Violet S012-125ML 125 ml 324.000
Gram's Decolourizer S032-2x125ML 2x125 ml 708.000
Grams's Iodine S013-125ML 125 ml 324.000
Safranin, 0,5% w/v (Gram's counterstain) S027-125ML 125 ml 324.000
Basic Fuchsin, 0,1% w/v (Gram's counterstain) S038-125ML 125 ml 324.000
Ziehl Neelsen Acid Fast Stains - Kit (contains S033, S005 &
K005-1KT kit 960.000
Acid fast decolourizer S033-125ML 125 ml 528.000
Carbol Fuchsin (ZN, Strong) S005-125ML 125 ml 324.000
Methylene Blue (Loeffler's) S022-125ML 125 ml 336.000
Schaeffer & Fulton’s Spore Stains - Kit (Contains S028 and
K006-1KT kit 600.000
Deskripsi No. Katalog Ukuran Harga
Schaeffer & Fulton’s Spore Stains A S028-100ML 100 ml 396.000
Schaeffer & Fulton’s Spore Stains B S029-100ML 100 ml 348.000
Neisser’s Metachromatic Stains - Kit (contains
K003-1KT kit 420.000
Gram’s Iodine S013-125ML 125 ml 324.000
Neisser’s Methylene Blue S023-100ML 100 ml 180.000
Neutral Red Solution S037-100ML 100 ml 180.000
Carbol Fuchsin (ZN,Dilute) S006-125ML 125 ml 300.000
Congo Red (1%Aqueos) Solution S067-125Ml 125 ml 408.000
Eosin,2% w/v S007-125ML 125 ml 336.000
Gentian Violet S010-125ML 125 ml 372.000
Giemsa Stain S011-100ml 100 ml 432.000
Giemsa Stain S011-500ml 500 ml 1.320.000
Lactophenol cotton blue S016-100ML 100 ml 216.000
Lactophenol cotton blue S016-500ML 500 ml 720.000
Haematoxylin (Harris) S034-125ML 125 ml 504.000
Hematoxyline (Harris) S034-500ML 500 ml 1.260.000
Haematoxylin (Mayer) S058-125ML 125 ml 480.000
Lugols Iodine S019-125ML 125 ml 456.000
Malachite Green,1% w/v S020-100ML 100 ml 324.000
Deskripsi No. Katalog Ukuran Harga
Antibiotic Assay Medium No.1 (Seed Agar) MU003-500G 500 g 1.920.000
Antibiotic Assay Medium No.2 (Base Agar) MU005-500G 500 g 2.220.000
Antibiotic Assay Medium No.3 (Assay) MU042-500G 500 g 1.920.000
Antibiotic Assay Medium No.4 (Yeast) MU140-500G 500 g 2.280.000
Antibiotic Assay Medium No.5 MU006-500G 500 g 2.280.000
Antibiotic Assay Medium No. 8 MU041-500G 500 g 2.160.000
Antibiotic Assay Medium No.9 (Polymyxin) MU147-500G 500 g 2.256.000
Antibiotic Assay Medium No.10 MU225-500G 500 g 2.256.000
Antibiotic Assay Medium No.11 MU004-500G 500 g 1.920.000
Antibiotic Assay Medium No.13 MU254-500G 500 g 2.136.000
Antibiotic Assay Medium No.19 MU101-500G 500 g 2.160.000
Antibiotic Assay Medium No.32 MU1141-500G 500 g 2.160.000
Antibiotic Assay Medium No.34 MU797-500G 500 g 2.136.000
Deskripsi No. Katalog Ukuran Harga
Antibiotic Assay Medium No.35 MU798-500G 500 g 2.136.000
Antibiotic Assay Medium No. 36 MU1666-500G 500 g 1.800.000
Antibiotic Assay Medium No.37 MU1667-500G 500 g 960.000
Antibiotic Assay Medium No.38 MU799-500G 500 g 2.136.000
Antibiotic Assay Medium No.39 MU1142-500G 500 g 2.160.000
Antibiotic Assay Medium No.40 MU1143-500G 500 g 2.160.000
Antibiotic Assay Medium No. 41 MU1144-500G 500 g 2.160.000
Indicator Reagent
Deskripsi No. Katalog Ukuran Harga
Andrade’s Indicator I001-125ML 125 ml 240.000
Bromocresol Green Indicator I002-125ML 125 ml 240.000
Bromocresol Purple Indicator I003-125ML 125 ml 240.000
Bromophenol Blue Indicator I004-125ML 125 ml 240.000
Bromothymol Blue Indicator I005-125ML 125 ml 240.000
Methyl orange Indicator I006-125ML 125 ml 240.000
Methyl Red Indicator I007-125ML 125 ml 240.000
Neutral Red Indicator I008-125ML 125 ml 240.000
Phenolphthalein, 0.1% w/v I009-125ML 125 ml 240.000
Phenol Red Indicator I010-125ML 125 ml 240.000
Thymol blue Indicator I011-125ML 125 ml 240.000
Thymolphthalein Indicator I012-125ML 125 ml 240.000
Universal Indicator I013-100ML 100 ml 240.000
Universal Indicator I013-500ML 500 ml 660.000
Deskripsi No. Katalog Ukuran Harga
10% Lactic Acid Solution (10 ml per vial) FD095-5VL 5 vial 780.000
Bacillus Selective Supplement FD324-5VL 5 vial 900.000
C.B.I. Supplement FD049-5VL 5 vial 1.020.000
Campylobacter Growth Supplement FD009-5VL 5 vial 1.020.000
Campylobacter Supplement- III (Skirrow) FD008-5VL 5 vial 1.020.000
Campylobacter Supplement-I (Blaser-Wang) FD006-5VL 5 vial 996.000
Cetrinix Supplement FD029-5VL 5 vial 1.176.000
CFC Supplement FD036-5VL 5 vial 1.080.000
Chloramphenicol Selective Supplement FD033-5VL 5 vial 840.000
Deskripsi No. Katalog Ukuran Harga
Egg Yolk Emulsion (100 ml per vial) FD045-100ML 1 vial 408.000
Egg Yolk Emulsion (100 ml per vial) 5 vial 1.680.000
Egg Yolk Emulsion 50 ml per vial 5 vial 1.260.000
Egg Yolk Tellurite Emulsion 100 ml FD046-100ML 1 vial 420.000
Egg Yolk Tellurite Emulsion 100 ml 5 vial 1.776.000
Fraser Selective Supplement FD125I-5VL 5 vial 1.080.000
Fraser Supplement FD141-5VL 5 vial 816.000
Haemoglobin Powder FD022-50G 50 g 1.020.000
HiCrome ECC Selective Supplement FD190-5VL 5 vial 1.020.000
L. mono Enrichment Supplement I FD214-5VL 5 vial 1.656.000
L. mono Selective Supplement I D212-5VL 5 vial 480.000
L. mono Selective Supplement II FD213-5VL 5 vial 540.000
Middlebrook OADC Growth Suplement FD018-5VL 5 vial 2.040.000
Nalidixic Selective Supplement FD130-5VL 5 vial 840.000
Novobiocin Supplement FD096-5VL 5 vial 1.128.000
Oxytetra Selective Suplement FD032-5VL 5 vial 768.000
Polymixin B Selective Supplement FD003-5VL 5 vial 936.000
Potassium Tellurite 3.5% (1 ml per vial) FD047-5VL 5 vial 576.000
Shigella Selective Supplement FD108-5VL 5 vial 864.000
Sulpha Supplement FD068-5VL 5 vial 1.176.000
Urea 40% (5 ml per vial) FD048-5VL 5 vial 384.000
Vitamino Growth Supplement (Twin Pack) FD025-5VL 5 vial 1.668.000
Deskripsi No. Katalog Ukuran Harga
Nylon-66 Membrane Diameter: 25mm, Pore size: 0.2µ SF102A 100/pack 540.000
Nylon-66 Membrane Diameter: 25mm, Pore size: 0.45µ SF102B 100/pack 540.000
Nylon-66 Membrane Diameter: 47mm Pore size: 0.22µ SF103A 100/pack 720.000
Nylon-66 Membrane Diameter: 47mm Pore size: 0.45µ SF103B 100/pack 720.000
Cellulose Nitrate Membrane, 25mm / 0.22µ SF94A 100/pack 660.000
Cellulose Nitrate Membrane, 25mm / 0.45µ SF94B 100/pack 660.000
Cellulose Nitrate Membrane, 47mm / 0.22µ SF95A 100/pack 660.000
Cellulose Nitrate Membrane, 47mm / 0.45µ SF95B 100/pack 660.000
CA Membrane Filter, 25mm / 0.45 um SF179A 100/pack 660.000
Deskripsi No. Katalog Ukuran Harga
CA Membrane Filter, 47mm / 0.22 um SF180A 100/pack 1.680.000
CA Membrane Filter, 47 mm / 0.45 um SF180B 100/pack 1.680.000
CN Gridded Membrane Filter, 0.22(μm), 47(mm) SF97B 100 828.000
CN Gridded Membrane Filter, 0.45(μm), 47(mm) SF97D 100 828.000
STAINLESS STEEL Syringe Filter Holder Diameter : 25 mm SF76-1NO 1 2.040.000
Syringe Filter, Sterile, Nylon-66 hydrophilic membrane, Pore
SF127 50/pack 1.320.000
size: 0.22µ,25 mm diam
Syringe Filter, Sterile, Nylon hydrophilic membrane, Pore
SF6 50/pack 1.320.000
size: 0.45 mm,25 mm diam
Syringe Filter, Sterile, PTFE hydrophobic membrane, Pore
SF18 50/pack 1.320.000
size: 0.22µ, 25 mm diam
Syringe Filter, Sterile, PTFE hydrophobic membrane, Pore
SF20 50/pack 1.320.000
size: 0.45µ, 25 mm diam
Syringe Filter, Sterile, CA, 25 mm, 0.2 um SF172 50/pack 1.320.000
Syringe Filter, Sterile, CA, 25 mm, 0.45 um SF173 50/pack 1.320.000
Colony counter, digital count up to 9999 LA660 unit 14.640.000
PlateMaster for SpeedPlating for speedy inoculation of 90 &
LA622 unit 3.000.000
100 mm petri plates
Digital Counter Pen with 6 digit LCD LA663A-1 unit 8.280.000
Fresh Deodorising Pearls, 50ea Rose fragrance LA008B cup 360.000
Fresh Deodorising Pearls, 50ea Citrus fragrance LA008A cup 360.000
Assay cylinder Length : 10 mm. Inner Diam. : 8 mm LA792 20 pcs 480.000
HiGlassBead Sterilizer for sterilizing metal instrument LA715 unit 16.680.000
Antibiotic Zonescale - C. PW297 3 pcs 144.000
Anaero Box – L LA805-1NO unit 10.560.000
Anaerogas Pack 3.5L LE002A-5NO unit 2.640.000
Anaero Indicator Tablet LE065-1X5NO unit 1.140.000
Anaero Box – S LA806-1NO unit 7.920.000
Anaerogas Pack 1.5 L LE002F-5NO unit 2.280.000
Anaero Indicator Tablet LE065-1X5NO unit 1.140.000
Discs Dispenser 8 Position LA971 unit 14.400.000
Deskripsi No. Katalog Ukuran Harga
Total Hardness Testing Kit, titration, 5 - 100 mg/L as CaCO3 WT001A 300 test 552.000
Alkalinity Testing Kit, drop, 10-200 mg/L WT003A 100 test 456.000
Alkalinity Testing Kit, titration, 100-200 mg/L. Alkalinity as
WT003 300 test 576.000
Chloride Test, drop, 10-200 mg/L WT004A 100 test 504.000
Chloride Test, titration, 50-1000 mg/L as Chloride WT004 300 test 552.000
Nitrite Test, drop,5-100 mg/L WT007A 100 test 552.000
Nitrite Test, titration, 5-100 mg/L asNaNO3 WT007 250 test 672.000
Nitrate Test, Comparator, 0.0-100 mg/L (ppm) as Nitrate WT013 100 test 780.000
Test Kit
Deskripsi No. Katalog Ukuran Harga
HiIMViC™ Biochemical Test Kit KB001-10KT kit 1.380.000
HiAssorted™ Biochemical Test Kit KB002-10KT kit 1.500.000
Hi25™ Enterobacteriaceae Identification KB003-10KT kit 2.640.000
HiVibrio™ Identification Kit KB007-10KT kit 1.380.000
HiE. coli™ Identification Kit KB010-10KT kit 1.500.000
HiAcinetobacter™ Identification Kit KB014-10KT kit 2.640.000
HiNeisseria™ Identification Kit KB008-10KT kit 1.500.000
HiStaph™ Identification Kit KB004-10KT kit 1.500.000
HiStrep Identification Kit KB005A-10KT kit 1.500.000
HiListeria™ Identification Kit KB012A-10KT kit 1.500.000
HiBacillus Identification Kit KB013-10KT kit 1.500.000
Deskripsi No. Katalog Ukuran Harga
10X PBS, MB Grade ML023 500 ml 1.020.000
2,3,5-Triphenyltetrazolium chloride (MB Grade) MB188 10 g 1.560.000
2,4 D (PTC Grade) PCT0825 100 g 780.000
Deskripsi No. Katalog Ukuran Harga
Ammonium chloride,ACS GRM3885 500 g 384.000
Ammonium dihydrogen phosphate PCT0001 500 g 600.000
Ampicillin sodium salt (PTC Grade) PCT1101 1g 420.000
a-Naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) (PTC Grade) PCT0809 100 g 1.188.000
a-Naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) (PTC Grade) PCT0809 25 g 480.000
Antibiotic Solution 100X Liquid w/ 10,000 U Penicillin
A001-100ML 100 ml 768.000
and 10mg Streptomycin per ml in 0.9% normal saline
