The American Association (AHA)
The American Association (AHA)
The American Association (AHA)
The AHAs exrensivc list reflects how equiprhent lasts within the United States'healthcare system,
" wherher it was manufactured in rtte US or abroad
Their list was compiled following:
t discussions with manufacturers of healthcare equipment :
L,and improvements aro asse6 of an above-ground or below-gound nature, found in the land area contiguous to
and designed for sewing.a health care facility. Thb asset cost would include a proportionate share of
architectural, consulting, and inteiest expense for newly constructed or renovated facilities.
"20 Signs, meml orelecuic 10
Guard rails 15
Snow-rnelting system )
Heated pavcment 10 Tiecs ?o
Landscaping 10 Tirrf, anificial 5
[,awn sprinkler system 15 Underground utilides
Sewer lines ?5
Parking lot, open-wall za
'Parking Water lines 25
lot gate/s 3
c Waste water tteatment system 20
Parking lot striping
Waterwells 25
Paving ( including roadways, walks,and parking)
Yard lighting 15
Asphalt 8
Table 2: Buildings
Buildings are structures consisting of building shell, exterior walls, interior framings, walls, floors, and ceilings.
The asset cost would include a proportionate share of architecturat, consulting and interest expense f,or newly
constructed or renovated faciliries. In assigning the estimared useful Iives in this table, the following facrors
were considered: the rype of construction, theiuncrional uriliry of the srructure, recen[ regularory oi
environmenral changes, and the general volatiliry of rhe healsh care field.
Controls 10
Tank and tower 25
15 Fxtures ?0
Piping 25
Clock sptem, central 15
Pump 15
Co-generatign plant, generator powered 15
Pneumatic tube system 15
Door.alarm 10 Radiator
Door-closing devices, for fire alarm system 15 Cast-iron z5
Electric lighiing aqd power Frnned tube l5 '.
12 \-, t, ,
Composite 18 Sewerage, composite 25' l'
Conduit and wiring ZO Piping ZO
Note: Inctuded within rhe deparrmental listings are assets that may be considered to be minor equipment (for
example, surglcal instruments with a three-year life assignment): I\tlinor equipment may be defined as asse$ .
rhat arc relatively small in size ind unir cost and have high usage. They are generatly found in the obstetrics,
Admin,istrative Departments consisr of admipistration barbershop, board room, admitting, business offi":, .
comrnunications, data processing, education, facilities management, Iinance, foundation, graphics, homc health,
hurnan resoulces infection conrrot, library lobby marketing, medical education, medical records; medical staff
facilities, nursing administration, pastoral care; patient cducation, physician on+all roon$' public relations,
quality assessmenr and improvement, social services, and volunteer services departments.
Bulletin board 10 5
Continued overleaf
Table 6: Admi nistrativ6 Departrnents (continued)
Years Item Years
StampMachine 10
Organ 10' 10
Faper burster
,8 ;
Stapler, electric or air
Stencil machine 10
Paper cutter 10' Scereo cquipment 5
Paper shredder 5
Papbr shredder ., ,' .5 Foldlng 10
Partitions, movable office 10, Metal orwood 15
Video 5 Walkie-talkie 5
Scale, postal 10
Small 5
Screen, projector 10
Worksmtion 10
Sertee t2
Itern ,
Yqars Item Years
Bassinet 15 Cabinet
Bedside is
Sitz r0 Hle 15
Whirlpool 10 Instrument 15
Metal orwood 15
Pharmacy 15
Birthing 15
Electric t2
X+ay 15
Flotation therapy l0
Hydraulic 15 Cenral supply furniure 15.
[,abor 15 Chair
Manual 15 Blood drawing 10
Shower/bath 10 Otoscope 7
Ottoman 10
Chart rack 20 10,
Patient monitoring equipment
,l Phototherapy unit r10
'Physicians' in-and.out register, portable 10
Fibreglass or metal 15
Physiological monitor
Liminate or wood ' 72
Pump, breast 10
Computer, caridial output 5
Scale, baby
Settee 12
Crib 15
Shelving, portable, steel
Croupette 10
Defibrillator 5
Stall Bars 15
Dcsk, metal orwood 20
, Thble
Doppler ) Anesthetic 15
Dresser l5 Autopsy 20
10 Instrument 15
Infant care center
Light 15
In-service education fu rniture 15
Meral l5
Insufflator 5
Obstetrical 20
l,abor and delivor-y furniture : .
