BKD 2021-2022 07-Jun-2022 21-18-25

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IPUS MAKAPANDONG ONAL HIGH SCHOOL % -_ __ ae —_ BARKADA KONTRA DROGA (BKD) | ¥ ORGANIZATIONAL CHART ¥ CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS v_LETTERS v MINUTES Y PHOTOS. BKD 2021-2022 Organizational Chart [ President: | XYVELL MAREZ M. BATIOLA | L. ee $$ | Vice President: AGEE E S. ‘AMOR LL | Secretary: CRISLEN S. SARNO _ a a | Treasurer: KHRISTYL K. ‘SOLIS | . a et Auditor: KIMBERLY K. SOLIS —_— Sgt @ Arms: 1.HEZEKIAH REYN MANTOS | __ 2, JOSHUA C. CADIOG | Bus. Mgr: roxanne P. BLANDO ___ANNA E. VILLAFUERTE _ ; —— oe | P.O 1.FRITZIE GRACE G. CABUSAS 2.KYLET.LASABIA _ eines SHS Rep: ALSHAIEF Cc. IDJAL _ Prince Charming: KIM CARLO | se Muse: ‘AZIEL S. AMOR cease lee BARKADA KONTRA DROGA DATU LIPUS MAKAPANDONG NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL (BKD-DLMNHS) Constitution and By-Laws Makapandong National High School, with God's guidance, We, the students of Datu Lipus c youth as the society's hope. are creating a drug-free school organization to develop the Exhibit the ideals and principles of a drug-free communi the welfare and safety of all students and nurture the aca hereby proclaim and adopt this constitution and by-laws that will promote, maintain our goals and purpose. demic standards of our school. Do implement, and ARTICLE I: OVERVIEW Section A This Constitution and By-Laws shall be known as the Constitution and By-Laws of he Barkada Kontra Droga of Datu Lipus Makapandong National High School. Section B For purpose of this Constitution and By-Laws, the acronym for Barkada Kontra Droga is BKD. ARTICLE I: NAME AND DOMICILE Section A The name of the organization shall be known as Barkada Kontra Droga. Section B The office of the BKD shall be located inside the premises of the school. Section C The BKD Center shall be a place for counselling the students who are suffering with emotional and psychosocial problems. ity in a collaborative effort to secure ie ao ee ee ARTICLE If: DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES AND OBJECTIVES Section A The Barkada Kontra Droga of Datu Lipus Makapandong National High School shall promote mutual understanding through social, intellectual, recreational, and innovative programs and activities. Section B The Barkada Kontra Droga of Datu Lipus Makapandong National High School have the following objectives: GENERAL OBJECTIVES To persuade the youth to become productive members of the society and enlisting them as a force in intensifying the advocacy of protecting their lives and future in a drug-free environment. SPECIFIC © Increase awareness on the ill-effects of drugs. © Promote a drug-free environment in the school, home, and the community. © Promote the holistic well-being of the students in coordination of all potential stakeholders to work as one in fighting the menace drugs. © Activate other student-initiated groups to help fight drug addiction in different activities. ARTICLE IV: OFFICERS Section A: Officers The officers shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor, Two Business Manager, Two P.1.O., Two Sergeant at Arms, a Muse & Prince Charming, and a representative from JHS and SHS. Section B: Eligibility The officers must be a full-time student both Junior High School or Senior High School with good reputation at all times. Section C: Election The officers shall be elected by ballot every fourth week of June by majority of the vote cast for that office. we (.. Gee te Gee th ng) Cf Seetion O: Term The officers shall serve for one academic year and their term of office shall begin at the commencement of the fall semester. Section E: Vacancy Ifa vacancy occurs in the office of President, the Vice President shall assume the office for the rest of the term and vacancies in any other office shall be filled by a special election. ARTICLE V: DUTIES OF OFFICERS Section A: President It shall be the duty of the President to: * President at meetings; * Vote only in case a tie; : is * Appoint committee chairpersons subject to the approval of the Executive Committee; © Serve as an ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating committee; © Perform such other duties as ordinarily pertain to this office. Section B: Vice-President It shall be the duty of the Vice President to: © Preside in the absence of the President: © Serve as chairperson of the Program Committee. Section C: Secretary It shall be the duty of the Secretary to: Record the minutes of all meetings; Keep a file of the organization's records; Maintain a current roster of membership; Section D: Treasurer It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to: * Receive