Ieee C57.135 (2001)
Ieee C57.135 (2001)
Ieee C57.135 (2001)
First edition
Reference number
IEC 62032(E):2005
IEEE Std. C57.135(E):2001
Consolidated editions
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IEEE Introduction...........................................................................................................................................7
1. Overview.............................................................................................................................................. 8
1.1 Scope............................................................................................................................................ 8
1.2 Purpose......................................................................................................................................... 8
2. References............................................................................................................................................ 8
3. Definitions............................................................................................................................................ 9
4.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................11
4.2 Basic principle of application—advanced and retard phase angle ............................................ 11
4.3 The PST under load ................................................................................................................... 12
4.4 Power transfer ............................................................................................................................ 13
4.5 Types of PSTs ............................................................................................................................ 15
4.6 Special on load tap changer (OLTC) features............................................................................ 19
4.7 Arrangement of more than one PST .......................................................................................... 21
4.8 Design criteria............................................................................................................................ 22
5. Service conditions.............................................................................................................................. 23
7. Construction....................................................................................................................................... 29
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IEC 62032:2005(E) –3–
IEEE C57.135-2001(E)
10.1 General....................................................................................................................................... 34
10.2 Special tests for PSTs................................................................................................................. 35
11.1 General....................................................................................................................................... 35
11.2 Tolerances for ratio of series and main units ............................................................................. 36
11.3 Tolerance for phase angle and impedance ................................................................................. 36
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–4– IEC 62032:2005(E)
IEEE C57.135-2001(E)
International Standard IEC/IEEE 62032 has been processed through IEC Technical
Committee 14: Power transformers.
Full information on the voting for the approval of this standard can be found in the report on
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symbols will be put in line with IEC 60617.
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IEC 62032:2005(E) –5–
IEEE C57.135-2001(E)
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Transformers Committee
of the
IEEE Power Engineering Society
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IEEE Introduction
This guide describes the application, specification, and testing of phase-shifting transformers. It is intended
for the following:
— Organizations responsible for the application and specification of phase-shifting transformers for
electric transmission systems to control power flow.
— Organizations responsible for testing phase-shifting transformers.
Published by IEC under licence from IEEE. © 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
1. Overview
1.1 Scope
This guide covers the application, specification, theory of operation, and factory and field testing of single-
phase and three-phase oil-immersed phase-shifting transformers (PSTs).
This guide is limited to matters particular to PSTs and does not include matters relating to general
requirements for power transformers covered in existing standards, recommended practices, or guides.
1.2 Purpose
The terminology, function, application, theory of operation and protection, and design of PSTs are not
covered by existing transformer standards and guides. The purpose of this document is to provide guidance
to those specifying, designing, and using PSTs.
2. References
This standard shall be used in conjunction with the following publications. When the following standards are
superseded by an approved revision, the revision shall apply.
NOTE The user’s attention is drawn to the fact that the publications referenced below have no precise equivalent among
publications issued by IEC. Normally, it is the practice of the IEC to include equivalent IEC standards for standards published
by other organizations at the regional or national levels. However, following comments made by national committees on
14/491/FDIS, it has been determined that as no IEC publications exist that are exactly equivalent to IEEE standards, it would
be misleading to provide references to similar IEC publications. This standard therefore includes references in this clause to
IEEE standards only.
IEEE Std 693-1997, IEEE Recommended Practices for Seismic Design of Substations.1, 2
IEEE Std 1313.1-1996, IEEE Standard for Insulation Coordination—Definitions, Principles, and Rules.
IEEE Std C37.90.1-2002, IEEE Standard Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Tests for Protective Relays
and Relay Systems.
1The IEEE standards or products referred to in Clause 2 are trademarks owned by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,
2IEEE publications are available from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 445 Hoes Lane, P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway,
NJ 08855-1331, USA (
Published by IEC under licence from IEEE. © 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
IEEE Std C57.12.00-2000, IEEE Standard General Requirements for Liquid-Immersed Distribution,
Power, and Regulating Transformers.
IEEE Std C57.12.10-1988, American National Standard for Transformers 230 kV and Below 833/958
through 8333/10 417 kVA, Single-Phase, and 750/862 through 60 000/80 000/100 000 kVA, Three-Phase
without Load Tap Changing; and 3750/4687 Through 60 000/80 000/100 000 kVA with Load Tap Chang-
ing—Safety Requirements.
IEEE Std C57.12.70-2000, IEEE Standard Terminal Markings and Connections for Distribution and Power
IEEE Std C57.12.80-2002, IEEE Standard Terminology for Power and Distribution Transformers.
IEEE Std C57.12.90-1993, IEEE Standard Test Code for Liquid-Immersed Distribution, Power, and
Regulating Transformers, and IEEE Guide for Short Circuit Testing of Distribution and Power Transformers.
IEEE Std C57.19.00-1991 (Reaff 1997), IEEE Standard General Requirements and Test Procedures for
Outdoor Power Apparatus Bushings.
IEEE Std C57.19.01-1991 (Reaff 1997), IEEE Standard Performance Characteristics and Dimensions for
Outdoor Apparatus Bushings.
IEEE Std C57.19.100-1995 (Reaff 1997), IEEE Guide for Application of Power Apparatus Bushings.
IEEE Std C57.91-1995, IEEE Guide for Loading Mineral-Oil-Immersed Overhead and Pad-Mounted
Distribution Transformers Rated 500 kVA and Less with 65 °C or 55 C° Average Winding Rise.
IEEE Std C57.93-1995 (Reaff 2001), IEEE Guide for Installation of Liquid-Immersed Transformers.
IEEE Std C57.131-1995, IEEE Standard Requirements for Load Tap Changers.
3. Definitions
All definitions, except as specifically covered in this guide shall be in accordance with IEEE C57.12.80-1978
and The Authoritative Dictionary of IEEE Standards Terms, Seventh Edition [B10].3
3.1 advance phase angle: The phase angle expressed in degrees that results when the load (L) terminal
voltage leads the source (S) terminal voltage.
3.2 excitation-regulating winding: A two-core phase-shifting transformer (PST) design in which the main
unit has one winding operating as an autotransformer that performs both functions listed under excitation
and regulating winding of a two-core PST.
3.3 excitation winding: The winding of a phase-shifting transformer (PST) that draws power from the
source to energize the PST.
3.4 excited winding of a two-core phase-shifting transformer (PST): The winding of the series unit that
is excited from the regulating winding of the main unit.
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3.5 L terminal: The L terminal is used to measure the voltage phase-shift angle when compared to the S
terminal of the phase-shifting transformer (PST).
3.6 main unit of a two-core phase-shifting transformer (PST): The core and coils that furnish excitation
to the series unit.
3.7 phase-shifting transformer (PST): A transformer that advances or retards the voltage phase-angle rela-
tionship of one circuit with respect to another.
3.8 primary circuit of a phase-shifting transformer (PST): The circuit on the input side of a single-core
PST or of the main unit of a two-core PST. This circuit is composed of the excitation winding.
3.9 rated kVA of a phase-shifting transformer (PST): The apparent power at rated voltage for which the
PST is designed.
3.10 rated phase angle of a phase-shifting transformer (PST): The phase angle measured between the S
and L terminals at maximum advance and/or retard tap position under no-load condition.
