STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS Report Janak Raj Ghimire

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Bharatpur-10, Chitwan
Bagmati Province, Nepal



Prepared By Owner
Er. Khem Bikram Thapa Kaucha Mr. Janak Raj Ghimire
NEC Regd. No.: 18130, “Civil “A Bharatpur Metropolitan City-11
Chitwan, Bagmati Province

July, 2022
1 Introduction.............................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background.......................................................................................................................1
2 Salient Features of Building....................................................................................................3
3 Method of Analysis & Design.................................................................................................4
3.1 Detailing............................................................................................................................7
4 Loading Details/Types of Loads.............................................................................................8
4.1 Dead Load.........................................................................................................................8
4.2 Imposed Load....................................................................................................................9
4.3 Lateral Load Calculation...................................................................................................9
4.4 Loading on Structural Model............................................................................................9
5 Load Pattern..........................................................................................................................13
6 Mass Source..........................................................................................................................13
7 Seismic Loads........................................................................................................................14
8 Model participating mass ratios............................................................................................14
9 Center of Mass and Center of rigidity...................................................................................15
10 Load Combinations.............................................................................................................16
11 Analysis Results..................................................................................................................21
12 Design of Structural Members............................................................................................23
12.1 Beam and Column Design............................................................................................32
12.2 Foundation Design........................................................................................................32
12.3 Staircase Design............................................................................................................32
12.4 Slab Design...................................................................................................................32
13 Conclusion and Recommendation.......................................................................................32
14 Annex..................................................................................................................................33

Prepared By: Er. Khem Bikram Thapa Kaucha (NEC. NO.18130” Civil “A”)

Figure 1: Seismic Zoning Factor................................................................................................2

Figure 2: Finite Element Model of the Building in ETABS 2017.............................................5
Figure 3: Finite Element Plan Model for Story 1 of the Building in ETABS 2017...................6
Figure 4: Finite Element Elevation Model Along Section 1-1 of the Building in ETABS 2017
Figure 5: Load Distribution on Beams Supporting Two Way Slabs..........................................8
Figure 6: Live Load < 3 KN/m2 for Story 1............................................................................10
Figure 7: Live Load > 3 KN/m2 for Story 1.............................................................................11
Figure 8: Mass distribution of Wall.........................................................................................12
Figure 9: Sample Bending Moment Diagram of Grid 1-1.......................................................21
Figure 10: Sample Shear Force Diagram of Grid 1-1..............................................................22
Figure 11: Story Drift in X Direction and Y Direction............................................................24
Figure 12: Longitudinal Reinforcement along Grid 1-1..........................................................25
Figure 13: Longitudinal Reinforcement along Grid 2-2..........................................................26
Figure 14: Longitudinal Reinforcement along Grid 3-3..........................................................27
Figure 15: Longitudinal Reinforcement along Grid A-A.........................................................28
Figure 16: Longitudinal Reinforcement along Grid B-B.........................................................29
Figure 17: Longitudinal Reinforcement along Grid C-C.........................................................30
Figure 18: Longitudinal Reinforcement along Grid D-D.........................................................31
Figure 19: Dimension of Foundations......................................................................................34
Figure 20: Column Reaction....................................................................................................35
Figure 21: Displacement..........................................................................................................36
Figure 22: Soil Pressure...........................................................................................................37
Figure 23: Punching Shear.......................................................................................................38
Figure 24: Footing Slab Reinforcement in X-direction- Rebar Intensity mm2/m....................39
Figure 25: Footing Slab Reinforcement in Y-direction- Rebar Intensity mm2/m....................40
Figure 26: Strap Beam Reinforcement Details.........................................................................41

Prepared By: Er. Khem Bikram Thapa Kaucha (NEC. NO.18130” Civil “A”)

Table 1: Salient Features of Building.........................................................................................3

Table 2: Assessment of Unit Live Loads...................................................................................9
Table 3: Load Pattern...............................................................................................................13
Table 4: Mass Source...............................................................................................................13
Table 5: Auto Seismic -IS 1893:2016......................................................................................14
Table 6: Modal Participating Mass Ratios...............................................................................14
Table 7: Center of Mass and Center of Rigidity......................................................................15
Table 8: Load Combinations....................................................................................................16
Table 9: Story Drifts.................................................................................................................23
Table 10: Material Properties- Concrete..................................................................................33
Table 11: Material Properties - Rebar.....................................................................................33
Table 12: Slab Properties - Solid Slabs....................................................................................33
Table 13: Soil Properties..........................................................................................................34

Prepared By: Er. Khem Bikram Thapa Kaucha (NEC. NO.18130” Civil “A”)
Annex 1: Material properties....................................................................................................33
Annex 2: Footing Properties....................................................................................................33
Annex 3: Support Properties....................................................................................................34
Annex 4: Dimension of Foundations........................................................................................34
Annex 5: Column Reaction (KN).............................................................................................35
Annex 6: Analysis Result for Foundation................................................................................36
Annex 7: Footing Slab Reinforcement Details.........................................................................39
Annex 8: Strap Beam Reinforcement Details..........................................................................41
Annex 9: Footing Design Summary.........................................................................................42
Annex 10: Strap beam Design Summary.................................................................................42
Annex 11: Column Section Design Summary.........................................................................43
Annex 12: Beam Section Design Summary.............................................................................45
Annex 13: Columns Reinforcement Details.............................................................................47
Annex 14: Beams Reinforcement Details................................................................................48
Annex 15: Layout for Column and Footing.............................................................................49
Annex 16: Slab Design............................................................................................................50
Annex 17: Staircase Design.....................................................................................................51

Prepared By: Er. Khem Bikram Thapa Kaucha (NEC. NO.18130” Civil “A”)
1.1 Background
Earthquakes are defined as earth’s surface vibrations caused by waves originating from a source
of disturbance in the earth mass. Earthquake is caused by volcanic eruption, slipping of faults i.e.
tectonic activities, big reservoirs, explosion etc.

In case of Nepal, slipping of faults i.e. tectonic activities cause earthquake because there are
number of active faults and thrusts in Nepal. Nepal’s geology is very young and hazardous. Also,
it lies in the boundary of two seismically very active tectonic plates of the world i.e. Indian plate
and Tibetan Plate. It is also said that the Indian plate is moving toward the Tibetan Plate, which
cause the slippage of the faults causing the big earthquake. Thus, Nepal is very vulnerable with
respect to seismic activities.

Though the time of shaking of earth mass is very small in fraction of seconds, it causes very
severe damages of properties as well as the lives. Nepal has so many experiences about such
destructive earthquakes. Out of them 1990 B.S, 2045 B.S and 2072 B.S are the recently known
ones. Thus, the seismic structural design of structures is found to be very essential for countries
like Nepal. The structures need to be designed and detailed so as to counteract; the internal
forces induced due to the earth mass shaking in base of these structures. The design should
ensure the structure against stability, strength and serviceability with acceptable levels of seismic

However, it would not be economically feasible to design the building so as to ensure that they
remain elastic and damage-free because the occurrence of maximum earthquakes is low say one
75 years. Thus, it is reliable to design the ductile structure and not to design damage free
structure but not-collapsible structure for minimum destruction in lives and properties. The
design should ensure the structure against stability, strength and serviceability with acceptable
levels of seismic safety. In brief, the aim of design is the achievement of an acceptable
probability that structures being designed will perform satisfactorily during their intended life.
With an appropriate degree of safety, they should sustain all the loads and deformations of
normal construction and use and have adequate durability and adequate resistance to the effects
of misuse and fire. Structural Analysis of the concerned building has been done in details with
analysis and Designs.

