Book 4 Module 11A: Licence by Post
Book 4 Module 11A: Licence by Post
Book 4 Module 11A: Licence by Post
Licence By Post
Books in the LBP series are regularly up-dated/re-written to keep pace with the changing
technology, changing examination requirements and changing legal requirements.
You should also follow the requirements of your national regulatory authority
(the CAA in the UK) and laid down company policy as regards local
procedures, recording, report writing, documentation etc.
For health and safety in the workplace you should follow the regulations/
guidelines as specified by the equipment manufacturer, your company,
national safety authorities and national governments.
This book, the second of 2 covering aircraft structures, deals with the
remainder of the structures syllabus not covered in Structures book 1.
Some topics overlap with subject material covered in other LBP books and
other modules, for example - control surfaces (flying controls) and cabin
sealing (cabin pressurisation) and anti corrosion measures module 7. This is a
consequence of how the syllabus is written. If you have already read these
books then these areas can be treated as revision.
Flying control surfaces are hinged structures fitted to the trailing edge of the
mainplanes, tailplane and fin used to control the aircraft in flight. They may be
made of composite material, some using honeycomb bonded structure and
they may be made of al alloy. For metal constructed control surfaces the
general constructional technique is not too unlike that of the mainplanes.
There may be a main spare running the length of the control surface. There is
a well rounded leading edge and the skin tapers towards a thin trailing edge.
Provision is made for aircraft attachment and for attachment of flying control
inputs – directly from a push/pull rod controlled manually from the flight-deck
of power controlled (hydraulic power units controlled from the flight-deck.
Figure 1 shows the construction of an Airbus aileron. It has a top and bottom
skin, a leading edge front spar to which are attached the hinges and flying
control system inputs. Ribs give shape and stiffness to the structure, whilst
the trailing edge is reinforced with light alloy honeycomb. Notice the fitting of
lifting attachments – to aid in its fitting and removal.
Note that control surfaces will also have provision for the internal attachment
of mass balance weights.
The construction of the flaps and slats will normally follow similar lines to that
of the flying control surfaces. They will be made up of ribs (figure 3), possibly
stiffeners (stringers) and the surface covered with aluminium alloy using
rivets. If the structure is composite then the stringers are likely to be integral
with the skin and honeycomb structure might be used.
Figure 5 shows the track and its attachment for a Fowler type flap. The track
may be cast or more likely machined from a solid billet of aluminium alloy.
Each section of flap will run along at least two of these, one at each end, and it
will be guided to go out and down as it extends.
They must be balanced statically to try to prevent flutter (Mass Balance) and
they are balanced aerodynamically to give assistance to the pilot in moving the
controls (Aerodynamic Balance).
Mass Balance
During the design stage the centre of gravity of the control surface is
calculated to be within certain limits.
Carefully calculated weights (to be correct – masses) are placed forward of the
hinge line. This is done on control surfaces whether they are powered or not,
and the C of G must be within a certain range in plan view and in end
elevation, ie in two planes – longitudinally and laterally.
The mass balance weights are usually adjustable so that they can be altered to
allow for structure repairs to the control surface.
The range of the C of G in end elevation may be such as to make the control
surface nose heavy, tail heavy or either depending on the actual C of G
The mass balance and total mass of the control surface will be checked in
accordance with the AMM where the equipment will be specified and the
calculations to be used will be shown.
The check may be done on the aircraft but the surface may have to be removed
and the check carried out on a bench (bench-check).
The check may involve balancing the surface on it’s hinge line by adding test
weights to the leading or trailing edge. Calculations are then carried out, using
this information on how much weight has to be added or removed to the mass
balance weights. The mass balance weight is adjusted and the control surface
retested, and the test weights removed.
After adjustment, the new balance information (together with the total weight
of the surface) is recorded in the aircraft log-book. There may also be a record
plate on the control surface which will need amending. The control surface
may also have to be balanced in the spanwise plane – check the manual.
