Ice Meister™ Model 9732-STEEL : Ice Detecting Sensor For Aircraft
Ice Meister™ Model 9732-STEEL : Ice Detecting Sensor For Aircraft
Ice Meister™ Model 9732-STEEL : Ice Detecting Sensor For Aircraft
Figure 1 — Model 9732-STEEL aviation ice detector is a commercial, off-the-shelf , in-flight ice sensor that monitors the optical
characteristics of whatever substance is in contact with the probe, either air (NO ICE) or water ice (ICE ALERT). Reports rate-of-
ice-accumulation in three stages. Acrylic housing is size and shape of a hockey puck. * Probe is type 316-L marine grade
stainless steel for subsonic flight. See fig 2.
Ice*Meister Model 9732-STEEL detects ICE on any aircraft. It is demonstrably the smallest, lightest,
most sensitive ice sensor aloft today. Model 9732 is entirely optical, has no MHz clock, no moving parts.
See figure 2. When ice forms, it forms directly on the probe’s optical surfaces. Model 9732 is completely
sealed and potted solid with 2-part epoxy; no exposed electronics.
NOTE: Photos subsequent to figure 2 may differ slightly from Model 9732-STEEL.
Because of its slender cross-sectional area, ice forms on probe earlier than on large-area airframe
members, such as windshields, wing leading edges, tailplane leading edges, wheels, struts, etc.
The complete unitized system consists of a stainless steel ice sensor probe, a circuit board potted into
the housing, and a lightweight blue cable that connects the sensor to the host system. Installation is
accomplished by means of two #6-32 stainless steel screws through the body of the sensor, and the
probe’s 5/16”-24 thread and hex nut. See figure 2 a, b.
Figure 2 a, b -- Model 9732 ice detector adds lightness to any aircraft. Employs compact, highly-
integrated electronic circuits. Integrates optical probe with interface electronics into small, hockey-puck
housing. Two-part epoxy-filled assembly is robust, solid as a brick, no moving parts, probe is robust type
316-L marine grade stainless steel.
In-flight ice sensing occurs when molecules of ice appear on the surfaces of
either optical window and/or on the reflecting wall of the air gap at the end
of the probe. Accumulating molecules of ice kill reflectivity of the airgap wall,
attenuate the signal, and trigger ICE ALERT. Figure 3 – detail of air gap
The sensor monitors ambient air for the empirical presence of an icing domain, which by definition forms
ice on an exposed surface.
The observed fact of physical ice formation and detection has been documented at NASA Glenn Icing
Research Tunnel according to a matrix of temperature, humidity, altitude, air speed, liquid water
content, drizzle drop diameter, and air pressure. Test tunnel matrix and report available upon request.
THE PROBE DOES NOT SENSE ICE. The probe is simply a structural member that fixes the optical ice
sensing elements in alignment with each other, and provides a means of attachment to the aircraft.
Ice formations on an exposed surface in an icing domain can be either clear ice or rime ice, depending
upon atmospheric variables. Ice*Meister detects clear ice by its optical index-of-refraction, and rime
ice by its optical opacity, both simultaneously. If it is necessary for the pilot to differentiate between
clear and rime ice formations on the airframe, 9732 reports that difference per “test technique II”.
IN NON-ICING CONDITIONS, the aircraft's ambient wind stream removes liquid H2O from the probe.
Air is in contact with the probe. The probe senses air, and reports NO-ICE.
IN ICING CONDITIONS, H2O molecules bind together and accumulate on the optical surfaces as a solid,
resisting removal by the ambient windstream. ICE is in contact with the probe. The probe senses ICE,
and 9732 reports one or more of three icing conditions: ICE ALERT, MORE ICE, SATURATION.
See the red panel in the upper right corner of figure 4, below:
Figure 4 a, b, c -- Test program conducted at NASA Glenn’s Icing Research Tunnel demonstrates Model 9732 conforms to defacto
standard Minimum Operational Performance for In-flight Icing Detection Systems SAE AS 5498 ¶ See also SAE AIR
4367 ¶ 4.11. Note Pitot tube in left foreground.
Figure 5 -- 9732 installs with (2) #6-32 screws through wing and directly through the epoxy-filled body of the unit. The steel
probe’s 5/16-24 thread provides the third attachment screw.
Model 9732 provides a rate-of-accumulation feature. Three discrete logic (TRUE/FALSE) outputs
cumulatively indicate ICE ALERT, MORE ICE and SATURATION ICE. The aircraft’s pilot monitors the rate
of icing accumulation for advisory as to when to disengage autopilot, activate anti-icing systems, activate
engine anti-ice, climb, descend, turn around, etc. See figure 7 below.
Logic table 1
ICING ice alert more ice sat ice
STATE wht grn blk
no ice 000 0 0 0
ice alert 100 1 0 0
more ice 110 1 1 0
sat ice 111 1 1 1
Logic table 1 0<0.5 volts 1>3.0 volts
Figure 7
Lightweight blue cable provides three cumulative outputs that report the icing rate-of-accumulation .
