A Conceptual Study of Avyava Utpatti As Described in Sushrut Samhita

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World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

Negi. SJIF Impact

World Journal of Pharmaceutical Factor 8.084
Volume 10, Issue 4, 984-998. Review Article ISSN 2277– 7105



Nishtha Yadav Negi*

Asst. Professor, Himalayiya Ayurvedic(PG) Medical College & Hospital.

Article Received on
12 Feb. 2021, Ayurveda is the first ancient knowledge about the shrishti-uttapatti,
Revised on 04 March 2021, panchmahabhuta, gunas, doshas, swastha sanrakshana, Vikruti
Accepted on 24 March 2021
medicine etc. All this knowledge has been compiled by the sages in
DOI: 10.20959/wjpr20214-20182
samhitas. One such samhita is sushrut Samhita that gives us knowledge
about the development of human being. How every part of the human
*Corresponding Author
body got its origin way before embryology in modern science came
Dr. Nishtha Yadav Negi
Asst. Professor. Himalaya
into existence. The causative agent in the development of Sharira is
Ayurvedic(PG) Medical the union, division and multiplication of cells by vayu and nature of
College & Hospital. activities with the latest discoveries and advancement in the field of
medicine, each and every minute details and aspect of human
embryology has been studied in advance details and still more and more is being explored.
This has been possible with the help of different tools and techniques of the modern world.
But in this present era of modern science one cannot put aside the thousand years of literature
and knowledge of Ayurveda where acharyas have beautifully described human embryology
in terms of Garbhadhan vidhi, Masanumasik garbha vriddhi and other aspect of garbha sharir
with their deep insight of knowledge even in the absence of present diagnostic tools. Detailed
description is available in Samhitsa regarding garbha, garbhavkranti and masanumasik
garbha vridhi. Acharya Sushrut has mentioned how the Avyavas of the human body
developed by different components. The following article would deal with the correlation of
ayurvedic and embryological components forming different avyavas as mentioned in
Sushuruta Samhita. The effort would be to highlight the proper understanding of the
theme‟s in present understanding of facts and to corelate the factual ideas in the light of the
modern science under the heading of development of Avyavas or role of its governing
factors. The Garbhavkranti andunderstanding of „Grarbha factors taking part in the formation
of different avyava of foetus have been delt mainly based on material available in Ayurveda

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mainly sushrut Samhita.

KEYWORDS:- Garbha, Avyava.

According to „Vaisheshik Darshan‟ origin of universe comes in existence due to interaction
of atoms called (Parmanu). The atoms form diatoms then triatoms and so on, unite to form a
compact structure.

From the physiological angle, Embryology is the key that helps-unlock such secrets as
heredity the determination of sex and organic evolution. Embryology may also be able to
interpret and explain vestigial structures, growth, differentiation and repair and to throw light
on some pathological condition.

In modern science, the developmental anatomy is studied is the branch named as

“Embryology”. Embryology is the study of the embryo/foetus from the moment of its
inception upto the time when it is born an infant.

Intrauterine life of foetus can be divided into

(1) Ovum stage - From fertilization to end of 1st week.
(2) Embryo stage - From second to Eighth week
(3) Foetus stage – From third month to birth.

In ancient literature of Ayurveda “Garbhavkranti Shariram” is the science which deals with
all these phenomenon. Veda, Purana, vrihatrayi, Laghutrayi, Commentators of samhitas
specially Dalhan, chakrapani, Arundatta etc also has illustrated garbhavkranti-Shariram. It
can be divided into three parts so that the gradual development and formation can be studied
(1) Garbha Avataran (Inception)
(2) Garbha Nirman (Formation)
(3) Garbha Poshana (Nourishment)

Garbha Nirmana and formation of different Avyava according to acharya Sushruta and its
modern correlation in this particular study would throw light on the knowledge of sages in
Ancient era. How different mahabhutas, Dhatus plays significant role in the Avyava

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Review of literature
Definition of garbha
According to garbhaupnishada „Deha‟ (Body) is formed by Rasa-Raktadi seven dhatus and
garbha is formed by the conjugation of shukra and artava of male and female

Garuna Purana also marked out the formation of garbha by the union of shukra and shonita.
Presence of chaitanyata in Shukra is the cause of foetal growth.[2]

According to Mahabharta Jeev (soul) which comes from Antariksha (space) enters into the
Shukra of man according to the Purvajanmakrita Karma and unites with the ovum to change
into garbha.[3]