QUESTION What are the mass balanced weights made of and how can they
be adjusted? (10 mins)
ANSWER Mass balance weights are usually made of a dense material to
reduce the overall size whilst keeping the mass high. These
materials can include:
Aerodynamic Balance
The force needed to move a flying control system in flight depends on: air
density; aircraft velocity; control surface size and angle of deflection. Shown as
an equation: F ∝ ½ ρ V2S (‘∝’ means ‘is proportional to’)
On large/fast aircraft this force is too much for the pilot to overcome so the
controls are powered and/or aerodynamically balanced to give him/her some
Pressure Balance. Figure 11. With this system part of the control surface, in
the form of a beak, extends forward of the hinge line into an enclosed area
within the main structure. When the pilot moves the control surface, say up,
the air pressure increases above the surface and decreases below it. This
differential pressure is felt across the beak thus assisting the pilot to move
his/her controls. May be fitted to powered control surfaces to assist the
powered unit so allowing for a smaller unit to be fitted.
Sometimes the gap between the beak and the aircraft structure is sealed by a
flexible apron (Westland/Irving Type), or a hinged flap (balance panel system).
Balance Panel. Figure 12. Similar to the pressure balance system. The balance
panel is housed in a balance bay forward of the control surface. When the
control surface is moved a pressure difference above and below is created and
this is felt either side of the control balance panel. This pressure difference
assists the pilot to move the control surface.
Horn Balance. Figure 13. This is where part of the control surface extends
forward of the hinge line. When the surface is moved in one direction the horn
moves in the other direction, but out into the airflow, thus it experiences an
aerodynamic force which helps the pilot to move his/her controls. The horn
may also house the mass balance weights. May be fitted to powered control
surfaces for the same reasons as given for the pressure balance system.
May suffer from ‘snatch’ as the tip of the horn enters the airstreams.
Inset Hinge. Figure 14. The control surface leading edge extends forward of the
hinge line along the complete leading edge. The effect is similar to that of the
horn balance in that this area of the control surface extends forward of the
hinge line and when the control surface is moved it moves out into the airflow
and the airflow will try to help the control surface move. Again this area
houses the mass balance weights. May also be used on powered controls.
Balance Tab. Figure 15. This assists the pilot to move his/her controls on a
non powered system, or relieve the load on a powered system. It is automatic
in operation.
The tab is fixed by a rod to the mainplane, tailplane or fin. When the control
surface is moved by the pilot the tab is caused to move in the opposite
direction. The airflow hitting the tab will cause a force to be created in the
direction that the control surface has moved.
This force (whilst small) is at some distance from the control surface hinge line
– thus a turning moment is created which assists the pilot to move his/her
Servo Tab. Figure 16. This is similar to the balance tab in principle but it is
operated directly by the pilot. The control surface is not connected to the
control system at all, but is free to move in any direction. Movement of the
pilot’s primary control in the flight-deck moves the tab, aerodynamic pressure
on the tab will cause a turning movement on the control surface, which will
move in the opposite direction. Control, however, is still instinctive. Fitted to
non-powered controls usually but there is no reason why the tab system
should not be powered if the input forces were large enough to warrant it.
- 10 -
QUESTION Which way would the servo tabs move on the ailerons to cause
the aircraft to roll to the right? (5 mins) (Hint – In your mind
move the primary control surface first – the tabs move in the
opposite direction.)
ANSWER The right hand tab will move down causing the right hand aileron
to move up and the right hand wing to move down. The left hand
tab will move up – and every thing else is vice versa.
This type of tab works very well at reasonably high speed (all primary flight
controls on the Bristol Britannia are servo tabbed), but at low speed it has its
problems. When the tab moves into low speed air it produces little force and
consequently poor control surface response. To overcome this problem Spring
Tabs were invented.
Spring Tab. Figure 17. This is similar to the servo tab but it only operates at
the higher airspeeds. At the lower airspeeds the pilot operates the control
surfaces as normal – via the spring.
The control linkage is connected directly to the tab with a connection to the
control surface via a torsion bar (or spring as shown in the drawing). At low
airspeeds the aerodynamic force on the control surface is low enough so that
the control input moves the control surface direct via the torsion bar or spring.
The torsion bar or spring effectively acts like a control link.
At high speed the aerodynamic force will try to hold the control surface in the
neutral position and as the pilot tries to move the control surface so the
torsion bar/spring will deflect and this will allow the link to move so moving
the tab. The tab will move in the opposite direction to the intended movement
of the control surface so acting as a balance tab – and it will assist the control
surface to move.
