Master Book List - Master
Master Book List - Master
Master Book List - Master URL Book Cover URL Total Total (Inc. 500 CEOs) Tim Ferriss Sophia Amoruso Angela Ahrendts Larry Page Jay-Z Anderson Cooper
Donald Trump Oprah WinfreyMartha Stewart Larry King Bill Clinton George Bush Ronald ReaganVladimir PutinCharlie MungerDavid Einhorn Whitney Tilson Peter Thiel Andrew Grove Jack Dorsey Evan Williams Kevin Rose Jeff Bezos Elon Musk Mark Cuban Seth Godin Ted Turner Salman Khan Paul Krugman Dustin Moskovitz Eric Schmidt Guy Kawasaki Richard Branson Peter Thiel Tony Hsieh Richard Gelfond Rex Tillerson Randall Stephenson Michael Bloomberg Jamie Dimon Michael Dell Carlos Ghosn James Gorman Sheryl Sandberg Howard LutnickSteve Jobs Warren Buffett Mark Zuckerberg Bill Gates Bob Diamond Obama Ken Powell Muhtar Kent
1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 54 55 56
Author Entrepeneur Burberry Entrepreneur Musician / Entreneur
TV Host Entrepreneur Entrepreneur Entrepreneur TV Host President President President President Investor Entrepreneur Author Investor Fortune 500 CEOEntrepreneur Entrepreneur Entrepreneur Entrepreneur Entrepreneur Entrepreneur Author Entrepreneur Social Entrepreneur Nobel Laureate Entrepreneur Entrepreneur Author Entrepreneur Entrepreneur Entrepreneur Entrepreneur Entrepreneur Entrepreneur Entrepreneur Entrepreneur Entrepreneur Entrepreneur Entrepreneur Leader Entrepreneur Investor Entrepreneur Entrepreneur CEO President Fortune 500 CEOFortune 500 CEO
One of Billionaire / Originally
bestselling Founder of Founder of Longtime Co-founder of responsible for Founder of
Bestselling author of 4 artists of all- Founder of Oprah Winfrey Martha Stewart Host of Larry partner of Author and Co-founder of Former CEO of Twitter and Founder of Founder of Founder of SpaceX, Bestselling author of Founder of CNN and Founder of Khan Co-founder of Former CEO of marketing the Co-Founder of Founder of Bloomberg / Co-Founder of Founder of Berkshire Co-Founder of Microsoft and Former CEO of US CEO of General CEO of Coca-
Hour book series Founder of Nasty Gal Former CEO of Burberry Co-founder of Google time. CNN Host TRUMP Network Living King US President US President US President Russia Warren Buffett President of Greenlight
Capital PayPal / Palintir Intel Square Twitter Founder of Digg Tesla, and PayPal Shark Tank 10+ marketing books TBS Academy Economist Facebook Google Macintosh Founder of Virgin CEO of PayPal Zappos CEO of IMAX CEO of Exxon Mobil
CEO AT&T Inc Former NYC Mayor CEO JPMorgan Chase
CEO of Dell CEO of Nissan CEO Morgan StanleyCOO of Google CEO of Cantor Fitzgerald
Apple (8,500 employee
HathawayUS financial services
firm) Gates Foundation Barclays President Mills Cola -
The Challenge: Built to Last, the defining
management study of the nineties, showed
how great companies triumph over time
and how long-term sustained performance
Good to Great: Why Some can be engineered into the DNA of an
Companies Make the Leap... enterprise from the verybeginning. http:
and Others Don't Jim Collins //
20 18 1 1
Source #1 NEW
build a better future, you must believe in
secrets.The great secret of our time is that
there are still uncharted frontiers to explore
and new inventions to create. In Zero to
One, legendary entrepreneur and investor
Peter Thiel shows how we can find
singular ways to create those new things.
Thiel begins with the contrarian premise
that we live in an age of technological
stagnation, even if we’re too distracted by
shiny mobile devices to notice. Information
technology has improved rapidly, but there
is no reason why progress should be
limited to computers or Silicon Valley.
Progress can be achieved in any industry
or area of business. It comes from the
most important skill that every leader must
master: learning to think for yourself.Doing
what someone else already knows how to
do takes the world from 1 to n, adding
more of something familiar. But when you
do something new, you go from 0 to 1. The
next Bill Gates will not build an operating
system. The next Larry Page or Sergey
Brin won’t make a search engine.
