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Conduct and Rules

The competition will be conducted as part of Thal Sainik Camp. It will be conducted in two parts as under:-

Content Marks
(a) Part I Written Test 40
(b) Part II Practical
(i) Judging Distance 60
(ii) Field Signal 60
160 (Reduced to 80 marks for TSC)

A total of eight cadets will participate. All cadets will participate in Written Test. For Practical Test, however, out of eight
cadets, four cadets each will participate in Judging Distance and Field Signal. Six cadets for this competition would be
selected randomly, one cadet each for Judging Distance and Field Signal for Part II of the competition will be nominated
be respective Dtes. These cadets will be distinct from those selected for Tent pitching and Health & Hygiene competition.

The competition will be conducted on one day at a suitable field location where, both parts of the tests would be held, as

(a) Part-I Written Test will be conducted first, for a duration of 45 minutes. The paper will consist of two sections as

(i) Section A Subjective Questions 20 Marks

(ii) Section B Objective Questions 20 Marks

Total 40 Marks

(b) Part-II Practical test will be conducted simultaneously for Field Signal and Judging Distance with 4 cadets per Dte
being tested in each. The assessing Board of Officers will split itself into two groups and both, Judging Distance and Field
Signal Test will be conducted simultaneously with half the Dtes being tested in one test and the other half in the other.
Conduct will be as under:-

(i) Judging Distance. Cadets will be tested Dte wise, as per the sequence decided randomly by the Presiding Officer, on
the spot. Each cadet will be asked to judge the distance of three objects, one each in Far, Middle and near distance.
Maximum marks for correct judgment will be 5 per point. Penalty for incorrect judgment will be awarded as under:-

(aa) For Distance. Full points for upto ± 200 meters in judgment. Minus one point for incorrect judgment of every ± 200
meters after that.

(ab) Middle Distance. Full points upto ± 200 meters in judgment. Minus one point for incorrect judgment of every +100
meters thereafter.

(ac) Near Distance. Full points upto ± 50 meters in judgment. Minus one point for incorrect judgment of every ± 50

(ii) Field Signal. All cadets will be tested Dte wise, as per the sequence decided randomly by the Presiding Officer, on the
spot. Each cadet will be asked to indicate three different Field Signals. 5 points will be awarded for correct description of
each signal. Thus four cadets will be judged out of 15 points each and total out of 60 points for each Dte (15 points each
for four cadets).

The total assessment out of 160 points for Part I and Part II for each Dte will be reduced by half, to arrive at assessment
out of 80 marks.

Selection of Site and Points. Would be done under the supervision of Board of Officers, Boards of Officers would select
points on ground minimum 10 days before the competition. The same would be required to be approved by OIC

Accurate fire with any weapon depends on the correct judging of distance. Although a cadet is not normally
required to open fire at range over 100 yards, he must be able to judge distance up to about 1000 yards, so
that he:-
(a) Knows when to open fire.
(b) Can indicate targets to supporting arms or to men in a sub-unit.
(c) Can pass back information accurately when acting as an observer.
An individual should be able to judge distance accurately with his eyes so that the individual: -
(a) Knows when to open fire.
(b) Knows which weapon to be used (51 mm mortar, rifle or carbine).
(c) Can indicate targets to other men in his section/direct the fire of sp weapons.
(d) Pass back accurate information when acting as an observer. 101


The following are the six methods of Judging Distance.
(a) Unit of measure.
(b) Appearance method.
(c) Section average.
(d) Key range.
(e) Halving.
(f) Bracketing.
Unit of Measure.
This method is also termed as the 100 yards method. The unit of measure chosen is normally 100 yards and
therefore one should form a good idea of 100 yards distance on the ground. The length of a hockey field is the
best yard stick for this purpose.

The distance of a given object will be a multiple of the imaginary unit of 100 yards, as placed between the
observer and the object.
This method is not accurate above 100 yards and is of little use if there is dead ground between the observer
and the object.
Appearance Method.
The distance can be judged by noting the detailed appearance of man at various ranges. This is the best
method under service conditions. The following is a guide to distance:-
(a) At 200 yards, all parts of the body are distinct.
(b) At 250 yards, blade of the foresight covers a kneeling man.
(c) At 300 yards the face becomes blurred. 102