- 11 -
Storage of fuel in aircraft is achieved using tanks, mounted within the fuselage
or more commonly, for civil aircraft, within the wings. On some aircraft they
may be hung on the outside (fighter aircraft for example) under the wings, or
as wing tip tanks.
One major problem of storage is finding space within the airframe, bearing in
mind, the more fuel that is carried the greater the range of the aircraft. In
addition to space, distribution of the tanks is vital in maintaining the aircraft’s
Centre of Gravity (C of G) and trim.
All tanks have access for fitment/removal and provision is made for
connection of delivery lines, refuelling lines, gauging systems and fire
prevention systems. The three main types of tank are:
* Rigid
* Flexible/Bag Tank.
* Integral.
Rigid Tanks
Made from metal or glass reinforced plastic. They are strengthened internally
and must have large access for fitment/removal. Are used externally on some
military aircraft but internally they have poor utilisation of airframe space
compared to other forms of tank.
Flexible/Bag Tank
Flexible/bag tanks are made from synthetic rubber and are used as internal
tanks. They generally need smaller access holes (size for size) and are more
resistant to leakage due to minor damage. However, they do suffer from
chafing and require a smooth finished tank bay. They must be a good fit so
that the loads are supported on all surfaces of the tank.
An advantage of a bag tank is that in the event of a crash, they are resistant to
fracture even though the surrounding structure may distort.
- 12 -
FLEXELITE. A red or black Flexsyn material which is synthetic rubber
based and similar to Hycar. Two thicknesses are again available, 0.045”
standard, for tanks of more than 100 gallons (455 litres) capacity and
0.020” lightweight, for tanks of less than 100 gallons capacity.
General protective coverings are often fitted around flexible tanks. This
stiffening consists of three or four layers of fabric, or fabric and rubber,
cemented to the tank. Bag tanks, which are limp and incapable of supporting
their own weight, are usually reinforced only with a layer of nylon fabric or net
on their outer surfaces. All types of flexible tank are held in the aircraft by
some form of suspension/attachment system, and heavy fittings are connected
to the aircraft structure by bolts or studs. Examples of various methods of
securing tanks to tank bays are shown in figure 18.
Integral Tanks
Integral tanks are popular owing to the high utilisation of space and saving of
weight. They are not so crash resistant as flexible tanks.
To construct an integral tank, part of the airframe (say between the front and
rear spars of the wing, the top and bottom skins and two ribs) is sealed.
Provision is made for pipeline attachments (supply and refuelling), gauging
systems etc, and this becomes the integral tank. Wing sections are ideal for
Riveted joints are given special treatments as far as sealing is concerned with
‘sandwiching’ a sealant between all metal joints in the tank area and applying
a further layer of sealant over the joints and rivets within the tank area. The
tank area is usually completely coated internally with a layer of sealant. The
sealant must be corrosion resistance, resistant to fuel, flexible and provide
sealing over a long period of time and over considerable variations in
- 13 -
Advances in the specifications of these sealing compounds, usually rubber or
polymer based, have now made integral tanks much less liable to leaks in
service. However, any failure of the aircraft structure may cause a leak which
might be difficult to trace and rectify. In practice most integral tanks leak
slightly – caused by flexing of the wing in flight.
- 14 -
The AMM will specify what leaks are allowable and give standards relating to
the size of external staining showing on the underside of the wing.
The thin sections of modern high speed wings lead to pumping problems from
the integral tanks when the fuel level is low, or the aircraft is in an exaggerated
climb or descent.
These problems may require the mainplane tanks to feed into one
central tank known as the collector tank. It is important to note that when
aircraft are taken into hangars for maintenance, all tanks are kept sealed and
flexible and bag type tanks have sufficient fuel to ensure that the tank does
not dry out.
Dry fuel cells will sometimes shrink, crack and when refuelled will show up as
a leak.
Always refer to the AMM if fuel tanks are to be kept wet or not.
The fuel tanks are sealed parts of the wing structure using the upper and
lower wing skins, front and rear spars and ribs.
Wing ribs divide the fuel tanks into bays, and reduce the movement of fuel
during aircraft manoeuvres (fuel surge). Doors and cut-outs provide access
into the fuel tanks for inspection or component replacement.