Tomorrow’s champions will not win by
competing ruthlessly in today’s
marketplace. They will escape competition
altogether, because their businesses will
be unique. Zero to One presents at once
an optimistic view of the future of progress
in America and a new way of thinking
about innovation: it starts by learning to
Zero to One: Notes on Startups, ask the questions that lead you to find
or How to Build the Future Peter Thiel and Blake Masters
value in unexpected places.
8 6 1 1
Dale Carnegie
How to Win Friends and
Influence People 7 7
From Wall Street to Main Street, John
Brooks, longtime contributor to the New
Yorker, brings to life in vivid fashion twelve
classic and timeless tales of corporate and
financial life in America. What do the $350
million Ford Motor Company disaster
known as the Edsel, the fast and incredible
rise of Xerox, and the unbelievable
scandals at General Electric and Texas
Gulf Sulphur have in common? Each is an
example of how an iconic company was
defined by a particular moment of fame or
notoriety; these notable and fascinating
accounts are as relevant today to
understanding the intricacies of corporate
life as they were when the events
happened. Stories about Wall Street are
infused with drama and adventure and
reveal the machinations and volatile nature
of the world of finance. John Brooks’s
insightful reportage is so full of personality
and critical detail that whether he is looking
at the astounding market crash of 1962,
the collapse of a well-known brokerage
firm, or the bold attempt by American
bankers to save the British pound, one
gets the sense that history repeats itself.
Five additional stories on equally
fascinating subjects round out this
wonderful collection that will both entertain
and inform readers . . . Business
Business Adventures: Twelve Adventures is truly financial journalism at
Classic Tales from the World of its liveliest and best. http://amzn.
Wall Street John Brooks to/1i3RGNf
7 4 1 1 1
“Absolutely brilliant. Clayton Christensen
provides an insightful analysis of changing
technology and its importance to a
company’s future success.”
—Michael R. Bloomberg
Creativity Inc: Overcoming the “Too often, we seek to keep the status quo
Unseen Forces That Stand in working. This is a book about breaking it.”
the Way of True Inspiration Ed Catmull —Seth Godin
2 1 1
Unconditional responsibility--how to
become the main character of your life
Unflinching integrity--how to succeed
beyond success
Authentic communication--how to speak
your truth, and elicit others' truths
Impeccable commitments--how to
coordinate actions with accountability
Right leadership--how being, rather than
doing, is the ultimate source of excellence
A conscious business fosters personal
fulfillment in the individuals, mutual respect
in the community, and success in the
organization, teaches Fred Kofman.
Conscious Business is the definitive
resource for achieving what really matters
in the workplace and beyond.
Chapter 1 Conscious Business
Chapter 2: Unconditional Responsibility
Chapter 3 Essential Integrity
Chapter 4: Ontological Humanity
Chapter 5: Authentic Communication
Chapter 6 Constructive Negotiation
Chapter 7 Impeccable Coordination
Chapter 8: Emotional Mastery
Chapter 9 Entering the Market with Helping
Defining Moment: FDR’s The Defining Moment will take its place
Hundred Days and the Triumph among our most compelling works of
of Hope Jonathan Alter political history. 1 1
Source Now in
trade paperback, the hip, iconoclastic CEO
of Zappos shows how a different kind of
corporate culture can make a huge
difference in achieving remarkable results
-- by actually creating a company culture
that values happiness --and then delivers
on it. Pay brand-new employees $2,000
to quit Make customer service the
responsibility of the entire company-not
just a department Focus on company
culture as the #1 priority Apply research
from the science of happiness to running a
business Help employees grow-both
personally and professionally Seek to
change the world Oh, and make money
too . . . Sound crazy? It's all standard
operating procedure at Zappos, the online
retailer that's doing over $1 billion in gross
merchandise sales annually. After debuting
as the highest-ranking newcomer in
Fortune magazine's annual "Best
Companies to Work For" list in 2009,
Zappos was acquired by Amazon in a deal
valued at over $1.2 billion on the day of
Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh shares the
different lessons he has learned in
business and life, from starting a worm
farm to running a pizza business, through
LinkExchange, Zappos, and more. Fast-
paced and down-to-earth, DELIVERING
HAPPINESS shows how a very different
kind of corporate culture is a powerful
model for achieving success-and how by
concentrating on the happiness of those
Delivering Happiness: A Path to around you, you can dramatically increase
Profits, Passion, and Purpose Tony Hsieh your own.
