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Coursework Assignment

6E6Z2102 Mechanical Engineering Design

This is a REASSESSMENT assignment for students on Level 6 (third year) of the following courses:

 BEng & MEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering

We hope that you enjoy doing this assignment. It is an opportunity for you to demonstrate how well
you can communicate your understanding of engineering/design.

The Moodle Support Page includes the support video, submission details and dropbox and the latest
version of this document.

Lead Assessor: Steve Poole

Technical Support: N/A


Background ......................................................................................................................................... 2
Project Content & Activities ................................................................................................................ 3
Workflow................................................................................................................................................. 3
Assessment ............................................................................................................................................. 5
Formative Feedback ............................................................................................................................ 5
What is being assessed? ..................................................................................................................... 5
Assessment Grading Criteria ............................................................................................................... 6
Re-assessment ........................................................................................................................................ 7

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Coursework Assignment
6E6Z2102 Mechanical Engineering Design



Drill powered pumps are commonly available in DIY stores. They are simple mass-produced items
costing around £10-15 and they are typically used for emptying ponds etc. An example can be seen

Because they are so cheap, there is a proposal to make them available in less-developed-countries
for use in crop irrigation. However, electric drills will not be available in these locations – hence the
pumps are to have additional components manufactured such that they can be powered by humans.

In addition to being human-powered, the pump must be portable so that it can be easily carried to
different locations: aim for it to fit into a medium sized rucksack. Also note that bicycles cannot be
guaranteed to be available so your design must not use the drive from a bicycle.

Your task is to take a drill pump and design the necessary additions that will enable it to be human-
powered. The pump itself must not be altered in any way, except for the addition of a flat on the
drive shaft (Ø6mm x 17mm long) to facilitate coupling. The main problem is that the pump operates
at a speed of approximately 1500rpm which is clearly far faster than could be achieved without
gears or chains or belts.

You will have to make some basic calculations (for example, to determine the size of power
transmission components and bearings) but you do not need to discuss the advantages of
gears/chains/belts etc




 Based on the fundamental design brief as described above, explore the fundamental
methods of driving the drill pump using human power
 Record your work in the form of sketches with annotations to explain key points
 Aim for at least FOUR fundamental concepts of operation


 Take the most promising concept and use it to create a complete detailed design
 Illustrate this final design on a large GA Drawing sheet (you are likely to need A0 or A1 size)
 This is a critical submission that must fully illustrate your final design

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Coursework Assignment
6E6Z2102 Mechanical Engineering Design

 Include an appropriate mix of overall pictorial images, orthographic projections, section

views, detail views, exploded views etc
 Also submit detailed part drawings of THREE of your main components
 In the part drawings, include all dimensions and tolerances and material of manufacture –
sufficient detail for a workshop to actually make the component)


 Make calculations to show that a) the final design should fundamentally work and b) key
elements are not over-stressed. Add brief text to explain each calculation and the
conclusion it enables
 You may use hand-calcs and/or FEA validated by hand-calcs.
 Focus on proving the concept using fundamental equations e.g. balancing forces/torques

 Assume that the components will be manufactured/assembled in batches of a few thousand
in the UK and you should design for this scenario.
 There is clear benefit in low-cost manufacture and simplicity of operation so that
maintenance is straightforward
 This is an individual project. All the work submitted must be your own

1. Research the task 2. Sketch out conceptual design
• Gather images of relevant existing products options
• Make preliminary calculations • Aim for around 4 fundamentally different
• This research needs to be done so that you are concepts (eg hand-powered, foot-powered,
aware of the context but note that it does NOT rotary motion, reciprocating motion etc)
need to be included in the report • Annotate the sketches
• Briefly list pros/cons and add to the report

3. Develop your preferred concept 4. Complete detail design features

into a complete design • 3 x part drawings
• Design ALL parts. • Verify design via calculations
• Assemble and create a detailed GA drawing; • Include in the report
this is a vitally important feature of your
whole submission
• Include in the report

Plan a realistic schedule of work to complete this assignment on time and to a high standard.

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Coursework Assignment
6E6Z2102 Mechanical Engineering Design


You are encouraged to use Solidworks for your final design, but it is not compulsory and it is the
content of your engineering drawings that will be assessed – not the method you have used to make
them. Therefore, alternative CAD software can be used or even hand-drawings, but remember that
the final design drawings (the GA and the part drawings) must be fully detailed and drawn using
internationally recognised standards (i.e. BS8888).

This assignment is for 70% of your unit mark, and we expect you to spend up to 50 hours on it, in
total. Individual report lengths will vary (depending, for example, on the size of concept sketches)
but the following is a guide: reporting on the research: 2-3pages; PDS: 1-2pages; concept sketches:
3-4pages; calcs: 2-3pages; drawings on large sheets as appropriate.

