'Bomb-Making For Beginners': Inside An Al-Qaeda E-Learning Course

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'Bomb-Making for Beginners': Inside an Al-Qaeda E-Learning Course

Article  in  Perspectives on Terrorism · February 2013

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1 author:

Anne Stenersen
Forsvarets Forskningsinstitutt


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PERSPECTI VES O N TERRORISM              Volume  7,  Issue  1

‘Bomb-Making for Beginners’: Inside al Al-Qaeda E-Learning

by Anne Stenersen

This study explores how terrorists utilise the Internet to learn bomb-making skills. Unlike
previous studies, it does not focus on assessing the quality of online bomb recipes. Rather, it
discusses the efforts being made by on-line jihadists to help others learn by providing so-called
“e-learning courses.” As of today, such courses have few active participants yet they tend to
attract large interest – indicating that there is a demand among Al-Qaeda’s online sympathisers
for developing this concept further.

This article discusses how the Internet may assist terrorists in learning how to manufacture
explosives. Explosives remain the most common type of weapon for terrorist groups, with
bombings accounting for about one-half of all terrorist attacks worldwide.[1] Previous studies of
this kind have tended to concentrate on identifying the content of militant web pages, including
what kind of “bomb recipes” are being circulated on these pages, and how technically accurate
they are.[2] However, few studies have attempted to explain the actual learning process of
terrorists who chose to rely on the Internet. How do real-life terrorists utilise online content to
become proficient bomb-makers? What major obstacles and challenges do they face? And what
efforts are being made by content producers (terrorist groups, forum administrators or
“jihobbyists”) to overcome these obstacles today?
The topic has become one of current interest as one of the world’s most dangerous terrorist
networks, Al-Qaeda, is increasingly trying to urge its followers to carry out terrorist attacks at
their own initiative without first travelling to a foreign country for training, indoctrination and
approval. Before 2001, it was relatively easy to travel to Al-Qaeda’s training camps in
Afghanistan. In fact, it was a central part of the Al-Qaeda leadership’s training doctrine.[3] After
2001 and until today, it has become extremely risky, not only due to the risk of being
compromised by security services, but also due to U.S. drone campaigns against known Al-
Qaeda hideouts in the Afghan-Pakistani border areas as well as in Yemen. These drone
campaigns have increased drastically since 2008 and have killed a number of high- and mid-
ranking Al-Qaeda members. These include not only organisers and leaders of international
terrorist operations, such as Hamza Rabia al-Masri and Saleh al-Somali. They also include
bomb-makers such as Ibrahim al-Muhajir al-Masri, who helped build the bombs for the 1998

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East African embassies bombings, and Midhat Mursi (aka Abu Khabab al-Masri), the Egyptian-
born chemist who ran his own explosives training camp in Afghanistan during the Taliban’s
reign. He is believed to have continued this effort in the Tribal Areas of Pakistan after 2001 until
he was killed in 2008.[4]
The study is divided into five parts. First, it discusses Al-Qaeda’s strategic shift towards
“individual jihad.” Second, it explores how terrorists learn bomb-making skills more generally.
Third, the article takes us inside an “e-learning course” which was held on Shumukh al-Islam, a
well-known jihadi discussion forum, in April and May 2011. Fourth, the article discusses the
evolution of Al-Qaeda’s “e-learning tools” more generally, and fifth, it looks at a U.S. cell of
would-be terrorists who sought to learn the art of bomb-making online.
Studies of jihadi discussion forums have several limitations. First, the members of a discussion
forum are anonymous. All we know is their nickname as well as their status and activity on that
particular forum. We do not know who they are and what their real life intentions might be.
Second, we must assume that part of the course takes place through private correspondence,
which is hidden to the outside observer. Nevertheless, there is much to learn from studying jihadi
e-learning courses. The above-mentioned course included ten accessible lessons and more than
300 open comments, questions and suggestions from the participants. It gives us a good idea of
the content and the dynamics of the course, as well as the obstacles faced by the participants.

