Optoelectronics & Quantum Physics: Global Meet On
Optoelectronics & Quantum Physics: Global Meet On
Optoelectronics & Quantum Physics: Global Meet On
Optoelectronics &
Quantum Physics
November 16, 2021
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Interconnecting the scientific world through organizing the conferences and
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Phronesis has been established with an aim to organize standard and productive
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5 Great Valley Pkwy, STE 235, Malvern PA 19355, USA | Tel: + 1 302 308 5943
E: contact@phronesisonline.com | W: https://phronesisonline.com/
Scientific Program
Global Meet on
Optoelectronics & Quantum Tuesday
November 16, 2021
November 16, 2021
Plenary Forum
Title: Ceramic Additive Manufacturing of Electromagnetic Crystals for Terahertz Wave
09:00 - 09:30 Modulations
Soshu Kirihara, Osaka University, Japan
Title: Photothermal and Photoelectric Effects of Light Detection beyond Bandgap
09:30 - 10:00 Limitation using Metal/Si Junction
Ching-Fuh Lin, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Title: Photosensitive Soft Materials for Optoelectronic Applications
10:00 - 10:30
Francesco Simoni, Institute of Applied Sciences and Intelligent Systems – CNR, Italy
Title: Signal - to - Matter Transfer Probed as an Interplay Between a Non - Local and a
10:30 - 11:00 Local Frame of Observation
Erik Audunn Cerwen, University of Uppsala, Sweden
Title: Quantum Particle as a Distribution of Matter, Electromagnetic Field as an Entity
Interacting With a Charged Quantum Particle, and our Universe as a Physical System
11:00 - 11:30
Eliade Stefanescu, Advanced Studies in Physics Centre of the Romanian Academy,
Keynote Forum
Title: In VIVO Multiphoton Microscopy and Multiphoton Absorption based
11:30 - 11:55 Photothermolysis Laser Therapy
Haishan Zeng, University of British Columbia, Canada
Title: Theoretical Modeling in Organic Nanophotonics
11:55 - 12:20 Alexander Bagaturyants, Photochemistry Center RAS, Federal Research Center Crys-
tallography and Photonics Russian Academy of Science, Russian Federation
Title: Sensor Performance of Apodization for TOPAS Fiber Bragg Grating
12:20 - 12:45
Toto Saktioto, University of Riau, Indonesia
Eye Relaxation Break @ 12:45 - 12:50
Quantum Science and Technologies | Quantum Physics and Quantum Mechanics | Quantum Artifi-
cial Intelligence| Integrated Photonics for Quantum Sensing | Condensed Matter Physics | Nanoscale
Materials and Devices
Title: Singlet Oxygen Generation by Nano Assemblies based on Semiconductor Quan-
12:50 - 01:10 tum Dots and Porphyrin Sensitizers
Eduard Zenkevich, Belarussian National Technical University, Belarus
Title: A Quantum Particle Knows the Configuration of Regions in which its Presence is
01:10 - 01:30 Forbidden
Sofia D. Wechsler, Retired from Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
Title: Gender Differences in Cerebral Metabolism induced by Polarized Light
01:30 - 01:50 in Mice Brain: A Quantum Coherence Model
Philip C. Njemanze MD, Chidicon Medical Center, Nigeria
Scientific Program
Global Meet on
Optoelectronics & Quantum Tuesday
November 16, 2021
Title: Azodye Nanolayers: Applications in E - Paper and Security Films
01:50 - 02:10
Vladimir Chigrinov, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
Title: Finite - Time Thermodynamic Processes of a Spin - Half Quantum Electric Dipole
02:10 - 02:30 System
Yassabie Yigermal Bassie, Wolkite University, Ethiopia
Eye Relaxation Break @ 02:30 - 02:35
Laser Science, Optics & Photonics | Optics and Lasers in Medicine | Photonic Materials | Advanced
Optical Materials and Devices
Title: Thickness and Immunohistochemistry of Lasik Flaps Created By Different
Femtosecond Lasers in Eye - Bank Corneas
02:35 - 02:55
Grazielly Martins Peixoto de Oliveira, Clínica VIVA e Hospital Oftalmológico de
Sorocaba, Brazil
Title: Photon Model for the Transparent Mask Interference Experiment
02:55 - 03:15
John C. Hodge, Retired, USA
Title: Holographic β Function in De Sitter Space
03:15 - 03:35 Yoshihisa Kitazawa, Theory Center, Institute of Particles and Nuclei, High Energy
Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), Japan
Title: Phase Transition of ZnO a Molecular Dynamics Computation using Equilibrium
03:35 - 03:55 Time
Yahia Chergui, Boumerdes University, Algeria
Title: Antibacterial Influence of Omega Diode Laser Exposure Durations on
03:55 - 04:15 Streptococcus Mutans
Eltigani Hassan Elasam, Sudan Institute for Natural Sciences Khartoum, Sudan
Title: Biophotonic Coloration in Wings and Petals
04:15 - 04:35
Dambarudhar Mohanta, Tezpur University, India
Poster Presentations
Title: Intense Laser Field Effects on the Hydrogen Ion Molecule Confined in Quantum
P - 01 Rings: Electronic and Optical Response
Santiago Ríos - Álvarez, National University of Colombia, Colombia
Title: Electric and Intense Laser Field Effects on the Thermodynamic Properties
P - 02 under Strongly Confinement Conditions
Santiago Ríos - Álvarez, National University of Colombia, Colombia
Title: Influence to Color Rendering of Spectral Characteristics Optical Devices of Video
P - 03
Volodymyr Pyliavskyi, State University Intelligent Technologies and Telecommunica-
tions, Ukraine
End of Session
Plenary Session
Global Meet on
Optoelectronics & Quantum Physics
November 16, 2021
I n stereolithographic additive manufacturing (STL-AM), 2-D cross sections were created through photo
polymerization by UV laser drawing on spread resin paste including nanoparticles, and 3-D models
were sterically printed by layer lamination. The lithography system has been developed to obtain bulky
ceramic components with functional geometries. An automatic collimeter was newly equipped with
the laser scanner to adjust beam diameter. Fine or coarse beams could realize high resolution or wide
area drawings, respectively. As the row material of the 3-D printing, nanometer sized metal and ceramic
particles were dispersed into acrylic liquid resins at about 60 % in volume fraction. These materials
were mixed and deformed to obtained thixotropic slurry. The resin paste was spread on a glass substrate
at 50 μm in layer thickness by a mechanically moved knife edge. An ultraviolet laser beam of 355 nm
in wavelength was adjusted at 50 μm in variable diameter and scanned on the spread resin surface.