The Assignment Support video will talk you through the workflow and help guide your plan for

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Coursework Assignment
6E6Z2102 Mechanical Engineering Design

Formative Feedback
Members of the teaching team and will answer queries about the assignment during the timetabled
Workshop classes. Advice given during these sessions and feedback on any work you present will not
count towards your final grade.

Outside timetable sessions, please email questions to the Teaching Team, the
Support Tutors or your Personal Tutor. The teaching team will not use their office
hours to provide one-to-one or small group assignment support, but a selection
of emailed questions, and questions asked during the timetabled classes will be
added to the unit Teams chat page.

What is being assessed?

Learning outcomes Evidence
Unit Learning 1. Formulate a specification for the Report & CAD model
Outcomes given engineering problem
2. Use standards, databases, codes
and a variety of other technical
literature to inform design
solutions and materials selection
3. apply the design process and
employ design management
techniques to establish a
specification that matches
customer requirements

Assessment Apply skills of critical analysis to real world situations within a defined range of
Criteria contexts
Find, evaluate, synthesise and use information from a variety of sources
Articulate an awareness of the social and community contexts within their disciplinary

To pass this assessment you have to fully achieve the unit learning outcomes by completing all the
tasks and submitting the two deliverables to an adequate standard.

Your grade will be determined by how well you meet the assessment criteria (see the detailed
grading criteria for this assignment, below).

This assignment will be marked out of 100.

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Coursework Assignment
6E6Z2102 Mechanical Engineering Design

Assessment Grading Criteria

Apply skills of critical analysis to real Find, evaluate, synthesise and use Articulate an awareness of the social
world situations within a defined information from a variety of sources and community contexts within their
range of contexts disciplinary field

Grade 60% 20% 20%

86%- Problems are evaluated and solved An innovative project is designed, Original insights are brought to the
100% with original and insightful reference planned and carried out meticulously analysis of the social and community
to theory and practice to gather relevant information from contexts of their discipline with
an appropriate range of primary and respect to their own work
secondary sources. The limits of
established knowledge are challenged
in considering the results and/or

70%-85% Problems are evaluated and solved An innovative project is designed, The analysis of the social and
with insightful critical reference to planned and carried out meticulously community contexts of their
theory and practice to gather relevant information from discipline with respect to their own
an appropriate range of primary and work is meticulous.
secondary sources. Critical insight is
brought to the analysis.

60%-69% Problems are analysed and solved A project is designed, planned and The social and community contexts of
with clear critical reference to theory carried out thoroughly to gather their discipline are critically reviewed
and practice relevant information from an with respect to their own work
appropriate range of primary and
secondary sources. Results and/or
outcomes are evaluated thoroughly
and critically.

50%-59% Problems are analysed and solved A project is designed, planned and The social and community contexts of
with reference to theory and practice carried out accurately using an the discipline are evaluated in
appropriate range of primary and drawing conclusions and making
secondary sources. The results and/or recommendations
outcomes are evaluated carefully.

40%-49% Problems are solved with some A project is designed, planned and The social and community contexts of
reference to theory and practice and carried out using an appropriate the discipline are considered in
with evidence of some critical range of primary and secondary drawing conclusions and making
reflection. As a minimum, a design is sources. The results and/or outcomes recommendations. The design
illustrated via CAD assembly and part are evaluated accurately. Research proposed must meet the requirement
drawings that could be realistically and planning has been carried out of zero energy consumption and user
manufactured, and result in a such that a practical product design safety.
workable solution to the spec is articulated.
35%-39% Problems are approached haltingly or A project is inadequately designed, The social and community aspects of
uncritically planned and carried out using an the discipline are referred to in very
inappropriate range of primary and basic terms when drawing
secondary sources. The results and/or conclusions and making
outcomes are partially evaluated. recommendations

20%-34% Problems are approached with little A project is badly designed, planned The social and community aspects of
reference to theory or practice and carried out using an the discipline are not mentioned or
inappropriate range of primary and have erroneous reference made to
secondary sources, with very limited them when drawing conclusions and
evaluation of the results and/or making recommendations

0%-19% Problems are approached with no or A project is very badly designed, No or very little evidence of referral
almost no reference to theory or planned and carried out using to the social and community aspects
practice inappropriate sources. Evaluation of of the discipline; little or no evidence
the results and/or outcomes is wrong of using them to draw conclusions
or unacceptable. and make recommendations

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Coursework Assignment
6E6Z2102 Mechanical Engineering Design

Note that opportunities to repeat assignments are not automatically provided, and when they are,
the marks obtained may be capped. For more information about the regulations, please contact the
Student Hub.

If you think you are at risk of failing this assignment, please seek advice as soon as possible form
your Personal Tutor or the Support Tutors – with enough notice, there are many ways in which we
can support you and help you to get back on track.

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