Al-Qaeda’s Shift towards “Individual Jihad”

Due to the extreme pressure on Al-Qaeda’s current sanctuaries abroad, Al-Qaeda leaders seem to
be expanding their strategy to include so-called “leaderless jihad.” The concept is not new. The
jihadi strategist Abu Mus‘ab al-Suri wrote and lectured on the idea back in the 1990s, and held
several lecture series to trainees in jihadi training camps. The strategic concept developed by al-
Suri became known as al-muqawama al-islamiyya al-‘alamiyya, “The Global Islamic
Resistance.”[5] He praised “lone wolf” terrorist attacks that were conducted by individuals that
had no connection to Al-Qaeda Central, but who nevertheless carried out attacks supporting Al-
Qaeda’s global ideology. Individuals praised by al-Suri included El Sayyid Nusayr, an Egyptian-
American who shot and killed the American-Israeli politician Meir Kahane in New York in 1990,
and Ramzi Yusef, who carried out the first bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993.[6]
Al-Suri was never an official member of Al-Qaeda, but his publications are widely read by
jihadists across the world, especially after the U.S. State Department announced a US$ 5 million
reward on al-Suri’s head in November 2004.[7] Al-Qaeda’s top leadership has later picked up on
al-Suri’s ideas. In June 2011, Ayman al-Zawahiri issued a video speech where he encouraged
followers of Al-Qaeda to carry out “individual acts of jihad” in the countries in which they
reside, rather than going to battlefields abroad.[8] The video states:

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“The door of jihad cannot be closed, and he who wants to launch in his midst with
determination and honesty, should not stand [back] in the face of security
restrictions nor the difficulty of reaching the fighting fronts, as he could make the
place he is in one of the battlefields, and that would be through individual
jihad ....”[9]
The video praises several individuals who carried out exemplary acts of “individual jihad” in the
past, including Mohammad Bouyeri, who killed the Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh in
Amsterdam in 2004, and Nidal Malik Hasan, who shot and killed fourteen U.S. soldiers at Fort
Hood, Texas in 2009. The video acknowledges that such acts are regarded as more controversial
than travelling to an occupied Muslim territory to fight so-called “classical jihad,” and spends
considerable time arguing that the two should go hand in hand.
The second part of the video contains brief operational guidance that focuses on the types of
targets that should be attacked, including “the institutions that shape [the country’s] economic
joints,” “influential public figures in the Crusader and Zionist government, industry and media,”
and “the headquarters of newspapers and the media outlets that mock our religion and
prophet.”[10] In addition, the video encourages disruptive activities by way of hacking, such as
denial-of-service (DOS) attacks and hacking to disrupt electric power network systems.
With a few exceptions, the video does not instruct the would-be terrorist in how he should train
or what weapons to use against the preferred targets. It suggests that jihadists based in the United
States should attack with firearms, as these are assumed to be easily accessible. Apart from that,
security awareness is the most specific operational guideline, and the video points to resources
on the Internet:
“[take] advantage of the wide range of resources available today on the Internet,
particularly the various manuals, encyclopedias and course [sic] which deal with
the Mujahideen’s operational and electronic security, and security in general.”[11]
The lack of detailed operational guidelines is probably intended – the fear and terror created by a
campaign of “individual jihad” stems, in part, from not knowing who will attack, at what time
and with what means. Al-Qaeda’s video hints that the attacks should be simple – the “role
models” presented all used knives, firearms, or, in one instance, homemade explosives (Ramzi
Yusef in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing).
It is notable that Al-Qaeda discourages people from seeking training in foreign countries, even if
such training increases the terrorists’ chance of succeeding.[12] Instead, the operatives are to take
advantage of opportunities in their home countries, such as procuring firearms legally, and to
learn from literature on the Internet. Now and probably more so in the future, Internet stands out
as a crucial resource for Al-Qaeda to use to train its operatives without risking compromising
their security, due to ease of access anywhere in the world, and the possibility of remaining

