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PRINTING INGREDIENT Textile printing is the art of design by mechanical and chemical appl ication.

Various chemicals are used for preparing printing paste to print a f abric, which are known as printing ingredients. The essential printing ingredients for preparing printing paste are as follows: Dyestuff, Pigments. Wetting agents. Solvents, Solution aids, Dispersing agents and humectants. Thickeners. De foaming agents. Oxidizing and Reducing agents. Catalyst and Oxygen carrier. Acids and alkalis. Carrier and swelling agents. Miscellaneous agents. All these constituents are not used simultaneously in any printing paste. Depend ing on the class of dyestuff used and styles of printing employed, Suitable comp onents (ingredients) are selected in making printing paste. A variety of chemica ls are available in each group of components (ingredients) mentioned above and a particular component used for one class of dye may not be suitable for use with another class of dye. Thus Starch is used as printing thickener for direct dyes on cotton fabric, but it is not suitable for printing reactive dye. Dye stuff: Attraction of dyestuff to the fiber due to presence of auxochrome. To achieve color effect on the fabric. To produce required shade. Colored objects acquire their true colors because they absorb a definite portion (complementary color) of white light (visible portion of sunlight) and affectin g the rest. Some chemicals such as azo (-N=N-), keto (>C=o) etc. which are respo nsible for the absorption of apportion of light are called chromophores and a co mpound containing a chromophore is called chromogen. When a chromogen contain a other group called auxochrome. Dyes are organic compound responsible for color. Dyes contain both auxochrome chromophores .Chromophores are responsible for c olor, auchromes are responsible for color bearing group. Dyes may be either soluble or insoluble in water (H2O). But insoluble dyes have to make soluble and after that it should to make its original insoluble form. Dyes involve one or more of the following structure: Physical absorption of water soluble dyes by the fiber from a solution of the dy e in water and attachment of the in the fiber substance by certain physical forc es like hydrogen bonding, electrostatic attractionetc. Mechanical trapping of insoluble dye in the fiber. Dissolution of dye in the fiber.

Classification of dyes: Coloring matters

Synthetic Dyes Pigments Natural Readymade Vat Water soluble Mineral Mineral Direct Basic Acid Sulpher Reactive Fastness properties of dyes: Different classes of dyes possess different fastness property. Light fastness (Rating: 1-8). Wash fastness (Rating: 1-5). Rubbing fastness (Rating: 1-5). Perspiration fastness (Rating: 1-5). Reactive dyes: Reactive dyes react with cellulosic fiber i.e. cotton, Jute, bast fibers, viscos e and flax etc. Water soluble dyes. Makes covalent bond with the fiber. Comparatively cheap. Wash fastness: 4-5. Light fastness: 6-7. Widely and popularly used in Bangladesh. Simple method for Dyeing. All kind of shade is found. PH: 10-12 Temp: 600C Time= 45-60/ Liquor Ratio: 1:10 (Practical) : 1:6 (Dyeing industry) Reaction: Cell-OH + D-X D Cell-O-D + HX Covalent bond Chromophore of dye paste Water Partially soluble Ingredient dye

Azoic Oxidating

X Trade name Procion ICI Cibacron Livafix Bayer Reactone

Reactive dye

Manufacturer Country UK Ciba Swiss Switzerland Germany Geigy Switzerland

Disperse Dye: Insoluble dye. Non ionic dye. Molecularly dispersed. Use dispersing agent. Used to MMF dyeing. Used for Hydrophobic textile material. Light fastness: 4-5. Wash fastness: 3-4. PH:4.5-5.5

Mechanism: Amorphous 130 Disagregation


Tg Dye bath to fabric Temp=


At first the dyes are in disagreegation form, then in aggregation form, then bel ow glass transition temperature it becomes amorphous and dye enter into fabric m olecule. Steps: Dye dispersed in dye bath Dye dissolved in dye bath Dye absorbed on fiber surface Dye diffusion in the fiber Dye diffused fiber to dye bath

