Chandrabali Saha - 21pgdm027 - HRM
Chandrabali Saha - 21pgdm027 - HRM
Chandrabali Saha - 21pgdm027 - HRM
Q1 ) team incentive programmes are rewards given to teams for achieving extraordinary results. It is generally to
facilitate teamwork within the context of the company's wider picture.
Although individual incentive systems have been shown to boost performance, there have been some doubts raised.
These initiatives, in particular, may lead to employees competing with one another, which might have negative
consequences. For example, commission-based department store salesmen may compete over consumers, driving
them away. Customers, after all, don't care who they deal with as long as the service is good. Finally, a culture of
trust and cooperation is required for these programmes to be successful.
Many businesses have turned to group or organisational incentive plans to address some of these issues. At least
some of an employee's compensation is based on the performance of the group or organisation. Employees are so
encouraged to collaborate with one another and with management.
For the sales team to meet a specified goal: It is critical for the sales team to collaborate because this will increase
the chances of converting prospects into sales numbers. As a result, each individual will assist the others in achieving
the collective number. If this had been an individual compensation scheme in any case, there would be competition
among them, and they would try to limit each other's prospects.
For the marketing team putting together a campaign: It is always a challenge. No individual can create any marketing
campaign on its own. If they are rewarded as individuals, then there will be a divide in the team and everybody will
not be giving their 100% everytime.
Departmental teams in banks – Banks have various departments like loan disbursements department, retail banking
departments etc. Team incentives can be given to such departments wherein the seniors and juniors work as a unit
to increase the performance of departments.
Teams working for a project in construction companies – In construction companies like L&T, work comes in the
form of different projects like highway construction, water tank construction etc. A project manager and his entire
team is assigned for the completion of the specific projects. Team incentives can be used to boost the performance
and timely completion of such projects.
Q2) Kirkpatrick Taxonomy is one of the most widely used methods for evaluating the effectiveness of
corporate training programs. Developed and designed by Don Kirkpatrick, the framework offers a
comprehensive four-level strategy to evaluate the effectiveness of any training course or program
Organizations use the following methods to determine training outcomes in order to assess the efficacy of a
training programme:
1.Reaction - This is the point at which we assess how the participants reacted to the training. We can ask participants
to complete a short survey or feedback forms and measure their reactions to training to see if the conditions for
learning were present. The effectiveness of reaction is influenced by the learners' thoughts and feelings about the
instruction they have completed.
2.Learning - The goal of the second step is to figure out what the participants took away from the training. Practical
assessments or brief quizzes are commonly used to check this before and after training. In learning, the effectiveness
is determined by how effectively learners have retained the knowledge imparted by the instruction.
3.Behaviour is the third method - This is the stage that occurs after the training has been completed. At this point,
you're trying to see if the participants have used what they've learnt in their jobs. This can be accomplished by
having participants complete self-assessments or by having their supervisor assess them formally.the effectiveness
of behaviour is determined by how successfully the learner has been able to put the knowledge into practise.
4.The fourth method is results In the final stage, you must assess if the training met the expectations of the
stakeholders by calculating the return on expectations, commonly known as ROE.-.the efficacy of the training is
measured in terms of the overall impact it has had on the participants.
5.return on investments -measures the monetary value of the programs and costs of the results
Q3 ) Integration of diverse workforce is a real challenge for the current day HR’s especially in multinational
company. Diverse viewpoints, attitudes, and ideas are beneficial to innovation, yet they also stymie decision-making
and movement toward goals. In a meeting, for example, a team member who questions the status quo may raise a
crucial point that has to be discussed. When a team becomes more diverse, it's probable that biases, discrimination,
and harassment will become more prevalent. Percentage of Indian workers who have witnessed or experienced
workplace discrimination based on age, colour, gender, or LGBTQ+ identity. This can prevent employees from
bringing their true self to work, stifling innovation, creativity, and collaboration.
Amazon has a very severe problem of maintain gender balance in their workforce in India. On the surface, Amazon's
diversity numbers appear to be better than those of most other tech behemoths: In 2019, 26.5 percent of employees
are female. However, the majority of female workers in Amazon's lower-paying front-line workforce — the hundreds
of thousands of workers who select, pack, and ship items out of Amazon warehouses and, in some circumstances,
deliver them to customers' doors — are female. (Since 2016, Amazon hasn't disclosed data on the gender split
between its corporate and front-line workforces.). This problem keeps on increasing since Amazon India is not keen
enough to promote their female workforce.
