I Declare That I Have Read The Detailed User Manual and Notification
I Declare That I Have Read The Detailed User Manual and Notification
I Declare That I Have Read The Detailed User Manual and Notification
I declare that I have Read the detailed User Manual and Notification
Notification Details
Advertisement/Notification Number : 01/2022/
Uttar Pradesh Secondary Education Service Selection Board, Prayagraj
Applied For Post :
Applied Under :
बालक वर्ग -कॉलेज / संस्थान (Boys Category - College /
Candidate's Personal Details Photo and Signature
Application ID : UP0020091341005013223
Candidate Registration No. : UP00210051041488
Candidate Name : AANCHAL NEHRA
Father's/Husband's Name : VEER ASHUTOSH
Gender - Date of Birth : Female
High School & Intermediate Board,Year of passing & Roll Number Details
Examination Passed Board Name Year of Passing Roll Number Obtained Marks Total Marks
High School CENTRAL BOARD OF SECONDARY EDUCATION 2005 5184425 354 500
Intermediate CENTRAL BOARD OF SECONDARY EDUCATION 2007 5667979 328 500
2. established by law in India Degree/Diploma Yes Lal Agarwal Marg, Pilibhit 2020 16/12/2020 1089.00
or Byepass Road, Bareilly-243 006 , 1400.00
Uttar Pradesh. (State University).
Graduate and B.Ed (for 4-
year integrated degree)
from the concerned subject
mentioned in the
3. qualification given in the No -
Uttar Pradesh Secondary
Education Act 1921
Chapter-2 Regulation-1
Appendix (a).
Tahsil : BIJNOR
Block : NA
Village : NA
किस वर्ग के कॉलेज / संस्थान (बालक / बालिका ) के लिए आवेदन प्रस्तुत करना चाहते है?
(For which Category of College / Institute (Boys / Girls ), do you want to submit the Application? )
https://upsessb.pariksha.nic.in/Online_App/UP002/View_ExamApplicationForm1.aspx?nWIK6wauUQOzKU/STYwvquAbT0AR9Rjb 1/2
7/10/22, 6:34 PM View Application
आप अपना आवेदन किस वर्ग के कॉलेज / संस्थान (बालक / बालिका ) के लिए प्रस्तुत करना बालक वर्ग -कॉलेज / संस्थान (Boys Category - College / Institute)
चाहते हैं?
For which Category of College / Institute (Boys / Girls ), do you want to submit
your Application? :
आपके द्वारा भरा गया आवेदन पत्र के वल बालक वर्ग -कॉलेज / संस्थान (Boys Category - College / Institute) के लिए ही चयन बोर्ड द्वारा
अग्रिम कार्यवाही हेतु स्वीकार्य होगा | - Yes (हाँ)
1. I hereby declare that I have read all the provisions in the notice/advertisement of the examination carefully and hereby undertake to abide by them.
2. I further declare that I fulfill all the conditions of eligibility regarding age limits,educational qualifications etc. prescribed for admission to the examination.
3. I decalre that my claim for reservation as SC /ST/OBC candidate's are true and correct and I am in possession of my caste certificate in the prescribed format given in
the notice/advertisement of the examination
.I also declare that as per Govt. order No.22/16/92/T.C.-III DATED 22-10-2008 I do not belong to the person/sections
(creamy layer) mentioned in it.
4. I (for male candidates ) also declare that I have no more than one wife living/(for female candidates) have not married a man already having a wife living.
5. I also declare that I have never been convicted by any court of law. I also declare that no criminal case is pending against me. Further declare that I have never been
dismissed or removed from Govt. Service or my service been terminated during probation.
6. I hereby declare that all the entries /statements made in this application are true ,complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. In the event of any
information being found false or incorrect or ineligibility being detected before
or after selection the Board can take action against me as per rules in case it is detected
that I have mislead the Board on any issue then I will solely responsible for all penal consequences thereof.
I accept the above declaration :
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