BAP (6-Benzyladenine) (PTC Grade) PCT0802 1g 384.000
Basic Fuchsin,Paractical grade GRM1089 25 g 240.000
Bis-acrylamide (MB Grade) MB005 25 g 588.000
Boric Acid GRM3900 500 g 636.000
Boric acid (MB Grade) MB007 500 g 720.000
Boric acid (PTC Grade) PCT0102 500 g 960.000
Bovine serum albumin (MB Grade) MB083 25 g 2.160.000
Bromophenol blue (MB Grade) MB123 5g 576.000
Bromothymol blue GRM120 5g 384.000
Calcium Carbonate GRM1044 500 g 348.000
Calcium D-pantothenate PCT0202 25 g 600.000
Calcium Hydroxide,A.R GRM1276 500 g 540.000
Calcium nitrate tetrahydrate PCT0005 500 g 552.000
Calcium phosphate tribasic PCT0006 500 g 756.000
Carbenicillin disodium salt (PTC Grade) PCT1102 1g 1.140.000
Cephotaxime sodium salt (PTC Grade) PCT1103 1g 1.068.000
Chitosan GRM9358 25 g 684.000
Chitosan (PTC Grade) PCT0817 25 g 720.000
Citric acid (PTC Grade) PCT0501 500 g 720.000
CleriGel™ Super (equivalent : Gellan Gum) PCT0906 100 g 960.000
CleriGel™ Super (equivalent : Gellan Gum) PCT0906 500 g 3.600.000
CleriGel™ Ultra (equivalent : Phytagel) PCT0903 100 g 2.160.000
Cobalt chloride (PTC Grade) PCT0103 100 g 1.320.000
Congo red,Certified GRM508 10 g 720.000
Coomassie® Brilliant Blue G (MB Grade) MB092 5g 540.000
Copper (II) sulphate pentahydrate (PTC Grade) PCT0104 250 g 540.000
Copper II Sulfate 5H2O GRM677 500 g 1.320.000
Crystal Violet,Certified GRM114 10 g 300.000
CTAB (MB Grade) MB101 100 g 768.000
Deskripsi No. Katalog Ukuran Harga
D(+) Galactose GRM101 100 g 1.188.000
D-(+)-Glucose anhydrous (PTC Grade) PCT0603 1 kg 780.000
D-(+)-Glucose anhydrous (PTC Grade) PCT0603 500 g 456.000
D-(+)-Glucose anhydrous P.A GRM016 1 kg 528.000
D-Biotin (PTC Grade) PCT0201 1g 756.000
DEPC (MB Grade) MB076 25 ml 1.860.000
Dextrose anhydrous GRM016 500 g 300.000
D-Fructose GRM196 500 g 624.000
Di-Potassium hydrogen Phosphate ACS GRM3945 500 g 1.020.000
di-Sodium Hydrogen Phosphate, Anhydrous ACS GRM3960 500 g 636.000
DL-DTT (MB Grade) MB070 5g 996.000
D-Mannitol (PTC Grade) PCT0604 500 g 1.440.000
D-Mannitol, Certified GRM9914 500 g 1.140.000
HiPurA™ Multi-Sample DNA Purification Kit MB554 50 app 2.520.000
HiPurA™ Stool DNA Purification Kit MB544 20 app 1.560.000
DNA Ladder 1 kb MBT051-50LN 50 app 900.000
DNA Ladder M, 100bp (12 bands) MBT130-50LN 50 app 600.000
CTAB Extraction Solution ML066 250 ml 2.880.000
Mineral oil MB161 5 ml 720.000
Phenol:Chloroform:Isoamyl alcohol mixture MB078 100 ml 960.000
Poly(ethylene glycol) MW 6000 MB149 500 g 420.000
Hi-cDNA Synthesis Kit MBT076 25 app 2.760.000
Poly(ethylene glycol) MW 8000 MB150 500 g 600.000
HiPurA® DH5a Competent Cells MBT111 20 app 1.680.000
10X TE Buffer, pH 8.0 ML012 100 ml 660.000
Molecular Biology Grade Water ML024-500ML 500 ml 480.000
DPPH (2,2-Diphenyl-1-picryl hydrazyl) MB263 1g 5.160.000
Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM) w/o
L-Glutamine, D-Glucose, Phenol red, Sodium pyruvate AT063A 1L 204.000
and Sodium bicarbonate (powder)
Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM) w/o
L-Glutamine, D-Glucose, Phenol red, Sodium pyruvate AT063A 5L 504.000
and Sodium bicarbonate (powder)
EDTA GRM1279 100 g 360.000
EDTA disodium salt dihydrate PTC Grade) PCT0105 100 g 480.000
EDTA disodium salt, dihydrate (MB Grade) MB011 500 g 1.860.000
EDTA ferric monosodium salt (PTC Grade) PCT0106 100 g 336.000
Deskripsi No. Katalog Ukuran Harga
Ethyl methanesulphonate, Hi-LR™ RM1256 10 g 1.620.000
Fast Green FCF,Certified GRM147 5g 1.620.000
Ferric ammonium citrate (PTC Grade) PCT0107 500 g 660.000
Ferric citrate monohydrate (PTC Grade) PCT0109 500 g 816.000
Ferrous sulphate heptahydrate (PTC Grade) PCT0111 1 kg 960.000
Ferrous sulphate heptahydrate (PTC Grade) PCT0111 500 g 600.000
Fetal Bovine Serum, Origin : Brazil / EU RM1112 500 ml 6.600.000
Gelatin, Hi-LR™ GRM019-500G 500 g 816.000
Gentamicin sulfate, 10mg/ml A010-20ML 20 ml 1.104.000
Gentamicin, 50mg/ml A005-20ML 20 ml 1.176.000
Gibberellic acid (GA3) (PTC Grade) PCT0830 10 g 1.080.000
Gibberellic acid (GA3) (PTC Grade) PCT0830 1g 240.000
Glucose anhydrous (PTC Grade) PCT0603 1 kg 780.000
Glucose anhydrous (PTC Grade) PCT0603 500 g 456.000
Glucose anhydrous P.A GRM016 1 kg 528.000
Glycerol (MB Grade) MB060 500 ml 840.000
Glycerol, Hi-AR™ GRM1027 1L 780.000
Glycine (PTC Grade) PCT0310 500 g 1.080.000
Guaiacol,Extra Pure (O-Methoxyphenol,Extra Pure) RM1118 250 g 780.000
Deskripsi No. Katalog Ukuran Harga
Maltose monohydrate (PTC Grade) PCT0613 100 g 360.000
Maltose monohydrate (PTC Grade) PCT0613 500 g 1.080.000
Manganese (II) Chloride Tetrahydrate GRM686 500 g 660.000
Mannitol (PTC Grade) PCT0604 500 g 1.440.000
Mannitol, Certified GRM9914 500 g 1.080.000
Mcfarland Standar Set R092 1 set 636.000
Mercury Chloride , A.R GRM1383 100 g 2.160.000
Methyl red,Certified GRM121 10 g 336.000
Methylene Blue Certified GRM116 100 g 1.440.000
Metyl red,practical grade GRM3055 25 g 300.000
Minimum Essential Medium Eagle (MEM) w/ Earle’s
salts and L- Glutamine w/o NEAA and Sodium AT020 1L 144.000
bicarbonate (powder)
Minimum Essential Medium Eagle (MEM) w/ Earle’s
salts and L- Glutamine w/o NEAA and Sodium AT020 5L 504.000
bicarbonate (powder)
Murashige & Skoog Basal Medium w/ PT021 25 L 900.000
Murashige & Skoog Basal Medium w/ PT021 5L 300.000
Murashige & Skoog Medium PT021 1L 72.000
Myo-Inositol PCT0208 100 g 1.188.000
Nicotinamide (Niacinamide) PCT0209 100 g 576.000
Nicotinic acid (Niacin) (PTC Grade) PCT0210 100 g 660.000
Nicotinic acid (Niacin) (PTC Grade) PCT0210 25 g 288.000
Ninhydrin,A.R GRM248 10 g 660.000
Paraffin Liquid RM6362 500 ml 432.000
Pectin 100G GRM396 100 g 528.000
Penicillin - Streptomycin Solution, 100x A001 100 ml 780.000
Phenolphthalein,Certified GRM076 100 g 744.000
Phosphate Buffered Saline pH 7.4 (powder) TS1101 1L 120.000
Phosphate Buffered Saline, pH 7.2 (powder) TS1099 1L 120.000
PhytaPro (PPM alternatif) PL047 25 ml 960.000
Polyoxyethylenesorbitan monooleate GRM159 100 g 336.000
Potassium alum dodecahydrate, Hi-LR™ GRM167 500 g 348.000
Potassium dihydrogen orthophosphate monobasic, ACS GRM3943 500 g 660.000
Potassium ferricyanide, A.R GRM1034 500 g 1.680.000
Potassium ferricyanide, A.R GRM1034 500 g 1.680.000
Potassium hydroxide pellets, Hi-AR™/ACS GRM1015 500 g 384.000
Deskripsi No. Katalog Ukuran Harga
Potassium sulphate PCT0011 500 g 576.000
Pyridoxine hydrochloride (PTC Grade) PCT0212 25 g 720.000
Riboflavin PCT0214 25 g 780.000
Rifampicin (PTC Grade) PCT1119 1g 780.000
Rifampicin (PTC Grade) PCT1119 5g 2.880.000
RNase Kil (Used for removal RNAse contamination from
ML162 250 ml 660.000
glass,plastic,cleaning of working areas and equipment)
RNA Liv (Used for stabilization RNA) ML161 100 ml 2.280.000
RPMI-1640 w/ L-Glutamine w/o Glucose and Sodium
AT150 1L 168.000
bicarbonate (powder)
RPMI-1640 w/ L-Glutamine w/o Glucose and Sodium
AT150 5L 624.000
bicarbonate (powder)
RPMI-1640 w/ L-Glutamine w/o Sodium bicarbonate
AT028 1L 156.000
RPMI-1640 w/ L-Glutamine w/o Sodium bicarbonate
AT028 5L 576.000
Safranine, Hi-CERT™ GRM129 10 g 456.000
Safranine, Hi-CERT™ GRM129 25 g 840.000
Salicylic acid, Hi-AR™ GRM1476 500 g 660.000
SDS, Dodecylsulphate, sodium salt (MB Grade) MB010 500 g 4.776.000
Sodium Acetate Anhydrous 250gr GRM3949 250 g 360.000
Sodium Acetate Anhydrous,ACS GRM3949 500 g 528.000
Sodium Azide,A.R GRM1038 100 g 708.000
Sodium carbonate anhydrous GRM851 500 g 42.000
Sodium Chloride A,R GRM853 500 g 360.000
Sodium dihydrogen phosphate monohydrate PCT0013 500 g 540.000
Sodium hydrogen carbonate, H GRM849 500 g 420.000
Sodium hydroxide pellets, Hi-AR™/ACS GRM467 500 g 348.000
Sodium molybdate dihydrate PCT0117 100 g 1.020.000
Sodium Nitroprusside Dihydrate,A.R GRM986 500 g 2.640.000
Sodium Nitroprusside Dihydrate,A.R GRM986 100 g 600.000
Sodium sulphate anhydrous, Hi-AR™ GRM1037 500 g 336.000
Sodium sulphate PTC Grade) PCT0015 500 g 612.000
Sorbitol GRM109 1 kg 1.020.000
Immersion oil GRM225 30 g 420.000
Starch Soluble / amylum GRM089 500 g 1.320.000
Sucrose,Extra pure GRM134 1 kg 540.000
Deskripsi No. Katalog Ukuran Harga
TAE 10X(MB Grade) ML010 500 ml 480.000
TAE 50 X(MB Grade) ML016 500 ml 1.500.000
Taq Polymerase (5U/µl) MBT060A 500 un 960.000
TBE 10X (MB Grade) ML011 500 ml 600.000
TEMED (MB Grade) MB026 100 ml 780.000
Thiadiazuron (TDZ) (PTC Grade) PCT0820 250 mg 3.480.000
Thiamine hydrochloride PCT0215 25 g 576.000
Tris base (MB Grade) MB029 100 g 480.000
Tris base (MB Grade) MB029 500 g 1.860.000
Tris hydrochloride (MB Grade) MB030 100 g 600.000
Trypan Blue, Certified 10gr GRM263 10 g 480.000
Trypsin 0.25% in Dulbecco’s Phosphate Buffered Saline
TCL006 100 ml 576.000
w/o Phenol red
Trypsin Bovine RM618 100 g 1.020.000
Water, DEPC treated,Nuclease and protease free TCL016 100 ml 276.000
Xylene cyanol FF, Hi-CERT™ RM859-5G 5g 1.320.000
Zinc chloride, A.R GRM7628 500 g 780.000
Zinc sulphate heptahydrate (PTC Grade) PCT0118 500 g 624.000
Zinc Sulphate heptahydrate, ACS GRM3979 500 g 540.000
Deskripsi No. Katalog Satuan Harga
Beaker Conical Form, 50 ml 1080BK50 pcs 58.600
Beaker Conical Form, 100 ml 1080BK100 pcs 92.000
Beaker Conical Form, 200 ml 1080BK200 pcs 126.500
Beaker Conical Form, 300 ml 1080BK300 pcs 131.100
Beaker Conical Form, 500 ml 1080BK500 pcs 186.300
Beaker Conical Form, 1000 ml 1080BK1000 pcs 202.400
Beaker Low Form, 10 ml 1000BK10 pcs 37.900
Beaker Low Form, 20 ml 1000BK20 pcs 39.100
Beaker Low Form, 30 ml 1000BK30 pcs 43.700
Beaker Low Form, 50 ml 1000BK50 pcs 43.700
Beaker Low Form, 100 ml 1000BK100 pcs 46.000
Beaker Low Form, 150 ml 1000-150 pcs 49.400
Beaker Low Form, 200 ml 1000BK200 pcs 54.000
Beaker Low Form, 250 ml 1000BK250 pcs 56.300
Beaker Low Form, 300 ml 1000BK300 pcs 65.500
Beaker Low Form, 500 ml 1000BK500 pcs 82.800
Beaker Low Form, 1000 ml 1000BK1000 pcs 143.700
Beaker Low Form, 2000 ml 1000BK2000 pcs 228.800
