Tablas ANSI

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Table I—Sample size code letters (See 9.2 and 93) pection levels General inspection levels Lot or batch size 1 $2 $3 4 1 1 a 2 to 8 A A A A A A B 9 to 13 A A A A A B ¢ 16 to 25 A A B B B c D 6 to 50 A B B c c D E st to 90 B B ¢ ¢ ca E F oO to 150 B B c D D F 6 151 to 280 B c D E E G H 231 to 300 B c D E F a J 501 to 1200 c c E F G J K 1201 to 3200 c D E G H K L 320 to 10000 c D F S J L M 10001 to 38000 c D F H K M N 35001 to 159000 D E G J L N P 150001 to 509000 D E 6 3 M P Q 300001 and over D z 4 kK N Q R Tabie I1-A—Single sampling plans for normal inspeetion (Master table) (See 9.4 and 9:5) ‘Acsepiance Quality Limi 4s, a Percent Noseonforing items and Nensooformiis per 100 tems (Normal Ispeston) sane lponfensfons|eoefosoi]ors]ors[ou]s] vas] 3] «0 5] 6] 5] [~ [6 | |i [x0] [oo [ma : z z F F 7 s{on rosa 14] 1 22] 2031] foi] aaa as 2 Tae [row [om | fed ¥ = Use the trst sampling plan below the aro: sample size equals or exceeds, lt sin, carry out 100 percent ispetion. 4 = Use the tt sampling pln above the aon ‘Ag Ascepance numb Re = Rejection ante Table JIt-A—Double sampling plans for normal inspection (Master table) See 94 and 9.8) ‘Senge ‘soe ‘Septic Canale _Arsepnnce Quality Lint (onset ipa) 5 pare g foeis]aoas oosacss| a1 fasrelac eae acral ee re IncRelacre x * > [el i Tigh: lil +a ote! ag Hy E Jess} el * ba sie 3] ne! t aah ¢ [ial S| a 4 PERE «feel i US Tere o : fol sl rm Tees Hi ES “4 ete H M [Sena cS) + = | = Wel Bl t i feel fa + ea ofl eal al + Ey x [cel a2 4 = Ue ionarleg pn telcane: Hamp toil ocd rh odo EE ton 4 = vitor nrtag shrew c= Agana Re~ Rgtoneuner = Ucconranin sige pig 4 = Wccamspndin sing eping pa one sping cee kite sto

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