Irradiation power was changed automatically for enough solidification depth for layer bonding. The
composite precursors including nanoparticles were dewaxed and sintered in the air atmosphere. In
recent investigations, ultraviolet laser lithographic additive manufacturing (UVL-AM) was newly
developed as a direct forming process of fine metal or ceramic components. As an additive manufacturing
technique, 2-D cross sections were created through dewaxing and sintering by UV laser drawing, and 3-D
components were sterically printed by layer laminations with interlayer joining. Though the computer
aided smart manufacturing, design and evaluation (Smart MADE), practical materials components were
fabricated to modulate energy and material transfers in potential fields between human societies and
natural environments as active contributions to Sustainable Development to Goals (SDGs).
Soshu Kirihara is a doctor of engineering and a professor of Joining and Welding Research Institute (JWRI), Osaka University, Japan.
In his main investigation “Materials Tectonics” for environmental improvements of “Geotechnology”, multi-dimensional structures were
successfully fabricated to modulate energy and materials flows effectively. Ceramic and metal components were fabricated directly by smart
additive manufacturing, design and evaluation (Smart MADE) using high power ultraviolet laser lithography. Original stereolithography
systems were developed and new start-up company “SK-Fine” was established through academic-industrial collaboration.
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Global Meet on
Optoelectronics & Quantum Physics
November 16, 2021
S i dominates the semiconductor industry and is crucial for Si electronics. It is also highly desired
to use Si-based devices for light detection, but the spectral photoresponse is limited due to the Si
bandgap of 1.1 eV. Recently, plasmonic absorption with metal on Si provides a new way of photon-
electron conversion. If the carrier possesses sufficient energy to overcome the Schottky barrier, light
detection can be realized. It opens up new opportunities to detect light beyond bandgap limitation.
However, for carriers with energy lower than the barrier height, much less investigation has been done
although converting the energy could also be useful. For light detection using metal/Si junction, two
major effects could occur, the photothermal (PT) effect and the photoelectric (PE) effect. Systematical and
quantitative analyses on these two effects will be discussed in details here. PT effect is typically treated
as a source of energy loss, but could be used to detect low-energy photons. The PE effect is due to the
internal photoemission process at the metal/Si junction. A simple structure of thin film Schottky diode
photodetector with the NiSi/Si junction is applied with light signals of various wavelengths and power
under different biasing for investigation. The PE and PT responses exhibit different properties under
different given circumstances. They could be explained using the relationship between hot carriers and
the Schottky barrier. For the PT effect, under the illumination of a 1550 nm laser, the device generates
both a PE response and a PT response. Changing the incident power and applied bias, we observe the
response changes accordingly. Moreover, we discover that the mid-infrared light at the wavelength of 4
um signal, which already exceeds the theoretical cut-off wavelength, could be detected. This gives the
potential in future low-energy photon harvesting technology.
Prof. Ching-Fuh Lin obtained the B.S. degree from National Taiwan University in 1983, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Cornell
University, Ithaca, NY, in 1989 and 1993, respectively, all in electrical engineering. He is a joint distinguished professor in the Graduate
Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics, Graduate Institute of Electronics Engineering, and Department of Electrical Engineering at
National Taiwan University. He has published over 180 journal papers and 500 conference papers and holds about 90 patents. His major
research area includes Si-based photonics, solar cells, micro-LED technologies, etc. He is a Fellow of IEEE and a Fellow of SPIE.
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Global Meet on
Optoelectronics & Quantum Physics
November 16, 2021
In this presentation we will review recent achievements in the investigation of novel photosensitive
materials based on liquid crystals and polymers having a broad range of potential applications in
The first class of materials to be discussed concerns the Oblique Heliconical Cholesteric phase (Ch-OH)
that represents a new paradigm among liquid crystalline materials since it offers an easy way for tuning
the Bragg resonance trough the visible spectrum by the combined applications of low frequency electric
field and optical beam. Theoretical predictions and experimental findings will be presented related
to tuning of the Bragg resonance and its application for tuneable optical filter in notch and bandpass
configurations will be discussed.
In the second part of the talk, we discuss a new class of Photomobile Polymers (PMP) based on a biphasic
architecture. This configuration may represent a breakthrough for developing efficient PMP cheap
and easy to fabricate. Here the photo-actuation mechanism is based on the difference in expansion
coefficients (under illumination) of two polymeric layers, leading to the bending of the PMP film as main
result. The initial condition is restored as soon as the exciting light beam is switched-off. A great deal of
work is under progress in order to use these materials and other PMP based on photoisomerization of
azo-moieties for several possible applications including energy harvesting, micro-robotics and micro-
electronic actuation for advanced sensing.
This work was supported in the frame of PULSE-COM, H2020-FETOPEN-2018-2020, 863227 project.