.15 Operating 15
Diagnosric and rreatment departments consist of ambulatory surgery anebthesia, cardiac rehabilitation,
catheterization laboratory CT scan, ECT, EEG/EMG, emergency, employee health, enterostomal therapy, GI
laboratory hemodialysis, hyperbaric rnedicine,"in.vitro medicine, IVtherapy, inpatient pharmacy, laboramry
lirhoripsy, mobile air care, medicaloncol6ry, MRI, noninvasive cardiolory, obstetrics, occupational therapy,
physi.ri rtrerapy, porarn"rrhesia careuniq radiation therapy, radiology, respiratory therapy, speech therapy, and
surgery departments
Alternating predsure pad l0 Blood gas apparatus,l volumetrics 8
Gynecology 7
Continued opposite
Cyclotron 7 I Filmchanger ,8
Cystic fibrosis tieatment system 10 Frlmviewer 10
Cystoscope 3 Fluorimetcr 10
Decalcifiet l0 Fluoroscope 8
Diathermy unit 10
' Gammawell systcm . : 7
Diluter 10
Dispenser, alcohot 10
l5 Gloves,leadJined 3
Echoview system
,5 Hemophotometer 10
Electrocardioscanner Holter
(Holter monitor scanner) Ele ctrocardiograph 7
' Electroencephalograph 7
El ectroencephalograph
Homogenizer 10
Electrolyte analyzer 5
Elecuomyograph Hood, exhaust or Bacti 10
Hydrocollator 10
Eleccrophoresis unit 7
Electrosurgical unit .7 Hyd rotherapy equipment 15
Hyfrecator 10
Ergometer 10
Hyperbaric chamber 15
Evacuator 10
Hypothermia apparatus 10
Evoked potential unic 10
Exercise apparatus 15 Image analyzer 5
Continued overleaf
Isodensitometer 7
Orthotron system 10
lsolarion chamber 12
Orthou rological instruments 10
Isotope equipment 7
,. Oscilloscope 7
Isotope scanner I
Kiln l0 10
K-pads 5
Kymograph 10 Oximeter l0
[,a-p Oxygen analyzer 7
Deep-therapy 10
Orrygen mnk, motor, and truck 8
lnfrared 10
10 Pacemaker, cardiac (external) 5
Mercury quartz
10 Pacing system analyzer 7
Laparoscope 3 Panendoscope l0
3 Parallel bars 15
? Pelviscope ,7
Laser, coronary
5 Percussor 5
Laser, surgical
5 Perforator 10
Laser positioner
5 Peripheral analyzer 10
l,aser smoke evacuator
10 pH gas analyzer 10
7 Phonocardiograph 8
Linear accelerator
Lithotripter, extracorporeal shock-wave (ESWI-) 5 Photocoagulator
Magne tic resonance imagrng (MRI) equipment 5 Photography apparatus, gross pathology 10
Photometer 8
Mammography unit
J Physioscope 10
8 Pipette, automatic 10
Mobile (van)
7 Plasma freezer 10
I 20
Mass spectrophotometer
Microbiolory analyzer 8 Fositron emission tomograPhY
(PE"I) scanner ,5
Microscope 7
Proctoscope J
Microtome 7
Prothrombin timer, automated 8
Microtron power system I
Proton beam acceleracor 7
Minor, therapy 15
Muscle stimulator 10 Pulmonary funcdon analyzgt I
Continued opposite
Spectroscope 10
Pump l Sphygmomanomete t 10'
Infusion 10 Spirometer 8
Stomach 10
Stand : :
Basin, l
Sbrgical , 10
Intravenous r15
10, Irrigating 15
Radiation mecer 8 Mayo 15
Retractor 5 Surgical shaver
Rhinoscope 3 Thnk
'' r Cleaning 10
R.inser, sonic
Full-body 15
Rocoosteotome unit 10
Saw t nerapy 15
Autopsy 10
TDXanalyzer 7
Neurosurgical 10
Telemecry unit,cardiac 5
Surgical, electric 10
Telescope, microlens 10
10 Telescopic shoulder wheel 15
Chair 10 Telethermometer 10
Clinical l0 Tent
Scale, metabolic 10 Aerosol 8
8 Oxrygen 8
Scintillation scaler
10 Thyroid upmke system 5
8 Tissue-embedding center 8
Seriograph, automatic
Tissue processor 7
Shaking machine (vortexer) 8
Titrator, automatic t0
Sharpener, microtome knife 10
J Tonometer 10
5 Totalap 10
Signal-averaged EKG
5 Touiniquet, automatic 10
Single-photon emission computed tomography Tourniquet system
(SPECT) Scanner 5 Tiaction unit 10
Continued overleaf
Devetoping tank 10
Tirbe tester 10
Filmdryer 8
Ultrasound, diagnostic 5
Film processor 8
Ulrrasound unit, therapeutic 7 Furniture l5
Vacuvette 10 lmage tntensrlter 5
Intensifuing screeos r5
Ventitator,respiratory ! 10
Silver recovery unit 7
Vial filler 10
Vibrator 10
)Grayunit '
Fluoroscopic 5
Video Mobile 5
Camera 5 5
Light source 5
Superficial therapy 5
Monitor 5
Iomograpnrc 5
Printer -!
