Operation Instructions: ABUS Load Indication System

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Operation Instructions


ABUS load indication system LIS – SV

Factory No. _____ / _______________

ABUS Kransysteme GmbH Tel. ##49 2261 / 37–0
Sonnenweg 1 Fax. ##49 2261 / 37247
D – 51647 Gummersbach
Stand : 22. Dezember 2000

This document may not be reproduced or given to third parties and its content must not be divulged or used for other purposes without the prior written permission of ABUS. You will be liable to
pay compensation for any breach of this provision. All patent and registered design rights reserved.
A 508.GB

These installation, operation and maintenance instructions are intended for use in an English–
speaking country by English–speaking specialist personnel.

1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4.2 LIS–FC Signal Converter System . . . . 8

1.1 System Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4.3 LAZ / GLZ Load Indicator . . . . . . . . . . 9

1.2 Use for the Intended Purpose . . . . . . 3
1.3 Notes on warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
5 Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
5.1 Digital Operator Terminal . . . . . . . . . . 9
2 Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5.2 Basic Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.1 Overload Shut–Down . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5.3 Reading the Load
2.2 Part–Load Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Population Recorder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

2.3 Taring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.4 Load Population Recorder (optional) 5
6 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.4.1 FEM Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
6.1 Housing and wiring diagrams . . . . . . 10
2.4.2 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
6.2 Regulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.5 Integrated Control Functions . . . . . . . 6
2.6 Safety Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
7 Malfunctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3 Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 7.1 Causes and Remedies . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

3.1 LIS–SV evaluation unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 7.2 Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

3.2 Current Measurement Module . . . . . . 7

3.3 LIS–FC Signal Converter . . . . . . . . . . . 7
8 Disposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.4 Load Signal Transmitter . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.5 Load Indicator (OPTIONAL) . . . . . . . . 7
3.5.1 Function of load indicator . . . . . . . . . . 8 9 LIS – SV parameter list . . . . . 16

4 Technical Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 10 Description of

4.1 Load Indicator System LIS–SV . . . . . . 8 LIS – SV parameters . . . . . . . 18

Page 2 Data : 22.12.2000

1 General
The operating instructions must always be stored near - integrated digital operator terminal for adjustment
the ABUS rope hoist and must be available to operating of unit
personnel at all times. - display of fault messages on operator terminal and
load indicator
Operating, maintenance and repair personnel must - compact space–saving design
have read and understood the operating instructions - all connections made by plug–type connectors for
before starting work. easy maintenance
- control function for external part---load relay

1.1 System Description

The ABUS LIS–SV load indicator system is a compact
universal load recording and evaluation system for 1.2 Use for the Intended Purpose
hoists and cranes. The LIS–SV operates on the prin- The ABUS LIS---SV is designed for use in the control
ciple of microprocessor–controlled evaluation of sig- systems of hoists of all types not subject to the risk of
nals from strain gauges installed on each hoist to be tipping---over.
monitored in the form of measurement axles, measure- It is intended for installation in a closed housing and for
ment bolts or similar devices. The load calculated can use under the conditions listed in Section 4 below.
be indicated using an ABUS type LAZ or GLZ load indi- Special investigations must be made concerning the
cator. suitability of the unit for use in other conditions and
The basic LIS–SV module with integrated load popula- modes of operation. It may be necessary to obtain the
tion recorder also offers the optional feature of record- manufacturer’s approval for any deviations.
ing and evaluating the actual operating conditions of a
crane system in accordance with FEM 9.755.
The standard load indicator system can monitor the
loads on up to three hoists simultaneously up to their 1.3 Notes on warranty
maximum loads. ABUS assumes no liability for any loss or damage
In addition, the system monitors the total carrying ca- caused by use other than for the intended purpose or
pacity of a crane system. The functions available in- any work performed improperly or by unauthorized
clude ”part load switch”, ”totalization and indication” persons. ABUS assumes no liability as towards third
and ”load population recorder” (optional). The unit can parties.
easily be adapted to a variety of load signal sources
and is therefore a highly functional, universal unit. Attention!
Special features: If you modify any components under your
- overload shut–down function own responsibility, assemble components
- load evaluation possible for three hoists other than in accordance with the installation
- total load measurement and monitoring for three instructions and/or plans or use any compo-
hoists nents other than genuine ABUS compo-
- LAZ and/or GLZ load display (OPTIONAL) nents, ABUS will be released from any war-
- load population recorder in accordance with FEM ranty obligations for the entire equipment.
9.755 (optional) ABUS assumes no liability whatsoever for
- second shut ---down point (adjustable in 2 % steps) any damage to cranes or hoists which may
- shutdown of main lifting speed on rapid load in- be caused by the incorrect setting of the unit.
- Overload shut–down points can be set up to a It is recommended that repair and mainten-
maximum of 110 % of the rated load capacity of the ance work should be carried out by the ABUS
hoist. service department.