This report summarizes the structural analysis and design of building of MR. JANAK RAJ GHIMIRE
at BHARATPUR-11, CHITWAN. It has planned to utilize the building as a Residential aspect.
The analysis and design have been based on the IS code. This report consists of the design
procedures adopted, the assumptions made, the inputs made in the design and the design output.
As per IS 1893 (Part-1): 2016, the seismic zoning of Nepal is as shown in the following

Prepared By: Er. Khem Bikram Thapa Kaucha (NEC. NO.18130” Civil “A”)
Figure 1.1. Z is the seismic zoning factor that divides the country into Four zones for the purpose
of seismic design of buildings with the values ranging from 0.1 to 0.36. The assessed buildings
are located in the seismic zoning factor, Z of 0.36, i.e., Zone V. Hence the building is designed
with great consideration towards earthquake resistant practices.

Figure 1: Seismic Zoning Factor

Prepared By: Er. Khem Bikram Thapa Kaucha (NEC. NO.18130” Civil “A”)
1 Salient Features of Building

Salient features of building are shown in the Table below.

Table 1: Salient Features of Building

Building Type
Residential Building. Bharatpur-11, Chitwan

Structural System
RCC Space Frame, Ductile Moment Resisting Frame with
Infill Wall

Plinth Area Covered 1283.53 Sq.ft

Column Size 300 X 300 mm All

Beam Size 230 X 425mm

Slab Thickness 125 mm

Type of Foundation Isolated Footing with strap

No. of Storey Three Storey

Total height 30 feet From Plinth Level

Storey Height 10 feet Each Storey

Foundation Depth Minimum 5 feet From Original Ground Level

Wall Thickness 230 mm & 115 mm thick brick masonry (1:6 C/S ratios)

Considered in this case as providing Secondary beam 230

Probable Partition X 350 mm

Type of Sub-Soil II (Medium type)

Bearing Capacity of Soil 150.0 KN/m2 (Assumed)

Prepared By: Er. Khem Bikram Thapa Kaucha (NEC. NO.18130” Civil “A”)

The analysis has been carried out with the most popular and reliable structural analysis software
“ETABS 2017” All the models are built up in 3-Dimensions and actual 3-D analysis is
performed ETABS is based on Finite Element Method. Modulus of elasticity and poison’s ratio
for the materials used are taken accordingly. Beams and columns are modeled as frame (line)
elements with sufficient and appropriate meshing. The section properties used are based on
preliminary section sizing with consideration for deflection, minimum sizing specified and

a. Concrete Grade: M20 for all structural concrete including foundation concrete (The concrete
cubes with 150 x150x150 mm size should be casted & tested at 7 days & 28 days to ascertain
the strength of M20 CONCRETE.
b. Reinforcement Steel – Fe 500 (specification: Min. elongation % = 12.0 % & The ration of
ultimate strength to yield strength = 1.1). For this the reinforcement bars should be tested for
tensile strength test.
The aim of structural design is the achievement of an acceptable probability that structures being
design will perform satisfactorily during their intended life with an appropriate degree of safety,
they should sustain all the loads and deformations of normal construction and use and have
adequate durability and adequate resistance to the effect of misuse and fire.

Therefore, Limit state method is used for the design of RCC elements. The design is based on IS
456-2000, SP-16, IS: 1893-2016, and Reinforced Concrete Designer’s Handbook are
extensively used in the process of design. Foundation design is carried out to satisfy strength and
stability requirements

Prepared By: Er. Khem Bikram Thapa Kaucha (NEC. NO.18130” Civil “A”)
Figure 2: Finite Element Model of the Building in ETABS 2017

Prepared By: Er. Khem Bikram Thapa Kaucha (NEC. NO.18130” Civil “A”)
Figure 3: Finite Element Plan Model for Story 1 of the Building in ETABS 2017

Prepared By: Er. Khem Bikram Thapa Kaucha (NEC. NO.18130” Civil “A”)
Figure 4: Finite Element Elevation Model Along Section 1-1 of the Building in ETABS 2017

The space frame is considered as a special moment resisting frame (SMRF) with a special
detailing to provide ductile behavior at every joint between beams and columns and in other
parts to get ductility and comply with the requirements given in IS 13920:2016, Hand book on
Concrete Reinforcement and Detailing SP:34.

Prepared By: Er. Khem Bikram Thapa Kaucha (NEC. NO.18130” Civil “A”)


The Dead load comprises the loads due to the materials used in the construction and parts or
components in a building. It consists of the loads due to structural elements like beam, column,
wall, slab, staircase, etc.; finishes applied in the building and some permanent structures like
water tanks etc.

Loads on Beams Supporting Two Way Slabs: In case of Beams supporting two-way slabs, the
load distribution is trapezoidal on long beams and triangular on short beams with base angle of
45▫ as shown in Figure below. The ordinates of trapezoidal and triangular loads= W Lx/2.

Figure 5: Load Distribution on Beams Supporting Two Way Slabs

Prepared By: Er. Khem Bikram Thapa Kaucha (NEC. NO.18130” Civil “A”)
The imposed load comprises the loads due to the physical contribution of people and the loads
due to the nature of occupancy, the furniture and other equipment’s which are a part of the
character of the occupancy. The imposed loads on the structural system are based on the Codal
provisions as specified in IS 875(part2)-1987.

Table 2: Assessment of Unit Live Loads

Unit Live Load on floors 2.0 KN/m2 for all floor and 3.0 KN/m2 Passage and Stair (Since
Residential building)
Unit Live Load on Roof 1.5 KN/m2 (Accessible Roof)


According to IS 1893-2016, Chitwan lies on the zone 0.36, V. Hence, the effect of the
earthquake is predominant than the wind load. So, the frame is analyzed for the EQ as lateral
load. The Earthquake load has been calculated in accordance with IS 1893:2016. Two directional
(both +ve and –ve) seismic force has been considered for analysis. For this loading seismic
weight is considered as the total dead load plus approximate amount of specified imposed load.
While computing the seismic weight of each floor, the weight of columns and walls in any story
shall be equally distributed to the floors above and below the story. The seismic weight of the
whole building is the sum of the seismic weights of all the floors. For calculating the Earthquake
loads, no live load is considered for roof and for all other floors live load is considered only 25 %
of floor area (IS 1893:2016, clause 7.3.1) for LL on the floor < 3.0 KN/m2 and 50 % of floor area
for LL on the floor > 3.0 KN/m2.


The following considerations are made during the loading on the structural model:
 The loads distributed over the area are imposed on area element and that distributed over
length are imposed on line element whenever possible.
 Where such loading is not applicable, equivalent conversion to different loading
distribution is carried to load the model near the real case as far as possible.
 The imposed loading of infill walls is considered (as per architectural drawing) as
equivalent UDL with 25% to 30% deductions for openings, but the actual modeling of
infill walls as equivalent Struts is not performed. Hence the stiffness of infill walls is not
 The Plinth Tie – Beams are designed as purely tie members for lateral loads only, not
designed as flexural members as floor beams.

