Cleanse Your Body Mind & Soul With This 7 Day Detox Program

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Cleanse your body mind & soul with this 7 day detox

Our human body is a complex machine which gets exposed to a cocktail of toxins on a daily basis. From
excessive use of deodorants, make-up, cleaning chemicals and air fresheners to daily coffee, peak hour
traffic, pesticides in foods and the stress hormones we produce; everything has a long-lasting effect on our
health and wellness. Now we definitely know that we can’t avoid them, but who says you can’t take a little
time off?

Bring your body back to optimal functioning by detoxifying it from this toxic torture. Cleanse the
harmful contaminants out and give your physique, mind and soul a break. If you want to fast track your
health or just want to detox diet for a short time, follow a safe and doable seven-day program at Shanku's
Natural Health Centre Read on to find out what they have in store for you!

Situated in Mehsana about 55 kms away from Ahmedabad, this heavenly place boasts of a 50 bedded
centre in lush green surroundings that will transport you to an all-encompassing tranquillity along with a
gym, swimming pool, walking track, Game Zone and even an organic farm so that you can spend your
days being one with yourself and addressing your own problems like you truly and deservedly need to do.

With over 12 years of experience, more than 12,000 patients from all over the world, a patient centric
design, user friendly facilities, cooperative staff, qualified and friendly doctors and their own super
specialty hospital - Shankus Medi City too; this relaxing retreat uses the most scientific approach to treat
several major and minor ailments and to ensure a positive mind as well as a healthy body.

Their seven-day detoxification program aims at taking the load off organs like kidney, liver and bowel
while at the same time supporting and improving their performance. A clean and pure atmosphere,
individual attention, simple dietary plans, natural remedies and rightful methodologies are inculcated
into their program to eradicate the cause from its roots and to build a harmonious immune system that
fights, protects and prevents future ailments of any sorts.

With this detoxification program, they promise a boost in the energy levels, improved appetite and
digestion, weight loss, toxin cleanse, purification and rejuvenation of the body, minimised relapse of
diseases, strengthened physiology and increased vital force of the body; only some of the long list of

What are you waiting for? Find balance and harmony within yourself and partake in this glorious
program now!

Address: Shanku's Natural Health Centre, Shankus Waterpark & Resort campus, Ahmedabad -
Mehsana Highway, Mehsana
Contact: 9099080086

Detox plan for the next 7 days

Foods to enjoy
Fruit: any and all fresh fruit
Vegetables: any and all fresh vegetables
Olive oil (preferably extra virgin), coconut oil (unprocessed)
Seeds: raw unsalted sesame, pumpkin and sunflower seeds
Green tea, white tea, weak black tea (decaffeinated)
Water: from one to three litres of water per day

1. Morning lemon juice: This is an oldie but a goodie to kick start the digestion and cleanse the system. Squeeze
the juice of half a lemon in a cup of hot water. Drink first thing in the morning before breakfast.

2. Exercise: During detox aim to exercise for one hour daily. And not just any exercise – something that makes
you pant and puff and raise a sweat like a spin class, jog along the beach, walking uphill, hot yoga or boxing.
Vigorous exercise increases lymph flow and circulation to help sweat out toxins.

3. Raw foods: Aim to cut out the cooking process and eat mainly raw foods. Raw foods contain more nutrients
and enzymes. Try adding fresh sprouts to a salad daily.

4. Detox the mind: While you're detoxing the body, its good to clear the clutter from the mind too. Aim for 15
minutes of meditation per day. If you don't know how to meditate, try belly breathing. Start by placing hands
palm down on your lower belly. Breathe in through your nose, counting slowly to 3 or 4 counts. Feel your
tummy rise with the breath. Breathe out just as slowly, allowing the belly to drop. Do this for 15 minutes daily.

5. Drink water: Aim to drink three litres of fluid daily. This will help move the lymph and support kidney
detoxification. Choose from pure spring water, fresh vegetable juice and herbal detox teas. Or make your own
brew by mixing one or a combination of Dandelion root and nettle, cleavers, calendula, burdock and red clover.
Add one teaspoon of the dried herbs to a cup of boiling water. Leave to steep for five minutes, strain and drink.

6. Body brushing: Doing this daily will support circulation and increase skin detoxification. Using a loofah or
natural fibre body brush, brush the skin with firm circular strokes before you step into the shower. Start from the
feet and hands, moving up the legs and towards the arms, avoiding the delicate area of throat and face, and any
rash or sore spots. Then jump in the shower. Finish your shower with a one-minute burst cold water which
brings the blood circulation to the skin.

7. Chew: Aim to chew each mouthful of food 10 to 12 times before swallowing. Bringing mindfulness to
mealtimes improves digestion, allowing you to feel a sense of fullness without a need to overeat.

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