HTMLUnit Test Cases

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By kr00tki
TopCoder Member

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Were you the type of child who took apart your parents' appliance to see how they worked? If you like seeing how things work and finding ways to make them stop then testing might be for you. Through TopCoder's Testing Competitions, participants will create test code that will be used to put Assembly Competition submissions through their paces. This article will provide an overview of how the competition works, and what it takes to write a simple functional test.

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The testing distribution posted by the TopCoder stuff will contain all the information you need to write the tests. The most important documents are: The specification A high-level overview of the functionality of the application you are going to test. The use cases The use cases for the application. You should be familiar with them. The test scenario This document contains the test scenarios which need to be implemented. It is the minimum you must submit. Feel free to add new scenarios, though, since the score depends on the quality of scenarios you submit. The prototype This is the most important part. It defines the page layout, the navigation, form, inputs, the names of links, etc. - all the critical details that must be used while writing the tests. It is highly recommended to deploy the prototype on the local http server (Tomcat, Apache, IIS, or whatever you feel comfortable with) and try to run the test cases against it. If you have any questions about the prototype, or the scenarios, or anything, don't be afraid to post your thoughts on the forum specific to your contest (the forums will be created for each competition).

Preparing the database.

The great majority of Web applications use the databases to store the data. If you want to test certain functionality of such an application, you have to prepare the database with all the data we know and can build proper checks on them. There are at least three ways to do this, each with its own pros and cons: 1. The SQL script You may provide an SQL script that will be run before any of the test case is run. This solution is acceptable but not recommended. Note that such tests will need a special treatment, and it is very likely that they will affect other test case. 2. Creating the test data before each test case This approach requires a bit more work than the first one, but gives more control over the testing up process. You will be notified immediately if something goes wrong because of the exception or other failure. 3. Using the DBUnit framework From the DbUnit home page: "DbUnit is a JUnit extension (also usable with Ant) targeted for database-driven projects that, among other things, puts your database into a known state between test runs. This is an excellent way to avoid the myriad problems that can occur when one test case corrupts the database and causes subsequent tests to fail or exacerbate the damage." What is more, it gives the possibility to assert the database content based on the prewritten data set, so there is no need to bother with checking everything by hand. No matter which method you choose, remember to document it clearly.

Writing tests using the HtmlUnit testing framework.

Consider the test scenario: 1. go to the sample page. 2. check the page content 3. fill out the form with sample data. 4. submit the form 5. check the response Sample data: Field Name Login: Password: Sample Value TCSTESTER test

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Tuesday 13 July 2010 03:14 PM

TopCoder Feature Articles

Action: Check me!

Login True

In the next few paragraphs I will try to show how the test case could be done.

Connecting to the server.

The first thing to do is to create the WebClient. This class represents a web browser which will be used in testing. We may use a specific browser (using one of the predefined versions) or the default, full-featured version, which has all the options available in the HtmlUnit enabled.

WebClient client = new WebClient();

Because in our sample test scenario we are going to test the alert message, an appropriate handler must be registered.

MessageHandler handler = new MessageHandler(); client.setAlertHandler(handler);

WebClient provides a couple of convenient methods to do that. You may use the URL or String (since 1.9), as well as create your own custom request using the WebRequestSetting object. This method returns the Page object implementation depending on the content type of the header. It may be HtmlPage instance (for text/html), TextPage (for text/plain) and so on. In your tests you expect to receive HtmlPage. If any error occurs with the connection or on the server side (like 404) an exception will be thrown.

Page respPage = client.getPage("http://localhost:8080/tc/sample.html"); assertEquals("Expected HtmlPage", HtmlPage.class, respPage.getClass()); HtmlPage page = (HtmlPage) respPage;

Checking the response. We should check if the returned page is the one we had expected. The HtmlUnit does not offer us any new assertions, so we need to use the one from the JUnit. For the sample test page, we expect the title to be 'Test sample', the page has one table with the caption 'This is a sample form.' and one form. To check this, you use some method offered by the HtmlPage class. First we check the page title:

assertEquals("Page title.", "Test sample.", page.getTitleText());

Then, we check the tables count. Because there is no API call to get the table, we can get the table element by tag name.