Francesco Simoni is Associate Researcher at Institute of Applied Sciences and Intelligent Systems – CNR – Pozzuoli, Italy and Retired Full
Professor of Physics at Università Politecnica delle Marche in Ancona, Italy. His scientific activity spans from nonlinear optics of liquid
crystals and photosensitive polymeric materials to holographic technologies, optical micromanipulation, organic microlasers, optofluidics.
He is author of more 200 articles on international journals and books and 5 patents; he is single author of a books on the nonlinear optical
properties of liquid crystalline materials and a textbook on matter physics. He is Fellow of the Optical Society of America.
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Global Meet on
Optoelectronics & Quantum Physics
November 16, 2021
T he electric field of the Faraday tensor is rearranged according to the prescription [1], which defines
a momentum observer in one dimension connected by Lorentz transformations to a perpendicular
observer who is non-local with regard to the observer on the momentum axis. As a result, the emitter
of the light signal can be identified as being local along the line of sight whereas the wave front is non-
local and turns local during signal absorption. In this construct relativistic effects are ascribed to the
wave-matter interaction at the signal-receiving end where the non-local observer undergoes a rotation
into the momentum axis, a process that can be evaluated graphically. The non-local observer can be
identified quantitatively with the wave front nodes where everywhere cancelling Stokes curls hide the
kinetic energy of the wave, as opposed to its potential energy at the field maxima. The signal can be
followed as a wave until it is absorbed whereby it may be referenced to the orbiting charge, also at
very short wavelengths, and its momentum can be evaluated as a phase shift of the electric field upon
absorption. The signal absorption may also be interpreted quantitatively as the non-local electron cloud
cancelling a relativistic distortion within the non-local electromagnetic wave node.
The importance of the results presented is four-fold:
1) The geometry provides a theoretical framework for evaluating where in the wave the interaction
with matter takes place, complementary to the energy level and photon statistics approaches to wave-
matter interaction.
2) The non-locality in the wave front where absorption takes place as opposed to the point-source of
the signal can be explained, a result looked for ever since the 19:th century. By reducing to one single
dimension along the observation axis an intuitive understanding of non-locality is obtained, which may
have a wider physical significance in terms of cancelling Stokes curls.
3) A contribution is made to the long-lasting academic debate on whether electromagnetic radiation is a
wave or a particle, favoring the wave picture. The wave picture of radiation can also be advantageously
maintained into the very high energy regime. Namely, it is shown graphically and consistently with the
prescribed geometry [1] that the electric field of electromagnetic radiation is capable of stabilizing a
particle composed of a proton, a neutron and a pion in terms of quark dynamics, a challenging explorative
discovery that leaves quantitative details for future research.
4) Reinterpreting space-time geometry as a Lorentz rotation and boost taking place during matter-wave
interactions has broader implications and additional empirical support for the proposed geometry is
found in terms of matter waves, superfluidity and astronomical observations.
[1] E. A. Cerwen, Physics in one dimension with perpendicular non-locality. (2019) J. Phys.:Conf. Ser.
1275 012054
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Global Meet on
Optoelectronics & Quantum Physics
November 16, 2021
Erik Cerwen obtained his PhD at the University of Uppsala, Sweden, and has had research affiliations with the University of Uppsala,
Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma, University of Miami, Miami, Florida and the Japan Research Development Corporation,
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Global Meet on
Optoelectronics & Quantum Physics
November 16, 2021
Eliade Stefanescu graduated the Faculty of Electronics, Section of Physicist Engineers, in 1970. He is doctor in Theoretical Physics, Senior
Scientist I at Advanced Studies in Physics Center at the Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy, Founding Titular Member of
Academy of Romanian Scientists, and member of the American Chemical Society - Division of Physical Chemistry - Subdivision of Energy. He
is known for a microscopic theory of open quantum systems, a theory of a tunneling process stimulated by couplings with other particles,
the invention and the description of a system converting environmental heat into usable energy, and a unitary relativistic quantum theory.
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Keynote Session
Global Meet on
Optoelectronics & Quantum Physics
November 16, 2021
Haishan Zeng is a distinguished scientist with BC Cancer and professor at University of British Columbia. Dr. Zeng’s research focuses on
biophotonics and its medical applications. His group has pioneered the multiphoton-absorption based laser therapy and is at leading
position in endoscopy imaging and Raman spectroscopy for noninvasive early cancer detection. He has published 180 refereed papers
and holds 28 granted patents. Several medical devices derived from these patents including fluorescence endoscopy (ONCO-LIFE™) and
rapid Raman spectroscopy (Aura™) have passed regulatory approvals. The Aura™ device was awarded the Prism Award in 2013 by the
International Society for Optics and Photonics.
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Global Meet on
Optoelectronics & Quantum Physics
November 16, 2021
M ultiscale atomistic simulation methods are applied to studying excited molecules in organic
materials and their interaction with neighboring molecules. The formation of exciplexes at the
interface between layers of organic molecules in multilayer structures, typical for organic light-emitting
diodes and for other devices of organic electronics and photonics, makes an important contribution
to their emission spectrum. Adequate models of a complex system containing excited components
and suitable methods for the description of charge and/or excitation transfer are considered. These
following steps are briefly discussed: (1) the construction and use of the library of parameters of the
EFP (Effective Fragment Potentials) approximation for the simulation of environment of luminescent
dopants and transport molecules in the layers; (2) the estimation of the accuracy of the obtained
results; (3) the creation of a program complex for the construction of the polarized environment using
the library of parameters in the EFP approximation; (4) the investigation of the effect of the polarized
environment on the positions of triplet and singlet levels of luminescent dopants; (5) the development
and improvement of approaches to the calculation and interpretation of absorption spectra of
supramolecular systems using hybrid QM/MM methods; (6) studying the formation of exciplexes forming
at the interface between two organic semiconducting layers by molecular dynamics and the calculation
of their properties by quantum chemical methods; (7) selection and development of force fields for
metal-organic complexes, molecular dynamics simulation of such system using these force fields; (8) the
development and improvement of the computational approach based on multiconfigurational quantum-
chemical calculations of radiative and intersystem crossing constants; (9) studying spin-mixed states of
phosphorescent iridium(III) complexes, the calculation of radiative phosphorescence constants, and
analysis of channels of nonradiative phosphorescence quenching.