- 15 -
The centre fuel tank is between rib 8 of the left wing and rib 8 of the right
wing. Wing ribs divide each side of the centre tank into seven fuel bays. The
centre wing section between the left and right side-of-body ribs (rib1) is also a
part of the centre fuel tank.
Three span-wise beams between the left and right side-of-body ribs divide the
centre wing section into four fuel bays. A purge door for the fuel bays in the
centre wing section is on the rear spar.
Wing ribs divide each main tank into 24 fuel bays. The forward parts of the
bays between rib 8 and 11 are dry. These wing dry bays prevent any possibility
of fuel spillage on to the engine in the event of an un-contained engine burst.
The surge tanks are between rib 32 and 34 in each wing. A wing rib divides
each surge tank into two fuel bays. The tank wing ribs have upper and lower
openings between the stringers that allow fuel and air flow through. Sealed
tank-end ribs close the ends of each fuel tank.
Rib 18 is a baffle rib. The rib is sealed, but has check valves (one-way valves)
between each lower stringer. The check valves let fuel flow inboard but not
outboard. One at the bottom of the rib lets fuel flow outboard. This keeps the
fuel level on the two sides of the rib the same. Holes at the top of the rib allow
free air flow.
Rib 10 is a fuel dam rib. The lower section is the same as the baffle rib, but the
upper section is the same as a standard rib. The fuel dams prevent fuel from
flowing away from the fuel pump inlets.
Fuel tank access doors fit in fuel bays over openings in the aircraft skin (figure
20). A clamp ring and knitted aluminium gasket bolt to the access door from
outside the aircraft to hold the access door in position. Thus, there are no bolt
holes in the aircraft skin.
- 16 -
Sump drain valves are fitted at the lowest point of each fuel tank. Used to:
The centre tank has two sump drain valves situated at the lowest points of the
center wing section. Access to each valve is through an access door in the
wing-to-body fairing. A flexible hose connects the valve to a drain hole in the
fairing to outside. (Remember to collect all fuel drained in a suitable container
and return to the fuel supply contractor for suitable disposal.)
Each main tank has one sump drain valve. The sump drain valve is in the
lower wing skin near the fourth access door from the fuselage (between ribs 8
and 9).
- 17 -
A sump drain valve for each surge tank is between ribs 32 and 33.
To drain fluid from the centre tank, push up on the flexible hose connection on
the sump drain valve. This opens the valve and lets the fuel drain through the
hose. Use a container to collect the fuel.
Note. There is no need to commit to memory all the details of the Boeing
system described above, it is included as a typical modern aircraft fuel-tank
system only, but in general most of the provisions apply to all aircraft.
This section deals with the various methods of manufacturing the aircraft
structure. For more details on construction methods refer to the books in the
LPB series on Structures and Structure Repairs (modules 11, 6 and 7).
For metal aircraft the skin is usually preformed to the necessary curvature
before being joined to the frames, stringers, etc. The skin of metal aircraft is
usually made from aluminium alloy and may be coated either side with
aluminium (alclad). On some aircraft it may be magnesium alloy.
Some parts of the structure may be made from titanium or stainless steel.
These metals are heavier but withstand heat better, so may be fitted near jet
engine exhausts etc.
- 18 -
Stressed Skin Attachment
In the majority of metal aircraft the skin is attached to the frames, stringers
etc by the use of rivets. These are usually countersunk or dimpled flush with
the skin on the outside of the aircraft to reduce aerodynamic drag.
On some parts of the airframe the structure may be attached by the use of
bonding. This is an adhesive process using synthetic resin adhesives and
often called by its trade name ‘Redux Bonding’. It requires a bonding agent,
heat, and pressure. Its advantages include it does not require holes to be
drilled in the skin (no possibility of air or water leaks) and there is less stress
Bonded Structure
* Metal to metal.
* Metal to wood.
* Metal to thermo-setting plastic (GRP, CFC).
A bonded metal to metal joint is normally stronger than a rived joint because:
- 19 -
The process does not cause corrosion and is not attacked by fungi or other
organisms, nor is it affected by water, gasoline, oil, or other common solvents.
We have so far seen how the metal aircraft is made up of several parts
riveted/bonded together. For large aircraft the separate parts run into their
thousands with rivets running into their tens of thousands. Each joint is a
potential corrosion hazard. Can you think why?