3.11 rated voltage of a phase-shifting transformer (PST): The phase-to-phase voltage to which operating
and performance characteristics are referred. The voltage ratings are to be defined at no-load and based on
turn ratios.
3.12 regulated circuit of a phase-shifting transformer (PST): The circuit on the output side of the PST in
which it is desired to control the voltage, or the phase relation, or both.
NOTE—In the regulated circuit the voltage may be held constant or may vary with or without relation to the phase
angle, depending on the type of PST.
3.13 regulating winding: The winding of a single-core phase-shifting transformer (PST) or of the main unit
of a two-core PST in which taps are changed to vary the phase angle.
3.14 retard phase angle: The phase angle expressed in degrees that results when the L terminal voltage lags
the S terminal voltage.
3.15 series unit of a two-core phase-shifting transformer (PST): The core and coil unit that has one
winding connected in series in the line circuit.
3.16 series winding of a two-core phase-shifting transformer (PST): The winding of the series unit that is
connected in series in the line circuit.
3.17 single-core design: A single-core phase-shifting transformer (PST) consists of a single unit in which
all windings are mounted on a single core.
3.18 S terminal: The S terminal is the terminal that is used as the fixed reference point when measuring the
voltage phase angle of a phase-shifting transformer (PST).
3.19 two-core design: A two-core phase-shifting transformer (PST) consists of a series unit and a main unit.
The series and the main unit can be either in one tank or in separate tanks.
Published by IEC under licence from IEEE. © 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
4.1 Introduction
The development of large, high-voltage power grids has enabled power consumers to enjoy the benefits of
more reliable and efficient service and has allowed generation sources to be, in some cases, located long
distances from large load centers. While large interconnected grids strengthen a power system’s reliability,
complications can arise with the control of steady-state power flow along certain segments of the system.
These complications can be attributed to several factors, including the impedance of parallel paths in the
power grid, variation in power generation output, variation in loads, and load center phase angles.
4.2 Basic principle of application—advanced and retard phase angle
PSTs are used to control the power flow in electrical power systems. When power flows between two
systems, there is a voltage drop and a phase angle shift between the source and the load that depends upon
the magnitude and power factor of the load current. If the systems are connected together in two or more
parallel paths so that a loop exists, any difference in the impedances will cause unbalanced line loading.
Figure 1 shows an example with the load-side power factor assumed to be 1 and the system resistances being
negligible with respect to their reactances. An arbitrary power flow distribution can be obtained by inserting
a PST into one of the branches. Dependent upon whether the PST is installed in the branch with the higher or
lower impedance, an advanced or a retard phase angle is needed. Advanced means that the L terminal
voltage (VL) leads the S terminal voltage (VS); retard means that the L terminal voltage (VL) lags the S
terminal voltage (VS).
System 1,Z1,I1
VS System 2,Z2,I2 VL
V L*
Zi ~ jXi
I1 *Z 1 I2 *Z 2 I1 *Z 1 D V I2 *Z 2
V L*
I1 *Z 1 < I2 *Z 2 I1 *Z 1 > I2 *Z 2
A d v a n c e d: V L * leadsV S Retard: V L * lagsV S
I 2 × Z 2 – ∆V = I 1 × I 1 ⇒ ∆V = I 2 × Z 2 – I 1 × Z 1 (1)
Published by IEC under licence from IEEE. © 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
A numerical example should illustrate this. If it is required that both systems are loaded with 50% of the
total transferred power 2S, and the impedances are assumed to be z1 = 0.02 and z2 = .30, related to S, the
necessary additional voltage becomes ∆V = .30 – 0.02 = .28. Hence, a load phase angle (advanced) of about
15.6° is necessary. The total angle between source and load becomes 1.1°. In the case of z1 = 0.30 and
z2 = 0.02, the same load phase angle (retard) would be needed but the total phase angle between source and
load would become 16.7°. If no measures were taken, the load distribution between system 1 and 2 would be
0.9375 to 0.0625 instead of 0.5 to 0.5.
A second important application is the use of a PST to control the power flow between two large independent
grids. An advanced phase-shifting angle is necessary to achieve a flow of active power from system 1 to
system 2 (Figure 2).
Figure 2—Advanced phase-shifting angle
So far an ideal PST, i.e., a transformer with an impedance zT = 0, has been dealt with. To demonstrate load
conditions, an equivalent circuit is used, as shown in Figure 3, with an ideal PST with zT = 0 and an
additional transformer with a turns ratio of 1:1 and an impedance zT = RT + jXT.
Published by IEC under licence from IEEE. © 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
The phasor diagram of the PST can be drawn. Starting with the load voltage VL and calculating the ohmic
and reactive voltage drop in the 1:1 transformer, the load voltage VL* at its primary side can be obtained. The
load phase angle β can be calculated by using Equation (2).
The phase-shifting unit adds ±α and so, finally, the load phase angles of the transformer α*(a) and α*(r)
respectively are obtained.
To obtain an advanced phase angle α*(a) under load, the no-load phase angle α has to be chosen properly
under consideration of the phase angle β of the PST. On the other hand, the retard phase angle α∗(r) is
increased under load. This has an impact on transformer and tap-changer as dealt with in 4.8.4.
A PST has two separate effects on power flow. First, the no-load phase angle creates an additional voltage
that drives additional current through the line. Second, by the PST, an additional impedance is added to the
circuit. These two effects may work against each other. Therefore, a minimum phase angle is usually
required to compensate for the additional voltage drop across the PST’s impedance in the advanced position.
To ease the following considerations, the impedance of the PST has been assumed to be constant over the
whole regulating range, a tolerable approximation for two-core designs (the impedance of single-core
designs is commonly zero at zero degree phase shift).
Published by IEC under licence from IEEE. © 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
P ( α ) = P 0∗ cos α – Q 0∗ sin α + --------* sin α (5)
Q ( α ) = P 0∗ sin α + Q 0∗ cos α + -------- ( 1 – cos α o ) (6)
Figure 4 explains the effect of the introduction of the phase-shift angle α. In the equation, the first two terms
reflect the effect of the phase angle on the original power flow as easily as can be derived from Figure 4. The
last term represents the additional power flow generated by the additional voltage ∆V across the impedance
jX of the PST. Taking into consideration that the real component of ∆V(–∆V cos(α/2) drives a current with a
positive imaginary component, and the imaginary component of ∆V(∆V*sin(α/2)) a current with a positive
real component and that ∆V= 2*Vs*sin(α/2), the last terms in Equation (3) and Equation (4) respectively can
be confirmed without difficulties.
Figure 5 shows the variation of the additional power flow (assumption: P0 = Q0 = 0, ZT ≈ jXT, Vs2/XT = 1)
with the PST angle α.
Figure 6 shows as an example the variation of the power flow at the source side with the phase angle α,
depending on different preload conditions. The maximum additional transferred power has been assumed to
be 1.
It can be seen how the power flow is influenced when the no-load phase angle of the PST is changed from
zero to maximum leading phase shift. The highest increase of active power for the same phase shift appears
when a negative reactive power flow exists, i.e., with high capacitive load. An inductive load (positive
reactive power) decreases the effect of the PST.
