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"Creative Non-Fiction": Week 9-10

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“Creative Non-Fiction”

Week 9-10

With your existing literary pieces, kindly innovate ways in improving your text
through the use of figurative languages and rhetorical devices. Look from
supplementary materials like books, magazines, or newspaper, or you may use your
internet access.

When I was young, I have crush in my classmate who I cherish as much as my

mother cherished me (that’s what I think so). The more I look at her, the more I’m
convinced that I do love her. I confess my feelings to her through love letter, and this is
what I said to her.
“The Original”
Dear crush,
The first time I saw you, I noticed how beautiful and angelic your face is. I knew
that day how lucky I am to see your face, your voice that is loud as lions roar, your skin
that is brilliant as diamond and your body that is suitable to be the next Miss Universe.
These are the thoughts that automatically came up in my mind since the day I saw you.
I really admired you since the day I met you. I hope I have a chance to show my
affection and to prove how serious I am.

Your admirer,
Dear crush,
The moment I saw you, I felt that you’re the one. I saw how my future would be
if you’re going to be my other half. The future that will prove that every love story has a
happy ending, a future that will make other people think that “Forever exist” through
our happy relationship. I still can’t forget how your face shine in the morning that even I
can’t think anything but only you. Whenever I hear your voice, it makes my heart beat
fasts that I think it will explode any moment.
I hope that you will accept my feelings like how you accept this letter.

Your admirer,
Week 11-12
Write three letters address to the following persons: To Your Mother or Father,
To the Philippine President, and To Your Future Self. Add extra sheets if needed. Follow
the criteria below:

Dear Mom and Dad:

I’ve been living such an easy life, thanks to the both of you. I can’t simply
put any words how grateful I am to be born as your child. I know that I have been a
stubborn kid since then and now, and I can’t promise to change my self to be obedient
in the future but I will try to do so. God knows how grateful I am to be loved by my
family, and I will never forget that as long as I am alive in this world. Mom, Dad I love
you from the bottom of my heart I will always be. I love you mom and dad.

Dear Mr. President:

I’m just a simple person who I know for sure that you don’t know. But
please remember that, as a Filipino I will support you as much as I can. Please stay
healthy and continue to make our country proud.

Dear Future Self:

Just like an eagle that’s been fighting for its own life to survive in a jungle.
Please be reminded of the struggles that you’ve been fighting all those years, be
reminded that, whenever you are, whatever you’re doing and whatever you’re going to
do in the future, think about your family, think about the family that you wanted to
have. And always be thankful to those people who supported you and loved you.
Week 13
Write a soliloquy about how the role and functions of essays affect the way we
perceive life and love.

Life is too precious to be wasted on something that it can’t be useful in the

future. People tend to make mistakes even though they know that it is a mistake.
People tend to think that, whenever you make mistakes, it can be solved by saying your
sorry. People tend to do things that they didn’t even think twice, and that leads to do
more mistakes in the future. As someone who’s been trying to live to the fullest just to
enjoy life, I also can’t say that I didn’t do those way of thinking. We all have
responsibilities; we all has role not only in our self but to other people’s life.
Love is not something that we can achieve just because we wanted to. Every
person has its role to fulfill in this world. Each people have its own responsibilities to
other people, and some people think “Love” as a reason just to be with someone else.
Just like how role and functions of writing an essay, everything has its purpose
that supposedly to be use in a right way. Just like how we live our lives and accept love
and to loved.
Week 14
Critique the speech below using the following criteria.

Coherence = 25
Unity = 30
Mechanics = 10
Total = 65
Why? I can see the purpose of the writer, but the problem is that, the flow of
this story is not stable in the first place. It feels like you’re watching a mystery movie
that you can’t solve even you watch it more than once.
Week 15
Select one genre under creative nonfiction. Write it in an essay-format. See to it
that you will follow conventions on literary genres, elements of writing, and literary
elements for both fiction and nonfiction.

Personal Narrative:
Title: Love letter
Dear crush,
The first time I saw you, I noticed how beautiful and angelic your face is. I knew
that day how lucky I am to see your face, your voice that is loud as lions roar, your skin
that is brilliant as diamond and your body that is suitable to be the next Miss Universe.
These are the thoughts that automatically came up in my mind since the day I saw you.
I really admired you since the day I met you. I hope I have a chance to show my
affection and to prove how serious I am.
Week 16
Write your own essay concentrating on your life in the senior high school. Then,
compare your work to the literary piece below. Have a list of the things you notice and
you would like to improve in the piece.

