Equipment Inventory Data: Air Conditioners & Ahu'S: Belts Filters

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Rev. 12/26/96/File: JT003W


 4-Pipe  CHW  HW  Steam BELTS :  Supply  Return
 2-Pipe  CHW  HW Steam No.: Size: No.: Size:
 RTU  CHW  HW  Electric Heat
 Indoor Package Unit  Outdoor Package Unit FILTERS:
 Split System  Elect. Ctrl.  Pneumatic Ctrl. No.: Size: X X
 Water Source Heat Pump  Package  Split No.: Size: X X
 Air Source Heat Pump  Window No.: Size: X X
 Multi-zone  Single Zone
FANS: Lubrication Type:
 Supply  Return  Exhaust  Centrifugal Refrigerant Type:
 Propeller  Vaneaxial  Power Roof
 Belt Drive  Direct Drive Refrigerant Amount:
Contractor Repair Information:
 Induced Draft  Forced Draft  Natural Draft
 Phone: Fax:

 Circulating  Vertical In-line  Feed
 Motor Coupling  Packing Gland  Mech. Seal

 Absorp  Centrifugal  Screw  Reciprocating
No. of Compressors: No. of Tons:
 Air Cooled  Water Cooled

Service  DHW  HW  STM PSI:
Fuel:  Elect.  Gas  LP  Oil #:
 Dual Fuel
Config: Cast Iron Sect.  Fire Tube
 Water Tube
 Forced Draft  Natural Draft


 Electric  Steam  Gas-Natural/Propane
 Pneumatic  Gasoline  Diesel

MOTORS:  Supply  Return  Other

 Direct Drive  Chain  Belt Drive
Model No.: Serial No.:
HP: Fr.: Volts / /
RPM:  1 pH  3 pH Amps: / /

MOTORS:  Supply  Return  Other

 Direct Drive  Chain  Belt Drive
Model No.: Serial No.:
HP: Fr.: Volts / /
RPM:  1 pH  3 pH Amps: / /
Instructions for Coding the Equipment Inventory Form

Enter each item as specified below:

PROPERTY NAME: Record property name not to exceed 35 characters in length.

CODED UNIT NAME: Using Servidyne’s standard equipment label coding, choose a 5-character
alpha/numeric code to describe the equipment item. Place this code on the
equipment and record the code here.

SEASON: Indicate the calendar weeks in which the equipment is to be maintained and
operated (i.e. 1-52 = all; 40-12 = winter, etc.)

BASEWEEK: Record the calendar week number (1-52) in which you prefer to perform
annual maintenance on this piece of equipment.

STICKER or TAG: Check one to indicate the type of identification preferred for the equipment
number to be attached to this piece of equipment.

EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION: Record the description of the equipment item, not to exceed 60 characters.

MANUFACTURER: Record the name of the manufacturer, not to exceed 40 characters.

MODEL NUMBER: Record the equipment model number, not to exceed 30 characters.

SERIAL NUMBER: Record the equipment serial number, not to exceed 20 characters.

INSTALLATION DATE: Record the installed date of the equipment (if known).

WARRANTY EXPIRATION DATE: Record the date the equipment warranty expires from either the OEM or
installing contractor (if known).

BUILDING NAME/NUMBER: Record the name and number of the building where the equipment to be
maintained is located.

AREA/FLOOR/ROOM: Record up to 40 characters specifying the location of the equipment or the

location the equipment serves. Be as specific as possible.

The remainder of the form identifies information that will be helpful in developing equipment maintenance profiles.
Check all boxes and fill in all equipment spaces where appropriate. Be as specific as possible and add any missing
information or data.

Motor data should be entered since it will appear on work orders.

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