The reactive power flow is also influenced by the preload condition. The active power has the major impact
on the influence of the PST angle.
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4.5.1 Introduction
The basic principle to obtain a phase shift is to connect a segment of one phase into another phase. Figure 7a
shows an elementary arrangement; the phasor diagrams are drawn for no-load condition. A PST is used with
the exciting winding delta-connected. The regulating winding of phase V2–V3 is connected to phase V1 and
Published by IEC under licence from IEEE. © 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
so on. The scheme has been plotted for subtractive polarity of the windings and the tap position has been
chosen so that the transformer produces an advanced phase angle. Under no-load condition the regulation is
symmetrical, i.e., the absolute values of source and load voltage are the same.
V S1 = V 10 + ---------1- (7)
V L1 = V 10 – ---------1- (8)
V ∆ = V 20 – V 30 (9)
With consideration of these equations, the phasor diagram can be drawn and absolute values can be
V S1 = V L1 = V 1 (10)
V 10 = V 1∗ cos --- (11)
∆V 1 = V 1∗ 2∗ sin --- (12)
V ∆ = V 10∗ 3 = V 1∗ 3∗ cos --- (13)
I S1 = I L1 = I 1 (14)
∆V ∗ α 2 ∗ sin α
I ∆ = I L1∗ ---------1- cos --- = I L1∗ ------
- --- (15)
V∆ 2 3 2
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P s = 3∗ V 1∗ I L1 (16)
whereas the rated design power which determines the size of the unit becomes:
P T = 3∗ ∆ V
= P s∗ 2∗ sin --- (17)
In practice many solutions are possible to the design of a PST. The user’s electric power system
requirements and the manufacturer’s preference generally determine the design. The major factors
determining the type of PSTs are given below:
Performance factors
Design factors
These factors decide whether a single-core or a two-core type has to be chosen. These two types are
described in more detail in the following clauses.
With the design outlined in Figure 7a, symmetrical conditions are obtained. The LTC can also be equipped
with a reversing change-over selector. This solution permits changing from an advanced phase angle to a
retard phase angle. With the single-core design, it is generally accepted practice to supply two sets of three
single pole tap changers: one set connected to the S terminals, and the second set connected to the L
terminals. As a simplified solution, it is also possible to use only one-half of the tapped winding. But in that
case the load voltage increases with respect to the source voltage with increasing phase angle (Figure 7b).
Published by IEC under licence from IEEE. © 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
In the case of a small rated switching capacity (step voltage × through current), a solution with one two-
phase LTC per phase is possible, using an LTC assembly according to Figure 8.
As a further example, Figure 9 shows the connection diagram and the phasor diagram of a delta-hexagonal
PST. These transformers have LTCs with linear regulation, i.e., without a change-over selector.4
Figure 9—Connection diagram and the phasor diagram of
a delta-hexagonal PST
The single-core design is less complex and has fewer kVA parts than two-core designs, but has some
disadvantages as follows:
— The LTC and the tapped winding are in the line end of the windings and are directly exposed to the
system short-circuit currents and overvoltages.
— Voltage per tap and current are determined by the phase angle requirement and rating of the PST and
cannot be adjusted to obtain optimum switching conditions. If one of these parameters exceeds its
limit, the solution would not be possible although the required switching capability may still be
4There are numerous other possibilities, e.g., designs with de-energized operation.
Published by IEC under licence from IEEE. © 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
The most commonly used circuit for two-core designs is shown in Figure 10. This configuration consists of a
series unit and a main unit. For smaller ratings and lower voltages, two-core PSTs may be built into one
single tank, while large ratings and high voltage PSTs require a two-tank design.
The advantage of a two-core design is the flexibility in selecting the step voltage and the current of the
regulating winding. They can be optimized in line with the voltage and current ratings of the LTC. Since
LTCs have limited current ratings and step voltages per phase as well as limited switching capacity, they are
the main limiting feature for the maximum possible rating of PSTs. More than one LTC per phase may have
to be utilized for very large ratings.
Furthermore, three-pole LTCs can be used. If the rated switching capacity is too high, three single-pole
LTCs have to be used. The LTC insulation level to ground is independent of the system voltage and can
generally be kept low. The potential connection of the regulating winding has to be checked (see 4.6.1) but
often it is not critical and the values are comparable with those of a regulating winding at the neutral end of
a common network transformer.
During the operation of the reversing change-over selector, the regulating winding is temporarily
disconnected from the main winding. Its potential at this moment is determined by the voltages of the
adjacent windings as well as by the coupling capacitances to these windings and to grounded parts. The
resulting differential voltage exerts stress across the switching distance of the opening change-over selector
contacts. In the case of PSTs having regulation at the line end, high recovery voltages can occur due to the
winding arrangement. The change-over operation takes place in the mid-position of the LTC, i.e., when the
tap selectors are in position “K” (see Figure 8).
Figure 11 shows a typical winding arrangement and the resulting phasor diagram. It can be seen that the
recovery voltages are higher than the system line-to-ground voltages of the source and load side. The limit of
the recovery voltages is in the range of 15–35 kV. This condition has to be taken into account during design
of a PST. One possibility to decrease the recovery voltage is to install shields between the windings. Each
shield must be connected to the “K” point of the corresponding phase.
Published by IEC under licence from IEEE. © 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
Both recovery voltages occurring during reversing change-over selector operation and switched current
resulting from capacitances have limitations. The limit of the magnitude of this current is in the range of a
few hundred milliamperes.
In special cases when a third winding with a low voltage level is specified, it may be possible to use this
winding instead of the shields. Shielding has, in addition, the advantage that it protects the regulating
winding from capacitively transferred transients. If shielding is not possible, one of the following solutions
has to be used to solve the problem:
a) The first way is to connect the tap winding to a fixed potential during the reversing change-over
operation by a fixed ohmic resistor or capacitor that is usually connected to the middle of the regu-
lating winding and to the current take-off terminal of the LTC. This solution is not applicable in
every case (especially with arrangements according to Figure 11, when no shields are used). The
connection of resistors or capacitors increases the amount of switched current due to the small resis-
tance compared to that of the capacitances.
b) The second possibility is to use an advance-retard switch (ARS) as shown in Figure 12. This switch
allows the reversing change-over operation to be carried out in two steps without interruption. The
regulating winding remains connected to a fixed potential during the whole operation. The limiting
parameter for the ARS is the process of commutation, which has to be controlled by the ARS. It is
determined by the commutation of the through current from a small inductive loop to a larger one.
By using the change-over selector for inserting a coarse regulating winding, the achievable phase angle in
one direction can be enlarged. If a change from advanced to retard position is required, an additional
switching device, which has to be designed like an ARS, is necessary so that the switching can be performed
without interruption of the load current. The ARS has to control the process of commutation which, in this
case, is not only determined by the loop formed by the connecting leads but also by the impedance of the
winding itself. If the reversing operation can be carried out with a de-energized transformer, an off-circuit
tap changer is sufficient. Figure 13 shows different arrangements with coarse change-over selectors (a, b)
and, in addition, the use of two LTCs (c). Also the arrangement of an ARS for the exciting winding of the
series transformer is shown in (b).
Published by IEC under licence from IEEE. © 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
See Table 1.
