Iron Gall Ink Bibliography - Subject Breakdown - 2017
Iron Gall Ink Bibliography - Subject Breakdown - 2017
Iron Gall Ink Bibliography - Subject Breakdown - 2017
Krekel, C. (1999) “Chemistry of Historical Iron Gall Inks” International Journal of Forensic Document
Examiners 5:54-58
Ponce, A., L. Brostoff, S.K. Gibbons, B.W. Eichhorn (2016) “Elucidation of the Fe(III) Gallate Structure in Iron
gall Ink” Analytical Chemistry 88:5152-5158
Wunderlich, C.H. (1994) “Geschichte und chemie der Eisngallustinte:Rezepte, Reakinonen und
Schadwirkungen” Resturo 6:414-421
Zaccaron S.; Ganzerla R.; Bortoluzzi M. (2013) “DFT calculations using periodic boundary conditions on an
iron gall 3D coordination polymer of interest for cultural heritage conservation” Sciences at cà Foscari,
Barrow, W.J. (1972) Manuscripts and Documents: Their Deterioration and Restoration, 2nd edition,
University Press of Virginia, pp. 15-20, 24-28
Cleveland, R. (2001) “Selected 18th, 19th and 20th century Iron Gall Ink formulations developed in England,
France, Germany and the United States, for use with the Copy Press process” In Book: The Postprints of the
Iron Gall Ink Meeting First Triannial Conservation Conference, New Castle upon Tyne, 23-30
Dorning, D. (2001) “Iron Gall Inks: variations on a theme that can be both ironic and galling” In Book: The
Postprints of the Iron Gall Ink Meeting First Triennial Conservation Conference, New Castle upon Tyne, 7-12
Stijnman, A. (2006) “Iron Gall Inks in History: Ingredients and Production” In Book: Iron Gall Inks: On
Manufacture, Characterisation, Degradation and Stabilization. J. Kolar and M. Strlic, eds. 25-68
Stijnman, A. (2004) “Historical iron-gall ink recipes: art technological source research for InkCor”
Papierrestaruierung 5(3):14-17
Zekrgoo, S. (2014) “Methods of Creating, Testing and Identifying Traditional Black Persian Inks” Restaurator
Ferrer, N., M. Sistach (2013) “Analysis of Sediments on Iron Gall Inks in Manuscripts” Restaurator
Reissland, B., I. Joosten, E. Eis, A. Schubert (2006) “Blotting Sand on Writing Inks - An Underestimated
Source of Information” In Pre-Prints: Summary, Final European Thematic Framework Meeting for
Transitional Metals in Paper (MIP), Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, Jan 2006
Bicchieri, M., M. Monti, G. Piantanida, A. Sodo (2008) “All that is iron-ink is not always iron-gall!” J. Raman
Spectrosc., 39: 1074–1078
Burandt, J. (2004) “An Investigation Toward the Identification of Traditional Drawing Inks” Book and Paper
Group Annual 13:9-16
Dietz, G. J. (2015) “Ink or ink? How to distinguish between iron-gall ink and carbon ink in old master
drawings” Presented 12-16 October 2015 – XIIIth IADA Congress Berlin
Havermans, J., H. Abdul Aziz, H. Scholten (2003) “Non-Destructive Detection of Iron Gall Inks by Means of
Multispectral Imagin. Part 1: Development of the Detection System” Restaurator 24(1): 55-60
Havermans, J., H. Abdul Aziz, H. Scholten (2003) “Non-Destructive Detection of Iron Gall Inks by Means of
Multispectral Imaging. Part 2: Application on Original Objects Affected With Iron-Gall-Ink Corrosion”
Restaurator 24(2): 88-94
*Neevel, J. G. (2009) “Application issues of the bathophenanthroline test for iron(II) ions.” Restaurator
Neevel, J. G. (2006) “The Development of In-situ methods for identification of iron gall inks” In Book: Iron
Gall Inks: On Manufacture, Characterisation, Degradation and Sabilization. J. Kolar and M. Strlic, eds. 147-
*Neevel, J. G., B. Reissland. (2005). “Bathophenanthroline Indicator Paper: Development of a New Test for
Iron Ions.” PapierRestaurierung 6(1): 28-36.
