Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts For Bolts For High-Pressure and High-Temperature Service
Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts For Bolts For High-Pressure and High-Temperature Service
Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts For Bolts For High-Pressure and High-Temperature Service
Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts for Bolts for High-Pressure and High-Temperature Service
1. SCOPE 2.2 ASTM Standards: the same batch if batch-type heat treating
A 29/A 29M Specification for equipment is used or heat treated in the
General Requirements for same continuous run of not more than 8
1.1 This specification covers a variety of hours under the same conditions if con-
carbon, alloy, and martensitic stainless Steel Bars, Carbon and Alloy,
Hot-Wrought and Cold- tinuous-type heat treating equipment is
steel nuts in the size range through 4 in. used.
nominal [6.4 through 101.6 nun nomi- Finished
nal]. It also covers austenitic stainless A 276 Specification for Stainless 3.1.2 Type:
steel nuts in the size range '/y in. [6.4 and Heat-Resisting Steel Bars For Grade 8 Nuts—Variations
mm] nominal and above. These nuts are and Shapes within the grade designated by a letter
intended for high-pressure or high tem- A 320/A 320M Specification for and as differentiated by chemistry and by
perature service or both. Grade substitu- Alloy-Steel Bolting Materials manufacturing process.
tions without the purchaser's per-mission for Low-Temperature Service For Grade 6 Nuts—Variations
are not allowed. within the grade designated by the letter
A 484/A 484M Specification for
1.2 Bars from which the nuts are made General Requirements for F as differentiated by chemical additions
shall be hot-wrought. The material may Stainless and Heat-Resisting made for machinability.
be further processed by centerless grind- Bars, Billets, and Forgings 3.1.3 Series—The dimensional rela-
ing or by cold drawing. Austenitic tionship and geometry of the nuts as
stainless steel may be solution annealed A 788 Specification for Steel For-
gings, General Requirements described in ANSI B18.2.2.
or annealed and strain-hardened.
E 381 Method of Macroetch Test- 3.2 Type:
1.3 Supplementary requirements (Sec-
tions SI, S2, S3, S4, S5. and S6) of an ing, Inspection, and Rating 3.2.1 For Grade 8 Nuts—Variations
optional nature are provided. These shall Steel Products, Comprising within the grade designated by a letter
apply only when specified in the inquiry, Bars, Billets, Blooms. and and as differentiated by chemistry and by
contract, and order. Forgings manufacturing process.
1.4 This specification is expressed in 2.3 American National Standards: 3.2.2 For Grade 6 Nuts—Variations
both inch-pound units and in SI units. B 1.1 Unified Screw Threads within the grade designated by the letter
However, unless the order specifies the F as differentiated by chemical additions
B 1.2 Gages and Gaging for Uni- made for machineability.
applicable "M" specification designation fied Screw Threads
(SI units), the material shall be furnished 3.3 Series—The dimensional relationship
B18.2.2 Square and Hex Nuts and geometry of the nuts as described in
to inch-pound units.
1.5 The values stated in either inch- ANSI B18.2.2.
pound units or SI units are to be regarded 3. TERMINOLOGY
separately as standard. Within the text, 4. ORDERING INFORMATION
the SI units are shown in brackets. The 3.1 Descriptions of Terms Specific to this
values stated in each system are not exact Standard:
equivalents; therefore, each system must 4.1 The inquiry and order for material
be used independently of the other. Com- 3.1.1 Lot: under this specification shall include the
bining values from the two systems may Unless otherwise specified (see following as required to describe the
result in nonconformance with the speci- Section, a lot is the quantity of material adequately:
fication. nuts of a single nominal size and grade 4.1.1 Specification designation and
produced by the same manufacturing grade, issue date, and revision letter.
NOTE—Grade 2M has been replaced with
process. 4.1.2 Quantity, number of pieces,
Grade 2HM. During a transition period both
grade markings are acceptable. When Supplementary Require- 4.1.3 Dimensions (see Section 9),
ment S6 is invoked on the purchase
order, the following definitions of a lot 4.1.4 Options in accordance with Sec-
2. REFERENCED DOCUMENTS shall apply: tions 6.1,, 9.1, 9.2, 10.3, 11, 12,
and 13, and
For Grade 8 Nuts—The quantity of all
2.1 AASHTO Standard: the nuts of a single nominal diameter and, 4.1.5 Supplementary requirements, if
grade made from the same heat of steel any.
