A Special Price Just For You Effects of Personaliz

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Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management (2020) 19:99–112



A special price just for you: effects of personalized dynamic pricing

on consumer fairness perceptions
Anna Priester1 · Thomas Robbert1 · Stefan Roth1

Received: 1 April 2019 / Accepted: 31 October 2019 / Published online: 23 January 2020
© The Author(s) 2020

Personalized dynamic pricing (PDP) involves dynamically setting individual-consumer prices for the same product or service
according to consumer-identifying information. Despite its profitability, this pricing provokes strong negative fairness per-
ceptions, explaining why managers are reluctant to implement it. This research provides important insights into the effect of
two PDP dimensions (price individualization level and segmentation base) on fairness perceptions and the moderating role
of privacy concerns. The results of two experimental studies indicate that consumers perceive individual prices as less fair
than segment prices. They also evaluate location-based pricing as less fair than purchase history-based pricing. Consumer
privacy concerns moderate these effects.

Keywords  Personalized pricing · Fairness perceptions · Privacy concerns · Dynamic pricing

Introduction The new pricing instruments represent an important stra-

tegic potential for online retailers. Although these instru-
Recent advances in information technology have given ments can be highly profitable (Lee et al. 2011), given their
online retailers the ability to identify and track individual potential to extract higher shares of consumer surplus (Car-
consumers on the Internet in real time and at virtually no roll and Coates 1999), retailers have only just begun imple-
cost. Combined with the availability of new automated menting this pricing practice comprehensively (Borgesius
algorithms, the personalization of prices has increasingly and Poort 2017). A possible reason retailers are still reluc-
become a sound pricing option in the online environment. tant to do so is the fear of consumer backlash if customers
For example, ZipRecruiter, an online employment mar- become aware of its implementation.
ketplace, indicates that it could increase profits by 84% The general idea of differential pricing is not new and
by experimenting with personalized prices (Wallheimer has been investigated in multiple fields, including marketing
2018). Other players, such as travel sites (e.g., Orbitz, Hotel (Dhar and Hoch 1996; Narasimhan 1984), economics (Pigou
Tonight; DeAmicis 2015; Mattioli 2012), retailers (e.g., 1929; Thisse and Vives 1988), and public policy (Kochelek
Amazon.com, Home Depot, Staples; Streitfeld 2000; Val- 2009; Miller 2014). More recent research has particularly
entino-DeVries et al. 2012), and even grocery stores (e.g., focused on dynamic pricing. In its traditional sense, this
Safeway; Clifford 2012) have also reportedly begun imple- form of intertemporal price discrimination entails price
menting personalized prices for their customers based on changes over time due to fluctuations in supply, demand,
individual characteristics. competition, or other factors (Krämer et al. 2018). Prices
thus vary depending on the time of purchase but are the
* Anna Priester same across consumers at a given time (Abrate et al. 2019).
anna.priester@wiwi.uni‑kl.de Personalized dynamic pricing (PDP) also involves sellers
Thomas Robbert dynamically setting prices for the same product or service
robbert@wiwi.uni‑kl.de across different consumers with the aid of consumer-spe-
Stefan Roth cific data such as IP address, purchase or browsing history,
roth@wiwi.uni‑kl.de or other consumer-identifying characteristics (Richards
et al. 2016). PDP is therefore regarded as a special form of
Department of Marketing, TU Kaiserslautern, P.O. dynamic pricing.
Box 3049, 67653 Kaiserslautern, Germany


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100 A. Priester et al.