Beaker Low Form, 3000 ml 1000BK3000 pcs 553.100
Beaker Low Form, 5000 ml 1000BK5000 pcs 872.800
Beaker Low Form, 10000 ml 1000BK10000 pcs 2.763.400
Beaker Tail Form, 50 ml 1060BK50 pcs 49.400
Beaker Tail Form, 100 ml 1060BK100 pcs 49.400
Beaker Tail Form, 200 ml 1060BK200 pcs 64.400
Beaker Tail Form, 300 ml 1060BK300 pcs 82.800
Beaker Tail Form, 500 ml 1060BK500 pcs 90.800
Beaker Tail Form, 1000 ml 1060BK1000 pcs 134.500
Boiling Flask, Flat Bottom, Narrow Neck 20 mm, 50 ml 4060FK50 pcs 94.300
Boiling Flask, Flat Bottom, Narrow Neck 20 mm, 100 ml 4060FK100 pcs 98.900
Boiling Flask, Flat Bottom, Narrow Neck 25 mm, 200 ml 4060FK200 pcs 154.100
Boiling Flask, Flat Bottom, Narrow Neck 28 mm, 300 ml 4060FK300 pcs 171.300
Boiling Flask, Flat Bottom, Narrow Neck 28 mm, 500 ml 4060FK500 pcs 187.400
Deskripsi No. Katalog Satuan Harga
Boiling Flask, Flat Bottom, Narrow Neck 35 mm, 1000 ml 4060FK1000 pcs 257.600
Boiling Flask, Flat Bottom, Wide Neck 25 mm, 50 ml 4062FK50 pcs 94.300
Boiling Flask, Flat Bottom, Wide Neck 25 mm, 100 ml 4062FK100 pcs 98.900
Boiling Flask, Flat Bottom, Wide Neck 34 mm, 200 ml 4062FK200 pcs 154.100
Boiling Flask, Flat Bottom, Wide Neck 34 mm, 300 ml 4062FK300 pcs 171.300
Boiling Flask, Flat Bottom, Wide Neck 34 mm, 500 ml 4062FK500 pcs 175.900
Boiling Flask, Flat Bottom, Wide Neck 40 mm, 1000 ml 4062FK1000 pcs 236.900
Boiling Flask, Round Bottom, Narrow Neck 20 mm, 50 ml 4280FK50 pcs 94.300
Boiling Flask, Round Bottom, Narrow Neck 20 mm, 100
4280FK100 pcs 98.900
Boiling Flask, Round Bottom, Narrow Neck 25 mm, 200
4280FK200 pcs 154.100
Boiling Flask, Round Bottom, Narrow Neck 28 mm, 300
4280FK300 pcs 171.300
Boiling Flask, Round Bottom, Narrow Neck 28 mm, 500
4280FK500 pcs 175.900
Boiling Flask, Round Bottom, Narrow Neck 35 mm, 1000
4280FK1000 pcs 236.900
Boiling Flask, Round Bottom, Wide Neck 25 mm, 50 ml 4282FK50 pcs 94.300
Boiling Flask, Round Bottom, Wide Neck 25 mm, 100 ml 4282FK100 pcs 98.900
Boiling Flask, Round Bottom, Wide Neck 34 mm, 200 ml 4282FK200 pcs 154.100
Boiling Flask, Round Bottom, Wide Neck 34 mm, 300 ml 4282FK300 pcs 171.300
Boiling Flask, Round Bottom, Wide Neck 34 mm, 500 ml 4282FK500 pcs 175.900
Boiling Flask, Round Bottom, Wide Neck 40 mm, 1000 ml 4282FK1000 pcs 236.900
Buret Class A, Amber, Amber Graduation, with Glass
B-BURET10S pcs 1.538.700
Stopcock, 10 ml
Buret Class A, Amber, Amber Graduation, with Glass
B-BURET25S pcs 1.884.800
Stopcock, 25 ml
Buret Class A, Amber, Amber Graduation, with Glass
B-BURET50S pcs 2.049.300
Stopcock, 50 ml
Buret Class A, Amber, Amber Graduation, with Glass
B-BURET100S pcs 2.255.100
Stopcock, 100 ml
Buret Class A, Amber, Amber Graduation, with Teflon
B-2103BURET10S pcs 2.129.800
Stopcock, 10 ml
Buret Class A, Amber, Amber Graduation, with Teflon
B-2103BURET25S pcs 2.380.500
Stopcock, 25 ml
Buret Class A, Amber, Amber Graduation, with Teflon
B-2103BURET50S pcs 2.569.100
Stopcock, 50 ml
Buret Class A, Clear, Amber Graduation, with Glass
BURET10S pcs 1.135.000
Stopcock, 10 ml
Deskripsi No. Katalog Satuan Harga
Buret Class A, Clear, Amber Graduation, with Glass
BURET25S pcs 1.352.400
Stopcock, 25 ml
Buret Class A, Clear, Amber Graduation, with Glass
BURET50S pcs 1.469.700
Stopcock, 50 ml
Buret Class A, Clear, Amber Graduation, with Glass
BURET100S pcs 1.635.300
Stopcock, 100 ml
Buret Class A, Clear, Amber Graduation, with Teflon
2103BURET10S pcs 1.518.000
Stopcock, 10 ml
Buret Class A, Clear, Amber Graduation, with Teflon
2103BURET25S pcs 1.727.300
Stopcock, 25 ml
Buret Class A, Clear, Amber Graduation, with Teflon
2103BURET50S pcs 1.845.700
Stopcock, 50 ml
Buret Class A, Clear, Amber Graduation, with Teflon
2103BURET100S pcs 2.050.400
Stopcock, 1000 ml
Column Chromatography with Glass Stopcock ID 10 mm 2156-10 pcs 778.500
Column Chromatography with Glass Stopcock ID 12 mm 2156-12 pcs 784.300
Column Chromatography with Glass Stopcock ID 15 mm 2156-15 pcs 800.400
Column Chromatography with Glass Stopcock ID 20 mm 2156-20 pcs 816.500
Column Chromatography with Teflon Stopcock ID 10 mm 2146-10 pcs 1.051.100
Column Chromatography with Teflon Stopcock ID 12 mm 2146-12 pcs 1.053.400
Column Chromatography with Teflon Stopcock ID 15 mm 2146-15 pcs 1.072.900
Column Chromatography with Teflon Stopcock ID 20 mm 2146-20 pcs 1.091.300
Column Chromatography, With Glass Stopcock, ID 10
2157-10-14 pcs 878.600
mm, TS Joint 14/23
Column Chromatography, With Glass Stopcock, ID 12
2157-12 pcs 897.000
mm, TS Joint 14/23
Column Chromatography, With Glass Stopcock, ID 15
2157-15-14 pcs 925.700
mm, TS Joint 14/23
Column Chromatography, With Glass Stopcock, ID 15
2157-15-19 pcs 925.700
mm, TS Joint 19/26
Column Chromatography, With Glass Stopcock, ID 19
2157-20-19 pcs 1.051.100
mm, TS Joint 19/26
Column Chromatography, With Teflon Stopcock, ID 10
2147-10-14 pcs 1.085.600
mm, TS Joint 14/23
Column Chromatography, With Teflon Stopcock, ID 12
2147-12-14 pcs 1.140.800
mm, TS Joint 14/23
Column Chromatography, With Teflon Stopcock, ID 15
2147-15-14 pcs 1.175.300
mm, TS Joint 14/23
Column Chromatography, With Teflon Stopcock, ID 15
2147-15-19 pcs 1.175.300
mm, TS Joint 19/26
Deskripsi No. Katalog Satuan Harga
Column Chromatography, With Teflon Stopcock, ID 20
2147-20-14 pcs 1.175.300
mm, TS Joint 14/23
Column Chromatography, With Teflon Stopcock, ID 20
2147-20-19 pcs 1.175.300
mm, TS Joint 19/26
Erlenmeyer Flask, 10 ml 4980FK10 pcs 73.600
Erlenmeyer Flask, 20 ml 4980FK20 pcs 73.600
Erlenmeyer Flask, 25 ml 4980FK25 pcs 62.100
Erlenmeyer Flask, 30 ml 4980FK30 pcs 66.700
Erlenmeyer Flask, 50 ml 4980FK50 pcs 71.300
Erlenmeyer Flask, 100 ml 4980FK100 pcs 74.700
Erlenmeyer Flask, 200 ml 4980FK200 pcs 77.000
Erlenmeyer Flask, 250 ml 4980-250N pcs 78.200
Erlenmeyer Flask, 300 ml 4980FK300 pcs 83.900
Erlenmeyer Flask, 500 ml 4980FK500 pcs 92.000
Erlenmeyer Flask, 1000 ml 4980FK1000 pcs 138.000
Erlenmeyer Flask, 2000 ml 4980FK2000 pcs 348.400
Erlenmeyer Flask, 3000 ml 4980FK3000 pcs 622.100
Erlenmeyer Flask, 5000 ml 4980FK5000 pcs 993.600
Labu Ukur, With Plastic Stopper, Class A, 5 ml 5645-5 pcs 131.100
Labu Ukur, With Plastic Stopper, Class A, 10 ml 5645-10 pcs 131.100
Labu Ukur, With Plastic Stopper, Class A, 20 ml 5645-20 pcs 139.100
Labu Ukur, With Plastic Stopper, Class A, 25 ml 5645-25 pcs 139.100
Labu Ukur, With Plastic Stopper, Class A, 50 ml 5645-50 pcs 148.300
Labu Ukur, With Plastic Stopper, Class A, 100 ml 5645-100 pcs 171.300
Labu Ukur, With Plastic Stopper, Class A, 200 ml 5645-200 pcs 219.600
Labu Ukur, With Plastic Stopper, Class A, 250 ml 5645-250 pcs 227.700
Labu Ukur, With Plastic Stopper, Class A, 500 ml 5645-500 pcs 274.800
Labu Ukur, With Plastic Stopper, Class A, 1 L 5645-1000 pcs 405.900
Labu Ukur, With Plastic Stopper, Class A, 2 L 5645-2000 pcs 612.900
Labu Ukur, Class A, Clear with Glass Stopper, 5 ml 5640-5 pcs 147.200
Labu Ukur, Class A, Clear with Glass Stopper, 10 ml 5640-10 pcs 147.200
Labu Ukur, Class A, Clear with Glass Stopper, 20 ml 5640-20 pcs 154.100
Labu Ukur, Class A, Clear with Glass Stopper, 25 ml 5640-25 pcs 154.100
Labu Ukur, Class A, Clear with Glass Stopper, 50 ml 5640-50 pcs 167.900
Labu Ukur, Class A, Clear with Glass Stopper, 100 ml 5640-100 pcs 203.500
Labu Ukur, Class A, Clear with Glass Stopper, 200 ml 5640-200 pcs 236.900
Deskripsi No. Katalog Satuan Harga
Labu Ukur, Class A, Clear with Glass Stopper, 250 ml 5640-250 pcs 250.700
Labu Ukur, Class A, Clear with Glass Stopper, 500 ml 5640-500 pcs 308.200
Labu Ukur, Class A, Clear with Glass Stopper, 1000 ml 5640-1000 pcs 442.700
Labu Ukur, Class A, Clear with Glass Stopper, 2000 ml 5640-2000 pcs 646.300
Petri Dish, Soda Lime Glass, 60 x 15 mm PETRI DISH 60-15 pcs 28.700
Petri Dish, Soda Lime Glass, 80 x 15 mm PETRI DISH 80-15 pcs 28.700
Petri Dish, Soda Lime Glass, 90 x 15 mm PETRI DISH 90-15 pcs 32.200
Petri Dish, Soda Lime Glass, 100 x 15 mm PETRI DISH 100-15 pcs 32.200
Pipet Ukur, Mohr Type, Class A, 0,1 ml 7000-0.1 pcs 147.200
Pipet Ukur, Mohr Type, Class A, 0,2 ml 7000-0.2-C pcs 102.300
Pipet Ukur, Mohr Type, Class A, 0,5 ml 7000-0.5-C pcs 71.300
Pipet Ukur, Mohr Type, Class A, 1 ml 7000-1-C pcs 52.900
Pipet Ukur, Mohr Type, Class A, 2 ml 7000-2-C pcs 57.500
Pipet Ukur, Mohr Type, Class A, 5 ml 7000-5-C pcs 60.900
Pipet Ukur, Mohr Type, Class A, 10 ml 7000-10-C pcs 64.400
Pipet Ukur, Mohr Type, Class A, 20 ml 7000-20-C pcs 98.900
Pipet Ukur, Mohr Type, Class A, 25 ml 7000-25-C pcs 106.900
Pipet Ukur, Mohr Type, Class A, 50 ml 7000-50-C pcs 174.800
Pipet Ukur, Serological Type, Class A, 0,1 ml, Blow Out 7025-0.1 pcs 147.200
Pipet Ukur, Serological Type, Class A, 0,2 ml, Blow Out 7025-0.2-C pcs 102.300
Pipet Ukur, Serological Type, Class A, 0,5 ml, Blow Out 7025-0.5-C pcs 71.300
Pipet Ukur, Serological Type, Class A, 1 ml, Blow Out 7025-1-C pcs 52.900
Pipet Ukur, Serological Type, Class A, 2 ml, Blow Out 7025-2-C pcs 57.500
Pipet Ukur, Serological Type, Class A, 5 ml, Blow Out 7025-5-C pcs 60.900
Pipet Ukur, Serological Type, Class A, 10 ml, Blow Out 7025-10-C pcs 64.400
Pipet Ukur, Serological Type, Class A, 20 ml, Blow Out 7025-20-C pcs 98.900
Pipet Ukur, Serological Type, Class A, 25 ml, Blow Out 7025-25-C pcs 106.900
Pipet Ukur, Serological Type, Class A, 50 ml, Blow Out 7025-50-C pcs 174.800
Pipet Volume, Class A, 0,5 ml 7100-0.5-C pcs 151.800
Pipet Volume, Class A, 1 ml 7100-1-C pcs 60.900
Pipet Volume, Class A, 2 ml 7100-2-C pcs 60.900
Pipet Volume, Class A, 3 ml 7100-3-C pcs 64.400
Pipet Volume, Class A, 4 ml 7100-4-C pcs 86.200
Pipet Volume, Class A, 5 ml 7100-5-C pcs 73.600
Pipet Volume, Class A, 6 ml 7100-6-C pcs 177.100
Pipet Volume, Class A, 7 ml 7100-7-C pcs 177.100
Deskripsi No. Katalog Satuan Harga
Pipet Volume, Class A, 8 ml 7100-8-C pcs 182.800
Pipet Volume, Class A, 9 ml 7100-9-C pcs 182.800
Pipet Volume, Class A, 10 ml 7100-10-C pcs 86.200