(d) At 400 yards the body remains same in shape but face is difficult to distinguish. Blade of the foresight
covers a standing man.
(e) At 500 yards body appears to taper slightly from the shoulder but movement of limbs can still be seen.
(f) At 600 yards head appears as a dot. Details are not visible and body tapers from shoulders downwards
Section Average.
Each man in the section is asked to judge the distance of a given object. The average of the answers given by
the whole section is then accepted as the distance. Here caution must be exercised in the estimation of a few
who may foolishly overestimate the distance. This method may be resorted to under the following
(a) Ample time is available.
(b) Judging of distance is made difficult by mist or darkness.
(c) Judging of a long distance is involved e.g. beyond 400 yards.
Key Range.
If the range of the certain object is known, distance to other objects can be found in relation to the known
range. This method is called „Key Range‟ method.
An object is selected half way between the observer and the target, the distance to the selected object is
judged and doubled to get the distance to the target.
The observer works out the maximum and the minimum possible distance of the object and then accept the
mean as the distance e.g. maximum possible distance 1000 yards, minimum possible distance 500 yards
therefore estimated range is 750 yards. The greater the range wider the bracket. In no case the bracket should
be less than 300 yards.
Practical Hints

During Night judging distance at night will depend upon the visibility. The only suitable method is the „Key
Range‟. Therefore mark prominent objects and work out their distances while there is still day light.
During Day. Conditions which mislead the observer when judging distances are as follows:-
(a) Distance are over-estimated when:-
(i) Light is bad.
(ii) The sun is in the observer’s eye.
(iii) The object is small in relation to its surroundings.
(iv)Looking through a valley of narrow lane e.g. street.
(v) Lying down.
(b) Distance are under- estimated when:-
(i) The light is bright or the sun is shining from behind the observer.
(ii) The object is large in relation to its surrounding.
(iii) There is some dead ground between observer and the object.
(iv)Looking up hill.
In order to bring down effective fire judging distance is extremely essential. It is also necessary for indication
of landmarks. Hence all cadets should be able to judging distance accurately.

Whenever an individual wants to draw attention or has to pass a message to someone who is away from him,
he does so by raising his voice and calling out his name. In olden days, smoke and sound of drum beats were
extensively used to pass messages from one village to another. Emperor Akbar had devised a way to know the
information of his newly born child. He asked one of his ministers to construct high towers at a distance of one
mile from each other. The drum beaters were made to stand on top of the towers and beat the drum in a
systematic way. Once when he was at Allahabad, news of his new born son was conveyed to him within half
an hour, at a dist of 500 miles. In the army too we use different methods to convey messages which may be
used during movement or when static. Today, you will learn one of these methods i.e. Field Signals. 117


6. (a) Deploy Right arm fully extended above head and waved
from side to side, palm open.

(b) Advance Right arm swung from rear to front in „under arm

blowing‟ fashion.

(c) Halt Right arm raised to full extent above head.

(d) Turn About Right arm raised and bent above head.

(e) Change direction Right arm raised to front in line with shoulder.
Body then turned in required direction.
(f) Close Right hand place on top of head, elbow to the right.

(g)Quick Time Right hand raised to line of shoulder, elbow close

to the side.
(h)Double March Right fist clenched, moved up and down between
thigh and shoulder several times.

(j)Follow me Right arm swung from rear to front above the shoulder
in „over arm bowling‟ fashion.

(k)Last order completed Right hand to salute, then arm raised in air finger extended.
(l)Last order not understood Both hands, cupped behind the ears.

(m)Commander to close Right arm to the side at 45 degrees to the body, first clenched.
(n)Enemy in sight specific numbers Both arms waved on sides „Bird fashion‟ followed by
number, indicated by number of fingers held up.
(o) Enemy Approaching Both hands open, palm inwards at waist level, with
inwards scooping motion.

(p)Enemy position suspected Both hands, first clenched, raised to shoulder level,
followed by indication of direction.

(q)Enemy LMG firing Right hand thumb down signal.


(r)Engage Target by Fire both hands clasped above the head (boxer fashion).
(s)Attack Punching motion with Right or Left hand according to
direction of attack.

(t) Closed to Rendezvous Close sign followed by both hands clasped in front of body
at waist level.

(u) Infantry obstacle ahead Both hands crossed in front of body at the waist, palm open

Signals With Weapons

(a)Enemy in Sight in small number Rifle held above the head parallel to the ground, muzzle in
the direction of the enemy.

(b) Enemy in Sight in large number As per (a) above, but arm moved up and down several times.
(c) Advance Both arms raised to form the letter „U‟.

Signals with Whistle

Cautionary Blast A short blast to draw attention to a signal or order about to be
(b) The Alarm Blast A succession of alternate long and short whistle.
(c) Enemy Aircraft A succession of short blasts.
(d) Enemy Aircraft departed Two long blasts repeated at interval of five seconds.