List tables = page.getDocumentElement().getHtmlElementsByTagName("table"); assertEquals("Tables count", 1, tables.size());

Navigation on the page. The Web page usually contains a hyperlink to other resources. Such links are modeled in the HtmlUnit by HtmlAnchor class. The framework offers two straightforward methods to get the link. If you know the href attribute of the anchor tag, you may use:


If the anchor has 'name' attribute, you may use:


Things get harder if the anchor does not have name or id attributes and the href value is generated dynamically (for example, if it contains the session id). In such cases you need to use the value of the anchor tag. Because there is no method to do that, we need to do it by hand. First we get the list of all anchors on the page:

List anchors = page.getAnchors();

Now, iterating thru the list; you check each tag converted to the page representation. Look for the 'Result page' name and create a helper method getLink(HtmlPage page, String linkName);

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Tuesday 13 July 2010 03:14 PM

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private static HtmlAnchor getLink(HtmlPage page, String linkName) { List anchors = page.getAnchors(); for (Iterator it = anchors.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { HtmlAnchor anchor = (HtmlAnchor); if (linkName.equals(anchor.asText().trim())) { return anchor; } } return null; // or throw an exception }

HtmlAnchor resultPageAnchor = getLink(page, "Result page");

The disadvantage of this method is that the value must be unique thru the page or else only the first link will be returned (of course you may code this method to return the 2nd, 3rd, ..n, nth occurrence of the name, but the order of the anchors is not guaranteed). Using the anchor. Clicking on the link usually leads to some action and your current object may become outdated. Use the one returned from the click action; the returned object does not necessarily need to be HtmlPage, but you can assume it will be.

HtmlPage resultPage = (HtmlPage);

Filling the form out. Now we know how to connect to the server, get the page, check its content, and navigate using hyperlinks. It's time to fill out the form since the straight majority of the test scenarios contain them. The form is represented by the HtmlForm class, which provides some really helpful methods. First of all, you need to get the proper form. It's very simple if we know the 'name' attribute of the form:

HtmlForm form = page.getFormByName("testForm");

If the form doesn't have a name attribute, but has an id, you may use a bit more general method:

form = (HtmlForm) page.getDocumentElement().getHtmlElementById("testFormId");

Having the form, you may like to check if it has the correct submit method...

assertEquals("Submit method", "post", form.getMethodAttribute());

or action

assertEquals("testForm action", "result.html", form.getActionAttribute());

The form's inputs have their equivalent in the framework - HtmlInput and the specialized HtmlTextInput, HtmlPasswordInput, HtmlCheckBoxInput, and so on. We may retrieve each of them by the 'name' attribute or by the value (these are not the only possibilities to get the input or any other element on the page, though). To get the login and password input:

HtmlInput login = form.getInputByName("login"); HtmlInput pass = form.getInputByName("password");

You may also check if the password input has type="password" attribute. You may do this in any of the following ways:

assertEquals("Input: password type:", "password", pass.getAttributeValue("type")); assertEquals("Input: password should have type=password", HtmlPasswordInput.class, pass.getClass());

Setting the value of the input meansjust setting its value attribute :)

pass.setAttributeValue("value", "test");

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Tuesday 13 July 2010 03:14 PM

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or, more quickly:


The setAttributeValue() method can be used to modify other attributes as well. Select box. The select boxes contain a list of options, one or more of which can be selected. By using the HtmlSelect you may check the option values, the default ones, the options id/value pairs. We may also 'inject' a fake value that was not present on the list. To do that you need to get the HtmlSelect instance from the form:

HtmlSelect actionSelect = form.getSelectByName("action");

Checking the default value is easy:

assertEquals("Default value", "Select", actionSelect.getDefaultValue());

We may get the option at any position or the name, as well as the list of all options:

HtmlOption loginOption = actionSelect.getOption(1); loginOption = actionSelect.getOptionByValue("Login");

There are two methods to select an option (or options for multiple selects). Because there may be some other action behind this, the setSelectedAttribute method returns the page object. It may be the same page, if no action was taken, or a new one - for instance, if the selecting action causes some changes on the page via javascript or a round trip to the Web server. On our sample page, the result of selecting any option is the alert message. You will check if the alert box has been shown to the user.