This work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation grant no. 19-13-00383
Prof. Alexander Bagaturyants is chief researcher at the Photochemistry Center RAS, Federal research center Crystallography and Photonics
Russian Academy of Science. He also holds a full professor position at the National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI” (Moscow).
Alexander Bagaturyants was graduated from D.I. Mendeleev Institute of Chemical Technology, Moscow, Russia in 1962, obtained his PhD
degree, Dr. Sci. degree, and the academic title of professor in 1968, 1987, and 1992, respectively, all in physical chemistry. Alexander
Bagaturyants is a co-author of more than 200 research articles and the book “Multiscale Modeling in Nanophotonics: Materials and
Simulations,” Singapore, Pan Stanford Publishing, 2018.
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Global Meet on
Optoelectronics & Quantum Physics
November 16, 2021
O ptical sensors have more capabilities than electronic sensors, and therefore provide extraordinary
developments, including high sensitivity, non-susceptibility to electromagnetic wave disturbances,
small size, and multiplexing. Furthermore, Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) is an optical sensor with a
periodically changing grating refractive index, susceptible to strain and temperature changes. As a sensor,
FBG’s performance required to optimize and improve the numerical apodization function and affect the
effective refractive index is considered. The grating fiber’s apodization function can narrow the full
width half maximum (FWHM) and reduce the optical signal’s side lobes. In all the apodization functions
operated by FBG, Blackman has the highest sensitivity of 15.37143 pm/°C, followed by Hamming and
Gaussian, with 13.71429 pm/°C and 13.70857 pm/°C, respectively, and Uniform grating fiber with the
lowest sensitivity of 12.40571 pm/°C. Hamming, Uniform, and Blackman discovered the sensitivity for
a strain to be 1.17, 1.16, and 1.167 pm/microstrain, respectively. The results obtained indicated that
apodization could increase FBG’s sensitivity to temperature and strain sensors. For instance, in terms
of other parameters, FWHM width, Hamming had the narrowest value of 0.6 nm, followed by Blackman
with 0.612 nm, while Uniform had the widest FWHM of 1.9546 nm.
Prof. Dr. Saktioto, S.Si M.Phil, is a Professor of Physics at Department of Physics, Math and Natural Sciences Faculty, University of Riau,
Indonesia. He completed his Degree (SSi) in Physics at University of Riau in 1993, Master degree (MPhil) in Plasma Physics at University
of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST) Manchester, United Kingdom in 2000 and Doctoral degree in Photonic Physics
(Doctor) at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Malaysia in 2009. He is also an active member in IEEE, OSA, AMC, PSI, SPIE and IOP. He
has published many articles and supervised master and doctoral students. Currently, his research focus is photonics such as fiber optic
components, network and system for communication, antennas and biosensors of metamaterials. His research also designs and operates
circuits and waveguides to generate plasma by electrical discharge and microwave in industrial application at atmospheric air pressure.
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Global Meet on
Optoelectronics & Quantum Physics
November 16, 2021
A “bottom-up” self-assembly strategy was used for the directed formation of two types of heterogeneous
organic-inorganic nanoassemblies based on colloidal semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) and
porphyrins: i) TOPO-capped CdSe/ZnS core/shell QDs attached via coordination interactions with tetra-
pyridylporphyrins, H2P(3’-Py)4, in toluene, and ii) AgInS/ZnS core/shell QDs stabilized by glutathione
(GSH) electrostatically coupled with positively charged porphyrin molecules H2P(4’-MePy+)4 via
Coulomb attraction in water. Using a quantitative experimental and theoretical analysis of the QD
photoluminescence (PL) in QD-porphyrin nanoassemblies, it is shown that attachment of porphyrin
molecules to QD surface leads to the realization of two main competing non-radiative PL quenching
processes of the QD PL: i) non-radiative energy transfer QD→porphyrin of Foerster type (FRET); ii)
non-FRET processes including electron tunneling beyond the QD core under conditions of quantum
confinement. Depending on QD type, FRET efficiency is ɸ=10-15% (CdSe/ZnS) and achieves ɸ=80-90%
(AgInS/ZnS). Taking into account the physical backgrounds for FRET and non-FRET processes in QD-
porphyrin nanoassemblies we comparatively investigated the generation of singlet oxygen (1Δg) by QD-
porphyrin nanoassemblies. For nanoassemblies “CdSe/ZnS QD-Porphyrin”, using direct measurements
of near-IR photoluminescence measurements of singlet oxygen 1Δg emission (λmax = 1.27 µ) it was shown
that efficiencies of 1Δg generation by QD-porphyrin nanoassemblies are in a good coincidence with FRET
efficiencies ɸFRET obtained from the direct sensitization data for porphyrin fluorescence. The generation
of 1Δg by nanoassemblies based on AIS/ZnS/GSH QDs was detected indirectly using an alternative method
for the oxidation of specific substrates (pyridoxine molecules) that readily react with singlet oxygen. It
was shown for both nanoassemblies, that upon excitation of QD singlet oxygen 1Δg generation is realized
by triplet excited porphyrin molecules formed after FRET QD→porphyrin presumably. These results
may be further exploited to optimize QD-porphyrin nanoassemblies as novel types of photosensitizers
with respect to bio-compatibility in the photodynamic therapy of cancer.