Prepared By: Er. Khem Bikram Thapa Kaucha (NEC. NO.18130” Civil “A”)
 For simplicity of Structural analysis, Modeling of stair case is not performed & no
landing beam is considered. The DL & LL load of stair case is transferred to the floor
beam as equivalent UDL.
 Seismic loads are considered acting in the horizontal direction (along either of the two
principal directions) and not along the vertical direction, since it is not considered to be
 The floors diaphragms are assumed to be rigid.
 Centre-line dimensions are assumed for analysis and design. Preliminary sizes of
structural components are assumed as per Architectural Drawing.
 For analysis purpose, the beams are assumed to be rectangular so as to distribute slightly
larger moment in columns. In practice a beam that fulfils requirement of flanged section
in design, behaves in between a rectangular and a flanged section for moment distribution

Figure 6: Live Load < 3 KN/m2 for Story 1

Prepared By: Er. Khem Bikram Thapa Kaucha (NEC. NO.18130” Civil “A”)
Figure 7: Live Load > 3 KN/m2 for Story 1

Prepared By: Er. Khem Bikram Thapa Kaucha (NEC. NO.18130” Civil “A”)
Figure 8: Mass distribution of Wall

Prepared By: Er. Khem Bikram Thapa Kaucha (NEC. NO.18130” Civil “A”)

Table 3: Load Pattern

Name Type Auto Load
DL Dead 1
FLOOR Dead 0
WALL Dead 0
SDL Dead 0
LL Live 0
LL>3 Live 0
SLL Live 0
ELx+ Seismic 0
ELy+ Seismic 0


Table 4: Mass Source

Name Multiplier
DL 1
LL<3 0.25
LL>3 0.5
SLL 0.5

Prepared By: Er. Khem Bikram Thapa Kaucha (NEC. NO.18130” Civil “A”)

Table 5: Auto Seismic -IS 1893:2016

Load Period Weight Base

Patter Type Direction Ecc. Z Soil I R Used Coeff Used Shear
n     %   Type     sec Used kN kN
ELx+ Seismic X 0.36 II 1 5 0.394 0.09 3136.2002 282.258
X + Ecc.
ELx+ Seismic 5 0.36 II 1 5 0.394 0.09 3136.2002 282.258
X - Ecc.
ELx+ Seismic 5 0.36 II 1 5 0.394 0.09 3136.2002 282.258
ELy+ Seismic Y 0.36 II 1 5 0.394 0.09 3136.2002 282.258
Y + Ecc.
ELy+ Seismic 5 0.36 II 1 5 0.394 0.09 3136.2002 282.258
Y - Ecc.
ELy+ Seismic 5 0.36 II 1 5 0.394 0.09 3136.2002 282.258


Table 6: Modal Participating Mass Ratios

Case Mode Period UX UY Sum UX Sum UY

Modal 1 0.538 0.005 0.897 0.005 0.897
Modal 2 0.522 0.8412 0.0082 0.8462 0.9052
Modal 3 0.455 0.0724 0.0037 0.9186 0.9089
Modal 4 0.212 0.0002 0.0784 0.9188 0.9873
Modal 5 0.207 0.0671 0.0003 0.9859 0.9876
Modal 6 0.179 0.0049 4.786E-05 0.9908 0.9877
Modal 7 0.161 6.666E-06 0.0123 0.9908 0.9999
Modal 8 0.16 0.0091 2.709E-06 0.9999 0.9999
Modal 9 0.143 0.0001 0.0001 1 1
Modal 10 0.006 0 0 1 1
Modal 11 0.006 0 0 1 1
Modal 12 0.005 0 0 1 1

Prepared By: Er. Khem Bikram Thapa Kaucha (NEC. NO.18130” Civil “A”)

Table 7: Center of Mass and Center of Rigidity

Cumulative Cumulativ
Story X eY
Kg kg m m kg kg m m m m
Story1 D1 125248.54 125248.54 5.9574 4.4774 125248.54 125248.54 5.9574 4.4774 5.8445 4.5514
Story2 D2 64758.69 64758.69 6.0297 3.5333 64758.69 64758.69 6.0297 3.5333 5.8513 4.5521
Story3 D3 9754.16 9754.16 5.8516 2.004 9754.16 9754.16 5.8516 2.004 5.845 2.4435

The following assumptions are taken into consideration in the seismic resistant analysis and
design of structures:
 Adequate supervision and quality systems are provided during execution of the works.
 Construction is carried out by personnel having the appropriate skill and experience.
 Construction materials and products confirm to the pertinent codes and specifications.
 The structure is adequately maintained.
 The structure is used in accordance with the design brief.
 An earthquake is not likely to occur simultaneously with maximum flood, wind, waves or
 Resonance as visualized under steady state sinusoidal excitation will not occur, as the small
duration of earthquake is not enough to build up resonance amplitudes. Subsoil does not
considerably settle or slide due to earthquake at the site of structure

Prepared By: Er. Khem Bikram Thapa Kaucha (NEC. NO.18130” Civil “A”)
The load combinations are based on IS 1893(Part-1):2016 for Limit state design method. The
following load combinations are used during analysis:

Table 8: Load Combinations

Load Scale
Name Type Auto
Case/Combo Factor
101: 1.5DL +1.5FLOOR +1.5WALL Linear
FLOOR 1.5 No
+1.5SDL Add
101: 1.5DL +1.5FLOOR +1.5WALL
WALL 1.5 No
101: 1.5DL +1.5FLOOR +1.5WALL
SDL 1.5 No
102: 1.5DL +1.5FLOOR +1.5WALL Linear
FLOOR 1.5 No
+1.5SDL +1.5LL +1.5LL>3 +1.5SLL Add
102: 1.5DL +1.5FLOOR +1.5WALL
WALL 1.5 No
+1.5SDL +1.5LL +1.5LL>3 +1.5SLL
102: 1.5DL +1.5FLOOR +1.5WALL
SDL 1.5 No
+1.5SDL +1.5LL +1.5LL>3 +1.5SLL
102: 1.5DL +1.5FLOOR +1.5WALL
LL 1.5 No
+1.5SDL +1.5LL +1.5LL>3 +1.5SLL
102: 1.5DL +1.5FLOOR +1.5WALL
LL>3 1.5 No
+1.5SDL +1.5LL +1.5LL>3 +1.5SLL
102: 1.5DL +1.5FLOOR +1.5WALL
SLL 1.5 No
+1.5SDL +1.5LL +1.5LL>3 +1.5SLL
201: 1.2DL +1.2FLOOR +1.2WALL
+1.2SDL +1.2LL +1.2LL>3 +1.2SLL FLOOR 1.2 No
201: 1.2DL +1.2FLOOR +1.2WALL
+1.2SDL +1.2LL +1.2LL>3 +1.2SLL WALL 1.2 No
201: 1.2DL +1.2FLOOR +1.2WALL
+1.2SDL +1.2LL +1.2LL>3 +1.2SLL SDL 1.2 No
201: 1.2DL +1.2FLOOR +1.2WALL
+1.2SDL +1.2LL +1.2LL>3 +1.2SLL LL 1.2 No
201: 1.2DL +1.2FLOOR +1.2WALL
+1.2SDL +1.2LL +1.2LL>3 +1.2SLL LL>3 1.2 No
201: 1.2DL +1.2FLOOR +1.2WALL SLL 1.2 No