Union of healthy Shukra (sperm) and Shonita along with panchadhatu and jeev (soul)
collectively develops the garbha (Embryo) according to the Yajnavalkya Smriti.[4]

Acharya charak defines Garbha as the combination of Shukra, Shonita, Jeeva which reaches
to Kukshi (uterus) is known as Garbha.[5]

According to Acharya Sushruta in the garbhashaya when shukra and shonita unite and there
is fusion of Prakriti (eight) and vikara (sixteen) along with Jeevatma is known as Garbha or
product of conception.[6]

Acharya Haarit marked out the origin of Deha by the union of Shukra ,Shonita and

After birth the garbha known as „Baala‟.[8] (Neonate baby)

According to laghuvagbhatta Satva (soul) impelled by the affliction of his own past action,
entering into the pure and mature shukra and combines with the Artava and give rise to the
formation of the embryo, in an orderly manner, just like fire from the piece of wood (by
rubbing together).[9]

Role of panchmahabhuta and Matraja and Pitraja bhava in formation of different

Contribution of Panchmahabuta in the formation and development of Garbha is very much
important in Ayurvedic concept.

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Acharya Sushruta has explained the role of panchmahabhuta in the development of

grabha.According to him vayu leads the process of division and multiplication (vibhajana),
Tejas causes Pachana (transformation) Apa caues kledana (moistening), prithvi causes
Sanghanana (Consolidation) and Akasha causes vivardhana (spaceformation).[10]

According to garbhaupnishad, Panchmababhuta contribute in growth of garbha e.g prithvi by

dharana (retention and maintenance), Jal by pindikarana (solidification), Tej by prakashana
(Manifestation), Vayu by Vyuhan (division) and Akasha by formation of Avakasha

Matraja Bhava and Ptiraja bhava are also responsible for Avyava formation.

According to Acharya Sushruta there are 6 factors (Shadbhava) which are responsible for
foetal development out of these two factors that are mainly taking part in Avyava formation
and Matraja and pitraja Bhava.[12]
 Matraja bhava gives origin to the following organs (Avyava)
Twacha, Rakta, Mansa, meda, Hridaya,Vrikka, Basti, Yakrit, Kloma, Nabhi, Pleeha,
uttara guda, Adhara guda, Purishadhar, Amashaya, Vapavahan kshudrantra, Pakvashaya
and sthulantra.
 Pitraja bhava gives origin to following organs (Avyava).
Kesha, loma, Shamashru, Nakha, danta, Asthi, Sira, Snayu, Dhamni, Virya.

Ayurvedic prospective of organogenesis

In puranas a brief description of embryology can also be traced in Garuda Purana. Its
description is based on certain philosophical concept and says that there exist two germ
cell stages in the uterus during the course of development, first it passes through the stage of
“kalala”super imposed by “budbuda”. Then blood like fluid, muscles and finally around
shaped germinating seed like structure is obtained. The other body parts like digits nose ect.
having little movements comes in view.

But the most elaborate and accurate description of the initial stage of development of garbha
which resembles most to the modern embryological concepts is mentioned in Haarit Samhita.

Charaka opinions that in the first month, atma gets mixed up or vitiated by all the dhatus
(tissue) and attains a mucoid appearance. Previously due to prithvi tattva, the shape is solid,

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which later on becomes blastocyst due to predominance of jala tattva. He believes that at this
stage all the body parts are present in this mucoid structure but is subtle form (khetbhut).[13]

Sushruta and vagbhata are of the opinion that during the first month, the embryo isin shape
of Kalala.[14] As per garbhupinshad the fertilized egg becomes Kalala in one night, budbuhda
in7 nights, pinda in 15 days and solid in one month.[15]

Yajnavallkya Smriti has said that after union of Shukra and Shonita along with
panchmahabhuta as well as descent of atma all these gets mixed up and are moistened in first
month[16] „Sankledabhut‟ Harita has elaborated the views of Yajnavalkya and said that after
union of Sukra and shonita on the first day, it attains the form of Kalala, On the 10th day it
becomes budbuda, on 15rh day a solid and on 20th day a mass of flesh. The
Panchmahabutas gets associated with it on 25th day and by the end of one month all
the tatavas becomeconspicuous.[17]