In light of the rising debate on consumer data privacy bases. The first segmentation base we chose is one that
and the fear of incidents of unwanted privacy invasions and has recently gained increasing importance through mobile
data fraud (Awad and Krishnan 2006; Martin and Murphy devices, including GPS features (location data), and the sec-
2017; Smith et al. 2011), it is surprising that the role of ond is one that has already been commonly used (purchase
privacy concerns in PDP has not been a topic of academic history). In addition, we investigate possible interaction
discussion. Yet research indicates that consumers perceive effects that arise with two segmentation levels: individual
PDP as less fair than price differentiation that depends on and segment prices.
time of purchase (Grewal et al. 2004), purchase quantity (Lii In Study 1, we focus on the price individualization level
and Sy 2009), an active price-setting mechanism (Haws and by comparing individual and segment prices while keeping
Bearden 2006), or seller choice (Garbarino and Maxwell the segmentation base constant (location data). In Study 2,
2010). With regard to the profitability of PDP, Wittman and we extend the previous study by including the second seg-
Belobaba (2017) are able to demonstrate that implementing mentation base (purchase history). In addition, we examine
heuristics that enable personalized fare offers have a positive whether the effects vary depending on consumers’ level of
impact on the revenue of an airline in the context of revenue privacy concerns. The results of our empirical studies indi-
management. In addition, research has discussed legal and cate the importance of these two bases. Both dimensions
ethical concerns of consumers (Turow et al. 2015) and the have significant effects on consumer fairness perceptions
fear of eroding data privacy (Borgesius and Poort 2017). independent of each other. Previewing our findings, we show
Yet, to date, a comprehensive picture of the consequences that a more granular price individualization level negatively
of PDP on consumer reactions is missing. In this paper, we affects consumers’ fairness perceptions. In addition, con-
argue that current research is still ambiguous regarding dif- sumers have lower fairness perceptions of pricing based on
ferent characterizations of PDP, and thus the topic lacks a location data than pricing that depends on their purchase
thorough investigation. We propose to characterize PDP sys- history. Consumer privacy concerns act as a moderating
tematically through two dimensions. First, as noted, with variable for both effects. Consumers with low privacy con-
PDP, sellers assign prices for the same product or service cerns even perceive individual pricing as fairer than segment
across different consumers using consumer-specific segmen- pricing. By contrast, consumers with high privacy concerns
tation bases. Second, PDP can vary in its price individu- evaluate individual pricing as less fair than segment pricing.
alization level. Depending on the availability and quality In addition, these consumers do not perceive location-based
of underlying data, prices can range from individual prices pricing as less fair than purchase history-based pricing.
for each consumer to segment prices for larger consumer This research contributes to the academic discussion in
segments. three important ways. First, it provides a clear characteriza-
From a management perspective, this distinction is tion of PDP by distinguishing between consumer-specific
important because online retailers need to understand which segmentation bases and price individualization level. Sec-
segmentation base is best suited for their offerings. Profound ond, it gives a structured overview on the current state of
knowledge on the perception of different segmentation bases the art of literature on interpersonal price discrimination
and individualization levels is important not only to explore and PDP and uncovers research gaps that have not yet been
customer surplus but also with regard to possible down- subject to investigation. Third, it extends previous research
stream effects such as fairness perceptions. Managers need on consumer perceptions of interpersonal price discrimina-
to understand if and what difference in consumer behav- tion (Wu et al. 2012) and PDP (Krämer et al. 2018) with
ior occur when they set prices individually versus for an two empirical studies. In addition, this article is the first to
entire customer segment. In addition, they need guidance analyze consumer privacy concerns in the context of PDP.
on whether to set prices on location data, purchase history, Thus, it adds to the work of Miller (2014) and Odlyzko
or any other segmentation base. Parallel to this, insight into (2003), who conceptionally underscore consumers’ increas-
PDP is relevant for consumer advocates and public policy ing concerns about the collection and usage of their personal
makers as they strive to understand whether PDP will disad- information for pricing.
vantage consumers and whether the use of individual con-
sumer data for price calculation should be allowed.
Given the depicted research gaps and their importance for Research background
managerial practice, the current research aims to unveil (1)
how consumers perceive individual prices compared with PDP and fairness perceptions
segment prices, (2) how they perceive PDP under varying
segmentation bases, and (3) the role of privacy concerns in Fairness perceptions are an integral determinant of consumer
the perception of fairness. In particular, this study aims to price perception (Xia et al. 2004) and price acceptability
shed light on the role of two frequently used segmentation (Lichtenstein et al. 1988). Consumers form their fairness

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A special price just for you: effects of personalized dynamic pricing on consumer fairness perceptions 101

perceptions on whether an outcome or process can be 2016), we limit our perspective of PDP to posted prices by
deemed reasonable, acceptable, or just (Bolton et al. 2003). the seller.
This assessment relies on the comparison of own outcomes Although PDP can range from individual to segment
with another reference price (Xia et al. 2004). Reference pricing, the literature does not take sufficient account of
prices can be conceptualized as either expectation-based this differentiation. Most extant research analyzes only how
price or “fair” price (Monroe 1973; Viglia and Abrate 2014). consumers perceive price discrimination on a consumer seg-
An expectation-based price relies on a consumer’s past expe- ment level. To assess consumer fairness perceptions, these
rience or current purchase environment (Kalyanaram and studies analyze how consumers evaluate price differences
Winer 1995; Mazumdar et al. 2005), while a fair price is a between different consumer segments compared with other
normative price indicating what price is considered “fair” sources of price discrimination. In that regard, Haws and
for a seller to charge (Bolton et al. 2003). Reference prices in Bearden (2006) find that consumers perceive price differ-
the sense of fair prices often result from social comparisons, ences between individual consumers as less fair than price
such as the prices other consumers paid (Xia et al. 2004). In differences between different purchase times or different
the presence of multiple reference points, consumers tend sellers; however, Haws and Bearden do not explicitly define
to rely on social comparison rather than past experience to the segmentation base of interpersonal price discrimina-
form their fairness judgments (Choi and Mattila 2004). The tion. Conversely, other research analyzes the perception of
current research therefore follows the conceptualization in price discrimination based on consumer loyalty status. For
the sense of a fair price. example, Garbarino and Maxwell (2010) find that consumers
Various consumer-identifying segmentation bases can evaluate pricing based on loyalty status as less fair than price
aid sellers in implementing PDP. Furthermore, previous differences between different sellers. Lii and Sy (2009) show
research often attributes PDP to first-degree price differen- that consumers perceive price differences based on loyalty
tiation (Choudhary et al. 2005; Garbarino and Lee 2003). status as less fair than price differences based on purchase
According to economic literature, price discrimination can quantity and purchase time but fairer than price differences
be divided into first, second, and third degree: first-degree between different channels. Grewal et al. (2004) support the
price discrimination applies when sellers set individual- finding that pricing based on purchase quantity produces
consumer prices; second-degree price discrimination gives higher fairness perceptions than price differences between
consumers the possibility to self-select predefined price seg- consumer segments. Their findings also reveal that consum-
ments; and third-degree price discrimination implies that ers show higher fairness perceptions of a pricing method in
sellers differentiate prices based on predefined price seg- which loyal (vs. new) customers receive a price advantage,
ments without the possibility of self-selection (Pigou 1929; which is in line with social norms. Huang et al. (2005) and
Varian 1989). Yet both the first and third degree correspond Wu et al. (2012) also investigate price discrimination based
to price discrimination, in which prices are determined by on segment level but, in contrast with other studies, include
the seller on the basis of consumer characteristics. Aydin and the analysis of several different interpersonal segmenta-
Ziya (2009) suggest that the ability to personalize prices is tion bases. Huang et al. (2005) show that consumers judge
dependent on the data a retailer has on its consumers and, discounting to loyal customers as fair. They further inves-
on that basis, the possibility to make inferences about con- tigate geographic discrimination and find that consumers
sumers’ willingness to pay. Given this reasoning, PDP can- evaluate it unfair. In the same vein, Wu et al. (2012) show
not be clearly assigned to either first- or third-degree price that interpersonal price differences, which consumers per-
discrimination. Depending on the quantity and accuracy of ceive as violating norms (pricing based on residential area),
available data, PDP can thus vary in its price individualiza- produce the lowest fairness perceptions while norm-com-
tion level—it is more or less individually identifying. Sellers pliant price differences between consumers (pricing based
can either set prices for individual consumers or, if the data on student/senior status) cause the highest fairness evalu-
do not allow for more unique identification, set prices for ations. Price differences between consumers that hold the
consumer segments (Aydin and Ziya 2009). Ideally, if the option of consumer self-selection (pricing based on coupon
data quality is high, PDP can be used as first-degree price redemption, membership status, or purchase quantity), in
discrimination, while PDP virtually resembles third-degree turn, rank between the norm-violating and norm-compliant
price discrimination in the case of less identifying data. In pricing. Krämer et al.’s (2018) recent study extends previ-
the following paragraphs, we refer to PDP as ‘individual ous findings by investigating price differences resulting not
pricing’ in the sense of first-degree price discrimination only from segment pricing but also from individual pricing.
and as ‘segment pricing’ in the sense of third-degree price Their results reveal that consumers evaluate price differences
discrimination. Furthermore, while some authors include between individual consumers (based on customer profil-
consumers’ active participation in the price-setting mecha- ing) as less positive than price differences between different
nism under PDP (Haws and Bearden 2006; Richards et al. consumer segments (based on frequency of usage). Table 1

