Pompeii and Herculaneum-Social Structure Men and Women: Freeborn Freed
Pompeii and Herculaneum-Social Structure Men and Women: Freeborn Freed
Pompeii and Herculaneum-Social Structure Men and Women: Freeborn Freed
Katherine Young
Freeborn(Men and Women)
The male Freeborn class included the wealthy Patricians, landowners, commercial men,
local privileged as well as those of lower status who were workers or businessmen.
Freeborn male citizens made up the populus of the towns and had political rights
allowing them to vote. These men could gain social status through memorials, client
bases, houses and also politics. Wealthy Freeborn men may have held political roles
while poorer freeborn men may have owned businesses .
Wealthy Women could own properties, run businesses or be educated however they
had no political rights and could not stand for political office. Wealthy freeborn
women may have been priestesses or businesswomen while poorer freeborn women
may have worked as laundresses, fish-sellers, butchers, weavers or in some other
The differences in social status between men and women can be seen through the
following sources:
Slaves (Men and Women)
The slaves of Pompeii and Herculaneum made up around 40% of the
population. Male and Female slaves were part of the household and worked in
workshops, the home, owners shops and in agriculture. Educated slaves held
higher positions and may have worked as personal attendants or secretaries
while those who were less privileged were labourers. Male slaves may have
worked in their owners business (see fresco of carpenter) while female slaves
may have been cooks, cleaners, prostitutes, wet nurses or fulfilled other
household jobs.
The men and women who were slaves made up the lowest class of Pompeii
and Herculaneum’s society. They had no rights, little wealth and were treated as
objects in business transactions.
Freedmen(Men and Women)
Freedmen in Pompeii and Herculaneum ranged from wealthy to poor as did
every other social class. Although Freedmen could not hold positions as high
as some freeborn citizens, they could raise to a certain level of power through
public office if they wished. Generally, this class which was made up of
former slaves was the working class, however many became extremely wealthy
such as the Vettii brothers.
Much of this class consisted of men who ran businesses with wives who
assisted in shops such as bakeries (perhaps in the case of Terentius Neo). It
can be said that within Pompeii many women worked in different occupations
and some freedwomen were quite wealthy, although usually with the
assistance of men.
Eumachia was a wealthy businesswoman and
Priestess , she is one of the most recognisable
women of Pompeii.
The building and statue of Eumachia in the
forum of Pompeii are representative of the
highest level of social status for women. An
inscription located on the building notes that
Eumachia herself funded the building and the
statue was dedicated to Eumachia from fullers.
This source informs us that women could hold a
high status and be significant members of
society and weren't only limited to jobs of a
housewife as was common in many cities.
Marcus Nonius Balbus
dedicatory altar
This picture is of the statue of
Marcus Nonius Balbus and the
alter dedicated to him located near
the Suburban baths in
Herculaneum. Marcus Nonius
Balbus was an extremely powerful
and influential figure of
Herculaneum and this source
indicates his importance and social
status .Not only was he named
patron of Herculaneum but upon
his death he was honoured. The
altar being located in such a central
location notes his importance as
well as that of wealthy freeborn
men within society.
Villa of Julia Felix
Julia Felix was an extremely wealthy
woman of Pompeii who owned a
villa which took up a block of the
city. It can be understood through
inscriptions that after the
earthquake, Julia Felix earned
money to repair damages by renting
out parts of her villa which included
shops, apartments, public baths as
well as a tavern. Julia Felix is an
example of a woman who was
wealthy with little interference from
men and was at a high level of
social status within society.
Theatre Pompeii &
The theatres in both Pompeii and
Herculaneum are examples of the
social structure between men and
women. The theatres were divided into
three separate parts which were based
on social structure. The lower rows
were reserved for those who held
important political positions while
behind them sat ordinary citizens and
finally women on the top rows. The
slaves however had to stand, this
illustrates the distinct social class as
well as the position of women within
Fresco- Terentius Neo
Although this Fresco was originally believed to
be of Paquis Proclus and his wife it is now
thought to be of the baker Terentius Neo and
his wife. It is located on the wall of a house in
Pompeii and depicts a female holding a wax
tablet and stylus with her husband standing
beside her holding a piece of papyrus.
This painting suggests that literacy was present
in the higher class of freewomen and men of
society. It is also an example of middle to high
class in social structure for men and women.
House of the Vettii
The house of the Vettii was
owned by the two Vetti brothers
who were successful freedman.
This source illustrates how
freedman could rival the elite of
Pompeii and be extremely
wealthy despite their origins. It is
an example of the highest level
of freedman and of the social
structure of men within society.
This is another example of how a
richly decorated and complex
house reflected wealth and status
within society.
Tomb- Naevoleia Tyche
This is the tomb of Naevoleia Tyche,
Who was according to inscriptions on
the tomb a freedwoman of Lucius.
Tyche. Naevoleia funded the tomb
for her freewomen and men which
informs us that freedwomen could
have a number of slaves or freedmen
or women themselves. This tomb
informs us that a wealthy woman who
was not freeborn could still be quite
wealthy and also assists in
understanding social structure.
Brothel owned by Africanus
Fresco from the caupona
of Salvius
Marcus Caecilius Jucundus
Marcus Caecilius Jucundus was known as an
important businessman and recognised
freeborn of Pompeii. Around 150 wax tablets
were found within his house which acted as
receipts, some of these tablets had witnesses
who signed the tablet in the order of social
structure. Jucundus was extremely wealthy, this
is because he rented and sold land as well as
businesses, slaves and properties. This can be
seen through the tablets found in his house
recording many transactions. He is also
known to have lent money
Pliny, archaeological
The letter written to Gallus by Pliny as well as “the rest of this wing is
the archaeological remains of buildings in reserved for the use of my
Pompeii and Herculaneum outline the living slaves and freedmen, but
areas of slaves. Pliny notes that his slave quarters most of the rooms are
are hidden away from public view and also elegant enough to house
reveals the relationship he has with his slaves. guests…at the end of the
The male and female slaves would have slept in terrace is a suite of rooms.
slave quarters such as the ones in the house of When I am there I feel that I
the Vettii which is also hidden away from public have got away from the rest
view. of the house…for in this way
I don’t disturb my slaves’
This written source along with the slave quarters enjoyment and they don’t
of various buildings present the living conditions interrupt my work.”- Pliny’s
of some men and women within society. letter to Gallus