This work was funded by Volkswagen Foundation (Project “New Functionalities of Semiconductor
Nanocrystals by Controllable Coupling to Molecules”), BSPSR program “Photonics and Electronics for
Innovations (2021-2025)”, RFBR grant № 18-53-00035 (Russia-Belarus), Russian Science Foundation
(Project № 18-73-00234), as well as by the European Union under Grant Agreement 732482 (Bio4Comp
- Parallel Network-Based Biocomputation: Technological Baseline, Scale-up and Innovation Ecosystem)
in the framework of a Training Period (E.Z.), and Visiting Scholar Program of TU Chemnitz, Germany
(E.Z., 2020-2021).
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Global Meet on
Optoelectronics & Quantum Physics
November 16, 2021
Eduard Zenkevich, Ph.D (1973), Doctor of Sciences (1990, Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Full Professor in Physics
(1998, Institute of Molecular and Atomic Physics, NAS of Belarus), Full Professor of Belarussian National Technical University (2008),
Visiting Professor at University of Technology Chemnitz, (since 1993). The list of publications includes 2 monographies (in English) 23
review chapters in books (17 in English), 206 scientific papers in foreign (106) and Russian refereed journals, 153 papers in proceedings
of various conferences (55 in English), 6 patents. Research interests: organic/inorganic nanoassemblies: structure, properties, relaxation
processes (pathways and dynamics, experiment and theory).
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Global Meet on
Optoelectronics & Quantum Physics
November 16, 2021
Wechsler D. Sofia
Retired from Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
I t is proved that particles possessing rest mass know the surrounding configuration even in regions
forbidden for the particles. This fact is in full agreement with the conceptual ground and mathematical
treatment with which R. Feynman built the path integral theory. Particles can be caught only in regions
in which the wave-function permits, but they investigate all the surroundings.
For proving this, is described a thought-experiment of emission inhibition similar to that performed by
Hulet, Hilfer, and Kleppner (HHK), though here, the relevant quantum system is an electron instead of a
photon, namely the valence electron of an alkali atom. Here too, a beam of atoms is passed between two
plates, though they reflect the electrons. The atoms are irradiated with electromagnetic radiation. For
a valence electron to be able to fly out from the atom, its half wavelength must fit the inter-plate space.
It’s obvious that the fact that the electron remains in the atom, is due to destructive interference in the
inter-plate space. Therefore, although being forbidden in that space, the electron ‘knows’ the properties
of that space.
To study the inhibition of the electron emission is much more difficult technically than to study the
inhibition of the de-photon emission as in the HHK experiment. For overcoming part of the problems,
highly excited states of the atom are used, known in the literature as circular Rydberg states.
Sofia D. Wechsler studied Physics at the Bucharest University, Romania and graduated as M.A. in 1969. She upgraded this title to M.Sc. in
1975 in Technion, the technologic Institute of Israel, where she also joined the research group of Prof. A. Peres in the domain of foundations
of quantum mechanics. In parallel, she studied architectures of real-time systems and worked in Technion in the department of Human
Engineering in the domain of artificial intelligence combined with real-time computer systems. In the domain quantum mechanics she
published articles especially in issues regarding the measurement problem of the quantum mechanics. She is active in this domain until
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Global Meet on
Optoelectronics & Quantum Physics
November 16, 2021
W e present direct evidence of the polarized light effect of coherence in computational neuronal
dynamics in female, but not male mice brain. We measured the accumulation of [18F]
fluorodeoxyglucose ([18F] FDG) in mouse brain using small animal positron emission tomography
and magnetic resonance imaging (PET/MRI) during light stimulation with yellow and polarized filters
compared to dark condition. Fourier analysis was performed using mean standardized uptake values
(SUV) of [18F] FDG for each stimulus condition to derive the spectral density coefficients for analysis
and spectral plots of cross-correlation function, cross amplitude, phase spectrum, gain, coherency and
multiple regression analysis. PET images show gender differences during polarized light stimulation,
with greater tracer accumulation in the visual cortex in female than in male mice. In male mice, there
was classical superposition of waves of polarized and yellow lights, shown by significantly attenuated
long-term depression at cortical C-peak in the ventral stream of the left visual cortex. Conversely, in
female mice, polarized light particle evoked accentuated long-term potentiation at subcortical S-peak
in the dorsal stream in the right visual cortex. Coherence may occur in the visual system in female
mice within the cortical ‘cytochrome oxidase (CO) blobs’, which are spatially and functionally connected
through nested hierarchical neural networks of structures implicated as environment for non-trivial
features such as coherence.
Keywords: Brain Glucose Metabolism; FPET/MRI; Polarized Light Perception; Gender-Related Effects;
Quantum Mechanics; Quantum Entanglement; Quantum Superposition.
Prof Philip C. Njemanze MD is an Academician of the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA), professor of neuroscience and Chairman
of the International Institutes of Advanced Research and Training, Chidicon Medical Center, Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria. He graduated in
1986 at Rostov State Medical Institute, Rostov-on-Don, Russia, and postgraduate in neurosurgery at the University of Munich, Klinikum
Grosshadern, Munich, Germany, Postgraduate Fellowship in Angiology at the University of London Guy’s Hospital, London and Neurology
fellowship at Bowman Gray School of Medicine NC, USA and Department of Neurology, St Louis University. He was principal investigator of
NASA, USA. Published over 200 works.