Prepared By: Er. Khem Bikram Thapa Kaucha (NEC. NO.18130” Civil “A”)
Load Scale
Name Type Auto
Case/Combo Factor
+1.2SDL +1.2LL +1.2LL>3 +1.2SLL
201: 1.2DL +1.2FLOOR +1.2WALL
+1.2SDL +1.2LL +1.2LL>3 +1.2SLL ELx+ 1.2 No
202: 1.2DL +1.2FLOOR +1.2WALL
+1.2SDL +1.2LL +1.2LL>3 +1.2SLL +- FLOOR 1.2 No
202: 1.2DL +1.2FLOOR +1.2WALL
+1.2SDL +1.2LL +1.2LL>3 +1.2SLL +- WALL 1.2 No
202: 1.2DL +1.2FLOOR +1.2WALL
+1.2SDL +1.2LL +1.2LL>3 +1.2SLL +- SDL 1.2 No
202: 1.2DL +1.2FLOOR +1.2WALL
+1.2SDL +1.2LL +1.2LL>3 +1.2SLL +- LL 1.2 No
202: 1.2DL +1.2FLOOR +1.2WALL
+1.2SDL +1.2LL +1.2LL>3 +1.2SLL +- LL>3 1.2 No
202: 1.2DL +1.2FLOOR +1.2WALL
+1.2SDL +1.2LL +1.2LL>3 +1.2SLL +- SLL 1.2 No
202: 1.2DL +1.2FLOOR +1.2WALL
+1.2SDL +1.2LL +1.2LL>3 +1.2SLL +- ELx+ -1.2 No
203: 1.2DL +1.2FLOOR +1.2WALL
+1.2SDL +1.2LL +1.2LL>3 +1.2SLL FLOOR 1.2 No
203: 1.2DL +1.2FLOOR +1.2WALL
+1.2SDL +1.2LL +1.2LL>3 +1.2SLL WALL 1.2 No
203: 1.2DL +1.2FLOOR +1.2WALL
+1.2SDL +1.2LL +1.2LL>3 +1.2SLL SDL 1.2 No
203: 1.2DL +1.2FLOOR +1.2WALL
+1.2SDL +1.2LL +1.2LL>3 +1.2SLL LL 1.2 No
203: 1.2DL +1.2FLOOR +1.2WALL
+1.2SDL +1.2LL +1.2LL>3 +1.2SLL LL>3 1.2 No

Prepared By: Er. Khem Bikram Thapa Kaucha (NEC. NO.18130” Civil “A”)
Load Scale
Name Type Auto
Case/Combo Factor
203: 1.2DL +1.2FLOOR +1.2WALL
+1.2SDL +1.2LL +1.2LL>3 +1.2SLL SLL 1.2 No
203: 1.2DL +1.2FLOOR +1.2WALL
+1.2SDL +1.2LL +1.2LL>3 +1.2SLL ELy+ 1.2 No
204: 1.2DL +1.2FLOOR +1.2WALL
+1.2SDL +1.2LL +1.2LL>3 +1.2SLL +- FLOOR 1.2 No
204: 1.2DL +1.2FLOOR +1.2WALL
+1.2SDL +1.2LL +1.2LL>3 +1.2SLL +- WALL 1.2 No
204: 1.2DL +1.2FLOOR +1.2WALL
+1.2SDL +1.2LL +1.2LL>3 +1.2SLL +- SDL 1.2 No
204: 1.2DL +1.2FLOOR +1.2WALL
+1.2SDL +1.2LL +1.2LL>3 +1.2SLL +- LL 1.2 No
204: 1.2DL +1.2FLOOR +1.2WALL
+1.2SDL +1.2LL +1.2LL>3 +1.2SLL +- LL>3 1.2 No
204: 1.2DL +1.2FLOOR +1.2WALL
+1.2SDL +1.2LL +1.2LL>3 +1.2SLL +- SLL 1.2 No
204: 1.2DL +1.2FLOOR +1.2WALL
+1.2SDL +1.2LL +1.2LL>3 +1.2SLL +- ELy+ -1.2 No
205: 1.5DL +1.5FLOOR +1.5WALL Linear
FLOOR 1.5 No
+1.5SDL +1.5ELx+ Add
205: 1.5DL +1.5FLOOR +1.5WALL
WALL 1.5 No
+1.5SDL +1.5ELx+
205: 1.5DL +1.5FLOOR +1.5WALL
SDL 1.5 No
+1.5SDL +1.5ELx+
205: 1.5DL +1.5FLOOR +1.5WALL
ELx+ 1.5 No
+1.5SDL +1.5ELx+
206: 1.5DL +1.5FLOOR +1.5WALL Linear
FLOOR 1.5 No
+1.5SDL +-1.5ELx+ Add
206: 1.5DL +1.5FLOOR +1.5WALL
WALL 1.5 No
+1.5SDL +-1.5ELx+
206: 1.5DL +1.5FLOOR +1.5WALL
SDL 1.5 No
+1.5SDL +-1.5ELx+

Prepared By: Er. Khem Bikram Thapa Kaucha (NEC. NO.18130” Civil “A”)
Load Scale
Name Type Auto
Case/Combo Factor
206: 1.5DL +1.5FLOOR +1.5WALL
ELx+ -1.5 No
+1.5SDL +-1.5ELx+
207: 1.5DL +1.5FLOOR +1.5WALL Linear
FLOOR 1.5 No
+1.5SDL +1.5ELy+ Add
207: 1.5DL +1.5FLOOR +1.5WALL
WALL 1.5 No
+1.5SDL +1.5ELy+
207: 1.5DL +1.5FLOOR +1.5WALL
SDL 1.5 No
+1.5SDL +1.5ELy+
207: 1.5DL +1.5FLOOR +1.5WALL
ELy+ 1.5 No
+1.5SDL +1.5ELy+
208: 1.5DL +1.5FLOOR +1.5WALL Linear
FLOOR 1.5 No
+1.5SDL +-1.5ELy+ Add
208: 1.5DL +1.5FLOOR +1.5WALL
WALL 1.5 No
+1.5SDL +-1.5ELy+
208: 1.5DL +1.5FLOOR +1.5WALL
SDL 1.5 No
+1.5SDL +-1.5ELy+
208: 1.5DL +1.5FLOOR +1.5WALL
ELy+ -1.5 No
+1.5SDL +-1.5ELy+
209: 0.9DL +0.9FLOOR +0.9WALL Linear
FLOOR 0.9 No
+0.9SDL +1.5ELx+ Add
209: 0.9DL +0.9FLOOR +0.9WALL
WALL 0.9 No
+0.9SDL +1.5ELx+
209: 0.9DL +0.9FLOOR +0.9WALL
SDL 0.9 No
+0.9SDL +1.5ELx+
209: 0.9DL +0.9FLOOR +0.9WALL
ELx+ 1.5 No
+0.9SDL +1.5ELx+
210: 0.9DL +0.9FLOOR +0.9WALL Linear
FLOOR 0.9 No
+0.9SDL +-1.5ELx+ Add
210: 0.9DL +0.9FLOOR +0.9WALL
WALL 0.9 No
+0.9SDL +-1.5ELx+
210: 0.9DL +0.9FLOOR +0.9WALL
SDL 0.9 No
+0.9SDL +-1.5ELx+
210: 0.9DL +0.9FLOOR +0.9WALL
ELx+ -1.5 No
+0.9SDL +-1.5ELx+
211: 0.9DL +0.9FLOOR +0.9WALL Linear
FLOOR 0.9 No
+0.9SDL +1.5ELy+ Add
211: 0.9DL +0.9FLOOR +0.9WALL
WALL 0.9 No
+0.9SDL +1.5ELy+
211: 0.9DL +0.9FLOOR +0.9WALL
SDL 0.9 No
+0.9SDL +1.5ELy+
211: 0.9DL +0.9FLOOR +0.9WALL ELy+ 1.5 No