Pipet Volume, Class A, 15 ml 7100-15-C pcs 113.800
Pipet Volume, Class A, 20 ml 7100-20-C pcs 139.100
Pipet Volume, Class A, 25 ml 7100-25-C pcs 119.600
Pipet Volume, Class A, 30 ml 7100-30-C pcs 236.900
Pipet Volume, Class A, 40 ml 7100-40-C pcs 233.400
Pipet Volume, Class A, 50 ml 7100-50-C pcs 155.200
Pipet Volume, Class A, 100 ml 7100-100-C pcs 221.900
Separating Funnel Conical Shape with Glass Sopcock
and Glass Stopper 50 ml 6401FS50 pcs 632.500
Separating Funnel Conical Shape with Glass Sopcock
and Glass Stopper 100 ml 6401FS100 pcs 632.500
Separating Funnel Conical Shape with Glass Sopcock
and Glass Stopper 250 ml 6401FS250 pcs 680.800
Separating Funnel Conical Shape with Glass Sopcock
and Glass Stopper 500 ml 6401FS500 pcs 762.400
Separating Funnel Conical Shape with Glass Sopcock
and Glass Stopper 1000 ml 6401FS1000 pcs 1.125.800
Separating Funnel Conical Shape with Glass Sopcock
and Glass Stopper 2000 ml 6401FS2000 pcs 1.796.300
Separating Funnel Conical Shape with Teflon Sopcock
and Glass Stopper 50 ml 6403FS50 pcs 882.000
Separating Funnel Conical Shape with Teflon Sopcock
and Glass Stopper 100 ml 6403FS100 pcs 882.000
Separating Funnel Conical Shape with Teflon Sopcock
and Glass Stopper 250 ml 6403FS250 pcs 1.054.500
Separating Funnel Conical Shape with Teflon Sopcock
and Glass Stopper 500 ml 6403FS500 pcs 1.167.200
Separating Funnel Conical Shape with Teflon Sopcock
and Glass Stopper 1000 ml 6403FS1000 pcs 1.626.100
Separating Funnel Conical Shape with Teflon Sopcock
and Glass Stopper 2000 ml 6403FS2000 pcs 2.329.900
Test Tube, With Rim, 10 x 75 mm TEST10-75NP pcs 8.000
Test Tube, With Rim, 12 x 75 mm TEST12-75NP pcs 8.000
Test Tube, With Rim, 12 x 90 mm TEST12-90NP pcs 8.000
Test Tube, With Rim, 12 x 105 mm TEST12-105NP pcs 8.000
Test Tube, With Rim, 12 x 120 mm TEST12NP pcs 8.000
Deskripsi No. Katalog Satuan Harga
Test Tube, With Rim, 13 x 75 mm TEST13-75NP pcs 9.200
Test Tube, With Rim, 13 x 90 mm TEST13-90NP pcs 9.200
Test Tube, With Rim, 13 x 100 mm TEST13-100NP pcs 9.200
Test Tube, With Rim, 15 x 85 mm TEST15-85NP pcs 10.300
Test Tube, With Rim, 15 x 105 mm TEST15-105NP pcs 10.300
Test Tube, With Rim, 15 x 150 mm TEST15NP pcs 10.300
Test Tube, With Rim, 16 x 100 mm TEST16-100NP pcs 10.300
Test Tube, With Rim, 16 x 125 mm TEST16-125NP pcs 11.500
Test Tube, With Rim, 16 x 150 mm TEST16-150NP pcs 11.500
Test Tube, With Rim, 16.5 x 105 mm TEST16.5-105NP pcs 11.500
Test Tube, With Rim, 16.5 x 165 mm TEST16.5NP pcs 11.500
Test Tube, With Rim, 18 x 150 mm TEST18-150NP pcs 13.800
Test Tube, With Rim, 18 x 165 mm TEST18-165NP pcs 13.800
Test Tube, With Rim, 18 x 180 mm TEST18NP pcs 13.800
Test Tube, With Rim, 20 x 150 mm TEST20-150NP pcs 16.100
Test Tube, With Rim, 21 x200 mm TEST21NP pcs 17.200
Test Tube, With Rim, 25 x 150 mm TEST25-150NP pcs 18.400
Test Tube, With Rim, 25 x 200 mm TEST25NP pcs 23.000
Test Tube, With Rim, 30 x 200 mm TEST30NP pcs 28.700
Test Tube, Without Rim, 10 x 75 mm 9820TST10-75NP pcs 8.000
Test Tube, Without Rim, 12 x 75 mm 9820TST12-75NP pcs 8.000
Test Tube, Without Rim, 12 x 90 mm 9820TST12-90NP pcs 8.000
Test Tube, Without Rim, 12 x 105 mm 9820TST12-105NP pcs 8.000
Test Tube, Without Rim, 12 x 120 mm 9820TST12NP pcs 8.000
Test Tube, Without Rim, 13 x 75 mm 9820TST13-75NP pcs 9.200
Test Tube, Without Rim, 13 x 80 mm 9820TST13-80NP pcs 9.200
Test Tube, Without Rim, 13 x 90 mm 9820TST13-90NP pcs 9.200
Test Tube, Without Rim, 13 x 100 mm 9820TST13-100NP pcs 9.200
Test Tube, Without Rim, 15 x 75 mm 9820TST15-75NP pcs 10.300
Test Tube, Without Rim, 15 x 85 mm 9820TST15-85NP pcs 10.300
Test Tube, Without Rim, 15 x 90 mm 820TST15-90NP pcs 10.300
Test Tube, Without Rim, 15 x 105 mm 9820TST15-105NP pcs 10.300
Test Tube, Without Rim, 15 x 150 mm 9820TST15NP pcs 10.300
Test Tube, Without Rim, 16 x 100 mm 820TST16-100NP pcs 10.300
Test Tube, Without Rim, 16 x 125 mm 9820TST16-125NP pcs 11.500
Test Tube, Without Rim, 16 x 150 mm 9820TST16-150NP pcs 11.500
Deskripsi No. Katalog Satuan Harga
Test Tube, Without Rim, 16.5 x 105 mm 9820TST16.5-105NP pcs 11.500
Test Tube, Without Rim, 16.5 x 165 mm 9820TST16.5NP pcs 11.500
Test Tube, Without Rim, 18 x 150 mm 9820TST18-150NP pcs 13.800
Test Tube, Without Rim, 18 x 165 mm 9820TST18-165NP pcs 13.800
Test Tube, Without Rim, 18 x 180 mm 9820TST18NP pcs 13.800
Test Tube, Without Rim, 20 x 150 mm 9820TST20-150NP pcs 16.100
Test Tube, Without Rim, 21 x 200 mm 9820TST21NP pcs 17.200
Test Tube, Without Rim, 25 x 150 mm 9820TST25-150NP pcs 19.500
Test Tube, Without Rim, 25 x 200 mm 9820TST25NP pcs 23.000
Test Tube, Without Rim, 30 x 200 mm 9820TST30NP pcs 28.700
Test Tube, Without Rim, 21 x 200 mm 9820TST21NP pcs 15.500
Test Tube, Without Rim, 25 x 150 mm 9820TST25-150NP pcs 17.700
Test Tube, Without Rim, 25 x 200 mm 9820TST25NP pcs 21.000
Test Tube, Without Rim, 30 x 200 mm 9820TST30NP pcs 25.500
Deskripsi No. Katalog Ukuran Harga
(S)-Asam laktat sekitar 90% 1003662500 2.5 L 4.300.000
1-Butanol 1019901000 1L 2.000.000
1-Butanol 1019902500 2.5 L 4.300.000
2-Butanol 1096301000 1L 1.700.000
2-Butanol 1096302500 2.5 L 3.600.000
2,2,2-Trifluoroethanol for Synthesis 8082590100 100 ml 2.300.000
2,2,2-Trifluoroethanol for Synthesis 8082590250 250 ml 1.800.000
2,2,2-Trifluoroethanol for Synthesis 8082591000 1L 6.700.000
Acetic acid (glacial) 100% 1000660250 250 ml 5.300.000
Acetic acid (glacial) 100% 1000661000 1L 11.800.000
Acetonitrile Gradient HPLC Grade 1000304000 4L 600.000
Acetylaceton 1096000500 500 ml 2.800.000
Ammonium carbonate 1595040250 250 g 1.000.000
Amonium besi(II) sulfat dodekahidrat 1037760500 500 g 1.400.000
Amonium besi(II) sulfat heksahidr 1037920500 500 g 3.500.000
Amonium klorida 1011450500 500 g 1.100.000
Amonium sulfat 1012170100 100 g 700.000
Anilina 1012611000 1L 4.900.000
Asam asetat (glasial) 100% 1000632500 2.5 L 800.000
Asam Benzoat 1001360250 250 g 1.800.000
Asam nitrat 65% 1004562500 2.5 L 1.600.000
Asam nitrat 69% 1017992500 2.5 L 1.700.000
Asam oksalat dihidrat 1004950100 100 g 900.000
Asetat anhidrida 1000421000 1L 2.500.000
Asetilaseton 1096000100 100 ml 1.000.000
Barium hidroksida oktahidrat 1017370500 500 g 2.200.000
Barium klorida dihidrat 1017190500 500 g 1.100.000
Besi Klorida (FeCl3) 1039430250 250 g 1.900.000
Besi(II) klorida tetrahidrat 1038610250 250 g 1.500.000
Besi(II) sulfat heptahidrat 1039650100 100 g 900.000
Besi(III) klorida heksahidrat 1039430250 250 g 1.900.000
Besi(III) nitrat nonanhidrat 1038830250 250 g 1.400.000
Bromothymol blue indikator ACS,Reag. Ph Eur 1030260005 5g 2.500.000
Deskripsi No. Katalog Ukuran Harga
Calcium oxide from marble 1021091000 1 kg 1.800.000
Chromium(II) chloride for synthes 8024820010 10 g 3.900.000
Chromium(III) chloride hexahydrate 1024871000 1 kg 2.500.000
Chromium(III) nitrate nonanhydrate 1024810250 250 g 5.500.000
Cobalt(II) chlorida hexsahydrate 1025390100 100 g 7.500.000
Cobalt(II) sulfate heptahydrate 1025560100 100 g 3.000.000
Copper(II) chloride dihydrate 1027330250 250 g 1.600.000
Copper(II) chloride for synthesis 8182470100 100 g 900.000
Cyclohexanol for synthesis 8223280100 100 ml 700.000
Cyclohexanol for synthesis 8223281000 1L 1.000.000
D(+)-Glukosa 1083370250 250 g 800.000
Dichloromethane for Analysis 1060502500 2.5 L 1.700.000
Eriochrome black T (C.I. 14645) 1031700025 25 g 1.700.000
Ethanol Absolute for Analysis 1009832500 2.5 L 1.000.000
Ethanol Absolute for Analysis 1009832500 2.5 L 1.000.000
Ethylenedinitrilotetraacetic acid 1084520250 250 g 1.400.000
Kalium bromida 1049070100 100 g 3.100.000
Kalium bromida 1049070500 500 g 6.700.000
Kalium Dicromat 1048650500 500 g 5.400.000
Kalium Iodidat 1050510100 100 g 2.200.000
Kalsium sulfat dihidrat 1021610500 500 g 1.400.000
Kloroform 1024451000 1L 700.000
Kolesterol dari lemak wol 1036725000 5 kg 78.700.000
Laktosa monohidrat 1076569029 25 kg 24.100.000
Larutan penyangga 1072941000 1L 2.200.000
Litium klorida 1056790100 100 g 4.300.000
Magnesium 1058151000 1 kg 5.300.000
Magnesium foil 1058120001 1 roll 2.000.000
Magnesium sulfat anhidrat 1060671000 1 kg 5.300.000
Magnesium sulfat heptahidrat 1058860500 500 g 1.200.000
Maleic anhydride 8004080100 100 g 700.000
Mangan(II) klorida tetrahidrat 1059270100 100 g 1.100.000
Methanol for Analysis 1060092500 2.5 L 500.000
Methanol for Liquid Chromatography 1060182500 2.5 L 1.100.000
Murexide Metal Indikator 1061610005 5g 2.000.000
N-Ethyldiisopropylalamine 8008940100 100 ml 1.000.000
Deskripsi No. Katalog Ukuran Harga
n-Hexane for Analysis 1043742500 2.5 L 4.600.000
N,N-Dimethylformamide 1030532500 2.5 L 4.800.000
Naphthalene for synthesis 8208460100 100 g 600.000
Natrium asetat 1062811000 1 kg 1.800.000
Natrium thiosulfat 1065120250 250 g 600.000
Nessler's reagent 1090280100 100 ml 500.000
Nikel(II) klorida heksahidrat 1067170250 250 g 1.900.000
Nikel(II) sulfat heksahidrat 1067270100 100 g 1.900.000
Ninhydrin 1067620010 10 g 1.400.000
Pb Nitrate 1073980100 100 g 1.000.000
Pepsin (dari mukosa perut babi) 1071901000 1 kg 24.500.000
Perak Nitrat 1015120100 100 g 6.400.000
Perak nitrat 1015120025 25 g 2.700.000
Petroleum eter 1017691000 1L 2.300.000
Phenol 1002060250 250 g 1.800.000
Piperidine for Synthesis 8222990100 100 ml 1.000.000
Piperidine for Synthesis 8222990500 500 ml 3.000.000
Potasium kromat 1049520250 250 g 3.800.000
Potasium permanganat 1050820250 250 g 1.700.000
Potasium sodium tartrat tetrahidrat 1080870500 500 g 2.100.000
Potasium tiosianat 1051250250 250 g 1.300.000
Potassium iodide ( kalium iodida ) 1050440050 50 g 2.500.000
Seng 1087800500 500 g 3.500.000
Seng asetat dihidrat 1088020250 250 g 1.100.000
Seng klorida 1088160250 250 g 1.200.000
Seng sulfat heptahidrat 1088830500 500 g 1.100.000
Silver Nitrate (AgNO3) 1015120025 25 g 2.700.000
Sodium 1062600250 250 g 5.300.000