A 508.GB Page 3
2 Functions
General: value is averaged over the measurement time and
For load recording and evaluation, the LIS–SV load compared with the threshold. This prevents prema-
indicator system needs a load signal transmitter ture shut–down caused by dynamic load peaks. If
(measurement axle, measurement bolt, etc.) installed the static load measured exceeds 110 % of the
on the hoist. rated value, the two output relays are shut down.
For load evaluation on two or three hoists, the signals
from the measurement axles of LIS---FC or SV units are b) Dynamic overload shut–down. If any dynamic peak
converted into a frequency signal proportional to the exceeds 125 % of the rated value, the output relays
load measured. This ensures interference---free trans- for the two hoist speeds are immediately shut
mission to the master LIS---SV. down.
The load sensor receives a highly constant 10 V DC The control algorithm is specially programmed for
power supply from the LIS---SV or LIS---FC and returns hoists and ensures that the hoist is not shut down
a load---proportional voltage signal to the LIS---SV / by dynamic load peaks below the limit.
In the LIS–SV unit, the signal is amplified and evaluated c) Shut–down on sudden load increase. If the load in-
by a microcontroller system. creases too rapidly, the relay for the main lifting
speed is shut–down. The relay is only re–activated
If the preset load limits are exceeded, hoist movement when the load has ceased to increase, provided
is stopped or other appropriate action is initiated using that the maximum load has not been exceeded.
relay contacts. In addition, the load signal is processed This function prevents rope breakage as a result of
for display on a load indicator and fed to the LAZ load lifting an excessive load with a loose rope at main
indicator in the pendant control (and/or a large load dis- lifting speed. Also, excessive force on the rope is
play). The LIS–SV unit monitors both the individual load prevented if the crane hook is suddenly blocked.
signals and the total load measured. Either the load
measured by one of the three load measurement de- Note:
vices or the total load may be displayed. Even in the event of an overload shut---down,
the load may be lowered at any time. When
the load has been lowered (load below 90 %
2.1 Overload Shut–Down of static load threshold), the overload shut–
The LIS–SV unit monitors up to three hoists for com- down is reset.
pliance with their maximum load capacity rating and
the maximum load capacity of the entire system. Over-
load shutdown thresholds can be set between 0 and 2.2 Part–Load Switch
110 % of rated load using the DBE operator terminal In some applications, another shut–down point below
(see list of parameters in Section 9). The values given in the rated load is required in addition to the overload
this section are based on the standard setting of 110 %. shut–down. This may be the case if part of the hall
The LIS–SV is equipped with two relays for enabling the structure is not designed for the entire load capacity of
main and precision lifting speed. If the overload thresh- a crane system.
old is exceeded, these relays shut the hoist down. At The LIS---SE allows the user to set an additional shut---
the same time, the load indicator display flashes at in- down point (which can be adjusted via parameter 4.40
tervals of one second. If the unit is used for monitoring --- 4.43). As soon as a signal is available at input EA of
more than one hoist, the other hoists are also shut the unit, the relays for lifting movement are tripped
down if the overload threshold of one hoist is exceeded. when the set value is exceeded.
The unit is then switched to the overload mode.
The unit implements three types of overload shut– A current transformer module with an additional switch-
down function: ing relay may be used for more complex applications.
The switching point for this relay may be set to any
a) Static overload shut–down. Static loads must not value between 0 and 110 % of rated load capacity using
exceed 110 % of the rated value. The actual load parameter P 4.5.

Page 4 Data : 22.12.2000

2.3 Taring For this purpose, the unit evaluates the load measure-
ments on a continuous basis.
The load indicated can be set to zero with a defined
The LIS–SV unit calculates the actual use S, the load
load on the hook (for example, the weight of load
spectrum factor Km and the remaining service life of the
supports) using the tare button (TARA) which is
hoist in accordance with FEM 9.755 from these values.
normally incorporated in the pendant control.
The load spectrum factor is equivalent to the load po-
Each hoist selected and the total load may be tared pulation with which the hoist was operated.
separately. The tare function always applies to the load
on the hoist currently selected.
To tare the load, press the tare button until the display 2.4.1 FEM Groups
indicates 0.000. The EU machinery directive calls for precautions to be
To delete a tare setting, press the tare button with no taken to prevent risks caused by fatigue and ageing on
load on the hook for about 5 seconds. hoists and cranes. The following precautions have
While the tare button is pressed, the current gross load therefore been taken in order to achieve safe working
is displayed. periods (S.W.P.).
Cranes and hoists are subdivided into various groups
In the event of overloading, the tare value is deleted and in accordance with FEM 9.511.
the current gross load is indicated. The operator of a standard hoist is responsible for en-
suring that the actual operating conditions of the hoist
are recorded and documented in the test book at least
2.4 Load Population Recorder once per year. In the course of regular inspection, the
inspector must verify and determine whether the hoist
(optional) is still being operated within its safe working period.
If a load population recorder is integrated in the LIS–SV,
the actual operating conditions of a hoist can be re- The following table shows the theoretical service life D
corded. In addition to the total running time T, which is as a function of the FEM group and the load spectrum
equivalent to the time during which the motor is factor.
switched on, the actual load on the hoist is recorded.

Theoretical service life D, (h)

1Dm 1Cm 1Bm 1Am 2m 3m 4m 5m
FEM groups
M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8
load group / ropes|load
Line Theoretical service life D (h)
light 1 / L1
1 K = 0.5 800 1600 3200 6300 12500 25000 50000 100000
(Km1 = 0.125 º 0.53)
medium 2 / L2
2 0.5 < K < 0.63 400 800 1600 3200 6300 12500 25000 50000
(Km2 = 0.25 º 0.633)
heavy 3 / L3
3 0.63 < K < 0.8 200 400 800 1600 3200 6300 12500 25000
(Km3 = 0.5 º 0.83)
very heavy 4 / L4
4 0.8 < K < 1 100 200 400 800 1600 3200 6300 12500
(Km4 = 1 º 13)