When two metals are joined together there is a possibility of galvanic corrosion
– particularly when the metals are different or have had different heat
treatments. There is also another potential hazard – crevice corrosion.
This milling is carried out on a milling bed 40 or 50m long using a moving
gantry up to 5m high.
The process gives a structure with a higher strength/weight ratio than before
with all the advantages relating to corrosion, stress concentration, etc, that we
have already discussed. It also produces a very smooth external aerodynamic
- 20 -
Figure 24 shows a section of a piece of milled skin. Notice the skin it-self, the
reinforced areas (doubler plates) and the ‘L’ shaped stringer machined in as
part of the original material. Any holes such as window cut-outs can also be
machined, as can holes for attachment of fittings etc.
After milling the whole panel is put through the appropriate anti-corrosive
It is expensive, using large milling beds with computer controlled milling heads
and with 90% of the original metal being milled away. Of course, all the milling
‘waste’ is returned to the supplier for recycling – and at a large manufacturer
this will require a fleet of trucks continuously returning the now bulky ‘waste’
back to the melting plants for re-cycling.
Chemical Etching
The solution will ‘eat away’ at the metal it can get at, leaving the protected
metal area untouched. After the required time the metal is removed, the acid
on the etched areas neutralised, the protection on the protected areas removed
and the metal is ready for its anti-corrosive treatments.
By repeating the process several times with different areas treated with the
protective coating complex shapes can be produced.
Honeycomb Construction
- 21 -
When a panel bends the high stresses are felt on the outside surfaces, with
little or none felt in the middle – the same as in beam bending theory – so why
not have all the metal on the outside of the structure where it matters. Having
a skin made up of several layers is called Sandwich Construction and like
most things it is not new. It was used in the construction of wooden aircraft as
early as the 1930s.. The Mosquito (second world war fighter bomber) had a
fuselage skin made up of a plywood – balsa wood – plywood sandwich, all
glued together with wood glue.
The principle being, to keep the stronger material on the outer sides of the
structure (plywood) and the weaker material making up the centre (balsa
Frames and other structures inside the aircraft are made lighter by the use of
holes cut into them by the manufacturer. If the hole is made so that there is a
flange (a small lip) formed around the edge then the whole structure is
stronger and more rigid (figure 27).
- 22 -
- 23 -
Doubler Plates
A Doubler Plate may be used in the aircraft structure where there are extra
stresses to be allowed for. They may, of course, be milled into the structure
but they may also be riveted or bolted into position. They may also be used as
extra strengthening around lightening holes in place of flanging. A fitted
doubler plate will also provide a fail-safe type of construction.
Used in the manufacture of small items (push/pull control rods for example)
and components as big as complete fuselages (Boeing 787 Dreamliner) where
fibres are wound on a mandrill or former together with an applied resin and
the whole lot allowed to set/cure. Curing can be accelerated by heating in an
autoclave and carbon fibre is commonly used together with an epoxy resin.
Mandrel Wrapping produces a very strong composite structure that will not
corrode and has a very high strength/weight ratio.
The word ‘rigging’ can be applied to control system rigging and airframe
rigging. For control systems it is a process of setting up the complete system
so that it works correctly (see the book entitled Flying Controls). We will
concentrate on airframe rigging here.
Airframe rigging is the process of ensuring that the main parts of the airframe
(wings, tailplane, fin etc) are in their correct position relative to each other, and
are not distorted or miss-aligned. For most rigging checks the aircraft will have
to be put into rigging position first.
ANSWER It is where the lateral and longitudinal datum lines are horizontal.
ANSWER They are imaginary straight lines running at right angles to each
other and passing through the C of G of the aircraft. The
longitudinal datum line runs fore and aft along the fuselage. The
lateral datum line runs from wing tip to wing tip or parallel to a
line running from wing tip to wing tip.
- 24 -
The rigging position is obtained by jacking the aircraft clear of the ground and
using instruments to ensure that the lateral and longitudinal datum lines are
horizontal – as per the AMM.
1. Refer to the AMM and configure the aircraft for jacking (inside the
2. Jack the aircraft until the wheels are clear of the ground and the
aircraft is approximately in rigging position.