Uber is another company which is facing diversity issues. According to Uber's most recent diversity report, the
company is largely white (44.7%) and Asian (33%) like many other organistations. Uber has a 9.3% black and 8.3%
Latinx population in 2019, up from 8.1 percent black and 6.1 percent Latinx in 2018. Gusto, on the other hand, has
not made a diversity report public. It is also reported Uber has a very narrow diversity ratio in case of gender. The
company is mostly male dominated and thus provide very little scope of moving up through the corporate ladder for
TCS can try the following ways to integrate its diverse workforce,
Discussion circles to support women through major life stages, re-orientation programmes to re-connect
employees after long periods away, interactions with inspirational women leaders, and special leadership
development programmes to address women's needs and aspirations, learning modules to equip mid-level
Acknowledging Differences : It’s necessary to admit that people are different from one another, whether it
be race, gender, religion or even personality and management style. The company should follow this notion
and try not to include people by force.
Offering Implicit Bias Training : No matter how open and bias-free the company is, judgments are often
engrained because of socialization and life experiences. Implicit bias training helps create a safe place to
raise awareness of unconscious attitudes, and teaches tools to help change behaviours.
Providing Mentors : Connecting underrepresented employees with internal and external mentors in their
group to provide support and promote growth. This will encourage participation in appropriate professional
Let People Learn by Doing : People should be more encouraged to take up job responsibilities of their choice
which will ensure that they became more open minded in their workspace and will increase inter and intra
departmental coordination thus giving rise to integrity.
Encourage Personal Evaluation : In executive training, TCS can ask people to look at their LinkedIn network
or Facebook friends and calculate the overall diversity which will open up their mind
inclination and aspiration: Today's employees are more aware of their professional path and objectives and
have an intrinsic desire to make an impact. Companies must feed these desires while balancing employee
interests, empowering people with new skills, and reorganising job positions.
Q4 ) After reviewing the applicants resumes the managers turns to selecting the best candidate for the job . this
usually means using the screening tools ( tests, assessment centers ,interviews and background and reference checks
screening of the applicants is the first step in selection. Initial screening is done in this step and all the undesirable
applicants are weeded out. This interview is generally conducted by lower level executives. It is a very important step
as it shifts out all the unqualified, not desirable applicants and the HR manager can then concentrate on the other
applicants without wasting time.
A test or a screening tool is basically a sample of a person’s behaviour . Any test or a screening tool has two
important characteristics reliability and validty .
Validity tells us whether the test is measuring whats its supposed to measure.
Types of tests
Cognitive abilities includes test of general reasoning abilities and tests of specific mental abilities like memory and
inductive reasoning .
b) aptitude tests -They test an individual’s capacity to learn a particular skill. There are mainly two types of aptitude
tests. Cognitive tests which measure intellectual, mental aptitudes. The second one is called motor tests which check
the hand – eye coordination of employees.
Test of motor and physical abilities -motor abilities such as figure dexterity , manual dexterity and reaction time .
tests of physical abilities might also be required such as static strength , body stamina , body coordination , dynamic
strength .
Measuring personality and interests - Personality tests are aimed at finding out emotional balance, maturity,
temperament, etc., of the candidate. It is very difficult to design and use these tests as they are concerned with
discovering clues to an individual’s emotional reactions, maturity, etc. Personality tests have disadvantage in the
sense that they can be faked by sophisticated candidates and most candidates give socially acceptable answers.
Further, personality tests may not successfully predict job success
Achievement tests - The candidate’s achievement in his career is tested regarding his knowledge about the job and
actual work experience. These tests are more useful to measure the value of specific achievement when an
organization wishes to employ experienced candidates.
Using analytics machine learning and artificial intelligence in employee selection – using statistical techniques such
as talent analytics , algorithms .
Work sampling for job tasks - Under this test a portion of the actual work is given to the candidate as a test and the
candidate is asked to do it. If a candidate applies for a post of a lecturer in Management, he may be asked to deliver
a lecture on Management Information System as work sample test.
Situational judgement tests - These tests evaluate a candidate in a similar real life situation. In these tests, the
candidate is asked either to cope with the situation or to solve critical situations of the job. Eg like group discussions ,
interest test , proficiency tests etc
Management assessment centre – 2 to 3 days stimulation in which 10 to 15 employees performs real life tasks
which includes in baslet , management games , oral presentations .
4. Selection Interview:
Interview serves as a means of checking the information given in the application forms and the tests results. It also
provides an opportunity to the candidates to enquire about the job during interview. Managers get an opportunity
to take a decision about their suitability for employment.
5. Checking References:
References are generally required to enquire about the conduct of those candidates who have been found suitable
in the interviews and tests. References can be collected from the previous employers, colleges last attended or from
any other reliable source
6. Medical Examination:
A physical examination of the potential employee is necessary for the company, to protect itself against the risk of
claims for compensation from individuals who are afflicted with disabilities. The medical examination should be both
general and thorough.