Trade Name: Trade name Manufacturer Country Terasil Cibageigy Switzerland Dispersol ICI UK Foron Sandoz Switzerland Cibacet Cibageigy Switzerland

Sulpher dye: Insoluble in water. Used for cellulosic fiber. Will have to reduce by Na2S and soluble form dyeing and then by O2or K2Cr2O7. Contain sulpher atom in the molecule. Wash fastness: 3-4 Light fastness: 4. Rubbing fastness: 3 Cheap and easy to apply. Black, blue, Brown shade. PH: Alkali medium. Reaction: Dye-S-S-Dye+ 2[H] Dye-SH + HS-Dye + [O] Trade name: Trade name Sulphosol Sulphonol Sulphonosol Manufacturer Origin James Robbin Co.LTD UK Frank color France Frank Color France Reducing agent 2Dye-SH (Soluble form) Oxidizing agent Dye-S-S-Dye (Insoluble) +H2O

Vat dye: Vat dye is insoluble. Used for cellulosic fiber dyeing. Various shades are found. Costly. Dyeing process is difficult. Wash fastness: 1-5. Rubbing fastness: 4-5 Perspiration fastness: 4-5 Trade name: Trade name Manufacturer origin Artex vat Rainbow texdyes corp India Caledon ICI Ltd UK Metavat Universal Dyestuff inds corp.


Direct Dye: Na-salt of Sulphonic acid. Soluble in water Applied in Alkali medium. Applied in all fibers except hydrophobic fiber. Formation of H2 bond. M:L: 1:20 Trade Name: Trade name Manufacturer origin Fixanol D.F ICI UK

Sandofix WE

Sandoz Switzerland

Acid Dye: Easily applied on wool, silk, Nylon fibers. Wide range of shades. Soluble in water. Trade name: Trade name Manufacturer origin Acilan Bayer Germany Sulphonine Sandoz Switzerland Azoic Dye: Cellulosic cotton, but also jute, nylon, polyester, rayon. Insoluble azo group. Alkali Resistance: poor to good. Light Resistance: poor to good. Wash fastness: very good. Napthol dispersed in T.R oil. Trade name: Trade name Manufacturer origin Cibacron Cibageigy Switzerland LIVAFIX bayer Germany Remazol Hoechst Germany Pigments: Insoluble Coloring matters , mostly of mineral origin. Pigments are applied by means of Binding agent. Present as limit range of Hues generally of very fastness to light, But of variable behavior towards other agent. The most i mportant criteria which the pigments are evaluated are fastness to light, solven t, acids, alkali and other chemical agent. Example: Oxides of Iron (Fe), Chromium (Cr) band other inorganic mat erials. Advantages: Light fastness very high. Disadvantage: Harsh fabric, rubbing. Wetting agent: To wet the fabric. To reduce surface tension of water, allowing the dyestuff for penetration into f iber. To obtain smooth surface. To dissolve the dye stuff in paste. Water is fond to surface tension 73 dynes/cm , certain compounds dissolve in wat er reduces its surface tension from 73 dynes/cm to 28 dynes/ cm by dissolving so ap water. Substance which reduce the surface tension of water ,allowing it to wet a fabric surface easily ,which are otherwise non wet table or difficulty wet table are k

nown as wet table as wetting agent, known as surface acting agent. Beneficial in dyestuff powder. Dyestuff powder is added with wetting agent before water, NaOH , HydroSulphite are added. Example: Olive oil, T.R. oil .Caster oil, Lissapol N, Animal oil, Glycer ine. Greater stability is made by esterifying oleic acid with methanol and thensulph ating the resulting the resulting ester with concentrated sulphuric acid: HOOC-(CH2)7-CH=CH-(CH2)7-CH3 (Oleic acid) CH3OH CH3OOC-(CH2)7-CH=CH-(CH2)7-CH3 (Methyl oleate) Con.H2SO 4 CH3OOC-(CH2)7-CH=CH-(CH2)7-CH3 OSO3H NaoH CH3OOC-(CH2)7-CH=CH-(CH2)7-CH3 OSO3Na (Sulphated salt of methyl oleate) TRO used for pasting Napthols and for vat dyes.