Field signals as means of giving orders. Field signals are alternate means of giving orders and control troops
when voice cont is not possible. Control over troops deployed could be exercised better by field signals than by
voice control. There are various occasions when voice control is not possible. They are:-
(a) Battle Noises.
(b) Need for silence.
(c) Intervening distances are too large.
Battle noises. In war, enemy will be using his small arms & automatics, vehicles & tanks moving up & down,
enemy arty firing all round and aircraft flying with high speed. This will always create so much noise that voice
control may not always be possible.

Need for silence. There are certain operations which, by design are carried out in utmost silence, e.g.:-
(a) Ambush.
(b) Patrolling.
(c) Raid.
(d) Cordon.
Intervening distances are too large. There are certain deployments like defenses in mountains or defences
on a linear obstacle like Ditch cum Bund where the commander and troops are invariably beyond audible
distance from each other. Under such circumstances we will have to resort to field signals for communication.
Methods to attract attention of troops. Before any field signal is executed, the commander has to attract the
attention of troops. Methods generally used to attract attention of troops are:-
(a) A short blast of the whistle. On hearing the short blast of the whistle, everyone looks at the Section
Commander, observe the field signal being executed and then take appropriate action. It must be noted that
use of whistle to attract attention is used mainly during training of recruits and young soldiers. Also use of
whistle is not advisable when we are too close to the enemy.
(b) A bird call. Remember a bird call must never be used if it cannot sound realistic. One must also bear in
mind that use only those bird calls which are existing in that area. (Bird calls by volunteer cadets).
(c) Whistle by mouth which is of lower frequency.
(d) Clicks by using tongue.
(e) Clicks by fingers. (These too to be attempted by volunteer cadets)
Other methods of communication. Besides field signals there are various other means of communication in
the Army which can be used depending on their availability. The other methods of inter communication
available to us are:-
(a) Radio. It is a very effective and dependable means of communication and very useful while on movement.
Pre-fixed signals can be used in the form of pressing the presser switch. It is normally used between
commanders or from higher HQ to lower HQ or vice versa. However it is susceptible to en interruption and
(b) Dispatch Rider. The dispatch rider may be either on a motor cycle or on a bicycle. They are used to carry
highly classified messages like marked maps and sketches or orders.
(c) Runners. They can carry verbal/written messages. They are quickest over short distances but where visual
inter communication is possible, keep use of runners to the barest minimum. The use of runners should also
be avoided for the following reasons:-
(i) To avoid unnecessary casualties.
(ii) To avoid unnecessary movement.
(ii) To avoid unnecessary fatigue.
Field Signals by Day. Some of the visual signals used during the day are flags and mercury coated mirrors.
They are very useful in hilly terrain. Flags are very effectively used by Navy on board a ship.
(a) Flags.

(b) Mercury coated mirrors.

(c) Smoke. We have the smoke ammunition with 51mm Mor, 84mm RL, 81mm Mor and some arty equipment.
This could be used to give signals. One drawback is that similar colour combination may be used by the
enemy. Even tracers or bursts of fire by automatic weapons could be used.
(d) Miscellaneous. Various signals can be improvised and pre-arranged. As a matter of interest I would like to
mention here that terrorists are known to often make successful use of improvised signals. Some of the
common signals used by Vietcong in Vietnam and by the terrorists in the North Eastern Part of our country
(i) Clothes ostensibly hung out to dry.
(ii) Hurricane lantern, kept in the window.
(iii) Flashing of torch is used as Morse code.
(iv)Applying various colours/signs on forehead and arms.
Field Signals by Night. Some of the field signals that can be used at night are:-
(a) Radio Set.
(b) Click by fingers.
(c) Clicks by using Tongue.
(d) Whistle by the Mouth.
(e) Use of line bedding.
(f) Mini Flare.
(g) Use of blacked out Torch.
(h) Firing of Weapon.
Remember to use the simplest method that will achieve your aim.
The fighting efficiency of a unit/sub unit depends on sound communication system which helps commanders
at all levels to exercise command and control effectively. Every commander must influence the battle by his
personal touch which is achieved by good signal communications. At section/platoon level, the commander
directly influences the battle by the use of field signals. Victory in battle will come to that section/platoon whose
men are conversant and proficient in the use of field signals. Field signals therefore, become a part of
movement of a good section/platoon commander. Remember always use discretion while giving field signals.
Do not resort to unnecessary movement and noise. Keep the age old maxim (If speech is silver, silence is
gold) at the back of your mind.


