1.1 - Introduction To Business Management - IB NOTES
1.1 - Introduction To Business Management - IB NOTES
1.1 - Introduction To Business Management - IB NOTES
Those who wants to see a business plan may be sales personnel or suppliers as it informs them about your operations and goal. An investor may also search for a
good business plan for consideration for investment. They might expect a) an experienced team, b) believable exits (whether the money coming out of the company
invested will go back into the bank account) c) Real growth prospects d)Real planning.
Cash ow --> a healthy pro t. Therefore, if capital expenditures are draining your cash, it is a sign that the business is in risk. In order to avoid these,
businesses must store up cash to meet the obligations needed to handle any emergencies. Cash restrictions can be the biggest factor that may limit growth
and overtrading to be fatal.
It is crucial to make the best of your nances, because it is a key opportunity to assess new right set of circumstances.
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8/6/2021 1.1 - Introduction to Business Management - IB NOTES
2. Keeping up with the market
Business conditions change continually, therefore your market research should be continuous as well.
Important to invest in innovation to build new pro table pro ts to market (to maximise overall pro tability)
Primary Sector
The primary sector of the economy is the sector of an economy making direct use of natural resources. This includes agriculture, forestry, shing and mining.
Secondary Sector
Secondary industries are those that take the raw materials produced by the primary sector and process them into manufactured goods and products.
Tertiary Sector
The tertiary sector is also called the service sector and involves the selling of services and skills. They can also involve selling goods and products from primary and
secondary industries.
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8/6/2021 1.1 - Introduction to Business Management - IB NOTES
Quaternary Sector
The quaternary sector consists of those industries providing information services, such as computing, ICT (information and communication technologies), consultancy
(offering advice to businesses) and R&D (research, particularly in scienti c elds).
The quaternary sector is sometimes included with the tertiary sector, as they are both service sectors. The tertiary and quaternary sectors make up the largest part
of the UK economy, employing 76 per cent of the workforce.
<source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/geography/economic_change/characteristics_industry_rev1.shtml>
workforce planning, recruitment, training, appraisal, dismissals and redundancies, and outsourcing human resource strategies
The nance and accounts director must ensure that accurate recording and reporting of nancial documentation takes place
To inform those interested in the nancial position of the business (such as shareholders and potential investors)
3. Marketing
Responsible for identifying and satisfying the needs and wants of customers
Functions of the marketing department can be summed up as the traditional four Ps of marketing
a) Product
Other roles related to the product include product differentiation and product position mapping
b) Price
c) Promotion
Alternatively, cheaper methods include the use of sales promotions, social networking and guerrilla marketing
d) Place
Ensuring that goods and services are available in convenient places for consumers to buy
Marketing managers must ensure that they select appropriate ways to distribute products to the marketplace
4. Operations
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8/6/2021 1.1 - Introduction to Business Management - IB NOTES
Functional area of an organization is responsible for the process of converting raw materials and components into nished goods
The extraction of crude oil, car manufacturing and the construction of roads
Operations also applies to the process of providing services to customers as in the case of hotels, restaurants, beauty salons and nancial institutions
Operations topics are covered in Units 5.1-5.7
Can you answer these questions? If yes - you are ready to move on to the next topic!
1. What is a business?
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