Masanumasik Krama
Acharya Sushrut has mentioned the monthwise development of foetus as „Masanumasik
S. no. Month Avastha of garbha
1 Pratham masa Kalalavastha
2 Dwitiya masa Ghanavastha or pind, peshi, Arbudavastha
3 Tritiya masa Panch- pindakavastha
4 Chaturtha masa Dauhridavastha or Vyaktangavastha
5 Pancham masa mana Probudhavastha
6 Shashtha masa Snayu –sira-Romadi Vyaktavastha
7 Saptam masa Sarva-ang-pratyang-Vyaktavastha
8 Ashtam masa Oja-Sancharanavasth
9 Navam masa Prasavavastha

Stages of fetal development (According to various ancient literatures)

Month Garbhu. U C.S. S.S A.S Yaj Smr. Agni. P Padma Purana
1 Ist night Mucoid than Kalala Kalala Liquid Form Ist day Kalala, 5th day
Kalala 7 kalala budbda one month
night solid with 5 buds for
budbuda neck, head, shoulder,
15th night v.column etc.
2 Buds of Ghana/Pinda Pinda/Pesi/ Ghana/Pinda Arbuda Appearance of both
various Body /Pesi/arbuda Arbuda Pesi/ arbuda Extremities flanks
parts appear back, etc.

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3 Buds of All indriyas 5 body parts Appearance Indriyas and Appearance Appearance of buds
lower and organs Become of 5 body body Parts of body
extremities becomes conspicuous parts appear Parts
4 Formation Foetus All the body Shape of Stability in Appearance Appearance of fingers
of Fingers, Becomes Parts Various body Body parts of bones
GIT Pelvis Stable becomes parts Appear
Clear and
5 Formation Increase in Mana Appearance Formation of Formation Formation of mouth,
of Vertibral Volume of becomes of Chetna Blood Of skin and Ear, nose etc..
column Flesh and Enlightened Blood
6 Formation Bala & Buddhi Snayu, Sira Bala, varna Body hair Formation of mouth,
of Eyes Varna Roma, Nails Nails, hair ear, nose etc.
Mouth, nose, Skin
7 Foetus All the All body Fully Feeling of Alll the joints, hairs of
becomes bhavas Parts develop Development Vedana the head and body parts
Viable increases Foetus are fully developed
8 th With all the Unstability Unstability Unstablitiy Unstablity udvega Fully developed foetus
9th Features Of ojas Of ojas Ojas Of ojas

C.S Charaka Samhita, S.S-Sushrut Samhita, A.s-Ashtang sangrah, P-Purana, U-Upnishad,

Y.S Yajnavalkaya smritri

Anga-Pratyanga nirmana krama

According to acharya Sushruta all the anga- Pratyanga in the foetus develops together and not
separately. He mentioned that like in Amra Phala when it is immature all its parts like keshar,
majjabhaga, Asthi and Majja are present in it but because of its miniature size they are not
visible. But as the amra phala matures (ripens) all these parts becomes visible, in the same
way in foetus during its Tarunavastha (early stage) all the parts (anga-pratyanga) forms at the
same time but are not visible but as the foetus grows they all become visible together.[19]

Components taking part in the formation of different avyava

According to acharaya shusruta there are different components like dhatus etc that take part in
Avyava formation.[20]

S. no. Avyava Components

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1 Yakrit (Liver) Formed by Rakta

2 Pleeha (Spleen) Formed by Rakta
3 Fuffus (lungs) Formed by Rakta fen
4 Unduk (Caecum) Formed by Rakta kitta
5 Jihva ( Tounge) Formed by Saarbhaga of kapha
rakta and mansa dhatu
6 Vrishan (Testicles) Formed by Prasad bhaga of
mansa, Rakta,kapha and meda
7 Hridaya (Heart) Formed by Prasad bhaga of
Rakta and Kapha
8 Vrikka (kidney) Formed by the Prasad bhag of
Rakta and meda
9 Antra, Guda, Formed by Prasad Bhaga of
Basti(Intestines) (Anal Rahta, Kapha and by vata and
canal) (Bladder) pitta doshas

Acharya Sushruta has also mentioned that Pitta yukta vayu accordingly causes the utapatti of
srotas. In the same manner Pitta Yukta vayu enters the mansa dhatu and divides it into
peshis. Vayu also separates snehansha of meda dhatu and forms Sira and Snayu. vayu valso
causes spaces inside the body and causes the formation of aashaya.[21]

Further acharya Sushruta mentions that Ang Pratayanga develops by Swabhava and whatever
guna and Avguna take part in the development of these anga, pratyang they all depends on
the poorvajanmkrit Dharma and Adharma.[22]

Modern embryological concept[23]

Fertilization of the ovum and sperm takes place. The fertilized ovum is large and itundergoes
a series of division i.e clevage.

