Multilateral Involuntary Reroute Settlement Agreement

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For over 30 years Airlines Clearing House Participants have settled their involuntary reroute transactions
using a simplified method. In 2008, the simplified process evolved when Airlines Clearing House, ATPCO
and Kale entered into an agreement for services similar to those described in this Agreement. By
leveraging the existing infrastructure and contracts; working closely with IATA, ATPCO, Kale and airline
representatives to develop the requirements and test the results; Airlines Clearing House is pleased to
administer this agreement for the airline industry.

Participation in this Multilateral Involuntary Reroute Settlement Agreement is voluntary. Signatories are
eligible to agree to the terms of this Agreement with other signatories through a Concurrence Agreement,
attached hereto.

Participants benefit through:

 Elimination of lengthy rejection/rebill/correspondence stages of interline settlement for applicable

 Reduction of manpower within revenue accounting
 Ability to provide internal customers with immediate and accurate revenue amounts
 Reduction of prior period adjustments to earned revenue
 Reduction of SIS transaction fees through the elimination of rejections and associated
 Low participation fees

Airlines may become a party to this Agreement regardless if they are a member of the Airlines Clearing
House. To apply, airlines should complete the Application for Participation Form, contained herein as
Appendix C, and return it to Airlines Clearing House.

Upon receipt and acceptance, Airlines Clearing House will return a copy of the countersigned Application
for Participation to the applicant and circulate a communication, via e-mail, to the already existing parties
to this Agreement regarding establishment of a new signatory. Parties of this Agreement are eligible to
enter into a Concurrence Agreement, contained herein as Appendix D, with other signatory Parties of this

Airlines Clearing House will distribute, via e-mail, the monthly percentage rates, as described in the
Agreement, to the designated representatives of each Party hereto.

Airlines Clearing House has established a dedicated website where designated representatives of each
Party hereto will be able to view the matrix of signatories; current and historical rates by geographical
region; announcements and communications.

Airlines Clearing House will charge each signatory an annual participation fee in the amount of $1,500
intended to recover the costs paid by Airlines Clearing House to the service providers: ATPCO and
Accelya Kale. The annual amount may be adjusted periodically at a rate determined by the ACH Board
of Directors. In the event the annual amount is revised, Parties will be notified of the revised amount no
less than 60 days prior to its effective date, and in no event will the annual amount be revised before April
1, 2015.

Version 5 Page 1


This Multilateral Involuntary Reroute Settlement Agreement (“the Agreement”) is between the Airlines
Clearing House (“ACH”), which has its principal place of business at 1275 Pennsylvania Ave., NW,
Suite 1300, Washington, DC 20004 and _________________________ (“the Party”), which has its
principal place of business at ________________________________________________________.


2.1. Except as otherwise stated in this Agreement, the procedures of the IATA Revenue
Accounting Manual shall apply.


3.1. NFP is the AIA Neutral Fare Prorate engine

3.2. ISR is the Airline Tariff Publishing Company (“ATPCO”) Industry Sales Record. It
contains integrated marketing and settlement information in an ISR formatted record(s).

3.3. TCN is Transactional Control Number is a series of electronic records containing the
information from the issuance of an ATB or Electronic Ticket.

3.4. IATA WEIGHTED MILEAGE FACTOR is a prorate factor derived from industry agreed
weighted mileage formulas and published in the quarterly IATA Prorate Manual

3.5. FIM is a Flight Interruption Manifest document

3.6. ACH is the Airlines Clearing House, Inc.

3.7. SALES DATA is either the ISR or TCN data files

3.8. SETTLEMENT AMOUNT is the fare amount, in USD, that is calculated by applying
the applicable percentage, based on the coupon’s origin and destination, as a percentage
of, the IATA Weighted Mileage Factor in effect on (i) the document issue date in the case
of tickets, or (ii) the original invoice month for FIMs.

3.9. APPLICABLE PERCENTAGE is the percent, in whole numbers, of the IATA Weighted
Mileage Factor, based on the geographical region of the coupon, distributed monthly by
Airlines Clearing House.

3.10. SURVEY PARTICIPANT is an airline that has authorized ATPCO to include its sales in
the process that calculates the applicable percentage.

3.11. PARTIES means (1) two or more parties to this Agreement; (2) that participate in the
Concurrence Agreement and (3) have instructed ACH in the Concurrence Agreement
that their interline involuntary reroute settlements with each other shall be processed
pursuant to this Agreement.


4.1. The Parties agree that the terms of this Agreement shall be applicable to the interline
settlement of Flight Interruption Manifests issued in accordance with IATA Resolution
735e as published in the 36 edition of the IATA Passenger Services Conference
Resolutions Manual, or its successor, and Passenger Tickets issued in accordance with
IATA Resolution 735d, or its successor, unless otherwise agreed bilaterally between the

Version 5 Page 2

two Parties to the Concurrence Agreement. Passenger Tickets shall be identified as

having been issued in accordance with IATA Resolution 735d when the letters “INVOL”,
“INVOLUNTARY”, “IV”, “INV”, “IRR”, “IRRES” or any other valid reason appear within the
fare basis/ticket designator, endorsements and/or tour code field of the ticket; or when
“I” precedes the fare calculation.