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Table 1  Overview on fairness perceptions of interpersonal price discrimination with focus on price individualization level and segmentation base
Authors Price individuali- Consumer-spe- Pricing forms tested Key findings related to fairness perceptions
zation level cific segmenta-
tion base
Indi- Seg- One Several
vidual ment
pricing pricing

Garbarino and Maxwell  •  • Pricing based on loyalty status, price differences between Perceived price fairness of price differences between different
(2010) different stores stores is higher than that of price differences between differ-
ent consumers based on loyalty status
Grewal et al. (2004)  •  • Pricing based on loyalty status, pricing based on purchase Pricing based on purchase timing is considered fairer than
timing (demand-based pricing) pricing favoring frequent fliers. Pricing favoring new fliers
is considered less fair than pricing favoring frequent fliers
Haws and Bearden (2006)  •  • Price differences between different sellers, pricing based on Auction-based pricing is perceived fairest and pricing
purchase timing (demand-based pricing), price difference between different consumers as least fair pricing method.
between different customers, auction-based pricing Price differences between different sellers are perceived as
fairer than pricing based on purchase timing
Huang et al. (2005)  •  • Channel-based price differences, auction-based pricing, Setting the same price on the Internet as offline is considered
group discounts, name-your-own-price (NYOP), random unfair; auction, group-buying, NYOP, and negotiation-based
discounting, couponing, geographic discrimination, pricing are considered fair; discounting to loyal custom-
pricing based on loyalty status, pricing based on price ers and using window pop-ups are acceptable discounting
sensitivity, pricing based on purchase timing (e.g., yield methods; however, other discounting methods are perceived
management) as unfair; geographic discrimination and pricing based on
purchase timing are considered unfair
Krämer et al. (2018)  •  •  • Volume discounting/bundling, NYOP, behavior-based pric- Two-thirds of consumers rate volume discounting as positive.
ing, pricing based on unique customer profiles NYOP is perceived as less positive than volume discount-
ing but more positive than couponing. Pricing based on
customer profiles is considered least fair, with almost half of
respondents rejecting this pricing
Lii and Sy (2009)  •  • Pricing based on loyalty status, pricing based on purchase Consumers perceive pricing based on purchase quantity as the
timing (demand-based pricing), pricing based on purchase fairest pricing method. Pricing based on purchase timing is
quantity, channel-based price differences considered the second-fairest pricing method, followed by
pricing based on loyalty status. Channel-based price differ-
ences are perceived as the least fair pricing method
Wu et al. (2012)  •  • Pricing based on group resp. status (student/elder), pricing Price differences based on group/status are perceived as fair.
based on place of residence, couponing, membership- Pricing based on membership is perceived as less fair than

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based pricing, pricing based on purchase quantity the latter but fairer than couponing. Pricing based on pur-
chase quantity is perceived as less fair than couponing and
fairer than pricing based on the place of residence, which is
perceived as least fair
A. Priester et al.
A special price just for you: effects of personalized dynamic pricing on consumer fairness perceptions 103