If two or more (n) identical PSTs are connected in series, the phase-shift angles and impedances from each
PST add together to produce a total equivalent phase shift and impedance. The MVA rating of the bank of
series connected PSTs is equivalent to the MVA rating of each PST. For example, two 100 MVA PSTs, each
with a 5° phase shift and 10% impedance connected in series will be equivalent to one 100 MVA PST with a
10° phase shift and 20% impedance. In case of an outage of one unit, the full current can be maintained with
(n–1)/n maximum phase-angle shift, but possible short-circuit problems have to be considered because of
the diminished impedance.
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7a 3 two-phase units or
LTC with reversing
Single- core change-over 6 single-phase unitsb None
selectora or
7b 3 single-phase unitsc
LTC plus ARS
acting as a reversing
12 6 single-phase units 3–6 unitsd
1 three-phase unit
LTC with one coarse
13(a) (wye-connected) or 1–3 unitsd
3 single-phase unitsb
1 three-phase unit
LTC with several 1–3 unitsd
13(b) (wye-connected) or
coarse windings
3 single-phase unitsb
1 three-phase unit
Two LTCs in series (wye-connected) or
13(c) with coarse change- 3 single-phase unitsb 1–3 unitsd
over selector and
3 single-phase units
aThe reversing change-over selector is not shown on Figure 7a and Figure 7b.
bDepending on rated switching capacity and through current. The two-phase LTCs have to be connect-
ed according to Figure 8.
cAsymmetric regulation.
dDepending on voltage level and through current.
If two or more (n) identical PSTs are connected in parallel, the impedance from each PST combine in
parallel to provide a reduced total impedance. The MVA rating of the bank of parallel-connected PSTs is
equivalent to the sum of the MVA ratings of all parallel-connected PSTs. For example, two 100 MVA PSTs,
each with a 5° phase shift and 10% impedance connected in parallel will be equivalent to one 200 MVA PST
with a 5° phase shift and 5% impedance.
The rated phase angle is defined under no-load conditions. However, it should be noted that the unit is
unlikely to operate at this phase angle under load in the advanced position due to the effect of the voltage
drop in the unit. In the retard position the no-load phase angle should not be exceeded (unless the unit has
been designed for that), as overexcitation will occur in parts of the PST (see also 4.8.4). In the retard position
the power that can be transferred is usually lower than the rated power in the advanced position.
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The transmission of transient voltages in the two-core design is rather complex. When applying impulse
tests to either the S or the L terminals of the series transformer, the connected exciting winding of the main
transformer will also be exposed to a high voltage. There may be high-voltage oscillations of the connecting
leads, depending on the capacitive voltage control of the series winding. High voltages may be transferred to
other windings coupled to the series winding or to the excitation winding. Therefore, rather complex
computer models may be required to compute the transient voltages for this configuration.
When the two-core design is used with two tanks, special precautions must be taken to design connections
between the two tanks. As illustrated in Figure 10, the connection operates at the system voltage level so that
the leads must be insulated for the overvoltages that may occur under both transients and power frequency
conditions. A short-circuit between the connections of the two units has to be considered as an internal fault,
which would cause severe damage or even destroy the PST. A short-circuit proof design for this special case
would result, if possible at all, in a significant increase in cost. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to use
metal enclosures to protect the connections against lightning strikes and other possible sources of a short
Overloading of a PST in the sense of operating it with a current beyond the name-plate rating increases the
internal phase angle β [see Equation (2)] and consequently also the load phase-shift angle α∗(r) in the retard
position [see Equation (4)]. This may result in a load phase angle that exceeds the maximum rated no-load
phase angle. The voltage across the regulating winding and consequently also the voltage per step of a
single-core type, as well as the voltage across the series winding of a two-core type will, in this case, exceed
the rated voltage. Furthermore, in a two-core design, the main transformer also will experience a certain
degree of overexcitation with the same consequences for the regulating winding. The degree depends on the
ratio of the impedances of series and main transformer.
It must—beside the effect that parts of the core(s) may be overfluxed—therefore also be checked whether
the parameters’ voltage per step, current, and switching capability are still within the limits of the LTC
5. Service conditions
PSTs conforming to this guide will be suitable for operation at rated voltage and rated kVA as follows:
5.1 Usual service conditions
These conditions shall be as stated in IEEE Std C57.12.00-2000, 4.1.1 through 4.1.7, and 4.1.9; 4.1.8 shall
not apply. In (a), the word secondary shall mean the L terminals of the PST.
a) The purchaser of the PST shall specify the switching arrangements that will be used to place the PST
in and out of service. This shall include breaker or switch operations resulting from faults external
and internal to the PST.
b) The PST shall be suitable for energization by voltage applied to either the S or L terminals.
c) The PST shall be capable of transferring rated kVA with the electrical source of power connected to
the S or L terminals. Limited power transfer in the retard position has to be considered.
d) Seismic requirements shall be as specified in IEEE Std 693-1997. The seismic zone shall be
provided by the purchaser. The foundation design shall be provided to the PST manufacturer by the
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purchaser. The manufacturer shall provide for differential motion between the two tanks, if used, and
in the case of remotely mounted radiators provide for their differential motion.
e) The manufacturer of the PST shall make provisions for differential alignments that will occur when
two tanks are connected. The foundation tolerance shall be defined by agreement between purchaser
and manufacturer.
f) Unless specified otherwise, the PST shall be manufactured for operation in the bypassed state with
the source and load bushing connected through bus work. This shall require special consideration in
design for lightning impulse and switching surges. This condition will require additional testing with
the terminals connected, as in operation, to demonstrate that the insulation level meets the specified
This subclause shall be the same as IEEE Std C57.12.00-2000, 4.2, with the exception that additional limits
must be observed for retard operation under overload. These limits must be defined by the manufacturer and
agreed upon by the purchaser prior to completion of the PST design.
The unusual conditions shall be the same as those listed in IEEE Std C57.12.00-2000, 4.3.1 through 4.3.3.
Additional unusual service conditions that may apply to PSTs are as follows:
The purchaser shall ensure the manufacturer has all nameplate data, test data, and applicable system
information necessary to design the PSTs for proper load sharing. The purchaser must specify in detail to the
manufacturer the LTC’s controls that will be provided by the purchaser. If the manufacturer provides the
LTC’s controls, the purchaser shall provide the control scheme used with any existing PSTs to the
manufacturer to ensure a compatible system.
If the PST is, or may be, operated in series with a series capacitor bank, this operating condition shall be
pointed out to the manufacturer by the purchaser. The operating conditions shall be specified and the
protection scheme used by the purchaser to prevent series resonance shall be provided to the PST
manufacturer for review and for considerations in design.
The purchaser must provide details of operating conditions that will subject the PSTs to unbalanced phase
currents and voltages that may exceed allowable standard limits. The manufacturer will provide for these
conditions during the design of the PSTs. The following are examples of operating conditions that could
produce such problems:
a) Unbalances resulting from operation of parallel transmission lines in close proximity to the PST
connected lines, where line transpositions are unequal resulting in unbalanced voltage at the PSTs
and unequal current flow through the series windings.
b) Single-pole operation of the circuit breakers following line faults where single-pole reclosing is
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Transient voltage may exist circuit breakers are operated. These conditions may be between the PST and the
circuit breaker.