Sodium hidroksida 1064980500 500 g 500.000
Sodium nitrate ( natrium nitrat ) 1065351000 1 kg 1.300.000
Sodium nitrate ( natrium nitrat ) 1065460050 50 g 3.900.000
Deskripsi No. Katalog Ukuran Harga
Tembaga(II) asetat monohidrat 1027110250 250 g 2.000.000
tert-Butanol 1096290500 500 ml 1.200.000
Timbal(II) asetat trihidrat 1073750250 250 g 1.600.000
Trifluoroacetic Acid 8082600026 25 ml 300.000
Trifluoroacetic Acid 8082600101 100 ml 800.000
Urea GR for analysis ACS 1084870500 500 g 1.300.000
Yodium 1047610100 100 g 2.700.000
Deskripsi No. Katalog Ukuran Harga
50 ml 2.160.000
RNAzol® RT Reagent RN 190 100 ml 3.960.000
200 ml 6.600.000
RNAzol® RT Column Kit RC 290 50 isiolation 7.920.000
RNAzol® RT Column Kit Trial Size RC 290 T 10 isolation 1.680.000
50 ml 2.400.000
RNAzol® BD Reagent RB 192 100 ml 4.440.000
200 ml 7.680.000
RNAzol® BD Column Kit RC 292 50 isolation 8.160.000
RNAzol® BD Column Kit Trial Size RC 292 T 10 isolation 1.680.000
DNA Extraction Solution GT 192 50 ml 1.080.000
50 ml 2.160.000
TRI Reagent® TR 118 100 ml 3.840.000
200 ml 6.960.000
50 ml 2.280.000
TRI Reagent® BD TB 126 100 ml 4.200.000
200 ml 7.080.000
50 ml 2.280.000
TRI Reagent® LS TS 120 100 ml 4.320.000
200 ml 7.080.000
50 ml 2.640.000
TRI Reagent® RT RT 111 100 ml 4.740.000
200 ml 8.640.000
50 ml 1.800.000
DNAzol® DN 127 100 ml 3.120.000
200 ml 6.000.000
50 ml 1.920.000
DNAzol® ES DN 128 100 ml 3.360.000
200 ml 6.240.000
50 ml 1.920.000
DNAzol® BD DN 129 100 ml 3.360.000
200 ml 6.240.000
Deskripsi No. Katalog Ukuran Harga
25 ml 1.320.000
DNAzol® Direct DN 131
50 ml 2.280.000
Bactozol™Kit BA 154 125 isolation 3.840.000
Brand Deskripsi No. Katalog Ukuran Harga
Phytotech 2,4 D, 1 mg/ml (Plant Tissue Culture Tested) D295 100 ml 720.000
Phytotech 2,4 D, 10 mg/ml (Plant Tissue Culture Tested) D309 100 ml 1.320.000
Phytotech 2iP (Plant Tissue Culture Tested) D525 100 mg 960.000
Phytotech 2ip (Dimethylallylaminopurin) D525 500 mg 1.680.000
6-Benzylaminopurine (Plant Tissue Culture
Phytotech B800 1g 480.000
6-Benzylaminopurine (Plant Tissue Culture
Phytotech B800 5g 1.770.000
Phytotech 6-Benzylaminopurine solution B130 100 ml 860.000
Phytotech Abcisic acid/ ABA (Plant Tissue Culture Tested A102 100 mg 1.020.000
Phytotech Abcisic acid/ ABA (Plant Tissue Culture Tested A102 500 mg 4.200.000
Phytotech Acetosyringone (Plant Tissue Culture Tested) A104 1g 1.320.000
Phytotech Adenin,6-Aminopurine,Vitamin B4 A120 100 g 5.640.000
Phytotech Adenine hemisulfate A545 25 g 2.340.000
Phytotech Alginic acid (Plant Tissue Culture Tested) A108 100 g 1.860.000
Alumunium chloride (Plant Tissue Culture
Phytotech A127 100 g 720.000
Ammonium molybdate (Plant Tissue Culture
Phytotech A112 100 g 1.000.000
Phytotech Ampicillin (USP Grade) A116 5g 840.000
Phytotech Boric Acid (Plant Tissue Culture Tested) B210 500 g 1.140.000
Phytotech Calcium D-Panthotenate C186 100 g 1.620.000
Phytotech Carbenicillin (Plant Tissue Culture Tested) C346 5g 2.370.000
Phytotech Casein, enzymatic hydrolysate C184 100 g 880.000
Phytotech Casein, enzymatic hydrolysate C184 500 g 3.000.000
Phytotech Cefotaxime (Plant Tissue Culture Tested) C380 1g 1.120.000
Charcoal activated (Plant Tissue Culture
Phytotech C325 1 kg 2.940.000
Phytotech Chloramphenicol C252 5g 880.000
Phytotech CHU'S N6 BASAL MED. W/ VITAMIN C167 10 L 360.000
Phytotech Citric Acid (PTC Grade) C277 500 g 860.000
Phytotech Cobalt chloride C350 100 g 1.740.000
Phytotech Cobalt chloride (Plant Tissue Culture Tested) C350 25 g 960.000
Brand Deskripsi No. Katalog Ukuran Harga
Copper II Sulfate 5H2O (Plant Tissue Culture
Phytotech C375 250 g 1.320.000
D-(+)-Glucose anhydrous (Plant Tissue Culture
Phytotech G360 1 kg 910.000
Phytotech Dicamba (Plant Tissue Culture Tested) D159 100 mg 1.680.000
Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) (Plant Tissue
Phytotech D241 500 ml 2.160.000
Culture Tested)
Phytotech DL-Dithiothreitol (Plant Tissue Culture Tested) D259 1g 760.000
Phytotech D-Mannitol (PTC Grade) M562 500 g 1.500.000
Phytotech D-Sorbitol (Plant Tissue Culture Tested) S744 500 g 840.000
Phytotech D-Sorbitol (Plant Tissue Culture Tested) S744 1 kg 1.160.000
Phytotech EDTA (Plant Tissue Culture Tested) E316 100 g 620.000
Phytotech FeNa-EDTA (Plant Tissue Culture Tested) E676 500 g 2.340.000
Phytotech Ferric Chloride F383 100 g 1.000.000
Phytotech Ferric Citrate F352 250 g 2.340.000
Phytotech Ferrous Sulfate F263 500 g 1.620.000
Phytotech Gamborg B-5 Basal Medium G398 10 L 390.000
Phytotech Gelrite, GELZAN G3251 100 g 1.320.000
Phytotech Gelrite, GELZAN G3251 500 g 4.740.000
Phytotech Giberrelic acid (Plant Tissue Culture Tested) G500 1g 1.620.000
Phytotech Giberrelic acid (Plant Tissue Culture Tested) G500 5g 4.740.000
Glucose anhydrous (Plant Tissue Culture
Phytotech G360 1 kg 910.000
Phytotech Glycine (Plant Tissue Culture Tested) G503 100 g 930.000
Phytotech Glycine (Plant Tissue Culture Tested) G503 500 g 1.440.000
Phytotech ICHIHASHI (NP) MEDIUM I365 10 L 430.000
Indole-3-acetic acid / IAA (Plant Tissue Culture
Phytotech I885 5g 750.000
Indole-3-acetic acid / IAA (Plant Tissue Culture
Phytotech I885 25 g 1.880.000
Phytotech Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) (PTC Grade) I538 5g 1.000.000
Phytotech Iron sulfate F318 100 ml 540.000
Phytotech Kanamycin acid sulphate (PTC Grade) K378 5g 1.440.000
Phytotech Kinetin (PTC Grade) K750 1g 1.140.000
Phytotech Kinetin (PTC Grade) K750 5g 3.360.000
Phytotech L-Ascorbic acid (Plant Tissue Culture Tested) A106 100 g 480.000
Phytotech L-Ascorbic acid (Plant Tissue Culture Tested) A106 500 g 1.440.000
Phytotech Lloyd & McCown Mod Basal Salt L449 10 L 460.000
Brand Deskripsi No. Katalog Ukuran Harga
Phytotech Lloyd & McCown Mod Basal Salt L449 50 L 1.380.000
Phytotech M & S Basal Medium w/ Gamb VIT M404 50 L 1.440.000
Phytotech M & S Modified Basal Maedium M401 10 L 520.000
Phytotech Manganese Sulfate M250 100 g 500.000
Phytotech Manganese Sulfate M250 500 g 1.200.000
Phytotech Mannitol (PTC Grade) M562 500 g 1.500.000
Phytotech MS Basal Medium w/ Gamborg Vitamins M404 1L 100.000
Phytotech MS Modified Basal Salt Mixture M571 1L 100.000
Phytotech MURASHIGE & SKOOG BAS SALT MIX M524 10 L 420.000
Phytotech Murashige & Skoog Basal Medium w/Vitamin M519 10 L 420.000
Phytotech Murashige & Skoog Basal Medium w/Vitamin M519 50 L 1.440.000
Phytotech Murashige & Skoog Basal Medium w/Vitamin M519 100 L 2.520.000
Phytotech Murashige & Skoog Macronutrient Salt Base M502 10 L 430.000
Phytotech Murashige & Skoog Macronutrient Salt Base M502 50 L 1.120.000
Phytotech Murashige & Skoog Modified Basal Medium M401 50 L 1.560.000
Murashige & Skoog Modified Multification
Phytotech M555 10 L 640.000
Murashige & Skoog Modified Multification
Phytotech M555 50 L 1.560.000
Phytotech Murashige & Skoog Vitamin Powder(1000x) M533 250 ml 880.000
Phytotech Murashige Fern Multiplication M508 1L 120.000
Phytotech Murashige Modified Multification Medium M527 1L 120.000
Phytotech Myo-Inositol (Plant Tissue Culture Tested) I703 100 g 1.380.000
Phytotech Myo-Inositol (Plant Tissue Culture Tested) I703 500 g 4.920.000
Phytotech Na2 EDTA (Plant Tissue Culture Tested) E410 100 g 1.200.000
Phytotech Na2 EDTA (Plant Tissue Culture Tested) E410 500 g 3.240.000
Phytotech NAA (Plant Tissue Culture Tested) N600 25 g 780.000
Phytotech NAA (Plant Tissue Culture Tested) N600 100 g 1.980.000
Phytotech Nicotinic acid (Niacin) (PTC Grade) N765 100 g 750.000
Phytotech Nicotinic acid (Niacin) (PTC Grade) N765 500 g 1.740.000
Phytotech Orchid Maintenance/ Replate Medium P748 1L 380.000
Phytotech Paclobutrazol (Plant Tissue Culture Tested) P687 25 g 720.000
Penicillin G Sodum salt (Plant Tissue Culture
Phytotech P777 25 g 1.320.000
Phytotech Picloram (Plant Tissue Culture Tested) P717 1g 500.000
Phytotech Picloram (Plant Tissue Culture Tested) P717 5g 930.000
Phytotech Putrescine (Plant Tissue Culture Tested) P733 1g 620.000
Brand Deskripsi No. Katalog Ukuran Harga
Phytotech Putrescine (Plant Tissue Culture Tested) P733 25 g 2.940.000
Pyridoxine hydrochloride (Plant Tissue Culture
Phytotech P866 100 g 2.040.000
Phytotech Rifampicin (PTC Grade) R501 5g 3.600.000
Phytotech Sodium molybdate M651 100 g 1.170.000
Streptomycin sulfate (Plant Tissue Culture
Phytotech S739 25 g 980.000
Phytotech etracycline Hydrochloride T859 T 5g 580.000
Thiamine hydrochloride (Plant Tissue Culture
Phytotech T390 100 g 2.340.000
Phytotech Thidiazuron (Plant Tissue Culture Tested) T888 100 mg 3.420.000
Phytotech Timentin (plant Tissue Culture Tested) T869 2g 2.100.000
Phytotech Triiodobenz Acid,TIBA, T850 5g 960.000
Phytotech Zeatin (Plant Tissue Culture Tested) Z125 10 mg 2.040.000
Deskripsi Katalog Pack Case Harga/Pack Harga/Case
Loop and Needle 1㎕, PP, white, Sterile 90001 10 500 22.200 1.032.000
Loop and Needle 10㎕,PP, Sterile 90010 10 500 22.200 1.032.000
Embedding Cassette, acetal, white 400600 - 500 - 1.128.000
Petri Dish, 150x20mm,PS, Sterile 10150 10 120 222.000 2.340.000
Petri Dish, 90x20mm,PS, Sterile. External grip 10101 10 200 96.000 1.776.000
Petri Dish, 90x15mm,PS, Sterile, Double
10093 10 500 44.400 2.160.000
Petri Dish, 60x15mm,PS, Sterile 10060 20 500 66.000 2.040.000
RODAC Plate, 60x15mm,PS,Sterile 10061 20 500 78.000 2.220.000
30ml Wide Mouth Bottle, white HDPE 59030 100 1000 840.000 9.120.000
60ml Wide Mouth Bottle, white HDPE 59060 100 1000 864.000 9.480.000
125ml Wide Mouth Bottle, white HDPE 59125 50 500 540.000 6.360.000
250ml Wide Mouth Bottle, white HDPE 59250 - 72 - 1.596.000
500ml Wide Mouth Bottle, white HDPE 59500 - 48 - 1.320.000
5ml Wide Mouth Bottle, PP. Autoclavable 58005 100 1000 840.000 8.280.000
20ml Wide Mouth Bottle, PP. Autoclavable 58020 100 1000 864.000 8.160.000
30ml Wide Mouth Bottle, PP. Autoclavable 58030 100 1000 960.000 984.000
