M08-1 Workshop Solutions
M08-1 Workshop Solutions
M08-1 Workshop Solutions
10.15 What is the difference between a walk-through review test and a test of controls?
A walk-through test is used when obtaining an understanding of the internal controls
of an entity. A representative transaction from a class of transactions is traced through
all the processing steps as a way of confirming the understanding of system obtained
through questionnaires or flowcharts.
Tests of control are designed to give the auditor evidence about the effective design
and operation of internal controls. The objective being to establish the extent to which
internal controls can be relied upon for evidence that the financial statements are free
from material error. Where internal controls are found to be effective the level of
substantive testing can be reduced. Where internal controls are not found to be
effective all the audit evidence needed to support the audit opinion will be received
from performing substantive tests.
10.19 What is the difference between test data and integrated test facility?
Under the test data approach, dummy transactions are prepared by the auditor and
processed under auditor control by the client’s computer program. This is often
performed during a time when the auditor can take full control over the client’s
computer operations.
In an integrated tests facility approach the auditor does not control computer
operations and dummy transactions are processed simultaneously with real
transactions. This usually requires the creation of a small subsystem (a mini-company)
within the regular IT system. It may be accomplished by creating dummy master files
or appending dummy master records to existing client files. Test data, specially coded
to correspond to the dummy master files, are introduced into the system together
with actual transactions.
Obtain the audit file from last year’s audit. Ensure that the documentation on
the sales system is complete. Review the audit file for indications of
weaknesses in the sales system and note these for investigation this year.
Obtain system documentation from the client. Review this to identify any
changes made in the last 12 months.
Interview client staff to ascertain whether systems have changed this year
and to ensure that the internal control questionnaires produced last year are
Perform walk-through checks. Trace a few transactions through the sales
system to ensure that the internal control questionnaires on the audit file are
accurate and can be relied upon to produce the audit programmes for this
During walk-through checks, ensure that the controls documented in the
system notes are actually working, for example, verifying that documents are
signed as indicated in the notes.
Review a sample of goods despatch notes Ensures that the goods despatched are
(GDN) for signatures of the goods despatch correctly recorded on the GDNs.
staff and customer.
Review a sample of GDNs for signature of Ensures that the GDN details have been
the accounts staff. entered onto the computer system.
Observe despatch system ensuring Seeley Ensures that goods are only despatched to
staff have seen the customers’ authorised customers.
identification card prior to goods being
loaded into customers’ vans.
Review the error report on numeric Ensures that the sequence of GDNs is
sequence of GDNs produced in the complete.
accounts department and enquire action
taken regarding omissions.
Observe despatch process to ensure that Ensures that goods are not despatched to
the customers’ credit limit is reviewed prior poor/bad credit risks.
to goods being despatched. Note: reviewing credit limits is not specifically
stated in the scenario; however, most
sales systems will have this control.