1 1
Source No one in
the twentieth century had a greater impact
on world history than Deng Xiaoping. And
no scholar is better qualified than Ezra
Vogel to disentangle the contradictions
embodied in the life and legacy of China's
boldest strategist-the pragmatic,
disciplined force behind China's radical
Deng Xiaoping and the economic, technological, and social
Transformation of China Ezra F. Vogel transformation. 1 1
Here again is the extraordinary bestselling
book that taught America the social and
personal significance of a new way of
eating-- one that remains a complete guide
for eating well in the 90s. Featuring: simple
rules for a healthy diet; a streamlined,
easy-to-use format; delicious food
combinations of protein-rich meals without
meat; hundreds of wonderful recipes, and
Diet for a Small Planet Frances Moore Lappe much more.
1 1
Source At
nineteen, Michael Dell started his company
as a freshman at the University of Texas
with $1,000 and has since built an industry
powerhouse. As Dell journeys through his
childhood adventures, ups and downs, and
mistakes made along the way, he reflects
on invaluable lessons learned.Michael
Dell's revolutionary insight has allowed him
to persevere against all odds, and Direct
from Dell contains valuable information for
any business leader. His strategies will
show you effective ways to grow your
business and will help you save time on
costly mistakes by following his direct
Direct from Dell Michael Dell Michael Dell model for success.
1 1
Source "Will have
an enthusiastic audience among historians
of medicine who are familiar, for the most
part, only with later twentieth-century
efforts to combat polio." --Allan M. Brandt,
University of North Carolina Dirt and
Disease is a social, cultural, and medical
history of the polio epidemic in the United
States. Naomi Rogers focuses on the early
years from 1900 to 1920, and continues
the story to the present. She explores how
scientists, physicians, patients, and their
families explained the appearance and
spread of polio and how they tried to cope
with it. Rogers frames this study of polio
within a set of larger questions about
health and disease in twentieth-century
American culture. In the early decades of
this century, scientists sought to
understand the nature of polio. They found
that it was caused by a virus, and that it
could often be diagnosed by analyzing
spinal fluid. Although scientific information
about polio was understood and accepted,
it was not always definitive. This
knowledge coexisted with traditional
notions about disease and medicine. Polio
struck wealthy and middle-class children
as well as the poor. But experts and public
health officials nonetheless blamed polio
on a filthy urban environment, bad
hygiene, and poverty. This allowed them to
hold slum-dwelling immigrants responsible,
and to believe that sanitary education and
quarantines could lessen the spread of the
disease. Even when experts
acknowledged that polio struck the middle-
class and native-born as well as
immigrants, they tried to explain this away
by blaming the fly for the spread of polio.
Flies could land indiscriminately on the rich
and the poor. In the 1930s, President
Franklin Delano Roosevelt helped to recast
the image of polio and to remove its
stigma. No one could ignore the cross-
spread of the disease. By the 1950s, the
public was looking to science for
prevention and therapy. But Rogers
reminds us that the recent history of polio
was more than the history of successful
vaccines. She points to competing
therapies, research tangents, and people
who died from early vaccine trials. Naomi
Rogers is an assistant professor of history
Dirt and Disease Naomi Rogers at the University of Alabama.
1 1
Based on careful analysis of burden of
disease and the costs ofinterventions, this
second edition of 'Disease Control
Priorities in Developing Countries, 2nd
edition' highlights achievable priorities;
measures progresstoward providing
efficient, equitable care; promotes cost-
effectiveinterventions to targeted
populations; and encourages integrated
effortsto optimize health. Nearly 500
experts - scientists, epidemiologists, health
economists,academicians, and public
health practitioners - from around the
worldcontributed to the data sources and
methodologies, and identifiedchallenges
and priorities, resulting in this integrated,
Disease Control Priorities in comprehensivereference volume on the
Developing Countries (Second state of health in developing countries.
Edition) Dean T. Jamison,204,203,200_.jpg
1 1
One of the nations' foremost financial
consultants shares 78 proven ways to cut
costs dramatically, send productivity
Double your Profits in 6 Months through the roof, and, in just six months,
or Less Bob Fifer double profits.
1 1
Originally published in Portuguese, this
book earned praise from Mr. Buffett at last
year’s annual shareholder meeting–which
prompted a run on then hard-to-find
English-language print copies. It tells the
story of the Brazilian trio behind 3G
Capital, the private-equity firm that owns
Anheuser-Busch InBev and has partnered
with Berkshire on deals to acquire H.J.
Heinz and Kraft Foods Group Inc. While
Berkshire’s partnerships with the firm are
recent, Mr. Buffett’s relationship with 3G’s
Jorge Paulo Lemann go back for years.
“My friend – and now partner – Jorge
Paulo and his team are among the best
businessmen in the world,” Mr. Buffett
said. “He is a fantastic person and his story
should be an inspiration to everybody, as it
Dream Big Cristiane Correa is for me.”