When the theoretical service life D has elapsed, cranes conditions are recorded electronically. The inspector
and hoists connected to them may represent a risk to can have the actual hours of use S and other para-
persons and machines. If a load population recorder is meters displayed at any time (see Section 5.3).
used, it is easier to determine the actual hours of use S,
from which the remaining service life is calculated. The FEM group is stored in the LIS–SV unit and can be
displayed using the operator terminal. The group is
In the case of standard hoists equipped with anLIS–SV indicated in hours at full load.
with integrated load population recorder, the operating

A 508.GB Page 5
2.4.2 Definitions - Motor current monitoring function
Theoretical service life LIS---SV continuously monitors the current inputs. If
The theoretical service life D is the calculated hours of an inadmissibly high motor current is detected, the
service of a crane or a hoist over a period of about 10 unit immediately switches off main contactor K1.
years taking into consideration the group determined The motor circuit breakers installed in the electrical
in accordance with FEM 9.511. control system are therefore no longer required
Actual hours of use The main contactor is also switched off if a motor
The actual hours of use S represent the effective use of current is detected without a lifting or lowering con-
the unit determined on the basis of operating hours and trol signal.
load populations. Following a shut ---down, the unit display flashes
Total service life and the current measured is indicated.
The total service life of a standard hoist is the period The unit is switched back on automatically after a
from initial commissioning through to final decommis- delay of 2 minutes.
sioning of the hoist. To reset the unit before this delay has elapsed, pro-
Remaining service life ceed as follows:
The remaining service life or theoretical remaining ser- a. Switch off the power supply.
vice life of a hoist is the difference between the actual b. Press the up and down buttons on the
hours of use S and the theoretical service life D. When digital operator terminal at the same time.
the theoretical service life has elapsed, the hoist must
be overhauled.I
Safe working period (SWP)
The hoist is within its safe working period if S/D is less 2.6 Safety Functions
than or equal to 1. The LIS---SV is a microprocessor---controlled unit. In
order to ensure the highest level of operational safety,
the unit is equipped with an additional switching relay
2.5 Integrated Control Functions which only enables lifting or lowering if the correct
In addition to overload protection functions, the LIS--- mode of operation of the microprocessor is detected.
SV features a number of integrated hoist control func- The mode of operation is monitored by integrated logic
tions. which operates independently of the microprocessor.
- AC---4 disable control Before hoist motor starting is enabled, the system
In order to prolong the service life of the high lifting checks whether the switching relay is in rest position. If
speed contactor, the LIS---SV unit prevents the con- this is not the case, for example as a result of ”welding”
tactor from being switched off until the set start ---up of the relay contacts, the monitoring system positively
delay of the motor has elapsed. This function sig- prevents hoist start ---up.
nificantly reduces contact erosion. As a further safety function, the system monitors
- Braking with the motor acting as a generator whether the lifting or lowering signal is present at all
Each time the hoist is braked from high speed, the times when the hoist motor is in operation. If the logic
LIS---SV unit ensures that the hoist is first braked by circuitry does not detect a control signal at any time, the
operating the motor as a generator at low speed hoist is automatically shut down by the safety circuit.
before the brake is activated. This significantly ex- The hoist is also shut down if the control signals for “lift-
tends the service life of the brake rotor. ing” and “lowering” are active at the same time.

Page 6 Data : 22.12.2000

3 Components
3.1 LIS–SV evaluation unit Measuring Rated cur- Art.–No. Adaptation
The LIS–SV unit (Fig. 1) is designed to evaluate the range rent [A] factor
measurement axle signal of one hoist. The measure- 0 3 19683 115
ment axle is connected to terminals B+, B–, U+ and U–
I 8 9743 306
of the unit. B+ and B– supply a stabilized voltage of 10
V to the measurement axle. The load–proportional volt- II 16 9744 613
age signal at terminals U+ and U– is in the range from 0 III 23 9745 873
to 20 mV.
If the unit is used for monitoring two or three hoists, the IV 36 9746 1381
load–proportional frequency signals from the LIS–FC V 60 9747 2344
units are connected to terminals F2–GND and F3–
GND. VI 136 19682 5169
The terminals for motor voltage evaluation are desig- The marked conductors of the current terminal are con-
nated L1 to L3 and the current module terminals are nected to terminals I1, I2, I3 and GND of the SV unit.
designated I1 to I3. The maximum measuring range is: rated current x 1.35
The functions of the isolated control inputs E1 to E7, EA
are as follows:
3.3 LIS–FC Signal Converter
The LIS–FC signal converter (Fig. 2) is used to extend
E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 EA the system for monitoring 2 or 3 hoists. It supplies a sta-
lifting control signal x bilized, short–circuit–proof voltage of 10 V at a maxi-
mum current of 100 mA at terminals B+ and B– for
lowering control signal x
power supply to the load signal transmitter. The LIS–FC
fast control signal x unit requires no adjustment and converts the millivolt
Malfunction signals signal of the transmitter (U+, U–) into a load–propor-
HW2 x tional frequency signal (F).
monitoring of fast lifting The LIS–SV and LIS–FC units are coordinated using the
speed HW2 x operator terminal incorporated in the LIS–SV.
activation of second
overload shut--- down
x 3.4 Load Signal Transmitter
Strain gauges with a voltage of 10 V and a sensitivity of
taring control signal x 1---2 mV/V may be used as load sensors.
Equalization signal of Any measurement bolts, tension straps and load cells
synchronization control x in accordance with the technical data may be used.
The LIS–SV allows the signal amplification to be ad-
Total load display x justed to the sensitivity of the load signal transmitter
used. Even if the sensitivity of the transmitter is not
known, it is possible to calibrate the system using a
Output Q supplies a serial data protocol for the control known load. As the output signal of the transmitter is
of the ABUS load indicators LAZ (display in pendant only of the order of a few millivolts, it must be connected
control) and GLZ (large load display). to the LIS–SV or LIS–FC unit using a shielded cable.
The 5V power supply for the LAZ unit is provided by the- The cable should be as short as possible and must not
LIS–SV unit. be routed via any terminals. In addition, the connecting
The GLZ unit has an integrated 24 V AC power supply. cable must not be installed directly next to a power
The integrated digital operator terminal DBE is used for cable.
reading and setting the variable parameters of the LIS–
SV unit (see also Section 5.1). 3.5 Load Indicator (OPTIONAL)
The LIS–SV is equipped with contacts for the connec-
tion of an ABUS load indicator. The load can then be
indicated by a three or four–digit LAZ load indicator in-
corporated in the pendant control and/or a large GLZ
load indicator. Both types of load indicator are so de-
signed that it is easy to read the load value even in poor
3.2 Current Measurement Module visibility.
The current module is selected on the basis of the rated
current of the hoist motor in main lifting speed (see The driver stage of the display is updated by the LIS–
table). SV at intervals of one second, ensuring rapid indication