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An article published in 2008 argued that while there is an abundance of training literature on
radical forums online, the Internet does not function as a “virtual training camp” for Al-Qaeda –
mainly, because there is no organized effort on part of Al-Qaeda Central to train people online.
Others have argued that Internet training would never really replace real-life training because the
Internet training can only transfer implicit but not tacit knowledge, i.e. the skills that can only
come from hands-on experience.[13]
This paper argues that Al-Qaeda Central is still not making a determined effort to train followers
online. However, online training courses organized by “jihobbyists” and forum administrators
have become somewhat more professionalized over the past three years. The e-learning courses
are more organized and include, to a greater extent than before, audio-visual learning materials
as well as written compendiums. Their main weakness is their reliance on one or very few online
instructors who are not always able to contribute on a regular basis, causing the interest to ebb
away. It can be argued that if jihadi groups started using the Internet in a more systematic way,
similar to commercial “remote learning” courses, the threat of individual terrorism would be
greater than it is today. In principle, it should be possible. Academic literature argues that e-
learning can be as effective as classroom teaching if conducted the proper way.[14]

How Do Terrorists Learn Bomb-Making Skills?

To discuss whether the Internet would be suitable for teaching bomb-making skills, we first need
to establish how terrorists learn. More specifically, what are the conditions that need to be in
place for a successful transfer of knowledge? In Al-Qaeda, as well as in other terrorist groups,
knowledge has generally been transferred through direct contact, typically, in a training camp or
similar settings. In the 1990s, Al-Qaeda started to record and compile knowledge in writing. The
first, and most famous of such collections was the Encyclopaedia of Jihad, the purpose of which
was to record all the experiences from the Afghan-Soviet jihad and to make sure the knowledge
was not lost on future generations.[15] But written records are usually partial – they tell less than
what is implicitly known by the practitioners of the craft.[16]
Al-Qaeda sought to transfer such knowledge directly, by establishing “explosives courses” that
were taught in the training camps in Afghanistan by skilled experts. In the 1990s, Al-Qaeda’s
most famous bomb expert was not Abu Khabab al-Masri, as commonly thought (Abu Khabab
was a “freelance trainer” for Al-Qaeda operatives, but was not directly involved in Al-Qaeda’s
major international operations). Al-Qaeda had as chief bomb-maker an Egyptian with the
nickname Abu Abdul Rahman al-Muhajir (real name Muhsin Musa Matwakku Atwah), who
constructed the bombs for the East African Embassy bombings in 1998; later he worked as a
trainer and bomb-maker for Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan.[17]
Al-Qaeda’s bomb-making experts transferred their knowledge to new recruits who could then
take over their role as trainers in the future. A recruit named Tarek Mahmoud el-Sawah went to

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Afghanistan during the Taliban’s rule and was hired as a bomb-trainer by Al-Qaeda. Having
served in the Afghan-Soviet jihad as well as in Bosnia, he had previous experience with
explosives. Nevertheless, once employed by Al-Qaeda, he was able to update and refine his skill,
presumably, through
“receiv[ing] specialized explosives training, including instruction in building
improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and remote detonation devices, from Abu
Abdul Rahman al-Muhajir. He went on to receive advanced explosives/electronics
training from Abu Tariq al-Tunisi, learning how to make timers for IEDs using
Casio watches as remote detonators. Then, from June 2001, he gave instruction in
explosives and wrote a four-hundred-page bomb-making manual.”[18]
After 2001, terrorist groups in Europe have preferred to go to a jihadi training camp, usually in
Al-Qaeda’s core areas in the Afghanistan-Pakistan border areas. For example, two of the London
7/7 bombers went to the Afghanistan-Pakistan border areas around 2004. Their training was
organized by Al-Qaeda’s then chief of “external operations,” Hamza Rabia’ al-Masri. Yet these
training courses were not necessarily run by Al-Qaeda members. Terrorists who attempted to
carry out attacks in Europe or the U.S. were trained at various times by Pakistani militant groups
(such as Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan, Lashkar-e-Tayba, etc.), the Uzbek-dominated Islamic Jihad
Union, or by various local “freelancers.” There are many reasons why would-be terrorists chose
to go abroad to train – the prospect of receiving high-quality training is probably only one among
several motivations. However, this aspect is beyond the scope of this paper, which focuses
strictly on the process of transferring technical knowledge, not broader motivators and driving
factors for radicalisation.
For Al-Qaeda’s strategy of “individual jihad” to work, individuals are required to acquire the
necessary bomb-making skills themselves, without going to a training camp. There are examples
of terrorists who have learned how to make powerful bombs based primarily based on their own
efforts and experiments. In 1995, Timothy McVeigh constructed a fertiliser truck bomb which
demolished the Murray building in Oklahoma City, killing 168 people. McVeigh reportedly
acquired the skills to make the bomb by picking up ideas from right-wing literature (among them
Hunter, a William Pierce novel from 1989), and by conducting experiments on an abandoned
In July 2011 the Norwegian Anders Behring Breivik constructed a bomb that partly demolished
the Government’s head offices in central Oslo, killing seven people. Thereafter he conducted a
shooting massacre at a Labour Party youth camp at nearby Utøya, killing 77 more people. Like
McVeigh, Breivik is assumed to have acquired the bomb-making skills by his own effort. As
Breivik left a detailed diary of all his activities prior to the attack, his case provides rare insight
into what it takes to acquire bomb-making skills at one’s own effort, without previous training.
Breivik’s case illustrates that success requires more than simply downloading a bomb recipe
from the Internet and buying the materials at the nearest grocery store. Rather, it is a meticulous

