A Fisful of Feathers - Booklet
A Fisful of Feathers - Booklet
A Fisful of Feathers - Booklet
A Fistful
Worth a small fortune to the nobility.
And so it begins… In addition: normally. Any subsequent feathers are
considered separate, bulky items.
Relic: Reciprocal Mushrooms, 2 uses.
Communicate psychically with whoever
A decree from the court of King Leopold II: You (or the party as a whole) may have Each slot of feathers successfully returned to shares a meal to which these have been
further motivations of your own (Roll d6). the royal palace is worth 4d10 GP. added, lasts for 1 day.
“His highness desires the softest and most Feathers sold to an intermediary merchant Relic: Willow Honey, 3 uses. Share your
comfortable bed in all the land. Such that he may Progression within the Mattress (likely to be cut with other feathers of lower senses with whoever last held the honey
be well rested and refreshed to strategize on The 1 Makers and Taxidermists Guild ("en quality) are worth 4d6 GP per slot. close to them.
Numerous Perils Afflicting The Kingdom” stuffen, lucre")
• The Warden can rule whether a party Tentacles (d8 dual) 3 Stone suddenly shifts (roll DEX to
reaches the precise destination they are • As an action, can spray putrid slime avoid 1d6 damage)
aiming for, or arrives somewhere else. • Critical: drags target below surface 4 Disturb 1d6 skeletons, each with 2d6
2d4 Rival Feather Hunters[4 HP] GP in broken weapons and grave
Random Encounters 3 11 STR, 11 DEX, 11 WIL, goods
Assorted cheap weaponry (d6) 5 Jade goose statuette worth 10 GP
• Encounters occur on a 2-in-6, rolled
once per day, or twice if the party is
• Hate the swamp 6 Clay pot containing 6d6 GP
F: The Lilac Meadow
• Greedy for loot A large, natural meadow with no trees. There
creating a disturbance (for example if
foraging). 7 Spell: Featherfall. 50 lbs of feathers are many scattered lilac bushes and a pair of
Marsh Gas [N/A]
4 Explodes (d10 blast)
drops on the target, vanishes after 10
small springs with water pools.
• Re-roll duplicate encounters if they do • Can be ignited by a naked flame Grazing sheep are visible amongst the
not make narrative sense. • Flames will glow blue for 2d12 8 Relic: Golden Egg, 2 charges. Charm a bushes. They have the appearance of normal
seconds before ignition. target who understands the value of sheep but seem to be around the size of cats.
• Additional rewards for party members gold. Recharge: Eat one hundred Approximately 30ft from the treeline, a ring
can be found at the end of this
adventure. 5 Villager Remains [N/A]
Corpse hides a small scorpion (d4)
boiled eggs. of small white mushrooms hiding amongst
the grass marks the boundary of a fey circle.
• Pouch with 2d6 GP Ancient Skeleton[5 HP]
9 STR, 9 DEX, 9 WIL, Crossing the circle during the day traps the
• Gold wedding trespasser until moonlight next shines upon
band inscribed with Bony hands/broken weapons (d6)
• Does not roll for morale the meadow. It also reveals the illusory
the name ‘Emily’, lensing magic at work, as the sheep are in
worth 15GP. • Understands only ancient language
fact the size of small elephants (and roughly
as dangerous).
Ways to escape the circle early include:
• Being carried by (or clinging to) a giant
sheep (who are not affected by the
• Answering the fey riddle correctly
(audible as a whisper that grows louder
the more you try to escape)
E: Stemwright Stones • “Runs like water, pale like the moon, when
you’re born you’ll see it soon!” (Answer:
A circle of vertical menhirs around a central, Milk)
horizontal altar. All the stones are huge and
There are carvings on the inner surface of
the stones (facing towards the altar)
Some depict feats of strength carried out by
worshippers here (rolling boulders,
wrestling, human pyramids, breaking rocks
with their bare hands).
Points of Interest and forest dwellers alike. This material is
known as quickmud. Signs of its presence: 6 Lost Treasure Chest [N/A]
• Well-made of foreign wood, and
Old Growth (1d6)
A: Ganderlook Village • Utterly smooth, consistent surface. locked.
Giant Arboreal Goose[13 HP]
• Contains 5d6 GP. If you roll a 12 STR, 15 DEX, 11 WIL,
Until recent developments occurred, this • Trails that end suddenly. double it also contains a spell, or a relic Great beak (d10)
was a poor but stable community subsisting • Fruit and berries that are seemingly on a triple (see Rewards). • Has become separated from the
on fishing and a little tree-felling. Since the accessible but remain unpicked. flock and is unhappy about it
royal decree, an influx of coin from the
feather hunters has divided opinion. Disturbing the surface tension of the mud
will cause it to collapse beneath you. The
New Forest (1d6) • Sufficiently powerful to cause
damage by accident or in panic.