A 508.GB Page 7
of any load changes. A three–conductor cable, cross 2. If the hoist is shut down as a result of overloading,
section 1 mm), must be installed for the load indicator. the display flashes at one---second intervals.
The cable need not be shielded.

3. In the case of mutual monitoring of two hoists, this

3.5.1 Function of load indicator symbol appears on the display in the event of a
hoist failure as long as the up or down button on the
1. The load is continuously measured and indicated. pendant control is pressed:
04.93 – – H2


4 Technical Data

4.1 Load Indicator System LIS–SV

LIS – SV 17790 17791 17792
Power supply voltage A1,A2: 230VAC ± 10% 110VAC ± 10% 48VAC ± 10%
Input voltage E1–E7; EA 80–230VAC ± 10% 80–230VAC ± 10% 35–48VAC ± 10%
Measuring range L1, L2, L3 0 – 627 V AC
Transformer output voltage I1, I2, I3 0 – 7,24 V AC
Power supply frequency 50 – 60 Hz
Switch contacts (3u,1a): 250 V AC, 8A
Power required max. 15VA
Ambient temperature range –20 to +55 °C; no condensation
Output voltage for LAZ 5V, max. 250 mA
Indicator signal Q Serial data protocol ± 12V
Power supply for transmitter B+, B– 10V; max. 100mA
Input voltage U+,U– 0 – 20mV

4.2 LIS–FC Signal Converter System

Power supply voltage A1, A2 48, 110, 230 VAC +/– 10%
Power supply frequency 50 – 60 Hz
Power required ca 4,0 VA
Ambient temperature range – 20 until +55 °C
Power supply for transmitter B+, B– 10V; max. 100 mA
Input voltage U+, U– 0 – 25 mV
Output voltage F +12V
Output frequency F 500Hz until 30 kHz

Page 8 Data : 22.12.2000

4.3 LAZ / GLZ Load Indicator
Pendant control Large load indicator
Power supply voltage 5VDC 24VAC
Digit size 10 mm (LED) 127 mm (LED)


5 Operation
5.1 Digital Operator Terminal 16.57
The integrated digital operator terminal (DBE) with LED
display and three–button keypad ( Fig. 1, items 1 to 4) If a load lower than the previous tared load is lifted, the
is used for operating the unit and reading operating display indicates
parameters. The unit is normally in the power down
mode. This is indicated on the display (4) by a horizon- ---0.00
tal bar running from left to right. instead of the operating hours.

The system has 3 menu levels; access to level 3 is only
If the unit detects a lift signal (E7), the display show available to ABUS personnel (a special CODE number
steps running from bottom left to top right. is required).
– Menu level 2 is accessed by entering the PIN number
– – “0055”.
In the case of a lower signal (E2,) the steps run from top Menu level 1 us used solely for reading the values of the
left to bottom right. load population recorder and is only available if the load
– – population recorder has been enabled. To reach this

menu level, press the ENTER button for about 2 sec-
Following each operation of the hoist, the current read- onds and then enter the appropriate CODE number
ing of the operating hours meter is shown on the dis- (see Section 5.3)
play for about 3 seconds. If four incorrect attempts are made to enter a PIN or
CODE number, the menu level concerned is entirely
15 disabled and can only be enabled by ABUS.
In this case, the display indicates
In the event of overloading, the display flashes and the [no]
current load is indicated.

95 Height: 112
1 “Enter”–button
4 is used for selecting parameters
and acknowledging values
5 2 “down“–button
is used for displaying the previous
parameter or for reducing nu-
3 meric values and parameter set-
2 3 “up“–button

is used for displaying the follow-

6 ing parameter or for increasing
numeric values and parameter
4 Display
7 5 digital operator terminal (DBE)
6 Unit interface
7 Connection of measurement bolt
Fig. 1 100

A 508.GB Page 9
5.2 Basic Settings
TheLIS–SV is adjusted at the factory. Any fine adjust-
ments or new adjustments which may be necessary
can be carried out in accordance with the adjustment
instructions in Section 10 using a test load. Where
possible, the test load should be equal to the rated
If the test load is lower, there will be a significant deterio-
ration in system accuracy. As a basic principle, the
higher the test load, the higher the accuracy. It is rec-
ommended that a test load of at least 80 % of the rated
load should be used.
At this load, the specified accuracy can generally be
ensured. The minimum load which can be used for set-
ting is 40 % of the rated load capacity. If this load is
used, it is not always possible to obtain the specified
If it is necessary to use a load of 40% to 80% for setting,
this must be stated in the inspection report.

