Music10 q1 Mod7 Forprint
Music10 q1 Mod7 Forprint
Music10 q1 Mod7 Forprint
MAPEH (Music)
Quarter 1 – Module 7:
New Music
(Chance Music)
MAPEH (Music) – Grade 10
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 – Module 7: New Music (Chance Music)
First Edition, 2020
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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names, trademarks,
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Myrna T. Parakikay
Education Program Supervisor, MAPEH
Printed in the Philippines by the Schools Division Office of Makati City through the
Support of the City Government of Makati (Local School Board)
What I Need To Know
This module was written and designed to make learning easier especially as we are
in the New Normal situation. As an educational tool, this module about, New
Music (Chance Music), challenges you as a learner, to become creative,
resourceful and independent. The scope of the module provides a variety of
activities that will stimulate independent and self-guided learning experience.
Lessons in this module are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course
to ensure effective learning continuity, make the experience more meaningful,
effective and relevant to life situations.
This module is designed and especially written for you. It is meant to give you a
clearer understanding of the musical characteristics and elements of Chance
Music. The life works of its main composers and how their music brought into
progress and how it affects the music of the world at large.
What I Know
Instruction: Fill in the blanks with the correct answer. Choose your answer from the
words inside the box.
___________ 10. John Cage musical styles includes the creation of _____ in his music.
___________ 11-12. John Cage’s major influence to create his new music style were his
_____ study of _____ and _____.
__________ 13. _____ was also known as the “silent piece”.
___________14. _____ is a composition for 12 randomly tuned radios, 24 performers,
and conductor.
___________ 15. John Cage’s _____ is a composition of an electronic composition using
thousands of words found in James Joyce’s novel.
What’s In
Cut and paste on the next page the picture below to form the puzzle. Identify the name
of the composer in the picture and describe their contribution to music industry.
What’s New
1. Find a relaxing and safe place where you can sit comfortably.
2. Get a chair and sit halfway on it without leaning at the back of the chair.
3. Put your hand on your lap on top of each other with palms facing upward.
4. Both feet must be flat on the floor.
5. Inhale and exhale and sit still for at least 4 mins. Closing your eyes is
1. Where you able to stay for 4 minutes? How? _______________________________
2. How do you feel about the activity? Why? __________________________________
What is It
Aleatory music also called chance music, (aleatory from Latin alea, which means
“dice”), is a 20th century musical style in which chance or not clearly determined
elements are left for the performer to realize.
Musical Style:
His studies of Indian philosophy and Zen Buddhism influenced him to
create a new music style called aleatoric or chance music
He cultivated the principle of indeterminacy in his music.
Indeterminacy is a composing technique where some parts of a musical piece
are left open to chance or to the performer's choice.
♪ 4′33″ (Four Minutes and Thirty-three Seconds,
1952)- a piece in which the performer or
performers remain utterly silent onstage for that
amount of time also known as the “silent piece”.
What’s More
Gather different dried materials that are about to be put in trash. Make a creative
design using the scraps that you’ve gather. The theme of your work must show
resiliency amidst of the pandemic crisis. Describe what you have done in 5
sentences. Paste it on the space provided.
What I Have Learned
What I Can Do
Picture A Picture B
Multiple Choice: Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank provided.
______1. Which of the following is describe a music where some element it is left to
a. Computer Music c. Classical Music
b. Chance Music d. Electronic Music
a. b. c. d.
_____ 6. Which of the following technique can be observed in most of Cage’s works?
a. Indeterminacy c. Tone Row
b. Whole tone d. Diminished chords
_____ 8. Which of the following refers to a composing technique where some parts of a
musical piece are left open to chance or to the performer's choice?
a. Spatial b. Indeterminancy c. Aleotoric Music d. Sine Wave
_____ 10. Which of the following describes the indeterminacy at the level of
a. Alaetory Music c. Stochastic Music
b. Chance Music d. Electronic Music
_____ 11. Which of the following describes the indeterminacy at the level of
composition but involving strict mathematical tools?
a. Alaetory Music c. Stochastic Music
b. Chance Music d. Electronic Music
_____ 13. Which of the following composition of Cage that was composed for 12
randomly tuned radios, 24 performers, and conductor?
a. 4’33” c. Fontana Mix
b. Imaginary Landscape No. 4 d. Roaratorio
Additional Activities
Using your mobile phone, tablet, ipad or computer copy and paste the link provided
below. Listen to the following works of John Cage. After listening, answer the following
questions provided.