T 80 Test Methods for Rockwell
Hardness and Rockwell Su- and made by the same manufacturing
perficial Hardness of Metallic process. 5. MANUFACTURE (PROCESS)
Materials For All Other Grade Nuts (see Sections
T 244 Methods and Definitions for 7.2 and—All the nuts of a single
nominal diameter and grade made from 5.1 The steel shall be produced by any
Mechanical Testing of Steel one of the following processes: open-
Products the same heat number and heat treated in
hearth, basic-oxygen, electric-furnace, or then tempered at a temperature not less 29/A 29M, and Table I of ASTM A
vacuum-induction melting (VIM). The than the following: 484/A 484M.
primary melting method may incorporate 6.5 A starting material that specifically
Minimum Tempering
separate degassing or refining. The mol- Grade and Type
Temperature. °F [°C] requires the addition of any element
ten steel may be vacuum-treated prior to 2H 850 [455] beyond those listed in Table 1 is not
or during pouring of the ingot or strand 2HM 1150 [620] permitted. This does not preclude the use
casting. The basic-oxygen process shall 3 1050 [565] of deoxidizers.
be limited to steels containing not over 6 4 1100 [595]
percent chromium. 6 and 6F 1100 [595]
7 and 7M 1100 [595] 7. MECHANICAL REQUIRE-
5.1.1 Quality—The producer quality
control procedures shall provide suffi- MENTS
5.5.1 Grade 6 and 6F nuts shall be
cient testing of Carbon and Alloy Steels tempered for a minimum of 1 hour at the
in accordance with ASTM E 381 as temperature. 7.1 Hardness Test:
stipulated in Sections 5, 7, and 8 or an- 5.6 Grades 8, 8C, 8M, 8T, 8F, 8P, 8N, 7.1.1 Requirements:
other suitable method as agreed upon 8MN, 8R, 8S, 8LN, 8MLN, and
between the purchaser and the producer All nuts shall be capable of meet-
8MLCuN nuts shall be hot or cold ing the hardness requirements specified
to ensure the internal quality of the prod- forged, or shall be machined from hot-
uct. A bar lot consisting of one heat or in Table 2.
forged, hot-rolled or cold-drawn bars.
10000 lbs, which ever is smaller, shall be Sample nuts of Grades 1, 2, 2H,
represented by a minimum of one macro- 5.7 Grades 8A, 8CA, 8MA, 8TA, 8FA, 2HM, 3, 4, 7, and 7M which have been
etch. Visual examination of transverse 8PA, 8NA, 8MNA, 8RA, 8SA, 8LNA, given the treatment described in Section
sections shall show no imperfections 8MLNA, and 8MLCuNA nuts shall be shall meet the minimum hardness
worse than the macrographs of ASTM E hot or cold forged or shall be machined specified in Table 2.
381 S4-R4-C4 or equivalent as agreed from hot-forged, hot-rolled, or cold-
drawn bars and the nuts shall subse- 7.1.2 Number of Tests (Grades 1, 2,
upon. Distinct zones of solidification 2H, 3, 4, and 7 and all types of Grade 6):
shall not be present. quently be carbide-solution treated by
heating them for a sufficient time at a Tests on the number of sample
5.2 Stainless steels for all types of Grade temperature to dissolve chromium car- nuts in accordance with the following
6 and 8 nuts shall be made by one of the bides followed by cooling at a rate suffi- table shall be performed in accordance
following processes: cient to prevent re-precipitation of the with Section by the manufacturer
5.2.1 Electric-furnace (with separate car-bides. following all production heat treatments:
degassing and refining optional),
Lot Size Samples
5.2.2 Vacuum induction furnace, or 6. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION Up to 800 1
5.2.3 Either of the above followed by 801 to 8000 2
electroslag remelting, or consumable-arc 8001 to 22000 3
6.1 An analysis of each heat of steel used Over 22000 5
for nuts shall be made by the manufac-
5.3 The steel producer shall exercise In addition, a hardness test shall
turer during the pouring of the steel. For
adequate control to eliminate excessive be performed by the manufacturer in
strand cast materials, the requirements of
unhomogeneity, nonmetallics, pipe, accordance with Section on one
Sections 8.2 and 8.3 of ASTM A 788
porosity, and other defects. sample nut selected from each nominal
shall be met. Should the purchaser deem
5.4 Grades 1 and 2 nuts shall be hot-or diameter and series from each grade and
it necessary to have the transition zone of
cold-forged, or shall be machined from heat number following completion of all
two heats sequentially cast discarded, the
hot-forged, hot-rolled, or cold-drawn production heat treatments.