Zekrgoo, S. (2014) “Methods of Creating, Testing and Identifying Traditional Black Persian Inks” Restaurator
Calvini. P., A. Gorassini (2002) “The Degrading Action of Iron and Copper on Paper: A FTIR-Deconvolution
Analysis” Restaurator 23(4):205-221
Clapp, P.A., N. Du, D.F. Evans (1990) "Thermal and Photochemical Production of Hydrogen Peroxide from
Dioxygen and Tannic Acid, Gallic Acid and other related Compounds in Aqueous Solution" Journal of the
Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 86:2587-2592
Csefalvayova, L., B. Havlinova, M. Ceppan, Z. Jakubikova (2007) “The Influence of Iron Gall Ink on Paper
Aging” Restaurator 28:129-139
Daniels, V. (2001) “The Chemistry of Iron Gall Ink” In The Postprints of the Iron Gall Ink Meeting First
Triannial Conservation Conference, New Castle upon Tyne, 31-36
Graf, E. J.R. Mahoney, R.G. Bryant, J.W. Eaton (1984) “Iron-catalyzed hydroxyl radical formation” J. of
Biological Chemistry 259:3620-3624
*Henniges, U., R. Reibke, G. Banik, E. Huhsmann, U. Hahner, T. Prohaska, A. Potthast (2008) “Iron gall ink-
induced corrosion of cellulose: aging, degradation and stabilization. Part 2: application on historic sample
material” Cellulose 15(6):861-870
Henniges, U., G. Banik, R. Reibke (2008) “Studies into the Early Degradation Stages of Cellulose by different
Iron Gall Ink Components” Macromol. Symp. 262:150-161
Kanngiesser, B., O. Hahn, M. Wilke, B. Nekat, W. Malzer, A. Erko (2004) “Investigation of oxidation and
migration processes of inorganic compounds in ink-corroded manuscripts” Spectrochim. Acta Part B, 59:
Krekel, C. (1999) “Chemistry of Historical Iron Gall Inks” International Journal of Forensic Document
Examiners 5:54-58
Kolar, J., D. Kocar, M. Strlic, G. De Bruin, D. Kolesa (2012) “Characterisation of paper containing iron gall ink
using size exclusion chromatography” Polymer Degradation and Stability 97:2212-2216
Kolar, J., A. Stolfa, M. Strlic, M. Pompe, B. Pihlar, M. Budnar, J. Simcic, B. Reissland (2006) “Historical iron
gall ink containing documents: properties affecting their condition” Anal. Chim. Acta, 555:167–174
Kolar, J., M. Strlic (2004) “Evaluating the Effects of Treatments on Iron Gall Ink Corroded Documents: A new
Analytical methodology” Restaurator 25(2):94-103
*Liu, Y., I. Cigic, M. Strlic (2017) “Kinetics of accelerated degradation of historic iron gall ink-containing
paper” Polymer Degradation and Stability 142:255-262
Marin, E., M.C. Sistach, J. Jimenez, M. Clemente, G. Garcia (2015) “Distribution of Acidity and Alkalinity on
Degraded Manuscripts Containing Iron Gall Ink” Restaurator 36(3):229-247
Neevel, J. G., C.T.J. Mensch (1999) “The behaviour of iron and sulphuric acid during iron-gall Ink corrosion.”
ICOM 12th Triennial Meeting, Lyon, 29 August – 3 September 1999: Preprints (ICOM Committee for
Conservation). Ed. Janet Bridgland. 528-533
*Potthast, A., U. Henniges, G. Banik. (2008) “Iron gall ink-induced corrosion of cellulose: aging, degradation
and stabilization. Part 1: model paper studies.” Cellulose 15:849-859.
Reissland, B., M.W. Cowan (2002) “The light sensitivity of iron gall inks” Studies in Conservation 47 Issue
sup3: Contributions to the Baltimore Congress, 2-6 September 2002. Works of Art on Paper Books,
Documents and Photographs: Techniques and Conservation: 180-184
Reissland, B. (2001) “Visible progress of paper degradation caused by Iron Gall Inks” In The Postprints of
the Iron Gall Ink Meeting First Triennial Conservation Conference, New Castle upon Tyne, 67-72.