1 1
Book Name Author Description URL Book Cover URL Total Total (Inc. 500 CEOs) Tim Ferriss Sophia Amoruso Angela Ahrendts Larry Page Jay-Z Anderson Cooper
Donald Trump Oprah WinfreyMartha Stewart Larry King Bill Clinton George Bush Ronald ReaganVladimir PutinCharlie MungerDavid Einhorn Whitney Tilson Peter Thiel Andrew Grove Jack Dorsey Evan Williams Kevin Rose Jeff Bezos Elon Musk Mark Cuban Seth Godin Ted Turner Salman Khan Paul Krugman Dustin Moskovitz Eric Schmidt Guy Kawasaki Richard Branson Peter Thiel Tony Hsieh Richard Gelfond Rex Tillerson Randall Stephenson Michael Bloomberg Jamie Dimon Michael Dell Carlos Ghosn James Gorman Sheryl Sandberg Howard LutnickSteve Jobs Warren Buffett Mark Zuckerberg Bill Gates Bob Diamond Obama Ken Powell Muhtar Kent
1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 54 55 56
Author Entrepeneur Burberry Entrepreneur Musician / Entreneur
TV Host Entrepreneur Entrepreneur Entrepreneur TV Host President President President President Investor Entrepreneur Author Investor Fortune 500 CEOEntrepreneur Entrepreneur Entrepreneur Entrepreneur Entrepreneur Entrepreneur Author Entrepreneur Social Entrepreneur Nobel Laureate Entrepreneur Entrepreneur Author Entrepreneur Entrepreneur Entrepreneur Entrepreneur Entrepreneur Entrepreneur Entrepreneur Entrepreneur Entrepreneur Entrepreneur Entrepreneur Leader Entrepreneur Investor Entrepreneur Entrepreneur CEO President Fortune 500 CEOFortune 500 CEO
One of Billionaire / Originally
bestselling Founder of Founder of Longtime Co-founder of responsible for Founder of
Bestselling author of 4 artists of all- Founder of Oprah Winfrey Martha Stewart Host of Larry partner of Author and Co-founder of Former CEO of Twitter and Founder of Founder of Founder of SpaceX, Bestselling author of Founder of CNN and Founder of Khan Co-founder of Former CEO of marketing the Co-Founder of Founder of Bloomberg / Co-Founder of Founder of Berkshire Co-Founder of Microsoft and Former CEO of US CEO of General CEO of Coca-
Hour book series Founder of Nasty Gal Former CEO of Burberry Co-founder of Google time. CNN Host TRUMP Network Living King US President US President US President Russia Warren Buffett President of Greenlight
Capital PayPal / Palintir Intel Square Twitter Founder of Digg Tesla, and PayPal Shark Tank 10+ marketing books TBS Academy Economist Facebook Google Macintosh Founder of Virgin CEO of PayPal Zappos CEO of IMAX CEO of Exxon Mobil
CEO AT&T Inc Former NYC Mayor CEO JPMorgan Chase
CEO of Dell CEO of Nissan CEO Morgan StanleyCOO of Google CEO of Cantor Fitzgerald
Apple (8,500 employee
HathawayUS financial services
firm) Gates Foundation Barclays President Mills Cola -
Source Imagine if
a school were to spend more per pupil on
ceramics electives than core science
classes. What if a district were to push
more funding to wealthy neighborhoods
than to impoverished ones? Such policies
would provoke outrage. Yet these schools
and districts are real.Today's taxpayers
spend almost $9,000 per pupil, roughly
double what they spent 30 years ago, and
educational achievement doesn't seem to
be improving. With the movement toward
holding schools and districts accountable
for student outcomes, we might think that
officials can precisely track how much they
are spending per student, per program, per
school. But considering the patchwork that
is school finance―federal block funding,
foundation grants, earmarks, set-asides,
and union mandates―funds can easily be
diverted from where they are most needed.
