Chn1 Lec Session #14 Sas

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BSN 2-A3

Community Health Nursing 1 - Lecture

Session # 14

LESSON TITLE: Home Health Care and Health Education

LEARNING OUTCOMES: Pen, paper, index card, book, and class List
At the end of the lesson, the nursing student can:
1. Define home health care; and,
2. Discuss the principles of health education
Famorca, Z. U., Nies, M. A., & McEwen, M.
(2013). Nursing Care of the Community. Elsevier


Instruction: Enumerate methods of teaching skills.
Lecture - an educational talk to an audience.
1. ________________________________________________________________________
Concept Mapping - used to organize related information in a visual manner.
2. ________________________________________________________________________
Case Study- a process or record of research in which detailed consideration is given to the development
3. ________________________________________________________________________
of a particular person, group, or situation over a period of time
MAIN LESSON (30 minutes)


A. Home Health Care and People centered Care aim to develop and nurtured.

Informed and Empowerment Individuals and Families through the following:

1. Equitable access to health system, effective treatments and psychosocial support
2. Access to clear, concise and intelligible health information and education that increases health literacy and allows for
informed decision-making
3. Personal skills which allow control over health and engagement with health care system- communication, mutual
collaboration and respect, goal-setting, decision-making, problem solving and self-care
4. Supported involvement in health care decision-making, including health policy, programs development .resource
allocation, and health financing

People Centered Health Care

What can be done?
 Create supportive environments aimed at respecting protecting and fulfilling the right to safe and quality health care.
 Advocate health policies that ensure effective, holistic and people centered health and nursing care.

Primary Health Care

 Key to attaining acceptable level of health for the population
 Surest route to appropriate, accessible, affordable care
 Best gatekeeper for the referral system
 Optimizes the power of prevention and health promotion
 Strengthens health system (structure and organization of health services)
 Support multi-sectoral engagement and use of interdisciplinary teams

Primary Health Care Nurse

 Health promotion
 Prevention of illness
 Treatment
 Rehabilitation

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 Individuals
 Families
 Special groups
 Communities

Core Health Professional Competencies Needed

 A Patient-centered focus- addressing social, emotional as well as physical health
 Partnership; interdisciplinary teamwork
 Investments in information/ communication technology
 Shared learning accountability
 Health economics, financing

Core Health Professional Competencies

 Epidemiology, health determinants, public health
 Communication, collaboration, team-building
 Health Promotion; risk reduction
 Academic- service partnerships
 Accountability, organizational effectiveness
 Quality improvement


The Bag Technique

1. To enhance the capacity of the PHN and home health care givers to promote the values and principles of family-
centered care, including access, safety, affordability and satisfaction, the use of the bag technique should be
strictly undertaken. As a role model, the PHN and Home Health Care giver should reinforce a culture of caring,
communicating and healing in the context pf psychological, cultural and social determinants of health
2. Use of the PHN bag, or any receptacle for health care paraphernalia brought by the health care personnel to the
patient’s home should be governed by the principle that anything that are outside the bag is considered
contaminated, and therefore, should not touch what are inside the bag.
3. To protect the inside contents of the bag, barrier materials (paper or cloth) should first be placed under the bag before
it is placed down inside the client’s home. The health worker must therefore, wash his/her hands before opening and
getting out the bag contents for use in nursing procedures.
4. Once the needed bag contents are taken outside the bag (also placed on top of the barrier materials), the bag is
closed until after the procedure for nursing care is accomplished
5. After any equipment used is cleaned, waste materials disposed of and the hands of the health worker washed, the
bag is reopened for returning the used equipme nt and then closed. The barrier materials may be disposed of or folded
“inside out” or its contaminated side in and placed on the top of the closed bag for disposal later.

The Thermometer Technique

1. Digital thermometer that features large displays are easier to read, which may be more convenient. These
thermometers also tend to give result quicker than standards thermometer. Always check for the low batteries so
accuracy can be assured.
2. Aseptic technique must be constantly in the health worker’s mind while dispensing care from the client and from the
home to home. A dispenser of cotton or tissue papers to be moistened with disinfectant should be kept handy to
prevent transfer of infections via the thermometer. The principles of “clean to dirty” and “proper waste disposal
should be the rule to follow.

Wound Care
1. Any wound should be considered ineffective and all materials and equipment used for wound care at home should
be properly disinfected before leaving the client’s home
2. The principles of “Clean to Dirty” should be the rule in the cleaning the wound of the client. Clean gloves can be used
for large infected wounds, while sterile gloves and forceps should be used for surgical wound care. Equipment used
can be sterilized chemically or by boiling for 15 minutes after cleaning with soap and water. These should be
done before replacing the used equipment into the health worker’ bag.

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Home Isolation Techniques
1. Isolation technique isolates or separates the offending microorganisms but must not necessarily isolate the client.
2. The health worker must know the nature of the client’s disease and how this may be transferred from person to
3. After this, the family should be informed on steps to take to prevent transmission from one family member to another
or to visitors/neighbor.
4. Families with member who are sick with diseases transferred via the respiratory tract should be taught the respiratory
precaution techniques:
 Avoid droplet infection
 Droplets are dispersed by coughing, sneezing or talking
 Microorganism can remain suspended in the air and are dispersed by air current,
 Disinfections of eating and drinking utensils of the sick member
5. Those with diseases transmitted via the gastrointestinal tract should be taught enteric precautions
 Proper handwashing techniques and use of gloves to dispose of fecal materials and things that came in contact
with the client’s vomitus and feces
6. Those diseases form organisms transferred through the skin or bldy fluids should practice contact precautions. There
are also organisms which inhabits inanimate hosts or vectors before transfer to other people. These include:
 Dengue fever
 Malaria
 Leptospirosis
 These are special precautionary measures such as mosquito net use, insect repellants, detour from risky wooded
areas, floods and crowds
7. Strict isolation or combined precaution is required for diseases which can be transferred through multiple body orifices
or have multiple routes of transmission. Family members who are either elderly or are very y oung have lower immune
resistance and thus need most precaution isolation measures applied, and should therefore into consideration

