Ffiffffi: R - : - JW@T+ 3 Hli .-Ajq@ate

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N o / rr BP / 36.',1'Yn*,,1:f :Yf tT
oifice of tht: t"""T:.
tndo Tibetar: il'ort
;;il;. 7 o,r un
Baralcci road'Lohag)rat'- _OB-Z-O:-1
Dist'- Chr'rrnpawat' [UKD) (tate rI 0

c e Loh a gha,

PWU rc5rc"''"
r^11'T#:# :ll;[
of rndia_invites 0,llrre
11'J,l[i]il-r#l*qii:;:;?;-ni*St[il4,ft I.rttarakhaird,t,,l,.
beharf oi",r",a-prrsident
beharr:?',ff rtnus,Rajlwav llR0'
?Tt#il;il[;tt rd
in appropriat'
for tttt
the followirtg
firms/conracrors "i"ir*r,', conrirr,i,,rn category
under Buirding r*"lo-.,rirrios. ,"',""-,=^
work:- -r .;,i.l.r-']- IM, -@
,;;;;;,1}:' -to,'lrrs
fi-,r1i,[,.i,,ir#;.u,,i] ,o,*,,,.:ilx\H '1
i Machintl for Solid
i *1,,r*"'"" "Bn
I o:''9-']:]:l
I \ A;;i 36th "qrrBP' r'.hasrt;
\ \H.:ilf "t \

I \iu*ri. ts',."c-o,,..,uction
\ \tlffi",l'I*i"ea1' l-
I Date 1 r-Lr': --

iqLliqu-rslrle-ad :Ilir r;- ____ _:_jw@t+*3*Hli _

- - fzo'nTl ou--Itzqg nrl'
TzaozlW-l rzao Hrs'
.-ajq@ate-_- -
1-t I tors H'q'--
;dt]141?q!-e BrLQ q]" 'ii'o:'ozr
i- - [oa*t* a{i4.Tozr I roso Hrs'
L- lrfidj'-iq!'rd
!_ I ano
Bid suumi:tfiffiJ,tf5"poriti*
for . ;;;ri nn \/r
oepustururr ,,' ,,risiuil
' Affidavit for
g I Last date and time r.-rvtr ) as' ;"; appendix-A [duJy
rc",.,". (

r".r.tt, a"claratioll in lieu of

r:_... ^6 EMD

notarizedJ und otn'l' t'$'1r11 ::,. :'X, :t"ff ;-?l,tiil;

[;ffili:q, #t,l:iil H,H" il;l,,sr.,,i
"-LL _-l *o;..
_-Io--1-p:O--oa9111g-{ate ssion of tenders.'.ln
:*:iif,,*:TJiTf-,:r*',il,'n','ffiiiliilffiriJ:T'jil.t"""1,1'.|;i'":;;;;;;;;srrou'Id ^L," l.l r r -..
rorm careru,v He shour'lr '

, Y,11**ff;Hl*liiif :X1;iil:ll:i1-:?"ri.,"i'orrenderancl r,e ir in por*ssiorr

or a, the documents
onry submit r.,i, rri.l?;;;;;;i;-* ni*r-i,'-i,eiii.
part of bid document'
for hi.ders p*sted on website sha, form various types
3. Inforrnation and Instructions ,t pr^rl, ,p;. ;;;;-., tt,"',tt"'tttule of quantities ofcomplied with
4. The bid or.r*.,.,i'.;;il;gancl the set oi,"l.,,o
and concritions orthe coritract.to be
of items to be executect be ao*t"ttoua"a from website
and other necessary clocurnents-^:f.,: '*"n"'^"'1"
& ww'\ r' Ltbp' gov tr d ocuments as per list
www.eprocure.govin ,ffir, the mandatory scanned
5. The ter.rder.rn olnly be suSmitt"a -aing
siven below.
,i. i"pv rf entistmtnt in appropf iate
"AiA per tencler clocument
lll. List of wort< co-mpletecl.as
i;. work experience I lozl /
I,age 1
V. Certificate of financial tunlover duJ,,, audited by CA (must have average annual financial
turnover of at Ieast 50% of the esl.iniatecl cost put to tender during the immediate last
three consecutive financial years fbr rneeting the eligibility criterion)