all funds and process Request for Payment, Deposit Slip, and Officer Signature Forms; Keep an itemized account of all recei Te ipts and expenditures and make reports as Issue notices of meetings and conduct the general correspondence of the organization. in ee ee A OY Oe ARTICLE VI: Meetings Section A: Meetings Regular meetings shall be held every 3" Friday of the month during the whole school year. Section B: Special Meeting Special meetings may be called by the President with the approval of the Executive Committee. Section C: Quorum The quorum shall consist of 50% plus | of the membership. In the absence of a quorum, no business can be transacted with legal effect even with the unanimous consent of those present. Section D: Parliamentary Authority Robert's Rules of Orders, shall govern this organization in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws. ARTICLE VII: Executive Committee Section A: Responsibility Management of this club shall be vested in an Executive Committee responsible to the entire membership to uphold these bylaws. Section B: Membership This Committee shall consist of the officers as listed in Article III and organization’s adviser. Section C: Meetings This Committee shall meet at least once between regular meetings of the organization to organize and plan future activities. ARTICLE VIE: Advisor Section A: Selection There shall be a faculty/staff advisor who shall be selected each year by the membership. Section B: Duties The responsibilities of the faculty advisor shall be: * Maintain an awareness of the activities and programs sponsored by the BKD Organization. & Le Oe ee Ye ° Meet on a regular basis with the President of the BKD to discuss upcoming meetings. Jong range plans, goals, and problems of the club. Attend regular meetings, executive board meetings as often as schedule allows. Assist in the orientation of new officers. Explain and clarify campus policy and procedures that apply to the club. Maintain contact with the Student Life Office. Corse Nord: | ft [Pectin | fray |. CAGA-ANAN CRISTIN' BKD Adviser by: od: Attested by Approves ay, here Loy MAREZ BATIOLA MARIA MAGUALINA Q. SENTONES, PhD BKD Fresident School Pringipal Our School, Our Home ‘Address: 0.0. Plaza Avenue, Poblacion ih ra eran : “seems rf —e 1cebook.com/datulipusmakapandongnhs/ DATU LIPUS MAKAPANDONG NATI Election of Officers for the S.Y. 2021-2022 August 2021 Core Values: Makatao at Makabansa We, the BKD members conducted our election for the new sets of officers last August 23, 2021. We will choose and support the next leaders in our school. Great leaders' help people reach their goals, not afraid to hire people that might be better than them and take pride in the accomplishments of those who helped along the way. Since we are still not allowed to have social gatherings, we conducted a virtual election. Our newly elected President Xyvell Marez Batiola, facilitated the election of officers for the school year 2021-2022. We, the members of BKD nominated and voted the candidates on whom we are in favored of. Our election ended successfully. And the newly elected officers are the following: _ President: Xyvell Marez Batiola Vice-President: Agee S. Amor Secretary: Crislen S. Sarno __ Ass. Secretary: Maricor Madrigal Treasurer: Kristhyl Ruth Solis Auditor: Kimberly Solis P.LO.: 1. Fritzie Grace Cabusas ‘i 2. Al-shaief Idjal Sgt. @arms: 1. Hezekiah Reyn Mantos : 2. Joshua Cadiog siness Manager: 1. Roxanne P. Blando : 2. Ana Estipona Villafuerte nce Charming: Kim Carlo Carballo Aziel S. Amor lection would not be possible without the participation and coopera - BKD members. The election for the next officers of BKD 2021-20: cessfully conducted. ara ae ™ i Bockla eaAhery set oy Soltis ian | Reyna Monies en fi it) ___Abshaiet “aya : Kirn Gaelg: Carteata 2 “Widen — iyo) Tester Codtog —tnirning I _preciding otgicer | ee He fore. 6 Arar ty feo the _ prayer ie The Seeretoy Ack oulecloed. He preennes_ oe fa a tusks op he BED secanrators though pil call _anel _Certipgig 12 member in the attendance ond the _pre cieting {tracer declared for Ha exichare op a pnper e eae e = st Heda Ba edctone oe the naa de os conse cs sae Agr 2 _Lakale pond ae adapt the peas. Qe as ppc —fomcled May 7 Fo2y, duly secencled by _ 2 —Ktnerly Solis meow. ae @ wov. GS & @ Mayu Teas Reena lai Pavel rd Ch hd © “ia ee Tnominate Roxanne Blando rly | Marek RS eset Ru Rael ° Who's in fave ,, th Ms. CCC cy i ® ¥ See = @ wos. om e BOW eae tr urea acca ed Weegee) CW ett c ae) ee eee Laces ua eng ror) ee ula ae a) ro si OCU GE CUCL Ur) A Tara keen) einen) I second the motion - PANE aes Cle arid RAR ARARKA ca ; + at

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