4.2. The Parties agree that when a Passenger Ticket or Flight Interruption Manifest has been
issued on January 1, 2018 and beyond, and has been identified as being an Involuntary
Reroute in accordance with 4.1 above, such document will not be considered an
Involuntary Reroute if such document has been issued three (3) or more days prior to the
first ticketed flight date of such document, in which case the document shall be
considered as a Schedule Change and the terms of this Agreement shall not apply.

4.3. The Parties agree when a FIM has been issued for a flight interruption/diversion en-route,
and the “reasons for issuance box” of the FIM states that it was diversion, then the
terms of this Agreement shall apply between the billing airline and the airline identified in
the diversion area of the “reasons for issuance box” if both Parties have concurred to the
terms of this Agreement with one another.

4.4. The Parties agree that the terms of this Agreement shall be applicable to all passenger
types for applicable documents as shown in 4.1 above.

4.5. The Parties agree that the terms of this Agreement shall not be applicable to documents
bearing markings indicating the reason for issuance was due to a schedule change or
any other reason not specified in section 4.1 above.


5.1. The Parties agree that the effective date of this Agreement shall be for documents billed
between the Parties on or after the effective date as indicated in the Concurrence
Agreement between the Parties.


6.1. The Parties agree that the Service Description as shown in Appendix A; the Geographic
Regions as shown in Appendix B; the Application for Participation in Appendix C; the
Concurrence Agreement as shown in Appendix D, if the Parties in the Concurrence
Agreement have mutually concurred to this Agreement; and the Sales Data Authorization
as shown in Appendix E, are an integral part of this Agreement.


7.1. The Parties agree:

7.1.1. To accept an amount that is an applicable percentage of the USD IATA Weighted
Mileage Factor based on the origin and destination of the document’s coupon.

The IATA Weighted Mileage Factor shall be that in effect (1) on the date of issuance of
the involuntary reroute ticket, or (2) the invoice month of the FlM document.

7.1.2. An average applicable percentage, in whole numbers, of the USD IATA Weighted
Mileage Factor, will be calculated for, and applicable to, each geographical region

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7.1.3. That in the case of FIM documents, the Settlement Amount shall be multiplied by the
number of passengers listed on the FIM document at the time of issuance.

7.1.4. There are ten worldwide geographical regions as described in Appendix B.

7.1.5. The origin and destination of the coupon will determine which of the ten worldwide
geographical regions is applicable to the coupon.

7.1.6. The applicable percentage amounts, of the IATA Weighted Mileage, for each
geographical region, shall be distributed by Airlines Clearing House no later than the 15
calendar of each month, and that such rates shall be applicable to transactions billed
between the Parties beginning the next following month.

7.1.7. Regardless of invoice month, the applicable percentage shall be that in effect on (1) in
the case of tickets, the document issue date of the reissued ticket invoiced under the
terms of this Agreement, and (2) in the case of FIM documents, the month in which the
FIM document is invoiced, as a prime billing, under the terms of this Agreement.


8.1. Settlement Amounts, unless otherwise mutually agreed upon outside of this Agreement,
shall not be subject to further discount other than Interline Service Charge, as
applicable, between the Parties.


9.1. Surcharges, denoted as a “Q” within the fare calculation, shall not be billed separately or
added to the settlement amount.

9.2. Taxes/Fees/Surcharges, denoted as “YQ” or “YR” within the tax box, shall not be billed
separately or added to the settlement amount.

9.3. Interlineable Taxes/Fees/Charges as reflected in the IATA Revenue Accounting Tax

Database, or its successor, and in accordance Chapter A2, Paragraph 1.8 of the IATA
Revenue Accounting Manual, shall be billed for involuntary reroute tickets, but shall not
be billed for FIMS.


10.1. The billing Party agrees to pay the document issuing Party the Interline Service Charge in
accordance with the applicable IATA Resolution, or if no applicable IATA Resolution is in
effect, then only such Interline Service Charge as the Parties hereto may otherwise


11.1. The general administration of this Agreement shall be undertaken by the Multilateral
Involuntary Reroute Settlement Agreement Steering Committee (“the Steering

11.2. Amendments to this Agreement or its Appendices, which are agreed to by majority vote
of the Steering Committee at which a quorum is present, shall become effective and shall
be applied by all Parties then participating, as from a date that the Steering Committee
establishes that is not earlier than two calendar months after the date on which
notification of the agreed amendment has been transmitted to all current Parties.

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12.1. The Multilateral Involuntary Reroute Settlement Agreement Steering Committee, herein
referred to as “Steering Committee” shall be comprised of six representatives that are
employees of Parties; one representative from ATPCO; one representative from Accelya
Kale; the IATA Manager of Revenue Accounting and the Airlines Clearing House
Secretary Treasurer. The six representatives from Parties shall be elected via mail
vote or e-mail vote conducted once every two years.

12.2. In no event shall there be more than one representative from a Party eligible to
participate as a Steering Committee member.

12.3. In the event a member of the Steering Committee, that is a Party’s employee (i) resigns
from the Steering Committee, or (ii) is no longer an employee of that Party, or (iii) the
Party of which the member is an employee of has withdrawn from the Agreement,
then the member shall be replaced on the Steering Committee with another eligible
representative, as elected via mail vote, provided a minimum of six months remains
for the then current Steering Committee’s term.

12.4. The names and contact information of the Steering Committee shall be published
on the Airlines Clearing House dedicated website.

12.5. A quorum for any meeting of the Steering Committee shall consist of a majority of the
Steering Committee members from the Airline Parties and optionally the representatives
from ATPCO, Accelya, the IATA Manager Distribution Standards and the Airlines
Clearing House Secretary-Treasurer.