As a senior high, time is fast that you won’t even think that its already a year since the
online/modular class started. It is hard to stay focus specially in these past few years, we
all at least lost someone special to us because of pandemic. Some students hard to
adjust to the situation, some parents lost their jobs, and some people who lives in the
street are always prone to danger because of Covid-19. But as a senior high, I tried to
stay focus not because I want to, but because I needed to. I needed to focus on my
study not only for my family, but also to my own future. I sometimes think that I am lost
and loose courage to do what I needed to do. But my family always cheers me up, and I
know that, whatever happen in the future it will depends on how good I will do in the
There are things that I noticed to the story that is given to us. I notice that, the author
wants to say to her reader that, there are things that we’re not interested to but we’re
drawn to its attention, and there are always reasons to anything that is happening in our
lives. I wouldn’t change or improve anything about her poetry, because it shows how
great her imagination and her artistry in her writing.
Week 1
Evaluation: Read the passage below. Underline the portion which are fictional (based on
imagination) and encircle the elements which are nonfictional (based on facts). Then,
create a draft and determine the multiple elements found in the passage .
(Red = fictional) (Blue = nonfictional)
Boat from Banago
(An excerpt story taken from the anthology of local stories in PEN Lectures)
I came from the College English Association (CETA) conference in
Bacolod. It was my first conference since I joined UP in the Visayas in Iloilo and
I was quite excited.

It was a horror to take the boat at the Banago pier in Bacolod but
somehow, I managed to be one of these Negros Navigation boats that later sink
and killed so many people, decreasing the population of Negros Occidental by a
few thousands.

It was such a pleasant afternoon to sail toward Guimaras and its famous Siete Pecados
islets. One of then carried the Lopez mansion called La Roca Endantada. The wind became
cooler the moment the boat docked at Iloilo City’s Muelle Loney.

I was in the second deck and I waited for the passengers of the lower
deck to unclog the gangplank. I stood learning on the railing and looked down
at the people milling around to meet close relatives or friends.

I was shocked to see two people. It was my brother-inl-law Chito

standing beside my own self! I felt a chill enveloping my whole body and I
cleared my throat thrice but no sound came.

Chito was wearing his usual white shirt and maong pants. He was very
handsome. I was wearing my favorite shirt a pique-like fabric with subtle spots
of brown. I had pictures taken with my wife letty, my boy Dino, my girl Dulce,
and my mother-in-law Lilia taken at the Manila Zoo with me wearing this shirt.
We posed in front of an elephant and later in front of a giraffe.

I waved my hand but the two did not react. Then they turned their eyes
on the people going down the gangplank.

I felt groggy at the sight. I carried my light luggage and went down from
the upper deck and on the gangplank while I mentally marked the spot where
Chito and myself were standing.

There were not many people anymore. The two people I wanted to see
again were not there. I walked a distance and found a taxi that took me to the
When I arrived home, Chito was listening to Bombo Radyo. I did not tell anybody
about what I saw from the second deck of the boat from Banago.
Week 2
Evaluation: Below are the love letters of Ludwig van Beethoven to his immortal love.
Read them and concentrate on the main character and examine the emotions, diction,
and figurative languages. After which, kindly compose at least three lines or phrases
pertaining to your experiences in love (motherly love, friendship love, intimate love,
familial love, etc.)
“My heart overflowing with a longing to tell you so many things…” For me, the love
letters that Beethoven made for Ludwig van (immortal love), are full of regrets and
sorrow. A regret that he never confesses his feelings to the girl he loves, a regret that he
can’t even take any move to show to his love ones what he really feels. I can relate to
this kind of story, which I think I will regret for the rest of my life, even now I can’t even
say how much I love my parents and sibling. Even saying “take care” if their going to
some place, is not something I can say casually, maybe I just feel embarrass or I thinks
its “cringe”? I know that, I still have lots of time to say or show them how grateful and
thankful I am. But I still can’t make any efforts to show them.
Week 3
Evaluation: Create a microblog applying the nonfictional literary elements. The topics
could be on your own preference. Make it sure that you follow the correct application of
every device. The more the elements, the better!
“High School days”
When I was young, I have crush in my classmate who I cherish as much as my mother
cherished me (that’s what I think so). The more I look at her, the more I’m convinced
that I do love her. I confess my feelings to her through love letter, and this is what I said
to her.
Dear crush,
The first time I saw you, I noticed how beautiful and angelic your face is. I knew
that day how lucky I am to see your face, your voice that is loud as lions roar, your skin
that is brilliant as diamond and your body that is suitable to be the next Miss Universe.
These are the thoughts that automatically came up in my mind since the day I saw you.
I really admired you since the day I met you. I hope I have a chance to show my
affection and to prove how serious I am.
Week 5-6
Evaluation: Read the open letter below. Underline portion which you think needs
deconstruction. Also, include annotations and footnotes, if needed.