When 16 cells stage occours it is called morula.

Fluid partially separates the inner cell mass from trophoblast. The morula becomes a

The cells of inner cell man mulitiply and form an embryonic disc having two layers. These
layers are epiblast and hypoblast. Later epiblast differentiate in three germ layers called
ectoderm, endoderm and mesoderm. The cells of hypoblast becomes flattened and lines the
yolk sac.

These three germ layers forms different structures of the body listed below.
Ectoderm Endoderm Mesoderm

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Epithelium of :- Epithelium of :- Epithelium of :-

Larynx Brain Muscles
Trachea Spinal cord Fibrous connective tissues
Lungs Peripheral nerves Adipose tissues
Esophagus Ganglia Blood and bone marrow
Stomach Special Sensory receptors of eye, Blood cells
ear nose, mouth
Intestines general sensory receptors lymphatic tissues
Liver Adrenal medulla Reticulo endothelial system
Gall bladder Skin (epidermis) Skin (fibroues connectivetissues)
Pancreas Nails Dermis
Urinary Bladder Hair Pleura, Peritoneum, Pericardium
Urethra Sweat glands, Sebaceousglands, Kidney
mammary glands
Vagina Salivary glands Ureters
Inner ear cavity Nasal Cavity Gonads and associated ducts
Auditory tubes Mouth Adrenal Cortex
Thyroid And canal Endocardium and vessels,
Parathyroid Enamel of teeth
Thymus Anterior Pitutary

Comparitive analysis of development of foetus

S. no. Stages Days according to text Modern concept
1 Kalala 1th 30 th
30th 1th
Morula (1-3days)
2 Budbuda 7th 10th
Blastocyst (4th day)
3 Pinda 15th Implantation of
embryo in uterus
complete by the
12th day and
embryo appear
rounded in shape
4 Ghana 30 15 Embryo becomes
(Soili more solid due to
dification) rapid division of
cells and the
formation of
primitive streak and
neural groove
5 Pesi 20th In the last 3rd week
the embryo becomes
1.5 to 2mmlong and
apparently may
resemble with Pesi
as described in
GH- Garbhupnishad, CS-Charak Samhita, SS-Sushrut Samhita, H.S-Haarit Samhita

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Avyava described by Acharya Sushrut are formed by following components in

modern science (Embryology)
Liver- It develops from the endodermal Hepatic buds. This hepatic bud divides to form
large Cranial part pars hepatica that forms the liver and a smaller caudal part pars cystica that
forms gall bladder and cystic duct.
Spleen - It develops from the mesoderm. It develops as a collection of mesenchymal cells to
form small lobular masses of spleenic tissues. These lobules later fuse to form single mass of
Lungs- Develop from the lung buds.
Caecum- Develops from the ceacal bud by its enlargement. The proximal part of this bud
forms the caecum.
Tongue- It develops in relation to pharyngeal arches. These are rod like thickening of
mesoderm present in the wall of the foregut.
Testicles- It develops from the coelomic epthelium that covers the medial side of the
mesonephros of the corresponding sides. The germinal epithelium of the region becomes
thick. The cells of this epithelium proliferate to form different parts of testis.
Heart - The heart develops from the splanchnopleuric mesoderm related to that part of
Intra embryonic coelom that forms the pericardial cavity. This mesoderm is the cardiogenic
Kidneys - The kidney develops from two sources. The excretory parts are derived from the
metanephros. The collecting part is formed by ramification of ureteric bud.
Intestines, Rectum & Anal canal - Derived from mid gut and hindgut.
Bladder - The urinary bladder is derived from the cranial part of the vesicourethral canal
(Endoderm). The epthelium of trigone is derived from absorbed mesonephric duct.

The above description tells about various components of initial embryonic development
described by acharyas corresponding to their days in contrast to the various components in
the development of foetus described by the modern embryologist.

If we go through the literature described in thousands of years old Samhitas we will find a
very minute and explicit description of each and every stage of embryonic development and
that to its initial stages which are unvieled by the present day embryologists by means of
highly sophisticated and ultra modern techniques and equipments available now a days, and

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are acharyas acquired this truthful knowledge by their divine insight observation and

In this study an effort has been made so as to extract out the observation and facts in support
of the insight of the acharyas, those are even up to date to the present scenario of Garbha
sharir given in Ayurveda.