60ml Wide Mouth Bottle, PP. Autoclavable 58060 100 1000 960.000 9.960.000
125ml Wide Mouth Bottle, PP. Autoclavable 58125 50 500 624.000 5.880.000
250ml Wide Mouth Bottle, PP. Autoclavable 58250 - 72 - 1.620.000
500ml Wide Mouth Bottle, PP. Autoclavable 58500 - 48 - 1.380.000
Autoclaving Jar. Convenient tool for the
sterilization of various laboratory materials by 310123 1 20 48.000 960.000
L-Spreader Dnase-Rnase Free Human DNA
99050 10 500 31.200 1.440.000
free Autoclavable
Microtube rack, hold 80 x 1.5/2.0 ml 61080 25 - 120.000 -
Microtube Rack 1.5ml, Stacker 61048 10 - 126.000 -
Conical Tube Rack, 25 x 15 ml 52015 20 - 120.000 -
Conical Tube Rack, 25 x 50 ml 52050 20 - 120.000 -
Omin Box. For storage of magnetic bar, tubing
80010 1 - 96.000
etc -
PCR Tube Rack 96 well w/lid 80096 10 - 126.000 -
Deskripsi Katalog Pack Case Harga/Pack Harga/Case
15ml Conical Centrifuge Tube, Sterile,
50015 50 - 180.000
50pcs/pack -
50ml Conical Centrifuge Tube, Sterile,
50050 50 - 144.000
25pcs/pack -
Cryovial, PP, Total Volume 1.8ml, External
431120 50 - 240.000
cap, with Silicone Washer, -
Deskripsi No. Katalog Ukuran Harga
Dumb Bell Magnetic Stirring Bar 20x35mm 4170 pcs 144.000
Dumb Bell Magnetic Stirring Bar 20x55mm 4172 pcs 174.000
Triangular Magnetic Stirring Bar 14x50 4182 pcs 60.000
Boston Round Diagnostic Bottle, Good for freezer storage
583170 12/pack 54.000
at -100'C, 4 ml
Boston Round Diagnostic Bottle, Good for freezer storage
583180 12/pack 62.000
at -100'C, 8 ml
Boston Round Diagnostic Bottle, Autoclavable, 4 ml 582070 12/pack 56.000
Boston Round Diagnostic Bottle, Autoclavable,8 ml 582080 12/pack 62.000
Boston Round Diagnostic Bottle, Autoclavable, 15 ml 582090 12/pack 88.000
Boston Round Narrow Mouth Bottle, good for freezer
583110 12/pack 105.000
storage at 100'C, 60 ml
Boston Round Narrow Mouth Bottle, good for freezer
583150 6/pack 306.000
storage at 100'C, 1000 ml
Boston Round Narrow Mouth Bottle, Autoclavable, 30 ml 582100 12/pack 90.000
Boston Round Narrow Mouth Bottle, Autoclavable, 60 ml 582110 12/pack 118.000
Boston Round Narrow Mouth Bottle, Autoclavable, 125 ml 582120 12/pack 158.000
Boston Round Narrow Mouth Bottle, Autoclavable, 250 ml 582130 12/pack 258.000
Boston Round Narrow Mouth Bottle, Autoclavable, 1000 ml 582150 6/pack 336.000
Boston Round Wide Mouth Bottle, Autoclavable, 125 ml 582220 12/pack 192.000
Boston Round Wide Mouth Bottle, Autoclavable, 250 ml 582230 12/pack 294.000
Boston Round Wide Mouth Bottle, Autoclavable, 500 ml 582240 12/pack 396.000
Amber Boston Round Narrow Mouth Bottle, Good for
581200 12/pack 108.000
freezer storage at 100'C, 30 ml
Amber Boston Round Narrow Mouth Bottle, Good for
581230 12/pack 294.000
freezer storage at 100'C, 250 ml
Amber Boston Round Diagnostic Bottle, Good for freezer
581170 12/pack 60.000
storage at 100'C, 4 ml
Large Round Narrow Mouth Bottle, deal for collecting and
586280 pcs 264.000
storing liquids, 4 L
Large Round Narrow Mouth Bottle, deal for collecting and
586290 pcs 444.000
storing liquids, 8 L
Rectangular Carboy with Stopcock, 10 L 683242 pcs 1.020.000
Rectangular Carboy with Stopcock, 20 L 683243 pcs 1.200.000
Wash Bottle Wide mouth - Self Labeling. Natural. 500ml 562016 pcs 72.000
Deskripsi No. Katalog Ukuran Harga
Polywire Test Tube Rack, 13 mm. 6 x 12 T202110 pcs 120.000
Polywire Test Tube Rack, 16 mm. 6 x 12 T202111 pcs 168.000
Polywire Test Tube Rack, 25 mm. 4 x 10 T202113 pcs 180.000
Polywire Test Tube Rack, 30 mm. 4 x 10 T202114 pcs 180.000
Centrifuge Tube Box for 15ml, 36 Places-PP 202090 pcs 180.000
Centrifuge Tube Box for 50ml, 16 Places-PP 202100 pcs 180.000
TIP 1000ul Universal Bulk Blue 521020-B 500/pack 144.000
TIP 10ul Universal Grad Racked 522100 96/rack 48.000
TIP 200ul Universal Grad Racked Yellow 522101-Y 96/rack 48.000
TIP 1000ul Universal Grad Racked Blue 522103-B 100/rack 60.000
TIP 100ul Universal Filter Maxipense Ultra Low Retention
529103 96/rack 48.000
TIP 300ul Universal Filter Maxipense Ultra Low Retention
529105 96/rack 48.000
Cryochilli1"c Cooler for 1.0/1.8 ml Tube 525000 pcs 780.000
Centrifuge Tube 30 ml Round Bottom with Screw
541030 12/pack 180.000
Centrifuge Tube 50 ml Round Bottom with Screw
541040 12/pack 240.000
Centrifuge Tube 70 ml Round Bottom with Screw
541050 12/pack 240.000
Centrifuge Bottle 250 ml, PP 544010 12/pack 840.000
Centrifuge Bottle 500 ml, PP 544020 6/pack 360.000
Deskripsi No. Katalog Ukuran Harga
Taq DNA Polymerase PL 1202 500 u 1.560.000
At Taq DNA Polymerase (Hotstart - 5 u/ul) PL 3201 200 u 3.840.000
2X Taq Master Mix PLMM01 100 app 1.560.000
2X ViRed Taq Master Mix CLMM01 100 app 1.800.000
2X At-Taq Master Mix (Hot Start) PLMM02 100 app 5.040.000
Viva 2-Step RT-PCR Kit w/cDNA Synthesis Kit & PCR Kit RTPL12 100 app 5.160.000
2XOneStep Taq ReverseTrans PCR Master Mix RTMM01 100 app 9.360.000
VIPRIMERPLUS 2019-NCOV MULTIPLEX RT-QPCR Kit QM50811 100 app 26.760.000
Viva cDNA Syntesis Kit cDSK01 50 app 2.880.000
dNTP Set NP 2406 4x0.25 mL 3.000.000
dNTP Mix, 10 mM NP 2409 0.25 mL 600.000
dNTP Mix, 10 mM NP 2410 1 mL 1.860.000
T4 DNA Ligase 50-200 u/ul ME4303 4000 u 960.000
DNA Amplification Kits PL1202 K Kit 3.240.000
VC 50 BP DNA Ladder Plus, Ready to Use, 50µg NL 1423 100 app 1.860.000
VC 100 BP DNA Ladder Plus, Ready to Use, 50µg NL 1407 100 app 1.560.000
VC 1 KB DNA Ladder Plus, Ready to Use, 50µg NL 1411 100 app 780.000
VC Lambda/EcoRI MARKER 50µg NM 2403 100 app 570.000
VC Lambda/Hindi III MARKER 50µg NM 2407 100 app 570.000
VC Lambda/EcoRI + Hindi III MARKER 50µg NM 2411 100 app 570.000
CENTIMARK PCR MARKER, 50µg NM 2419 100 app 1.680.000
MILIMARK PCR MARKER, 50µg NM 2423 100 app 1.680.000
Tricolor Broad Range Prestained Protein Ladder 5-245 kDa PR 0624 250 ul 2.520.000
6X Loading Dye NM 0410 1 mL 190.000
ViSafe Green Gel Stain, 10000 x in water, 500 ul/pack SD0101 0.5 mL 1.800.000
ViSafe Red Gel Stain, 10000 x in water, 500 ul/pack SD0103 0.5 mL 1.800.000
Viva qGreen I Fluorescent Dye 20x in DMSO SD1101 1 mL 1.800.000
Viva qGreen II Fluorescent Dye 20x in Water SD1103 1 mL 2.640.000
GF-1 Plant DNA Extraction Kit GF-PT-050 50 preps 2.160.000
GF-1 PCR Clean Up Kit GF-PC-050 50 preps 1.920.000
GF-1 Gel DNA Recovery Kit GF-GP-050 50 preps 1.920.000
GF-1 Blood DNA Extraction Kit GF-BD-050 50 preps 2.220.000
GF-1 Blood Total RNA Extraction Kit GF-TB-025 25 preps 4.560.000
Deskripsi No. Katalog Ukuran Harga
GF-1 Bacterial DNA Extraction Kit GF-BA-050 50 preps 2.220.000
GF-1 Tissue DNA Extraction Kit GF-TD-050 50 preps 2.220.000
GF-1 Plasmid DNA Extraction Kit GF-PL-050 50 preps 1.920.000
GF-1 Forensic DNA Extraction Kit GF-FD-025 25 preps 5.940.000
GF-1 Soil Sample DNA Extraction Kit GF-SD-025 25 preps 4.080.000
GF-1 Food DNA Extraction Kit GF-FE-025 25 preps 3.480.000
GF-1 Viral Nucleic Acid GF-RD-025 25 preps 2.640.000
GF-1 Total DNA Extraction Kit GF-TR-025 25 preps 4.440.000
Acrylamide (MB Grade) PR0603 100 g 2.100.000
Agarose (MB Grade) PC0701 100 g 2.160.000
Agarose (MB Grade) PC0701 500 g 8.640.000
Ammonium Persulfate (MB grade) PR0605 25 g 760.000
Ammonium sulfate (MB Grade) PC0902 500 g 780.000
Bis-acrylamide (MB Grade) PR0606 50 g 1.620.000
Boric Acid (MB grade) PR0607 500 g 1.060.000
Deoxyribonuclease I (DNAse I), 50 KU PC0704 25 g 3.540.000
Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) (MB Grade) PC0906 500 ml 1.860.000
DL-Dithiothreitol (DTT) (MB Grade) PC0705 5g 1.680.000
EDTA Disodium Salt Dihydrate (MB Grade) PC0706 500 g 2.040.000
Glycerol (MB Grade) PC0908 1L 1.440.000
IPTG (MB Grade) PC0708 1g 960.000
Lysozyme (MB Grade) PC0710 1g 780.000
Lysozyme (MB Grade) PC0710 5g 2.100.000
Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) 10X (powder) PC0711 10 L 780.000
Proteinase K (MB Grade) PC0712 100 mg 3.060.000
RNase A, > 2500 U/mg (MB Grade) PC0713 250 mg 3.720.000
SDS (MB Grade) PR0611 100 g 1.440.000
SDS (MB Grade) PR0611 250 g 2.640.000
TAE 10X (MB Grade) PB0940 1L 810.000
TAE 50X (MB Grade) PB0990 1L 2.760.000
TBE 10X MB Grade) PB1040 1L 1.500.000
Phosphate Buffered Saline 1x, pH8.0, Ultra Pure Grade PB0315 1L 360.000
TE Buffer 10X, pH 8.0, Ultra Pure Grade PB1245 100 ml 1.620.000
Tris (MB Grade) PR0612 500 g 1.320.000
Tris Hydrochloride (MB Grade) PR0614 500 g 2.520.000
Tween 20 (MB Grade) PC0919 500 ml 1.200.000
Deskripsi No. Katalog Ukuran Harga
X-GAL (MB Grade) PC0716 100 mg 1.120.000
Tween 80 PC0924 500 ml 1.170.000
Xylene cyanol (MB Grade) PC0718 20 g 3.360.000
Deskripsi No. Katalog Jumlah Harga
589/1 BLKRIB 90MM 100/PK 10300009 100/pack 729.000
589/1 BLKRIB 110MM 100/PK 10300010 100/pack 1.248.000
589/1 BLKRIB 125MM 100/PK 10300011 100/pack 1.457.000
589/2 WHTRIB 90MM 100/PK 10300109 100/pack 1.075.000
589/2 WHTRIB 110MM 100/PK 10300110 100/pack 834.000
589/2 WHTRIB 125MM 100/PK 10300111 100/pack 854.000
589/3 BLURIB 110MM 100/PK 10300210 100/pack 834.000
589/3 BLURIB 125MM 100/PK 10300211 100/pack 1.561.000
595 110MM 100/PK 10311610 100/pack 317.000
595 125MM 100/PK 10311611 100/pack 331.000
595 FF 110MM 100/PK 10311643 100/pack 1.411.000
595 FF 125MM 100/PK 10311644 100/pack 1.589.000
597 90MM 100/PK 10311809 100/pack 317.000
597 110MM 100/PK 10311810 100/pack 423.000
597 125MM 100/PK 10311811 100/pack 379.000
597 FF 90MM 100/PK 10311842 100/pack 1.200.000
597 FF 110MM 100/PK 10311843 100/pack 1.483.000
597 FF 125MM 100/PK 10311844 100/pack 1.766.000
602H 125MM 100/PK 10312611 100/pack 531.000
602H 150MM 100/PK 10312612 100/pack 1.128.000
40 FF QUADRANT 110MM 500/PK 10380004 500/pack 2.242.000
40 FF QUADRANT 125MM 500/PK 10380005 500/pack 2.809.000
40 FF QUADRANT 150MM 500/PK 10380006 500/pack 5.506.000
41 FF QUADRANT 110MM 500/PK 10380204 500/pack 2.242.000
41 FF QUADRANT 125MM 500/PK 10380205 500/pack 2.797.000
41 FF QUADRANT 150MM 500/PK 10380206 500/pack 5.506.000
1 FF QUADRANT 110MM 500/PK 10380404 500/pack 2.581.000