Dear Sir or Madam,

 I come to you from a place of love, empathy and gratitude. I am having a hard time
understanding and justifying the actions of our country's current leadership, focused on
the matter of the environment. It feels like sheer negligence. From what I can see, it
feels like the government is so rabid for economic growth in direct spite of the
environment and its well being. I love our country. I am grateful every single day that I
am an American. We come from one of the most spectacular places on earth, with
lands, wildlife, and history as rich and as important as any other. I am incredibly
empathetic to any American that has a different experience. I lead an organization
called Cause of a Kind. We exist to socialize the earth's greatest environmental maladies
and facilitate partnerships between people and environmental non-profits who are
actively working to take back tomorrow. We work around the clock to find people
around the world, dedicating their lives and attention to actively making the world a
better place. We look for people pursuing extraordinary goals and pair their efforts with
environmental organizations that are on the frontlines working to truly secure our
future. Do you not see the confluence of your actions? You are constantly expanding oil
and gas exploration at the expense of our critical aquifers and public lands. You are
relaxing rules on trophy hunting, putting our rare and endangered wildlife at further risk
above and beyond their current habitat challenges, which humans are largely
responsible for. You backed out of the Paris Agreement and have been the only world
leader to do so, further straining our reputation and position of power. You drive
industry that supports deforestation and ecosystem destruction for continued real
estate development, mining, and corporate gain. You acknowledge unsustainable
shortages of fossil fuels but offer no scalable renewable energy alternatives. Marine and
oceanic negligence causing rifts in the food chain and irreversible damage, such as the
death of the Great Barrier Reef. Do you realize that there are many more issues as well
that are threatening our home, let alone the entire globe? We have one earth. The
United States are supposed to lead the world. We are designed to set an example to
every other country and be a symbol for hope and innovation. That is simply what
leaders do. In our recent past, we have failed at this critical role. I write to you in
desperate concern for our future. I do not have children yet, but I am incredibly
concerned that they will not experience the world the way that I did. What else do the
people of this country have to do to make you realize that we need massive change?
How could there even be a debate? This is your home too. I find it hard to believe that
you are not personally concerned with the availability and quality of drinking water, or
the preservation of public lands, or even proper sanitation systems. Your children and
their children are at risk. Restoration of the damage done takes a tremendous amount
of time, global effort and money. But let's agree; you are making it worse. The citizens of
the free world need our governments support. We need bold leadership that is willing
to stand up for our future and make significant strides towards sustainability. We need
to start caring about tomorrow or there will not be a tomorrow to care about.

 With love and in mission, Justin Abrams

Week 7-8
Evaluation: On the box below are some samples of nonfictional pieces from renowned
public figures. Your task is to relate these literary pieces from your existing compositions
(journal and diary). The criteria are also included for you to follow the right steps in
Kurt Cobain Journal Entry
Overall Impressions = 45
Mechanics = 40
Total = 85
Some words are misspelled or intentionally misspell, but I think it gives more attention
to the readers, its actually good how the author intentionally misspell some words,
cause it drawn attentions.
The Diary of Anne Frank
Overall Impressions = 45
Mechanics = 45
Total = 90
I like how the author think while writing this kind of “story”, it may be her experience
since it’s a “Diary”, but I think this will make more attentions than “Kurt Cobain Journal
Entry” because I think, its target is those people who love “Wild story” or should I say,
Rated SPG? I like how she build her sentences that will make the reader expect more to
My love letters
Dear crush,
The first time I saw you, I noticed how beautiful and angelic your face is. I knew
that day how lucky I am to see your face, your voice that is loud as lions roar, your skin
that is brilliant as diamond and your body that is suitable to be the next Miss Universe.
These are the thoughts that automatically came up in my mind since the day I saw you.
I really admired you since the day I met you. I hope I have a chance to show my
affection and to prove how serious I am.
Your admirer,
I think, no matter how the author writes their story, it depend on how their imaginary
works, it depends on how they wanted their readers to react.

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