Rouchon, V., S. Bernard (2015) “Mapping iron gall ink penetration within paper fibres using scanning
transmission x-ray microscopy.” Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry 30(3):635-641
Rouchon V., M. Duranton, C. Burgaud, E. Pellizzi, B Lavédrine, (2011) “Room-Temperature Study of Iron Gall
Ink Impregnated Paper Degradation under Various Oxygen and Humidity Conditions: Time-Dependent
Monitoring by Viscosity and X-ray Absorption Near-Edge Spectrometry Measurements” Analytical
Chemistry 83(7):2589-97
Rouchon, V. C. Burgaud, T.P. Nguyen, M. Eveno, L. Pichon, J. Salomon (2008) “Iron Gall Ink Aqueous
Treatments: Measurement of Elemental Changes by Proton Induced X-ray Emission” PapierRestaurierung
Sistach, M.C., J.M. Gibert, R. Areal (1999) “Ageing of laboratory irongall inks studied by reflectance
spectrometry” Restaurator 20(3-4):151-166
Strlic, M., E. Menart, I.K. Cigic, J. Kolar, G. de Bruin, M. Cassar (2010) “Emission of reactive oxygen species
during degradation of iron gall ink” Polymer Degradation and Stability 95:66-71
*Strlic, M. Kolar, J. Selih, V.S., Kocar, D. Philar, B (2003) “A comparative study of several transition metals in
Ferton-like reaction system at circum-neutral.” Acta Chim. Slov. 50(4):619−632
Tse, S., S. Guild, V. Orlandini, M. Trojan-Bedynski. "Microfade Testing of 19th Century Iron Gall Inks."
American Institute for Conservation Textile Speciality Group Postprint 20 (2010), pp. 167-180.
Ursescu, M., T. Malutan, S. Ciovica (2009) “Iron gall inks influence on papers' thermal degradation FTIR
spectroscopy applications.” European journal of science and theology 5, no. 3 (2009 Sep), pp. 71-84
Budnar, M., J. Vodopivec, P.A. Mando, F. Lucarelli, G. Casu, O. Signorini (2001) “Distribution of Chemical
Elements of Iron-Gall Ink Writing Studied by the PIXE method” Restaurator 22:228-241
Charleton, K.D., A.E. Smith, D. M. Goltz (2009) “Microsampling and Determination of Metals in Iron Gall
Ink” Analytical Letters 42(16):2533-2546
Ferrer, N., M.C. Sistach (2013) “Analysis of Sediments on Iron Gall Inks in Manuscripts” Restaurator
Goltz, D., J. Chin, R. Hiebert, G. Absalan (2010) “Micro-extraction and determination of transition metals in
historical ink” Microchimica Acta 170(1-2):127-133
Hahn, O. (2010) “Analyses of Iron Gall and Carbon Inks by Means of X-ray Fluorescence Analysis: A Non-
destructive Approach in the field of Archaeometry and Conservation Science” Restaurator 31(1):41-64
La Camera, D. (2007) “Crystal Formations Within Iron Gall Ink: Observations and Analysis” Journal of the
American Institute for Conservation 46(2): 153-174
Le Camera, D. (2004) “An Investigation into the Prevalance and Chemistry of Crystal Formation on the
Surface of Iron-Gall Ink: The Preliminary Results” Book and Paper Group Annual 23:75-85
Manso, M., A.M. Cardeira, M. Silva, A. le Gac, S. Pessanha, M. Guerra, A.T. Caldeira. A, Candeias, M. L.
Carvalho (2015) “The mysterious halos in iron gall ink manuscripts: an analytical explanation” Applied
Physics A. 118(3):1107-1111
Surmak, A. (2015) “Study of discoloured iron-gall ink inscriptions – case of the Gradual of Lviv Benedictines
from Krzeszow” EGG CeROArt 5 <> (accessed 01/12/2016)
Zoleo, A. L. Speri, M. Bronzato (2015) “Electron Paramagnetic Resonance as a Probe for Metal Ions and
Radicals in Paper” Restaurator 36(4):269-282
De Feber, M., J.G. Havermans, P. Defize (2000) “Iron Gall Ink Corrosion: A Compound-Effect Study”
Restaurator 21:204-21
Sistach, M.C., Espadaler, I. (1993) “Organic and inorganic components of iron gall inks” ICOM Committee
for Conservation Tenth Triennial Meeting, Washington, DC, 22-27 August 1993: Preprints. Presented at the
ICOM Committee for Conservation Triennial Meeting (10), International Council of Museums Committee
for Conservation, Paris: 485–490
Gum Arabic
Remazeilles C., V. Rouchon-Quillet & J. Bernard (2005) “Influence of Gum Arabic on Iron-gall Ink Corrosion
– Part 2: Observation and Elemental Analysis of Originals” Restaurator 26(2):118-133
Barrett, T., J. Baty (2007) “Gelatin size as a pH and moisture content buffer in paper” JAIC 46(2):105-121
Barrett, T., C. Mosier “The Role of Gelatine in Paper Permanence”. The Book and Paper Group and Annual
of the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works. Vol. 34, No. 3 (1995), 173‐186.