Common Problems that Affect the Quality of Care

Health worker skills:

1. Incomplete examinations and counseling
2. Poor communications between health workers and parents
3. Irrational use of drugs

Health System Issues:

1. Location of health services and responsibility
2. Availability of appropriate drugs and vaccines
3. supervision/decision of labor/ organization of work

Community and Family Practices

1. Delayed care seeking
2. Poor knowledge of when to return to a health facility
3. Seeking assistance from unqualified providers
4. Poor adherence to health worker advice and treatment

Health Education Principles

 It considers the health status of the people, which is determined by the economic and social conscience of the
 It is a process whereby people learn to improve their personal habits and attitudes, to work responsibly for the
improvement of health conditions of the family, community, and nation.
 It involves motivation, experience, and change in conduct and thinking, while stimulating active interest. It develops
and provides experience for change in people’s attitudes, customs, and habits in relation to health and everyday
 It should be recognized as the basic function of all health workers.
 It takes place in the home, in the school, and in the community.
 It is a cooperative effort requiring all categories of health personnel to work together in close teamwork with families,
groups, and the community.
 It meets the needs, interests, and problems of the people affected.
 It finds means and ways of carrying out plans by encouraging individual and community participation.

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 It is a slow, continuous process that involves constant changes and revisions until objectives are achieved.
 Makes use of supplementary aids and devices to help with the verbal instructions.
 It utilizes community resources by careful evaluation of the different services and resources found in the community.
 It is a creative process requiring methods and techniques with various characteristics, not following a rigid and flexible
 It aims to help people make use of their own efforts and education to improve their conditions of living,
 It makes careful evaluation of the planning, organization, and implementation of all health education programs and


You will answer and rationalize this by yourself. This will be recorded as your quiz. One (1) point will be given to correct
answer and another one (1) point for the correct ratio. Superimpositions or erasures in you answer/ratio is not allowed.
You are given 20 minutes for this activity:

Multiple Choice

1. With regards to illness prevention activities as part of nursing care, which of the following will help clients most?
a. Maintain maximum functions
b. Identify disease symptoms
c. Reduce the cost of health care
d. Promote health habits
ANSWER: ________D
Encourage patients to check their blood pressure and cholesterol on a regular basis in order to prevent or
control high or dangerous levels.

2. Nurse Febe is scheduled for a home visit to achieve the best of health care in the home. The first step during a home
visit is one of the following:
a. Count the available appliances
b. Explain purpose of the visit
c. Greet client and introduce self
d. Wash hands and perform procedures
ANSWER: ________B
Your nurse will go over the specifics of your treatment plan with you on your first initial visit.

3. Which one of the following is an important principle during a home visit?

a. Inquiry about health and welfare
b. Performance for health assessment
c. Use of available information about the client
d. Evaluation of past services to the family
ANSWER: ________
Utilize all relevant data on the patient and his family from family records while preparing
for a home visit.

4. The frequency of a home visit is determined by which one of the following?

a. Administration of medication
b. Need for health teaching
c. Result of health studied
d. Acceptance of the family
ANSWER: ________
The individual's and their family's educational, psychological, and physical needs.

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5. The procedure of the proper bag technique during a home visit is to implement which one of the following principles?
a. Replace supplies fully every visit
b. Avoid transfer of infection
c. Clean supplies ready for use
d. PHN bag is an indispensable equipment
ANSWER: ________D
A public health nurse must always have the public health bag with her when performing house visits.
It is a necessary piece of equipment.

True or False: Write FAMILY if the statement is true and HEALTH if the statement is false.

1. Health Education is a cooperative effort requiring all nurses to work together in close teamwork with families, groups,
and the community.
ANSWER: ________
As a result, all types of health staff must collaborate closely with families, groups, and
the community in accordance with the principles of health education.

2. Health Education aims to help people make use of their own efforts and education to improve their conditions of living.
ANSWER: ________
Stimulates the growth of the information, abilities, comprehension, attitudes, and
behaviors necessary to build a sustainable world that ensures environmental preservation
and protection, fosters social fairness, and supports long-term economic growth.

3. Health Education makes careful evaluation of the planning, organization, and implementation of all health education
programs and activities.
ANSWER: ________
It is true that Health Education makes careful evaluation of the planning, organization,
and implementation of all health education programs and activities

4. Health Education makes use of supplementary aids and devices to help with the verbal instructions
ANSWER: ________
It is true that it makes use of supplementary aids and devices to help with the verbal instructions

5. Health Education meets the needs, interests, and problems of all people.
ANSWER: ________
It is true that Health Education meets the needs, interests, and problems of the people affected


The instructor will now rationalize the answers to the students. You can now ask questions and debate among yourselves.
Write the correct answer and correct/additional ratio in the space provided.

1. ANSWER: ________

2. ANSWER: ________

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3. ANSWER: ________

4. ANSWER: ________

5. ANSWER: ________

6. ANSWER: ________
_________________________________________________________________________ ____________________

7. ANSWER: ________

8. ANSWER: ________

9. ANSWER: ________

10. ANSWER: ________


LESSON WRAP-UP (5 minutes)

You will now mark (encircle) the session you have finished today in the tracker below. This is simply a visual to help you
track how much work you have accomplished and how much work there is left to do.

You are done with the session! Let’s track your progress.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

AL Activity: Muddiest Point:

In today’s session, what was least clear to you?

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