Practical No: 5: Rajdeep Shivarkar BE19F06F060

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Rajdeep Shivarkar BE19F06F060


Aim : Write a c program to display pattern

1. C program to print Star Pattern

#include <stdio.h> int main() { for(int i=0;i<9;i++)
for(int j=0;j<13;j++)
if(i==2 || i==6|| i+j ==6 || j-i==6 || i-j==2 || i+j ==14)
} else{
printf(" ");
return 0;


2.C program to convert infix expression to postfix expression

Rajdeep Shivarkar BE19F06F060

#include<ctype.h> char
stack[100]; int top = -1;
void push(char x)
stack[++top] = x;
char pop()
{ if(top == -1) return -
1; else return
int priority(char x)
{ if(x == '(') return 0;
if(x == '+' || x == '-')
return 1; if(x == '*' || x ==
'/') return 2; return 0;
Rajdeep Shivarkar BE19F06F060

int main()
char exp[100]; char *e, x;
printf("Enter the expression : ");
scanf("%s",exp); printf("\n"); e =
exp; while(*e != '\0')
{ if(isalnum(*e))
printf("%c ",*e); else if(*e == '(')
push(*e); else if(*e == ')')
while((x = pop()) != '(')
printf("%c ", x);
} else
while(priority(stack[top]) >= priority(*e))
printf("%c ",pop());
} e++;

while(top != -1)
printf("%c ",pop());
}return 0;
Rajdeep Shivarkar BE19F06F060


3.C program to convert infix expression to prefix expression

#include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h> struct
Stack { int top; int
maxSize; int* array;
struct Stack* create(int max)
Rajdeep Shivarkar BE19F06F060

struct Stack* stack = (struct Stack*)malloc(sizeof(struct
Stack)); stack->maxSize = max; stack->top = -1;
stack->array = (int*)malloc(stack->maxSize * sizeof(int));
return stack;
int isFull(struct Stack* stack)
if(stack->top == stack->maxSize - 1){
printf("Will not be able to push maxSize reached\n");
// Since array starts from 0, and maxSize starts from 1
return stack->top == stack->maxSize - 1;

int isEmpty(struct Stack* stack)

return stack->top == -1;
void push(struct Stack* stack, char item)
if (isFull(stack)) return;
stack->array[++stack->top] = item;
int pop(struct Stack* stack)
if (isEmpty(stack))
return INT_MIN;
return stack->array[stack->top--];
int peek(struct Stack* stack)
Rajdeep Shivarkar BE19F06F060

if (isEmpty(stack))
return INT_MIN;
return stack->array[stack->top];
int checkIfOperand(char ch)
return (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z');

int precedence(char ch)

switch (ch)
case '+': case '-':
return 1;

case '*': case '/':

return 2;

case '^': return 3;

return -1;
int getPostfix(char* expression)
int i, j;
struct Stack* stack = create(strlen(expression)); if(!
return -1 ;

for (i = 0, j = -1; expression[i]; ++i)

Rajdeep Shivarkar BE19F06F060

if (checkIfOperand(expression[i]))
expression[++j] = expression[i]; else if
(expression[i] == '(') push(stack,
else if (expression[i] == ')')
while (!isEmpty(stack) && peek(stack) !=
'(') expression[++j] = pop(stack);
if (!isEmpty(stack) && peek(stack) != '(')
return -1; // invalid expression else
else // if an opertor
while (!isEmpty(stack) && precedence(expression[i]) <= precedence(peek(stack)))
expression[++j] = pop(stack);
push(stack, expression[i]);

while (!isEmpty(stack))
expression[++j] = pop(stack);

expression[++j] = '\0';

void reverse(char *exp){

int size = strlen(exp);

int j = size, i=0;
char temp[size];

Rajdeep Shivarkar BE19F06F060

temp[j] = exp[i];
j--; i++;
void brackets(char* exp){
int i = 0; while(exp[i]!='\0')
exp[i]=')'; else
exp[i]='('; i++;
void InfixtoPrefix(char *exp)
{ int size = strlen(exp);
reverse(exp); brackets(exp);
getPostfix(exp); reverse(exp);

int main()
printf("The infix is: "); char expression[]
= "((a/b)+c)-(d+(e*f))"; printf("%s\
n",expression); InfixtoPrefix(expression);
printf("The prefix is: "); printf("%s\
return 0;

Rajdeep Shivarkar BE19F06F060

CONCLUSION : In this practical, I have successfully performed the practical of

how to draw patterns in c programing in Linux Operating System.

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