purchaser shall invoke Supplementary
bars. Requirement S3 of ASTM A 788. 7.1.3 Number of Tests, Grades 2HM
5.4.1 All Grade 1 and 2 nuts made by and 7M:
6.2 The heat analysis of the nut materials
cold forging or by machining from cold- shall conform to the chemical composi- The maximum hardness of Grade
drawn bars shall be stress-relief annealed tion requirements for the grade ordered as 2HM and 7M shall be 235HB or 99HRB
at a temperature of at least 1,000°F specified in Table 1. Nuts that are nor- (conversion in accordance with Table 2B
[538°C]. mally furnished from stock are not identi- of T 244). Conformance to the maximum
5.4.2 Grade 1 and 2 nuts made by hot fied by heat number, and thus heat analy- hardness shall be insured by testing the
forging or by machining from hot-forged sis cannot normally be re-ported to the hardness of each nut by Brinell or Rock-
or hot-rolled bars need not be given any purchaser. (See Supplementary Require- well B methods as described in the sec-
stress relief annealing treatment. ment S2.) Supplementary Requirement tions on Brinell Test, Portable Hardness
S6 is provided for use when heat analysis Test, and Rockwell Test of T 244. Sur-
5.5 Grades 2HM, 2H, 3, 4, 6, 6F, 7, and face preparation for hardness testing shall
control is required.
7M nuts shall be hot or cold forged or be in accordance with T 80. Product
shall be machined from hot-forged, hot- 6.3 Steels with added lead shall not be
which has been 100 percent tested and
rolled, or cold-drawn bars and shall be used.
found acceptable shall have a line under
heat treated to meet the required me- 6.4 Product analyses may be made by the the "M".
chanical properties. However, nuts ma- purchaser from a sample nut selected by
chined from heat-treated bars need not be In addition, Section shall
the purchaser or the purchaser's represen-
reheat treated. See Supple-mentary Re- be met.
tative from each item in the shipment
quirement S4 for nuts to be used in low- which shall meet the product analysis 7.1.4 Number of Tests, All Types of
temperature applications (ASTM A requirements for the grade ordered in Grade 8—Tests on the number of sample
320/A 320M). These grades of nuts shall Table 1. Product analysis tolerances are nuts in accordance with Section
be reheated above the critical range of the found in Tables 5 and 6 of ASTM A shall be performed in accordance with
steel, quenched in a suitable medium, and Section by the manufacturer.
7.1.5 Test Methods: Special Requirement, Grades Tests on the number of sample Test 1—The manufacturer shall 2HM and 7M—Preparation of Grades nuts in accordance with Section
perform the hardness tests in accordance 2HM and 7M nuts for hardness test and shall be performed by the manufacturer
with Annex A3, Paragraph A3.5.2 of the hardness test itself shall be performed following all production heat treatments
AASHTO T 244. with consideration to (1) protect legibility and with the following exceptions: nuts
of markings; (2) minimize exterior di- which would require a proof load in Test 2—The Manufacturer shall mensional changes; and (3) maintain excess of 120,000 lbf [530 kN] may be
perform hardness tests in accordance thread fit. furnished on the basis of mini-mum
with Section to sample nuts after hardness requirements, unless proof load
the following test heat treatment. After 7.2 Proof Load Test:
testing is specified in the inquiry and
completion of all production heat treat- 7.2.1 Requirements—All nuts shall be purchase order. Proof load testing of nuts
ments heat the specimen nuts to the capable of withstanding the proof loads requiring a proof load of over 120,000 lbf
temperatures indicated below for 24 specified in Thole 3. However, nuts [530 kN] is covered in Supplementary
hours, then slow cool. Test at room tem- manufactured to dimensions and configu- Requirement S5.
perature. rations other than those covered by ANSI
B1.1 and B18.2.2 are not subject to the 7.2.3 Test Method—The test shall be in
Grade Temperature
proof load test. accordance with Annex A3, Para-graph
°F [°C]
1 850 [455]
7.2.2 Number of Tests:
2, 2H, 2HM 1000 [540] 7.3 Cone Proof Load Test:
3, 4, 7, 7M 1100 [590]
14.3 For purposes of identification S2. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION obtained if the bar stock is smaller than ⅝
marking, the manufacturer is considered CERTIFICATION in. in diameter.