1 FF QUADRANT 125MM 500/PK 10380405 500/pack 2.732.000
1 FF QUADRANT 150MM 500/PK 10380406 500/pack 3.036.000
GR 1 4.7CM 100/PK 1001-047 100/pack 177.000
GR 1 5.5CM 100/PK 1001-055 100/pack 282.000
GR 1 7.0CM 100/PK 1001-070 100/pack 182.000
Deskripsi No. Katalog Jumlah Harga
GR 1 9.0CM 100/PK 1001-090 100/pack 181.000
GR 1 11.0CM 100/PK 1001-110 100/pack 184.000
GR 1 12.5CM 100/PK 1001-125 100/pack 184.000
GR 1 15.0CM 100/PK 1001-150 100/pack 249.000
GR 1 18.5CM 100/PK 1001-185 100/pack 377.000
GR 1 24.0CM 100/PK 1001-240 100/pack 640.000
GR 1 27.0CM 100/PK 1001-270 100/pack 679.000
GR 1 32.0CM 100/PK 1001-320 100/pack 2.398.000
GR 1 46X57CM 100/PK 1001-917 100/pack 2.102.000
GR 1 46X57CM 500/PK 1001-918 500/pack 8.505.000
GR 1 60X60CM 100/PK 1001-929 100/pack 4.054.000
GR 1 58x68CM 100/PK 1001-931 100/pack 3.780.000
GR 2 9.0CM 100/PK 1002-090 100/pack 179.000
GR 2 11.0CM 100/PK 1002-110 100/pack 208.000
GR 2 12.5CM 100/PK 1002-125 100/pack 221.000
GR 2 15.0CM 100/PK 1002-150 100/pack 315.000
GR 2 18.5CM 100/PK 1002-185 100/pack 484.000
GR 2 24.0CM 100/PK 1002-240 100/pack 1.728.000
GR 2 46x57CM 100/PK 1002-917 100/pack 3.105.000
GR 2 60x60CM 100/PK 1002-929 100/pack 4.490.000
GR 3 9.0CM 100/PK 1003-090 100/pack 300.000
GR 3 11.0CM 100/PK 1003-110 100/pack 309.000
GR 3 12.5CM 100/PK 1003-125 100/pack 403.000
GR 3 15.0CM 100/PK 1003-150 100/pack 540.000
GR 3 18.5CM 100/PK 1003-185 100/pack 1.607.000
GR 4 9CM 100/PK 1004-090 100/pack 173.000
GR 4 11CM 100/PK 1004-110 100/pack 205.000
GR 4 12.5CM 100/PK 1004-125 100/pack 234.000
GR 4 15CM 100/PK 1004-150 100/pack 333.000
GR 4 18.5CM 100/PK 1004-185 100/pack 1.200.000
GR 5 9CM 100/PK 1005-090 100/pack 205.000
GR 5 11CM 100/PK 1005-110 100/pack 235.000
GR 5 12.5CM 100/PK 1005-125 100/pack 294.000
GR 5 15CM 100/PK 1005-150 100/pack 1.132.000
GR 5 18.5CM 100/PK 1005-185 100/pack 1.677.000
GR 6 9CM 100/PK 1006-090 100/pack 232.000
Deskripsi No. Katalog Jumlah Harga
GR 6 11CM 100/PK 1006-110 100/pack 271.000
GR 6 12.5CM 100/PK 1006-125 100/pack 338.000
GR 6 15CM 100/PK 1006-150 100/pack 447.000
GR 6 18.5CM 100/PK 1006-185 100/pack 1.657.000
GR 91 11.0CM 4000/PK 1091-110 4000/pack 8.626.000
GR 91 12.5CM 4000/PK 1091-125 4000/pack 8.858.000
GR 91 58x58CM 500/PK 1091-930 500/pack 7.590.000
GR 91 61x61CM 500/PK 1091-935 500/pack 7.762.000
GR 93 11CM 100/PK 1093-110 100/pack 282.000
GR 93 12.5CM 100/PK 1093-125 100/pack 317.000
GR 93 58x58CM 500/PK 1093-930 500/pack 6.348.000
GR 93 61x61CM 500/PK 1093-935 500/pack 7.026.000
GR 2 FF 12.5CM 100/PK 1202-125 100/pack 1.799.000
GR 2 FF 15CM 100/PK 1202-150 100/pack 2.011.000
GR 40 9CM 100/PK 1440-090 100/pack 389.000
GR 40 11CM 100/PK 1440-110 100/pack 471.000
GR 40 12.5CM 100/PK 1440-125 100/pack 566.000
GR 40 15CM 100/PK 1440-150 100/pack 734.000
GR 40 18.5CM 100/PK 1440-185 100/pack 2.910.000
GR 41 9CM 100/PK 1441-090 100/pack 399.000
GR 41 11CM 100/PK 1441-110 100/pack 538.000
GR 41 12.5CM 100/PK 1441-125 100/pack 603.000
GR 41 15CM 100/PK 1441-150 100/pack 809.000
GR 41 18.5CM 100/PK 1441-185 100/pack 1.274.000
GR 42 9CM 100/PK 1442-090 100/pack 387.000
GR 42 11CM 100/PK 1442-110 100/pack 480.000
GR 42 12.5CM 100/PK 1442-125 100/pack 569.000
GR 42 15CM 100/PK 1442-150 100/pack 770.000
GR 42 18.5CM 100/PK 1442-185 100/pack 1.221.000
GR 43 9CM 100/PK 1443-090 100/pack 1.061.000
GR 43 11CM 100/PK 1443-110 100/pack 1.297.000
GR 43 12.5CM 100/PK 1443-125 100/pack 655.000
GR 43 15CM 100/PK 1443-150 100/pack 1.894.000
GR 44 9CM 100/PK 1444-090 100/pack 471.000
GR 44 11CM 100/PK 1444-110 100/pack 1.353.000
GR 44 12.5CM 100/PK 1444-125 100/pack 621.000
Deskripsi No. Katalog Jumlah Harga
GR 50 9CM 100/PK 1450-090 100/pack 495.000
GR 50 11CM 100/PK 1450-110 100/pack 733.000
GR 50 12.5CM 100/PK 1450-125 100/pack 1.495.000
GR 50 15CM 100/PK 1450-150 100/pack 1.161.000
GR 50 18.5CM 100/PK 1450-185 100/pack 2.287.000
GR 52 9CM 100/PK 1452-090 100/pack 1.061.000
GR 52 11CM 100/PK 1452-110 100/pack 1.296.000
GR 52 12.5CM 100/PK 1452-125 100/pack 849.000
GR 52 15CM 100/PK 1452-150 100/pack 1.838.000
GR 54 9CM 100/PK 1454-090 100/pack 1.061.000
GR 54 11CM 100/PK 1454-110 100/pack 1.297.000
GR 54 12.5CM 100/PK 1454-125 100/pack 1.495.000
GR 54 15CM 100/PK 1454-150 100/pack 1.761.000
GR 540 9CM 100/PK 1540-090 100/pack 564.000
GR 540 11CM 100/PK 1540-110 100/pack 1.329.000
GR 540 12.5CM 100/PK 1540-125 100/pack 1.528.000
GR 540 15CM 100/PK 1540-150 100/pack 1.258.000
GR 541 9CM 100/PK 1541-090 100/pack 564.000
GR 541 11CM 100/PK 1541-110 100/pack 1.261.000
GR 541 12.5CM 100/PK 1541-125 100/pack 891.000
GR 541 15CM 100/PK 1541-150 100/pack 1.258.000
GR 542 9CM 100/PK 1542-090 100/pack 1.098.000
GR 542 11CM 100/PK 1542-110 100/pack 1.328.000
GR 542 12.5CM 100/PK 1542-125 100/pack 1.527.000
GR 542 15CM 100/PK 1542-150 100/pack 1.258.000
Deskripsi No. Katalog Ukuran Harga
Mortar,with Lip inside unglazed without pestle, 20 ml L55/00 pcs 317.000
Mortar,with Lip inside unglazed without pestle, 70 ml L55/0a pcs 472.000
Mortar,with Lip inside unglazed without pestle, 75 ml L55/1 pcs 503.000
Mortar,with Lip inside unglazed without pestle, 100 ml L55/2 pcs 667.000
Mortar,with Lip inside unglazed without pestle, 170 ml L55/3 pcs 706.000
Mortar,with Lip inside unglazed without pestle, 300 ml L55/4 pcs 936.000
Mortar,with Lip inside unglazed without pestle, 400 ml L55/5 pcs 1.204.000
Mortar,with Lip inside unglazed without pestle, 700 ml L55/6a pcs 1.820.000
Mortar,with Lip inside unglazed without pestle, 1000 ml L55/8 pcs 4.490.000
Mortar,with Lip inside unglazed without pestle, 2600 ml L55/11 pcs 10.389.000
Mortar,with Lip inside unglazed without pestle, 6000 ml L55/15 pcs 17.415.000
Pestle,grinding surface,unglazed L : 115 mm L56/00 pcs 309.000
Pestle,grinding surface,unglazed L : 125 mm L56/0a pcs 335.000
Pestle,grinding surface,unglazed L : 135 mm L56/1 pcs 382.000
Pestle,grinding surface,unglazed L : 150 mm L56/2 pcs 539.000
Pestle,grinding surface,unglazed L : 175 mm L56/3 pcs 772.000
Pestle,grinding surface,unglazed L : 180 mm L56/4 pcs 838.000
Pestle,grinding surface,unglazed L : 185 mm L56/5 pcs 928.000
Pestle,grinding surface,unglazed L : 210 mm L56/6a pcs 1.020.000
Pestle,grinding surface,unglazed L : 215 mm L56/8 pcs 1.422.000
Evaporating Basin, with Spout, Glazed, 10 ml L109/5/0 pcs 181.000
Evaporating Basin, with Spout, Glazed 20 ml L109/4/0 pcs 188.000
Evaporating Basin, with Spout, Glazed 40 ml L109/000 pcs 209.000
Evaporating Basin, with Spout, Glazed 50 ml L109/00 pcs 262.000
Evaporating Basin, with Spout, Glazed 75 ml L109/0 pcs 299.000
Evaporating Basin, with Spout, Glazed 110 ml L109/1 pcs 323.000
Evaporating Basin, with Spout, Glazed 180 ml L109/2 pcs 355.000
Evaporating Basin, with Spout, Glazed 190 ml L109/3 pcs 476.000
Evaporating Basin, with Spout, Glazed 220 ml L109/4 pcs 584.000
Evaporating Basin, with Spout, Glazed 310 ml L109/5 pcs 677.000
Evaporating Basin, with Spout, Glazed 370 ml L109/6 pcs 938.000
Evaporating Basin, with Spout, Glazed 640 ml L109/6a pcs 1.204.000
Deskripsi No. Katalog Ukuran Harga
Evaporating Basin, with Spout, Glazed 1000 ml L109/7b pcs 1.761.000
Evaporating Basin, with Spout, Glazed 2200 ml L109/9 pcs 3.026.000
Evaporating Basin, with Spout, Glazed 3400 ml L109/10 pcs 5.356.000
Evaporating Basin, French shape, Flat Bottom, 30 ml L131/2 pcs 325.000
Evaporating Basin, French shape, Flat Bottom, 60 ml L131/3 pcs 549.000
Evaporating Basin, French shape, Flat Bottom, 100 ml L131/4 pcs 671.000
Evaporating Basin, French shape, Flat Bottom, 150 ml L131/5 pcs 842.000
Evaporating Basin, French shape, Flat Bottom, 250 ml L131/6 pcs 1.044.000
Evaporating Basin, French shape, Flat Bottom, 290 ml L131/7 pcs 1.179.000
Evaporating Basin, French shape, Flat Bottom, 400 ml L131/8 pcs 1.462.000
Evaporating Basin, French Shape, 70 ml L130/3 pcs 543.000
Evaporating Basin, French Shape, 190 ml L130/5 pcs 868.000
Evaporating Basin, French Shape, 270 ml L130/6 pcs 1.138.000
Evaporating Basin, French Shape, 350 ml L130/7 pcs 1.227.000
Evaporating Basin, flat bottom, 5 ml L888/000 pcs 226.000
Evaporating Basin, flat bottom, 10 ml L888/00 pcs 254.000
Evaporating Basin, flat bottom, 20 ml L888/0 pcs 284.000
Evaporating Basin, flat bottom, 40 ml L888/2 pcs 312.000
Evaporating Basin, flat bottom, 80 ml L888/4 pcs 425.000
Evaporating Basin, flat bottom, 270 ml L888/6 pcs 572.000
Evaporating Basin, flat bottom, 450 ml L888/6a pcs 993.000
Evaporating Basin, flat bottom, 1100 ml L888/8 pcs 2.151.000
Evaporating Basin, flat bottom, 1750 ml L888/9 pcs 3.973.000
Evaporating Basin, flat bottom, 2500 ml L888/10 pcs 5.622.000
Flour Incinerating Dish, flat bottom, 30 ml L5032 pcs 234.000
Incinerating Dishes, cylindrical, Flat Bottom, 15 ml L33/1 pcs 188.000
Incinerating Dishes, cylindrical, Flat Bottom, 30 ml L33/2 pcs 234.000
Incinerating Dishes, cylindrical, Flat Bottom, 60 ml L33/4 pcs 289.000
Incinerating Dishes, Dim : 48 x 26 x 10 mm L33C/00 pcs 266.000
Incinerating Dishes, Dim : 55 x 42 x 16 mm L33C/00b pcs 293.000
Incinerating Dishes, Dim : 70 x 46 x 13 mm L33C/4b pcs 380.000
Incinerating Dishes, Dim : 96 x 55 x 16 mm L33C/7 pcs 519.000
Incinerating Dishes, Flat Bottom, Dia 37 x H 10 (mm) L33D/2 pcs 185.000
Incinerating Dishes, Flat Bottom, Dia 42 x H 11 (mm) L33D/3 pcs 188.000
Incinerating Dishes, Flat Bottom, Dia 48 x H 12 (mm) L33D/4 pcs 253.000
Crucible, medium form, 5 ml L79MF/9 pcs 121.000
Deskripsi No. Katalog Ukuran Harga
Crucible, medium form, 10 ml L79MF/8 pcs 136.000
Crucible, medium form, 13 ml L79MF/7 pcs 136.000
Crucible, medium form, 20 ml L79MF/7a pcs 146.000
Crucible, medium form, 38 ml L79MF/6 pcs 185.000
Crucible, medium form, 50 ml L79MF/6a pcs 205.000
Crucible, medium form, 60 ml L79MF/5 pcs 219.000
Crucible, medium form, 90 ml L79MF/4 pcs 265.000