String alertMessage = handler.popAlertMessage(); assertNull("Unexpected alert: " + alertMessage, alertMessage); actionSelect.setSelectedAttribute("Login", true); assertEquals("Alert message", "Alert message", handler.popAlertMessage());

Check boxes. The next most often used input element is the checkbox. It is represented in the framework by the HtmlCheckBoxInput class and allows you to check its default value and/or change it.

HtmlCheckBoxInput chkBox = (HtmlCheckBoxInput) form.getInputByName("checkBox"); assertFalse("Expected unchecked.", chkBox.isChecked()); chkBox.setChecked(true);

Submitting the form.

When you have the form filled in with the test data, it's time to submit it to the server. The HtmlForm provides the submit methods, which slightly differ in the action. The non-argument submit() method sends the form to the appropriate server as if it had been submitted by javascript - i.e. no submit buttons were pressed. This method won't execute the form's 'onsubmit' event, however, so if there is any validation or other code executed before the form is sent to the server we shouldn't use it. This method is helpful when we want to check the application behavior on a false input (for instance, too long field value, required field not set, checkbox not selected, etc.). The other two methods allow you to choose the button which will be used to submit. It is useful when the page has more than one button, with each connected to a different action. The submit method return new Page instance with the result of the action.

page = (HtmlPage) form.submit("submitButton");

If the button which we need to use does not have the 'name' or id attributes set, you may need to find it in the same ways you do with the anchors, by getting the list of the buttons on the form and iterating over it checking the button asText() values.

Asserting the response.

We can check the response page in the same way we do with our first page. Here I will try to show how to deal with tables and their contents.

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First, we need to get the table. As I said before, there is no API method to get the table. The next method that can be used is getOneHtmlElementByAttribute().This method takes 3 arguments: the tag name, the attribute name and the attribute value. It may be used to get each element from the page that matches. If the element does not exist, an exception will be thrown.

HtmlTable table = (HtmlTable) page.getDocumentElement().getOneHtmlElementByAttribute("table", "name", "resultTable");

If the table you test contains the <caption> element (and the sample test page does), you may check its value using API call.

assertEquals("Table caption", "Result table.", table.getCaptionText());

HtmlTable provides the access to its rows, as well as to each cell. The indexes of the cells are zero-based. The HtmlTableCell has two concrete implementations: HtmlTableDataCell and HtmlTableHeaderCell which are just the markers for the <td> and <th> tags since they do not provide any new methods.

HtmlTableCell cell = table.getCellAt(0, 0);

To check the text value of the cell, we need to use the asText() method.

assertEquals("Column header.", "Field", cell.asText().trim());

If the value of the cell is expected to be something more than just a plain text, you may select this element, using the cell as a base, by id or any other attribute.

cell = table.getCellAt(4, 1); HtmlAnchor anchor = (HtmlAnchor) cell.getHtmlElementById("linkId"); anchor = (HtmlAnchor) cell.getHtmlElementsByAttribute("a", "name", "linkName").get(0); assertNotNull("Missing link.", anchor);

Note that the getHtmlElementsByAttribute() will return the list of elements which match the given triple (though, keep in mind, you should check the list size before accessing any element). If none are found, an empty list will be returned.

Dealing with dialog boxes.

The application you testing may have some sort of interaction through the dialog boxes (for example confirmation for delete operation). Such information are not available to us by the Page object (or any of derived class). Instead, the framework defines some interfaces (AlertHandler, ConfirmHandler, ) which should be used while creating custom message handler. Such handlers must be registered in the WebClient by the setAlertHandler or setConfirmHandler methods. The code below is an example of the custom alert handler:

class MessageHandler implements AlertHandler { private List alerts = new ArrayList(); /** * Handle an alert for the given page. * * @param page The page on which the alert occurred. * @param message The message in the alert. */ public void handleAlert(Page page, String message) { alerts.add(message); } /** * Returns the last alert message or null, if wasn't any. * * @return the last alert message or null, if wasn't any. */ public String popAlertMessage() { if (alerts.size() > 0) { return (String) alerts.remove(0); } return null; } }

That's it - the test case is ready, and you should be ready to participate in the Testing Competition. Good luck!

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