Information Technology Audit Methodology:: Planning Phase

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Information Technology Audit Methodology:

Planning Phase

Determine Define Audit Set Audit Perform Pre Determine

Audit Subject Objective Scope audit Planning Procedures

Fieldwork and Documentation Phase

Acquire Data Test Existing Issue Discovery Document Results

Controls and Validation

Reporting Phase

Gather Report Draft Report Issue Report Follow-up


1. Determine audit subject: Identify the area to be audited (e.g., business function, system,
physical location).

2. Define audit objective: Identify the purpose of the audit. For example, an objective might be
to determine whether program source code changes occur in a well-defined and controlled

3. Set audit scope: Identify the specific systems, function or unit of the organization to be
included in the review. For example, in the previous example (program changes), the scope
statement might limit the review to a single application, system or a limited period of time.

This step is very important because the IS auditor will need to understand the IT environment
and its components to identify the resources that will be required to conduct a comprehensive

A clear scope will help the IS auditor define a set of testing points that is relevant to the audit and
further determine the technical skills and resources necessary to evaluate different technologies
and their components

4. Perform pre-audit planning:

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• Conduct a risk assessment, which is critical in setting the final scope of a risk-based audit. For
other types of audits (e.g., compliance), conducting a risk assessment is a good practice because
the results can help the IS audit team to justify the engagement and further refine the scope and
preplanning focus.
• Interview the auditee to inquire about activities or areas of concern that should be included in
the scope of the engagement.
• Identify regulatory compliance requirements.
• Once the subject, objective and scope are defined, the audit team can identify the resources
that will be needed to perform the audit work. Some of the resources that need to be defined
– Technical skills and resources needed
– Budget and effort needed to complete the engagement
– Locations or facilities to be audited
– Roles and responsibilities among the audit team
– Time frame for the various stages of the audit
– Sources of information for test or review, such as functional flowcharts, policies, standards,
procedures and prior audit work papers
– Points of contact for administrative and logistics arrangements
– A communication plan that describes to whom to communicate, when, how often and for what

5. Determine audit procedures and steps for data gathering:

At this stage of the audit process, the audit team should have enough information to identify and
select the audit approach or strategy and start developing the audit program.

Some of the specific activities in this step are:

• Identify and obtain departmental policies, standards and guidelines for review.
• Identify any regulatory compliance requirements.
• Identify a list of individuals to interview.
• Identify methods (including tools) to perform the evaluation.
• Develop audit tools and methodology to test and verify controls.
• Develop test scripts.
• Identify criteria for evaluating the test.
• Define a methodology to evaluate that the test and its results are accurate (and repeatable if

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Scope of Work:
Sr No. Scope of Services
1 Governance and Management of IT
2 Information Systems Acquisition, Development and Implementation
3 Information Systems Operations, Maintenance & Support
4 Protection of Information Assets
5 Change Management
6 Logical and Physical Access
7 Backup and Recovery of Data
8 Scheduling Jobs
9 Incident and Problem Management
10 Virus Protection
11 Network Communications Security
12 Data Centre
13 IT business continuity and disaster recovery
14 Platform review of the relevant OS and databases
15 ICT Security Policy
16 Segregation of Duties (SoD)

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List of Reviewed Documents
SL# Documents
1 ''ICT Security Policy''.
2 Organogram chart of ICT department including job description, segregation of duties and fallback plan.
3 Branch organogram with ICT support unit.
4 Scheduled roster for ICT personnel
5 Internal and/or external IS audit report for last year, audited branch list, copy of profile of IS auditor.
6 Information Security Training documents for last period, copy of yearly training plan, List of participants.
7 Problem management log for a specific period of time, Problem management system or related
software information.
8a Assessment of the risk
8b Identification of mitigation control
8c Remedial plan to reduce the risk
9 Approval of the risk acknowledgement from the owner of the risk
10 IT based/enabled product list [marked recently launched (if any) product], list of upcoming products.
11 List of software (in house and purchased).
12 Document of change procedure for IS (Documentation about –Necessary change details in production
environment, Audit log of changes)
13 User Acceptance Test (UAT) for changes
14 Inventory list of all ICT assets
15 Software licenses (OS, DB, Anti-Virus, MS Office, etc.)
16 Operating procedure (Operating procedure for the users, Scheduling process, system start-up, close
down, restart, recovery process.)
17 Handling of exception condition.
18 Secure disposal policy
19 Active Directory and password control policy
20 Approval procedure/authorization matrix/delegation of authority for CBS
21 Audit trail report including user ID, authorizer ID and date-time stamp for CBS for a particular period of
22 Network design document (should contain protocols and security features)
23 Email and internet usage policy
24 Technical document of Mobile Banking, Mobile banking policy (if applicable).
25 Outsourced software documentation (any one related to banking application)
26 Business Continuity Plan
27 Backup and restore log
28 Disaster Recovery test report, list of available software in DR site.
29 SLA with software vendor and connectivity provider
30 Documentation about—Total Bandwidth used, No of Fiber communication link with vendor name,
Network security devices
31 Annual fire testing report
32 Copy of self-assessment of Anti-Fraud Internal Control.

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