Unleashed Tools

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Help clients deal with their past so they can process their emotions as they come up.

The Surfer technique: Releasing instead of Recycling emotions. Allowing them to

ride the wave of the feeling all the way without judgment. Let the emotion be

3 tools that help with the expression and release of emotions:

1. Release Writing: Mind dumping as fast as they can. Get the emotional energy out.
I’m upset because... I’m angry because...

2. Act As If: Imagine an empty chair in front of them and pretend the person is sitting
there and let it out. Say what you want to say to them until the emotional charge

3. The Movie Screen Technique: Good for dealing with past memories. Go back in
time and say things you wish someone would have said to you.

Common coping or numbing strategies:

1. Distraction: When you focus on anything else so you don’t feel the emotion.
2. Numbing: Over-doing things, like over-eating, over-drinking or over-working.
3. Being “strong”: When you push through something by denying what you are
really feeling.
4. The “Pep talk”: Covering up uncomfortable emotions by masking them with
positive talks.
5. The “Spiritual bypass”: Avoiding emotion by only focusing on the lesson to be

Help clients come up with upgraded beliefs and let go of old limiting beliefs.
First we have to get an idea of what is their story.

Story Board Tool:

Draw a timeline and add all significant life events and the corresponding age.
For example: Age 6 parents divorce, age 14 first broken heart, age 18 started college.
After mapping these events, take a moment to look them over.
What do you notice?
What belief system formed from this life event?

This helps them get a clear picture of the stories they tell themselves and others
about who they are, and the way life happens because of these stories.
It also helps them understand that everything in their future is their choice.

Horseback Rider Technique: We teach clients to be mindful of their thoughts and

take control.
When we see the client galloping to a place that doesn’t serve them, ask them to stop
by taking a deep breath and be mindful of their thoughts, and then get back in
control of their mind by choosing a new thought.
Support clients in taking action while avoiding disappointment by focusing on the
process and the progress and not the result.
To really empower them to change their lives and create results, you have to get them
to commit to make changes in their behavior.

Stop Start Modify:

Help clients commit to their self care and change their behavior by taking small steps.
Ask them to choose something specific they want to change and measure using this
Stop: Behaviors they would like to stop completely.
Start: Behaviors that will nourish their body, mind and spirit.
Change: Behaviors they would like to modify, and state specifically how they intend
to adjust them.

Toward vs Away from motivation:

Get clients to focus on the positive things they are moving toward to instead of the
negative things they are moving away from. This way they will feel more inspired and
naturally pulled towards what they want instead of away from what they don’t want.

Observation Journal:
Ask clients to simply observe their behavior without judgment. At the end of the day,
write the actions they took or didn’t take with zero judgement and then write how
they felt when they took those actions or didn’t take them.

Stair Stepping:
Draw a staircase where they put their goal on top and the place they are right now in
the bottom. Ask them to write the next 3 steps to get to where they want to go.
Be very specific and make the goal mesurable.
Make it something they can do on thei own.
The intention is to make the steps simple, doable and clear.

Help clients connect with the Source of Unconditional Truth, Love, and Connection.
When they see that their life lessons and struggles actually contribute to their life
purpose, they will get inspired and will be a lot easier for them to surrender.
Life doesn’t happen TO us, it happens FOR us.

It moves them out of judgmental thinking into a place of infinite love and ultimate
freedom. We don’t evolve if we hold on to judgment and resentment.
This includes self-forgiveness.

It is taking the leap of faith without knowing what will happen, but knowing it will be
OK. It can be frightening to people because we are addicted to control and certainty.
Resignation is just giving up while Surrender means you still hold on to your vision
without attachment to the way it’s going to happen.

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