Crucible, medium form, 110 ml L79MF/3 pcs 295.000
Crucible, medium form, 150 ml L79MF/2 pcs 356.000
Crucible, medium form, 230 ml L79MF/1 pcs 480.000
Crucible, medium form, 300 ml L79MF/1a pcs 563.000
Crucible, tall form, 11 ml L79C/00 pcs 138.000
Crucible, tall form, 15 ml L79C/0 pcs 155.000
Crucible, tall form, 24 ml L79C/1 pcs 164.000
Crucible, tall form, 40 ml L79C/2 pcs 192.000
Crucible, tall form, 50 ml L79C/3 pcs 219.000
Crucible, tall form, 85 ml L79C/4 pcs 327.000
Crucible, tall form, 140 ml L79C/5 pcs 446.000
Crucible, low form, 8 ml L79/000a pcs 146.000
Crucible, low form, 11 ml L79/00 pcs 132.000
Crucible, low form, 20 ml L79/0 pcs 144.000
Crucible, low form, 25 ml L79/1 pcs 185.000
Crucible, low form, 40 ml L79/2 pcs 240.000
Crucible, low form, 65 ml L79/2a pcs 271.000
Crucible, low form, 95 ml L79/3 pcs 348.000
Crucible, low form, 180 ml L79/4 pcs 454.000
Crucible,Gooch Type, wide shape, 25 ml L82A/2 pcs 415.000
Crucible,Gooch Type, wide shape, 35 ml L82A/3 pcs 524.000
Crucible,Gooch Type, tall form, 25 ml L82R/3 pcs 397.000
Crucible Lid, for D : 25 mm L79D/9 pcs 159.000
Crucible Lid, for D : 32 mm L79D/8 pcs 162.000
Crucible Lid, for D : 35 mm L79D/7 pcs 162.000
Crucible Lid, for D : 43 mm L79D/7a pcs 171.000
Crucible Lid, for D : 46 mm L79D/6 pcs 189.000
Crucible Lid, for D : 52 mm L79D/5 pcs 203.000
Crucible Lid, for D : 60 mm L79D/4 pcs 244.000
Deskripsi No. Katalog Ukuran Harga
Crucible Lid, for D : 68 mm L79D/3 pcs 244.000
Crucible Lid, for D : 75 mm L79D/2 pcs 259.000
Crucible Lid, for D : 87 mm L79D/1 pcs 373.000
Crucible Lid, for D : 92 mm L79D/1a pcs 391.000
Filter Disc, for crucible gooch type, D : 22 mm L31B/22 pcs 204.000
Filter Disc, for crucible gooch type, D : 25 mm L31B/25 pcs 218.000
Crucible, alsint, low form, without lid, 10 ml L00B pcs 763.000
Crucible, alsint, low form, without lid, 25 ml L0B pcs 1.089.000
Crucible, alsint, low form, without lid, 40 ml L1B pcs 1.420.000
Crucible, alsint, low form, without lid, 60 ml L2B pcs 2.470.000
Crucible, alsint, low form, without lid, 80 ml L3B pcs 2.789.000
Crucible, alsint, low form, without lid, 100 ml L4B pcs 3.329.000
Crucible, alsint, tall form, without lid, 15 ml L0C pcs 947.000
Crucible, alsint, tall form, without lid, 20 ml L1C pcs 1.254.000
Crucible, alsint, tall form, without lid, 30 ml L2C pcs 1.599.000
Crucible, alsint, tall form, without lid, 45 ml L3C pcs 1.925.000
Crucible, alsint, tall form, without lid, 80 ml L4C pcs 3.063.000
Crucible, alsint, tall form, without lid, 150 ml L5C pcs 3.881.000
Crucible Lid, Alsint, for D : 62 & 66 mm DL79D/3 pcs 3.178.000
Crucible Lid, Alsint, for D : 54 & 60 mm DL79D/4 pcs 2.693.000
Crucible Lid, Alsint, for D : 48 & 50 mm DL79D/5 pcs 2.128.000
Crucible Lid, Alsint, for D : 42 mm DL79D/6 pcs 1.676.000
Crucible Lid, Alsint, for D : 33 mm DL79D/7 pcs 1.221.000
Crucible Lid, Alsint, for D : 38 & 41 mm DL79D/7a pcs 1.480.000
Crucible Lid, Alsint, for D : 30 mm DL79D/8 pcs 1.413.000
Hirsch Funnels, T 30 x D 9 x H 45 (mm) L126/5/0 pcs 777.000
Hirsch Funnels, T 40 x D 11 x H 56 (mm) L126/4/0 pcs 868.000
Hirsch Funnels, T 45 x D 13 x H 61 (mm) L126/4/0a pcs 894.000
Hirsch Funnels, T 52 x D 15 x H 74 (mm) L126/000 pcs 1.029.000
Hirsch Funnels, T 72 x D 27 x H 102 (mm) L126/00 pcs 1.116.000
Buchner Funnel, 3 ml L127C/000 pcs 949.000
Buchner Funnel, 10 ml L127C/00 pcs 978.000
Buchner Funnel, 25 ml L127C/0 pcs 1.022.000
Buchner Funnel, 50 ml L127C/0A pcs 1.093.000
Buchner Funnel, 75 ml L127C/1 pcs 1.208.000
Buchner Funnel, 135 ml L127C/2 pcs 1.582.000
Deskripsi No. Katalog Ukuran Harga
Buchner Funnel, 290 ml L127C/2a pcs 2.004.000
Buchner Funnel, 580 ml L127C/3 pcs 2.498.000
Buchner Funnel, 795 ml L127C/4 pcs 3.369.000
Buchner Funnel, 1250 ml L127C/4a pcs 4.659.000
Buchner Funnel, 1900 ml L127C/5 pcs 7.465.000
Buchner Funnel, 4300 ml L127C/6 pcs 12.180.000
Buchner Funnel, 5800 ml L127C/6a pcs 22.506.000
Buchner Funnel, 10600 ml L127C/8 pcs 29.578.000
Spatula with spoon, L : 121 mm L74/2 pcs 386.000
Spatula with spoon, L : 170 mm L74/4 pcs 426.000
Spatula with spoon, L : 210 mm L74/6 pcs 652.000
Spatula with spoon, L : 305 mm L74/8 pcs 1.222.000
Casseroles, with handle, 80 ml L17/4/0 pcs 726.000
Casseroles, with handle, 140 ml L17/000 pcs 938.000
Casseroles, with handle, 290 ml L17/0 pcs 1.120.000
Casseroles, with handle, 500 ml L17/2 pcs 1.735.000
Casseroles, with handle, 1300 ml L17/4 pcs 5.599.000
Casseroles, with handle, 2600 ml L17/4b pcs 5.776.000
Tiles Rectangular, 6 cavities, L 115 x W 80 x H 12 (mm) L61A/3 pcs 492.000
Tiles Rectangular, 12 cavities, L 119 x W 85 x H 6 (mm) L61B/2 pcs 726.000
Tiles Rectangular, 12 cavities, L 127 x W 97 x H 12 (mm) L61B/3 pcs 765.000
Combustion Boats, L 85 x T 13 x H 8 (mm) L30/6 pcs 461.000
Combustion Boats, L 102 x T 13 x H 10 (mm) L30/7 pcs 502.000
Combustion Boats, L 190 x T 19 x H 14 (mm) L30/9 pcs 748.000
Clay Plates, D : 180 mm PLATE180 pcs 322.000
Clay Plates, D : 220 mm PLATE220 pcs 424.000
Deskripsi No. Katalog Ukuran Harga
Pipette Tip 10ul for universal type, clear SGA001 1000 pcs/bag 58.000
Pipette Tip 200ul for universal type, yellow SGA002 1000 pcs/bag 92.000
Pipette Tip 1000ul for universal type, blue SGA003 500 pcs/bag 112.000
Centrifuge Tube 15ml, Screw Cap, Printed Graduation,
SGB011 100 pcs/bag 208.000
Conical Bottom
Centrifuge Tube 15ml, Screw Cap, Printed Graduation,
SGB011-S 100 pcs/bag 226.000
Conical Bottom, Sterile
Centrifuge Tube 50ml, Screw Cap, Printed Graduation,
SGB012 50 pcs/bag 162.000
Conical Bottom
Centrifuge Tube 50ml, Screw Cap, Printed Graduation,
SGB012-S 50 pcs/bag 170.000
Conical Bottom, Sterile
Centrifuge Tube 15ml, Rack Pack, Screw Cap, Graduation,
SGB011-R 50 pcs/bag 180.000
Centrifuge Tube 50 ml, Rack pack, Screw Cap,
SGB012-R 50 pcs/bag 225.000
Graduation, Sterile
Centrifuge Tube 50ml, Screw Cap, Printed Graduation,
SGB013 50 pcs/bag 174.000
Centrifuge Tube 50ml, Screw Cap, Printed Graduation,
SGB013-S 50 pcs/bag 192.000
Standable, Sterile
Microcentrifuge Tube 0.5ml, clear color, with safe lock caps SGB002 1000 pcs/bag 158.000
Microcentrifuge Tube 1.5ml, clear color , with safe lock
SGB003 500 pcs/bag 126.000
PCR Tube 0.2ml, Flat Top Caps, Thin wall SGB001-F 1000 pcs/bag 214.000
PCR Tube 0.2ml, Dome Shaped Caps, Thin wall SGB001-D 1000 pcs/bag 218.000
PCR Plate 96 well 0.2ml, Half – skirted SGB015-H 20 pcs/bag 504.000
PCR Tube 8 strip 0.2ml, Dome Lid SGB016-D 200 pcs/bag 748.000
PCR Tube 8 strip 0.2ml, Flat Lid SGB016-F 200 pcs/bag 748.000
2.0ml cryovials, with writing area, graduation, sterile,
SGB0020 100 ps/bag 186.000
Freezeable -86oC
External Cryotube 2.0ml self-standing, o-ring, sterile,
SG-20-07 100 pcs/bag 360.000
Freezeable -196oC
Cryo Tube 5ml,with silicon Ring, Sterile, Freezeable
SGB029 200 pcs/bag 387.000
Bahan Kimia Teknis
Nama Keterangan Satuan Harga
Gom arab Teknis 250 g 107.000
Indikator metil jingga Teknis 30 ml 34.500
Indikator metil merah Teknis 30 ml 34.500
Indikator pp Teknis 50 ml 34.500
Iodida Teknis 40 g 220.500
Kalium Dikromat (K₂Cr₂O₇) Teknis 100 g 157.000
Kalium dihidrogen fosfat (KH₂PO₄) Teknis 500 g 62.000
Kalium Hidroksida (KOH) Teknis 500 g 30.000
Kalium Iodida (KI) Teknis 40 g 220.500
Kalsium karbonat Teknis 1 kg 6.500
Kapas Teknis 1 kg 150.000
Kertas Saring Bebas abu 58 x58 Teknis lembar 21.500
KMnO4 (Kalium permanganat) Teknis 20 g 10.500
Larutan Benedict Teknis 1L 113.500
Larutan Fehling A Teknis 1L 86.500
Larutan Fehling B Teknis 1L 154.500
Magnesium klorida (MgCl₂) Teknis 500 g 23.500
Magnesium oksida (MgO) Teknis 1 kg 25.000
Magnesium sulfat ( MgSO₄) Teknis 1 kg 25.000
Metanol 99% Teknis 500 ml 11.000
Methylen klorida/Diklorometana (CH₂Cl₂) Teknis 1L 91.500
Metilselulosa (HEC) Teknis 500 g 161.500
Minyak Jarak (Castor Oil) Teknis 500 ml 50.500
n-heksana (C₆H₁₄) Teknis 1L 51.000
Na Metabisulfit (Na2S2O5) Teknis 500 g 19.000
NaCl (Natrium Klorida) Teknis 1 kg 9.500
NaOCl (Natrium Hipoklorit) Teknis 1L 27.000
NaOH (Natrium Hidroksida) Teknis 500 g 23.000
Natrium asetat (CH3COONa) Teknis 500 g 24.000
Natrium benzoat (NaC₇H₅O₂) Teknis 500 g 60.000
Natrium bikarbonat (NaHCO₃) Teknis 1 kg 27.000
Natrium karbonat (Na₂CO₃) Teknis 500 g 12.000
Natrium sitrat/Sitrun (Na₃C₆H₅O₇) Teknis 500 g 45.000
Natrium sulfat (Na₂SO₄) Teknis 1 kg 8.000
Natrium tiosulfat (Na₂S₂O₃·5H₂O) Teknis 500 g 16.000
Olive oil Teknis 250 ml 63.000
Nama Keterangan Satuan Harga
Parafin Teknis 1 kg 69.500
Pepermint oil Teknis 20 ml 63.000
Pereaksi biuret Teknis 500 ml 39.500
Polivinil Alkohol (C2H4O)x Teknis 1 kg 178.000
Polysorbate 80 (Tween 80) Teknis 500 ml 114.500
Propilen glikol (CH₃CHCH₂OH) Teknis 500 ml 60.000
Sakarin (C7H5NO3S) Teknis 500 g 176.500
Setil alkohol (CH₃ (CH₂) ₁₅OH) Teknis 1 kg 220.500
Sodium lauryl sulfat Teknis 1 kg 60.000
Spiritus Teknis 1L 11.000
Sulfur Teknis 1 kg 31.500
Sunset Yellow pewarna Teknis 100 g 27.000
TEA/ Trietanolamin Teknis 500 ml 236.500
Tepung dekstrin Teknis 1 kg 34.500
Tepung pati (amilum) Teknis 500 g 19.000
Urea (CON₂H₄ atau (NH₂)₂CO) Teknis 500 g 15.000
Vanili (vanillin rhovanil) Teknis 100 g 117.500
Kebutuhan New Normal COVID-19
Brand Nama No. Katalog Satuan Harga
- Cairan Disinfektan 5 Liter - 5 Liter 200.000
- Cairan Disinfektan 1 Liter - Liter 50.000
Deskripsi No. Katalog Ukuran Harga
Staphylococcus epidermis, strain : ATCC 12228 MI-037-1 VL vial 1.700.000
Staphylococcus saprophyticus, strain : ATCC 15305 MI-038-1 VL vial 1.700.000
Strepcoccus mitis, strain : ATCC 13770 MI-026-1 VL vial 1.700.000
Strepcoccus mutans, strain : ATCC 25175 MI-025-1 VL vial 1.700.000
Strepcococcus sanguinis, strain : ATCC 10556 MI-027-1 VL vial 1.700.000
Trichophyton mentagrophytes, strain : ATCC 9533 MI-024-1 VL vial 1.700.000
Trichophyton rubrum, strain : ATCC 28188 MI-023-1 VL vial 1.700.000
Vibrio fulnificus, strain : ATCC 27562 MI-022-1 VL vial 1.700.000