13.1. Any Party hereto may withdraw from the Agreement by providing 30 days advance notice
of such withdrawal to Airlines Clearing House. However, no such notice of withdrawal
shall become effective before the expiration of twelve (12) months from the effective date
contained in Appendix C, Application for Participation.

13.2. Any Party hereto may withdraw its concurrence with another party hereto by giving such
other Party and Airlines Clearing House 30 days advance written notice of such
withdrawal. However, no such notice of withdrawal shall become effective before the
expiration of six (6) months from the effective date contained in Appendix D, Concurrence
Agreement, between the two Parties.

13.3. Any Party may withdraw its concurrence with another Party that has become insolvent,
suspended payments or failed to meet its contractual obligation, or has become involved,
voluntarily or involuntarily, in proceedings declaring or to declare it bankrupt. Such notice
of withdrawal may become effective on the date of written notice to Airlines Clearing
House or such other date as the airline giving such notice specifies. The Agreement
shall continue in force between the party giving such notice and all other parties with
which the party giving notice has a concurrence, except such designated party.

13.4. With respect to amendments of the Agreement in accordance with paragraph 11.2 above,
a Party disagreeing with such amendment may withdraw from the Agreement by
providing 30 days advance notice provided such notice is received no later than 45 days
prior to the effective date of such amendment.

13.5. Airlines Clearing House shall notify all signatories of any withdrawals under this
paragraph 13.

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14.1. Any withdrawal does not relieve the Parties from obligations and liabilities incurred
hereunder before the date of effectiveness of such withdrawal.


15.1. The Parties agree that any certified scheduled airline holding an IATA issued Airline
Accounting Code may become a Party to this Agreement.

15.2. The Parties agree that furnishing of Sales Data, in accordance with paragraph 16, is not
required to become a Party to this agreement.


16.1. Any Party hereto may become a Survey Participant which requires authorizing ATPCO to
include its sales data in the process that calculates the applicable percentages by
completing and submitting the Sales Data Authorization contained herein as Appendix E.

16.2. Survey Participants agree to review and approve test results before authorizing ATPCO
to include its sales data in the process that calculates the applicable percentages.

16.3. Survey Participants shall be entitled to receive a monthly report containing all of its ticket
numbers that have been included or excluded from the ATPCO filter process. The report
will be distributed by the 20 of each calendar month to those Survey Participants that
have requested the report, prior to the 15 calendar day of the previous month, and have
provided ATPCO with valid FTP information for transmission of the report.


17.1. Each Party agrees to pay an annual fee in an amount to be determined by the Airlines
Clearing House Board of Directors. This fee is intended to cover the costs paid by
Airlines Clearing House to the service providers that process and prorate the sales
transactions used in determining the monthly percentages applicable to the various
geographical regions.

17.2. When the Party hereto is an Airlines Clearing House or IATA Clearing House Participant,
such annual fee shall be settled through the applicable Clearing House.

17.3. When the Party hereto is not an Airlines Clearing House or IATA Clearing House
Participant, such annual fee shall be settled on a direct basis and failure to pay such fee
within two (2) months of billing shall be deemed a withdrawal of such non Clearing House
Participating Party from this agreement, effective thirty (30) days after notice thereof by
Airlines Clearing House.


18.1. The Parties agree that any dispute or difference of any kind whatsoever arising between
the Parties hereto in connection with this Agreement shall first be attempted to be
resolved though applicable rejection and correspondence procedures contained in the
IATA Revenue Accounting Manual or ACH Manual of Procedure, as applicable between
the two Parties.

18.2. The Parties further agree that in the event the Parties are unable to resolve a dispute in
connection with this Agreement in accordance with 18.1, either Party is eligible to refer
the dispute to the Airlines Clearing House Secretary Treasurer who shall make

Version 5 Page 6

reasonable efforts to facilitate a consensual resolution. If the Airlines Clearing House

Secretary Treasurer determines that he or she will be unable to bring about a consensual
resolution to the dispute, the Airlines Clearing House Secretary Treasurer shall so notify
the Parties involved in the dispute and, if necessary, establish an Arbitration Committee.

18.3. The Arbitration Committee shall be selected by the Airlines Clearing House Secretary
Treasurer comprised of three representatives of Parties to this Agreement and not
Parties to the dispute.

18.4. The Arbitration Committee shall act by majority vote of its members. The decision of the
Arbitration Committee shall be final and binding upon all of the Parties to such arbitration,
without recourse to any other authority whatsoever, except that if a Party to the
arbitration (a “non-prevailing Party”) is required by the Arbitration Committee’s decision
to make a payment or to take other action (or to refrain from action) and fails to comply,
any other Party to such arbitration may file the Committee’s arbitration decision or award
with any court having jurisdiction over the personal property of the non-prevailing Party
as a basis of judgment and the issuance of execution thereon.


19.1. Any notice provided under this Agreement may be transmitted electronically (“e-mail”), by
facsimile or by overnight mail.

19.2. Notifications to Airlines Clearing House are to be sent to:

Airlines Clearing House, Inc.