provides an overview of these studies, depicting the price sellers actually have on them (Turow et al. 2015), which
individualization level analyzed in the studies and whether violates human autonomy (Miller 2014) and raises consumer
the studies investigated different consumer-specific segmen- concerns about privacy (Smith et al. 1996). Odlyzko (2003)
tation bases. claims that privacy will continue to erode over time, as
In summary, most studies analyze consumer fairness per- consumer data are critical to marketers’ economic success.
ception of only one consumer-specific segmentation base. PDP is mostly non-transparent, which makes it seem delu-
The few studies that investigate the perceptions of several sive and manipulating to consumers (Nissenbaum 2009).
consumer-identifying segmentation bases, however, focus on Privacy concerns have been explored within the scope of
the price individualization level of consumer segments only. targeted advertisement, personalized content, and service
Moreover, studies take even less account of the price indi- (for a comprehensive review, see Martin and Murphy 2017)
vidualization level. Except for Krämer et al.’s (2018) study, but not PDP.
all previously mentioned studies only analyze different forms The context of online profiling shows that consumers with
of interpersonal price discrimination on the segment level. a higher level of general privacy concerns are less likely to
Krämer et al. (2018) also examine consumer price percep- accept customer profiling, meaning that they do not permit
tion of both different price individualization levels and the creation of their customer profile (Awad and Krishnan
different interpersonal segmentation bases; however, their 2006). Similarly, Miyazaki (2008) reveals a moderating
analysis does not provide insight into possible interaction effect of privacy concerns, such that consumers with higher
effects between these variables. privacy concerns show lower levels of trust, usage, and rec-
In addition to norm compliance (Garbarino and Maxwell ommendation intentions as a result of detected cookie usage.
2010; Wu et al. 2012), research has revealed several other Culnan and Armstrong (1999) find that consumer privacy
factors that influence the effect of interpersonal price dis- concerns have a reduced moderating effect on the willing-
crimination on consumer fairness perception. For example, ness to be profiled when consumers are explicitly told that
consumers show higher fairness perceptions when they are fair procedures will be employed for managing their per-
actively involved in the price-setting mechanism (Haws and sonal information.
Bearden 2006; Hinz et al. 2011; Huang et al. 2005; Richards In addition, privacy concerns can provoke different
et al. 2016) or feel that they have a higher level of control behavioral responses, such as the unwillingness to disclose
(Lee et al. 2011). Reasonable cost-justifications (Grewal data, preventive measures, lower trust and purchase inten-
et al. 2004) and framing formats across comparative trans- tions, or word-of-mouth initiation (Miyazaki 2008; Tsai
actions (Weisstein et al. 2013) can also mitigate consumers’ et al. 2011). The type of collected information (Phelps et al.
negative fairness perception. Providing information about 2000), level of consumer control over data usage (Brandima-
the pricing process also exerts a positive effect on consumer rte et al. 2013), procedural fairness (Culnan and Armstrong
fairness perceptions (Choi and Mattila 2005; Kimes 1994). 1999), and information transparency (Awad and Krishnan
Although PDP implies that sellers have information about 2006) all affect consumers’ privacy concerns.
their consumers which enters price determination, academic
discussion of the role of consumer data privacy and privacy
concerns is lacking. Conceptual background and hypotheses
PDP and privacy concerns
Dimensions of PDP
The increasing collection and use of consumer data is rais-
ing consumer concerns about their privacy and data security This research extends the literature by considering two
(Martin et al. 2017). Indeed, information privacy is consid- dimensions that help increase conceptual clarity on PDP:
ered one of the most important ethical debates of the infor- (1) the price individualization level and (2) the type of con-
mation age (Pavlou 2011). According to Smith et al. (1996), sumer-identifying segmentation base. These dimensions
consumer concerns about information privacy can be classi- build a basis to systematically investigate the downstream
fied into several dimensions: concerns about the collection effects of PDP on consumers’ behavioral intentions.
of personal information, internal and external unauthorized The price individualization level captures the extent to
secondary use of personal information, errors in personal which the pricing focuses on individual consumers. The
information, and improper access to personal information. level of price individualization can vary from individual-
PDP is a particularly strong source of consumer privacy consumer prices to a fixed price for the entire customer base.
concerns (Miller 2014). Sellers engage in massive collection PDP can encompass full PDP, implying individual prices
of consumer data to sort consumers on their willingness to across consumers depending on a variety of uniquely iden-
pay (Kochelek 2009). Consumers do not know what data tifying characteristics (e.g., browsing history). However,

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104 A. Priester et al.

PDP may also involve different prices for consumer seg- if the ratios differ in value, consumers perceive inequal-
ments, which represents segment pricing. Despite techno- ity, which they judge as unfair (Adams 1965). According
logical advances and data availability, data quality and sell- to social comparison theory (Festinger 1954), comparisons
ers’ abilities are often not sufficient to set fully individual with other customers are more salient and therefore induce
prices (Aydin and Ziya 2009). In this case, sellers set seg- the highest perceptions of unfairness in the case of a disad-
ment prices for consumer segments classified by objectively vantaged price difference (Ashworth and McShane 2012;
observable characteristics (e.g., student discount). Major and Testa 1989). When assessing their entitlement in
Segmentation base is the second important dimension of a transaction, consumers compare themselves in particular
PDP. As defined, PDP can depend on factors such as the IP with consumers who they perceive to be similar to them-
address, location data, device type used, purchase or brows- selves (Wood 1989).
ing history, or any other consumer-identifying character- In this vein, Mussweiler (2003) reports the existence of
istics. In PDP, the calculation is often not limited to one a similarity bias, which indicates that consumers take note
segmentation base. Instead, in many cases multiple segmen- of the similarity of the parties involved in comparison. If
tation bases are used to calculate price points for individuals consumers find similarity, they tend to look out for other
or segments. For the sake of simplicity, we focus on two seg- features that support this similarity. This process typically
mentation bases that are commonly used in the marketplace: leads to an assimilation effect (Mussweiler 2003) that ampli-
location data and purchase history. Figure 1 illustrates the fies the perceived salience of outcome differences, which
hypothesized relationships. leads to higher perceptions of unfairness (Major and Testa
1989). By contrast, if consumers perceive dissimilarity in an
Effect of the price individualization level initial assessment, they subsequently search for features that
support this dissimilarity. This procedure typically leads to
Perceptions of price fairness refer to a consumer’s judg- a contrast effect (Mussweiler 2003), such that consumers do
ment of his or her own price compared with the price of not regard the other reference party as similar and therefore
another reference party (Xia et al. 2004). In line with the also rate the underlying transactions as dissimilar. Transac-
general theoretical framework of equity and distributive jus- tion dissimilarity provides consumers with an explanation
tice theory (Adams 1965; Homans 1961), consumers judge for the outcome difference (Weisstein et al. 2013). Thus, a
the ratio of their in- and outputs to a transaction compared contrast effect leads to higher fairness perceptions.
with the input–output ratio of other reference parties. If the In reference to these findings, the social comparison
comparative ratios are equal, consumers perceive a state of between individual consumers is more salient than that
equity, which they inherently perceive as fair. By contrast, between consumer segments because consumers can judge