The Avyava formation by different components as described by acharya Susruta is quite

difficult to correlate with the component described is the organ formation by the modern
embryologist. But the fully formed organs (Avyava) can be correlated on the basis of their
anatomical and physiological structure. For instance the first Avyava described by Sushruta is
liver or Yakrit. He described that Yakrit is formed by Rakta. Comparatively it can be
explained according to modern view, One of the main function of liver (Yakrit) is the storage
of vitamin B12, Iron and folic acid are stored in the liver which are very important for
erythropoiesis. In the deficiency of these substances can cause reduction inthe synthesis of
DNA in RBC that causes decreases in maturation of RBC that leads to anaemia Secondly
liver receives maximum amount of blood in the body i.e 1500 ml / min.i.e about 30% of
cardiac output. Thus the formation of Yakrit (liver) by Rakta can be justified by seeing the
importance of liver for the maturation of RBC and receiving the maximum quantity of blood
in the whole body.

Pleeha (Spleen) has also been described by acharya Sushruta formed by Rakta dhatu.
According to modern concept spleen is an important haemopoitic organ during foetal life.
RBC can be stored in the spleen and released into circulation wherever needed. Thus the
formation of spleen by Rakta can be well justified by these two important functionof spleen.

Fuffus (lungs) are said to be formed by Rakta fen. Now if we see the structure of lungs they
are sponge like that gives a bubble like appearance to the lungs thus we can say that seeing
the sponge like bubbly structure of the lungs the formation of lungs by Rakta fen described
by acharya sushrut can be justified. More ever the function of lungs is to purify and
oxygenate the deoxygenated blood. So it has main function associated with blood or Rakta.

Unduk (Caecum) is said to be formed by Rakta kitta or mala by achayra Sushruta. Rakta kitta
or mala is said to be pitta But here in this context we would rather take Rakta kitta as the
waste product of blood which can be compared to faecal matter. Whatever food we intake all

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the nutrients etc are dissolved in the blood and the remaining undigested substance is
converted into faecal matter in the caecum. That is why seeing the function of caecum in
formation of faeces the formation of caecum by the Rakta kitta (as it stores the faecal matter
for some time) can be justified.

Jihva (Tongue) according to acharya Sushrut has been said to be formed by saarbhaga of
Kapha, rakta and mansa dhatu. Physiologically jihva is useful in speech, taste sensation etc.
Its formation by prasaad or Saarbhag of kapha can by explained as such that all the secretion
of salivary gland open in the mouth making a watery solution called the saliva. As we know
that Bodhak Kapha is compared to salivary secretion that helps the taste buds of the tongue
in sensation of taste and this particular kapha is found is the moola of Jihva. Secondly the
tongue is made up of different types of muscles. Which plays an important role in making its
structure. The intrinsic muscles of tongue are superior longitudnal, Inferior longitudinal,
Transverse and vertical. Extrinsic muscles of tongue are genioglossus. Hyoglossus,
Styloglossus and Palatoglossus. These muscles perform various important functions of
tongue. Thus we can say that formation of Jihva by Kapha rakta and mansa can be well
compared in both ayurvedic and modern concepts.

Vrishan (Testicles) according to sushrut Samhita vrishan are formed by Prasad Bhaga of
Kapha, Rakta mansa and meda. Anatomically if we see the structure of testicles we know that
testes is suspended in scrotum. In ayurveda scrotum and testes are not mentioned separately
so we can say each testicles lies in the scrotum and that particular scrotum is composed of
dartos muscle, cremastric muscles and different fascias that are important structural
peculiarities. More ever each testicles is covered by tough fibrous layers of tissue called
tunica. The outer layer is called tunica vaginalis and inner layer is called tunica albuginea. So
mansa utapattti of testicles can be compared as such. Acharya Sushrut would have compared
these tough fibrous layers to mansa dhatus. Secondly the secretion of the testicles like
spermatic fluid, testosterone can be compared to kapha dhatu. and meda dhatu can be
compared to the fat molecules and phospolipids present in the leidyg cells which are
imtportant for the nutrition of the sperms.

Hriday (Heart) is described in Sushrut Samhita to be formed by Prasad bhaga of Rakta and
Kapha. Acharya Sushruta would have mentioned about the dhamnis that are attached to the
heart carrying blood by dhamana process to different parts. More ever he has depicted the
importance of Avalambak Kapha by its functions of doing Avalamban of Hridaya. This

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concept can be correlated as such that Heart receives the blood from the whole body and after
purification sends it back to the whole body so its main function is to conduct blood in the
body continuously so physiologically its development from blood can be justified. Movever
avalambak kapha is correlated to paricardial and pleural fluids.