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process requiring high motivation, patience, and intelligence. Breivik claimed to have spent a
total of 200 hours over two weeks to locate and study explosives recipes on the Internet, and two
months to manufacture the explosives themselves.[19]
While the examples here are taken from the right-wing extremism, this is not to say that militant
Islamists would also be capable of doing the same, if they have the necessary personal qualities.
Jose Padilla is an example of an Al-Qaeda member who did not have the judgmental skills
necessary to conduct such an attack alone: in 2001 he suggested to Khalid Sheikh Mohammed to
build a nuclear bomb based on recipes found on the Internet. He was instructed to carry out a
conventional attack with a better chance to succeed. His final attack plan was designed not by
Padilla but by Mohammed Atef. Padilla’s U.S. citizenship was probably the main reason why Al-
Qaeda decided to use him - not his scientific knowledge.
Dhiren Barot, a U.K.-based Al-Qaeda member, proved more capable to conduct research and
come up with a viable plan. Barot spent months doing research for his plan, the main component
of which was to blow up limousines filled with gas tanks in underground parking areas. Many
documents were later released by the British police, which give us insight in Barot’s research
methods. To devise a viable plan, Barot, like Breivik in Norway, researched multiple sources
over a long period of time. Known sources to have been consulted by Barot included scientific
articles, books and manuals found in the local library and on the Internet. Barot may have
consulted jihadi training literature, but the main source of knowledge appears to have come from
other open sources.[20]
This illustrates that a person who is dedicated to learn, and who has the ability to absorb and
analyse the knowledge on his own, is not dependent on jihadi forums or Al-Qaeda-produced
bomb manuals to find the necessary information. This article argues that the main strength of
jihadi forums is not their technical content in itself, but the fact that they offer an interactive
learning environment that may attract less dedicated would-be bomb makers - those who do not
have the skills and patience to do extensive research on their own. Jihadi e-learning courses
remove a major hurdle encountered by most hobbyist bomb-makers, namely, not knowing where
to start.

Al-Shumukh’s “Special Explosives Course for Beginners”

On 20 April 2011, a user with the nickname ‘Adnan Shukri’ started a new thread on the Shumukh
al-Islam forum. Especially designed to attract newcomers, the thread’s title read, “I am a
beginner in the science of explosives and poisons, from where should I start? (Special course for
the beginner mujahid).”[21] Over the next month, Shukri posted lessons, assigned ‘homework’
and replied to questions both openly on the forum, and through Personal Messaging (PM) with
other forum members.[22]