3. Place a straight edge on the lateral datum points and adjust one of
the main jacks until the spirit level on the straight edge reads
4. Place a straight edge on the longitudinal datum points and adjust
the nose jack or tail trestle until the spirit level on the straight
edge reads level.
5. Recheck the lateral level.
6. If the lateral level has changed repeat points 3 to 5 above.
- 25 -
Place standby power switch on the F/0's panel to NORMAL. Power up the
number 1 FMS by setting appropriate circuit breakers. Switch number 1 INS
(Inertial Navigation System) to ALIGN setting on flight-deck overhead panel.
When the Captain's ADI (Attitude Director Indicator) ATT flag clears, proceed
as follows on the number 1 FMS CDU (Flight Management System Control &
Display Unit):
- 26 -
Line Select INDEX (6L) Line Select MAINTENANCE (6R)
Line Select ANALOG IN (4L)
Press next page button.
Read pitch and roll attitude to ½°.
From the wheel well inclinometers, estimate Roll and Pitch attitudes to
the nearest ½°.
Normal stick readings are based on aircraft wings LEVEL and the nose
0.5° NOSE DOWN. Any deviation must be checked either by the
attitude indicators in the right wing gear wheel well or by the use of the
The attitude indicators are spirit level devices marked off in degrees.
The wing and nose attitudes are identified on the FMS analogue pages
as roll and pitch, a negative angle being LEFT wing down, or NOSE
Note the longitudinal and lateral clinometers fitted to the structure in figure
- 27 -
Checks to be Carried Out Once the Aircraft is in Rigging Position.
Angle of Incidence. This is the angle the chord line of the main-plane (or tail-
plane) makes with the longitudinal datum line.
- 28 -
A inclinometer is placed on the board and the bubble position is checked that
it is at zero degrees or adjust the inclinometer until the bubble reads zero and
note the amount of angle the plane is out of true. Check this with the
tolerances given in the AMM and record.
Figure 32 shows the use of a profile board and a peg board. These are supplied
with the aircraft.
Dihedral Angle. This is the upward and outward inclination of the tail-plane or
main-plane to the lateral datum line. It may be plus (the wings/tail-plane
inclined up-wards and outwards) or minus (the wings/tail-plane inclined
downwards and outwards – sometimes called Anhedral) or the wings/tail-
plane may be straight (zero dihedral angle).
May be checked using the spirit level method or the theodolite method.
(a) Spirit Level Method – The principle of checking the dihedral angle
is similar to that for checking the incidence angle. In other words,
place the correct incidence board on the correct position on the
mainplane/tailplane. Place a clinometer/spirit level on it and
check how far the main-plane/tail-plane is out of true.
(b) Theodolite Method – This method uses a set of sighting rods and a
theodolite. The rods are screwed into specific positions on the
underside of the main-plane (usually along the main spar) and
looked at through the theodolite sighting glass. Some theodolites
have a laser beam to help alignment with the sighting rods.
Each rod has a datum line with graduations marked up and down
from the zero datum. When looked at through the theodolite sight
glass the sighting rod datum aligns with the datum line in the
eyepiece of the theodolite, if the main-plane is at the correct angle.
- 29 -
It is then swung round to the next rod along the main-plane and
aligned with it. If the main-plane dihedral angle is correct then its
zero datum will align with the theodolite datum. The next rod is
checked and so on until all rods have been checked. The readings
are recorded.
Electronic theodolites are self levelling and readings can be recorded and
printed using a printer either attached to the instrument or part of it.
- 30 -
- 31 -
Fig. 36 THEODOLITE USE – BAe 146
- 32 -
Fin Verticality
With a non swept fin a plumb-bob hung from the top hinge of the rudder
should align with all the other lower hinges. With a swept fin plumb-bobs are
hung from each hinge and must align with a centre-line marked out on the
hangar floor - which is the centre line of the aircraft. In other cases a
symmetry check may be carried out – by taking measurements from the
ground or tail-plane tip to the top of the fin one side and repeating the process
on the other side. Tolerances between the measurements will be given in the
Engine Mountings
Engines attached externally to the wings may be mounted with the thrust line
parallel to the horizontal longitudinal plane of symmetry (though maybe
inclined slightly on some aircraft to allow for twist due to thrust forces and
wing bending due to lift production). They may not always be parallel to the
vertical longitudinal plane and may be inclined slightly outwards.