Fig. 1  Conceptual framework

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A special price just for you: effects of personalized dynamic pricing on consumer fairness perceptions 105

similarity/dissimilarity more easily. In the case of individual this pricing, nor is it possible for them to infer justifiable
prices, consumers are more likely to find similarity between explanations such as internal attributions. Thus, we propose
the self and the other consumer. Therefore, they perceive the the following:
transactions as also similar. In the face of similar transac-
tions, an experienced price difference leads to the feeling of H2  Consumers perceive location-based pricing as less fair
inequality and negative fairness perceptions. By contrast, a than purchase history-based pricing.
social comparison is more difficult between consumer seg-
ments because the comparative reference is a heterogeneous Moderating role of privacy concerns
group of different consumers with varying characteristics.
Therefore, consumers do not have a salient reference other An antecedent of privacy concerns is consumers’ awareness
on which they can base their comparison. Thus, consumers that sellers collect information about them (Smith et al. 2011).
will more likely estimate dissimilarity between themselves Different types of consumer information can be distinguished,
and the segment and consequently judge price differences which causes different levels of privacy concerns (Phelps et al.
as more reasonable. We therefore propose the following: 2000). Consumers tend to be more sensitive about and pro-
tective of financial data as well as personal identifiers and
H1  Consumers perceive individual prices as less fair than purchase-related information, while they are more likely to
segment prices. disclose demographic and lifestyle-related information about
themselves (Nowak and Phelps 1992).
Effect of the segmentation base PDP involves highly personal and identifying consumer
data for individual price determination. Consumers are espe-
Consumers’ inferences about seller motives (Campbell cially sensitive to this type of data (Nowak and Phelps 1992).
1999) and causal attributions as to who is responsible for At the same time, consumers who are more sensitive tend to
a given outcome (Xia et al. 2004) also influence consumer have higher privacy concerns. We therefore suggest that the
fairness perceptions. Attribution theory (Heider 1958) sug- higher the level of consumers’ privacy concerns, the less fair
gests that consumers evaluate an unfavorable outcome as they will evaluate individual prices resulting from PDP. By
more negative if they attribute it to the seller (Vaidyanathan contrast, if PDP occurs on the level of segment pricing, less
and Aggarwal 2003). By contrast, if consumers believe they sensitive data are involved. Therefore, we claim that privacy
are responsible (Folkes et al. 1987), have control over the concerns play a relatively minor role here. We thus argue that
outcome (Lee et al. 2011), or have the opportunity to partici- privacy concerns will intensify the proposed effect of the price
pate in the price-setting process (Haws and Bearden 2006; individualization level on consumer fairness perceptions:
Richards et al. 2016), they judge the pricing as fairer.
In addition, social norms serve as important guidance for H3a  Consumer privacy concerns strengthen the likelihood
consumers’ fairness evaluations (Kahneman et al. 1986). that consumers perceive individual prices as less fair than
Previous research has demonstrated the existence of sev- segment prices.
eral pricing norms (Maxwell 2002; Maxwell and Garbarino
2010). Such norms can develop over time and with increas- All segmentation bases used for PDP depend on highly
ing familiarity, until they often become the industry stand- personal data. As suggested, the higher consumers’ privacy
ard. Consumers evaluate a pricing strategy as fairer the more concerns, the more they are concerned about their privacy
familiar they are with it (Wirtz and Kimes 2007) and the in general. Thus, we argue that consumers with high privacy
more it complies with norms (Choi and Mattila 2009; Gar- concerns likely judge all types of PDP as unfair. Their percep-
barino and Maxwell 2010). tion will therefore not change depending on the segmenta-
According to attribution theory, consumers perceive PDP tion base. Consequently, we propose that consumer privacy
as fairer if they can link the offered price to their own behav- concerns mitigate the effect of varying segmentation bases on
ior. This applies to pricing based on consumer purchase his- fairness perceptions:
tory. In this case, consumers can make inferences from their
purchase history to the price they received; thus, they have H3b  Consumer privacy concerns weaken the likelihood that
an explanation for the offered price. Moreover, pricing based consumers perceive location-based pricing as less fair than
on purchase history is a widespread pricing practice, which purchase history-based pricing.
consumers evaluate as conforming to norms and therefore as
fairer. By contrast, pricing based on location data is a new phe-
nomenon, as the prerequisites (GPS data) have only recently
become available. Therefore, consumers are not familiar with

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106 A. Priester et al.