the organization that certifies the fastener
TABLE 5 Marking of Nuts
was manufactured, sampled, tested, and Nuts
inspected in accordance with the specifi- S2.1 The purchaser shall be provided
with a statement certifying that the nuts Nuts Hot- Nuts Ma- Manufac-
cation and the results have been deter- Grade Forged or chined tured in
mined to meet the requirements of this meet the chemical composition require-
and Type Cold- from Bar Accor-
specification. The specification number ments specified in Table 1. Punched Stock dance
marked on the material need not include with 5,7
specification year of issue and revision S3. RETESTS BY PURCHASER'S 1 1 1B -
letter. 2 2 2B -
SUPPLEMENTARY REQUIRE- S3.1 The purchaser's representative 3 3 3B -
4 4 4B -
MENTS may select two nuts per keg (200-lb unit) 6 6 6B -
[90 kg] for sizes ⅝ in. [15.9 mm] and 6F 6F 6FB -
smaller, one nut per keg for sizes over ⅝ 7 7 7B -
One or more of the following supplemen-
in. [15.9 mm) up to and including 1 ½ in. 7MA 7M 7MB -
tary requirements shall be applied only
[38.1 mm], and one nut per every two 8 8 8B 8A
when specified by the purchaser in the 8C 8C 8CB 8CA
kegs for sizes larger than 1 ½ in. [38.1
inquiry, contract, or order. Details of 8M 8M 8MB 8MA
mm] which shall be subjected to the tests
these supplementary requirements shall 8T 8T 8TB 8TA
specified in Section 7.
be agreed upon in writing by the manu- 8F 8F 8FB 8FA
facturer and purchaser. Supplementary 8P 8P 8PB 8PA
requirements shall in no way negate any S4. LOW-TEMPERATURE RE- 8N 8N 8NB 8NA
requirement of the specification itself. 8MN 8MN 8MNB 8MNA
8R 8R 8RB 8RA
ITIC STEEL NUTS S4.1 When low-temperature require- A
The letters H and M indicate heat-treated
ments are specified for Grade 4 or Grade nuts (see Section 5).
7 nuts, the Charpy test procedures and
S1.1 Grades 8, 8C, 8T, 8M, 8F, 8P,
requirements as defined in ASTM A 320
8N, and 8MN nuts shall be machined
for Grade L7 shall apply. Depending on S5. PROOF LOAD TESTS OF
from cold-drawn bars with no subsequent
the size of nuts, separate test samples of LARGE NUTS
heat treatment. Nuts made in accordance
the same heat may be required and shall
to this section shall be marked with the
be processed through heat treatment with
underlined grade symbol. The hardness S5.1 Proof load testing of nuts requir-
the nuts for which the test is to apply.
requirements of Table 2 will not apply. ing proof loads of over 120,000 Ibf [530
Full-size impact specimens cannot be
kN] may be required. When specified, the
test is to be performed in accordance with
Section 7.2 to the loads required by TABLE 6 Proof Load for Large Heavy Hex NutsA
Table 6. The maximum load will be Nominal Threads per Stress Area, Proof Load, lbf (kN)8
based entirely on the equipment avail- Grade 1 Heavy Grades 2, 6, 6F Grades 2H, 3,
able. For convenience, Table 6 lists up to Hex Heavy Hex 4, 7 Heavy Hex
1 ⅝ [41.2] 8 1,78 [1,148] 231,400 [1,029] 267,000 [1,188] 311,500 [1,386]
2 ¾-8 thread size.
1 ¾ [44.4] 8 2,08 [1,342] 270,400 [1,203] 312,000 [1,388] 364,000 [1,619]
1 ⅞ [47.6] 8 2,41 [1,555] 313.300 [1,394] 361,500 [1,608] 421,800 [1,876]
S6. CONTROL OF PRODUCT BY 2 [50.8] 8 2,77 [1,787] 360,100 [1,602] 415,500 [1,848] 484,800 [2,156]
HEAT NUMBER 2 ¼ [57.2] 8 3,56 [2,297] 462,800 [2,059] 534,000 [2,375] 623.000 [2,771]
2 ½ [63.5] 8 4,44 [2,864] 577.200 [2,568] 666,000 [2,962] 777,000 [3,456]
2 ¾ [69.8] 8 5,43 [3,503] 705,900 [3,140] 814,500 [3,623] 950,250 [4,227]
S6.1 When control of nuts by actual A ANSI B18.2.2 in the size range over 1 ½ in. [38.1 mm] provides dimensions only for heavy hex
heat analysis is required and this supple- nuts. Refer to Section 7.3.1.
mentary requirement is specified, the B Proof loads for nuts of larger dimensions or other thread series may be calculated by multiplying
manufacturer shall identify the com- the thread stress area times the proof stress in the notes to Table 3. The proof load for jam nuts
shall be 46% of the tabulated load.
pleted nuts in each shipment by the
actual heat number. When this supple-
mentary requirement is specified, a cer-
tificate including the results of the actual
production tests of each test lot together
with the heat chemical analysis shall be
furnished by the manufacturer.