Dupont, A‐L. (2002) ‘Study of the degradation of Gelatin in Paper upon aging using aqueous size‐exclusion
chromatography.’ Journal of Chromatography A. No. 950: 113‐124.
*Kolbe, G. (2004) “Gelatine in Historical Paper Production and as Inhibiting Agent for Iron-Gall Ink
Corrosion on Paper”, Restaurator 25(1):26-39
Nguyen, T.P., A. Delatour, S. Bouvet, V. Rouchon-Quillet (2004) “Effects of Gelatine sizing on iron gall ink
corroded paper” Eds Jana Kolar Proceedings of the International Conference: Durability of paper and
writing. November 16‐19 2004, Lubljana, Slovenia. 52‐53.
Rouchon, V., O. Belhadj, A. Martin, F. Vanmeert, K. Janssens (2015) “Gelatin and Iron Gall Ink Corrosion:
Evidence of a “stabilizing” effect” Presentation at IADA XIII Congress, Berlin 12-16 Oct 2015
Gallic Acid
Burgaud, C., V. Rouchon, A. Wattiaux, J. Bleton, R. Sabot, P. Refait (2010) “Determination of the Fe(II)/Fe(III)
ratio in iron gall inks by potentiometry: A preliminary study” Journal of electroanalytical chemistry
Rouchon-Quillet, V., C. Remazeilles, J. Bernard, A. Wattiaux, L. Fournes (2004) “The impact of gallic acid on
iron gall ink corrosion” Applied Physics A 79:389-392
*Albro, S., J. L. Biggs, C. Dekle, M. E. Haude, C. Karnes, Y. Khan (2008) “Developing Guidelines for Iron-Gall
Ink Treatment at the Library of Congress” Book and Paper Group Annual 129-165
Biggs, J. L., Y. R. Khan, S. R. Albro, C. Dekle, M. E. Haude, C. Karnes (2006) “Treatment trees for iron gall ink:
using flow charts to develop treatment protocols,” Institute of Paper Conservation 5th International
Conference Papers, Edinburgh, 2006, Institute of Paper Conservation/Institute of Conservation, UK. S.
Jacques, ed. London: ICON, 2007, 211-218.
Connelly Ryan, C., E. Eusman, L. Stiber Morenus, H. Krueger, H. Wanser (2006) “Optimizing ink corrosion
treatment protocols at the Library of Congress” Institute of paper conservation 5th International
Conference Papers, Edinburg, 2006, Institute of paper conservation/Institute of Conservation, UK. S.