Attention: Lori Tully, Secretary Treasurer
1275 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Suite 1300
Washington, DC 20004
Phone: 202-626-4144
FAX: 202-626-4065

19.3 Notifications to the Party are to be sent to:



20.1. Entire Agreement. This Agreement is the entire understanding between ACH and the
Parties, and among the Parties. It supersedes any and all prior or contemporaneous
understandings and agreements, whether oral or written, between ACH and the Parties,
and among the Parties with respect to the subject matter of the Agreement.

20.2. Construction. The validity, construction and performance of this Agreement shall be
governed and construed in accordance with the laws of Washington, District of Columbia,
applicable to contracts made and to be wholly performed within such jurisdiction, without

Version 5 Page 7

giving effect to any conflict of law provisions thereof. The Federal courts located in
Washington, D.C. shall have sole and exclusive jurisdiction over any disputes arising
under this Agreement.

20.3. Performance Enforcement. Any failure by ACH to enforce strict performance of any
provision of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of ACH’s right to subsequently
enforce that provision or any other provision of this Agreement.

20.4. Paragraph Headings. Paragraph headings used in this Agreement are for reference
only and shall not be used to interpret this Agreement.
20.5. Miscellaneous. This Agreement:

20.5.1. may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be considered an
original, but all of which together shall constitute one instrument.

20.5.2. shall not be assigned, in whole or in part, by either Party without the other Party’s prior
written consent.

20.5.3. shall be binding upon the respective successors, trustees and permitted assigns of the
Parties, and

20.5.4. shall not be construed as providing any person or entity, other than the Parties and their
successors and permitted assigns, any right, remedy or claim under or in respect to this
Agreement or any provision of it.

20.6. Authority to Sign. The signatories below warrant that they have read the Agreement,
understand it and have the authority to sign the Agreement and bind their respective
companies to it.


Signature: Signature:

Name: Name:

Title: Title:

Date: Date:

Version 5 Page 8

1. On a daily basis, sales data, as authorized by Participating Airlines, is filtered to eliminate:

a. Non-passenger tickets as per instruction by ticket issuing airlines
b. Zero fare tickets
c. Reissued tickets
d. Non Revenue/Industry Discounted tickets (e.g. ID50, ID90, ZED)
2. The filtered file containing ISR and or TCN sales data is sent to the NFP daily. The filtered file
contains all other fares including unpublished, BT and IT if the value in the “FNUM” field of the
ISR/TCN is not equal to $0.
3. The NFP will extract a one percent sample and process only those tickets ending in the
applicable digits. The applicable digits are the interline sample digits announced by IATA on the
th th
25 calendar day of the previous month; e.g. the sample digits announced on March 25 will be
used to extract the one percent sample for the April sales.
4. The NFP will prorate the one percent sample to determine a coupon prorate value, in USD, for
each coupon in accordance with:
a. MPA, including provisos when applicable
b. Excluding YQ/YR
5. The NFP will exclude tickets having one or more coupons with a prorate value of equal to or less
than $5 USD or coupons with a prorate value of equal to or greater than $20,000 USD.
6. The NFP will exclude coupons with a prorate value comprised of amounts that represent “Q”
surcharges only.
7. The NFP will determine the applicable IATA Weighted Mile Prorate Factor, in USD, for each
coupon based on the coupon’s origin and destination
8. Each prorated coupon, with its applicable USD IATA Weighted Mile Prorate Factor, is sorted by
plating carrier and displayed as “Survey Participant”.
9. Each prorated coupon with its applicable USD IATA Weighted Mile Prorate Factor, sorted by
plating carrier, is then further sorted into one of ten geographical regions based on the origin and
destination of the coupon.
a. The ten geographical regions are further described in Appendix B attached hereto.
10. Within each geographical region, the total of each plating carriers’ USD coupon prorates are
divided by the total of the coupons’ USD IATA Weighted Mile Prorate Factors to determine the
percent of the total prorate amounts to the total of the IATA Weighted Mile Prorate Factors.
11. The results are summarized for each geographical region, similar to the below example:

12. In the event the applicable transactions, within a geographic region, for a plating carrier are less
than 50, the values will be displayed but excluded from the calculation for that geographic region.
13. The summarized values, from the prior month of sales data, in the above format, will be
distributed to Airlines Clearing House no later than the 15 calendar day of each month.

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14. The total average percentage, for each geographic region, will be rounded to the nearest whole
percentage, i.e; percentages of .49 and less will be rounded down to the nearest whole
percentage and percentages of .50 and greater will be rounded up to the nearest whole
15. The total average whole percentage, by each geographic region, will be the applicable
percentage rate to be used by the participating airlines.
16. The applicable percentage rates, per geographic region, and the worksheets as displayed in 11.
above, will be distributed to the participating airlines no later than the 20 calendar day of each
17. The applicable percentage rates, per geographic region, shall be applicable to original billings in
the next calendar month.
18. An example of the monthly timeline is:

Sales Data Results sent to ACH Distibuted to Participants Applicable To

January 15th of February 20th of February March

Version 5 Page 10

Selection Short
Selection Geography
A - Within TC1 - Within Area 1( PTC1) excluding North America(000US/CA/HA/PR/VI/AS/MX)
EXCL NA This is defined by ATPCO A1 Zones excluding North America (US/CA/HA/PR/VI/AS/MX) as listed
below, therefore any coupon between A1 Zones excluding North America would be applicable.
120 Greenland 140 Guadeloupe 160 Guatemala
120 Saint Pierre and Miquelon 140 Guyana 160 Honduras
140 Anguilla 140 Haiti 160 Nicaragua
140 Antigua and Barbuda 140 Jamaica 170 Falkland Islands
140 Aruba 140 Martinique 170 Saint Helena
140 Bahamas 140 Montserrat 171 Argentina
140 Barbados 140 Netherlands Antilles 171 Brazil
140 Bermuda 140 Saint Kitts and Nevis 171 Chile
140 Bonaire 140 Saint Lucia 171 Paraguay
140 British Virgin Islands 140 Saint Martin 171 Uruguay
140 Cayman Islands 140 Saint Vincent and The Grenadines 172 Bolivia
140 Cuba 140 Suriname 172 Colombia
140 Curacao 140 Trinidad and Tobago 172 Ecuador
140 Dominica 140 Turks and Caicos Islands 172 Panama
140 Dominican Republic 160 Belize 172 Peru
140 French Guiana 160 Costa Rica 172 Venezuela
140 Grenada 160 El Salvador
B - Between NA
Between Points in North America and TC1. Excludes two points within North America
North America
001 USA 006 Puerto Rico 008 Alaska
002 Canada 007 US Virgin Islands 009 Mexico
004 Hawaii
120 Greenland 140 Grenada 160 Guatemala
120 Saint Pierre and Miquelon 140 Guadeloupe 160 Honduras
160 Belize 140 Guyana 160 Nicaragua
140 Anguilla 140 Haiti 170 Falkland Islands
140 Antigua and Barbuda 140 Jamaica 170 Saint Helena
140 Aruba 140 Martinique 171 Argentina
140 Bahamas 140 Montserrat 171 Brazil
140 Barbados 140 Netherlands Antilles 171 Chile
140 Bermuda 140 Saint Kitts and Nevis 171 Paraguay
140 Bonaire 140 Saint Lucia 171 Uruguay
140 British Virgin Islands 140 Saint Martin 172 Bolivia
140 Cayman Islands 140 Saint Vincent and The Grenadines 172 Colombia
140 Cuba 140 Suriname 172 Ecuador
140 Curacao 140 Trinidad and Tobago 172 Panama
140 Dominica 140 Turks and Caicos Islands 172 Peru
140 Dominican Republic 160 Costa Rica 172 Venezuela
140 French Guiana 160 El Salvador

Version 5 Page 11

C - Intentionally
Intentionally Left Blank
Left Blank

Within North America-(US/CA/HA/PR/VI/AS/MX)

D - Within North
This is defined by ATPCO North America 000 Zone as listed below, therefore any coupon within North
America would be applicable.
001 USA 006 Puerto Rico 008 Alaska
002 Canada 007 US Virgin Islands 009 Mexico
004 Hawaii
E - Trans
This is defined by ATPCO A1 Zones and A2 Zones as listed below, therefore any coupon between
A1(PTC1) and A2(PTC2) would be applicable.
A1 defined Countries and Zones
001 USA 140 Curacao 160 Belize
002 Canada 140 Dominica 160 Costa Rica
004 Hawaii 140 Dominican Republic 160 El Salvador
006 Puerto Rico 140 French Guiana 160 Guatemala
007 US Virgin Islands 140 Grenada 160 Honduras
008 Alaska 140 Guadeloupe 160 Nicaragua
009 Mexico 140 Guyana 170 Falkland Islands
120 Greenland 140 Haiti 170 Saint Helena
120 Saint Pierre and Miquelon 140 Jamaica 171 Argentina
140 Anguilla 140 Martinique 171 Brazil
140 Antigua and Barbuda 140 Montserrat 171 Chile
140 Aruba 140 Netherlands Antilles 171 Paraguay
140 Bahamas 140 Saint Kitts and Nevis 171 Uruguay
140 Barbados 140 Saint Lucia 172 Bolivia
140 Bermuda 140 Saint Martin 172 Colombia
140 Bonaire 140 Saint Vincent and The Grenadines 172 Ecuador
140 British Virgin Islands 140 Suriname 172 Panama
140 Cayman Islands 140 Trinidad and Tobago 172 Peru
140 Cuba 140 Turks and Caicos Islands 172 Venezuela
Continues Below