Solvents, Solution aids, Dispersing agent and humectants: Solvents or dispersing agents are used to prevent aggregation of dyestuff molecu le dyestuff molecules in highly concentrated paste of dye. To get bright design. To assist dye penetration. To spread dye molecules evenly in the paste. To prevent precipitation. To increase solubility of dyes. Ace tin is a mixture of mono-, di-and tri acetates of glycerin made by reacting acetic acid / acetic anhydride.

CH2-OH CH2-OOC-CH3 CH-OH CH3COOH OH CH2-OH ( Glycerine) CH2 OH (Monoacetate0 CH-

CH3COOH CH2-OOC-CH3 CH-OOH-CH3 CH2 OH (Di acetate) CH3COOH CH2-OOC-CH3 CH-OOH-CH3 CH2-OOC-C H3 ( Triacetate) Used as additives to printing paste to produce better penetrated prints and incr eased color yields. Increase the solubility of dye so that deeper and better shades can be produced. Promote the production of level and deeper printed patterns. Gives increased color yield and more uniform appearance of prints. Increased secure color value by the acceleration of dispersion and migration of dye particles. Humectants is used as a printing pastes, whose prints are subsequently aged or s teamed ie Na-lactate. Urea is used as hygroscopic agent to assist complete fixation of dyes so deepe r shade is found. Hygroscopic agents are needed to absorb condensed steam during steaming. Thickener: To give required viscosity to the printing paste. To hold the ingredients to the paste. Impart stickiness and plasticity to the printing paste. To adhere or hold Dye particles to the desired place of fabric. Perform over awide range of physical and chemical conditions. Essential qualities of thickener: Physical and chemical stability should be good i.e viscosity, ability to wet, Fl ow property, and adhere to internal surface. Must be compatible with other ingredients of printing paste such as dispersing a gent, wetting agent, solvent, acids and alkali etc. Thickener film should dry properly on fabric to prevent spreading of color by ca pillary beyond the boundaries of design. Proper extraction of water from steam during steaming to give free space to dye molecules. Thickener should have a control over free water pick up and not carry dye beyond

boundaries. Thickener should have no affinity to dye. Once the dye is transferred from thickener film, the removal of exhausted thicke ner film without fetching water soluble dye is easy. Thickener should be cheap and available in abundance . Water soluble gum dividation: Newtonian flow. Dilatants flow Thixotropic flow Pseudo plastic flow. Viscosity is defined as shearing stress to shearing strain. Shear stress Viscosity= Shear strain

Examples of Thickener: 1. Starch and Starch derivatives: Starch is a homo polymer of glucose. Consists of 20-30%linear amylase and 80-70% branched amylase.

Recipe: Starch Water Total Time Temp 2.Gum Tragacanth: A 6% paste is prepared usually. Recipe: Tragacanth Water arts Total parts Time ys Temp 3.Starch Tragcanth: Wheat starch parts Water 600 part Total 1000parts Temp 10 400 1000c 2-3da 1000 60 parts 940 p 100 parts 900 parts = 1000 parts 15 min 600c

00c 4.Gum Arabic: 50% paste is prepared. 5.Locust Bean Gum: 3% paste is prepared. 6.Guar gum: Fine gum. 2% paste is prepared. 7.Meypro gum: 5% paste is prepared. 8.Sodium alginate: Obtained from sea woods. Widely used for printing with reactive dye. Good stability in PH=4-10 6% paste is prepared. 9. Carboxy methyl cellulose (CMC)