The primary test for Model 9732-STEEL is to test for rime ice sensitivity with a sprayed blast of Radio
Shack tetrafluoroethane component cooler p/n 64-4321. See figure 9. It leaves no residue. Cold spray
freezes moisture out of the ambient air, creates detectable surface frost in the air gap.
As frost forms, observe output logic states as they progress from NO ICE >> ICE ALERT >> MORE ICE
>> SATURATION. Then as frost ablates, observe reverse sequence from SATURATION >> MORE ICE
>> ICE ALERT >> NO ICE. In the absence of an ambient airstream to remove residual moisture on the
optics, use a soft clean paper towel to blot it away. This concludes the test.
Figure 8 a,b,c – Primary test mode simulates rime ice by using cold spray.
Figure 9 a,b -- Radio Shack component cooler. Be certain to use ONLY tetrafluoroethane component cooler to avoid damage to the
acrylic optical components in the air gap.
TESTING II: Test for clear ice with clean tap water.
To differentiate the formation of clear ice from rime ice, clear ice forces 9732 to set all three states TRUE
simultaneously, not sequentially. ICE ALERT = MORE ICE = SATURATION ICE = TRUE.
Submerge probe tip in clean tap water and observe all three states come TRUE simultaneously . Remove
probe from water, dry with a soft clean paper towel, and observe all three states return to FALSE.
TESTING III: Alternative test for rime ice with 2370 acrylic test chip.
To provide a more cost-effective test for rime ice, Model 9732 allows for tetrafluoroethane substitution
with provided 2370 acrylic chip. Hold chip firmly against the saddle at 135 degrees, and observe ICE
ALERT state become TRUE.
This test should indicate ICE ALERT. Due to the “fuzzy” nature of ice formation and detection, test may
or may not indicate MORE ICE, but should not indicate SATURATION. See CAVEATS.
Figure 11 a, b cost-effective rime ice test using 2370 acrylic plastic chip.
In case neither tetrafluoroethane component cooler nor a 2370 acrylic chip is readily available for testing,
it is permissible to use a soft, dry, resilient, opaque, non-reflective substance to fill the air gap, such as a
piece of conductive ESD-protecting soft black dunnage commonly found with packaged semiconductors
and other electronic parts. It prevents the sensor’s excitation signal from transiting the air gap and
reflecting off the wall and back into the receiver channel. It should produce the same results as the clear
ice test (II), but with the three icing states turning progressively TRUE instead of simultaneously TRUE.
The in-flight velocity of airborne super-cooled
drizzle drops impinging on 9732 sensor probe’s
air gap necessarily creates a rough, imprecise
“fuzzy” surface and thickness of ice that is not
easily quantifiable.
Figure 13 probe tip nomenclature. Test by blocking the optical air gap with a soft, dry, resilient, opaque, non-reflective
Better than 0.010" of ice
Conforms to SAE AS 5498 ¶
+24 VDC or +12 VDC
200 mA max
red wire = + volts DC
shield drain wire = instrumentation ground, - 0 volts DC
ICE ALERT = white wire
MORE ICE = green wire
SATURATION = black wire
FALSE <0.5 volt / TRUE >3.0 volts
0.1 inch diameter lightweight four-conductor ground-shielded cable,
stripped, tinned, and ready for customer’s connector.
LENGTH: 10 feet
Red, shield wires: + VDC in
White, green, black wires: data out
WEIGHT: 6 ounces, exclusive of cable and connector.
Housing diameter: 2.5 inches
Housing height: 1.4 inches
Probe diameter: 0.26 inch
Probe extension: 5.9 inches
(2) #6-32 screws and hex nuts
(1) 5/16-24 screw and hex nut
316-L marine grade stainless steel
Figure 14 -- dimensions
1. Specifications and other contents are subject to change at any time without notice.
2. This document is not contractual. Nothing in it constitutes or implies a warranty or guaranty of any kind, explicit or
implicit. Warranty information is given only in separate "warranty" statement.
3. Probe optical elements are acrylic plastic. Optics should be protected from mechanical abuse, abrasion and
harsh chemicals. Damage to the probe optics voids the warranty. Flying in volcano ash or pumice voids the warranty.
4. No warranty is given as to the suitability of this product for any particular application.
5. Initial thermal shocking of the sensor may cause condensation to form on the optics and register as "ice". For
best results, allow unit to soak under power and at ambient temperature before evaluating.
7. For best results, test under airborne icing conditions -- subdued light, no incandescent lamps, soak under power
and ambient temperature. See STANDARD TEST CONDITIONS page 6.
8. Customer acknowledges there is no FAA TSO issued for in-flight ice detectors. This product does not conform to
any FAA TSO, and is not certified for installation in any FAA certified aircraft.
9. This device functions as a digital go/no-go ice sensor only. It has no specific calibration, and is in no way an
analog measuring instrument of any kind. See CAVEAT page 9.
10. 9732 is a supplementary early-warning ice sensor for subsonic aircraft. It is not a recommended replacement for
BFG Model 871 pneumatic boot controller.