Study 1 a 7-point Likert scale: “The price you paid was fair,” “The
price you paid was reasonable,” and “The price you paid was
This first empirical study investigates whether consumers acceptable.” Cronbach’s alpha was .89.
perceive individual prices as less fair than segment prices
(H1). We designed two written scenarios that used the same Results
segmentation base but differed in the price individualization
level. Thus, participants faced a situation of either individual To test the effect of price individualization on fairness per-
pricing or segment pricing. ceptions, we conducted a t test. The price individualiza-
tion level presented the independent measure, while fair-
ness perceptions were the dependent variable. The results
Method indicate a marginally significant main effect for the price
individualization level. As expected, participants who expe-
The sample consisted of 91 students, who participated rienced individual prices showed lower fairness perceptions
in the study in a computer lab of a European university (M = 2.54, SD = 1.49) than those who experienced segment
(63.7% male; average age: 23.52 [SD = 2.71] years). Study prices (M = 3.07, SD = 1.40; t(89) = 1.747, p = .084), in sup-
1 employs one between-subjects factor (price individualiza- port of H1.
tion level: individual pricing vs. segment pricing). Partici-
pants read a scenario that asked them to imagine that they Discussion
were buying a digital movie from an online media platform
but later discovered that they either paid an individual- Study 1 provides evidence that the price individualization
consumer price (individual pricing) or a price set for an level influences consumers’ fairness perceptions. We find
entire consumer segment (segment pricing). The context of that consumers had higher fairness perceptions when sellers
the purchase and usage of the digital movie excluded the engaged in segment pricing rather than individual pricing.
existence of a transaction cost that otherwise could serve as However, we tested the impact of a varying price individu-
an explanation for the experienced price difference. In the alization level on fairness perceptions only for pricing based
individualized pricing condition, participants were told that on location data; yet there are many more individualizing
they were on holiday in a neighboring country, where they segmentation bases. Study 2 accounts for this and adds con-
purchased the digital movie at an individualized price of sumer purchase history as a second segmentation base.
13.97€, which was based on the consumer’s personal GPS
data. The day after, they recognized that both a friend living
in the neighboring country and a friend living in the partici- Study 2
pant’s own country paid a lower price of 10.96€ for the same
movie under the exact same purchase conditions, except that The second study has three aims. First, it strives to
the friends watched the movie at their residual place (usual strengthen the generalizability and robustness of our results
GPS data). Participants assigned to the segment pricing con- on the effect of the price individualization level on fair-
dition were told that they bought and watched the movie at ness perceptions by adding consumer purchase history as a
home at a price of 13.99€. The next day, they recognized second segmentation base (H1). Second, it investigates the
that a friend living in the neighboring country paid 10.99€, effect of varying segmentation bases on fairness perceptions
while a friend living in the same country as them paid the by examining whether consumers evaluate location-based
same price (13.99€) for the same movie under identical pricing as less fair than purchase history-based pricing (H2).
purchase conditions. The prices in this condition involved Third, the study aims to demonstrate the role of consumer
segment prices based on consumers’ residual location data. privacy concerns in the effect on fairness perceptions (H3a,
Participants were told that the reference transaction involved H3b). To do so, we investigate whether privacy concerns
the exact same purchase condition (same movie, time, and intensify the likelihood that consumers perceive individual
seller). Participants were randomly assigned to one of the pricing as less fair than segment pricing (H3a). In addition,
two experimental conditions. we assess whether consumers’ privacy concerns reduce the
likelihood that they judge location-based pricing as less fair
than purchase history-based pricing (H3b).
After reading the scenario, participants were asked to eval-
uate their fairness perceptions. For the measurement, we The sample consisted of 257 participants who were recruited
adapted the following items from Martin et al. (2009) using over social networks to take part in an online experiment

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A special price just for you: effects of personalized dynamic pricing on consumer fairness perceptions 107