7. Final Approval:
After a candidate has cleared all the hurdles in the selection procedure, he is formally appointed by issuing him an
appointment letter or by making a service agreement with him
Q5) Performance evaluation is a component of performance management, which is a multi-step process of aligning
employees' work behaviours with the organization's strategy and goals. It's a mechanism for putting strategic plans
into action and achieving continuous improvement at all levels of a company. Performance management is a
collaborative process in which both the supervisor and the employee set common goals that are linked to the
organization's overall goal. The mission, objectives, and performance standards required of employees are laid forth
at the commencement metrics.
I will advocate the MBO (Management by Objectives) performance appraisal as the HR of this small BFSI firm where
all of the staff are knowledge workers with 5 to 10 years of experience.
Management by objectives (MBO) is a way of evaluation in which management and employees create, plan, plan,
and communicate goals that must be prioritised through time. Following the establishment of clear goals,
management and subordinates meet on a regular basis to discuss and debate the progress made in managing those
This performance appraisal method is used to match the organisational goals and objectives of employees while
checking the objectives using the SMART approach to guarantee that the goal is simple, measurable, achievable,
realistic, and time-sensitive.
At the end of the review period (quarterly, semi-annual, or annual), employees are judged on their results. Success is
rewarded with promotions and salary increases while failures are dealt with by transfer or additional training. This
process often puts additional pressure on tangible and intangible goals such as interpersonal skills, commitment, etc.
it is usually concentrated under the rug.
These are the following information I need to implement the performance management appraisal system from
Proper Job Description: Before setting the goals for individual we all need the proper job roles/description
for all the employees.
Set of Defined Goals from Individual: As there are 50 employees in our organization, we need to define the
proper set of goals. So, if management will define goals for individual, then it will be easier to identify their
Attendance/Punctuality: This is one of the major aspects to define the appraisal. By seeing the
attendance/punctuality one can be evaluated.
Relationship with Seniors/Juniors: Managers also have the information regarding the relation of an individual
with their respective seniors/juniors/other employees of the organization, so that his behavioral activity can
be measured.
Occupancy of Individuals/Productivity: It is also very important to track the occupancy of an individual
employee, i.e., how much work an employee do in a day, so that if any further work came, it can assign to
particular employee who is less occupied. And, by occupancy their appraisal also will be defined.
Initiative at work Place: Also, Managers can track the initiatives taken by individual to evaluate their
Continuous Feed backs from Management: There should be monthly/weekly review/feedback meetings with
HRs, so it will be easier to give appraisal to individual employees.
Skill sets/ Competency of a particular Team: It is also once of the major information required to define the
performance appraisal system, that which team is having which skill sets, to further giving a particular
Work performance
In the following five sections, rate the staff member’s job performance.
Quality of work
1—Consistently produces extremely neat and accurate work. Requires minimum supervision.
2—Work is very neat and accurate. Requires little supervision.
3—Quality of work is good. Makes few mistakes.
4—Produces work that is passable, although quality needs
improvement. 5—Makes frequent errors; frequently produces work that
is not acceptable. Comments:
Quantity of work
1—Superior work production record. Frequently completes jobs ahead of schedule.
2—Very good producer. Meets schedules on all assignments. Does more than
required. 3—Volume of work is satisfactory. Most assignments are completed on
4—Requires close supervision in order to complete assignments on time.
5—Very slow. Seldom completes assignments in required
time. Comments:
Job knowledge
1—Understands all phases of work. Has complete mastery of duties and carries them out skillfully.
2—Has very good knowledge of job functions and performs them well.
3—Understands most job functions. Requires minimum supervision.
4—Shows understanding of job but requires help and instruction in some phases of work.
5—Lacks sufficient understanding of job functions to perform duties
effectively. Comments:
Patient/client relations
1—Extremely good at dealing with people. Goes out of the way to be helpful
and courteous. 2—Consistently very good with clients. Leaves them with a
good feeling towards the office. 3—Deals effectively with patients and clients.
4—Attitude and behavior not consistently effective.
5—Frequently rude or
blunt. Lacks tact.
A. Three essential items that the B. Three essential items
employee is doing well: in need of improvement:
List team members’ comments on the employee evaluation or any other job-related matter:
Interviewer’s comments:
I acknowledge that the above items have been presented and discussed with me.
Performance Dimension Weighting Rating
Mgt. grade Levels Performance (a) Final Rating
1 & 2 3 & 4 >5(1) (axWeighting)
Process knowledge of methods, techniques and skills and conversant with all phases
of assigned job and related matters.
Looks for the best use of resources; actively seeks to improve current methods,
systems, processes and structures; demonstrates deep concern and is judicious with
company’s funds, properties and interests; makes productive use of time
to meet targeted standard levels.
3. Relationships with Public
Public relations can also be defined as the practice of managing communication between an
organization and its publics.