VI. Affidavit for bid security declaratiori in lieu of HMD as per appendix-A (duly notarized).
VII. Solvency Certificate of rnin amount cqual to 4070 of the estimated cost put to tender.
VIIL Copy of PAN card and latest incom* iax return.
IX. GST registration certificate.
6. The bidder will ensure physical submission of AfTidavit for bid security declaration in lieu of
EMD as per appendix -A (duly notarizerl) to be deposited in the office of The Commandant
36th Bn. I'fB Police Lohaghat in the farv;t 24 hrs before bid opening date, else bid will be
rejected as unresponsive bid.
7. Those contractors not registered on the website mentioned above, are required to get
registered beforehand. If needecl, they can be imparted training on online bidding process as
per details available on the website.
B, The intending bidder must have valid class-lll digital signature to submit online bid.
9. Bidder should not have past track recorrj rri clel:lying r,vorks.
10. On opening date, the contractor can iogirr and see the bicl opening process. After opening of
bids he will receive the cornpetitor bid slr*ets.
11. Contractor can upload documents in the fon;l of JPG format and PDF format.
12. Contractor must ensure to quote rate o{'rach item, if any cell is left blank and no rate is quoted
by the tenderer, rate of such item shall bi'treated AS "0" (ZIIRO). Flowever, if tenderer quotes
Nil rates agaitrst each item in item rate li:rrder or does not quote any percentage above/below
on the lowest anlount of the tencler or ixiv section/sub head in percentage rate tenders, the
tender shall be treated as invalid and will not be considered as lowest tender,
13. The required documents meeting thc criteria to qualify as " approved and eligible"
contractors of CPWD, MES, Railway, Stalc PWD & Telecom/BSNL Deptt. etc along with other
documents as mentioned under Para "l,isr of Documents to be scanned and uploaded by the
agency and hald copies received subserluently" shall be checked first, while opening the bid.
'fhe financial bid of only those agencies sirall be opened who are found to be eligible agencies,
as per this NIT.
14. The department reserves the right to rejr:ct any prospective application without assigning any
rezlson and to restrict the list of qualifierrl contractors lo any number deemed suitable by it, if
too many bids are received satisfying the laid down criterion.
15. For any tender related query or assistar:ce the bidders may contact Office of the Assistant
Conrmandant (Engr.), 36tr' Bn. ITB Poiir.r: l,ohaghat Champawat (UKD), Pin-262524 on, e-mail
address-itcell36thbn@itbp.gov.in Ph.No.-059 65-23436G l'224466.

Asstt. Commandant (Engr.)

36th Bn. l'l'B Police
Copy to:-
1. IT Cell Dte. Gen. fbr uploading tendcr notice at ITBP website.
2. IT Cell Northern Frontier ITB Policer, Dehradun.
3. D IG, SHQ[Brly), PO- Bukhara camp, Distt.- Barei lly, IJP -2430 0 4
4. Executive engineer, CPWD NTD ssB campus Almora tuKD). (email-
5, Executive engineer, PWD, champa:vilt,(tJKD). Iemail- eepdchnrp.pwduk@gov.in)
6. Commandant 3rd BN I'I'B Police.
7. Commandant 7rd BN ITB Police.
L Commandant L4rd BN ITB Police,
9. Commandant 34'd BN tTIl Police.

Page 2
ntp'qroftorflog0 ,./ i ; ':ii 7ro / xtq\o / ffiv
1, / 2021 9--oLly,---<?2-
tr,fqft,lir .,)r-ffi 'r6ifr slFdi
INn fil":ir tfltt gRiw err
1i-$ r,r:i i'il rl //1jlI{d {]-\rCF'N
el {ro)z q-}s, t*) { i,.:', :, fiT6{ [ -- qs{Tc{ar(v wrru,,s)

{*eft-<r qq-{r
Ik- \ 9-bs -eA)]
qrrd d a-6HRq iTEqft strr Q rroo$irdlL:rfto), soff qrFft, qloftorfto gfus sf,, Bcrrtrcru-s gm d;fio
d6 frqt"r fil+ilrr, W0d0q-{0, t-dt, {tffiNo31}g, uqlriilrn-s rr,,{l c.io fiqf"r fu+Tm gq frowot'coff,0 BqrT d rrq-{
ffiq +s oil{ ti-g ffi"r ffrd t11 d'q qci qdp1, )dqp} ri
\rq fi.i oxi tg q-fu"s Rn<+i (amffi GN frrfls) A
eqr+n efrn a,r{-{ fifdqd oirrif}o qfi urrd} t :*

Name of Work Estimater{ i,i'st

lnstallation of Composting [i+,re,zi.1l- - niriaruii f* b,d *.r.ity 03 Months
Machine for Solid waste declaration in lieu of EMI)
management at BHQ & as per appendix -A
Residential Qtrs of 36th Ltn (duly notarized).
ITBP, Lohaghat (UKDl. [Sh.
Construction of shed for
compost machine at BltQ &