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Global Meet on
Optoelectronics & Quantum Physics
November 16, 2021
P hotoalignment and photopatterning has been proposed and studied for a long time [1]. Light is
responsible for the delivery of energy as well as phase and polarization information to materials
systems. It was shown that photoalignment azodye materials could provide high quality alignment
of molecules in a liquid crystal (LC) cell by nanolayers from 1 to 20 nm. Over the past years, a lot of
improvements and variations of the photoalignment and photopatterning technology has been made
for display and photonics applications. In particular, the application of this technology to active optical
elements in optical signal processing and communications is currently a hot topic in photonics research
Photoaligned optically rewritable (ORW) liquid crystal based on azodye nanolayers is made to write,
store and rewrite again the information generated by computer on a glass or flexible carrier. Optically
rewritable technique is highly desirable, as e-paper displays suffer from the high level complexity of
driving electronic due to the insufficient durability of flexible conductor and contact bonding [1,2]. The
optical security film with high security features by using azodye photo-alignment technology were also
implemented. Azodye photo-alignment, which is a new technology for aligning liquid crystal, is being
used to produce a flexible and highly recognized security film.
[1] V.G. Chigrinov, V.M. Kozenkov and H.S. Kwok, Photoalignment of liquid crystalline materials, Wiley,
[2] V.G. Chigrinov, Liquid Crystal Photonics, Nova Science Publishers, 2015.
Professor Vladimir G. Chigrinov is an Expert in Flat Panel Technology in Russia, recognized by the World Technology Evaluation Centre,
1994, and SID Fellow since 2008. He is an author of 6 books, 25 reviews and book chapters, 320 journal papers, more than 656 Conference
presentations, and 35 US patents in the field of liquid crystals since 1974. He got Excellent Research Award of HKUST School of Engineering
in 2012. He is a Member of EU Academy of Sciences (EUAS) since July 2017. He got A Slottow Owaki Prize of SID in 2018. He is 2019
Distinguished Fellow of International Engineering and Technology Institute.
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Global Meet on
Optoelectronics & Quantum Physics
November 16, 2021
A Finit- time cyclic process of a spin-half system in contact with a heat bath and immersed in a strong
electric field start from a thermodynamic equilibrium state. A weak AC electric field is immediately
switched on it for a span of finite time τ and its non-equilibrium free energy at the end measured. After
relaxing our system to its final equilibrium state, bring it back to its initial equilibrium state in a quasi-
static process we repeated the cyclic process for a large number of times. This procedure of finite-time
process will enable us to find the probability of work distribution by the external agent on the system and
evaluated its different properties such as the mean work, the characteristic function, Jarzynski equality
and average work as a function of time. This work has charted out a new scope yet to be explored. As
pointed out by the famous physicist Max Planck, thermodynamics will be the guiding and connecting
principle forging ahead the new unchartered emerging field of non-equilibrium phenomenon and
beyond. Finally, wWe hope that this investigation will serve as a tool to bring the new scholar up to date
on the recent developments in non-equilibrium thermodynamics of quantum systems.
Dr. Yigermal Bassie Yassabie studied Bsc. in Applied Physics at the University of Gondar, Ethiopia and graduated in 2010. Then, I joined the
department of physics, Addis Ababa university to study statistical physics under the Supervised of Dr. Mulugeta Bekele and I received MSc
degree in 2012. From 2012 to 2015, I worked as a lecturer in the physics department at Wolkite University in Ethiopia. I received my PhD
from Addis Ababa University in 2021. Currently, I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics at Wolkite University.
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Global Meet on
Optoelectronics & Quantum Physics
November 16, 2021
Purpose: The aim of this study was to compare the corneal cell viability and thickness of LASIK flaps
created by 3 femtosecond lasers in eye-bank human corneas.
Methods: Forty-five eye-bank human sclerocorneal buttons (15 corneas in each group) were examined
after the creation of 120 mm-thick laser-assisted keratomileusis (LASIK) flaps with 150kHz iFS
In¬traLase™ (IL), Z6 Femto LDV™ (LDV), or 200kHz Wavelight™ FS200 (FS200). The thickness of the
flaps was measured using anterior segment optical coherence tomography (AS-OCT; Visante™). Cell
viability was blindly evaluated with immunohistochemistry for keratocyte apoptosis using anti-caspase
3 antibodies.
Results: The standard deviation from the intended flap thickness was less than 10 mm in all the groups.
There was a statistically significant difference in corneas treated with LDV and IL with regard to the flap
thickness horizontally at +3.00 mm (p=0.0124), -0.5 mm (p=0.0082), and -1.00 mm (p=0.0425) from
the corneal vertex and +0.5 mm from the flap edge (p=0.0240), and those treated with LDV and FS200
with regard to the flap thickness horizontally at -0.5 mm from the corneal vertex (p=0.0082). The mean
keratocyte apoptosis numbers were 13.09 ± 1.10, 15.59 ± 3.28, and 17.72 ± 1.49 in corneas treated with
IL, FS200, and LDV, respectively (p<0.001).
Conclusion: All 3 assessed femtosecond lasers provided predictable LASIK flap thickness. The mean
stromal keratocyte apoptosis number was low in all groups.
2014 ARVO Foundation Developing Country Eye Researcher Fellowship awarded. Fellowship in Refractive Surgery, Cornea-External
Ocular Disease and Contact Lens at the Eye Hospital of Sorocaba, Sorocaba-SP, Brazil. Fellowship in Refractive Surgery, Cornea-External
Ocular Disease and Contact Lens at the Federal University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Approved at the International Council of Ophthalmology
examinations (Basic Sciences, Optics and Refraction, Clinical Sciences). Specialist in Ophthalmology by the Brazilian Council of
Ophthalmology. Externship in Refractive Surgery the Jules Stein Eye Institute, University of California at Los Angeles, under the supervision
of Dr. Rex Hamilton, Los Angeles-CA, USA.
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Global Meet on
Optoelectronics & Quantum Physics
November 16, 2021
T he paper ``Interference Experiment with a Transparent Mask Rejects Wave Models of Light''
https://www.scirp.org/journal/paperinformation.aspx?paperid=93056 left unexplained how a
photon model of light could model this interference experiment. Aphoton model was used to develpo
a computer simuation program. The simulation is used to explain the transparent mask experiment,
double slit interference experiment, and the Afshar experiment.
