Digestive System: Name: - Date

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Name: _____________________________________________________  

  Date: _______

Digestive System

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Across 17. a long folded tube inside the 8. the tube after the small
1. a group of organs working body attached to the stomach where intestine where liquid is absorbed
together to convert food into energy nutrients in the food are absorbed 10. Releases enzymes that aid in
and basic nutrients to feed the entire 18. enzyme that breaks down Digestion while also regulating blood
body protein sugar
3. The region of the small intestine 19. these are used to chew food 12. the end of the gastrointestinal
where the majority of digestion and 20. another name for the Large tract where waste is ejected out of
absorption take place Intestine the body
5. place where waste is stored until Down 14. this produces bile that goes into
ready to be egested the small intestine and help digest
2. name of the acid found in your the food
9. Ball of chewed food that is stomach
swallowed 15. after being swallowed, food goes
4. where bile is stored until ready to this place where it is mixed with
11. a slippery liquid that makes food to be used
easy to swallow and helps break the acid
food down 6. the tube that connects the 16. yellowish-brown substance that
stomach to the mouth digests fats (lipids)
13. Enzyme that begins to break
down starch in the mouth 7. muscle in your mouth that is
used for pushing food around

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