Prepared By: Er. Khem Bikram Thapa Kaucha (NEC. NO.18130” Civil “A”)
Load Scale
Name Type Auto
Case/Combo Factor
+0.9SDL +1.5ELy+
212: 0.9DL +0.9FLOOR +0.9WALL Linear
FLOOR 0.9 No
+0.9SDL +-1.5ELy+ Add
212: 0.9DL +0.9FLOOR +0.9WALL
WALL 0.9 No
+0.9SDL +-1.5ELy+
212: 0.9DL +0.9FLOOR +0.9WALL
SDL 0.9 No
+0.9SDL +-1.5ELy+
212: 0.9DL +0.9FLOOR +0.9WALL
ELy+ -1.5 No
+0.9SDL +-1.5ELy+
401: 1DL +1FLOOR +1WALL +1SDL FLOOR 1 No
401: 1DL +1FLOOR +1WALL +1SDL WALL 1 No
401: 1DL +1FLOOR +1WALL +1SDL SDL 1 No
402: 1DL +1FLOOR +1WALL +1SDL +1LL Linear
+1LL>3 +1SLL Add
402: 1DL +1FLOOR +1WALL +1SDL +1LL
+1LL>3 +1SLL
402: 1DL +1FLOOR +1WALL +1SDL +1LL
SDL 1 No
+1LL>3 +1SLL
402: 1DL +1FLOOR +1WALL +1SDL +1LL
LL 1 No
+1LL>3 +1SLL
402: 1DL +1FLOOR +1WALL +1SDL +1LL
LL>3 1 No
+1LL>3 +1SLL
402: 1DL +1FLOOR +1WALL +1SDL +1LL
SLL 1 No
+1LL>3 +1SLL


Prepared By: Er. Khem Bikram Thapa Kaucha (NEC. NO.18130” Civil “A”)
Figure 9: Sample Bending Moment Diagram of Grid 1-1

Prepared By: Er. Khem Bikram Thapa Kaucha (NEC. NO.18130” Civil “A”)
Figure 10: Sample Shear Force Diagram of Grid 1-1

Prepared By: Er. Khem Bikram Thapa Kaucha (NEC. NO.18130” Civil “A”)
All the structural members have been designed for the critical values as obtained from above
load combinations. The limit state method has been adopted for designing structural members
referring SP – 16, SP-34, IS 456- 2000 & IS 13920 – 2016. Foundation design is carried out to
satisfy strength and stability requirements.
(Refer Structural drawings as provided)
Storey Drift ratio for all storied are checked as defined in clause, IS 1893- 2016. It is
found that storey drift ratio for all stories are within permissible limit 0.004. OK.

Table 9: Story Drifts

Story Load Case/Combo Direction Drift Label X Y Z

          m m m
Story3 EQX 1 X 0.001057 4 3.7084 0 9.144
Story3 EQX 2 X 0.001097 8 7.9756 3.9878 9.144
Story3 EQX 3 X 0.001113 4 3.7084 0 9.144
Story3 EQY 1 Y 0.001173 7 7.9756 0 9.144
Story3 EQY 2 Y 0.001203 7 7.9756 0 9.144
Story3 EQY 3 Y 0.00118 4 3.7084 0 9.144
Story2 EQX 1 X 0.001601 24 13.056 0 6.096
Story2 EQX 2 X 0.001512 24 13.056 0 6.096
Story2 EQX 3 X 0.001689 24 13.056 0 6.096
Story2 EQY 1 Y 0.00165 25 13.056 9.652 6.096
Story2 EQY 2 Y 0.00176 25 13.056 9.652 6.096
Story2 EQY 3 Y 0.001682 22 -1.0671 9.652 6.096
Story1 EQX 1 X 0.001628 10 11.684 0 3.048
Story1 EQX 2 X 0.00154 10 11.684 0 3.048
Story1 EQX 3 X 0.001716 10 11.684 0 3.048
Story1 EQY 1 Y 0.001636 12 11.684 9.652 3.048
Story1 EQY 2 Y 0.001735 12 11.684 9.652 3.048
Story1 EQY 3 Y 0.001668 3 0 9.652 3.048

Maximum Story Drift = 0.00176< 0.004 OK

Prepared By: Er. Khem Bikram Thapa Kaucha (NEC. NO.18130” Civil “A”)
Figure 11: Story Drift in X Direction and Y Direction

Prepared By: Er. Khem Bikram Thapa Kaucha (NEC. NO.18130” Civil “A”)
Figure 12: Longitudinal Reinforcement along Grid 1-1

Prepared By: Er. Khem Bikram Thapa Kaucha (NEC. NO.18130” Civil “A”)
Figure 13: Longitudinal Reinforcement along Grid 2-2

Prepared By: Er. Khem Bikram Thapa Kaucha (NEC. NO.18130” Civil “A”)
Figure 14: Longitudinal Reinforcement along Grid 3-3

Prepared By: Er. Khem Bikram Thapa Kaucha (NEC. NO.18130” Civil “A”)
Figure 15: Longitudinal Reinforcement along Grid A-A

Prepared By: Er. Khem Bikram Thapa Kaucha (NEC. NO.18130” Civil “A”)
Figure 16: Longitudinal Reinforcement along Grid B-B

Prepared By: Er. Khem Bikram Thapa Kaucha (NEC. NO.18130” Civil “A”)
Figure 17: Longitudinal Reinforcement along Grid C-C

Prepared By: Er. Khem Bikram Thapa Kaucha (NEC. NO.18130” Civil “A”)
Figure 18: Longitudinal Reinforcement along Grid D-D

Prepared By: Er. Khem Bikram Thapa Kaucha (NEC. NO.18130” Civil “A”)
Reinforcement output of Beam and Column from ETABS 2017 are attached in Annex.


Based on assumed bearing capacity of soil, foundation sizes and reinforcement were calculated
using the CSI SAFE 2016 which is shown in Annex.


Staircase is not modelled in the ETAB 2017 Model. Detailing of reinforcement and depth of
waist slab is calculated in MS EXCEL. Manual design is attached in Annex.


Slab design was prepared separately in MS-Excel. Manual design is attached in Annex.


Analysis and design of the residential building was prepared based on IS Codes. For analysis and
design ETABS 2017 software was used. Whenever was necessary to check ETABS result,
manual calculations were also performed. M20 grade of concrete and Fe500 grade rebar were
used for analysis and design. Seismic analysis and design were performed based on IS
1893:2016 for concrete. For detailing of reinforcement SP 34 and Ductile Detailing Code IS
13920:2016 were used. The building was designed to meet the required performance level
expected by of IS Code for Residential building purpose.