Jacques, ed. London: ICON: 211-218
*Guild, S., S. Tse, M. Trojan-Bedynski (2012) "Technical Note on Treatment Options for Iron Gall Ink on
Paper with a Focus on Calcium Phytate" JCAC 37:17-21
*Jacobi, E. (2013) “The Dutch Fe-Migration Mending Test” Journal of Paper Conservation 14(4):38
*Jacobi, E., B. Reissland, C. Phan Tan Luu, B. van Velzen, F. Ligterink (2011) “Rendering the Invisible Visible
- Preventing Solvent-Induced Migration During Local Repairs on Iron Gall Ink” Journal of Paper Conservation
*Luiz Pedersoli Jr., J. L., B. Reissland. (2003) “Risk Assessment: A tool to compare alternative courses of
action for the conservation of iron-gall ink containing objects,” Restaurator 24(4):205-226
Orlandini, V. L.E. Thomé, F. L. Toledo, L.A.C. Souza, F. Gear, C.O. Bustos, R.E.G. Rodregues, C.D. Guizado
(2008) “Preserving Iron Gall Ink Objects in Collections in South and Central America and the Caribbean, Part
1: Assessing Preservation Needs of Ink Corroded Materials” Restaurator 29:163-183
*Rouchon, V., J. Stordiau-Pallot, B. Durocher, E. Pellizzi. (2009) “The water sensitivity of iron gall ink and its
risk assessment.” Studies in Conservation 54(4): 236-254
Tse, S., R. Waller (2008) "Developing a risk assessment model for iron gall ink on paper." in ICOM
Committee for Conservation, ICOM-CC, 15th Triennial Conference New Delhi, 22-26 September 2008:
preprints, volume 1 (edited by Janet Bridgland. New Dehli: Allied Publishers Pvt: 301-309
*Desroches, M. V. Duplat, V. Rouchon (2012) “Instructable: An Aqueous Treatment for Highly Damaged
Manuscripts: Minimising the Risk of Mechanical Damage” Journal of Paper Conservation 13(3):36-37
*Huhsmann E., U. Hahner (2008) “Work standard for the treatment of 18th and 19th-century iron gall ink
documents with calcium phytate and calcium hydrogen carbonate” Restaurator 29:274-319
Huhsmann E.,U. Hahner (2007) “Application of the Non-woven Viscose Fabric Paraprint OL 60 for Float
Screen Washing of Documents Damaged by Iron Gall Ink Corrosion” Restaurator 28:140-151
*Neevel, H., B. Reissland, K. Scheper, S. Fleischer (2007) “Calcium Phytate Treatment Agent”
*Reissland, B., K. Scheper, S. Fleischer (2007) “Preparation of Calcium Bicarbonate using Mineral Water”
*Reissland, B., J. de Graaff (2000) “Condition Rating for paper objects with Iron‐gall ink” ICN‐
Information. 1:1‐ 4.
*van Velzen, B., E. Jacobi (2011) “Instructable: Repair on Iron Gall Ink with Remoistenable Tissue” Journal
of Paper Conservation Vol. 12(2):37-38
*van Velzen, B., E. Jacobi (2011)“Instructable: Remoistenable Tissue” Journal of PaperConservation Vol.
Bazemore, A. (2016) “Chelating soluble iron(II) from iron gall ink using calcium phytate in agar gel” MA
Thesis: MA Conservation Studies at West Dean College. <
Botti, L., O. Mantovani, D. Ruggiero (2005) “Calcium phytate in the Treatment of Corrosion Caused by Iron
Gall Inks: Effects on Paper” Restaurator 26(1) 1-75
Hahn, O., M. Wilke, T. Wolff (2008) “Influence of aqueous calcium phytate/calcium hydrogen carbonate
treatment on the chemical composition of iron gall inks” Restaurator 29(4):235-250
*Henniges, U., A. Potthast (2008) “Phytate Treatment of metallo-gallate inks: Investigation of its
effectiveness on model and historic paper samples” Restaurator 29(4):219-234
*Huhsmann E., U. Hahner (2008) “Work standard for the treatment of 18th and 19th-century iron gall ink
documents with calcium phytate and calcium hydrogen carbonate” Restaurator 29(4):274-319.
Jackman, R.H., Black, C.A. (1951) “Solubility of iron, aluminum, calcium, and magnesium inositol
phosphates at different pH values”, Soil Science, 72:179-186
*Kolar, J., et al (2007) “Stabilisation of Iron Gall Ink: Aqueous Treatment with Magnesium Phytate.” e-
Preservation Science 4:19-24.
Kolar. J., A. Možir, M. Strlič, G. de Bruin, B. Pihlar, T. Steemers (2005) “Stabilisation of Paper Containing
Iron-Gall Ink with Current Aqueous Processes” Restaurator 26(3):181-189 (CaP/CaB at various pH)
*Neevel, J.G. (2001) “(Im)possibilities of the phytate treatment” In The Postprints of the Iron Gall Ink
Meeting First Triannial Conservation Conference, New Castle upon Tyne,125-134
Neevel, J.G. (1995) “The Development of a New Conservation Treatment for Ink Corrosion, Based on the
Natural Anti-oxidant Phytate” In IADA Preprints: 8th International Congress of IADA, Tübinden, 19-23
September 1995. M.S. Koch and K. J. Palm, eds.