I was reared on a farm and blooded as a hunter at 13. After 4 years in the Army, I left as a captain. I have a BS in physics from Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute and a MS in physics from Georgia Institute of Technology. I sold my electronics company in 1991 (I was 49); retired;
retired from retiring; and became an inventor and amateur astronomer. My interest in cosmology developed. I conceived a radical new
cosmology model in 2002 and started publishing papers and instructing at Blue Ridge Community College. My current scientific interest
is to advance the Theory of Everything which is renamed the Scalar Theory of Everything (STOE). https://orcid.org/
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Global Meet on
Optoelectronics & Quantum Physics
November 16, 2021
Dr. Kitazawa studied Physics at the Princeton University, and graduated as PhD in 1983. He then joined the research group of Prof. Nambu
at the Enrico-Fermi Institute, University of Chicago. After three years postdoctoral fellowship supervised by Prof. Nambu at the Enrico-
Fermi Institute, he obtained the position of an Assistant Professor at the department physics, University of Tokyo. He has published more
than 70 research articles in SCI(E) journals.
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Global Meet on
Optoelectronics & Quantum Physics
November 16, 2021
I n this work we confirm the phase transition of ZnO using equilibrium time of total energy and volume;
we investigate molecular dynamics technique and dl_poly software, where the calculations ran on
RAVEN Supercomputer of Cardiff University. Our system is formed from 2916 atoms of ZnO wurtzite
structure and 5832 atoms of Rock salt and Zinc blend for each one, the interatimic interactions are
modeled by Coulomb-Buckingham Potential. The range of pressure is 0-200GPa and 300-3000K for
temperature, we use an isobaric and isothermal ensembles to see the effect of pressure and temperature
on the phase transition of ZnO. Our data are in the vicinity of available theoretical and experimental
results, although nor more information under previous conditions of pressure and temperature. This
work is very important in macro and nano scales especially in Medicine, Pharmaceutics, and geophysics.
Keywords: Pressure, Temperature, Phase Transition, Equilibrium Time, ZnO, MD
Dr. Yahia Chergui has completed his PhD from Badji Mokhtar University in Annaba, Algeria. His research field is Physics (condensed matter,
simulation by molecular dynamics). He is a lecturer in Boumerdes University (Electrical & Electronics Engineering Institute) since 2012.
He has published more than 9 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as a referee with condensed matter journal (IOP), Energy
journal (Elsevier), and recently accepted to be a reviewer of American Journal of Modern Physics. He did all his PhD work in Cardiff
University in UK.
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Global Meet on
Optoelectronics & Quantum Physics
November 16, 2021
T he oral cavity with plaque contained Streptococcus mutans and other bacteria considered to be
the major a etiological agents of caries due to their presence in relatively high numbers in plaque,
prior to the appearance of carious lesion and its ability to rapidly degrade carbohydrates and induce a
tolerance to low level pH environments. The aim of this study was to evaluate the bactericidal effects
of omega diode laser on S. mutans with intervals exposed time. S. mutans isolated from patients with
high caries risk were exposed to different interval time (5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 s) and then swabbed to
the rabbit teeth. The bactericidal effect was shown in the exposure time of 15, 20 and 25 s without any
curiosity sign on the rabbit teeth, the caries sign appeared on the low time exposed (5 and 10 s). A diode
laser can eliminate the S. mutans when irradiated above 10s.
Key words: Antimicrobial, Diode Laser, Streptococcus Mutans, Dental Caries.
Elshaikh Hassan Elasam Eltigani is a Assistant teacher Sudan University of sciences & technology 1995. The Director of the scientific
affairs Sudan Institute for Natural Sciences 1999. Post researcher Sudan Institute for Natural sciences – laser application Department in
biological fields and biochemistry. Senior, the scientific committees the Ministry of higher education’s and scientific research 2010. The
general secretary of higher council of Environment, Promotion Khartoum state, field of (climate change desk) 2015. The professor, Sudan
Institute for in natural sciences (laser applications in biological and biochemistry filed 2019.
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Global Meet on
Optoelectronics & Quantum Physics
November 16, 2021
C olor decides perception. Origin of coloration is normally dictated by pigments and dyes. However,
biophotonic structural coloration can be hugely diverse amongst species, classes and sub-families
in the natural world. In this talk, a few examples of butterflies and flower petals will be probed
considering their biophotonic aspects. The carefully chosen butterfly wings namely, Papilio liomedon
(black), Catopsilia pyranthe (light green) and Vanessa cardui (multi-coloured) have been considered
for their reflectance measurements at normal incidence. The time-dependent uptake of Ag+ into scales
was seen to swell and spread the chitinous ridges and ribs profoundly. On the other hand, Indian and
Chinese rosacea specimens have been studied considering their coloration and discoloration effects with
ethanol, methanol, glycerine and propanol treatments. The microstructural, reflectance, coloration and
discoloration effects will be discussed as regards the aforesaid wings and petals. Fundamental interests
and possible relevance will also be highlighted.
Dambarudhar Mohanta obtained his MSc in Physics from Utkal University in 1994, and PhD from Tezpur University in 2003-04. He
received BOYSCAST fellowship from DST-SERB, New Delhi in 2007 ; and Indo-US Research Fellowship in 2012 and worked at University of
Wisconsin-Madison, and Harvard University; respectively. He has published more than 130 articles and supervised 10 doctoral theses till
date. He is a member of MRSI, IPA, APS, MRS, OSA and OSI. His current research interest includes, Nanoscale semiconductors, rare earth
oxides, 2D materials, radiation effects, nano-bio interface, biosensing, biophotonics and soft matter physics.