Vrikka (Kidney) is formed by the Prasad bhaga of Rakta and meda. The anatomical structure
of kidney shows that the kidney is surrounded by various covering, one of them is perirenal
or Perinephric fat. This layer is of adipose tissue lying outside the fibrous capsule, It is
thickest at the borders of the kidneys and fills the extraspaces in the renal sinus it provides
protections against damage so meda can be compared to these fat covering around the kidney.
We can say that thousands years ago when there were no specific means then also acharya
sushruta so minutely studied the structures and guided us about the different viscera‟s.

More ever kidney receives 1300 ml of blood per minute that is 26% of candiac output. It is
the second organ after to receive such a great amount of blood. The main function is to filter
this large amount of blood and put it back into the circulation. Thus the main function of
kidney is to filter blood. Thus we can say that the finding of acharya Sushruta that kidney is
formed by blood and meda can be justified.

Antra, guda, Basti (Intestines, Anal canal, Bladder): These structures according to acharya
Sushrita has been formed by the Prasad bhaga of Rakta and kapha along with the pachana
kriya of Pitta and sanyog of vayu. If we see the function of Intestine mainly large Intestine
and guda they cause the faecal matter to expel out of the body. Purish is Agni and Vaya
Pradhan. Sthoolartra is related with the utpatti of stool and guda is related with sanchaya and
utsarjana kriya of mala or stool so seeing their main function of excretion of pitta and vayu
pradhan stool, along with the presence of mucous layer and secretions in these structures like
succus entericus from small intestine and secretion of large intestinal juices which usually
contain 99.5% water these secretion can be compared to kapha.

Basti on the other hand is also related with the excretion of urine. Mutra is agni and jala
Pradhan. Basti is also the Aashya for urine. So because kapha pradhan mutra is stored in the
Basti we can say on the basis of physiological anatomy that Basti is formed by Kapha.

Now in all the avyavas Rakta has been the main component taking part in the formation of
different Avayas along with the other elements. This is because Rakta is the connective tissue

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of the body connecting all the structures together It is an important fluid that supplies
oxygen. Oxygen provides nutrients to the tissues and helps in removal of waste products
from the body. Without Rakta it is impossible to survive. Acharya Sushruta has also
mentioned about its formation, sthana, Praman etc of Rakta in sutra sthan 14th chapter giving
it a great deal of importance for the living being. Thus he has included Rakta as the main
component in the formation of all the avyavas moreover Rakt is important for the growing
foetus The formation of blood cells begin very early in embryonic life[ before somites have
appeared]and continues throughout life. Blood formation is rapid in emryo to provide for
increase in blood volume with the growth of the embryo.In the 3rd week of embryonic
life,formation of blood vessels and blood cells is first seen in the walls of yolk sac. A
continuous supply of blood through the placenta is of great deal of importance for the
healthy development of the foetus.

If we take notice of the placental circulation we see that the mature placenta has the capacity
of 500ml of blood. 300ml being occupied in the villi system and 150ml lying in the
intervillous spaces. As the intevillous blood flow at term Avyava, is estimated to be 500-
600ml per minute. The blood in the intervillous spaces is completely replaced about 3-4times
per minute, failure of blood to reach to the foetus or low amount of blood reaching to the
foetus can cause severe complications because the foetus totally depends on blood for oxygen
and nutrients. So the importance of blood and its contribution in development of different
Avyavas according to sushruta can be justified.

The conclusion which has been extracted from this study is that the deep knowledge, keen
observation and valuable literature described in sushrut samhita holds quite truth and
accuracy with the discoveries and modern literature explored by the modern day

Exact correlation between ayurvedic and modern Rachna Sharir is quite tough but some
texts can be correlated based on physiological anatomy and the same effort has been done in
this particular study. In this study only a minute sphere of Ayurvedic concept of avayas
development in garbha has been tried to dealt with. The treasure of knowledge pertaining to
the embryology in the ancient literature though retaining behind the roots and its branches,
could not have the attraction of deserved workers and was left neglected. It is time when
the hidden truths of this particular branch of Rachna Sharir should get explored and

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proved with the advance and highly spectacular and sophisticated technology of the modern
science. So an effort should be made by Ayurvedic scholars for more and more exploration
and to extract out the ancient and fruitful concepts and ideology of acharyas into its practical

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