The only tavern is the Golden Goose, Warden should roll a d12 to determine the
although the only thing golden about it is the 1 Debris Elemental [10 HP, 1 armour]
1d3 Honey-Mad Bears [7 HP]
elderly retriever dog watching the procession
depth in feet before you touch solid ground.
Swinging from ropes, very wide rafts, stilts
14 STR, 7 DEX, 5 WIL,
Entropic wave (d8 blast) 2 12 STR, 11 DEX, 8 WIL,
of overconfident newcomers from his bed on • An agglomerated mass of stones, Teeth and claws (d8 dual)
the front porch. and building bridges or mats from nearby
vegetation are all local methods employed to pine needles, fallen branches and dirt. • Driven mad by honey rich in
Rumours cross quickmud. • Seeks a worthy master (who magical willow pollen (see Point G)
respects the forest and its history). • Currently experiencing the shared
Generate by rolling 1d6 (1 = false, 2-4 = partly senses of a swarm of bees
true, 5-6 = true) and rolling 1d20 to provide C: Fingerbend Ferry • Critical: Attempts to sting using tail
2d6 Forest Goblins [4 HP]
the subject (see table below). A single rusty iron chain crosses above the
River Egg. There are ruins of wooden
2 8 STR, 12 DEX, 8 WIL,
1d6 Rival Feather Hunters[6 HP,
1-4 Roll 1d6 on Huskamolt Swamp
structures at either end.
Wooden spears (d6)
• Engaged in a raucous festival of fire
3 1 Armour]
Pulled up on the western bank, a decrepit, • Will trade magic for magic 13 STR, 13 DEX, 13 WIL,
5-8 Roll 1d6 on New Forest encounters. flat-bottomed ferry boat was clearly once Stolen weapons of fine quality (d10)
9-12 Roll 1d6 on Old Growth encounters. attached to the chain by some means. If not 1d8 Rival Feather Hunters[5 HP] • Eager to return home.
13 Method to escape quickmud (Point B)
repaired, it will have a slow leak. 3 12 STR, 12 DEX, 12 WIL, • They bear the weight of many
Within the water lurks Old One Eye, a Re-appropriated militia weapons (d8) feathers, and what they did to obtain
14 The danger of Old One Eye (Point C) crocodile of prodigious size. She will be • Paranoid of the forest’s secrets them.
disturbed by movement of the water, but can • Tired but determined
15 The rewards and risks of the collapsed perceive little beyond it. 4 2d6 Spore Servants[5 HP]
barrows (Point D) 10 STR,9 DEX, 6 WIL,
Old One Eye [9 HP] 4 2d6 Fairies [2 HP]
3 STR, 16 DEX, 16 WIL, Sticks and rocks (d6)
16 The history of the Stemwright Stone 15 STR, 10 DEX, 8 WIL, • Do not make morale rolls
Mighty bite (d10) • Know forest secrets.
Cult (Point E) • Can fly like a small bird. • Serve the ineffable whims of the
• Looks like an old log in the water Eukaryotic Collective (Point H)
17 The answer to the riddle of the Lilac • Critical: ‘Death roll’ - pulls victim • Will quickly spread word of harm
Meadow (Point F) against them, if any escape. • Critical: Return target to the
underwater and rolls on top of them collective for composting
18 A tale of the dangers implicit in Ripper Swarm [10 HP]
gathering honey from Bumblebee Lake
(Point G)
5 7 STR, 12 DEX, 5 WIL, 5 1d4 Giant Weasels [6 HP]
Bites and stings (d4 blast) 10 STR,13 DEX, 9 WIL,
• Will disperse if their hive (in an old Teeth and Claws (d8)
19 A whispered warning that the log) is destroyed. • Eager for goose eggs
Eukaryotic Collective can perceive you • Surprisingly intelligent
everywhere (Point H) • Will otherwise relentlessly pursue
the party for half a mile.
20 A secret song that will render the 6 Dead Goose [N/A]
Arboreal Geese temporarily peaceful Standing Stone[N/A] A bounty from above for all scavengers
and compliant (Point I) 6 An isolated, ancient place of power, that dwell within the forest.
depicting the richness and bounty of • May be plucked for feathers
B: Quickmud Expanse the forest via crude runes. • Will attract others whilst plucking
is underway
The River Egg’s course is unclear, diverging D: The Scattered Barrows • Is already cracked and can be
smashed. Whoever does so will gain a
through pools and small islands. Until recently, this was a series of burial single re-roll of any die for the next
True tree cover is intermittent, but tall banks mounds dug into the hillside. However, a month, but will earn the forest’s ire.
of reeds and misty weather keep horizon recent landslip has scattered them across a • Offering food at the altar will
blurry. wide area, mixing their contents with dirt duplicate it overnight.
Within this space, some sections of mud are and toppled trees.
particularly treachorous, and claim villagers A copper bracelet (5 GP) glints with the dew
A Map of the Downfall Forest