Any condition where the PST may operate without surge protection applied at all S and L terminals.
5.4 Protection
The protection scheme recommended for PSTs is similar to that for power transformers with one notable
exception: differential relaying. In general, transformer differential relays are designed to allow for a
difference between the primary and secondary currents of the transformer of at least 10% because of the
voltage taps. This is done by means of restraint windings (or logic) that desensitize the relay during heavy
through fault currents. For a PST with a phase angle difference of 25° between the source and load currents,
the current difference would be about 43%, so a special differential scheme is required. In 5.4.1, differential
schemes for PSTs will be briefly discussed with emphasis on the PST requirements. Ground protection is
also included because of its close association with differential protection. For a more detailed discussion of
differential and ground protection, see “Applied Protective Relaying”[B1], Brown, et al. [B4], Ibrahim,
Stacom [B8], [B9], Li [B13], Plumptre [B22], and Sen, Craig [B23]. Other types of protection are discussed
in 5.4.2.
The complete current transformer (CT) requirements must be determined and the purchaser must agree to
the locations before the design can be finalized since internal buried CTs are often required. Protection
schemes are different for the two types of PST core construction: single- and two-core arrangements.
A differential scheme for the single-core arrangements shown in Figure 7a and Figure 7b should provide
primary differential protection that will not misoperate because of PST core saturation. A three-phase
transformer differential relay is required with three restraint elements per phase. It is preferable that the CTs
have the same ratings and ratios, although the relay can typically compensate for some mismatch.
The most common differential scheme for the two-core arrangement (see Figure 10) is shown in Figure 14
and Figure 15. There are two sets of differential protection. Figure 14 shows the primary set and Figure 15,
the secondary set. The two sets provide differential protection with redundancy.
The primary differential relay (Figure 14, 87P) requires a set of CTs in the neutral of the primary winding of
the main unit. These will probably be inside the tank. It is preferable that these CTs have the same rating and
ratio as the high side CTs, although the differential relay can compensate for some mismatch. This scheme is
not affected by PST core saturation. A ground relay (51N1) is usually installed in the neutral of the primary
of the main unit to provide sensitive protection for ground faults near the neutral. It will see current during
ground faults on the system. The amount of current will depend on the sequence network impedance. If the
main unit is of shell form construction, the zero sequence current will be relatively high. However, if it is of
core form construction or if the secondary circuits provide a path for zero sequence currents because of
voltage regulating windings on the main unit (see “Applied Protective Relaying” [B1], and Sen, Craig
[B23]), the zero sequence impedance will be much lower and 51N1 must coordinate with line side ground
relays. The 51N1 relay is also subject to false operation due to inrush current when the main unit is
Published by IEC under licence from IEEE. © 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
energized. To prevent this from happening, the relay must be desensitized or a relay with second harmonic
restraint used (see Plumptre [B22]). The associated CT may be external to the tank.
The secondary differential relay (Figure 15, 87S) requires a set of CTs in the neutral of the secondary of the
main unit. They will also most likely be inside the tank. The ratio of these CTs will be determined by the
ratio (K) of the series unit, as shown in Figure 15. The differential relay can compensate for some CT
mismatch. The rating of the CTs should closely match the high side CTs. A three-phase transformer
differential relay is required with three restraint elements per phase. The integrity of this scheme depends on
the value of “K” remaining constant—the series unit not saturating. Since the voltage rating of the series unit
is considerably smaller than rated phase-to-ground voltage, it is possible that it might saturate during heavy
through faults (see Ibrahim, Stacom [B8]). If series unit saturation is a problem, desensitizing the secondary
relay system is required. A ground relay (50N2) is usually installed in the neutral of the main unit secondary
winding. This relay can be set quite sensitive since there should be current in it only during a fault in the
main unit secondary circuit. The associated CT may be external to the tank.
Sudden pressure relays protect for arcing faults. It is common practice to have one or more sudden pressure
relays for each oil-filled tank and separate compartment, the number of relays depending on the oil volume.
The PST manufacturer should recommend the quantity, location, and type of sudden pressure relays and the
settings, if not specified by the purchaser. Buchholz relays also will protect for oil displacement.
Each oil-filled tank and separate oil-filled compartment shall be provided with a pressure relief device. It is
common practice to have more than one pressure relief device on large tanks. The number of pressure relief
devices should be determined by the manufacturer.
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Gas bubbles generated in the oil will migrate toward the top of the oil compartment. The use of a device to
accumulate the gas and cause an alarm or trip is recommended for each compartment.
6. Rating data
In general, rating data for PSTs should be in accordance with the requirements for power transformers as
covered in IEEE Std C57.12.00-2000 with the following exceptions or additions.
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The designations H and X shall not be used and shall be replaced by S and L to indicate the source and load.
The S terminals shall be marked S1, S2, S3, and (if applicable) S0. The L terminals shall be marked L1, L2, L3,
and (if applicable) L0. Y and Z designations shall be used for additional windings that are brought out of the
Enclosed throat winding terminal connections shall be marked in any manner that will permit convenient
reference and cannot be confused with the markings of the external transformer terminals.
6.2 Impedance
Impedance shall be in accordance with IEEE Std C57.12.00-2000 with the following additions.
6.2.1 General
The impedance of PSTs can vary substantially over its range of phase-angle regulation. The user must
specify the acceptable ranges of impedances and the manufacturer shall calculate and provide a matrix of
impedances as required by the user. The extent of test verification of impedance values other than rated
impedance should be specified and agreed upon by the purchaser and manufacturer.
6.3 Nameplates
Nameplates shall be in accordance with IEEE Std C57.12.00-2000 with the following addition:
The nameplate of the PST shall show the phase shift in degrees from the S to the L terminals starting at the
zero phase-shift tap and for each tap position in the advance and retard direction while operating at no-load.
The nameplate shall also show the phase shift in degrees from the S to the L terminals while operating at
maximum rated kVA output at unity power factor at the S terminal for all tap positions which result in
acceptable service conditions. Intermediary phase shifts at varying loads may be specified by the purchaser
for inclusion on the nameplate.
The user may request impedance changes be indicated on the nameplate for any tap position.
7. Construction
In general, construction requirements for PSTs should be in accordance with the requirements for power
transformers, as covered in IEEE Std C57.12.00-2000 and other applicable IEEE standards based on kV and
kVA ratings, with the following exceptions or additions.
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Enclosed throat connections in fully assembled condition must meet the pressure and vacuum requirements
of PST tanks for all designs that subject the enclosed throat connection to the same operating pressures and
vacuum levels as the transformer tank.
Liquid insulation and preservation systems shall be in accordance with IEEE Std C57.12.00-2000 with the
following addition.
Enclosed liquid-filled throat connections may be either sealed from each tank or opened to the insulating
fluid from one or both tanks. Enclosed throat connections shall be designed for installation or removal
without the need to jack or move either or both of the transformer tanks and shall accommodate thermal
expansion and contraction of the throat assembly and both tanks.
For a sealed throat system that isolates the insulating fluid, the throat connections require a separate
conservator system.
For a system where the throats are not directly connected to a main tank and the isolation of the insulating
fluid in different compartments is not important, the throats may be connected to the conservator system of
the main tank. If this approach is used, the user should be aware that the use of oil and gas analysis to isolate
problems will be complicated.