(41.6% male; average age: 26.58 [SD = 16.58] years). Study agree). Cronbach’s alpha for fairness perceptions was .84,
2 employs a 2 (price individualization level: individual pric- .92 for privacy concerns, and .85 for perceived transaction
ing vs. segment pricing) × 2 (segmentation base: location- (dis)similarity. Participants also responded to a manipula-
based pricing vs. purchase history-based pricing) between- tion check measure; they were asked to evaluate on which
subjects design. Participants were asked to imagine that they price individualization level the seller set the prices. Their
were buying a digital movie from an online media platform. answer was captured on a 7-point scale (1 = individual-con-
The conditions of individual pricing and segment pricing sumer pricing, 4 = segment-specific pricing, 7 = unspecific-
based on location data were identical to those of Study 1. In consumer pricing).
the individual pricing condition based on purchase history,
individual prices were the result of a consumer’s individual Results
purchase history. We used two reference transactions to
underscore the individual price character. Participants were To test our manipulation, we conducted a two-way analy-
told that they bought the digital movie at a price of 13.99€ sis of variance (ANOVA) with the price individualization
from a seller from which they have bought only two movies level and the segmentation base as the independent variables
before. The day after their purchase, they recognized that a and the manipulation check item as the dependent variable.
friend who has bought hundreds of movies at the respective There was only one significant main effect indicating that
seller before bought the movie at a price of 10.99€. Another the manipulation was successful. The results show a signifi-
friend who has bought five movies from this seller in the cant difference (F(1, 253) = 1.846, p < .001) between par-
past was charged 13.29€ for the movie. Participants were ticipants who saw the individual pricing scenario (M = 2.38,
informed that both friends purchased the movie under the SD = 1.46) and those who saw the segment pricing scenario
same conditions as their own (same movie, time, and seller). (M = 3.43, SD = 1.22).
In the segment pricing condition based on purchase history, To test H1 and H2, we employed a two-way ANOVA
participants faced a segment price depending on a threshold with price individualization level and segmentation base as
that divides consumers into two purchase history segments independent measures and fairness perception as the depend-
(e.g., light vs. heavy users). Participants were told that they ent variable. The results show a marginally significant main
bought the digital movie at a price of 13.99€ from a seller effect for the price individualization level (F(1, 253) = 2.999,
from which they only buy movies occasionally. Later on, p = .085). Participants rated individual prices as less fair
they learned that a group of friends that buy more frequently (M = 2.72, SD = 1.27) than segment prices (M = 2.99,
at the seller bought the movie for 10.99€, while a group of SD = 1.46), in support of H1. Furthermore, the results show
friends buying similarly to them also purchased the movie a significant difference in the perception of (dis)similarity
for a price of 13.99€. Similar to the other conditions, partici- between the individual pricing and segment pricing con-
pants were aware that the other reference groups bought the ditions (F(1, 253) = 4.02, p = .046). In the segment pricing
movie under identical conditions to their own. Participants condition, consumers perceived their transaction as less
were randomly assigned to one of the four experimental similar (M = 3.64, SD = 1.62) than in the individual pricing
conditions. condition (M = 3.27, SD = 1.64), confirming the conceptual
foundation of H1. We also find a significant main effect for
Measurement the segmentation base (F(1, 253) = 8.395, p = .004). Partici-
pants evaluated location-based pricing as significantly less
After reading the scenario, participants were asked ques- fair (M = 2.62, SD = 1.38) than purchase history-based pric-
tions about their fairness perceptions and level of privacy ing (M = 3.10, SD = 1.30), in support of H2. The interaction
concerns. To assess fairness perceptions, we used the same effect is not significant (F(1, 253) = .135, p = .714).
scale as in Study 1. For the measurement of consumer pri- To test H3a and H3b on the moderation effects of privacy
vacy concerns, we used the items proposed by Martin et al. concerns, we executed two moderation analyses using model
(2017): “I am sensitive to the way companies handle my 1 of the PROCESS macro with 5,000 bootstrapped samples
personal information”; “It is important to keep my privacy (Hayes 2018). Segment pricing and purchase history-based
intact from online companies”; “Personal privacy is very pricing served as baseline conditions. The results indicate
important, compared to other subjects”; and “I am con- that privacy concerns amplify the difference between indi-
cerned about threats to my personal privacy.” To test for our vidual pricing and segment pricing in terms of fairness
hypothetical foundation, we asked participants to evaluate perceptions (b3 = .207, p = .072) (see Fig. 2). Participants
the extent to which they perceived their transaction as (dis) with higher privacy concerns perceived individual pricing
similar to the reference transactions. We adapted three items as less fair than segment pricing than consumers with lower
from Weisstein et al. (2013). All constructs were measured privacy concerns, in support of H3a. The Johnson–Neyman
on 7-point Likert scales (1 = strongly disagree, 7 = strongly technique shows that only participants with high privacy

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108 A. Priester et al.

Fig. 2  Moderation effects of privacy concerns

concerns perceived individual pricing as significantly less for the more favorable fairness perceptions of those partic-
fair than segment pricing. By contrast, privacy concerns ipants (cf. Weisstein et al. (2013), who show that higher
weaken the effect of the segmentation base on fairness per- perceived transaction dissimilarity leads to higher fairness
ceptions (b3 = − .256, p = .024). Participants with high pri- perceptions). In addition, this research finds evidence that
vacy concerns did not perceive location-based pricing as the segmentation base also has an impact on consumers’
significantly less fair than purchase history-based pricing fairness perceptions. That is, consumers have lower fairness
(see Fig. 2), in support of H3b. Table 2 gives detailed statis- perceptions for pricing based on location data than for pric-
tics. The regression coefficients b1 and b2 estimate the effect ing based on purchase history. This finding indicates that
of the independent measures on fairness perceptions when consumers feel more comfortable with the latter pricing, as it
privacy concerns are zero. Consequently, these coefficients is a more common pricing practice. Moreover, Study 2 dem-
do not have substantive interpretations. onstrates that consumer privacy concerns act as a moderat-
ing variable for the effects of both the price individualization
Discussion level and the segmentation base on fairness perceptions. The
effect of the price individualization level on fairness percep-
Study 2 corroborates the finding of Study 1 that the price tions greatly depends on consumers’ level of privacy con-
individualization level affects consumers’ fairness percep- cerns. Only consumers with high privacy concerns evaluate
tions. We show that when sellers differentiate prices across individual pricing as less fair than segment pricing. Consum-
individual consumers depending on personal information, ers with low privacy concerns evaluate individual pricing as
consumers deem this pricing practice as less fair than when fairer than segment pricing. A possible explanation for this
sellers set prices for different consumer segments based on finding is the ‘privacy calculus’ (Dinev and Hart 2006). In
less uniquely identifying information. In line with literature line with rational choice theory, this privacy perspective sug-
on social comparison, our results show that consumers in the gests that consumers perform a risk–benefit analysis when-
segment pricing condition perceive their transaction as less ever they are in a situation in which it is necessary to weigh
similar to the reference transaction than consumers in the between protecting their information and giving up (at least
individual pricing condition, which provides an explanation some of) their privacy (Bulgurcu et al. 2010; Smith et al.