- 33 -
The check to ensure that the position of the engine, including any degree of
offset, is correct depends on the manual, but usually entails measurements
from the centre line of the engine to the longitudinal centre line of the fuselage.
Any longitudinal horizontal plane offset maybe measured using an
inclinometer placed on special positions on the engine mountings.
Symmetry Check
Measurements are taken between two specific points on the airframe on one
side of the aircraft and these readings compared to measurements taken
between the same points on the other side of the aircraft.
- 34 -
For small aircraft the measurements are taken using a steel tape measure,
and to ensure the same tape sag for all measurements a spring balance is
used. It is attached to the end of the tape-measure and the person holding it
tensions it to say 5 lbs. This is done for all readings. In this way there will be
some sag in the tape, but it will be the same for all measurements. Remember
it is the differences in the measurements that we are looking for.
For larger aircraft a plumb bob can be used to transfer each measurement
point to the floor of the hangar and the position marked with chalk. The points
on the floor are then measured using the steel tape (no need for a spring
balance). This method may be easier than trying to measure using a long steel
tape on a ladder several feet up in the air.
Electronic laser measuring equipment may also be used – check your AMM.
QUESTION Why are tolerances only given and not actual dimensions?
(2 mins)
On the first rigging check (at the manufacturers) the readings obtained are
recorded in the aircraft log-book. Subsequently any readings taken should be
compared with these.
Tolerances (ie variations) are laid down in the AMM. The manual is common to
all aircraft of a particular type but each aircraft will have its own log-book
- 35 -
Various cleaning agents are available for both general cleaning and specialist
cleaning applications – just a few are listed in the table below. All are supplied
with user instructions and health warnings where necessary.
The aircraft as a whole and its component parts should be kept clean. This
helps to reduce wear, allows for leaks to be more readily detected, reduces
crevice corrosion and makes the aircraft better aerodynamically (for surface
cleanliness anyway). It also helps to promote a good image to customers – and
makes the aircraft more pleasant to work on.
- 36 -
For general exterior cleaning a non-acid soapy solution diluted in water can be
used and the area rinsed off with clean water and dried. Turco Air Tech (or
similar) is suitable.
Various cleaners are available including Teepol, Turco Air Tec, Ardrox 6025
and PD 680. They all meet various MIL specifications and should be used in
accordance with the cleaning manufacturer’s instructions.
After airframe cleaning check all drains to see that they are clear and make
sure water/cleaning liquid has not entered parts of the airframe such as:
Glass windscreens can be washed with a non acid soapy solution and cleaned
with a chamois leather and plastic windows can be washed with the same
solution and cleaned with a fine grade plastic polishing compound.
Aircraft are painted to make them look ‘pretty’, provide a corrosion protection
layer for metal surfaces and provide identification markings.
Most paints do not combine all these properties and for the first two most
paint schemes require two coats. The first coat (primer coat) provides the
bonding coat. It has good adhesive qualities, may contain anti-corrosive
pigments but is usually soft with poor wear characteristics.
The second or top coat has poor adhesive properties on metals and other
surfaces but is hard, will wear well and is resistant to fluids. So most paint
schemes employ at least two coats – a primer coat and a top coat, however,
some schemes employ more than two coats.
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This usually a mixture of a vehicle and pigments. The vehicle is a liquid that
cements the pigments together when it dries – it is volatile and sometimes
water based. The pigments give colour, solidity, hardness and sometimes anti-
corrosive properties.
These provide an adhesive coat on the metal surface. They are soft and easily
worn away and must be protected by a top coat. There are four main types.
In some cases it is recommended that some primers are applied over others for
best effect. The mixing of primers is to be avoided unless specified in a
particular paint scheme.
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Sometimes called Top Coats, these provide a colourful, hard wearing, fluid
resistant top coat to the primers. The main groups are:
* Cellulose based. Have good adhesion, are easily applied and have
good weather resistance but have poor resistance to some aircraft
When thinning, cleaning equipment etc always use thinners with the same
base as the paint – unless the specification/paint manufacturer’s literature
states otherwise. All two part mix painting equipment must be thoroughly
cleaned immediately after painting operations, because if left over night, the
paint will cure and the equipment will be ruined.