!.No Detmil of Key D3te:; Date '['ime

01 e!-rffiffi*dl fd€a${ tiqq 't0.{J"3.202'l 1600 Hrs.
$T-{'sl$.1ifis ti xrr*"5 20.03.2021 1-630 Hrs.
03 qRI+I dr idfdl 20.03.2021 1700 Hrs.
04 qff m-{rl{ ftlir 20.tY3.2021 1730 Hrs.
ffiffi-#i=trrf- 25.03.2021 1000 l-lrs.
3r.03.2021 1600 I{rs.
07 sq? 31sffi dh6dj-ffi-1ffi 31 .03.2021 1615 I'lrs.
ot 4r.04.2021 16110l.lrs.
09 1l-€I[d'3I' 42.04.2021 1030 FIrs.
d or5wi Yei 31-;q
-,iiql q,{i
of orfuq ftfq
-ffiE1ro rt]'.q 03.04.2021 1030 Flrs.
s TffiGr{E f,fi
rrr,'oq 6T;II .tll.$( !r{ga

fr'fle) qcT fr inrft g, ,1i ftf|"e;r ur5a ;rrit eiii ;t..'1 fitIr 'rrEr .,nri ;ru tfinfii-r dq er4r qrftc I
2. grqen q,-d o1 fsB-Er rnrd ti tttrrfr'atr yrci'f ii,i tn-t r\ qffifl .tile\ t vti ti;qo 31q-fi q* u-nJo o-rfi arRf
qR tre g{ 6r d.?r $rrcrdT t s{$ qTg 3lti:r:)riii, wli .rr<rri.n g.ioe-r tt
3. i-cru{r{e q'( {rrddr r,r{ .t6 f&\ {Fl'{r 3iT ftrlr,: iili}qr ir q{diA,Ji .n f?,{rjT E}il I

4. frfuqt qtrrq-$T fuw,\ q't"r-ir{, ftt'ift,T, i{pru ;r,p1r d .i;rd or fteTf{d .i,r\ di orsrdi oir o1_ctr 6 M
3i? YrdI ?i fi.{qrdq +; {trg +fl-t o{o.{ .:::i('{{.b ildrq.* "."ii\ rrqgr$e www.eprocure.gov.in and
unuw".rtbp-.gsy.Ln .N t{Er oi'tq c{\ siscah; i;,i;rj] u] flE,ot t t

lt"qltfuro sm"ri"i dr r.i'-r +irli (fi srfiqt',i :;;;q $ ,3p-,{s l?a rrr* q'; uqs.rr 6i pqft"ei qr f}s;r ftr,ar qr
wo.u -' t
i. tcrtuTR-.r fdtr-qi qqr i

ii. scg-.rr rh41 il ,Trrr q.ft .d-} rl'fr r

iii. ftfiEr Ewrdrn) .ri 3i53,m ryi f+r ri'i, Li.it{ o,t qdr r

iv. aa{ks fdryi d srr{t ci-{'}r-s sqJq rr;r I

\r. riloqo * ftttftq ,fi-s d;T qqlvt r* (tirrriri:toiund ffi fi)qn efl.1 q"S ,$T ilf$n e{ertEr ;md .fr orr-dfnra
qrft r,r mq r) -d;q so yfilcrfl rTftr i:';; glqr qfiqrd r) t)
vi. lifd6 .rrrqr qltr .i rjLr"i q R{ ,r,j irii;et qe qti qlt qlEitrd ';lf r} *r;;g1x t

vii. ri-"riftft r+lElilrr;'e, ('rrt ,l,l Errl ?6t i;tiliifilrf, q{?r qil rtq * o,{ ao }r{tcrfl srfh .TrI €1 ,nv d.rr )
viii. +q ol-g q oiltq d{r{I+"r fW .rii qfi},
wff({rt errrd W q{ ........ .....02

I']agc 3

ix. Soviro8o ldqxoi sqlq q,r I

qRftT€'er'd ergnrr liF{qr emr {rf}r o.,,,q'T ii fii'rt yFIsI T;l (=hrqrrw) of p sft ftfufl2#}
# rnri dI fdtu d za ut Xd Command; nr 36th Bn. ITB Police Lohaghat d aTqfil{t fr iiq o-{fr
Etft ttrr qfr 6{i w er-1mft.r7"uXrf fi..'ii's ffi) r<( o{ Rqr qrt{rt
7. d eHrfff,r sEfl qF'if, tq$r{e qr .iffori ,r ri q,} s-fiTr1rm ti{r o.R-i t $ c-"ft-qf, d orqr qrBn qfr
ofltrrq-fi 6i d t +inTr{"c q{ $q?reT qui ftlt;.i,;1 .} atrfl orTtt-ff{q fr.frfl"q{ fiF-q 6-I qRl&tq d e-m-i t