For throat connections that place barriers between both the tanks and the throat, the throat shall be equipped
with the following accessories:
8. Short-circuit characteristics
8.1.1 General
PSTs shall comply with the short circuit requirements of IEEE Std C57.12.00-2000, unless otherwise agreed
upon by the purchaser and manufacturer.
The kVA rating to be considered for determining the category should be the equivalent to the rating
according to IEEE Std C57.12.00-2000.
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The manufacturer shall determine the most onerous conditions for short circuit on every winding or active
part in accordance with IEEE Std C57.12.00-2000. These conditions should take into account the large
impedance swings that can occur as the tap position is changed from the extreme positions to the mid
position. Since the system short-circuit levels are critical to the design of PSTs, the user shall specify the
maximum system short-circuit fault levels expected throughout the life of the unit.
If a short-circuit test is performed, it shall be done in accordance with IEEE Std C57.12.90-1993. The test
shall be carried out on the tap position that produces the most severe stresses in each winding. This may
require more than a single test depending on the type of construction.
For two-core PSTs this usually requires a test on the zero phase-shift position, as this position involves only
the series transformer, and a second test on a position to be agreed upon between customer and
9. Control system
9.1 Control equipment and accessories
Control devices to facilitate manual and automatic control of the load tap changing equipment shall be
The control system of a PST includes a sensing apparatus to provide a signal proportioned to the system real
power flow through the transformer. For this purpose, positive (+) values of power flow relate to an exchange
defined as forward power flow (FPF), i.e., power from normal S terminals to normal L terminals. Similarly,
negative (–) values of power flow relate to an exchange defined as reverse power flow (RPF), i.e., power
from normal L terminals to normal S terminals.
The control system also includes a control device to interpret the input of the sensing apparatus, relate the
input to conditions desired by the operator, and to automatically command the tap changer of the PST to
function to hold the power flow thereby required.
The total control system is usually furnished as a complete package with the transformer; however, the
stand-alone nature of the control system makes it appropriate to consider the control system in a unified
A weather-resistant cabinet shall be provided for housing the automatic control and related devices. The
cabinet shall be specified by the user.
9.2 Requirements
9.2.1 Environmental
The control must withstand –40 °C–80 °C control enclosure temperature, relative humidity from 0–100%
and altitude of up to 3000 m without loss of control.
The default device shall accommodate parameter set point adjustment as follows.
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NOTE—The base power (1.0 pu power) will be scaled as required based upon the transformer rating.
9.2.3 Accuracy
The control system error shall be 1.0% or less. The accuracy is based upon the combined performance of the
sensing apparatus (including instrument transformers, transducers, or other means of sensing as required)
and the control device.
For determining the accuracy of the control system, the percent error is based on the following reference
conditions: ambient temperature of 25 °C, rated system frequency, no harmonics present on the line, and the
PST delivering rated kVA at rated voltage.
The errors to be included in the determination of the accuracy of the control system are the maximum plus
(+) error and the maximum minus (–) error for each of the following. The greater magnitude of the sum of
the positive percent errors or the sum of the negative percent errors shall constitute the stated accuracy of the
control system.
a) Error of the control system due to the ambient temperature. The control system is operated in its
intended configuration and environment as pertains to the control enclosure. The use of supplemen-
tal control enclosure heaters must be reported, if used. The enclosure temperature is varied in the
range of –40 °C–65 °C while holding the transformer kVA and power system frequency at the refer-
ence conditions.
b) Error in the control system due to the system frequency. The power system frequency to which the
control system sensing apparatus is connected is varied in the range of rated power system frequency
± 0.25% while holding the transformer kVA and the ambient temperature at reference conditions.
c) Error in the control system due to the power throughput of the PST. The power throughput of the
PST to which the sensing apparatus is connected is varied in the range of –2.0 pu–2.0 pu (where 1.0
pu is taken as the rated kVA of the PST) while holding the ambient temperature and the power sys-
tem frequency at the reference conditions.
The accuracy determination criteria allow for no error in the display of the control device set points.
The following ancillary components, accessories, or functionality will be provided as part of the control
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This design test is made at rated power system frequency ± 0.01 Hz and at 25 ºC ±1 ºC. Record the
difference in control system power flow recognition to actual system power flow in range of –1.5 pu–1.5 pu
in steps of 0.25 pu.
This test is made at 1.0 pu forward power flow ± 0.01 pu and rated system frequency ± 0.01 Hz. Record the
difference in system power flow recognition to actual system power flow at ambient temperature of –40 °C–
60 °C in steps of 20 °C.
This test is made at 1.0 pu forward power flow ± 0.01 pu and at 25 ºC ± 1 ºC. Record the difference in
control system power flow recognition to actual system power flow at system frequency of rated frequency
–0.25%, at rated frequency and at rated frequency 0.25%.
For each of the three tests above, note the greatest positive error recorded and the greatest negative error
recorded. (Note that the greatest positive error or greatest negative error for a given test may be zero.) Sum
the three positive errors and sum the three negative errors. The error of the control system is taken to be the
greater magnitude of the summed errors.
The SWC test is a design test for the control device in its operating environment. In order to pass this test the
control device shall continue to operate properly after the test. Refer to IEEE Std C37.90.1-1989.
The control device shall withstand a voltage of 1500 V at rated system frequency from all terminals to case
for 1 minute. The test shall be performed with the control device disconnected from the system. After the
test, it shall be determined that no change in calibration or performance has occurred.
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All features of the control device and its peripherals will be operated and checked for verification of proper
functioning. The control is also calibrated at this point.
10.1 General
Unless otherwise specified, all tests carried out at the factory should be made in accordance with IEEE Std
C57.12.90-1993. Additional tests, particular to PSTs, are defined in 11.2, Special tests for PSTs. Since the
method of testing PSTs is dependent on the design, the testing methods will be mutually agreed upon by the
user and manufacturer.
These tests are normally performed on the core and coil assembly in air. However, they can also be
performed inside the tank filled with oil and fitted with temporary bushings to give access to required test
points. For a two-core design in one or more tanks, the windings must be interconnected as for impulse
These tests are intended to verify the transient voltages and natural frequencies at various points in the
windings at all tap combinations and connections that can be compared and evaluated with studies.
In most cases temporary bushings must be installed for connections to windings, which are not normally
accessible, in order to determine the various resistances for the temperature tests and to determine the losses
and the distribution of these losses.
The location of these temporary bushings depends on the design and winding configuration and is subject to
agreement between user and manufacturer. For two-tank designs, the tanks may be separate to determine the
losses in the various cores and windings and the temperature test. This information will be provided by the
manufacturer to the user during preliminary discussions.
For dielectric tests each tank with its corresponding core and windings should be connected electrically and
mechanically together as for the service condition. In most cases, temporary bushings must be installed on
lower voltage windings in order to perform the IEEE standard low frequency induced test on the higher
source and load side windings.
In very high voltage PSTs, it is sometimes necessary to install an auxiliary winding next to the core for
shielding purposes. This auxiliary winding can then be used for performing the low-frequency induced test
through the use of temporary bushings.
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When a bypass switch is installed, there are two special dielectric tests that may be specified by the user.