5.3 Reading the Load Population

Menu level 1
Fig. 2
The work required for enabling the load population
recorder can only be performed by ABUS.
If a valid code number “2223” is entered, the values sto-
red and calculated by the load population recorder are
displayed in sequence. To return to level 1, you must
press the enter button (1, Fig. 1) for a little longer.

6 Installation
Attention! If the LIS–SV is retrofitted to an existing crane, inspec-
Before commissioning the unit, it is essential tion by an independent inspector may be necessary
to check whether the system has been wired (see VBG 9, Section 25).
up in accordance with the attached wiring

The ABUS LIS–SV must only be installed by qualified 6.1 Housing and wiring diagrams
electricians The dimensions required for the installation of the
LIS–SV are given in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2.

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Fig. 3

A 508.GB Page 11
Total load monitoring

Fig. 4

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Total load monitoring with display control / central contactor box







Fig. 5

A 508.GB Page 13
6.2 Regulations Safety warnings:
You must not carry out any work inside the
The load indicator system LIS–SV is in accordance with
the following codes and standards:
In the event of a defect in an LIS–SV unit, please contact
NSR 73/23/EWG (low voltage)
our service department.
In order to avoid the risk of serious injury and severe
EMV 89/336/EWG (electromagnetic compatibility)
damage, only persons qualified to work on electric
power systems may work on the units. Before installing
EN 50081–1 (interference emission)
any commissioning the units, these persons must care-
EN 50082–2 (resistance to interferences)
fully read the operating instructions and observe the
safety instructions.
Electrical installation work must be performed in ac-
cordance with the following general codes and stan-
Any modifications to ABUS products and any
parts installed in or on ABUS products which
IEC 364
could impair the safety of the products must
Requirements for the installation of power systems with
be approved by the manufacturer. ABUS will
rated voltages up to 1000V
not be liable for any injury, loss or damage
which may occur as a result of modifications
IEC 204
which have not been approved or the use of
Requirements for the electrical equipment of proces-
products other than for the intended pur-
sing machinery
For special applications, other standards and regula-
tions may also be applicable.
The unit has been designed in accordance
with the EMC directive no. 89/336/EEC.

Page 14 Data : 22.12.2000

7 Malfunctions
7.1 Causes and Remedies
TheLIS–SV displays the following error codes on the operator terminal or the load display.

Err–Code Explanation Remedy

Errors following unit start---up
Err 0 Total load not entered Check unit settings, parameters P 0.0, P 1.0
Rated load capacity of hoist 1 set to lower value
than total load
Err 1 Unit not set for hoist 1 Check settings P 1.3, P 1.4
Err 2 Unit not set for hoist 2 Check settings P 2.3, P 2.4
Err 3 Unit not set for hoist 3 Check settings P 3.3, P 3.4
Err 4 Adaptation factor for current measurement not Enter value under P 5.6
Errors in normal operation
F1 Zero load frequency hoist 1 too low
F2 Zero load frequency hoist 2 too low
F3 Zero load frequency hoist 3 too low
Errors on setting
Err 6 Setting error: frequency at zero load <100Hz Check frequency input.
Err 7 Setting error: frequency at zero load too low Increase setting load. If necessary, replace
measurement axle.
Err 0 Rated load capacity for hoist 1 not entered. Enter value under P 1.0
Err 2 Rated load capacity for hoist 2 not entered. Enter value under P 2.0
Err 3 Rated load capacity for hoist 3 not entered. Enter value under P 3.0
Other error messages
Err 8 Internal data storage error Replace unit
Err 5, Data read error Press enter repeatedly until function is selected
Err 9 again. If necessary, enter parameter again.

The input and output voltage data required for trouble- 7.2 Service
shooting are stated in Section 4 ”Technical Data”.
If any other malfunctions occur, please contact our ser-
The ABUS Service Centre can be reached
vice centre (see Section 7.2).
day and night.

8 Disposal
ABUS products are designed with a view to recycling The electronic components may be disposed of at
and have a modular structure which facilitates environ- special disposal sites in accordance with the appli-
mentally compatible disposal when they are no longer cable local regulations.

A 508.GB Page 15
9 LIS – SV parameter list

Para- Range Unit Description Display Code Remarks


Basic setting parameters

P 0.0 0 – 320 t Total load setting Setting value
P 1.0 0 – 100 t Load capacity setting for hoist 1 Setting value
P 2.0 0 – 100 t Load capacity setting for hoist 2 Setting value only available if para-
meter 5.01=0

P 3.0 0 – 100 t Load capacity setting for hoist 3 Setting value only available if para-
meter 5.02=0