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E - Trans
This is defined by ATPCO A1 Zones and A2 Zones as listed below, therefore any coupon between
A1(PTC1) and A2(PTC2) would be applicable.
A2 defined Countries and Zones
210 Albania 210 Switzerland 230 Reunion
210 Algeria 210 Tunisia 230 Rwanda
210 Andorra 210 Turkey 230 Seychelles
210 Armenia 210 Ukraine 230 Somalia
210 Austria 210 United Kingdom 230 Swaziland
210 Azerbaijan 210 Yugoslavia 231 Angola
210 Belarus 211 Gibraltar 231 Benin
211 Portugal (includes Azores and
210 Belgium Madeira) 231 Burkina Faso
210 Bosnia and Herzegovina 211 Spain (including Canary Islands) 231 Cameroon
210 Bulgaria 212 Denmark (excluding Greenland) 231 Cape Verde
210 Croatia 212 Norway 231 Central African Republic
210 Cyprus 212 Sweden 231 Chad
210 Czech Republic 220 Bahrain 231 Congo (Brazzaville)
210 Estonia 220 Egypt 231 Congo (Kinshasa)
210 Faroe Islands 220 Iran, 231 Cote d'Ivoire
210 Finland 220 Islamic Republic of Iraq 231 Equatorial Guinea
210 France 220 Israel 231 Gabon
210 Georgia 220 Jordan 231 Gambia
210 Germany 220 Kuwait 231 Ghana
210 Greece 220 Lebanon 231 Guinea
210 Hungary 220 Occupied Palestinian Territory 231 Guinea Bissau
210 Iceland 220 Oman 231 Liberia
210 Ireland 220 Qatar 231 Mali
210 Italy 220 Saudi Arabia 231 Mauritania
210 Jan Mayan Island 220 Sudan 231 Niger
210 Latvia 220 Syrian Arab Republic 231 Nigeria
210 Lithuania 220 United Arab Emirates 231 Sao Tome and Principe
210 Luxembourg 220 Yemen, Republic of 231 Senegal
210 Macedonia 230 Botswana 231 Sierra Leone
210 Republic of Malta 230 Burundi 231 Togo
210 Moldova 230 Comoros 231 Zaire
210 Republic of Monaco 230 Djibouti 232 Mozambique
210 Montenegro 230 Eritrea 232 Namibia
210 Morocco 230 Ethiopia 232 South Africa
210 Netherlands 230 Libyan Arab Jamahirija 232 Zambia
210 Poland 230 Lesotho 232 Zimbabwe
210 Romania 230 Madagascar 233 Kenya
233 Tanzania, United Republic
210 Russia 230 Malawi of
210 San Marino 230 Mauritius 233 Uganda
210 Serbia
210 Slovakia 230 Mayotte
210 Slovenia 230 Mozambique

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Within A2 (PTC2)
F - Within Area
This is defined by ATPCO A2 Zones as listed below, therefore any coupon within the A2 Zones would
be applicable to be selected.
210 Albania 210 Slovakia 230 Somalia
210 Algeria 210 Slovenia 230 Swaziland
210 Andorra 210 Switzerland 231 Angola
210 Armenia 210 Tunisia 231 Benin
210 Austria 210 Turkey 231 Burkina Faso
210 Azerbaijan 212 Sweden 231 Cameroon
210 Belarus 220 Bahrain 231 Cape Verde
210 Belgium 220 Egypt 231 Central African Republic
210 Bosnia and Herzegovina 220 Iran, 231 Chad
210 Bulgaria 220 Islamic Republic of Iraq 231 Congo (Brazzaville)
210 Croatia 220 Israel 231 Congo (Kinshasa)
210 Cyprus 220 Jordan 231 Cote d'Ivoire
210 Czech Republic 220 Kuwait 231 Equatorial Guinea
210 Estonia 220 Lebanon 231 Gabon
210 Faroe Islands 220 Occupied Palestinian Territory 231 Gambia
210 Finland 220 Oman 231 Ghana
210 France 220 Qatar 231 Guinea
210 Georgia 220 Saudi Arabia 231 Guinea Bissau
210 Germany 220 Sudan 231 Liberia
210 Greece 220 Syrian Arab Republic 231 Mali
210 Hungary 220 United Arab Emirates 231 Mauritania
210 Iceland 220 Yemen, Republic of 231 Niger
210 Ireland 230 Botswana 231 Nigeria
210 Italy 230 Burundi 231 Sao Tome and Principe
210 Jan Mayan Island 230 Comoros 231 Senegal
210 Latvia 230 Djibouti 231 Sierra-Leone
210 Lithuania 230 Eritrea 231 Togo
210 Luxembourg 230 Ethiopia 231 Zaire
210 Macedonia, 230 Libyan Arab Jamahirija 232 Mozambique
210 Republic of Malta 230 Lesotho 232 Namibia
210 Moldova, 230 Madagascar 232 South Africa
210 Republic of Monaco 230 Malawi 232 Zambia
210 Montenegro
210 Morocco 230 Mauritius 232 Zimbabwe
210 Netherlands 230 Mayotte 233 Kenya
233 Tanzania, United Republic
210 Poland 230 Mozambique of
210 Romania 230 Reunion 233 Uganda
210 Russia 230 Rwanda
210 San Marino 230 Seychelles
210 Serbia