Various formations are used when contact with the enemy is imminent and the type of formation adopted is
entirely dependent on the following four basic factors:-
(a) Degree of control required to be exercised by the Section Commander.
(b) Type of terrain.
(c) Necessity of bringing down maximum fire with minimum delay.
(d) Task.
The position of the various groups within the section, the distance between the individual, and the location of
the commander varies with each formation.
You are familiar with these formations which are:-
(a) Single file.
(b) File.
(c) Arrow Head.
(d) Diamond.
(e) Spear Head.
(f) Extended Line.
Section Formations
Advantages Disadvantages Terrain condition
(a) Single File.
(i) Better control (i) not good for (i) while going on
and speed. Producing effective fire marches at night to the front.

(ii) Not vulnerable to (ii) Vulnerable to (ii) Walking in close

Enfilade fire. Frontal fire. Country such as thick jungles.
(iii) Useful for certain - (iii) For negotiating
Types of cover such as obstacles like ditches, hedge, rows,
bridges, defile. Narrow defiles etc.

(b) File.
(i) Same as single (i) same as single file (i) While going on long
File but more (ii) while mov along roads route marches or when
Compact and wide nullas. Enemy threat is not imminent.

(c) Arrow Head.

(i) Good for pro- (i) Vulnerable to (i) While moving in an open
duction of effective fire. Enfilade fire. Country.
(ii) Facilitates - (ii) When enemy threat is
Rapid deployment on imminent.
any flank.

(d) Spear Head.

(i) Good for providing (i) Command and cont (i) This formation is
Volume of fire. is difficult. used when enemy threat is imminent
(ii) Provides good - Depth. (ii) For crossing open areas.
(iii) Fire Sp Gp protected - -
and does not come under
enemy fire immediately
on contact.

(e) Diamond.
(i) Good for all (i) Presents an easy (i) While negotiating
round observation. target to frontal fire. open areas.
(ii) Good for all (ii) Not very good for (ii) when enemy threat
round production of bringing of fire to the front... is imminent but the direction
fire is not clear
(iii) Good for command And (iii) Vulnerable prone to enfilade fire (iii) In this fmn command and
control. cont is easier than in arrow head formation
(f) Extended Line.
(i) Good for bringing (i) Cont difficult (i) For crossing gaps
down of effective fire to the because of dispersion. such as gaps in large
front and for hedge rows.
Bayonet fighting.
- (ii) Vulnerable to (ii) During final
enfilade fire. assault.

It will be noted that the field signals generally adopted for the various formations are as follows:-
(a) Single File. Both arms stretched in the opposite direction in front and behind the body making a straight line
at 45 degree angle.
(b) File. Both arms stretched down wards and behind body kept parallel to each other.
(c) Arrow Head. Both arms stretched little behind the body opening outwards at an angle of 45 degrees from
(d) Spear Head. Arms raised upward with hands folded on top of the head.
(e) Diamond. One arm raised with thumbs up sig placed over the head.
(f) Extended Line. Both arms stretched outwards from the shoulders and kept parallel to ground.
Now that you have seen section formation, a word about the scouts. Scouts are the eyes and ears of the
section. Scouts always work in pairs. They work ahead of the leading section and advance from bound to
bound. As scouts, one must be always alert. Apart from ensuring their own security, scouts must also ensure
that the section does not walk blindly into an enemy ambush.
10. Some of the essential points which scouts must ensure are as follows:-
(a) Scouts should move skillfully making proper use of the ground and cover.
(b) In close country where the enemy threat is imminent, the scouts should employ fire and move tactics. The
leading scout should choose bound under observation of the rear scouts and both keep visible contact with
each other.
(c) Scouts should always be alert and observing all around. Their weapons should be carried cocked (With the
safety catch applied) in ready position, the latter when contact with the enemy is imminent.
(d) Scouts keep in touch with each other and the sub unit they are protecting.
Drill when scouts come under Effective Fire
Once the scouts come under effective enemy fire they must:-
(a) Run zig-zag for some distance, go down to the ground and crawl to a fire position. While the Section
Commander is coming up, scout should cover each other and move forward by fire and move to a better fire
position. A fire position should provide observation of the enemy and enable effective fire to be brought down
on the enemy.
(b) Once the section commander moves up, the scout should indicate the enemy position and its extent, if
possible. In case the Section Commander is unable to come up to the scouts due to enemy effective fire,
scouts would then have to pass this Infantry by using field signals.
(c) Once the Section Commander has taken over the situation, further action of the scouts will be ordered by
the Section Commander.
You have so far learnt the organization of a section and the various formations adopted by a section in battle.
Remember, a section is organized into the Rifle Group and Fire Support Group to facilitate fire and move, the
basic of all tactics.

As for the section formations, each formation has its peculiar advantages and disadvantages. Remember,
need for command and control and the necessity of developing the maximum fire quickly, and will determine
the formation

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