We greatly recommend using standard quality of construction materials and regular supervision
during construction by the qualified Engineer.

Prepared By: Er. Khem Bikram Thapa Kaucha (NEC. NO.18130” Civil “A”)

Annex 1: Material properties

Table 10: Material Properties- Concrete

Material E U A UnitWt Fc LtWtCo UserMo

nc dRup
N/mm2 1/C KN/m3 N/mm2
M20 22360.67977 0.20000 9.9000E- 2.5000E+ 20.00000 No No
0 06 01

Table 11: Material Properties - Rebar

Material E UnitWt Fy Fu
N/mm 2
KN/m3 N/mm2 N/mm2
FE500 200000 7.6973E+ 500.0000 545.0000
01 0 0

Annex 2: Footing Properties

Table 12: Slab Properties - Solid Slabs

Slab Type MatProp Thickness Ortho

FOOTING500 Footing M20 500.000 No
STIFF500 Stiff M20 500.000 No

Prepared By: Er. Khem Bikram Thapa Kaucha (NEC. NO.18130” Civil “A”)
Annex 3: Support Properties
Table 13: Soil Properties

Soil Subgrade NonlinOpt

SOIL 1.8E+04 Compression

Annex 4: Dimension of Foundations

Figure 19: Dimension of Foundations

Prepared By: Er. Khem Bikram Thapa Kaucha (NEC. NO.18130” Civil “A”)
Annex 5: Column Reaction (KN)

Figure 20: Column Reaction

Prepared By: Er. Khem Bikram Thapa Kaucha (NEC. NO.18130” Civil “A”)
Annex 6: Analysis Result for Foundation
Maximum settlement <25mm (Okay)

Figure 21: Displacement

Prepared By: Er. Khem Bikram Thapa Kaucha (NEC. NO.18130” Civil “A”)
Soil pressure
Allowable maximum soil pressure is 150 KN/m2

Figure 22: Soil Pressure

Prepared By: Er. Khem Bikram Thapa Kaucha (NEC. NO.18130” Civil “A”)
Punching Check Design
Demand Capacity Ratio for punching shear <1.118 (0.25√𝑓𝑐𝑘) Hence its depth is Ok

Figure 23: Punching Shear

Prepared By: Er. Khem Bikram Thapa Kaucha (NEC. NO.18130” Civil “A”)
Annex 7: Footing Slab Reinforcement Details
In X-direction- Rebar Intensity mm2/m

Prepared By: Er. Khem Bikram Thapa Kaucha (NEC. NO.18130” Civil “A”)
Figure 24: Footing Slab Reinforcement in X-direction- Rebar Intensity mm2/m

Footing Slab Reinforcement SAFE

In Y-direction- Rebar Intensity mm2/m

Prepared By: Er. Khem Bikram Thapa Kaucha (NEC. NO.18130” Civil “A”)
Figure 25: Footing Slab Reinforcement in Y-direction- Rebar Intensity mm2/m

Annex 8: Strap Beam Reinforcement Details

Prepared By: Er. Khem Bikram Thapa Kaucha (NEC. NO.18130” Civil “A”)
Figure 26: Strap Beam Reinforcement Details

Prepared By: Er. Khem Bikram Thapa Kaucha (NEC. NO.18130” Civil “A”)
Annex 9: Footing Design Summary

Bearing Capacity Footing Depth Reinforcement

S.N Type 150 kN/m2 Footing Size d D Astx Asty
1 F1 Eccentric 5'-0''x5'-0'' 20'' 24'' 12 mm @ 5'' c/c 12 mm @ 5'' c/c
2 F2 Eccentric 5'-6''x5'-6'' 20'' 24'' 12 mm @ 5'' c/c 12 mm @ 5'' c/c
3 F3 Isolated 5'-6''x5'-6'' 20'' 24'' 12 mm @ 5'' c/c 12 mm @ 5'' c/c
4 F4 Eccentric 6'-0''x6'-0'' 20'' 24'' 12 mm @ 5'' c/c 12 mm @ 5'' c/c
5 F5 Isolated 6'-0''x6'-0'' 20'' 24'' 12 mm @ 5'' c/c 12 mm @ 5'' c/c
4 F6 Eccentric 6'-6''x6'-6'' 20'' 24'' 12 mm @ 5'' c/c 12 mm @ 5'' c/c

Annex 10: Strap beam Design Summary

Strap Beam Rebars at Support Rebars at Mid

Top Bottom Top Bottom
Rebars of Strap Beam
SB (12''X24'') 5-16 mm(T) 3-16 mm(T) 5-16 mm(T) 3-16 mm(T)

Annex 11: Column Section Design Summary

ETABS 2017 Concrete Frame Design
IS 456:2000 + IS 13920:2016 Column Section Design (Summary)

Prepared By: Er. Khem Bikram Thapa Kaucha (NEC. NO.18130” Civil “A”)
Column Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Section ID Combo ID Station Loc Length (mm) LLRF Type
Story1 C11 11 Col12"x12" DConS2 0 3048 0.638 Ductile Frame

Section Properties
b (mm) h (mm) dc (mm) Cover (Torsion) (mm)
304.8 304.8 54.1 28.1

Material Properties
Ec (MPa) fck (MPa) Lt.Wt Factor (Unitless) fy (MPa) fys (MPa)
22360.68 20 1 500 415

Design Code Parameters

ɣC ɣS
1.5 1.15

Axial Force and Biaxial Moment Design For Pu , Mu2 , Mu3

Design Pu Design Mu2 Design Mu3 Minimum M2 Minimum M3 Rebar Area Rebar %
kN kN-m kN-m kN-m kN-m mm² %
561.909 -13.831 -11.2382 11.2382 11.2382 743 0.8

Axial Force and Biaxial Moment Factors

K Factor Length Initial Moment Additional Moment Minimum Moment
Unitless mm kN-m kN-m kN-m
Major Bend(M3) 0.590435 2616.2 2.7558 0 11.2382
Minor Bend(M2) 0.568436 2616.2 7.1157 0 11.2382

Shear Design for Vu2 , Vu3

Shear Vu Shear Vc Shear Vs Shear Vp Rebar Asv /s
kN kN kN kN mm²/m
Major, Vu2 3.4175 82.3036 30.5649 0 337.85
Minor, Vu3 12.0863 82.3036 30.5649 58.2787 337.85

Joint Shear Check/Design

Joint Shear Shear Shear Shear Joint Shear
Force VTop Vu,Tot Vc Area Ratio
kN kN kN kN cm² Unitless
Major Shear, Vu2 N/N N/N N/N N/N N/N N/N
Minor Shear, Vu3 N/N N/N N/N N/N N/N N/N

(1.4) Beam/Column Capacity Ratio

Prepared By: Er. Khem Bikram Thapa Kaucha (NEC. NO.18130” Civil “A”)
Major Ratio Minor Ratio

Additional Moment Reduction Factor k (IS

Ag Asc Puz Pb Pu k
cm² cm² kN kN kN Unitless
929 22.8 1690.2247 337.1219 561.909 0.833873