Neevel, J.G. (1995) “Phytate: a Potential Conservation Agent for the Treatment of Irongall Inks” Restaurator
*Rouchon, V., E. Pellizzi, M. Duranton (2013) “Study of Phytate Chelating Treatments Used on Iron Gall Ink
Damaged Manuscripts” ICOM-CC Graphic Documents Working Group Interim Meeting Vienna 17 – 19 April
2013 46-49
Rouchon, V., E. Pellizzi, M. Duranton, F. Vanmeert, K. Janssens (2011) “Combining XANES, ICP-AES, and
SEM/EDS for the study of phytate chelating treatments used on iron gall ink damaged manuscripts” J. Anal.
At. Spectrom. 16:2434-2441
*Tse, S., S. Guild, A. Gould (2012) “A comparison of aqueous versus ethanol modified calcium phytate
solutions for the treatment of iron gall ink inscribed paper.” Journal of the Canadian Association for
Conservation 37:3-16.
Barry, C ., J. Fields (2001) “An examination of Iron Gall ink drawings in the British Museum deacidified with
barium hydroxide” In The Postprints of the Iron Gall Ink Meeting First Triennial Conservation Conference,
New Castle upon Tyne, 83-88
*Belhadj, O., V. Rouchon (2017) “Deacidification Solution of Calcium Hydrogen Carbonate: Controlling
Calcium Concentration with a Colorimetric Test” Journal of Paper Conservation 17(3-4):130
Giorgi, R. (2013) “Inorganic Nanomaterials for the Deacidification of Paper” In: Nanoscience for the
Conservation of Works of Art, Baglioni and Chelazzi (eds). 396-429
Krueger, H. (2003) “Magnesium Revisited” Book and Paper Group Annual 22:33-39
*Poggi, G., M.S. Sistach, E. Marin, J.F. Garcia, R. Giorgi, P. Baglioni (2016) “Calcium Hydroxide Nanoparticles
in Hydroalcoholic gelatin solutions (GeolNan) for the deacidification and strengthening of papers containing
iron gall ink” J. Cultural Heritage 18:250-257
*Rouchon, V., O. Belhadj (2017) “Calcium Hydrogen Carbonate (bicarbonate) Deacidification: What you
wanted to know but never dared asking” Journal of Paper Conservation 17(3-4):125-127
*Sequeira, S., C. Casanova, E.J. Cabrita (2006) “Deacidification of paper using dispersions of Ca(OH)2
nanoparticles in isopropanol. Study of efficiency” Journal of Cultural Heritage 7:264-272
Stefanis, E., C. Panayiotou (2010) “Deacidification of documents containing iron gall ink with dispersions of
Ca(OH)2 and Mg(OH)2 nanoparticles.” Restaurator: 31(1):19-40.
Stezek, A. (2015) “The Uptake of Calcium Carbonate in Paper: Immersion and Float Washing Compared for
Selected Paper Samples” Journal of Paper Conservation 16(3):98-111
Bogaard, J., P. Whitmore (2005) “A Method for the Aqueous Deacidification of Oxidized Paper” JAIC 44:63-
Bedynski, M., D. St-Jacques, L. Curry, S. Tse (2014) "An antioxidant research project resulting from
treatment needs of an 18th century illuminated manuscript" in Care and conservation of manuscripts 14:
Proceedings of the fourteenth international seminar held at the University of Copenhagen, 17th-19th
October 2012 (Copenhagen, 2014)
Havlinova, B., J. Minarikova, J. Hanus, Z. Szaboova (2007) “The Conservation of Historical Documents
Carrying Iron Gall Ink by Antioxidants” Restaurator 28:112-128 (BHT and phytate compared)
Kolar, J., A. Možir, A. Balažic, M. Strlič, G. Ceres, V.Conte, V. Mirruzzo, T. Steemers, G. de Bruin (2008) “New
antioxidants for treatment of transition metal containing inks and pigments.” Restaurator 29(3): 184-198.