P 4.0 0 – 110 % Total load shut ---down point Setting value

P 4.1 0 – 110 % Shut ---down point, hoist 1 Setting value
P 4.2 0 – 110 % Shut ---down point, hoist 2 Setting value
P 4.3 0 – 110 % Shut ---down point, hoist 3 Setting value
P 4.40 0 – 110 % 2nd total load shut---down point Setting value
P 4.41 0 – 110 % 2nd shut ---down point, hoist 1 Setting value
P 4.42 0 – 110 % 2nd shut ---down point, hoist 2 Setting value
P 4.43 0 – 110 % 2nd shut ---down point, hoist 3 Setting value
P 4.5 0 – 110 % Switching point, external part ---load Setting value
P 5.0 3ST, 4ST Selection of data format for external load 3 ST, 4 ST 1443
P 5.1 h Display of theoretical service life Setting value
load population recorder
P 5.2 h Read load population recorder 2223 Values can only be
read out if load popula-
tion recorder is activa-

P 5.3 Acceptance test 1443

P 5.4 Unit diagnosis CodE 1443
P 5.5 Delete settings LOE 1443
P 5.6 1---9999 Enter adaptation factor for current mea- Setting value 1443
P 5.7 0,1 Operation on twin hoist 1443
P 5.01 0 --- 232 Enter transmission ratio for hoist 1 Setting value 1443 Do not make any ad-

P 5.02 0 --- 232 Enter transmission ratio for hoist 1 Setting value 1443 Do not make any ad-

P 9.9 Return from parameter level

Page 16 Data : 22.12.2000

Para- Range Unit Description Display Code Remarks
Unit setting parameters
P 1.1 Hz Zero load adjustment, hoist 1 CodE 1443
P 1.2 Hz Setting overload protection device for hoist 1 Last
P 1.3 0---64999 Hz Display / enter Setting value 1443
zero load frequency, hoist 1
P 1.4 0---64999 Hz Display / enter Setting value 1443
amplification factor, hoist 1
P 2.1 Hz Zero load adjustment, hoist 2 CodE 1443
P 2.2 Hz Setting overload protection device for hoist 2 Last
P 2.3 0---64999 Hz Display / enter Setting value 1443
zero load frequency, hoist 2
P 2.4 0---64999 Hz Display / enter Setting value 1443
amplification factor, hoist 2
P 3.1 Hz Zero load adjustment, hoist 3 CodE 1443
P 3.2 Hz Setting overload protection device for hoist 3 Last
P 3.3 0---64999 Hz Display / enter Setting value 1443
zero load frequency, hoist 3
P 3.4 0---64999 Hz Display / enter Setting value 1443
amplification factor, hoist 3

Parameters for load population recorder

P 6.1 10–12400 h Activate load population recorder / enter CodE
theoretical service life Setting value
P 6.2 0–12400 h Display / enter starting value for hoist Setting value
load population recorder
P 6.3 Delete load population recorder values CodE Only for inspectors

P 6.4 0–21845 h Display of actual hours of use S for hoist

P 6.5 0–65535 h Display of total operating hours T for hoi-

Display / diagnosis parameters

P 7.00 0.000 – t Display total load or load on hoist 1; de-
408.0 pending on position of selector switch
P 7.01 0–127.0 t Display load on hoist 1 (no tare function)
P 7.02 0–127.0 t Display load on hoist 2 (no tare function)
P 7.03 0–127.0 t Display load on hoist 3 (no tare function)
P 7.4
P 7.5 00.00 --- A Display motor current
P 7.6 0.000 --- V Display power supply voltage
P 7.61 V Display voltage plot
P 7.7 00.00 --- Hz Display motor frequency Only for operation with
120.0 frequency converter

P 8.0 Enter CODE for higher operating level Operating level only
available to ABUS

P 9.9 Return from parameter level

A 508.GB Page 17
10 Description of LIS – SV parameters
0015 Operating hours are displayed on unit. will appear when the parameter is selected. To
This display appears if change the value, press enter until CodE appears
1. after the hoist has been shut down for about 3 sec. on the display. You can then change the parameter
2. after you have pressed the ”Enter” button briefly value after entering the correct code.
10. On level 2, if no entries are made for 5 minutes, the
unit switches to the operating mode.
Menu level 1 All entries made and saved up to that point are
CodE Readout of load population Parameter: P 0.0
recorder by customer: Total load capacity of crane system. If only one hoist is
Appears on the display if you press the Enter key for evaluated, the total load capacity is always equal to the
some time, provided that the load population recorder load capacity of hoist 1.
has been enabled by ABUS. For total load evaluation, the total load value entered
must not be higher than the sum of the individual load
capacity figures.
Menu level 2
Before carrying out any settings on the LIS– Parameter: P 1.0
SV, you should read the notes on the para- Load capacity of hoist 1.
meters carefully. The maximum load capacity of the hoist must be en-
Always remember that incorrect settings may tered.
cause malfunction.
ABUS will assume no liability whatsoever for Parameter: P 2.0
any damage to the crane or any consequen- Load capacity of hoist 2.
tial damage resulting from incorrect settings. The maximum load capacity of the hoist must be en-
General: Note: This parameter cannot be set if a value
To display and change parameters, proceed as follows: is entered under P 5.01. In this case, you
1. Press Enter until the parameter number appears on must first set P 5.01 to zero.
the display. Release the Enter button.
2. If the load population recorder is activated, CodE Parameter: P 3.0
will appear on the display. Load capacity of hoist 3.
Press Enter briefly. The display will switch to para- The maximum load capacity of the hoist must be en-
meter number. tered.
3. Press Enter until 0000 is displayed. The left digit will Note: This parameter cannot be set if a value
flash. is entered under P 5.02. In this case, you
4. Use the ”up” and ”down” buttons to change values. must first set P 5.02 to zero.
Confirm each value by pressing ”Enter” briefly.
5. After entering the last digit, press Enter until the dis- Parameter: P 4.0 -- P 4.3
play switches to P 0.0. Overload shut ---down points for total load, hoist 1, hoist
6. Use the ”up” and ”down” buttons to switch to the 2, hoist 3.
previous/following parameter. The value must be set as a percentage of the load ca-
7. Select each parameter by pressing Enter briefly. pacity.
8. The value stored in the parameter list will appear on If the set value is exceeded, the hoist concerned is shut
the display. down and the overload protection system is set to over-
9. In the case of all parameters protected by a code load. The load is displayed on the digital operating unit,
(apart from P1.1,P2.1 and P3.1), the value stored which flashes at intervals of one second.