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Shukri’s identity is unknown. On the forum, he claimed to be a middleman between the forum’s
members and Abdullah Dhu al-Bajadin, the main instructor of the course. Dhu al-Bajadin’s
identity is likewise unknown. The name has been used on various jihadi forums since at least
2006 by one or several people posing as self-proclaimed explosives experts. Dhu al-Bajadin is
also known as the author of a number of jihadi bomb-making manuals that have been widely
distributed on the Net.[23] Participants in the thread displayed great respect towards “Professor”
Dhu al-Bajadin and his assistant Adnan Shukri. It increases the probability that the course is
authentic because forum members are generally wary of impostors and ‘spies’ trying to infiltrate
them. Another sign of authenticity is the fact that Shukri’s thread was approved by one of
Shumukh al-Islam’s web administrators and granted “sticky” status on the forum over a period of
several months.
The thread was active for six and a half months – from 20 April to 4 November, 2011. As of 11
November 2011 it had a total of 19,198 viewings and was by far the “most viewed” thread in al-
Shumukh’s sub-forum for explosives and preparation.[24] However, the actual course lasted little
more than one month – from 20 April to 21 May, 2011. After this, Adnan Shukri disappeared
from the forum, ending the organized part of the course. A total of ten lessons were posted –
eight lessons in “Part One” and the two first lessons in “Part Two” – before the course was
abruptly terminated.
During the first two weeks of the course, Adnan Shukri claimed to post lessons and answers to
questions on behalf of Abdullah Dhu al-Bajadin. Then, on 5 May 2011, Shukri announced that
Dhu al-Bajadin had lost his access to the Internet, for unspecified reasons, and that there would
be a short break in the course. But posting of lessons resumed the next day, as Shukri decided he
would carry on with the course on Dhu al-Bajadin’s behalf. Forum members continued to show
interest in the course and there was relatively constant activity until Shukri’s departure in the end
of May 2011(see Figure 1).

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Figure 1: No. of Replies per Day, 20 April - 21 May 2011

By 21 May 2011, the thread had grown to 324 replies, including the comments and lessons
posted by Adnan Shukri. A total of 58 forum members had been actively posting within the
thread, but only nine out of them were active on a regular basis, i.e. having posted more than ten
comments each; and only six of them submitted answers to the “exam” that was given at the end
of Part One of the course. Although the thread had been viewed more than 19,000 times in the
end, the number of active participants in the course did not seem to exceed ten or twenty at most.
This illustrates that jihadi e-learning courses is an extremely marginal phenomenon – on the
other hand, they should not be regarded as insignificant. Al-Qaeda sympathisers are becoming
more and more proficient at using modern communication technologies, especially for
propaganda purposes. But since 2008, important improvements have been done in the field of e-
learning as well.

The Evolution of Jihadi E-Learning Courses

The Al-Qaeda network has a long tradition of promoting remote learning courses, even before
the age of the Internet. According to high-ranking Al-Qaeda member Fadil Harun, Al-Qaeda
started to offer distant learning courses for new cadres already back in 1999-2000. The courses
were part of a comprehensive program held within Afghanistan to educate future Al-Qaeda
leaders. While practical skills were taught in training camps and at the Taliban’s frontlines, some
of the theoretical courses were offered through letter correspondence.[25] After 2001, training
courses started to appear on the Internet – the “Al-Battar” series of Al-Qaeda on the Arabian
Peninsula (first issued in January 2004) being a prominent example.[26] From around 2006,
audio-visual training material started appearing on jihadi websites, including detailed instruction
videos on how to manufacture explosives. However, these videos were not produced by the Al-