Additional Moment (IS 39.7.1)

Consider Length Section KL/Depth KL/Depth KL/Depth Ma
Ma Factor Depth (mm) Ratio Limit Exceeded Moment (kN-m)
Major Bending (M3 ) Yes 0.858 304.8 5.068 12 No 0
Minor Bending (M2 ) Yes 0.858 304.8 4.879 12 No 0


N/A: Not Applicable

N/C: Not Calculated

N/N: Not Needed

Annex 12: Beam Section Design Summary

ETABS 2017 Concrete Frame Design
IS 456:2000 + IS 13920:2016 Beam Section Design (Summary)

Prepared By: Er. Khem Bikram Thapa Kaucha (NEC. NO.18130” Civil “A”)
Beam Element Details
Level Element Unique Name Section ID Combo ID Station Loc Length (mm) LLRF Type
Story1 B8 20 Beam9"x17" DConS1 5511.8 5664.2 1 Ductile Frame

Section Properties
b (mm) h (mm) bf (mm) ds (mm) dct (mm) dcb (mm)
228.6 431.8 228.6 0 63.5 63.5

Material Properties
Ec (MPa) fck (MPa) Lt.Wt Factor (Unitless) fy (MPa) fys (MPa)
22360.68 20 1 500 415

Design Code Parameters

ɣC ɣS
1.5 1.15

Factored Forces and Moments

Factored Factored Factored Factored
Mu3 Tu Vu2 Pu
kN-m kN-m kN kN
-47.7698 1.283 78.4935 0

Design Moments, Mu3 & Mt

Factored Factored Positive Negative
Moment Mt Moment Moment
kN-m kN-m kN-m kN-m
-47.7698 2.1802 0 -49.95

Design Moment and Flexural Reinforcement for Moment, M u3 & Tu

Design Design -Moment +Moment Minimum Required
-Moment +Moment Rebar Rebar Rebar Rebar
kN-m kN-m mm² mm² mm² mm²
Top (+2 Axis) -49.95 349 0 349 225
Bottom (-2 Axis) 0 225 0 0 225

Shear Force and Reinforcement for Shear, Vu2 & Tu

Shear Ve Shear Vc Shear Vs Shear Vp Rebar Asv /s
kN kN kN kN mm²/m
78.4935 51.2194 36.2537 46.2917 272.77

Torsion Force and Torsion Reinforcement for Torsion, Tu & VU2

Prepared By: Er. Khem Bikram Thapa Kaucha (NEC. NO.18130” Civil “A”)
Tu Vu Core b1 Core d1 Rebar Asvt /s
kN-m kN mm mm mm²/m
1.283 78.4935 121.6 324.8 357.89

Annex 13: Columns Reinforcement Details

Prepared By: Er. Khem Bikram Thapa Kaucha (NEC. NO.18130” Civil “A”)
Column Type Ground Floor First Floor Second Floor Remarks

C1 4-20 mm +4-16 mm 8-16 mm

C2 4-20 mm +4-16 mm 4-20 mm +4-16 mm 8-16 mm 8 mm

stirrups @
4'' C/C
distance at
C3 4-20 mm +4-16 mm 4-20 mm +4-16 mm support and
6" C/C
distance at
C4 8-20 mm 4-20 mm +4-16 mm 8-16 mm

C5 8-20 mm 8-20 mm

Annex 14: Beams Reinforcement Details

Prepared By: Er. Khem Bikram Thapa Kaucha (NEC. NO.18130” Civil “A”)
Rebars at Support Rebars at Mid

Grid Top Bottom Top Bottom

First Floor Beam (9''x17'')
GRID A-A 2-16 mm(T)+3-16 mm(E) 3-16 mm(T)+1-12 mm(T) 2-16 mm(T) 3-16 mm(T)+1-12 mm(T)
GRID B-B 2-16 mm(T)+3-16 mm(E) 3-16 mm(T) 2-16 mm(T) 3-16 mm(T)
GRID C-C 2-16 mm(T)+3-16 mm(E) 2-16 mm(T)+1-16 mm(E) 2-16 mm(T) 2-16 mm(T)
GRID D-D 2-16 mm(T)+3-16 mm(E) 3-16 mm(T)+1-12 mm(T) 2-16 mm(T) 3-16 mm(T)
GRID 1-1 2-16 mm(T)+3-16 mm(E) 2-16 mm(T)+1-12 mm(T) 2-16 mm(T) 2-16 mm(T)
GRID 2-2 2-16 mm(T)+2-16 mm(E) 2-16 mm(T) 2-16 mm(T) 2-16 mm(T)
GRID 3-3 2-16 mm(T)+2-16 mm(E) 2-16 mm(T) 2-16 mm(T) 2-16 mm(T)
Second Floor Beam (9''x17'')
GRID A-A 2-16 mm(T)+1-12 mm(E) 2-16 mm(T) 2-16 mm(T) 2-16 mm(T)
GRID B-B 2-16 mm(T)+2-12 mm(E) 2-16 mm(T) 2-16 mm(T) 2-16 mm(T)
GRID C-C 2-16 mm(T)+1-16 mm(E) 2-16 mm(T) 2-16 mm(T) 2-16 mm(T)
GRID D-D 2-16 mm(T) 2-16 mm(T) 2-16 mm(T) 2-16 mm(T)
GRID 1-1 2-16 mm(T)+1-16 mm(E) 2-16 mm(T) 2-16 mm(T) 2-16 mm(T)
GRID 2-2 2-16 mm(T)+1-12 mm(E) 2-16 mm(T) 2-16 mm(T) 2-16 mm(T)
GRID 3-3 2-16 mm(T) 2-16 mm(T) 2-16 mm(T) 2-16 mm(T)
Top Floor Beam (9''x17'')
GRID B-B 3-12mm(T) 3-12mm(T) 3-12mm(T) 3-12mm(T)
GRID C-C 3-12mm(T) 3-12mm(T) 3-12mm(T) 3-12mm(T)
GRID 1-1 3-12mm(T) 3-12mm(T) 3-12mm(T) 3-12mm(T)
GRID 2-2 3-12mm(T) 3-12mm(T) 3-12mm(T) 3-12mm(T)
Plinth Beam (9''x12'')
GRID A-A 3-12 mm(T) 3-12 mm(T) 3-12 mm(T) 3-12 mm(T)
GRID B-B 3-12 mm(T) 3-12 mm(T) 3-12 mm(T) 3-12 mm(T)
GRID C-C 3-12 mm(T) 3-12 mm(T) 3-12 mm(T) 3-12 mm(T)
GRID D-D 3-12 mm(T) 3-12 mm(T) 3-12 mm(T) 3-12 mm(T)
GRID 1-1 3-12 mm(T) 3-12 mm(T) 3-12 mm(T) 3-12 mm(T)
GRID 2-2 3-12 mm(T) 3-12 mm(T) 3-12 mm(T) 3-12 mm(T)
GRID 3-3 3-12 mm(T) 3-12 mm(T) 3-12 mm(T) 3-12 mm(T)

8 mm TMT rebar 4" C/C Spacing at support and 6" C/C spacing at Mid.