Wring 5
Continued opposite
Table 9: Support Departments (continued)
Item Years Item Years
10 Lowerator 10
Enlarger 10 Oven
Baking 10
Extractor,:laundry 15
, Microwave 5
Floor-buffrng and polishing machine 5
Floor-scrubbing machine 5
Packaging machine
5 Platform 12
Folder, flarwork
,,15 Paint spray booth 15',
10 Paint-spraying machine 10
l0 Paper baler 15
Fryer, deep-fat 10 Parking lot sweeper l 5
Garbage disposal, commercial 5 Pipe cutter-threader 10
Glassware washer 8 Planer and shapeq electric 10
Griddlc 10 Plate-bending press 10
Grinder, food waste 10 Plarcmaker
Helicopter 4 Computerized 5
Noncomputerized 10
Hoist, chain or cable 15
Popcorn machine 8
Hot-food box 15
Printing press 10
Ice cream freezer 10
Ice cream (soft) machine Range, domestic 10
Ice cream storage cabinet 10
Domestic 8
Ice cube-making equipment 10
Commercial 10
Indicator, remote 10 Undercounter 10
Intercom 10 Remote control receiver .10
Ironer, flarwork 15 Rotarytiller 10
IG ttle, steam-jacketed t5 Sanitizer 10
Key machine 10 Saw
Laminator 10 Band 10
Lathe 15 Bench, electric 10
Irawn mower, Power 3 Meat-cutring 10
Linen press 15 Scaffold 10
Linen table 15 Scale, laundry
Linen washer 15 Movable 10'
Plarform 15
Continued overleaf
Src.amer,vegetable , : 10
Telephone, cordless 10
Telephone equipment for deaf " 5 t ,.1
ltr'ooo' ' i
' Linen,.large l5
, , Television rccciver
Welder 10
Toaster, commercial 10
;tractor . 10.
Wre tightener-twister 10
Tiuck (automodve)
Forklift :
. Multipurposefrlling 15
Pickup 4
Yan 4
LIS-T 2: The GTZ (German Gbvernment Technical Aid Agency)
- Econornies', in Health E
The GTZlisr contains esdmates for fewer equipmenr items, but ir more closely reflects the realities
' The'GTzused a parricular research method (a Delphi survey! qee source paper)'to obtainand .
were made up
analyzefeedback from 23 experrc from 16 different country backgrognds. The expertl
physicists, and a
of hospiral engineers, bio-medical engineers, a public health doimr/manasel|ealth
' ' ,: I
h""lth e"orro-ist. Rather than providing exact life times, this approach provides a range for the
I [f"ri*e that depepds on the quality of rhe initial equipment 1nd howwell it has begn maintained'
, . Reproduced here is a table containing a summary of their findings'
(window cype) 3 5-7 5-6 t0-12
Anaesthetic machine
(Boyles) 7-< 5-10 5-10 10-15
Sphygmomanomete r
(aneroid) 1-3 2-3 2-5 5-10
(mercury) r-2 3'5 3-5 8-10
Srerilizer, bench-top
(horizonta[) 3-5 5-8 6-10 10-14
Sterilizer, floor-smnding
(vertical) 3-6 5 -r2 8 14-75
Washing machine
(electrical) ?,'- 4 5 6 8-11