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Also, when applying one coat on top of another it is generally good practice to
used a paint scheme with all coats having the same base – unless the paint
scheme specification/paint manufacturer’s literature states otherwise.
The actual procedure used will depend on the paint being applied and the
situation/conditions existing at that point in time. In general, however, the
procedure is as follows:
Paint Stripping
Take all necessary safety precautions. Partition off area and place warning
signs. Avoid contact with the skin and eyes and do not inhale the fumes. Wear
breathing apparatus.
Always work in well ventilated areas and wear protective clothing including
goggles. If splashed irrigate skin/eyes with copious amounts of water and seek
medical advice.
In general two types of stripper are available – solvent type and wax type. The
solvent type evaporates quickly but the wax type adheres better to the surface.
Apply stripper generously with a brush, keep wet and allow soaking time.
When paint is puckered up and softened (acrylic paint will not pucker but only
soften) remove with a soft piece of plastic or a rubber squeegee. Clean area
thoroughly with MEK or acetone.
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Ensure that stripper does not come into contact with composites, rubber,
plastics, tyres, windscreens, windows and any parts not requiring stripping.
Check that stripper has not entered any orifices such as drain holes, Pitot
static vents, intakes etc. Inspect the metal surface, faying edges, rivets, nuts,
bolts etc for any defects. With some aircraft it is not often you get the chance
to inspect a ‘nude’ airframe. Rectify any defects as necessary.
Corrosion Removal
After corrosion removal check area and depth of corrosion and refer to the
SRM (Structure Repair Manual) for classification of damage. Repair corroded
area using phosphate treatment for Fe metals; Deoxidine or Alocrom treatment
for Al alloys and selenious acid treatment for Mg alloys (more details in module
7). But remember always check the SRM.
Any degreasing that has to be carried out should be done in a well ventilated
area using protective clothing (eye-shields, breathing equipment etc) and any
splashes washed off with plenty of water and medical advice sort.
When dealing with glass fibre (GRP) all parting agent should be removed and
the surface rubbed down with a fine emery cloth. The surface is then cleaned
with a lint free cloth soaked in white spirit or MEK and the primer coat is
usually an epoxy primer.
(Parting agent is used to prevent the glass fibre layers from adhering to the
mould during construction.)
These are listed earlier in this book and are usually applied by the
manufacturer and ideally should always be applied before any paint scheme.
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Painting Conditions – General
For the successful application of a paint scheme correct atmospheric and work
conditions are essential. These are:
Paint Schemes
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Application Methods
The application method will depend on the extent of the area to be painted, the
equipment available and whether the paint specification to be used is suitable
for that application method. Methods include:
* Spraying.
High Pressure Air Spray. Using air at about 80psi supplied via a
hose passing through a spray gun and using the venturi effect in
the gun to draw a suitably thinned paint up from a container on
the gun to be sprayed onto the surface.
Low Pressure Air Spray. The paint and the air are premixed and
supplied to the gun via a hose and sprayed onto the surface at low
* Dipping. Used for small parts with paints that are not a two part
mix as pot life is too short.
Paint Preparation
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The amount of thinning (with the correct solvent) is by parts – so many parts
thinners to so many parts paint. The more thinners the lower the viscosity.
The viscosity (resistance to flow) can be checked using one of several methods.
In general it entails checking the time that a quantity of paint takes to fall
under gravity. For example:
* Several types of cup are commercially available with names like Ford
cup, Zahn cup etc. Cups are about the size of a small tea cup with a
handle which allows the cup to be dipped into the paint. A small flow
hole is provided in the base.
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12. Check paint scheme for any faults and that all doors, windows
and hatches open and close correctly.
13. Weigh aircraft.
14. Record work done in the aircraft log book and the weighing record.
Spraying Faults
There are 20 or more painting faults altogether. Below are listed a few to give
you some idea of the sort of faults that can occur.
Wrinkle Finish
Used on internal instrument displays. The paint is fast drying so the surface of
a layer of paint dries quicker than the bottom layers so causing the top layer to
shrink and wrinkle.
These contain sharp sand, which are brushed or sprayed on (with a special
nozzle) over the finish coat. They provide a non slippery surface but at the
expense of poor boundary layer drag.
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Float Bottom Paint
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