The special lightning impulse test shall be applied individually to each phase with the L and S side terminals
connected together. The untested L and S side terminals should be grounded separately through resistors.
The neutral terminal(s) shall be grounded through shunts for current monitoring. In some cases, it is
desirable to perform the tests with the S or L terminals floating. The test shall be performed on tap positions
mutually agreed upon by both the user and manufacturer.
A special switching impulse test shall be applied to each phase with the L and S side terminals under test
being tied together. The other untested terminals are connected together, floating and connected to a voltage
divider. The neutral terminal(s) shall be solidly grounded through a shunt for current monitoring. This test
only applies to PSTs rated 345 kV and above, or as required by the user.
The phase angle of a phase shifter is not normally measured directly but is calculated from the triangle
formed by the voltage across the series winding and the voltage across the shunt winding, which are at right
angles (see Figure 10).
Using a low voltage 3-phase supply applied to the S terminals as VS1, VS2, and VS3 and measuring the
designated magnitude of each voltage, the phase angle on each tap may be determined.
The magnitudes of the test voltages measured are indicated in the following list, with the phase angle
calculated from the equation.
a) The series voltage measured between the S terminal S1 and the L terminal L1 = VS1–L1
b) The supply phase voltages measured between S terminal S1 and the neutral N = V S–N
c) The load phase voltage measured between L terminal L1 and the neutral N = VL–N
d) The voltage between S terminals S1 and S2 = VS1–S2
e) The voltage between the S terminal S1 and the L terminal L2 = VS1–L2
2 2 2
( V SN + V LN – V S1 – L1 )
α = arc cos -------------------------------------------------------------
- (18)
( 2∗ V SN ∗ V LN )
The phase angle is advanced if VS1–S2 > VS1–L2 and retarded if VS1–L2 > VS1–S2.
11. Tolerances
11.1 General
The tolerances should be as in IEEE Std C57.12.00-2000, unless otherwise specified here or agreed between
purchaser and manufacturer.
--`,,`,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Published by IEC under licence from IEEE. © 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
For two-core PSTs the voltage ratios of the series or of the main unit is a design parameter, as the leads
corresponding to those windings are not usually brought out.
For PSTs with constant modulus shift such as described in 4.5.2, even if a tertiary winding is specified or
necessary, it is not practical to guarantee a constant voltage ratio as the no-load voltage is subject to change
depending on the phase-angle shift.
Phase angle and impedance tolerance will be in accordance with IEEE Std C57.12.00-2000 for two-winding
transformers. In cases where the circulating current must be minimized or where units will be paralleled, the
angle and impedance tolerances should be established by agreement between the user and the manufacturer.
The tolerance for phase-angle shift at no-load on all tap positions should be within 1% of the respective rated
phase-angle shift.
The impedance should lie within an envelope specifying a minimum and a maximum over the full tapping
range. The user and manufacturer shall agree on the tolerance.
The following is a checklist on what should be covered in a bid specification for a PST document that is not
normally included in a typical transformer bid document. This list should not be considered all-inclusive, but
used only as a guide. It should also be noted that no technical definitions, detailed requirements, or standards
are given in this clause, but that this type of detailed information will be found in the other referenced
The following nontechnical information should be presented in the commercial part of the bid document.
The buyer should state in the bid document if they will or will not employ the supplier’s installation
The following technical information should be specified for the PST by the user in the technical specification
clause of the tender document.
The various phase angle regulations and power ratings that are being requested by the buyer for
consideration should be clearly defined. The buyer can also specify the phase angle for a certain power
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With respect to 4.8.4 and 5.1–5.3 of this guide, the required overload condition and the kind of operation
(advance or retard phase angle) should be clearly stated. Especially for the retard phase-angle operation,
overload requirements may have a large impact on the size of the PST.
The grounding requirements for the transformer core(s), neutral, and the tank(s) should be specified.
Special requirements or conditions should be specified for the PST supplier in the technical specification
clause of the bid document.
Any size or weight restrictions of the roadway, the structures on the roadway, or the site should be specified
by the user, but it is up to the supplier to verify this information.
The acceptable cooling methods and the type of radiator or cooler installation desired should be specified.
The type of tanks and the type of construction preferred for them, plus any special requirements desired,
such as split-tanks, plus a flexible connection between them should be specified.
The following testing requirements should be specified by the user and a test report required for each of
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Additional pertinent information should be supplied to the PST supplier in an annex of the tender document.
Any special or internal company standards that the buyer wishes the supplier to meet or follow should be
included in an annex of the bid document.
Published by IEC under licence from IEEE. © 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
Annex A
[B1] “Applied Protective Relaying,” Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Coral Springs, Florida, pp. 8–22,
[B2] Bladow, J., and Montoya, A., “Experiences with Parallel EHV Phase Shifting Transformers,” IEEE
Transactions on Power Delivery, Transaction No. 91 WM 020-8 PWRD, pp. 1096–1100, Jul. 1991.
[B3] Blume, L. F., et al., Transformer Engineering, Ch. XIV. NY: John Wiley & Sons, 1951, pp. 399–402.
[B4] Brown, F. B, Frere, G. R., Lundquist, T. G.,, “The First 525 kV Phase Shifting Transformer Con-
ception to Service,” Doble Proceedings of the Sixty-Fourth Annual Conference of Doble Clients, 1997.
[B5] “Central Station Engineers, Electrical Transmission and Distribution Reference Book,” 4th ed, Chapter
5, Part XIII, Westinghouse Electric Corp., East Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1964, pp. 122–124.
[B6] Cochrane, I. C., “Effects of Supply, Converter and Load Variabilities on Harmonic Mitigation Using a
Phase-Shifting Transformer,” Proceedings of the 29th Universities Power Engineering Conference, Sep.
[B7] Haberl, H. W., and Morehouse, C. E., “Phase Angle Control Benefits Power System Inter-connection,”
IEEE Conference Paper #CP58-883, Mar. 25, 1958.
[B8] Ibrahim, M. A., and Stacom, F. P., “Phase Angle Regulating Transformer Protection,” IEEE Transac-
tions on Power Delivery, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 394–413, Jan. 1994.
[B9] Ibrahim, M. A., and Stacom, F. P., “Protection of the East Garden City 345 kV Phase Angle Regulating
Transformers,” 46th Annual Georgia Tech Protective Relaying Conference, Atlanta, GA, Apr. 29–May 1,
[B10] IEEE 100, The Authoritative Dictionary of IEEE Standards Terms, Seventh Edition.
[B11] Kraemer, A., and Ruff, J., “Transformer for Phase Angle Regulation Considering the Selection of On-
Load Tap-Changers,” IEEE Transaction on Power Delivery, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 518–525, Apr. 1998.
[B12] Lee, K., and Poon, K., “Statistical Switching Overvoltage Analysis of the First B. C. Hydro Phase
Shifting Transformer Using the Electromagnetic Transient Program,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems,
vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 1054–1060, Nov. 1990.
[B13] Li, H. J., “Protective Relaying for Phase Angle Regulator,” Western Protective Relay Conference,
Spokane, WA, Oct. 20–22, 1975.
