Cscope Tutorial
Cscope Tutorial
Cscope Tutorial
Cscope Tutorial
Cscope is a Linux tool for browsing source code in a terminal environment. C was originally built to
work with C code, but also works well with C++, Java, and some other languages. Cscope is
already well-documented, but this tutorial will explain its basic usage and explain how to use it with
the Linux kernel code. For instructions beyond this tutorial, see the following resources:
man 1 cscope
Cscope Home Page
Using Cscope on large projects (e.g. the Linux kernel)
Vim + Cscope tutorial
Cscope should already be installed on most Linux systems, including all CSE servers.
1. First, a small bit of setup: you should set the editor that Cscope will open your search results
in. The default editor is vi; if you want to change it to something else, set the CSCOPE_EDITOR
environment variable, e.g.:
export CSCOPE_EDITOR=`which emacs`
Note that those are backticks, not single-quotes, in that command. Put this command in your
.bashrc file if you'd like.
2. cd to the top-level of your project directory and then use a find command to gather up all of
the source code files in your project. The following command will recursively find all of the .c,
.cpp, .h, and .hpp files in your current directory and any subdirectories, and store the list of
these filenames in cscope.files:
cd ~/small-project/
find . -name "*.c" -o -name "*.cpp" -o -name "*.h" -o -name "*.hpp" > cscope.files
Depending on your project, you can use additional file extensions in this command, such as
.java, .py, .s, etc.
3. Now, pass the list of source files to Cscope, which will build a reference database:
cscope -q -R -b -i cscope.files
The -q flag is used to build a faster (but larger) database. -R tells Cscope to search for
symbols recursively. -b builds the database only, but does not start the Cscope browser. -i
cscope.files specifies the list of source files. The output of this command will be a set of files
in your current directory:, cscope.out, and cscope.po.out.
The -d flag tells Cscope not to regenerate the database (which you already did in the
previous step). Within the Cscope browser, type ? to see the help page, and type Ctrl-d to
exit. The browser will show you a list of the searches you can perform in your code: 1/4
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Find this C symbol:
Most of these should be self-explanatory. C symbols include pretty much anything that you
can think of in a C file: function names, variable names, things that are #define'd, etc. You
can search for all instances of a symbol, or find its original definition. Cscope can find all of
the functions that call a particular function, which can be extremely useful; this is a feature of
Cscope that other tools like Ctags do not have. If you find that the C symbol and function
searches do not find what you are looking for, you can fall back to the text search options at
the bottom of the list.
Select the type of search that you'd like to perform, type in your search term and hit
Enter. At the top of the screen Cscope will display a list of results with the file, function,
and line where the search term was found. If you select one of these results and hit
Enter, Cscope will open up the editor to the matching line in the file. You can
manipulate the file as you please, and when you close it the browser will appear again.
When you're finished, press Ctrl-d to exit.
After making modifications to your source code, the cscope database will
become out of sync, so you can periodically regenerate the database by
running the find and cscope commands again.
scanning through the results for a line with an open curly brace ({) or a
line that doesn't end in a semicolon.
See the Cscope man page and help page (press ?) for some other useful
arguments and commands for Cscope. For example:
Generating the entire Cscope database for the entire linux- kernel will
require just over 400 MB of disk space if the -q flag is used. The size of the
database can be reduced to about 225 MB if -q is omitted, but lookups may take
longer. If this is still too large, you can try cd'ing into a subdirectory of the kernel and
running the Cscope commands in just that directory.
1. Again, first make sure that Cscope is set to use your preferred editor, e.g.:
2. We will now use a basic shell script to perform a more sophisticated find of the source files
and build the Cscope database. Here is the code that should be put into the script:
#!/bin/bash 3/4
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find $LNX \
exit 0
<copy the entire script from above into the file, save and exit>
On a standard server, it may take 1-3 minutes for the script to run.
The find command in the script above "prunes" (omits) the files that are found
in several directories: the non-x86 directories under arch/ and include/asm-*,
the Documentation/ and scripts/ directories, and any tmp directories. We use
the -k flag with Cscope to tell it not to look for definitions in header files under
/usr/include (usually Cscope automatically includes these header files in its
searches, but these headers are for user-mode programs only and are not
applicable to kernel code).
3. After running the script to generate the database, you can start Cscope as described in the
previous section:
cscope -d
Don't forget the -d argument! Otherwise, Cscope may attempt to re-build its database, and it
will do so with the wrong settings, so you'll have to run ./ again.
If you find any bugs in this tutorial, please e-mail them to the CSE 451 TAs. If you have any
problems while using Cscope that are not covered in this tutorial, try the resources listed at the
beginning of the tutorial, and then contact the TAs. If you find any cool new uses or features, post
them to the class discussion board. 4/4