Educational Economics: Where Do School
Funds Go? examines education finance
from the school s vantage point, explaining
how the varied funding streams can
prevent schools from delivering academic
services that mesh with their stated
priorities. As government budgets shrink,
linking expenditures to student outcomes
Educational Economics: Where will be imperative. Educational Economics
Do School Funds Go? Marguerite Roza offers concrete prescriptions for reform. 1 1
Source Now
expanded and updated–the #1 New York
Times bestselling book in which one of
America’s most brilliant doctors shares his
famous program for improving and
protecting your healthEight Weeks to
Optimum Health lays out Dr. Andrew Weil’
s famous week-by-week, step-by-step plan
that will keep your body’s natural healing
system in peak working order. It covers
diet, exercise, lifestyle, stress, and
environment–all aspects of daily living that
affect health and well-being. This revised
edition includes the most up-to-date
findings on such vital subjects as
cholesterol, antioxidants, trans fats, toxic
residues in the food supply, soy products,
and vitamins and supplements, together
with a greatly enhanced source list of
information and supplies. Inside you will
learn how to• develop eating habits for
greater health and well-being• start an
effective exercise program based on
walking and stretching• work with breathing
patterns to decrease stress and improve
energy• solve sleeping problems• eliminate
toxins from your diet• minimize
environmental hazards in your daily
lifePlus–programs tailored to the specific
needs of pregnant women, senior citizens,
overweight people, and those at risk for
cancer.“If there is a heaven,
sixtysomething Weil is headed there, but if
he practices what he preaches, probably
not for some time yet.”– London Times “Dr.
Andrew Weil is an extraordinary
Eight Weeks to Optimum Health Andrew Weil M.D. phenomenon.”–The Washington Post
1 1
Stephen E. Ambrose draws upon
extensive sources, an unprecedented
degree of scholarship, and numerous
interviews with Eisenhower himself to offer
the fullest, richest, most objective
rendering yet of the soldier who became
Grown Up Digital: How the Net The Digital Age is here. The Net
Generation is Changing Your Generation has arrived. Meet the future.
World Don Tapscott,204,203,200_.jpg
1 1
"The computer world is like an intellectual
Wild West, in which you can shoot anyone
you wish with your ideas, if you're willing to
risk the consequences. " --from Hackers &
Painters: Big Ideas from the Computer
Age, by Paul Graham
Harvard University
· Spin-offs
· Restructurings
· Merger Securities
· Rights Offerings
· Recapitalizations
You Can Be a Stock Market · Bankruptcies
Genius" by Joel Greenblatt Joel Greenblatt · Risk Arbitrage
1 1
Source Marketing is
always the primary force -- the catalyst, the
driver, the tsunami -- for propelling the
growth of a business. The problem is, the
art and science of marketing is often poorly
designed and terribly executed to the point
that it just plain sucks. It fails to achieve
the only legitimate goal for marketing: to
drive a company's growth. In this Tenth
Anniversary edition of Your Marketing
Sucks, renowned CEO Mark Stevens
guides the reader through the principles of
successful, business-building marketing,
expanding on and updating his global Best
Seller with fresh new content focused on
state of the art guidance for building a
wired brand designed to thrive in the viral
era. In this invaluable, time-tested book,
the bedrock principles of extreme
marketing are fused with the power of the
Internet/social media to deliver exponential
results. It is, in its totality, an idea whose
Your Marketing Sucks Mark Stevens time has come!
1 1
Source "When
everybody zigs, zag," says Marty
Neumeier in this fresh view of brand
strategy. ZAG follows the ultra-clear
"whiteboard overview" style of the author’s
first book, THE BRAND GAP, but drills
deeper into the question of how brands
can harness the power of differentiation.
The author argues that in an extremely
cluttered marketplace, traditional
differentiation is no longer enough—today
companies need “radical differentiation” to
create lasting value for their shareholders
and customers. In an entertaining 3-hour
read you’ll learn: - why me-too brands are
doomed to fail- how to "read" customer
feedback on new products and messages-
the 17 steps for designing “difference” into
your brand- how to turn your brand’s
“onliness” into a “trueline” to drive synergy-
the secrets of naming products, services,
and companies- the four deadly dangers
faced by brand portfolios- how to “stretch”
your brand without breaking it- how to
succeed at all three stages of the
competition cycle From the back cover:In
an age of me-too products and instant
communications, keeping up with the
competition is no longer a winning
strategy. Today you have to out-position,
out-maneuver, and out-design the
competition. The new rule? When
everybody zigs, zag. In his first book, THE
BRAND GAP, Neumeier showed
companies how to bridge the distance
between business strategy and design. In
ZAG, he illustrates the number-one
strategy of high-performance brands—
radical differentiation. ZAG is an AIGA
Design Press book, published under
Peachpit's New Riders imprint in
Zag: The Number One Strategy partnership with AIGA. For a quick peek
of High-Performance Brands Marty Neumeier inside ZAG, go to,204,203,200_.jpg
1 1
In The Zero Marginal Cost Society, New
York Times bestselling author Jeremy
Rifkin describes how the emerging Internet
of Things is speeding us to an era of nearly
free goods and services, precipitating the
meteoric rise of a global Collaborative
Commons and the eclipse of capitalism.