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Qaeda network’s official media companies, but by individual jihadi sympathisers or Palestinian
groups such as Hizbollah and Hamas. A study published by this author in 2008 concluded that
Al-Qaeda was far from utilizing the full potential of the Internet in terms of training potential
Since 2008, the number of instruction videos on jihadi web pages has increased, but producers
and content are largely the same as before. An exception is the inclusion of two videos
explaining how to build an improvised Explosively Formed Penetrator (EFP) – a weapon that
appeared in the Iraq war after 2005. While most of the EFPs in Iraq were relatively sophisticated
weapons – imported from Iran and used by Shia militias – there were attempts at using crude,
home-made devices as well. At some point this production method was captured on tape –
apparently by a Shia militia, since the salafi-jihadi version of the films refers to the producer as
hizb shaytan – “The Party of Satan.” The film eventually made its way to jihadi discussion
forums, after being modified by members of the Al-Qaeda affiliated al-Fallujah forum.[28] It was
first spotted by FFI researchers in February 2011.[29] The time lapse is worth noting: It took
more than five years from a jihadi group started developing the device on the ground in Iraq,
until an instruction video on how to manufacture it appeared on a jihadi discussion forum. This
may qualify the claim that the Internet plays an important role in transferring insurgent tactics
and technologies between battlefields – at least for now – but this could rapidly change in the
future, since the infrastructure for doing so is already in place. Most jihadi insurgent groups
today have proven themselves capable of video-editing and rapid distribution via the Internet. It
is probably a question of intention, rather than capability.
Returning to the topic of “e-learning courses” on jihadi forums the most visible development that
has taken place since 2008 is the increased amount of courses being offered, as well as the
integration of written and audio-visual learning aids. For example, al-Shumukh’s “Special
explosives course for beginners” which was offered in 2011 comprised a number of written
compendiums in pdf-format – full of pictures and illustrations – in addition to video clips
selected by the instructor to illustrate certain aspects of the lesson such as the effect of an
explosion of a particular substance. Back in 2008, there were both audio-visual and written
training courses offered on jihadi forums, but seldom a mixture of both. The development may
not seem so significant, but at least it illustrates that certain efforts are being made at improving
the effectiveness of such courses. Court cases against suspected terrorists in the West confirm
that there is an interest among terrorists on the ground for accessing such e-learning material.
This will be further detailed in the next section.

An Example of a Would-Be Jihadist Who Sought Online Training

The court case against Mohammad Zaki Amawi et al provides an example of how real-life
militant islamists utilize the Internet for learning. Amawi was the leader of a three-member
would-be “terrorist cell” in Ohio, USA. In 2004-2005, the cell tried to obtain militant training in
the United States before going to Iraq to fight U.S. forces. They sought the assistance of a

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“trainer,” the former Special Operations Forces soldier Darren Griffin, who in reality worked as
an undercover agent for the FBI. The three members of the cell were convicted to lifetime in
prison in 2008.[30]
Amawi and one of his co-conspirators, Marwan El Hindi, were both active on jihadi forums on
the Internet. Amawi had a large collection of propaganda films from Al-Qaeda, especially from
Iraq. The cell’s members met on several occasions and watched videos together. They also
attempted to use the Internet to obtain training materials: In early 2005, Amawi downloaded the
“Martyrdom operation vest preparation” instruction video (a video originally produced by
Hizbullah). Al Hindi also downloaded the video, as well as a slide show entitled “The mujahidin
in Iraq and the art of planting explosive charges,” produced by the Islamic Army of Iraq. They
also had other, unspecified training manuals on how to make explosives. They discussed the
training materials with their “trainer” Darren Griffin, and they expressed interest in learning how
to build IEDs.
In February 2005, El Hindi and Griffin visited the al-Ikhlas forum together. The website offered
a “Basic training” and an “Advanced training” course. According to the court documents, El
Hindi helped Griffin to register for the basic training course. There is no further information as to
whether El Hindi or his co-conspirators completed the course, but El Hindi was clearly familiar
with its existence.
The case illustrates how real-life radicals may exploit online training material. It is worth noting
that Amawi sought to join the jihad in Iraq for the first time between October 2003 and March
2004. It means that he was already radicalised at the time he downloaded the jihadi training
materials and accessed the online e-learning course. The purpose of downloading the material
was probably to get better prepared before attempting to join the jihad in Iraq a second time. In
this case, the jihadi training manuals were not the initial radicalising factor, but they probably
served as encouragement in later stages of Amawi’s radicalisation process.
However, the case also indicates that the cell’s members were not able to absorb the online
training material on their own – indicated by the fact that they sought help from an external
“trainer.” Also, they were not able to judge the quality of the online training material. For
example, El Hindi said he wanted to use the “Martyrdom operation vest preparation” video to
train new recruits, but the instructions in the video are probably too advanced for a beginner with
no experience in explosives. [31] Moreover, the video is not suitable if the purpose is to convince
new recruits to become suicide bombers. It is strictly informative, and does not contain any of
the emotional persuasion tools typical of Al-Qaeda-style recruitment videos (pictures of dead
martyrs, images of paradise, religious hymns, etc.). In the end it was Griffin – the FBI infiltrator
– who helped the cell’s members receive proper firearms training by renting a commercial
shooting range.[32]