B. qq-o frfu<to<f/frcfnrnr 6r'rr iffi-flr$r ri;$ ori d itd vsd .{rfl tq q,f-ut mr frfrrcm Ewiex
srft-drd dt
9. ffiE"ionf ,zekftflilr HRT W ii ord d ftp1:rl fg;$ oi$ *tn ftsrr,{ q i.i
r,rjl tr,r r

10. Frfu{r dd rnr} d} fhft .r,\ dtl,En fsf.}ql rp,\ d q6-q rl1 rqr.rE-c ov tts qo-t d I ofla frh"{r qai d
sq.rr-d t qfrq}ft fis {fc qTqT qr"q rr-ard if i

11. ftM/ frfi-qrnr arri q;rrqrc lpc qtr r)r)tr qruq fr orqeils or q-6-i d I

12. frfr"qonf,z ffiffl-dr rl$ .rcq3i dt qq aif,i,,i an'rr rSfikutr oti r qR oH qraq srdl $)s Rqr orcn t
q BTd fliT tn){ qr 3ifuTr TSt fuqr ;.iirii S ot ,rs oq d q{ ffi {=q qrq ft1-qT q[iqr f q-afffi
ftfiM wfr trrgw dl er arn qr lirFa"qr ,:i fjrc{ (d q,Tdl t sT fil?-EJ d frxt} srrT qi sq?ftfdr d iifusi
d ql-m qd?r "i cltrTiT ri .rqlwlrfl rr:i '1i 3ifuT qfi oror t nI vq fi"fr3T Ei +r*tz qrqr wr*'.n q gd
=p-rr+ fift-<r .rSt qrcr qriTr r

13 siltrrq?D wfi q;rrrqra) d ontm Tt ergffii , q6 ffiZfff<ror o\ doaloftofro, \'qo{o\No, H,

froonqodo, -$drcrs-s <rvq .ilo ffitry ftluir W froqqof.Toq*oo elfr iv (iifu<antZeHIildr Cryr d-.rs
s 3lq-ctrs m-r.r.rmt 6'i qdt flqrgrrn Tqrdi rr;{ trflft fifu)q Eyrf-n ,rd ercr z6pst'1 o) ffiil ffi v+rrq
rldqefi *6 fusT 'rrlqrr 'nq fqMi'i.zeHlqrorcil srr ftftrq fus erif,r
orSqR cr, ftE"srilnTr/qtcflErot i.rl'.)
"nt.n.il Cqosdodlo d
14 fu?Trrl frnT 6}d orwi q-drd frr{ft fi 3rrils-i qi rEs Ex lg?Df,r t a.n cr, ftMZqtdrqr-cr of qfr 6)
rsirft-d qrror +1 $ifr $ Gr-TqR srrd qai.r drtrr E-d sgfrf, qrd qri qs {$ qs ftfu{H} d ftrn fr
frRo o-r w+-or ts r

15. ftFfir t vr.qRra ft,{fr fi ceh-R a1 qn-fl? iii qrr{rifl & qHr{rnTlftfu<rsmr o.rqhq rrtro ffi (qfu),
36fi srFfi, roftofrogo rm, 116 {enel'q/qrw qrirlr, flTrqrfe &, 6il6rqre ftililFqqw{ trffrers), ftq
ote-zezsz+, {-}a Wt=-it-Eell36thbn@litir;r,gpv1o, otc qo- isfis-2lgs66/234/r66 trr (qd oT 116-+

r\+rfi (orFt+rn)
3odi qrBfr mofrorfiogftve-o
qlifu1t :-
1. IT Cell Dte. Gen. for uploading tencler notice at ITBP website.
) IT Cell Northern Frontier ITB Police, Dehradun.
3. D IG, S HQIB rly), PO-Bukhara cam p, D istt.- Barei lly, UP -Z 430 0 4
4. Executive engineer, CPWD i{]'D ssB campus Almora (uKD). [email-
cpwdal mora@ gmai l.comJ
5. Executive engineer, PWD, champau:at,[tIKD). [email- eepdchrnp.pwduk@gov.in)
6. Comntandant 3.,t BN I'l'B Police.
7. CommandantT,d BN ITB Police.
B. Cornmandant 1"4.a BN I"l'B Police.
9. Commandant 34''d BN ITB Police"

I'agc 4

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