Version 5 Page 14

G - Trans
This is defined by ATPCO A1 Zones and A3 Zones definition as listed below, therefore any coupon
between A1 and A3 would be applicable.
A1 defined zone and countries
001 USA 140 Curacao 160 Belize
002 Canada 140 Dominica 160 Costa Rica
004 Hawaii 140 Dominican Republic 160 El Salvador
006 Puerto Rico 140 French Guiana 160 Guatemala
007 US Virgin Islands 140 Grenada 160 Honduras
008 Alaska 140 Guadeloupe 160 Nicaragua
009 Mexico 140 Guyana 170 Falkland Islands
120 Greenland 140 Haiti 170 Saint Helena
120 Saint Pierre and Miquelon 140 Jamaica 171 Argentina
140 Anguilla 140 Martinique 171 Brazil
140 Antigua and Barbuda 140 Montserrat 171 Chile
140 Aruba 140 Netherlands Antilles 171 Paraguay
140 Bahamas 140 Saint Kitts and Nevis 171 Uruguay
140 Barbados 140 Saint Lucia 172 Bolivia
140 Bermuda 140 Saint Martin 172 Colombia
140 Bonaire 140 Saint Vincent and The Grenadines 172 Ecuador
140 British Virgin Islands 140 Suriname 172 Panama
140 Cayman Islands 140 Trinidad and Tobago 172 Peru
140 Cuba 140 Turks and Caicos Islands 172 Venezuela
A3 defined zones and countries
310 Japan 320 Timor Leste 340 New Caledonia
310 Korea, Democratic People’s 320 Turkmenistan
Republic of 340 New Zealand
310 Korea (Rep. Of) 320 Uzbekistan 340 Niue
320 Brunei Darussalam 320 Vietnam 340 Norfolk Island
320 Cambodia 330 Afghanistan 340 Papua New Guinea
320 China 330 Bangladesh 340 Samoa, American
320 Hong Kong SAR 330 Bhutan 340 Samoa, Western
320 Indonesia 330 India 340 Solomon Islands
320 Kazakhstan 330 Nepal 340 Tongo
320 Kyrgyzstan 330 Pakistan 340 Tuvalu
320 Laos, People's Democratic 330 Maldives
Republic of 340 Vanuatu
320 Macau SAR 330 Sri Lanka 340 Wallis and Futuna Islands
320 Malaysia 340 Australia 350 Canton (Phoenix Island)
320 Mongolia 340 Christmas Islands 360 Russia (east of the Urals)
320 Myanmar 370 Micronesia/Caroline
340 Cocos (Keeling) Islands Islands
320 Philippines 340 Cook Islands 370 Johnston Island
320 Singapore 370 Mariana Islands (including
340 Fiji Guam)
320 Taiwan, Province of 340 French Polynesia 370 Marshall Islands
320 Tajikistan 340 Kiribati 370 Palau
320 Thailand 340 Nauru 370 Wake Island

Version 5 Page 15

Within A3(PTC3)
H - Within Area
This is defined by ATPCO A3 Zones as listed below, therefore any coupon within the A3 Zones would
be applicable to be selected.
310 Japan 320 Timor Leste 340 New Caledonia
310 Korea, Democratic People’s
Republic of 320 Turkmenistan 340 New Zealand
310 Korea (Rep. Of) 320 Uzbekistan 340 Niue
320 Brunei Darussalam 320 Vietnam 340 Norfolk Island
320 Cambodia 330 Afghanistan 340 Papua New Guinea
320 China 330 Bangladesh 340 Samoa, American
320 Hong Kong SAR 330 Bhutan 340 Samoa, Western
320 Indonesia 330 India 340 Solomon Islands
320 Kazakhstan 330 Nepal 340 Tongo
320 Kyrgyzstan 330 Pakistan 340 Tuvalu
320 Laos, People's Democratic 330 Maldives 340 Vanuatu
Republic of
320 Macau SAR 330 Sri Lanka 340 Wallis and Futuna Islands
320 Malaysia 340 Australia 350 Canton (Phoenix Island)
320 Mongolia 340 Christmas Islands 360 Russia (east of the Urals)
320 Myanmar 340 Cocos (Keeling) Islands 370 Micronesia/Caroline
320 Philippines 340 Cook Islands 370 Johnston Island
320 Singapore 340 Fiji 370 Mariana Islands (including
320 Taiwan, Province of 340 French Polynesia 370 Marshall Islands
320 Tajikistan 340 Kiribati 370 Palau
320 Thailand 340 Nauru 370 Wake Island

Version 5 Page 16

I - Between Between A2(PTC 2) and A3 (PTC3)

Area 2 and 3 This is defined by ATPCO A2 Zones and A3 Zones definition as listed below, therefore any coupon
between A2 and A3 would be applicable.
A2 defined zones and countries
210 Albania 210 Switzerland 230 Reunion
210 Algeria 210 Tunisia 230 Rwanda
210 Andorra 210 Turkey 230 Seychelles
210 Armenia 210 Ukraine 230 Somalia
210 Austria 210 United Kingdom 230 Swaziland
210 Azerbaijan 210 Yugoslavia 231 Angola
210 Belarus 211 Gibraltar 231 Benin
210 Belgium 211 Portugal (includes Azores and 231 Burkina Faso
210 Bosnia and Herzegovina 211 Spain (including Canary Islands) 231 Cameroon
210 Bulgaria 212 Denmark (excluding Greenland) 231 Cape Verde
210 Croatia 212 Norway 231 Central African Republic
210 Cyprus 212 Sweden 231 Chad
210 Czech Republic 220 Bahrain 231 Congo (Brazzaville)
210 Estonia 220 Egypt 231 Congo (Kinshasa)
210 Faroe Islands 220 Iran, 231 Cote d'Ivoire
210 Finland 220 Islamic Republic of Iraq 231 Equatorial Guinea
210 France 220 Israel 231 Gabon
210 Georgia 220 Jordan 231 Gambia
210 Germany 220 Kuwait 231 Ghana
210 Greece 220 Lebanon 231 Guinea
210 Hungary 220 Occupied Palestinian Territory 231 Guinea Bissau
210 Iceland 220 Oman 231 Liberia
210 Ireland 220 Qatar 231 Mali
210 Italy 220 Saudi Arabia 231 Mauritania
210 Jan Mayan Island 220 Sudan 231 Niger
210 Latvia 220 Syrian Arab Republic 231 Nigeria
210 Lithuania 220 United Arab Emirates 231 Sao Tome and Principe
210 Luxembourg 220 Yemen, Republic of 231 Senegal
210 Macedonia, 230 Botswana 231 Sierra-Leone
210 Republic of Malta 230 Burundi 231 Togo
210 Moldova, 230 Comoros 231 Zaire
210 Republic of Monaco 230 Djibouti 232 Mozambique
210 Montenegro 230 Eritrea 232 Namibia
210 Morocco
210 Netherlands 230 Ethiopia 232 South Africa
210 Poland 230 Libyan Arab Jamahirija 232 Zambia
210 Romania 230 Lesotho 232 Zimbabwe
210 Russia 230 Madagascar 233 Kenya
210 San Marino 230 Malawi 233 Tanzania, United Republic
210 Serbia 230 Mauritius 233 Uganda
210 Slovakia 230 Mayotte
210 Slovenia 230 Mozambique
Continues Below