10.Fine Gum Widely used for polyester. Acts in acid medium. 11. British Gum

Viscosity of thickener : GUM Conc. Of GUM Gum Arabic 20 Sodium Alginate 1 Gum Tragacanth 1 Guar Gum 1 Viscosity 50 2,000 200 3300

Classification of Thickener: Thickener

Natural Synthetic

Modified starch

Cereals Plant Roots and sea woods lic (Poy Seeds Acrylonitrile) rivatives Vinyl (Poly venyl

Starch derivatives


Cellulose de

Alkali) Gum derivati ves

Defoaming agent: To prevent the foam generation during printing. To avoid faulty print which occurred due to faulty design? Give a milky dispersion. It has solvent power to dye. When hydro carbons are emulsified in water by emulsifying agent , the resulting emulsion is used as defoaming agent Examples of defoaming agent : Silicone, defoamer, Sulphated oil, Tributyl Phosphate, Perminal KB

Oxidizing and Reducing agent: Oxidizing agent: To develop the final color during steaming or in subsequent treatment. It should not be active on printing paste otherwise subsequent color may not fix . Assist to dye fixation. The acidity activates the chlorate at elevated temperature and oxidizing conditi ons needed for development of required color created. 2NaNO2 + H2SO4 Na2SO4 +2HNO3 2HNO3 NO+NO2 +H2O NO2 is actual oxidizing agent. Example: Sodium Chlorate, Potassium Chlorate, Ludigol, Na or K dichromate, Na Nitrate, Resist salt of NH4Cl. Reducing agent: Used for reduction of different color. Used for mainly in discharge printing.

To destroy color from ground fabric. To make insoluble dyes to make soluble. SNCL2 is used for Polyester fabric. In aqueous solution with alkali following reaction takes place: Na2SO4 +2H2O 2NaHSO3 + 2H NaHSO3 +NaOH Example: Sodium Hydrosulphite, Stannus Chloride, Rongalite c, Catalyst and Oxygen Carrier: To prevent fiber damage during steaming by oxidation. Accelerate the final color development by oxidation. Reduce the risk of oxidation. For the development of solubilised vat dye Example: Copper sulphide, Ammonium Vandate, Potassium Ferro cyanide. Acids and Alkali: Acids: Needed for the development of certain classes of dyes like vat dyes to activate a potential oxidizing agent. Needed during the curing stage for fixing the pigments and binders in pigment pr inting. Acid liberating agent is used. Esters of organic acids. Ammonium salt of mineral. Example: Organic Acid, Tartaric Acid, Lactic Acid, Citric acid, Glycolic acid. Na2SO3 + H2O

Alkalis: To maintain PH. To fix dye. Solution acquires alkaline properties. Example: Alkali, KOH, NaOH, Na2Co3 Carriers and Swelling agent: To create the big size particle. Helps to swell the fiber structure. To reduce crystallinity. Help easy to penetration of dye molecule inside the fiber polymer. Used for compact fiber i.e. polyester fiber to penetrate the dye.

After printing carrier have to be removed from fabric. Diphenyl has been found to be the best carrier to fix dye by pressure steaming a t 120-1300c. Example: Phenols, DEGDA (diethylene glycol diacetate), Resorcinol, Diphenyl.

Miscellaneous Chemicals: In case of vat dyes of good discharge ability, certain complexing agents are inc orporated in the printing paste containing a reducing agent & printing on vat dy ed fabric, which is then steamed. The at the printed portion Is reduced & solubi lised & this form of the vat dye reacts with the complexing agent. The resulting compound unlike the vatted dye is not reoxidised to the insoluble form & it is soluble in boiling alkali solution. so that it can subsequently be removed by an alkali. After treatment to produce white discharge effects on a colored ground. Leuco trop w is such a complexing agent. Source: Technology of textile processing Dr. V A Shenai www.Yahoo.com www.Google.com www. Wikipedia.com Class Lecture

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