[B14] Linhe, S., and Spencer, L. B., “Representation of Phase-Shifting Transformers on AC Network
Analyzers,” IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Part III, vol. 80, pp. 374–379, Aug. 1961.
[B15] MacDonald, J., “Current Activities in Flexible AC Transmission Systems,” 92-TH0465-5 PWR, Apr.
Published by IEC under licence from IEEE. © 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
[B16] MacDonald, J., “Present Phase-Angle Regulating Transformer Technology,” ABB Power T&D
Company, Inc., Muncie, Indiana, Sep. 24, 1991.
[B17] March, W. Jr., and Smith, H. S., “Parallel Phase Shifters Require Special Protection,” Transmission &
Distribution, vol. 39, no. 8, pp. 46–49, Aug. 1987.
[B18] Mihalic, R., and Zunko, P., “Phase-Shifting Transformer—A Tool for Fast Load Flow Control in
Electric Power Systems,” Elektrotehniski Vestnik, vol. 62, no. 2, pp. 91–96, Feb. 1995.
[B19] Mihalic, R., and Zunko, P., “Phase-Shifting Transformers with Fixed Phase Between Terminal Voltage
and Voltage Boost: Tools for Transient Stability Margin Enhancement,” IEEE Proceedings Generating,
Transmission and Distribution, vol. 142, no. 3, pp. 257–262, May 1995.
[B20] Patel, B. K., Smith, H. S., Hewes, T. S., Jr., Marsh, W. J., “Application of Phase Shifting Transformers
for Dainiel-McKnight 500-kV Interconnection,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. PWRD-1, no. 3,
pp. 167–173, Jul. 1986.
[B21] Phase Shifters Control Power Flows—Electrical World, vol. 179, no. 3, NY: McGraw-Hill Inc., Feb.
1, 1973, p. 48.
[B22] Plumptre, P. F., “Nelway Substation Phase Shifting Transformer Protection,” Western Protective Relay
Conference, Spokane, WA, p. 5, Oct. 23–25, 1990.
[B23] Sen, P. K., and Craig, B. R., “Application and Protection Considerations of Large Phase Shifting
Transformers,” Proceedings of the American Power Conference, vol. 51, pp. 7, 442–447, Apr. 1989.
[B24] Trummer, E. R., “Phase-Shifting Transformer Principles,” APDA Meeting, May 2, 1995.
[B25] Trummer, E. R., “Transformer’s Principles,” PEA Electrical Equipment Committee Presentation,
Winter 1995 Meeting, Feb. 1995.
[B26] Xing, K., and Kusic, G., “Damping Subsynchronous Resonance by Phase Shifters,” IEEE Transac-
tions on Energy Conversion, vol. 4, issue 3, pp. 344–350, Sept. 1989.
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Annex B
(General symbol)
contact with
Circuit breaker
(General symbol)
"DB" refers to the IEC on-line database.
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– 42 – IEC 62032:2005(E)
IEEE C57.135-2001(E)
Annex C
List of Participants
At the time this guide was completed, the Working Group on Phase-Shifting Transformers had the following
Edgar R. Trummer, Chair
Thomas Lundquist, Vice Chair and Secretary
Donald Chu, Secretary
Rajendra K. Ahuja Everett G. Hager, Jr. Sam Perkins
Dennis J. Allan N. Wayne Hansen V. Pham
Dave Allaway James H. Harlow Gustav Preininger
Burhan Becer Bill Kennedy Patrick Pries
Enrique Betancourt Lincoln Koga Jean-Christophe Riboud
Alvaro Cancino Luther Kurtz P. Russman
Donald J. Cash Mike Lau Vallamkonda Sankar
Bob Clark J. Leech M. Saravolac
Peter W. Clarke Stan Lindgren Vic Shenoy
Florian Costa Thomas Lundquist John Slapp
Vince Dahinden Jack McGill Bob Stewart
D. de la Cruz Jim McIver Bill Thompson
Dieter Dohnal Patrick McShane Chuck Todd
Fred Elliot Harold R. Moore Robert A. Veitch
Joseph F. Foldi Jerry Mundo Jim Warden
Jim D. Fyvie Gerald A. Paiva Joe D. Watson
Donald A. Gillies Bipin K. Patel Klaus Weidman
Dan D. Perco
The following members of the balloting committee voted on this standard. Balloters may have voted for
approval, disapproval, or abstention.
Samuel H. Aguirre Philip J. Hopkinson Paulette A. Payne
Rajendra K. Ahuja James D. Huddleston, III Carlos O. Peixoto
Dennis J. Allan Mike Iman Dan D. Perco
Jacques Aubin Charles W. Johnson Mark D. Perkins
Peter M. Balma Anthony J. Jonnatti Linden W. Pierce
Ronald L. Barker Lars-Erik Juhlin Paul J. Pillitteri
Mike Barnes Sheldon P. Kennedy Donald W. Platts
William H. Bartley John G. Lackey Gustav Preininger
Barry L. Beaster Stephen R. Lambert Tom A. Prevost
Enrique Betancourt John P. Lazar E. Purra
Alain Bolliger Maurice Linker Jean-Christophe Riboud
Donald J. Cash Donald L. Lowe Vallamkonda Sankar
Peter W. Clarke Thomas Lundquist Subhas Sarkar
Jerry L. Corkran Joe D. MacDonald Rick Sawyer
John C. Crouse Donald MacMillan Pat Scully
Dieter Dohnal William A. Maguire Hyeong Jin Sim
Keith Ellis K. T. Massouda Charles Simmons
Joseph F. Foldi John W. Matthews Tarkeshwar Singh
Michael A. Franchek Nigel P. McQuin Ron W. Stoner
Jim D. Fyvie Joseph P. Melanson Richard E. Sullivan
Donald A. Gillies Gary L. Michel Thomas P. Traub
Richard D. Graham Harold R. Moore Edgar R. Trummer
Randall C. Groves R. J. Musil Subhash C. Tuli
Robert L. Grunert Shantanu Nandi John Vandermaar
E.G. Hager, Jr. E.T. Norton Joseph J. Vaschak
Ernst Hanique Gerald A. Paiva Robert A. Veitch
N. Wayne Hansen Bipin K. Patel Barry H. Ward
James H. Harlow Dhiru S. Patel Joe D. Watson
Keith R. Highton Sanjay Y. Patel B. Scott Wilson
Wesley F. Patterson
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Copyright The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
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IEC 62032:2005(E) – 43 –
IEEE C57.135-2001(E)
When the IEEE-SA Standards Board approved this standard on 6 December 2001, it had the following
Donald N. Heirman, Chair
James T. Carlo, Vice Chair
Judith Gorman, Secretary
Satish K. Aggarwal James H. Gurney James W. Moore
Mark D. Bowman Richard J. Holleman Robert F. Munzner
Gary R. Engmann Lowell G. Johnson Ronald C. Petersen
Harold E. Epstein Robert J. Kennelly Gerald H. Peterson
H. Landis Floyd Joseph L. Koepfinger* John B. Posey
Jay Forster* Peter H. Lips Gary S. Robinson
Howard M. Frazier L. Bruce McClung Akio Tojo
Ruben D. Garzon Daleep C. Mohla Donald W. Zipse
*Member Emeritus
Noelle D. Humenick
IEEE Standards Project Editor
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