Page 18 Data : 22.12.2000

Parameter: P 4.40 -- P 4.43 Parameter: P 5.2 Load population recorder
Second shut---down points for total load, hoist 1, hoist This parameter can be used to read out the data of the
2, hoist 3. load population recorder:
The value must be set as a percentage of the load ca- 1. Theoretical service life D
pacity. 2. Actual hours of use S
If the set value is exceeded, the hoist concerned is shut 3. Load spectrum factor kmi
down and the overload protection system is set to over- 4. Total operating hours Ti
load. The load is displayed on the digital operating unit, 5. Remaining service life
which flashes at intervals of one second. The second 6. Starting value
shut ---down point is activated if a control voltage is ap- Adjustment:
plied to input EA of the LIS---SV unit. It is only possible to read out the data of the load
Warning: in order to avoid overriding the population recorder if the recorder has been enabled.
safety circuit installed in the unit, the input Only ABUS can enable the load population
must not be activated until contactors recorder.
K21/K22 have been switched over. If the load population recorder is not enabled, it is not
possible to call up any data for the recorder.
Parameter: P 4.5 If the load population recorder has been enabled and
Switching point for external part ---load switch. If the set- activated, the data can be called up on menu level 1
ting is exceeded, the relay on the printed circuit board after entering CODE 2223.
of the current measurement module is switched. The
setting always refers to the total load capacity set in Parameter: P 5.3 Acceptance test
parameter P 0.0. This parameter can be used to switch the outputs of the
LIS–SV manually (main lift, precision lift, Y1 and Y2).
Parameter: P 5.0 In this mode of operation, the overload protection
If an ABUS load display is connected to the unit, this function is overridden (no overload shut–down).
parameter is used to switch to a three---digit or four--- Caution: The switch contacts are always switched in
digit display. accordance with the control signal received.
Standardmäßig ist das 4---stellige Anzeigeformat vor-
gewählt. Value on
Parameter: P 5.1
This parameter indicates the full–load hours of the
corresponding FEM group. It cannot be used to 1 lifting/lowering not possible
change the full–load hours or the FEM group. 2 slow lifting/lowering possible
If this parameter is set to 0000, the load population 3 fast lifting/lowering possible
recorder is not active.
4 –––
FEM group Full–load hours 5 –––
1Dm M1 100
1Cm M2 200 (0 = contact open, 1 = contact closed)
You must leave this parameter following each test.
1Bm M3 400 If the LIS---SV continues to be set to this parameter, the
1Am M4 800 hoist will operate, but the overload protection function
will be deactivated. For this reason, a time limit has
2m M5 1600
been incorporated for this parameter. When this para-
3m M6 3200 meter has been selected for about 45 minutes, the
4m M7 6300 LIS---SV is switched automatically back to normal oper-
ation, and the overload protection function is active
5m M8 12500 again.

A 508.GB Page 19
Parameter: P 5.4 1443.
This parameter can be used for manual switching of the This parameter allows you to perform the following
LIS --- SV output relays; tests:
in addition, the signals at inputs E1 --- E7 and EA can be --- output relay test
checked. --- part---load switch test
The hoist cannot be operated when this parameter is --- input test
selected. To call up the various tests in sequence, press the Enter
To access the diagnosis parameter, enter CODE no. key.

Output relay test

Error dis-
Switch contact status Display Note
Test Monito-
Lift Lower Fast
point ring
--0- 0 0 0 0 0001 all relays at rest 0000
--1- 1 0 0 0 1000 relays set to ”lift” 1001
--2- 0 1 0 0 0100 relays set to ”lower” 0101
--3- 0 0 1 1 0011 relays set to ”fast”
Part-- load switch test
--4- Part---load switch operated
--5- not active
Input test “E6” / “E2” / “E7” / “EA”
Error dis-
Input status Display Note
E6 E2 E7 EA
--6- 0 0 0 0 4000 no signal at inputs monitoring ok 0000
1 0 0 0 0001 ”lift” signal at input 4000
0 1 0 0 0020 ”lower” signal at input 4000
1 0 0301 ”fast” and “lift” signal at input
1 1 4000
0 1 0320 ”fast” and “lower” signal at input
Input test “E1” / “E3” / “E4” / “E5”
Error dis-
Input status Display Note
E5 E4 E3 E1
--7- 0 0 0 1 0005 signal at input E1 evaluated 0000
0 0 1 0 0060 signal at input E3 evaluated 0000
0 1 0 0 0700 signal at input E4 evaluated 0000
1 0 0 0 8000 signal at input E5 evaluated 0000

(0 = contact open, 1 = contact closed) Parameter: P 5.5

You must leave this parameter following each test. It can only be accessed using CODE 1443.
For safety reasons, a time limit has been incorporated Caution !!
for this parameter. When this parameter has been This parameter deletes all parameters except
selected for 45 minutes, the unit is switched automati- for those of the load population recorder.
cally back to normal operation.
To leave the diagnosis parameter, press the Enter key
for some time.