Version 5 Page 17

Between A2(PTC 2) and A3 (PTC3)

I - Between
This is defined by ATPCO A2 Zones and A3 Zones definition as listed below, therefore any coupon
Area 2 and 3
between A2 and A3 would be applicable.
A3 defined zones and countries
310 Japan 320 Timor Leste 340 New Caledonia
310 Korea, Democratic People’s
Republic of 320 Turkmenistan 340 New Zealand
310 Korea (Rep. Of) 320 Uzbekistan 340 Niue
320 Brunei Darussalam 320 Vietnam 340 Norfolk Island
320 Cambodia 330 Afghanistan 340 Papua New Guinea
320 China 330 Bangladesh 340 Samoa, American
320 Hong Kong SAR 330 Bhutan 340 Samoa, Western
320 Indonesia 330 India 340 Solomon Islands
320 Kazakhstan 330 Nepal 340 Tongo
320 Kyrgyzstan 330 Pakistan 340 Tuvalu
320 Laos, People's Democratic 330 Maldives 340 Vanuatu
Republic of
320 Macau SAR 330 Sri Lanka 340 Wallis and Futuna Islands
320 Malaysia 340 Australia 350 Canton (Phoenix Island)
320 Mongolia 340 Christmas Islands 360 Russia (east of the Urals)
320 Myanmar 340 Cocos (Keeling) Islands 370 Micronesia/Caroline
320 Philippines 340 Cook Islands 370 Johnston Island
320 Singapore 340 Fiji 370 Mariana Islands (including
320 Taiwan, Province of 340 French Polynesia 370 Marshall Islands
320 Tajikistan 340 Kiribati 370 Palau
320 Thailand 340 Nauru 370 Wake Island
J - Others OTHER

Version 5 Page 18

The below named Airline hereby submits its application to become a Party to, and to be bound by, the
terms and conditions of the Multilateral Involuntary Reroute Settlement Agreement as of the effective date
listed below.

Effective Date: ____________________________________

Name of Airline:


Typed Name:

Title of Signer:

All notices, including mail vote materials, shall be sent by Airlines Clearing House to the below named

Individual Name:




Once signed, this Application for Participation and the Multilateral Involuntary Reroute Settlement
Agreement shall be returned to:

Airlines Clearing House

Attention: Secretary Treasurer
1275 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W., Suite 1300
Washington, DC 20004
phone: 202-626-4144
fax: 202-626-4065

Upon receipt and acceptance, Airlines Clearing House shall notify all current signatories of the Multilateral
Involuntary Reroute Settlement Agreement of applicant’s effective date of participation.

Version 5 Page 19

Intentionally Left Blank

Version 5 Page 20

The below named Airlines agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the Multilateral Involuntary
Reroute Settlement Agreement as of the effective date as listed below.

For passenger tickets the effective date below refers to the date of issue and for FIMs the effective date
refers to the original invoice month.

Effective Date: ____________________________________

Name of Airline:


Typed Name:

Title of Signer:

Concurring with:

Name of Airline:


Typed Name:

Title of Signer:

Once signed by both Parties, this Concurrence Agreement shall be returned to:

Airlines Clearing House

Attention: Secretary Treasurer
1275 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W., Suite 1300
Washington, DC 20004
phone: 202-626-4144
fax: 202-626-4065

Version 5 Page 21

Intentionally Left Blank

Version 5 Page 22

The below named airline has agreed to become a Survey Participant and hereby authorizes ATPCO to
include its ISR sales data in the Multilateral Involuntary Reroute Settlement calculation process. Survey
Participant acknowledges that its applicable sales data will be forwarded to the Neutral Prorate Provider
and that the Neutral Prorate Provider shall use such data solely for the purposes as provided for in this
Agreement, and that it shall not disclose such data to any other person or entity without express written
consent from ATPCO and Survey Participant.

Survey Participant acknowledges that it shall work directly with ATPCO to establish any necessary
filtering of its ISR sales data to ensure exclusion of non-passenger ticket sales data (e.g. EMD, Excess
Baggage, etc.)

Effective Date: ____________________________________

Name of Airline:


Typed Name:

Title of Signer:

Once signed, this Sales Data Authorization form shall be returned to:

Airlines Clearing House

Attention: Secretary Treasurer
1275 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W., Suite 1300
Washington, DC 20004
phone: 202-626-4144
fax: 202-626-4065

Upon receipt, Airlines Clearing House shall direct ATPCO to include Survey Participant’s sales
transactions in the file sent to the NFP provider beginning with the first day of the next month, provided
such notice to ATPCO provides a minimum of 14 calendar days advance notice. In the event the first day
of the next month is less than 14 calendar days from the date received by the Airlines Clearing House,
sales will be sent to the NFP provider beginning on the first day of the month thereafter.

Version 5 Page 23

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