Consumer Behaviour: Text and Cases
Consumer Behaviour: Text and Cases
Consumer Behaviour: Text and Cases
Ramneek Kapoor
Kothari Group of Institutions
Nnamdi O. Madichie
Associate Professor of Marketing & Entrepreneurship
College of Business Administration
University of Sharjah (UAE)
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Today’s global business has brought into focus the true importance of adopting a customer centric
outlook by the marketing ¿rms, because it is a well-known fact that all kinds of marketing begins
and ends with the consumer. In fact, the genesis of marketing can be found in the act of determining
consumer needs, designing the products, services and strategies to meet those needs, and ¿nally
ensuring customer satisfaction by the marketers.
A marketer in today’s conditions has to think more like a psychologist. It has to undertake a
research into the consumer behaviour in order to understand as to how its consumers can accept,
perceive, and respond to its product offerings and other related market activities. The psychological
insights so gained into consumer behaviour are then utilised to determine its marketing plan, brand
and product positioning, and consumer communication strategy.
This book is an attempt to discuss consumer behaviour in an easy to understand manner. It
has been divided into chapters for comprehensive discussion of various aspects of the subject.
Each chapter deals with an important concept of consumer behaviour and amply explains to the
reader that particular concept by taking examples and references from the real world scenario.
Rich chapter-end pedagogy including references, additional readings, chapter summary, objective
type questions (with answers) and review questions add value to the text for the students of the
subject. Each chapter concludes with a case on the theme of the chapter, making the concepts more
comprehensible. All the chapters have been so devised, so as to enable the readers to relate the
theory of consumer behaviour to the real world practices.
:ith its approach and design, we sincerely hope and believe that this book will ¿nd wider
acceptance with both²the students as well as the teachers of the subject. :e shall be grateful for
feedback and suggestions for further improvement in the book.
Ramneek Kapoor
Nnamdi O. Madichie
Summary 53
Objective Type Questions 54
Review Questions 55
Activities 56
References 56
Additional Reading 56
Case: Taking Recourse to Precaution for Prevention—Selling Preventions the
Indus Health Plus Way 57
3 Consumer Personality 61
Meaning and De¿nition of Personality 63
Nature and Properties of Personality 64
Theories of Personality 65
Dimensions of Human Personality and the Consumer Behaviour 69
Applications of Consumer Behaviour in Marketing and Other Fields 72
Understanding the Concept of the Image of Self 73
Summary 74
Objective Type Questions 75
Review Questions 77
Activities 77
References 77
Additional Reading 77
Case: Nike—Retaining Market Leadership in Sports Shoes 79
4 Consumer Attitude 87
Attitude Formation 88
Levels of Commitment to an Attitude 88
Theories Propounding Attitude 89
Models of Attitude 93
Learning Hierarchies 99
Attitude Changes 100
Summary 104
Objective Type Questions 105
Review Questions 106
Activities 106
References 107
Additional Reading 108
Case: Online Education in India—An Attitude Problem? 110
Activities 306
References 306
Additional Reading 306
Case: Innovative Consumer Communication by Mercedes Benz UK 307
Index 423