Table 2  Model coefficients for the moderation analyses in Study 2

Dependent variable
Fairness perceptions
Independent variables (H3a) Coeff. SE t value

Price individualization level (PIL) b1 − .8963 .6304 − 1.4218 R2 = .0586

Privacy concerns b2 − .2841*** .0815 − 3.4861
PIL × privacy concerns b3 .2069* .1146 1.8059
Fairness perceptions
Independent variables (H3b) Coeff. SE t value

Segmentation base b1 1.8446*** .6034 3.0570 R2 = .0908

Privacy concerns b2 − .0828 .0796 − 1.0400
Segmentation base × privacy concerns b3 − .2561** .1130 − 2.2668

***p < 0.01, **p < 0.05, *p < 0.1

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A special price just for you: effects of personalized dynamic pricing on consumer fairness perceptions 109

2011). Risks of a potential loss of data privacy, data fraud, of Huang et al. (2005) and Wu et al. (2012), who investigate
or other negative consequences from disclosing one’s per- different consumer-specific segmentation bases at a time.
sonal information can heighten consumer privacy concerns However, in contrast with these studies, we also consider the
(Zhu et al. 2017). Benefits are the positive outcomes that price individualization level (i.e., fully individual prices). To
consumers receive from giving their personal data, such as our knowledge, Krämer et al. (2018) are the only researchers
enhanced services or customized offers (Chellappa and Sin to implicitly include both individual and segment pricing in
2005). Consumers with low privacy concerns have lower the form of different segmentation criteria; yet they do not
risk perceptions of individual pricing, which explains why elaborate on different segmentation bases simultaneously
they might be more receptive to the potential benefits and are in a full factorial design. Thus, consumer perceptions can-
more positive toward this pricing. Indeed, individual pricing not be clearly assigned to either the price individualization
can be beneficial for some consumers. Referring back to the level or the segmentation criterion. Our research closes these
scenarios, with individual pricing a loyal customer who has gaps and investigates both criteria to show the interactions.
already bought many movies can achieve a substantial lower The results of our two empirical studies indicate that both
price than a new customer. Low privacy concerns could shift dimensions have significant effects on consumer fairness
the privacy calculus trade-off, so that this benefit is more perceptions independent of each other.
evident to those consumers, resulting in more positive fair- Finally, this article is the first to empirically investigate
ness perceptions. Furthermore, we revealed that privacy con- the role of privacy concerns in the context of PDP. It follows
cerns mitigate the effect of the segmentation base on con- arguments of Miller (2014) and Odlyzko (2003), who con-
sumer fairness perceptions. Consumers with high privacy ceptually elaborate on consumers’ increasing concerns about
concerns do not perceive location-based pricing as less fair the collection and use of personal information for pricing.
than purchase history-based pricing; rather, they perceive all The findings reveal that privacy concerns intensify the likeli-
pricing types as equally (un)fair. hood that consumers perceive individual pricing as less fair
than segment pricing. In addition, privacy concerns weaken
the likelihood that consumers evaluate location-based pric-
General discussion ing as less fair than purchase history-based pricing.

Theoretical implications
Managerial implications
Previous studies have treated PDP as uniform pricing, with-
out taking into account that different degrees of price indi- Managers need to be aware that individual pricing leads to
vidualization (e.g., individual prices vs. segment prices) or higher ethical concerns than segment pricing. However, we
different underlying segmentation criteria (e.g., location data assume that managers are primarily interested in using indi-
vs. purchase history) may influence consumer perceptions vidual pricing for revenue reasons. We thus offer important
differently. The current research enriches literature by sug- recommendations based on our findings that can mitigate
gesting a new conceptualization of PDP—namely, it dis- consumer concerns. First, we suggest that managers provide
tinguishes two dimensions that determine PDP: the price consumers with additional information that indicates how
individualization level and the segmentation base. It also certain components play into price setting. For example, they
provides empirical support for this twofold perspective. In could indicate that consumers who register on the web page,
particular, our research discusses a higher price individu- who qualify as loyal customers, who are students, and so on,
alization level than previous research, which has mainly receive price advantages. This information may help con-
examined consumer perceptions of interpersonal price dis- sumers recognize that those who paid another price possibly
crimination at the price individualization level of consumer deserved that price because they did meet certain require-
segments (Garbarino and Maxwell 2010; Grewal et al. 2004; ments. The provision of such pricing components could
Haws and Bearden 2006; Huang et al. 2005; Lii and Sy make up for price differences between individual consum-
2009; Wu et al. 2012). Yet it also enriches the discussion on ers and make consumers react less negatively when learning
interpersonal price discrimination, such as pricing based on that another consumer received another price. Second, we
purchase time or purchase quantity (Garbarino and Maxwell propose the possibility of price framing. When managers use
2010; Grewal et al. 2004; Lii and Sy 2009), by elaborating different price formats, price comparisons between reference
on geographic location and purchase history as segmenta- transactions are more difficult, making price differences less
tion criteria. salient and therefore resulting in a positive effect on fairness
More important, this research goes beyond previous stud- perceptions. Weisstein et al. (2013) show that managers can
ies by comparing different forms of interpersonal price dis- use different price formats (e.g., percent off the price; $ off
crimination in one study. In doing so, it extends the research the price) to frame the fairness perceptions of PDP.

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110 A. Priester et al.

We also recommend that managers consider ways to give could investigate other potential moderators, such as con-
consumers the illusion of control over the price they finally sumer trust or loyalty status.
pay. When consumers believe they can actively influence the
price they pay (e.g., by adjusting their purchase frequency), Acknowledgements  Open Access funding provided by Projekt DEAL.
they judge the pricing as fairer. Consumers also need to be
Open Access  This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attri-
aware of the prices they pay. In line with research on price bution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adapta-
transparency, we assume that consumers react negatively tion, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long
if prices change quickly or if they are surprised by a price as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source,
they did not expect (Robbert and Roth 2018). Finally, our provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes
were made. The images or other third party material in this article are
results reveal that privacy concerns intensify the likelihood included in the article’s Creative Commons licence, unless indicated
that consumers perceive individual pricing as less fair. To otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in
overcome these privacy concerns, managers should commu- the article’s Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not
nicate a privacy policy that includes how they process con- permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will
need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a
sumer data. Building trust and reliable relationships but also copy of this licence, visit http://creat​iveco​mmons​.org/licen​ses/by/4.0/.
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