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Global Meet on
Optoelectronics & Quantum Physics
November 16, 2021
Intense Laser Field Effects on the Hydrogen Ion Molecule Confined in Quantum
Rings: Electronic and Optical Response
I n this work we have studied the electronic and optical properties of a molecular complex [1] strongly
confined in a flat GaAs quantum ring under external fields: intense laser, electric, and magnetic. By
solving the Schrödinger wave equation by means of the finite element method, it is possible to calculate
the energy structure and the absorption coefficient. The opto-electronic properties were analyzed
under intense laser field linearly polarized perpendicular to the donor-donor axis, threading magnetic
field and in-plane electric field. Even though, we have not considered a resonant laser field radiation,
it has been possible to reproduce the fragmentation process correspondent to the dissociation
mechanism by clamping one the donors while the second donor position is changed. Additionally, the
ionization process was also studied. Our results show to be in good agreement with the two limit
cases studied, which can be taken as a test of the good quality of the implemented model implemented.
We have found that the laser-field significantly affects the total energy, binding energy, and stability
of molecular complex. One interesting result obtained here and which we wish to highlight is the one
concerning the formation of small gaps in the optical absorption coefficient. In these two regions, we
assume that there is no optical response, being this fact a possible phenomenon of optical transparency.
This effect is closely related to the well-known quantum interference effect described by the Aharanov-
Bohm oscillations. Our results are in good agreement with important limit cases corresponding to one
electron and neutral donors whose results were previously report.
[1] Y.A.Suaza, M. R. Fulla, D. Laroze, M. Baghramyan, J. H.Marin, Intense laser field effect on molecular
complex localized in semiconductor quantum wells, Chem. Phys. Lett. 730 (2019) 384
Mr. Santiago studied Chemical Engineering at National University of Colombia and graduated from his undergraduate in 2020. He joined
the research group of Ceramic and Vitreous Materials at the Faculty of Science in 2017, where he started to develop some projects related
with semiconductor nanostructures and their optical and electronical properties under some probes. Currently, he is a master’s degree
student in Physics at National University of Colombia, place where he is working with other researchers in some articles and projects
related with Semiconductor Physics and Condensed Matter Physics.
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Global Meet on
Optoelectronics & Quantum Physics
November 16, 2021
Electric and Intense Laser Field Effects on the Thermodynamic Properties under
Strongly Confinement Conditions
T he single ionized coupled donors usually known as molecular complex is the simplest imaginable
molecular complex that can be confined into the semiconductor quantum ring. This complex displays
bonding and anti-bonding lowest-lying molecular-like states. In this work, we carry out a systematic
study of the thermal properties of a hydrogen molecular ion strongly confined in a flat semiconductor
quantum ring under external probes: intense laser-field radiation and static electric field [1]. By changing
the strengths of the laser and the electric field as well as the quantum ring geometrical parameters and
the donor positions, both the radial and angular ones, it is possible to change the energy structure.
This fact leads to modify the corresponding canonical partition function, which allows establishing
the incidence that these external fields and geometric factors have on the entropy, heat capacity and
internal energy of the molecular complex. In this regard, our results show that show that the entropy
of the system is maintained low if the molecule preserves its integrity but if the molecule is fragmented,
the randomness of the system is substantially increased. Nevertheless, this property can be reduced in
real time by applying an intense laser field or an external electric field. The heat capacity results show
the existence of the Schottky anomaly. The corresponding heat capacity, peaks height and position, are
strongly dependent on the angular donor positions and strengths of the external probes: intense laser
and electric fields. In the limit case, our results are in good agreement with previously reports.
[1] Y.A.Suaza, M. R. Fulla, D. Laroze, M. Baghramyan, J. H.Marin, Intense laser field effect on molecular
complex localized in semiconductor quantum wells, Chem. Phys. Lett. 730 (2019) 384
Mr. Santiago studied Chemical Engineering at National University of Colombia and graduated from his undergraduate in 2020. He joined
the research group of Ceramic and Vitreous Materials at the Faculty of Science in 2017, where he started to develop some projects related
with semiconductor nanostructures and their optical and electronical properties under some probes. Currently, he is a master’s degree
student in Physics at National University of Colombia, place where he is working with other researchers in some articles and projects
related with Semiconductor Physics and Condensed Matter Physics.
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Global Meet on
Optoelectronics & Quantum Physics
November 16, 2021
Volodymyr V. Pyliavskyi
State University Intelligent Technologies and Telecommunications, Ukraine
T he substantiation of the need to take into account the new spectral characteristics of vision to improve
the quality of color rendering is presented. Changes in the spectral characteristics of the transducers
due to the refined spectral characteristics of CIE06 vision, supplemented by previously unknown
characteristics of vision (ipRGC model), as well as one of the possible variants of color perception
impairment (data of Prof. M. Neitz) were considered. An algorithm is presented that allows calculating
spectral characteristics for new and promising light-to-signal converters, depending on the spectral
characteristics of vision properties. Analytical expressions are proposed that make it possible to correct
the color signals of the existing light-to-signal converters to ensure the required level of color rendering
quality in the end-to-end path. The proposed correction method will increase the color accuracy for
existing television and multimedia systems, without design changes. Estimates of the effectiveness of
the proposed algorithm are given.
Volodymyr V. Pyliavskyi, born in 1988, defended his Ph.D. thesis in Television and Radio Broadcasting in 2015 O.S. Popov Odessa National
Academy of Telecommunications. Senior researcher O.S. Popov Odessa National Academy of Telecommunications. Current position:
assistant of professor of State university intelligent system and telecommunications. Authored over 60 publications, 3 patents, 1 Handbook,
2 monographies, over 40 Report to ITU-R BT. The area of his scientific interests includes image processing, digital processing, colorimetry.
Page 33
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