Annex 15: Layout for Column and Footing

Prepared By: Er. Khem Bikram Thapa Kaucha (NEC. NO.18130” Civil “A”)
C3, F2 C3, F4 C3, F4 C3, F4


C3, F3 C4, F5 C4, F5 C5, F3


C1, F1 C2, F6 C2, F6 C1, F2

Annex 16: Slab Design

Prepared By: Er. Khem Bikram Thapa Kaucha (NEC. NO.18130” Civil “A”)
Design Data
Dimensions of the slab (c/c distance b/w supports), fck = 20 N/mm
Length of short span, Lx = 3.7 m fy = 500 N/mm2
Length of long span, Ly = 5.7 m
Width of the supporting beam, = 230 mm
Clear cover to main reinforcement = 20 mm
Assume dia. of reinforcement steel = 8 mm
Assume the thickness of slab as 125 mm ; Effective depth, d = 101 mm
Effective span, lx = 3.7084 m (or) 3.579 m whichever is less; d = 3.579 m
ly = 5.6642 m (or) 5.535 m whichever is less; d = 5.535 m
(ly / lx ) = 1.55 < 2 ;Here, (ly / lx ) is less than 2, Hence design the slab as two way slab
Load Calculations
Dead Load of slab = 0.125 x 25 = 3.13 kN/m2 Dust Load on slab = 0 KN/m
2 2
Finishes load on slab = 1.50kN/m Other load on slab = 0 KN/m
Live Load on slab = 2.0 kN/m2
Total Dead load acting on the Structure = 5 kN/m
Total live load acting on the Structure = 2.0 kN/m2
Factored Design Load w= 9.95 KN/m2
Support Condition (Type of panel according to support condition)
Interior Panels For this support condition,
Short span coefficient for (ly / lx ) =1.55, Long span coefficient,
For negative moment, ax = 0.0544 For negative moment, ay = 0.032
For positive moment, ax = 0.0418 For positive moment, ay = 0.024
Moment Calculation
Max. BM per unit width, M x = ax w l x 2 & My = ay w l x 2
Mu M u / bd
pt A st, req Ast , min = (0.12/100) bD = 150 mm2
2 2
KNm N/mm % mm
For Short Span,
Reinforcement details
At mid span, 5.33 0.52 0.149 150
At supports, 6.93 0.68 0.197 198 ProvideY 8 @ 152 mm c/c at midspan &
For Long span, supports for short span (Ast pro. =330 mm2 )
At mid span, 3.06 0.35 0.099 100 ProvideY 8 @ 152 mm c/c at midspan &
At supports, 4.08 0.47 0.134 135 supports for long span (Ast pro. =331 mm2 )
Check for Deflection At Support Provide,
Percentage of tension reinforcement = 0.33 % 8mm dia @ 300mm c/c and 10mm dia @ 300mm
fs = =
0.58 fy (Ast req / Ast pro )132 c/c spacing
Refer Fig. 4 of IS 456, Ast Provided = 429.3 mm
Modification factor = 2
= 52
Allowable (Span / deff ) ratio
Effective depth required = 69 mm
< d prov.
Hence OK

Prepared By: Er. Khem Bikram Thapa Kaucha (NEC. NO.18130” Civil “A”)
Annex 17: Staircase Design


Density of concrete 25 KN/m3
Compressive strength of concrete
20 N/mm2
Tensile strength of steel (fy) 500 N/mm2
Width of flight 1.09 m
Clear span of front landing 0.78 m
Clear span of end landing 1.066 m
Projected length of flight 2.032 m
Projected clear span of staircase
3.878 m
Riser height for flight 175 mm
Tread width for flight 250 mm
Live load considered 3 KN/m2
Floor finish considered 1 KN/m2


As per Cl 33.1
IS 456, table
Clear cover 15 mm
Assume dia of main bar 12 mm
Assume dia of distribution bar 8 mm
Area of main bar 113 mm2
Area of distribution bar 50 mm2

Width of support for front landing 0.23 m

Width of support for end landing 0.23 m
Effective projected span of staircase
4.108 m
Effective span of front landing 0.895 m
Effective span of end landing 1.181 m

Assume overall depth of waist slab 150 mm

Take effective depth of waist slab
129 mm


Prepared By: Er. Khem Bikram Thapa Kaucha (NEC. NO.18130” Civil “A”)
m width
For 1.09
of flight
A) load on front landing:
Live load 3 KN/m
Floor finish 1 KN/m
Self weight 4.0875 KN/m
Total load 8.4475 KN/m
Design load 12.671 KN/m

B) load on flight:
a) Inclined slab
Self weight on plan 4.989 KN/m

b) Step section
Floor finish 1 KN/m
Live load 3.27 KN/m
self weight 2.384 KN/m
Total load 11.734 KN/m
Design load 17.601 KN/m
C) load on end landing:
Live load 3 KN/m
Floor finish 1 KN/m
Self weight 4.0875 KN/m
Total load 8.4475 KN/m
Design load 12.671 KN/m


Reaction at support A: 31.384 KN
Reaction at support B: 30.686 KN
Let X be the distance from support A at which maximum bending moment
X 2.034 m
Maximum moment on waist slab 34.426 KNm
Maximum moment for front landing 12.775 KNm
Maximum moment for end landing 15.911 KNm
Maximum Bending Moment 34.426 KNm

Prepared By: Er. Khem Bikram Thapa Kaucha (NEC. NO.18130” Civil “A”)
4) CHECK FOR DEPTH: As per Annex G-1.1©, Cl 38.1
Required depth of landing/waist
108.965 mm Safe

As per Annex G-1.1(b)
Minimum reinforcement 196.2 mm2
Required area of reinforcement 700.802 mm2
Required spacing of main bar 161.244 mm-C/C
Required spacing of distribution bar 254.842 mm-C/C
Main bar 12 mm dia bar @ 125
Distribution bar 8 mm dia bar @ 200
Ast provided 904.000 mm2
% of reinforcement provided 0.553 %

6) CHECK FOR SHEAR: As per Cl 40.2, table 19 ,20
Asx100/bd 0.643
K 1.3
ζc 0.28

Maximum shear stress : ζv 0.223 N/mm2

Design shear strength : ζ'c 0.364 N/mm2

Maximum shear strength : ζcmax 2.8 N/mm2 Safe

7) CHECK FOR DEFLECTION: As per Cl 26.2.1

Effective span of staircase well 4.108 m
Effective depth of waist slab 129.000 mm

Prepared By: Er. Khem Bikram Thapa Kaucha (NEC. NO.18130” Civil “A”)
fs 224.815 N/mm2
leff/d 31.845
Basic value:α 23 Cl 23.2.1 (a)
Modification factor:
β 1 Cl 23.2.1 (b)
γ 1.4 Cl 23.2.1 (c)fig 4
λ 1 Cl 23.2.1 (d)fig 5
δ 1 Cl 23.2.1 (e)fig 6
αβγλδ 32.2 Safe

7) DEVELOPMENT LENGTH: As per Cl 26.2.1

Stress in bar at the section considered at design load
Development length(Ld) φx0.87xfy/4ζbd
ζbd 1.92

Tension reinforcement 679.688 mm

Compression reinforcement 543.750 mm

Provide development:
Tension reinforcement 700 mm
Compression reinforcement 600 mm

Prepared By: Er. Khem Bikram Thapa Kaucha (NEC. NO.18130” Civil “A”)

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