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Jihadi e-learning courses are a marginal phenomenon, yet they should not be ignored. While
there are still very few active participants in such courses, they attract large interest among
online jihadists. The quality of the courses has improved over the last few years, and there are
dedicated people online who are interested in developing them further. As training in jihadi
conflict areas has become difficult, more recruits are likely to try and obtain paramilitary skills
before going abroad – or before attempting to carry out a terrorist attack at home. Some of these
would-be jihadists might consider joining regular armed forces or private shooting clubs in their
home country. A far less risky venture is to seek out jihadi training courses online, because they
allow the participants to remain anonymous while conducting their training.

About the Author: Anne Stenersen (M.Phil, PhD) is a research fellow at the Norwegian
Defence Research Establishment (FFI), specialising on militant Islamism. E-mail:

[1] Adam Dolnik, Understanding Terrorist Innovation: Technology, Tactics and Global Trends. London: Routledge, 2007, p. 36.

[2] See, for example, Anne Stenersen, “The Internet: A virtual training camp? Terrorism and Political Violence 20, no. 2 (2008), pp.215–33; see

also Gabriel Weimann, Terror on the Internet: The new arena, the new challenges (Washington DC: United States Institute of Peace, 2006), pp.

123 - 129, and Bruce Hoffman, Inside Terrorism: Revised and expanded edition (New York: Columbia, 2006), pp. 216 - 220.

[3] Brynjar Lia, “Doctrines for jihadi terrorist training,” Terrorism and Political Violence 20, no. 4 (2008): 526; Anne Stenersen, Brothers in

Jihad: Explaining the Relationship between Al-Qaeda and the Taliban, 1996–2001 Oslo: University of Oslo PhD Thesis, 2012, p. 281.

[4] Abu Ubayda al-Maqdisi, Shuhada fi zaman al-ghurba .Place unknown: Al-Fajr Media Center, 2008. Accessed via al-Ikhlas on February 2,

2008, www.alekhlaas.net, 14–17; “Al-Qaeda confirms death of poisons expert in Pakistan,” The Guardian, August 3, 2008; accessed on

November 28, 2012, www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/aug/03/alqaida.terrorism.

[5] Brynjar Lia, Architect of Global Jihad: The Life of Al-Qaeda Strategist Abu Mus‘ab al-Suri. New York: Columbia University Press, 2008, p.


[6] Abu Mus‘ab al-Suri, Da‘wat al-muqawama al-islamiyya al-alamiyya Place and publisher unknown, 2004, p. 1356.

[7] “U.S. Offers $5 Million Reward for Information about Terrorist,” Global Security, November 18, 2004; accessed November 28, 2012,


[8]“You are held responsible only for thyself – Part 1 & 2,” al-Sahab, June 3, 2011. The quote is from an English translation of the video, posted

on Shabakat al-Jihad al-‘Alami, November 6, 2011, accessed October 13, 2011, http://www.aljahad.com/vb/.

[9] “You are held responsible only for thyself – Part 1 & 2,” al-Sahab, June 3, 2011.

[10] “You are held responsible only for thyself – Part 1 & 2,” al-Sahab, June 3, 2011.

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PERSPECTI VES O N TERRORISM              Volume  7,  Issue  1

[11] “You are held responsible only for thyself – Part 1 & 2,” al-Sahab, June 3, 2011.

