Data Preprocessing in Data Mining
Data Preprocessing in Data Mining
Data Preprocessing in Data Mining
1. Binning Method:
This method works on sorted data in order to smooth it. The whole
data is divided into segments of equal size and then various
methods are performed to complete the task. Each segmented is
handled separately. One can replace all data in a segment by its
mean or boundary values can be used to complete the task.
2. Regression:
Here data can be made smooth by fitting it to a regression function.
The regression used may be linear (having one independent
variable) or multiple (having multiple independent variables).
3. Clustering:
This approach groups the similar data in a cluster. The outliers may
be undetected or it will fall outside the clusters
2. Data Transformation:
This step is taken in order to transform the data in appropriate forms suitable
for mining process. This involves following ways:
1. Normalization:
It is done in order to scale the data values in a specified range (-1.0
to 1.0 or 0.0 to 1.0)
2. Attribute Selection:
In this strategy, new attributes are constructed from the given set of
attributes to help the mining process.
3. Discretization:
This is done to replace the raw values of numeric attribute by
interval levels or conceptual levels.
4. Concept Hierarchy Generation:
Here attributes are converted from level to higher level in hierarchy.
For Example-The attribute “city” can be converted to “country”.
3. Data Reduction:
Since data mining is a technique that is used to handle huge amount of data.
While working with huge volume of data, analysis became harder in such
cases. In order to get rid of this, we use data reduction technique. It aims to
increase the storage efficiency and reduce data storage and analysis costs.
The various steps to data reduction are:
1. Data Cube Aggregation:
Aggregation operation is applied to data for the construction of the
data cube.
2. Attribute Subset Selection:
The highly relevant attributes should be used, rest all can be
discarded. For performing attribute selection, one can use level of
significance and p- value of the attribute. The attribute having p-
value greater than significance level can be discarded.
3. Numerosity Reduction:
This enables to store the model of data instead of whole data, for
example: Regression Models.
4. Dimensionality Reduction:
This reduces the size of data by encoding mechanisms. It can be
lossy or lossless. If after reconstruction from compressed data,
original data can be retrieved, such reduction are called lossless
reduction else it is called lossy reduction. The two effective
methods of dimensionality reduction are: Wavelet transforms and
PCA (Principal Component Analysis).
Feature Encoding
PCA generally tries to find the lower-dimensional surface to project the high-
dimensional data.
PCA works by considering the variance of each attribute because the high attribute
shows the good split between the classes, and hence it reduces the dimensionality.
Some real-world applications of PCA are image processing, movie
recommendation system, optimizing the power allocation in various
communication channels. It is a feature extraction technique, so it contains the
important variables and drops the least important variable.