(TBABr + imidazolium bromides)
Kolar J., J. Malešič, M. Strlič (2005) “Antioxidants for stabilization of iron gall ink corrosion” In ICOM
Committee for Conservation Preprints, 14th Triennial Meeting, The Hague: 12–16 September, 186–192
Kolar, J., M. Sala, M. Strlic, V.S. Selih (2005) “Stabilisation of Paper Containing Iron-Gall Ink with Current
Aqueous Processes” Restaurator 26(3):181-189 (DTPA + Phytate)
Kolar, J., M. Strlič, M. Budnar, J. Malešič, V.S Šelih, J. Simčičc (2003) “Stabilisation of corrosive iron gall inks”
Acta Chimica Slovenica 50: 763–770 (TBABr)
Kolar, J., M. Strlic (2000) “Stabilisation of Ink Corrosion” In Book: The Iron Gall Ink Meeting: New Castle
upon Tyne ed. A.J.E. Brown: 135-140 (early work on phytate alternatives)
Maitland, C. (2009) “Where archival and fine art conservation meet: applying iron gall ink antioxidant and
deacidification treatments to corrosive copper watercolours” The Book and Paper Group Annual 28:37-45
(TBABr + Phytate)
Malesic, J., J. Kolar, M. Strlic, P. Slovenko (2005) “The Use of Halides for Stabilisation of Iron-Gall Ink
Containing Paper - The Pronounced Effect of Cation” e-Preservation Science 2:13-16
Porck, H.J., W. Castelijns (1991) "A study of the effects of iron and copper on the degradation of paper and
evaluation of different conservation treatments". In: Preprints IADA Congress 1991, Uppsala: 1-7
*Reissland, B. (2001) “Ink Corrosion: side-effects caused by aqueous treatments for paper objects” In The
Postprints of the Iron Gall Ink Meeting First Triennial Conservation Conference, New Castle upon Tyne, 109-
Reissland, B., S. de Groot. (1999) “Ink corrosion: comparison of currently used aqueous treatments for
paper objects.” IADA Preprints: 9th IADA Congress Copenhagen, August 16-21, 1999. 121-129. (phytate
with various washing and deacidifying options including simmering)
Reissland, B. (1999) “Ink Corrosion: Aqueous and Non-Aqueous Treatment of Paper Objects: State of the
Art” Restaurator 20(3-4):167-180.
Rouchon, V., C. Burgaud, T.P. Nguyen, M. Eveno, L. Pichon, J. Salomon (2008) “Iron gall ink aqueous
treatments: measurement of elemental changes by proton induced x-ray emission.” PapierRestaurierung
Tse, S., M. Trojan-Bedynski, D. St-Jacques (2012) “Treatment considerations for the Haggadah Prayer Book:
Evaluation of Two Antioxidants for Treatment of Copper-Containing Inks and colourants” Book and Paper
Group Annual 31:87-97
*Tse, S., D. Goltz, S. Guild, V. Orlandini, M. Trojan-Bedynski, M. Richardson (2009) “Effect of Aqueous
Treatments on Nineteenth-Century Iron-Gall-Ink Documents: Assessment Using Hyperspectral Imaging”
Book and Paper Group Annual 28:75-82
Tse, S., S. Guild, M. Trojan-Bedynski, V. Orlandini (2006) "Effect of Aqueous Treatments on 19th Century
Iron Gall Ink Documents: Part 2: Artificial Aging by Heat, Humidity and Light." Second Iron Gall Ink Meeting
and Final Meeting for Metals in Paper, European Thematic Network, January 24-27, 2006. Pre-conference
publication. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. 40-42.
Tse, S., H. Hendry, P. Begin, P.J. Sirois, M. Trojan-Bedynski (2005) “The Effect of Simmering on the Chemical
and Mechanical Properties of Paper” Restaurator 26(1):14-35.
Zappala, A., C. de Stafani (2005) “Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Stabilization Methods: Treatments by
Deacidification, Trehalose, Phytates on Iron Gall Inks” Restaurator 26(1):36-43
*Belhadj, O., C. Phan Tan Luu, S. Meslet-Struyve, S. Vez, B. Reissland, V. Rouchon (2014) “The Dutch Fe-
Migration Mending Test: Exploring Further areas of Use” Journal of Paper Conservation 15(1):9-15
Curtis, A. (2016) “Instructable: Zorbix as a Moisture Source for Parchment and Paper Treatments” Journal
of Paper Conservation 16(3):115-11
Hansen, B.V. (2005) “Improving Ageing Properties of Paper with Iron-Gall Ink by Interleaving with Papers
Impregnated with Alkaline Buffer and Antioxidant” Restaurator 26(3):190-202
*Malesic, J., M. Sala, V.S. Selih, D. Kocar. (2014) “Evaluation of a method for treatment of iron gall ink
corrosion on paper.” Cellulose 21(4): 2925-2936.
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*marked items are provided as pdfs on the workshop USB flash drives