[12] Petter Nesser, “How did Europe’s global jihadis obtain training for their militant causes?” Terrorism and Political Violence 20, no. 2 (2008):

234–56; Paul Cruickshank, “The Militant Pipeline: Between the Afghanistan-Pakistan border region and the West,” New America Foundation,

February 2010,;accessed Nov. 28, 2012; http://counterterrorism.newamerica.net/sites/newamerica.net/files/policydocs/cruickshank.pdf.

[13] Michael Kenney, “Beyond the Internet: Mētis, Techne, and the Limitations of Online Artifacts for Islamist Terrorists,” Terrorism and

Political Violence, Vol. 22, No. 2 (2010), pp. 177–197.

[14] See, for example, Barbara Means and Yukie Toyama et. al., “Evaluation of evidence-based practices in online learning: A meta-analysis and

review of online learning studies,” U.S. Department of Education, September 2010; accessed November 28, 2012, http://www2.ed.gov/rschstat/


[15] The Encyclopaedia was compiled electronically by Khalil Said al-Deek (aka Abu Ayed al-Filistini), an American-Palestinian with a diploma

in computer science from the U.S. Al-Deek’s efforts ensured the Encyclopaedia’s continued life on the Internet to this day. Ali H. Soufan, The

Black Banners: The Inside Story of 9/11 and the War against al-Qaeda. New York: Norton, 2011, pp. 132 - 133.

[16] Brian A. Jackson et al., Aptitude for Destruction, Volume 1: Organizational Learning in Terrorist Groups and its Implications for Combating

Terrorism. Santa Monica: RAND, 2005, pp. 14 - 15.

[17] Ali H. Soufan, The Black Banners, p. 78.

[18] Ali H. Soufan, The Black Banners, pp. 480–481.

[19] Andrew Berwick, “2083 – A European Declaration for Independence,” .London, 2011, p. 990.

[20] Anne Stenersen, “Nuclear Terrorism: Hype, Hoax, or Waiting to Happen?”. In: Magnus Eriksson and Kari M. Osland (Eds.) Nuclear

Weapons in the 21st Century: Old Players, New Game – New Players, Old Game . Oslo: NUPI, 2007, p. 118.

[21] Adnan Shukri, “I am a beginner in the science of explosives and poisons, from where should I start? (Special course for the beginner

mujahid) [in Arabic],” Shumukh al-Islam, 20 April 2011;

[22] Reference to Personal Messagings (PMs) were made in the public part of the discussion thread. This author has not had access to the PMs


[23] Anne Stenersen, “The Internet: A virtual training camp?”, op. cit., p. 217.

[24] When the last updates to this article were done on 11 February 2013, the thread was still present on the al-Shumukh forum and it was still the

“most viewed” training-related thread – with a total of 21,325 views.

[25] Fadil Muhammad, Al-harb ala al-islam: Qissat Fadil Harun, al-juz al-awwal. Place and publisher unknown, 2009; accessed via Ansar al-

mujahidin on May 4, 2009, www.as-ansar.com.

[26] For more information on “al-Battar,” see Bruce Hoffman, Inside Terrorism, op. cit., pp. 218 - 219.

[27] Anne Stenersen, “The Internet: A virtual training camp?” , op. cit., pp. 225–28.

[28] This is apparent as al-Fallujah’s logo has been superimposed on the instruction video.

[29] This information was given to the author by FFI’s Senior Research Fellow Brynjar Lia in November 2011.

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PERSPECTI VES O N TERRORISM              Volume  7,  Issue  1

[30] “United States of America v. Mohammad Zaki Amawi, Marwan Othman El-Hindi, and Wassim I. Mazloum,” Government's sentencing

Memorandum, United States District Court, Northern District of Ohio, filed on October 5, 2009.

[31] Anne Stenersen, “The Internet: A virtual training camp?”, op. cit., pp. 220 - 221.

[32] For more case studies of how U.S.-based jihadists used the Internet, see J. M. Berger, Jihad Joe: Americans who go to war in the name of

Islam. Dulles: Potomac Books, 2011, pp. 177 – 201.

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