Page 20 Data : 22.12.2000

Parameter: P 5.6 briefly, you leave this parameter without making any
This parameter defines the correction factor for the cur- change.
rent measurement modules. If you wish to change the setting, press Enter until the
The correction factor must be taken from the table display switches to 0.000. The digit on the right will
”correction factors for current measurement modules”. flash; you can then enter the individual load, digit by
Input: digit. After you have acknowledged the last digit en-
1. display of correction factor stored tered, a step graph running from top to bottom will ap-
2. entry of correction factor from table 1 pear on the display. During this display, you can use the
hoist normally to lift the load.
Parameter: P 5.7 As soon as the load has been lifted clear of the ground,
P5.7 is used to set the unit for operation with twin hoists. press the emergency off button on the pendant control.
This setting means that the fast speed is only enabled MESS will appear on the display, followed by the fre-
after a time delay of 0.5 sec. following the evaluation of quency value measured. To ensure safe operation,
the ”fast” signal. lower the load when the measurement has been com-
If this parameter is set, the two motors are switched to pleted.
main speed in sequence and to reduce the load on the Each time you press the Enter button, the following va-
power supply network. lues are displayed in sequence:
- amplification factor
Parameter: P 5.01, P 5.02 - zero load frequency
If the unit is used to control an ABUS frequency con- - difference between zero load and load frequency
verter, this parameter is used for storing the trans- - rated load
mission ratio of the hoist. The value entered is used for - individual load setting
calculating the current motor speed. A value cannot be
entered unless parameters P2.0 (P3.0) are set to zero. Note:
If you have not already carried out zero load
Parameter: P 9.9 adjustment using parameter P1.1 or P2.1 or
Following acknowledgement, the current software ver- P3.1, Err6 will appear on the display. After you
sion (e.g. 1.03) is briefly indicated on the display. The press Enter, the unit will switch automatically
unit then switches from the parameter level back to the to the correct parameter for zero load adjust-
normal operating mode. ment. When adjustment has been com-
The overload protection function is active again. pleted, you can continue with settings, as de-
Attention! After Err7 has been indicated, the hoist can
The parameters described below should not be used for moving the load. To repeat the
be adjusted unless the unit has been measurement, press the Enter button for
switched off for at least 15 minutes. about 2 sec.

Parameter: P 1.1, P 2.1, P 3.1 Parameter: P 1.3, P 2.3, P 3.3

Adjustment of zero load for the selected hoist. In order Display/entry of zero load frequency for selected hoist.
to prevent unintentional setting of zero load, you must After the unit has been replaced, zero---load adjust-
enter a code number before these parameters can be ment should be repeated.
changed. ”MESS” then appears on the display. The
zero load value is set and the current measured is dis- Parameter: P 1.4, P 2.4, P 3.4
played. Press Enter until the display returns to the para- Display/entry of amplification factor for selected hoist.
meter level. The value measured is stored. After the unit has been replaced, operation can con-
tinue using the value from the old unit. However, it is
Notes: recommended to repeat adjustment.
You can only quit the parameter setting func-
Parameter: P 6.1
tion if the frequency measured is higher than
This parameter is used to set the FEM group and to
100 Hz. If you wish to quit the parameter set-
activate the load population recorder. It can only be
ting function although a lower value was
used if the load population recorder has been enabled
measured, you must press all the buttons at
by ABUS.
the same time for about 2 sec.
Parameter: P 1.2, P 2.2, P 3.2 This parameter can only be enabled by ABUS.
Setting hoist under load. The theoretical service life stated by the manufacturer
In order to prevent unintentional adjustment of the is entered (in hours at full load). (See also table 1 in FEM
value, LAST is initially displayed. If you press Enter 9.755.)

A 508.GB Page 21
Parameter: P 6.2
This parameter is used to enter a starting value (in Note:
hours) which must be deducted from the theoretical In parameters 7.1 to 7.6, the overload protec-
hours at full load when calculating the remaining ser- tion function is disabled.
vice life.
(For example, this parameter is used when installing a The special display mode remains active for
newLIS–SV on an existing system.) about 20 min, after which the unit automati-
Adjustment: cally switches back to the normal display
This parameter has two levels: mode.
1. Level 1 = display stored starting value
2. Level 2 = set new starting value If you wish to quit the special display mode
before the 20 min. have elapsed, you must
CODE 1443 must be entered in order to access level 2. return to the normal display mode by select-
ing parameter P 9.9.
Parameter: P 6.3
This parameter is used to erase the values stored in the Parameter: P 7.61
load population recorder This parameter allows simple, rapid diagnosis of the
Adjustment power supply voltage with the hoist in operation.
A special CODE must be entered in order to access this If the unit is in normal operation, the power supply volt-
parameter. age is recorded for 500 ms each time main lift is acti-
Parameter: P 6.4 After this parameter has been selected, the r.m.s. value
To display the value stored, press Enter. of the supply voltage is calculated for intervals of 50 ms
each. To switch to the value for the next interval, simply
Parameter: P 6.5 press the Enter key.
To display the value stored, press Enter.
Parameter: P 8.0
Parameter: P 7.0 -- P 7.7 When this parameter is selected, level 3 can be
These are display and diagnosis parameters. The va- accessed by entering a code. This code no. is only
lues shown in the parameter table are displayed. available to ABUS.

Page 22 Data : 22.12.2000

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