Cala Component C - OLevel Principles of Accounting

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Learning Area: Principles of Accounting

Level: Form 4
CALA type: Pen and Paper
Syllabus Topic: Financial Accounting, Syllabus page 7
Syllabus Subtopic: Double Entry up to the Trial Balance
CALA Title: Effect and correction of errors in the financial statements
Competences/Skills: Critical thinking, Analysing and Problem solving.
It has been noted that learners make errors when recording transactions in the books of
accounts which result in biased financial statements. Hence the need to explore more on
the errors that occur in recording entries, the impact the errors have on the financial
statements and the correction thereof.
This CALA consists of two parts, Part A and Part B. You are required to respond to both
Part A
i. State the errors that are made in the books of accounts.
Part B:
i. Outline a transaction error for errors on Part A and the correcting entries.

Total Marked out of 30 marks

-Present your work neatly.
-Remember, there are errors that affect the trial balance and others that do not affect the
trial balance
Submission Date 11 November 2021

Learner Guide
Learning Area: Principles of Accounting
Level: Form 4
CALA type: Pen and Paper
Syllabus Topic: Financial Accounting, Syllabus page 7
Syllabus Subtopic: Double Entry up to the Trial Balance
CALA Title: Effect and correction of errors in the financial
Competences/Skills: Critical thinking, Analysing and Problem solving.
It has been noted that learners make errors when recording transactions in the books of
accounts which result in biased financial statements. Hence the need to explore more on
the errors that occur in recording entries, the impact the errors have on the financial
statements and the correction thereof.
CALA Description
This CALA consists of two parts, Part A and Part B. You are required to respond
to both parts.
Part A
i. State the errors that are made in the books of accounts
Part B
i. Outline a transaction for each of the errors stated on Part A and the correcting
entries. (20)

Total (30 marks)

Cala Tips
-Remember there are errors that affect the trial balance and errors that do not
affect the trial balance.
- Errors are corrected in the General journal.
Teacher CALA Guide
Learning Area: Principles of Accounting
Level: Form 4
CALA type: Pen and Paper
Syllabus Topic: Financial Accounting, Syllabus page 7
Syllabus Subtopic: Double Entry up to the Trial Balance
CALA Title: Effect and correction of errors in the financial statements
Competences/Skills: Critical thinking, Analysing and Problem solving.
It has been noted that learners make errors when recording transactions in the books of
accounts which result in biased financial statements. Hence the need to explore more on
the errors that occur in recording entries, the impact the errors have on the financial
statements and the correction thereof.
Dimensions/Criteria to be assessed
 Ability to identify the errors that do not affect the trial balance.
 Ability to identify the errors that affect the trial balance.
 Ability to outline transaction errors that do not affect the trial balance.
 Ability to correct errors that do not affect the trial a balance in the journal.
 Ability to outline transaction errors that do not affect the trial balance.
 Ability to correct errors that affect the trial balance in the General journal.
By the end of the CALA, learners should be able to:
- Identify the errors that do not affect the trial balance.
- Identify the errors that do affect the trial balance.
- Outline transactions with errors that do not affect the trial balance
- Correct errors that do not affect the trial balance in the general journal.
- Outline transactions with errors that ado affect the trial balance
- Correct errors that do affect the trial balance in the general journal.

Assessment procedure guide

This CALA will be assessed out of 30 marks.

Achievement Standard Guide

School Name: High School
CALA Component: C
Date of Submission: 11 November 2021
Learning Area: Principles of Accounting
Level: Form 4
Title: Errors and correction of errors in the books of accounts










10 10 9-8 7-5 4-3 2-0

Stating Excellent Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Cannot state more

errors Stating at Stated at least 8- Stated at least 5 Stated three to than two errors
that are least six 9 errors in to 7 errors in the four errors found found in financial
found in errors not financial financial in financial statements
financial corrected statements statements statements
statement through the
s suspense
account and
at least four
through the
12 12 19-15 14-12 11-8 7-0

Outlining Outlined at Outlined at least Outlined at least Outlined at least Cannot outline at
transactio least six five errors, four errors, two to three least an error with
n errors errors with correcting entries correcting entries errors, correcting correcting entries
that do correct and at least four and at least three entries and at least and effect on
not affect correcting correct effects on correct effects on two correct effects financial
the trial entries. financial financial on financial statements
balance statements statements statements
and the
14 12-10 9-7 6-5 4-3 2-0

Outlining Outlined at Outlined at least Outlined at least Outlined at least Cannot outline at
transactio least four four errors, three errors, two errors,
least two errors
n errors errors, correcting entries correcting entries correcting entries
that are correcting or at least three or at least two or at least two corrected through
corrected entries and correct effects of correct effects of correct effects of
the suspense
through at least correcting entries correcting entries correcting entries
the three correct on financial on financial on financial account
suspense effects of statements statements statements
account, correcting
effect on entries on
the financial
financial statements
s and

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