COVID-19 Outbreak in Middlecity: Population Outcome Graph
COVID-19 Outbreak in Middlecity: Population Outcome Graph
COVID-19 Outbreak in Middlecity: Population Outcome Graph
Vaccinated* 74.01%
Dead 0.03%
Recovered 3.27%
Uninfected 22.3%
0 70 140 210 280 350
Time (days)
Day 364
Starting Population: 12,500,002
When the number of people who are vaccinated is higher than the herd immunity line (threshold), the population is protected
by vaccine-induced herd immunity.
Unfortunately, for this level of vaccination coverage, this population will never reach vaccine-induced herd immunity. 1/3
9/9/21, 11:02 AM COVID-SIM Run Simulation | Ask A Biologist
9,569,660 (76.58%) of people in your city were vaccinated by the end of the year (0.4% daily vaccination rate).
Vaccine Statistics
The number of people an infected person is likely to infect after vaccinations (R naught): 1.04
Full name: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
COVID-19 is caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. Symptoms include fever or chills, tiredness,
body aches, headache, sore throat, loss of taste or smell, and digestive issues. More severe cases can also show trouble
breathing, chest pain, confusion, and problems staying awake. Older adults and those with other health problems are at the
greatest risk. COVID-19 spreads more easily than flu and can lead to more serious illness in those who catch it. The best ways
to fight the spread of the disease include taking precautions when outside of your home by social distancing, wearing a mask,
and washing your hands often. Everyone who can should also get vaccinated against the disease to help slow or stop the
The number of people an infected person is likely to infect (Base R naught): 2.07
Proportion of illnesses that are asymptomatic: 80%
Proportion of illnesses that are symptomatic: 20%
Hospitalization rate for those who show symptoms: 16.67%
Death rate per day for those who are hospitalized: 0.95%
Death rate per day of those who show symptoms: 0.06%
Daily recovery rates for:
Infected people who show no symptoms: 20%
Infected people who show symptoms: 10%
People who are hospitalized with severe infection: 12.5% 2/3
9/9/21, 11:02 AM COVID-SIM Run Simulation | Ask A Biologist
Table Data
Starting Population: 12,500,002 3/3